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For me, the object that best describe my community is Rubik’s cube, i live in a secluded area
that is very difficult to get to, but once you know your way around, you'll get use to it. Some
places are filthy because houses are close to each other, but in other parts of area is clean.
There are poor and rich and there are shops and market near you. Basically, everything is here.
But it is not a hindrance for other people to help each other and make our community better.
There are projects done by the barangay like building roads to areas that don't

2. When i think of an object to best describe my community, the first thing to come in mind is a
Rubik’s cube. We all know Rubik’s cube is difficult to solve for some people, but for me knowing
its algorithm and its ways is easy now. Just like my community people might say, it's ugly, very
difficult to commute, not a place i imagine i would live in. I know my community needed more
things to improve like roads and shelter but i get used to it.

3. I think that the cluster in HELPs, my degree belongs in livelihood, marketing products and giving
people ideas for a business is part of it. I've mention that my area is mixed with people that can
and can't afford their daily needs. I'm neither poor or rich. I believe I’m in the middle, means i
could help those who are in need by sharing the things I’ve learn in my course and having a
business is part of livelihood.

4. I think sharing what I've learn in my course to people in my community to handle and develop
business better is the first step. Because i live in a community where small business don't survive
in a mixed place because some people can or can't afford the products that they're marketing.
And it is important for a business to know how to segment and know their target market.

5. 5. What my community is lacking is a barangay that held program that actually helps people to
have small jobs. Also the problem in some small business in my community is they have no
knowledge the cons of building a business in a place where it’s mixed. That is why, planning to
have a program for small businesses to know about marketing and handling their business is a
way to help.

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