Visual Optics

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a) Define a Myopia. Draw aneatlabelled dagrar Cg yh eran Bee myopia patient. Explain the Explain the principe, optics and theory ot retinoscopy wath 2. Short Essay Questions (Answer any tive): snot SF Detine convergence, Describe iis types Wi significance anciwete detrgieasurement of convergence: by Enfet and define various ypes of anisomeor expiain » etn ferent types ot opel corection ma Rairadvantages and disadvantages: 4) Define accommodation, punctum proxienar Pe Deft de ofaccommodation with an exaTP e) Describe uses ‘of following accessories USe* Be i) Pinhole ii) Stenopaicstet ws green fiers 1) ‘Ifthe distance prescription Is Meee 07e3. 30) PE alas poweris. RE: + 0.75/— 0.75 x90 Find out the intermediate an 0.75 x 150 and the intermediate 0.75 x 180: Le: +0.50/-' ch eye: 1d Near addition for £8 (oxS= 4, Wiite short notes on any six ofthe following : a) Jackson's Cross Cylinder. b) Presbyopia. ¢) Manual Keratometer- <) Log MAR Visual Acuity Chet @) Optical components of the eY°- 1) Gycloplegic retraction: ‘obson Contrast Sensitivity chat wo ae wuD~43 3. Write short notes on (any 8%) aaiiea 2) Optical and physical amensions 1° £) Problems in aphaiso apectscl oom ©) Radical retinoscopy 9) Depth of focus and depth of eld @) Pseudomyopia and ts management 1) Ocular retraction and spectacle rorare 9) Errors in retinoscopy. .sHoUrs ‘essay questions (2x10%20) astigmatism with a ne. Neat labelled diagram, We eymptoms. DISCUSS In short about the corrective nee avantages and disadvantages, CORON, of OS nee SI Ip Explain any two subjective refraction techniques in dtall port essay questions (answer any five) (66220) 2) Define i) Accommodation ji) Convergence iil) NPA iv) NPC v) Amplitude of accommodation vi) Proximal convergence. i) Define Hyperopia. Describe its functional classification with example ¢) Define Visual acuity. Explain the principle of Snellen's Visual cuy cna List the objective methods of recording visual acuity ) What is contrast sensitivity ? Explain various factors affecting contrast sensitivity: @) Explain axial and refractive ametropia in detail {) Desoribe steps of simple transpostiont taking an example. ves~48 V7 ‘august 2018 lor In Optometry (B.0PT) Examination: nd Year Bache! oy VISUAL OPTICS pura 9HOUrS “otal Marks 8° ong estore (@x10520) 1 panne vaiou i890 oT retinoscopy andthe izutias encounters retnoscory voy acd oferent modalities avalable fr Aphakia garecton vn ne reages and dsadvantages. : (68-99) grortnotes any 8 rte short note oF .cbyopia andexplain latest corrective options. 1, Pres |. tho prentice ule anlits appication wih example Icjing technique of retinoscory. 10D sphi+3,0 oy! 180°. Do the torte Explain stradt surve + 6,00 and~6.00). 3 ‘spherical equivalent of +1 f+3.5D sph /+2.0 cy! 1800 (Base c Calculate the 1g techniques and desoribe various types of fgg transposition of Explain Foggins ing. ‘streak retinoscopy: Define accommodation and the following terms a) Amplitude of accommodation. b) Range of accommodation. ¢) Near and far point of accommodation. nar avaltatys Maia row 20 COTE racie accommodation ig, iodation an ee, in aphaig 6, Explain the terms a) Depth of focus ) Depth of fled «) Entrance and Ext pUPH Circe of least contusion VBB - 32 vera second Year Bachelor of Optometry (B. Examination, Feb. 2017 VISUAL OPIGs ‘Total Marks : 80 ‘puration :S Hours (210220) Long questions +. Enumerate in detail the various techniques of subjective refraction. 2, Define myopia. What are the types of myopia and discuss the myopic corrective options. ‘short notes (any 6) (66-30) ‘ite short note on 4. Fresnel prism. 2, Pathological myopia. 3. Presbyoria. 14. Pinhole and Madox Rod. 5. Sturm conoid 6. Dynamic retinoscopy. 7, Stenopic sit test Write short essays (any 5) 1. Write about Optical aberrations in human eye. 2, Explain what is Duo-chrome test and its procedure. Define convergence in detail and its types. Discuss types of retinoscopy and compare advantages over other tyr its relation with Presbyopia Expiain briefly about Donder’s table ar nce of light and conjugate points, explain with What do you mean about ver diagram. TLE-143 won second Year Bachelor of Optometry Examination, August 2017 VISUAL OPTICS. uration : 3 Hous mais 6 4. Long essay (2«10=29) 1) Explain types and Anomalies of convergence in detail 2) write short note on astigmatism in deta ‘2, Short essay (any 5) (6x6=20) a) Sign and symptoms of pathological myopia. ») Uses of JCC. ¢) Stages of retinoscopy. 4) Classify and mention the clinical uses of CS, ¢) Investigation in Aniseikoria. f) Define i) SM i) Purkinje images ii) Spherical equivalent iv) Acoommodative inertia v) Pseudomyopia vi) Angle kappa. s (ary 6) b) Characteristics of reflex in retinoscopy. ) Near vision notation. 4) Guilstrand Schematic eye. @) Convert 6/48 into all possible visual acuity {) i) Stradaling technique ii) Myopic estimation m g) i) WFDT ii) Maddox rod. notations, athod. i TRN- 42 ‘second Year Bachelor of Optometry Examination, February 2018 VISUAL OPTICS lation: 3 Hours “Total Marks : 60 Long essay (210-20) 4) Bnplain various subjctive retraction tcrniques In dell 2) wate short note on hyperopiain deal (606-90) hort essay (any 5): a) Acquired myopia by Investigation in Anisometropia «¢) Anomalies of aocommodation {Principle and ficulties ncountered during feunOscoPY @) Presbyopia ) SMand RSM. Shortnotes (any 8) (6x5=30) ‘2) Components of Visual aculty bb) Regular astigmatism ©) Spectacle and ocular retraction with © 4) Assessment of convergence @) Disadvantage of sp»ctactes over IOL in ADP 4) Limitations of Keratometer i) Compare axial and refractive ametropia 9) Define i) Depth of field Ii) Circle of least contusion iil) Convergence insufficien' iv) Pseudomyopia v) Angle kappa. xample TLE -147 gecond Year Bachelor of Optometry Examination, August 2018 VISUAL OPTICS Total Marks : 80 ration : 8 Hours Mency: (10%2=20) a) What is Anisomstropia 2 Wite etiology, classitoatos featment of anisometropia. by What is Astigmatism ? Discuss its optical ps aetiology and the different wn, diagnosis and finciple, Short Essay (Attempt any 5) (6x5=30) a) Visual acuity assessment in infants b) Stages of retinoscony. ) Acquired Myopia. ¢) Gullstrand’s schematic eye. @) Assessment of accommodation. 1) 1) Mohindra near retinoscopy 2) Compare MEM and NOTT retinoscopy methods. ‘Short Notes (Attempt any 6) (Sx6=31 a) Near vision notations, convert 2.5 M into pos 'p) Clinical features and components of Hyperopia. @) 1) Myopic estimation method 2) Purkinje images. 4) Gycloplegic refraction. @) Retraction using Astigmatic fan 1) Types of convergence. 9) Define a) Relative spectacle magnification b) Axial and refractive ametropia @) Contrast sensitivity d) Depth of focus e) Biometry. sible near vision notations. i cE ‘Suekecpod Kons! 2pTOME TRLuOnE NTS uraon 3 Hous ee Sette tr esnenaeinsteacs [Sie enemas nro pce eaeae ) PET oy stmam jaca, cca stamens eects Deas aes See Recerca 8) 1) Fogging technique. {) Pelli Robson chart and FAGT chart 9) Define a) Fusionel vergence. b) Peeudo-neutralty ) Biometry. 4) Pssudomyopia, @) Transposition: Paper / Subject Code: AHS409 / Visual Optics AHS405 [No.of Prined Pages: Second Year Allied Health Science (Bachelor of Optometry) EXAMINATION AUGUST 2019 Visual Opties jon : Three Hours) [Max. Marks : 80 Long Essay (10x 2-20) 1. Esplin Hyperopin on te basis of direne spe, cinial Banures & is ‘reatmeat modal 2. Defire Viswal acuity. Writ a note on componeats of visual actty and Ist various methods to record visual acuity with respect various age groups Short Essay attempe any 5) 6x a. Types of Dynamic retnoscopy . Anomalies of accommodation ©, aris methods of binocultr babncing 1) Fosgng 2)Stedding technique Investigations in Ansometopia Methods to determine presbyopic addon ‘Short Notes (attempt any 6) Gx 4) Various types of Astigmatism, b) Cincal anes of patoiogeel myopia ©) Characters of refex in rethoscopy @) Pence and limiations of Keratomety ©) Ay to contra ty charts 9) Duveivome test 8) Defi Depth of fold Fisional vergence Amplitude of accommodation Ocular accommodation Transposition ST236OSOBCARBOBETASSSEDEOSGAIg

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