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American society stereotypes against Chinese society in the film IP MAN 4 THE


Name : William

NIM : 15200003

Bunda Mulia University


The word racism must be familiar to all of us and racism itself must also have
something to do with demeaning, and insulting groups of people who are usually
thought to be very different and weak by the majority community group. So precisely,
racism in this context is an act of oppressing a group of people who are considered the
most different and weakest by the most powerful community group. This act of racism
usually occurs because of certain community groups whose culture is very different
from the culture of the majority group in general.

Racism is the practice of oppression and discrimination against racial groups 180
degrees different from those of the superior race. According to Nainggolan ( 2021 ), The
first few months of President Joe Biden's administration in 2021 were marked by a
series of attacks on Americans of Asian descent, especially Chinese, which further
tarnished the face of America, which has been known to uphold freedom, equality, and
pluralism in its society. it already explained that Racism is a very difficult phenomenon
to fight. Racism and discrimination usually target black people with white people being
the most powerful. Racism is also the earliest originating from the family environment.
The formation of the stigma that directly or indirectly refers to the basics of racism is
the root of the problem of racism itself. It is the most difficult to remove because
basically the stigma that is formed since childhood will last a long time in a person.

According to Nainggolan ( 2021 ) Shortly after Biden's inauguration on January 21,

2021, the world was shocked by news posts, especially through social media that went
viral, including Youtube about brutal acts of violence such as shootings that led to
murders that were carried out specifically against Asian Americans, which The violence
does not recognize the age and gender of the victims, including parents and women. In
addition, the world is also shocked by reports of high cases of verbally racist attacks
against Americans of Asian descent, especially ethnic Chinese. it already explains that
people also view racism as an act that is inhumane and very cruel and many people also
think that racism is also a problem in Indonesia and in the world which has never been
resolved because this act is passed down from generation to generation so that racism
attitudes, behaviors, and acts are still existed until now.

This film takes place in the United States, the city of San Francisco. The story of Ip
Man 4: The Finale begins when Ip Man is diagnosed with cancer of the head and neck.
It was because he had smoked too much since his wife died. On the other hand, Ip
Man's son, Ip Ching, who always gets into trouble at school causes him to be expelled
from school. That's where IP Man's adventure began, which was to go to San Francisco,
United States to send his son, Ip Ching so that IP Ching could feel independent and
have a good future. Bruce Lee bought IP Man tickets to the United States. To be able to
send their children to school, IP Man must obtain a letter of recommendation from
Master Wan. Zhonghua was the chairman of the Chinese Benelovet Association
(CBA), but when Ip Man met with Master Wan, Master Wan refused to give it, the
reason was that he and the martial arts masters were very disappointed with Bruce Lee's
attitude, who was a student of IP Man. They were disappointed that Bruce Lee accepted
westerners into the martial arts school he founded and that Bruce Lee wrote an
introductory book on Chinese martial arts in English. Ip Man also received an
unpleasant reception when he arrived in Chinatown and had to fight with martial arts
master Wan Zhonghua to get the letter of recommendation. There, IP Man actually got
very bad treatment, where the Chinese there were racially discriminated against and
treated very badly by westerners, especially the United States military leadership who
considered Chinese self-defense as nonsense and nothing compared to karate which
became the self-defense mandatory for military soldiers there. And the most
challenging thing there is that Ip Man has to duel with karate instructor teachers and the
United States military commanders to show that Chinese martial arts are also equal to
karate in America.

From the synopsis of the film IP MAN 4, it has been explained that discrimination
racism in the United States is still very strong, especially against most minority racial
groups which have different skin colors such as the Chinese race, and Muslims are
definitely very easy to be oppressed and discriminated against by American people
which is majority and white skin, this must always happen because of differences in
culture, tradition, and skin color between western racial groups and minority racial
groups living in America, so these western racial groups feel themselves to be very
great, far more powerful, and has the right to govern the racial minority as they please
so that the majority likes to oppress the minority to show how powerful they are.

the fact of racism that occurs is that racism is never finished and continues from
generation to generation even today racism and discrimination of Native Americans
against Americans of Asian descent still exist, and even in the midst of the COVID-19
pandemic, violence against Americans of Asian descent still occurs. which caused them
trauma and fear of being attacked again by native Americans, the motive for the attack
was partly because of the racist propaganda of former president Donald trump who said
that china was the source of the origin of the covid 19 virus so propaganda caused
native Americans hate and attack the Chinese in America on the grounds that the
Chinese brought the Coronavirus to their country. in this case also 70% more
Americans of Asian descent personally experience discrimination or unfair treatment
because of their race or ethnicity, it already explains everything that racism and
discrimination occur because of: government politics where Donald Trump brainwashed
his people by saying that what created the covid 19 virus is china so it ignites American
hatred towards Chinese people which eventually leads to attacks on Americans of Asian
descent, and also because of differences in skin color and ethnicity where Asian
Americans are very minor and dark-skinned while Native Americans are majority
skinned. white, this is what causes racism, discrimination, and unfair treatment where
white Americans feel far more powerful and have the right to regulate and control dark
Americans only for the benefit and ego of white people.

This research is qualitative research using a film entitled IP MAN 4: THE FINALE
directed by Wilson Yip, and played by Donnie yen as the main character in this film.
According to Creswell (1998, p. 77), qualitative research refers to academic studies that
explore and analyze social problems. The analysis was carried out in 2 main stages,
first, the researcher watched the film that he wanted to study, the researcher liked this
film because this film was a martial arts action genre and the researcher also really liked
the action of the main character IP MAN (played by Donnie Yen) which was fascinating
for researchers. to watch the film many times, especially there one scene where IP MAN
speaks in English to a member of the United States Immigration (INS) named Billy, and
it turns out that in this film, Billy is a black person and also a victim of racism and
discrimination by colleagues. work and white boss, the researcher also really likes this
film because the researcher has watched the first and second films from IP MAN and
the researcher also likes it, secondly, after watching the film that he wants to study, the
researcher analyzes the film based on events that occur in real life, namely events of
racism and discrimination committed by white people Native Americans against Asian
Americans such as Chinese, Muslims, and Africans who are usually dark-skinned. To
get a more in-depth analysis of the topic of writing, this study uses two types of data:
primary and secondary. Primary data is taken from racism scenes in the film, while
secondary data is taken from magazine articles related to the topic of writing.

Datum 1 ( Ip Man 4 The Finale, 35 : 47 )

becky and yonah wan's relationship has never been good, becky is an american girl who
comes from a family that views chinese people as savages and also sees that chinese
people should live in china not in america, meanwhile yonah wan is a chinese girl who
comes from a family and Chinese people who are victims of racism and discrimination
from Americans in America, so you could say that Becky and her family really hate
Chinese people like Yonah Wan because of differences her skin color, and the culture of
her familiy and community, and they are always hostile at school.

Becky : you think you look so great out there ? you look like a little yellow monkey.
We’re not gonna follow your lead. In America, people like you follow, they don’t

Yonah Wan: what do you want ? just leave me alone.

Becky : if you’re not happy, then go back to asia. This has been our land for
generations. What do you people want from us ?

Yonah Wan : now I know why they call you a “stupid blonde” america has always
had immigrants. The Indians are the only real Americans. Your ancestors stole
their land. Paleface.

Becky : what did you just say to me ?

from the film's dialogue, it's clear that Becky insulted Yonah Wan with racist words
like: you look like a little yellow monkey, moreover Becky was jealous because Yonah
Wan was chosen to be the leader for cheerleaders at the end of semester event at school,
and even worse, Becky forced Yonah to leave the United States if he didn't like it. of
course in this case, becky who is a native american student commits acts of racism to
yonah wan who is a chinese girl because of the difference in their skin color, in the
dialogue of the film, becky thinks that only native americans should be leaders, not
chinese like yonah wan, seen in the following dialogue excerpt: We're not gonna
follow your lead. In America, people like you follow, they don't lead.

Datum 2 ( Ip Man 4 The Finale, 40 : 36 )

Coincidentally, Ip Man and Yonah Wan met in the schoolyard when Ip Man saved her
from being bullied by Becky and her friends, when Ip Man and Yonah Wan were on the
bus taking Yonah home, they chatted about the experiences of Yonah Wan, her family
and the Chinese community in america. during they live there.

Ip Man : Your Father has an opinion against them ?

Yonah Wan : Yes, Dad always say that they are very bad to Chinese. They only
discriminate and bully us. It’s always been like that since he came here with
grandpa as a kid. The way Chinese are treated here has always been unfair. That’s
why he establish the CBA to protect us Chinese.

From the film's dialogue, it is clear that Asian Americans like the Chinese will always
be targets or victims of racism and discrimination by native Americans, because in
America, Asian Americans like the Chinese are seen as very minorities and very
different. by native Americans in all respects such as: skin color, and their culture,
Racism in America has existed since capitalism still did not exist where racism was
carried out as a result of the defeat of one of the parties in the war, the practice was
carried out through slavery, the winning side in the war will make the loser as his slave.
this is really in accordance with the dialogue quote said by Yonah Wan in the film:
"Yes, Dad always says that they are very bad to Chinese. They only discriminate
and bully us. It's always been like that since he came here with grandpa as a kid."

Datum 3 ( Ip Man 4 The Finale, 42 : 48 )

the relationship between Wan Zhong Hua and IP Man was also not good enough, this
was proven when Ip Man asked for a letter of recommendation to the CBA chaired by
Wan Zhong Hua, Wan Zhong Hua immediately refused to give his letter to Ip Man, this
happened because Wan Zhong Hua was very angry for what Bruce Lee's student Ip Man
did, namely teaching Chinese martial arts to white people, and publishing a book
entitled "Introduction to Chinese Martial Arts" in English, and it was also proven when
Wan Zhong Hua also fought with Ip Man because he had taken advantage of his
daughter Yonah Wan to get the recommendation letter.

Wan Zhong Hua : Master Ip, As I’ve told you before, you have no clue,as you
don’t live here, let me tell you, We live here, this is our home, those whites keep
trying to get rid of us, they even want to gat rid of Chinatown, don’t you
understand ?

dialogue excerpts in the film are things that are always experienced by Chinese
Americans while they live there, namely bullying and discrimination by native
Americans against the Chinese there, not only that, even worse the native Americans
also threaten to destroy where they live, namely Chinatown, what is said by wan zhong
hua in the film has explained that the majority of native Americans really hate the
Chinese because of their cultural differences and the color of their skin, and native
Americans also think that only white people are entitled or allowed to live in America,
not non-white people like the Chinese.

Datum 4 ( Ip man 4 The Finale, 53 : 54 )

Gunnery Sergeant Barton Geddes is a United States Marine Corps jingoistic Gunnery
Sergeant, serving as commander of an army base in San Francisco. Sergeant Gunnery or
what is usually called Gunny in the movies is a person who is arrogant, racist and likes
to looks down on his subordinates who are not white, including black people and
Chinese people, his arrogant and racist attitude makes Chinese Marine Sergeant
Hartman disappointed.

Gunny : you see this? this is karate. Your Chinese kung fu is only good for

From the dialogue it explains that Native Americans like Gunny not only discriminate
and act racist towards the Chinese, but also insult Chinese martial arts (kung fu), this
already explains that Native Americans are not only racist, but also enjoy insulting
Chinese. because of their skin color, culture, and martial arts which are 180 degrees
different from white people.
Datum 5 ( Ip man 4 The Finale, 58 : 06 )

as explained earlier that becky is a native american student who comes from a family
that hates chinese people, this is evident from becky telling her mother that she had been
beaten by yonah wan, becky's mother immediately called her husband andrew to go
home and solve the case

Gabriell : You finally decided to come home, Andrew. thank you.

Andrew : I'm in washington dc, gabriell. I'm back as soon as possibe, How’s Becky

Gabriell : he was almost disfigured by a chinese girl at school. I don't understand

the law, why they allow Chinese people to go to school. What do you want to do
about it ? what do INS want to do to those savage Chinese people ? get rid of them.
Send them home.

from the dialogue it is clear that Becky's racist attitude towards Yonah Wan actually
comes from her own family where Becky's parents ask their children not to be friends
with Chinese people like Yonah Wan, this already explains that it is not only Becky
who hates Chinese like Yonah Wan, but her parents too, because Becky's parents
consider the Chinese as foreigners who should live in their home country, not in
America, this is evident in the dialogue : What do you want to do about it ? what do
INS want to do to those savage Chinese people ? get rid of them. Send them home.

Datum 6 ( Ip man 4 The Finale, 01 : 05 : 25 )

Colin Brother is a United States Marine Corps karate instructor, he is a level 4 black
belt holder in Kyokuten karate, has the same nature as gunny, namely arrogant, likes to
be racist and also looks down on people who are not white like Chinese people.
Colin : My name is Colin Frater. 4th degree black belt in Kyokuten karate. I'm
here to show you, yellow skin bitches! a true sense of combat. fight me with your
fake kung fu. I dare you.

from the dialogue, it can be explained that Colin Farter likes to be racist towards people
who are not white like Chinese people, this is proven when he calls Chinese people
"yellow skin bitches!" not only that, but he insulted chinese kung fu too, this is evident
in the dialogue: “fight me with your fake kung fu. i dare you.” this also explains that
Colin Brothers' character is the same as gunny, namely arrogant, likes to act racist and
looks down on people who are not white like Chinese people.

Datum 7 ( Ip man 4 The Finale, 01 : 11 : 54 )

Billy is an American immigration and customs officer who is a student of Bruce Lee,
Billy who is a black American is also a victim of racism and discrimination by white
colleagues and superiors.

Other Officers : call your wife. we work overtime. we go to chinatown, and catch
every chinese in CBA.

Billy : This operation makes no sense, sir.

Other Officers : shut up, good-natured officer! do as ordered.

from the dialogue, it was revealed that it was not only Chinese people who were
targeted in this racist practice, but black Americans like Billy also felt the same way
where he always became a victim in racist practices carried out by his co-workers and
superiors, the point is in this practice of racism, people who are not white like billy and
yonah wan are always the target.

Datum 8 ( Ip man 4 The Finale, 01 : 14 : 33 )

Ip man : What happened ? Master Law

Other Chinese : Master Ip, a white just showed up, and attacked everyone, like he
was coming for revenge.
from the dialogue it is clear that gunny (the marine corps commander who attacked all
the chinese in CBA) thinks that chinese kung fu is just trash and inappropriate to use in
close combat, gunny takes revenge to prove that karate is the best martial art for long-
range combat close, this happened after ip man managed to beat up a karate instructor
during the autumn festival in Chinatown.

Datum 9 ( Ip man 4 The Finale, 01 : 23 : 25 )

Other Chinese : Those White People always pick on us, made a scene tonight at the
CBA, They are getting way out of line, it’s not the first time the immigration
officers have come, they harassed us for no reason, my grandfather came here as a
hard labourer, helped them build the railway, helped the americans connect the
east coast with the west, it’s all thanks to Chinese labour, but the American
government is never willing to acknowledge our contribution, keep trying to kick
us out with all sotrs of excuses, the whitw guys are too arrogant, there’s no equality

the conversation is the suffering felt by the Chinese people and even their ancestors
while they lived in America, such as: being treated unfairly, humiliated, discriminated
against, abused, and never acknowledged, what they experienced was done by native
Americans and even the United States government itself, because of the cruel and
arrogant attitude of the Americans at that time, America became a country with a big
zero in "equality" where they always insulted, discriminated against, and treated racist
Americans of Asian descent like the Chinese, this is of course due to differences in skin
color, culture, and the art owned by the Chinese made Native Americans think that the
United States should only be lived by white people, no one else. This of course already
explains that in the practice of racism and this, white people make themselves the rulers
because they are the most majority while non-white people are used as targets in this
practice because they are the most minority.

Racism, discrimination, oppression, and unfair treatment are always carried out by the
majority race in an area and target the most minority races, this is because minority
races such as the Chinese are very different 180 degrees from the majority races such as
Native Americans. who are white, the differences that are meant in this case are
differences in skin color, culture, and way of life, racism also comes from the family,
where many parents ask their children not to be friends with people who are of a
different skin color than the child's, like what Becky had done to Yonah Wan where this
happened because Becky came from a family that also hated Asian Americans like the
Chinese because they saw the Chinese as foreigners who should live in their home
country, not in America, even native americans regard their martial arts as karate is the
greatest and has never been defeated by other martial arts such as Chinese kung fu
which they consider trash and inappropriate to apply in close combat, in this practice
too, it turns out that not only Asians like Chinese people who are victims, but black
Americans like Billy also experience the same thing where he also becomes a victim of
racist practices carried out by his colleagues and superiors, this is already explained that
in this practice of racism, people who are not white are the targets. the attitude of Native
Americans who are arrogant and think they are the greatest made America at that time a
country who do not have equality at all, the impact caused by racism and discrimination
is also not a joke, because those who suffer the most from this practice are Americans of
Asian descent such as Chinese, black people, and others.

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Source :
Sejarah_Rasisme_di_Amerika_Serikat-libre.pdf (

382-953-1-SM (2) (1).pdf

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