Using The Scientific Method 1

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(By Darrel Bernard & Lon Edward)

Q1: How has Sc. M helped us in our fight against disease?
ANS: Science has made us rational. We treat diseases with medicines rather than charms. In the past seven
out of eight babies died before their first birthday. Diseases used to spread throughout community and
destroyed it. Now medicines control the diseases, sanitation has been improved and babies are born in
hospitals so today we live a better life with the help of science.
Q2: Sanitary conditions today
ANS: In the past streets were narrow, unpaved and poorly drained and garbage was thrown in the streets.
Outdoor toilets were common but today city streets are paved and well drained and cleaned regularly. Safe
drinking water is available
Q 3: What are the sanitary conditions in our villages today and how can we improve them?
ANS: Sanitary conditions in villages is not satisfactory these even these days. In villages streets are
unpaved, narrow and unclean. Supply of water through pipes is not reliable. There is no sewerage system in
villages. Heaps of garbage can be seen here and there. If we improve these conditions we can make better
our villages.
Q 4:How has scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of food?
ANS: By using the Sc.M we have learnt to grow more food and better food with less labour. Out of season
fruit and vegetables are available throughout the year. Tunnel farming is a great entry in this field. Now we
can preserve food by freezing, dehydration, grading, canning, drying and pickling etc. we have lessened the
danger of food poisoning.
Q 5: We are now less fearful than our ancestors were. What were our ancestors afraid of?
ANS: Our ancesstors were afraid of broken mirrors, number 13 and black cats because they were
superstitious and believed in the signs of good and bad omens. They believed that charms could save them
from bad luck. But now science has made us rational and critical in our thinking.
Q 6: How has Sc. M helped us to get over old fears?
ANS: With the passage of time, science has changed our attitude towards happenings. Science has made us
rational and we do not believe in good or bad omen or evil spirits. Fortune telling does not work in our lives.
We have overcome, with the help of science, superstitions and fears that prevailed over the minds of men in
the past.


Q 7: What part did astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past. Give examples.
ANS: Astrology influenced the minds of men and women. Fortune tellers hold great esteem in the society.
Birth of child was connected to stars. Many kings used to consult fortune tellers before tak- ing any decision
about the state.
Q 8: Describe some of the superstitions still current in our countries. How do they affect the lives of
those who believe in them.
ANS: Some Superstitions still work in societies for example some people still wear charms with the belief
that it will help them to fulfill their wish or make them get rid of some disease. Sound of crow start of
journey on Tuesday, number 13 and broken mirrors still have effect on the minds of people.


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