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of hours trying to make it work.

It had been the focus of much of Howard’s fi

fit for Howard as a first assignment. While all knew there was a possibility that

gently toward making the process certifiable and knew that, given enough time,
I think it would be a good fit. I just finished my master ’s degree

hour ’s fl
evening at a time when he had to travel. In fact, on most trips he could fl
It wasn’t too much later that Howard was called into the office of the ME manager,

in the airplane; a brand new airplane, not a derivative of an existing certifi

team had to fix it. Howard also learned that they weren’t comfortable with the
Howard met with Mike Thompson to briefl

subcontract a local test lab to conduct tensile testing of these parts; fi

time to develop an alternative in time for the first fl

process was definitely in the baselined project; maybe we just did a poor job of
Howard left Mike’s offi

Well, the first round of tensile testing is done, and although we’re not

Well, for five of the six parts our margins would still be high enough to
meet the certification regulations, but for one of them I don’t think we could

system on the new airplane. The time for first fl

Acme couldn’t come up with a way to meet the certifi
tem would have to be added at least a year after the airplane certifi

business unit’s fi
airplane starting in the third quarter of the next fi
tion of the certification authority to Acme’s plans to meet the regulations. After
meeting with the customer to present Acme’s plans for test fixtures and load deter-
minations, a meeting was arranged at the regional Aircraft Certification Office

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