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VOL. XXXVI • NO. 353 • 3 SECTIONS 12 PAGES • P20 • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2023 • •

COVID crisis ends, worst over

PBBM drops calamity state but orders DOH to pay frontliners’ allowance
By Joyce Pangco Pañares
and Willie Casas

RESIDENT Ferdinand
Marcos Jr. will no
longer extend the
state of calamity that expired
Dec. 31, 2022, signaling
that the government believes
the worst of the COVID-19
pandemic is over, the Palace
confirmed Wednesday.

The President also ordered the De-

partment of Health (DOH) to ensure
that health workers continue to re-
ceive their COVID-related allowanc-
es even though the state of calamity
has expired.
“That (the allowances) will continue.
I used to be concerned that the compen-
sation for our health workers would not
continue…We carefully studied their
allowances and even if the state of ca-
lamity is not extended, their benefits
will not be affected,” the President said.
Although there was no formal an-
nouncement, Presidential Communica-
tions Office Secretary Cheloy Garafil
said “yes” when asked if Mr. Marcos’
decision not to extend the state of ca-
lamity was final. FLOWER POWER. After a two-year hiatus, the month-long Baguio Flower Festival

Mr. Marcos to sign 7 bilateral pacts

Next page returns in full bloom. Dave Leprozo

Members of review panel in PNP cleansing bared during five-day state visit to Japan
By Joel E. Zurbano high-ranking police officials who have Teodoro, Jr. and former Cordillera Po-
submitted their courtesy resignations. lice Regional Office commander and
INTERIOR and Local Government The advisory group will be composed retired P/Maj. Gen. Isagani Nerez. By Vince Lopez and Rey E. Requejo ties,” DFA Assistant Secretary Nathan-
Secretary Benjamin Abalos, Jr. on of Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Maga- Abalos declined to identify the fifth iel Imperial said.
Wednesday announced the names of long, Philippine National Police (PNP) member. THE Department of Foreign Affairs The agreements include humani-
four members of the five-man panel Chief Director General Rodolfo Azurin Abalos, who called for the courtesy (DFA) said Wednesday that Manila tarian assistance on disaster relief or
tasked to review records and profiles of Jr., former Defense secretary Gilbert Next page and Tokyo will sign seven bilateral HADR cooperation, he said.

agreements during President Ferdi- “Japan has been a very important
nand Marcos, Jr.’s official visit to Ja- partner providing assistance in rela-
pan next week. tion to disaster relief and we certainly
The visit seeks to “maximize the full welcome this agreement,” Imperial told
potential of the Philippine-Japan stra- reporters in a Palace briefing.
tegic partnership in all its aspects and Imperial said that there will also be
facilitate closer defense, security, po- discussions on a security agreement
litical, economic, and people-to-people Next page

FIVE-MAN PANEL. Four members of the advisory group tasked to review records of police officials who may have links to illegal drugs
have been named: (from left) Philippine National Police Chief Director General Rodolfo Azurin Jr., Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong,
former Cordillera Police Regional Office commander and retired P/Maj. Gen. Isagani Nerez and former Defense secretary Gilbert Teodoro, Jr.
The fifth member has yet to be identified

President creates Water Mgt. Office FM brood fails

to reduce reliance on groundwater in move to hold
By Vito Barcelo and Vince Lopez
PRESIDENT Ferdinand Marcos Jr.
water resources and respond to current
environmental challenges.
The Presidential Communications Of-
‘frozen’ assets
By Maricel V. Cruz
on Wednesday approved the creation fice (PCO) said Mr. Marcos approved
of a Water Resource Management Of- the WRMO during a multi-sectoral THE Marcos family’s attempt to take
fice (WRMO) to manage the country’s Next page control of their assets being held by the
government has been rejected by the
In a resolution, promulgated on Jan.
25, the anti-graft court’s Third Division,
denied the motions filed by former first
lady Imelda Romualdez Marcos and her ALLIES. This handout photo taken on February 1, 2023 and released by Western Mindanao
Command shows US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (left) shaking hands with Philippine
daughter Irene Marcos-Araneta. Armed Forces chief General Andres Centino during a visit to the Westmincom headquarters
The Marcoses asked for the issu- in Zamboanga City. AFP
ance of a writ of execution on the

US Defense chief Austin to tackle

properties denominated as “frozen
accounts, surrendered by virtue of
compromise agreements, sequestered

security initiatives with PH officials

(but) not in the PCGG (Presidential
Commission on Good Government)
Next page
VISITING Defense Secretary Lloyd initiatives, and advance our shared vi-
Austin III will meet with President Fer- sion of a free and open Pacific.”
BLESSING. A chaplain at Manila Police dinand Marcos Jr. and Defense Secre- The US official, who arrived in Ma-
District Command (MPDC) blesses the 150
tary Carlito Galvez Jr. today. nila Tuesday evening, visited US troops
units of bikes and bike patrols that will be
deployed to various schools and crowded On Twitter, Austin said his meetings stationed at a Philippine military camp
places in Manila to avert criminality. aim “to build on our strong bilateral re- in Zamboanga City.
Danny Pata lationship, discuss a range of security Next page

PBBM gives DepEd a year US...

From A1

“Our working relationship with them is very

to revise K to 12 curriculum
strong,” said Lt. Gen. Roy Galido, head of the
Western Mindanao Command.
“They [US troops] are here to help us in our mis-
sion, especially in counter-terrorism, humanitarian
assistance, and disaster response,” Galido added.
Austin also met with AFP chief General An-
dres Centino during his visit in Zamboanga City.
By Maricel Cruz committee chair and Pasig City Rep. Roman “It’s an ongoing relationship that we’ve had with

Romulo said he agrees with Duterte’s plan to the United States. As President Marcos has point-
RESIDENT Ferdinand Marcos Jr. gave the Department of Education a year to revise the curriculum to ensure graduates are ed out, it’s evolving. So our military alliance, our
more job-ready. Mutual Defense Treaty, our Visiting Forces Agree-
complete its review of the K to 12 curriculum, DepEd spokesman Michael Poa ment are obviously part and parcel of that entire
“Just like what Vice President Sara said, we
said in a television interview. need to start with curriculum adjustment. Be- relationship that we have with the United States so
cause these are what [industries] are looking obviously that visit will reinforce all of these agree-
for—the competencies, skills, talents. We must ments that we have,” Philippine Ambassador to the
“The President gave us a timeline of around a Duterte earlier said the government wants a more equip our students with these and build their US Jose Manuel Romualdez said Tuesday
year to finish the review,” Poa told CNN Philip- responsive curriculum. capacity. That’s why we need to adjust the cur- He, however, deferred to the DND when asked
pines’ The Source. She said in its present form, the K to 12 curricu- riculum to make it simplified and attuned to the if an agreement on the five additional facilities un-
He said the review for the curriculum for lum is “congested.” needs of the Filipino youth who want to get jobs der the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement
kinder to Grade 10 has been concluded while “Some prerequisites of identified essential after K to 12,” he said. (EDCA) would be firmed up during Austin’s visit.
the review for the senior high school grades learning competencies are missing or misplaced,” “We just have to ensure that whatever the K to Manila and Washington DC are expected to
has just started. Duterte said. 12 students will learn would prepare them for the discuss “speeding up the implementation” of the
“We are trying to decongest our curriculum to The chair of the House Committee on Basic jobs that await them. If we are able to do that, then EDCA during Austin’s trip, the US Department
focus on the essential subjects and the basics, like Education and Culture on Wednesday said it I think, the additional burden of two years would of Defense said in an article dated Jan. 29.
math, reading, science,” he said. is crucial to introduce adjustments to the K to gradually be lifted,” he added. The US Defense chief, it added, would fo-
“We want to really look at literacy in a way that 12 curriculum that will equip graduates with According to the Bureau of Curriculum De- cus on capabilities and interoperability as “key
we’ll be able to inculcate not just foundational lit- the necessary skills and competencies to make velopment, 83 percent of SHS graduates pursued to deterring any challenge in the region” amid
eracy but also functional literacy,” Poa added. them employable. higher education, while only 10 percent of gradu- the complex security environment in the Indo-
Vice President and Education Secretary Sara During the Laging Handa public briefing, ates were employed. Pacific region.

gistical needs of the DOH. Philippines-Philippine Genome Center,

President... COVID... Proclamation No. 929, signed by for- were released on Jan. 28. Members...
From A1 From A1 From A1
mer President Rodrigo Duterte, declared The DOH said that all additional
a state of calamity across the country in BA.2.3.20 and XBB cases were local
meeting with officials of the Depart- This was also confirmed by DOH of- March 2020, when COVID-19 began to cases from all regions except Regions 8, resignation of full colonels and gener-
ment of Environment and Natural Re- ficer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire. spread in the country. 10, and 11. als, formed the panel to help weed out
sources (DENR). “Yes, the state of calamity will no The state of calamity was supposed To date, the BA.5 is still the dominant high-ranking police officials involved
The WRMO, which will be under longer be extended,” she told Manila to last for six months but was ex- strain in the Philippines, with 12,687 in the illegal drug trade.
the DENR, will be a transitory body Standard. tended for a year up to Sept. 12, 2021, cases, Vergeire told He said the five-man team will go
pending the creation of a Water Re- Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri via Proclamation No. 1021, and was ANC’s “Headstart” on Tuesday. through the pertinent records to find
sources Department. on Wednesday threw his support behind extended for a second time through It is followed by BA.2.3.20 with out who are involved in drug dealing
President Marcos said the WRMO’s the President’s decision, saying it would Proclamation No. 1218. 34,173 cases, XBB with 1,170 cases, and trafficking.
first action should be reducing the greatly boost the country’s image, espe- Mr. Marcos on Wednesday also as- XBC with 626 cases, and BA.4 with Abalos said the advisory group will
country’s reliance on groundwater cially to foreign tourists. sured the public that the country has 325 cases. begin their screening immediately and
and deep wells and managing surface “I support the President’s non-exten- a sufficient supply of COVID-19 vac- The total tally also showed 42 BA.2.75 the entire process is expected to be
water supply. sion of the COVID-19 state of calamity cine doses. cases, 38 BQ.1 cases, seven BF.7 cases completed in three months.
“There’s enough water in the Phil- because it would really [cast]… a bad “The vaccines aren’t as necessary as and seven BN.1 cases. “We have high respect for these five
ippines. It’s just that we’re not using light on the Philippines [if it were ex- they were in 2021 when we were scram- “Right now what we are trying to be volunteer advisors who accepted the
it, we’re throwing the supply away,” tended]. And… as we know, it’s almost bling to get them because the risk is cautious about would be the XBB1.5, challenge and responsibility of con-
he said. back to normal,” Zubiri said in an inter- lower now so we should adjust based on which is circulating in the US... and ducting an investigation to continue to
He likewise underscored the need view Wednesday. the scientific assessment of the COV- other countries,” Vergeire said. suppress illegal drugs in the country,”
for a plan that will serve as a roadmap He said foreign tourists would be very ID-19 situation,” he added in Filipino. Despite the presence of more trans- Abalos said.
for waste management agencies. hesitant to visit the country if they see He also welcomed the continued de- missible subvariants, closing borders He said he is confident the review
“We need to stick to the plan. That’s online that there is a prevailing state of cline in cases. is no longer an option in the country’s will be fair and impartial “because
why we have to strengthen the man- calamity in the country due to the pan- Data from the DOH showed that a to- COVID-19 response, she added. these men are known to have credibil-
date of the Water Management Office. demic, and assume that the government tal of 1,206 new COVID-19 cases were Three years to the day after the ity, integrity and possessed good track
We have to bring them together so could not control the spread of cases. recorded during the week of Jan. 23-29. World Health Organization (WHO) records in their respective fields.”
that they are all following the overall “The point is the President does not The average number of new cases per sounded the highest level of global “I just want to clarify that this is
plan,” the President said. want to tarnish the image of the coun- day during the period stood at 172, re- alert over COVID-19, it said on Mon- a legal process because it is only an
An executive order (EO) will try by extending the state of calamity. flecting a 36 percent decline from the day the pandemic remained an inter- advisory group that will make recom-
be crafted to enable the National He wants it rectified by legislation,” cases logged on Jan. 16-22. national emergency. mendations to the Napolcom (Nation-
Water Resources Board (NWRB), he said. The DOH has so far vaccinated 73 WHO director-general Tedros Ad- al Police Commission) and eventually
Metropolitan Waterworks and The DOH earlier requested President million individuals, or 94.54 percent hanom Ghebreyesus reached that to President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr.
Sewerage System (MWSS) and Lo- Marcos to extend the state of calamity of the target population, while 21 mil- conclusion following the recommen- They will receive no salary or allow-
cal Water Utilities Administration after the proposed bill for the creation lion individuals have received their dations of the United Nations health ance here,” he said.
(LWUA) and the other water-relat- of Philippine Center for Disease Pre- booster shots. agency’s emergency committee, Abalos asked the public to support
ed agencies of the DENR to have a vention and Control (CDC) was not en- A total of 6.9 million senior citizens, which on Friday held its 14th meeting this initiative to win the war against
collaborative mechanism under the acted on time. or 79.47 percent of the target A2 popula- since the start of the crisis. the drug trade.
WRMO to implement water man- Zubiri said the Senate was now focus- tion, have received the primary series of The WHO first declared a so-called He said only one high-ranking po-
agement programs. ing on the passage of that bill, and in- COVID-19 vaccines, while 2.76 million public health emergency of interna- lice official out fo 955 has refused to
“Whatever the relationship we corporating the DOH requests for spe- senior citizens had their booster shots. tional concern—its highest possi- file a courtesy resignation but he de-
come to with MWSS, LWUA, and cial powers, particularly those related to The Philippines has found 613 ble level of global alert—on Jan. 30, clined to name the officer.
the Water Board, DENR and this the vaccination program. new cases of Omicron COVID-19 2020, over what was then called the While 12 officials have yet to
new Water Management Office, it Zubiri said they are also working on subvariants. novel coronavirus. submit their resignations, five have
has to be cohesive in the sense that the swift approval of the bills creating Based on the DOH’s latest report, When it sounded the alarm, fewer already retired and six are retirees,
the recommendation needed of the the Medical Reserve Corps and the Vi- 252 were classified as BA.2.3.20, than 100 cases and no deaths had been he added.
management office would be fol- rology Science and Technology Insti- 201 as XBB, 25 as BA.5, 15 as XBC, detected outside China. “We fully respect his right. We are
lowed,” the President said. tute of the Philippines. 2 as BA.2.75, and 118 as other Omi- Since then, more than 752 million not ordering or commanding anyone.
The WRMO’s main functions in- The Senate President said Congress cron sublineages. confirmed cases of COVID-19 have It was just an appeal. No sanctions will
clude formulating and ensuring the has also approved an additional P25 Of the BA.5 cases, 18 were classified been reported to the WHO, includ- be done, nothing at all. But of course,
implementation of the Integrated Wa- billion in COVID response fund that as BQ.1, the DOH said. ing more than 6.8 million deaths, we will find out why he refused,” he
ter Management Plan (IWMP), which will be used to cover the allowances for Results of the samples, which were though the true numbers are thought told Palace reporters in a mix of Eng-
will integrate various plans of differ- health frontliners, logistics and other lo- processed by the University of the to be far higher. lish and Filipino.
ent agencies.
The IWMP, which will serve as
the main guiding document for the
WRMO, will respond to the current ered by the government or transferred tration orders earlier issued on at least 14 ering that there was allegedly no evidence
environmental challenges and man- FM... to third persons, or those that have been properties. It also recognized the prop- that this trust account was ill-gotten.”
age water resources through a con- From A1
the subject of court decisions and com- erties without sequestration orders and The Marcoses added that they did
certed government effort engaging promise agreements. those that remain under the full control not give consent with respect to the
various sectors. custody, and sequestered under the “What remains to be determined, how- and supervision of the Marcoses. compromise agreements on the sur-
The WRMO will also be tasked to PCGG’s control and supervision.” ever, is the list of properties which are Associate Justice Michael Frederick rendered assets.
champion, together with the Presi- But the Sandiganbayan denied the included in the dismissal of the Third Musngi wrote the ruling with Associ- In response, the anti-graft court said
dential Legislative Liaison Office plea “for lack of merit” and sought to Amended Complaint for failure of the ate Justices Maria Theresa Mendoza- that while the appeal was “timely in the
(PLLO), the passage of a law creating clarify the status of some assets and plaintiff to prove its allegations by pre- Arcega and Maryann Corpus-Manal- instant case,” the prayer for the issuance
an apex body; collaborate closely with properties pertinent to the case. ponderance of evidence,” it added. ac concurring. of a writ of execution “cannot prosper
all relevant agencies, including local The court said it could not rule on Subject to the finality of the decision, In their motion, the Marcoses asked for as the judgment or order that disposes
government units (LGUs), private sec- properties that had already been recov- the court, meanwhile lifted the seques- a writ of execution of their assets “consid- of the action is not yet final.”
tor, civil society and the communities;
as well as perform other functions un-
der the DENR.
Water is crucial to food security and agricultural products to Japan. [We However, he said the government will forced about a thousand Filipino women
supporting cities and urban growth. Mr. Marcos... hope]… this visit will result in more ex- not stop private individuals from pursu- to serve them.
From A1
Based on government data, irriga- ports of agricultural products to Japan, ing claims. At the same time, Imperial said the
tion accounts for a 35.6 percent con- especially our bananas and avocados,” “We will not stop… the victims be- controversy over four Japanese fugi-
tribution to the agriculture sector’s that could happen in the future, but the he said. cause this is an atrocious violence against tives wanted for crimes in Japan and
Gross Value Added. HADR cooperation would come first. President Marcos will visit Japan the women during the war,” he said. detained in the Philippines would not
The Philippines ranks among the Meanwhile, Foreign Affairs Sec- from Feb. 8 to 12. On Tuesday, Jan. 31, surviving Filipi- affect the President’s trip to Japan.
world’s rapidly urbanizing coun- retary Enrique Manalo will lead “an The DFA said Wednesday said one is- no women who were sexually enslaved “If there is a decision to deport
tries, with over 47 percent of its exchange of notes” on some $3 billion sue the President will not raise is repa- by the Japanese military during World these concerned Japanese nation-
population living in cities in 2021, worth of infrastructure loan agreements rations for “comfort women” who were War II called on the Japanese govern- als, the Philippines will follow the
requiring large water projects, in- for the North-South Commuter Railway forced to provide Japanese soldiers sex- ment to acknowledge its war crimes and timeline of deportation proceedings
cluding bulk water supply and san- and its extension. This will later on be ual services during World War II. resolve the “comfort women” issue. in accordance with the Philippine
itation infrastructure. signed by the Department of Finance, Imperial said all war-related compen- In a statement, Lila Pilipina, an or- laws,” Imperial said.
It also has a significant part in Imperial said. sation claims by the Philippine govern- ganization helping the Filipino women “We feel that this is totally unre-
the country’s energy mix, as hy- Imperial said Manalo would also sign ment are already settled, so there is no in their fight for justice, said Japan must lated to the visit of the President. This
dropower represents 7 percent of an agreement on information and com- need for the Chief Executive to bring “take the necessary steps toward a fair is a consular matter being handled by
the total energy production in the munications technology on behalf of them up during the visit. and long-overdue resolution of the com- the Department of Justice and the Jap-
country, and its contribution can Information and Communication Tech- “All war-related claims are deemed to fort women issue.” anese Embassy here and our embassy
be increased by as much as 15 per- nology Secretary Ivan John Uy. have been settled by our 1956 reparations During the Japanese occupation in Japan with the Ministry of Justice
cent by 2030. “We are already exporting a lot of agreement with Japan,” Imperial said. of the Philippines, Japanese soldiers in Tokyo,” Imperial added.

NCR mayors approve single ticketing system

By Joel E. Zurbano

HE local government
units (LGUs) of
Metro Manila have
given the green light for
the implementation of a
single ticketing system in
the National Capital Region
(NCR) as spearheaded by the
Metro Manila Development
Authority (MMDA).
The Metro Manila Council (MMC),
composed of 17 NCR mayors, have
ratified the Metro Manila Traffic
Code of 2023 embodying the rules
on the single ticketing system
which provides for interconnectivity
among government instrumentalities
involved in the transport and traffic
management in the metropolis with
common fines and penalties.
The standardized fines and
penalties will also be endorsed to the
Land Transportation Office and local
councils for adoption.
Based on Resolution No. 23-02,
the single ticketing system “will
harmonize the existing national and SINGLE TICKETING CODE. The Metro Manila Council (MMC) has approved the code on the single ticketing system being spearheaded by the Metro Manila Development
local laws on traffic enforcement Authority (MMDA) for implementation in the National Capital Region. Photo taken following approval of the code in a ceremony held Monday at the MMDA headquarters in Pasig
to establish and effective transport City shows (seated from left) San Juan City Mayor and MMC head Francis Zamora, acting MMDA chairman Romando Artes, and MMD general manager Procopio Lipana. Standing
at the back are (from left) Malabon City Mayor Jeannie Sandoval, Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte, Valenzuela City Mayor Wes Gatchalian, Muntinlupa City Mayor Ruffy Biazon, and
and traffic management in Metro Marikina City Mayor Marcy Teodoro. Manny Palmero
The code is also designed to address The resolution also stated that it traffic-related violations wherever, system that will highly benefit our confiscated during apprehension,” he
different procedures of apprehension; might create chaos if left unattended, to regardless of the locality where they were motorists,” Artes said. added.
payment of fines; redemption of licenses the detriment of the public in general. caught. “The single ticketing system would MMC president and San Juan City
and plates; as well as uncoordinated MMDA acting chairman Romando “This is a historic moment for help avoid confusion among our Mayor Francis Zamora thanked the
implementation of traffic laws resulting Artes said the single ticketing system all of us because after more than driving public, as well as option to panel for passing the resolution. He said
in confusion of the driving public, loss will be convenient for apprehended twenty years, Metro Manila is pay electronically for their violations. the system would be in effect within the
of money and productive hours. motorists as they can now pay for their finally adopting the single ticketing Driver’s license will also not be first quarter of 2023.

IN BRIEF Lawyers seek thorough probe on slay attempt vs. IBP Abra prexy
Air Asia inaugurates By Rey E. Requejo Bigornia’s office at about 9:30 a.m. “We thus appeal to our broth- climate of dread,” the IBP lamented.
“While one of them waited (outside), ers in the NBI (National Bureau But the lawyer’s group stressed that
Manila-Narita route THE Integrated Bar of the Philip- the other approached Atty. Bigornia of Investigation), PNP (Philippine they would not be cowed or stifled.
AIR Asia Philippines on Wednes- pines (IBP) has called for a thorough who was ordered to go out together National Police), and other law en- “Lawyers must be able to advo-
day announced it has started operat- investigation on the reported assassina- with his aide. The person outside then forcement agencies to investigate cate their clients’ causes free from the
ing its commercial service flights tion attempt against the president of its handed his companion a knife who this matter as well as any other corrupting elements of fear and in-
to and from Narita in time for the chapter in Abra province last January 29. then repeatedly stabbed the aide unsolved instances that seriously timidation. For if lawyers who are
various festivities in Japan this month. The IBP, the country’s mandatory before also stabbing Atty. Bigornia,” the impinge upon the rule of law,” the sentinels of the rule of law and who
Airline chief information of- organization for Filipino lawyers, IBP said in a statement. IBP said. serve the poor are themselves assassi-
ficer Steve Dailisan said the maiden identified the target of the slay bid as Fortunately, another aide of Bigor- “The incisive and growing impunity nated or attacked with impunity, no one
flight took off at the Ninoy Aquino Hamilcar Bigornia. The assault was nia came and shot one of the assailants towards lawyers, judges, and officers of would feel secure or have faith in our
International Airport - Terminal 3 reportedly staged by two men right in dead, the IBP said. the Court has fostered an overwhelming justice system,” the IBP said.
at 4:15 am and arrived at Narita

DFA: Negotiations
International Airport at 9:45 am
(Japan Standard Time).
Its return flight departed Narita at

underway to bring
11:25 am and landed at NAIA T3 at
2:55 pm (local time).
Dailisan said the daily Tokyo via

home eight Pinoys

Narita flight, which was recently
tagged as the second top-sell-
ing international destination, is

held in Myanmar
expected to revitalize Japan as
among Air Asia’s top destinations in
East Asia. Joel E. Zurbano
THE Philippine government is explor-
Las Piñas rolls out ing all avenues to to bring home as soon
mental health drive as possible eight Filipinos currently held
in Myanmar, the Department of Foreign
THE Las Pinas City government Affairs (DFA) said.
has launched a campaign to raise In a statement, DFA spokesperson
awareness on mental and repro- Ma. Teresita Daza said coordination
ductive health issues among city is continuing to assist the distressed Fili-
residents, especially the youngsters. pinos, among them tourist Kiela Samson
Mayor Imelda Aguilar said some who was arrested at the border of Thai-
400 high school students, out of land and Myanmar last month.
school youths, and members of “The Philippine Embassy in Yangon
Sangguniang Kabataan joined the maintains active and regular contact
roll out of the program dubbed with Myanmar’s law enforcement au-
“Kalungkutan ay Agapan, Ka- thorities in Nay Pyi Taw and Myawaddy
bataan ay Protektahan” held at the to secure the safety and well being of the
Verdant Covered court in Barangay said Filipinos and assist them in return-
Pamplona 3 on Tuesday. ing home the soonest time possible,”
She said the project was organized NATIONAL HIJAB DAY. Muslim women at the Philippine Senate help each other put on their hijabs to drum up support for a Daza said.
by the City Health Office led by Dr. Jul- bill filed by Senator Robinhood Padilla declaring February 1st of every year as National Hijab Day. Lino Santos She said the group could leave Myan-
ie Gonzales “to build community re- mar upon completion of their repatria-
silience in attending mental problems

IPOPHL set to tackle counterfeiting in Greenhills market

tion proceedings, notably the immigra-
of residents, especially the students, tion protocols.
youths and adolescents for treatment Daza also said Myanmar authorities
and counseling.” Joel E. Zurbano have vowed to cooperate with Manila on
By Othel V. Campos notorious for the proliferation utation as a market for Class As the matter.
BOC-Limay surpasses of counterfeit products, land- and Bs and pirated DVDs has cut Among the eight were alleged human
’22 tax target by 48% THE Intellectual Property Office
of the Philippines (IPOPHL) has
ed anew on the 2022 Notorious
Markets for Counterfeiting and Pi-
across generations. The problem
demands the close and consistent col-
trafficking victims who were rescued by
Myanmar authorities from in Myawaddy.
THE Bureau of Customs (BOC) at proposed a work plan to tackle long racy report of the United States laboration among NCIPR members, Last Monday, Daza urged on eyeing
the port of Limay, Bataan has chalked standing counterfeit activities in Trade Representative’s (USTR). local governments, brand owners and overseas employment to follow govern-
up a record collection of P78 billion the Greenhills Shopping Center. “Truly, clearing Greenhills of IP Greenhills—both its managers and ment regulations and be duly registered
for 2022, over-shooting its P53-bil- Greenhills, a prominent mar- infringement activities will not be vendors,” said IPOPHL director gen- as overseas Filipino workers instead of
lion target by 48 percent. ketplace in San Juan City tagged an easy feat. Its long-standing rep- eral Rowell Barba. leaving the country as tourists.
This was revealed in a report by the
Commission on Audit (COA) which
showed that the BOC-Limay headed by
William Balayo mustered revenue col-
Tax relief eyed for special kids’ parents
lections totaling P78,729,645,419.07
for 2022, surpassed its target by nearly By Maricel V. Cruz and given assistance as well as they
P25.7 billion. support their children in their everyday
“Due to the Port’s efficient collec- A PARTY-LIST lawmaker on Wednes- lives,” Pinuno party-list Rep. Howard
tion strategies, it is noteworthy that the day filed a bill seeking to give tax Guintu said.
Port registered consistently monthly deductions to parents or guardians of chil- Guinto filed House Bill 6960 which
surpluses and by the end of September dren or youth with special needs (CSYNs). grants parents or guardians of children
2022, it already had met its actual tar- “While we applaud the effort of the and youth with special needs tax deduc-
get,” the COA report stated. national government for recogniz- tion of ₱50,000 for any of the following:
COA commended the BOC-Limay ing the educational inclusivity needs tuition fees for a private school; therapy;
for its “aggressive strategies” em- of children with special needs with diagnostic evaluations by a medical pro-
ployed to collect taxes and duties the signing into law of Republic Act
RA 11650, or the ‘Instituting a Policy
fessional; tutoring services; transportation
expenses to school or a medical facility;
and to promote local and interna- Center marks another milestone with the inauguration of its newest acquisition, a 3Tesla
tional investments, the digitization of Inclusion and Services for Learn- and specialized instructional materials. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) that has been accreditated by the Department of
and streamlining of processes, and ers with Disabilities in Support of In- The parent or legal guardian must Health and the Food and Drug Administration. In photo taken during the opening rites
the enhancement of trade facilitation. clusive Education Act,’ in March last provide more than half of the total are (from left) Dr. Reynaldo Lim, vice-president for service operations; Dr. Jackson Dy,
Butch Gunio year, we believe that their parents and financial support for the child to qualify head of radiology department; Atty. Pilar Nenuca Almira, president and CEO; Dr. Saturnino
guardians should also be empowered for the deduction. Javier, Medical director; and Dr. Noel Rosas, director of professional services.
Remulla assures
prompt action on
BI blacklist scheme
JUSTICE Secretary Jesus Crispin
Remulla on Wednesday assured prompt
action on reports of a group offering
services online to Chinese nationals
to have their names removed from the
Bureau of Immigration (BI) blacklist in
exchange for a hefty fee.
“We will work on those measures one
by one. We will not stop. We will do what
needs to be done to straighten out the
system,” Remulla told reporters.
Remulla was commenting on an anti-
crime group’s revelation made during
a hearing of the Senate Public Order
and Dangerous Drugs Committee on
Tuesday which bared reports about the
new modus involving online offers.
“We received reports of advertisements
offering to lift immigration blacklist for
a fee of P1 million to P5 million were
circulating in Chinese social media
platforms,” Movement for Restoration of
Peace and Order (MRPO) chairperson ARTS MONTH. Miss Universe 2018 and National Culture and the and Culture Arts (NCCA) Ambassador Catriona Gray poses with members of the Sindaw Philippines Performing
Ka Kuen Chua said. Arts Guild during the opening of the NCCA’s 2023 Arts Month celebration and press conference at the Metropolitan Theater Ballroom in Manila on Wednesday. Danny Pata
Chua also cited claims that “dens of

Tulfo lambasts PhilHealth

iniquity,” especially those in Cavite and
Pampanga, are under the protection of
police officials.
“Furthermore, victims that we have
assisted claimed that police personnel

chief over ‘no corruption’

served as their guards, but we have yet
to confirm the veracity of their claims,” DSWD chief vows
Chua said. to ‘fix’ beneficiary list
He added that in some instances,
the victims whom they have assisted NEWLY-APPOINTED Depart-
ment Social Welfare and Develop-
who were so eager to file case later on
ment (DSWD) chief Rex Gatchalian
retracted these. said he will prioritize fixing of the
ENATOR Raffy Tulfo lambasted Emmanuel Ledesma Jr., involving PhilHealth’s fund, especially

“And it is claimed that their affidavits agency’s list of beneficiaries.
of desistance were prepared either by the amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “There’s new technology. We just
police or by the prosecutors themselves,” the new acting president of PhilHealth, after Ledesma said “That issue has been in the media, and have to make sure that the list is
he added. he personally does not see corruption happening in the it has spread. Issues on the bogus claims good. So that is our first priority, we
Authorities have denied the claims. were repeated over and over in the media,
agency. some were already investigated, but you
have to make sure that the list is cor-
Chua earlier bared the scheme during rect,” Gatchalian, quoted by GMA
a hearing of the Senate Public Order and During the inquiry of the Senate actively looking since I joined, although still say you don’t see any corruption,” News, said.
Dangerous Drugs Committee. Committee on Health and Demography I’m telling you, so far, I don’t see any Tulfo said. Lawmakers led by Speaker Martin
on the several measures amending the corruption.” Tulfo, quoted by GMA News, G. Romualdez on Wednesday said
Universal Health Care (UHC) law, Tulfo While admitting that he promised further told Ledesma that “you have to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made

Let us respect
asked Ledesma to clean and remove the President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos accept that there is a real problem in a great choice in appointing Gatchal-
corrupt personnel in PhilHealth. Jr. that he would address the possible PhilHealth.” ian as DSWD secretary.
“Maybe you should clean PhilHealth. shortcomings of PhilHealth, Ledesma, “Don’t be in denial and say that you Gatchalian was sworn in as the

Muslim rights,
Investigate those who are involved in who took his oath on November 24 last are clean. Then, I’m sorry, sir, then you new DSWD secretary in Malacañang
corruption. From then on, we will believe year, appealed to the committee to give are not good for that position. For you to on Tuesday, coinciding with the cel-
that PhilHealth will do better,” Tulfo, him a “honeymoon period” to do so, be able to clean your organization that ebration of the department’s 72nd

Romualdez says
quoted by GMA News, said. GMA News further reported. has been tarnished with corruption, first founding anniversary.
Ledesma, however, said, Tulfo said he was “offended” by you have to accept that there is really Romualdez believes Gatchalian is
“personally, I don’t know if there’s Ledesma’s “no corruption” remark, corruption. Don’t be in denial. That’s an excellent choice to head the DSWD,
all this talk — if it’s there, if considering that there have been the only way you can solve the problem,” citing the latter’s outstanding track
it’s not there.” He added that he has “been investigations into the alleged corruption Tulfo further said.
By Maricel V. Cruz record and long experience as a
public servant.
SPEAKER Ferdinand Martin G. “Cong., now Secretary Rex, the
Romualdez on Wednesday called on Fil- loss of Congress is the gain of the
ipinos to respect each other’s freedom of DSWD. We wish you the best of luck,”
Speaker Romualdez said in a media
religion, including the right of Muslim
interview. Maricel Cruz
women to wear the hijab.
Romualdez made the call during the
celebration of World Hijab Day 2023 at Senators cheer
the North Wing Lobby of the House of Chiz Escudero’s ‘return’
Representatives at the Batasan complex
in Quezon City. SENATORS hailed the participa-
He said wearing the hijab means hav- tion of Senator Chiz Escudero dur-
ing to live a modest life. ing the Senate hearing on the Maha-
“We celebrate the 10th World Hijab rlika Investment Fund.
Day, an annual event that we celebrate “It’s the first time in a long time
with the rest of the world in recognition that we’ve seen that smile on his
of a very basic human right: the right to face with a wonderful aura,” Sen.
the free exercise of religion, a right that Grace Poe, said.
is enshrined in our very Constitution,” Escudero has remained silent fol-
Romualdez said. lowing reports that his marriage to
However, he lamented that “instead actress Heart Evangelista was on
of demonstrating the rich cultural and the rocks. It was unusual for Escu-
religious significance of the hijab to the dero, one of the Senate’s legal ea-
gles, to be quiet on very important
Islamic faithful, the opposite occurs.”
“It often becomes the object of dis- NEW LAKAS MEMBER. Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez administers the oath-taking of La Union 1st District Rep. and sometimes, controversial issues
Paolo Ortega as new Lakas-CMD member. Witnessing the event are Senior Deputy Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and House hounding the government.
crimination. And we can all agree that Senate President Migz Zubiri,
discrimination hampers our ability to Majority Leader Manuel Jose “Mannix” Dalipe. Ver Noveno
during the Senate hearing, said,
grow and mature as a country with di-

Senators air concern on Maharlika Fund loopholes

“the reason why we suspended the
verse religious and ethnic backgrounds, session is because I want to give a
and is therefore a deterrent to nation- big hug to my dear friend and class-
building,” he said. mate in Congress and our idol.”
This is the reason why the House, dur- Macon Ramos-Araneta
ing the 18th and 19th Congresses, passed By Macon Ramos-Araneta Chiz Escudero said he found sev- Sen. Win Gatchalian, chairperson of
eral loopholes in the MIF which the Committee on Ways and Means,
the National Hijab Day Bill, authored prin- SEVERAL senators said they have mis- he stressed the government needs to ad- noted that those investors who would SRA awaiting approval
cipally by Hataman, Romualdez said.
Sen. Robinhood “Robin” C. Padilla
givings on the proposed Maharlika In- dress. put their money in the MIF seem to en- on new sugar imports
vestment Fund (MIF) on the first day of Sen. Risa Hontiveros said that the MIF joy too many tax exemptions compared
meanwhile stressed that positive steps the hearing on the proposed sovereign may instead become a liability fund that to those who avail other mutual funds. THE Sugar Regulatory Admin-
have been taken to drum up public con- wealth which President Ferdinand “Bong- would balloon the nation’s already enor- “With this fund (MIF), number 1, they istration (SRA) said on Tuesday
sciousness about our Muslim brethren bong” Marcos Jr. extolled at the World mous foreign debt and make life harder don’t pay any taxes and then, number 2, it is awaiting the approval of the
through the commemoration of World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. for the present and future generations of aren’t we skewing the returns also? “ he Department of Agriculture (DA)
Hijab Day. During the hearing, Senator taxpayers. said. on its draft import plan of 450,000
metric tons of sugar for buffer

Gatchalian seeks probe on PAGCOR auditor

During the Laging Handa brief-
ing, SRA board member and
planters’ representative Pablo Luis
By Macon Ramos-Araneta sortium, the third-party auditor contract-
Azcona said they have considered
ed by PAGCOR for the POGO industry.
SEN. Win Gatchalian is asking the Sen- The resolution follows findings at a re- the feedback of sugar producers
ate Blue Ribbon Committee to conduct cent hearing conducted by the committee and other stakeholders in the fina-
an inquiry into the alleged anomalous showing that PAGCOR failed to comply lization of their draft import plan.
procurement of the Philippine Amuse- with existing procurement rules in con- “We have already received the
ment and Gaming Corp. (PAGCOR) of a tracting a 10-year P6 billion contract with recommendations and comments
third-party auditor. the third-party auditor in 2017. of our stakeholders,” he said.
The third-party auditor, he said, was in The PAGCOR meanwhile said its new “What SRA will do is moni-
charge of determining the gross gaming management is revalidating the veracity of tor the outstanding stocks of local
revenues of Philippine Offshore Gaming the documents submitted by Global Com- sugar, and once we anticipate that
Operators (POGOs) in the country. RCI. we are about to lose supply, we will
In a resolution filed on January 30, Gatchalian further cited the need to slowly release from the 450,000
Gatchalian said the inquiry should aim to thoroughly scrutinize the questionable (metric tons) that we are talking
identify accountability and make amend- choice of Global ComRCI as a third-party about. So, this will be a pure re-
NEW LEASE. Tabaco City Mayor Krisel Lagman-Luistro and Antonio Tan, president ments to the procurement laws, if neces- auditor of POGO. If there is a violation of serve stock po,” he added in mixed
and CEO of Liberty Commercial Center shake hands during the signing of another 12- sary, about the alleged irregularities in laws, he said there is a need to know who English and Filipino.
year lease contract for the Tabaco City mall ground floor. Norman Cruz the procurement of Global ComRCI Con- committed the violations.
Honor Blanco Cabie, Editor

Good tourism policies EDITORIAL

Anyway, luxury good fanciers among tourists
can always go elsewhere for these. And nouveau
riche Filipinos can always shop in Singapore and
Hong Kong, and pay the travel tax on their way
It’s sovereign power, ICC
What we need to do, and this is where the
ANY have had their eyes and ears up when question they have. Is that reasonable?”
THERE is a good side to being peripatetic, an
inclination our president does not deny.
Because of it, he and the first lady have had
plenty of experience traveling to other countries
even before his election to the presidency.
DTI, the DOT, and LGU’s should put their heads
together is in promoting well-designed, well-
crafted and reasonably priced locally-produced
items which can compete with those of other
A good example is Don Papa Rum, a local
M The Hague-based International Criminal Court
granted its prosecutor’s request to reopen the
investigation into Manila’s war on drugs during the
Remulla argued.
The International Criminal Court is not
part of the United Nations but is governed by
the Rome Statute, the first permanent, treaty-
based, international criminal court established
to help end impunity for the perpetrators
President Marcos Jr. has announced several brand that makes use of our cane sugar, and has incumbency of President Rodrigo Duterte. of the most serious crimes of concern to the
policies and practices which would facilitate become a hit especially in Europe. It was blended international community.
inbound and even domestic travel, the better to and introduced initially for the Negros market Interesting that dozens of countries are
promote tourism which is a major driver of any 10 years ago, and became popular in the UK and The tribunal said, after examining
submitted materials from the Philippine not ICC members, including China, India,
economy. Spain. Russia, and the United States. The court has
The relaxation of travel restrictions owing to Recently Don Papa was bought by Diageo government, the ICC prosecutor Karim We agree with angered non-members by launching probes
the long pandemic is one, and it has certainly from its owners for 260 million euros, a genuinely Khan, and drug war victims, the collections
shown instant results in our fourth quarter tourism successful and strategically-marketed Philippine of information “do not amount to tangible, Remulla when into possible war crimes in Afghanistan, the
Palestinian territories, and Ukraine.
arrivals, both from neighboring countries as well concrete and progressive investigative steps he reiterated the
in a way that would sufficiently mirror the Enrile also said ICC investigators
Imelda Romualdez Marcos, if memory serves must ask permission to enter the country,
as balikbayans.
When travelers found the One Health Pass too me right, initiated the establishment of Design Court’s investigation.” government’s position otherwise he would “cause their arrest.”
We agree with Justice Secretary Jesus
cumbersome, government simplified the process Center Philippines precisely to make good design
Crispin Remulla who laid down the law that the ICC can Earlier, Solicitor General Menardo
after several complaints. available to Filipino artists, craftsmen and small Guevarra said the Philippines intends
The NAIA complex under its new management manufacturers. the Philippines has a functional justice rightfully conduct to appeal the resumption of the ICC’s
DTI’s Citem has in the past been quite active system and described the decision of the
and the leadership of DoTr’s Jimmy Bautista has
made checking-in more efficient, doing away with in promoting Filipino-made products abroad. But ICC to resume its “drug war” probe an proceedings only in inquiry into the country’s anti-illegal drugs
campaign before the ICC Appeals Chamber.
redundant X-ray and security checks. the variety, packaging, quality and other product “irritant.” states without a We agree with Remulla when he reiterated
We just hope that the immigration bureau can development aspects should be improved. Remulla also vowed to prevent the ICC
from imposing upon the Philippines, which functioning the government’s position that the ICC
find ways to deal with long queues at peak hours, The other major consideration is how to equip can rightfully conduct proceedings only in
even as we understand that space in our obsolete our shopping malls with convenient tax refund is a sovereign country. government and
In law, the sovereign is the one who states without a functioning government and
terminals are a constraint. centers. Getting tax refunds at our decrepit justice system.
The president’s recent directive to our airports where there is little space (excepting exercises power without limitation and, justice system “We are doing what it takes to fix the system.
embassies and consulates in China, Japan, South Cebu International and Clark) is impossible. as the English jurist William Blackstone
said, the term sovereignty exercised by a We have a functional judicial system and I
Korea and India, to adopt electronic visas for I was in Spain late last year and getting my tax don’t see where they can come in unless they
inbound visitors is another good move. sovereign power carries implications of
refund was a cinch at the Barcelona International
autonomy and to have sovereign power is to want to take over our legal system and take
These are major nearby markets whose tourism Airport. Remulla has given assurances the over our country. I don’t see that happening,”
potential have yet to be optimized by the country. In less than a week, my card-issuing bank be beyond the power of others to interfere. Philippines is “not closing the doors to Remulla said.
The Manila Economic and Cultural Office, received the VAT refunds. I guess we will have Presidential legal counsel Juan Ponce dialogue” but stressed “we will not accept He said the “unreasonable” decision
our de facto embassy in Taiwan, has been issuing to wait for Bulacan and/or Sangley to replace our Enrile himself has said the government impositions on our country...we are doing
will not allow any of its officials to be by Karim Khan is not welcome in the
electronic visas since 2015, an innovation started NAIA terminals for good. what it takes to fix the system.” Philippines and DOJ “will not stand for
by the late Chairman Amadito Perez and the *** investigated or tried by the ICC whose “Remember they are talking about
jurisdiction he added he did not recognize any of these antics that tend to question our
MECO board. Though some would disagree, holiday problems that cropped up 12 years ago. We sovereignty and our status as a sovereign
economics is the way to go, especially to spur since it has no sovereign power over the were not even in this office yet and expect country.”
domestic travel. Philippines. us within seven months to answer every Aptly said.
In the short-lived Erap regime, then ES Ronny
Zamora approved my proposal as Philippine
The singular
Another Filipino murder victim
Tourism Authority head, to bunch up holidays to
exception should the nearest Friday or Monday, something which
the successor GMA government implemented.
be June 12, when Scuttled by PNoy and retained as such by
we commemorate PRRD, President Marcos Jr. is now reviving ONCE again, another Filipino woman working When cases happen like this most recent
holiday economics. as a domestic helper in Kuwait was not only
our National Day But wait! Productivity is hampered here in the raped and brutally murdered but also burned
one, she was always in the forefront in trying
to provide assistance.
when we declared benighted land, not by holiday economics, but after being killed. Now that she is in government, it seems her
by far too many holidays -- religious (I thought I do not have the number of our womenfolk It does not have to be this way with better
priorities have changed to sending as many
independence from we are a secular state), historical, special (by who have been killed, sexually assaulted or of our women overseas to work as domestic planning and getting our priorities right.
presidential order) or local, such as those idiotic
foreign domination Araw ng whatever city, or even quasi-religious
physically abused while working as domestic helpers. We can still deploy our citizens to work
helpers in the Middle East. Maybe this is the right time to ask what abroad but we have to be more selective and
and practice-wise bacchanalian fiestas in honor of But the number must run in the hundreds if deploy only those that are easy to monitor.
exactly is the mission of the DMW and priority
patron saints the residents do not even properly not thousands by now. We must not send our vulnerable citizens
recognize. In fact, about 80 Filipino overseas workers who will work basically as indentured servants
When I took over in July 2016, 20 to 25 percent The last time I counted, we have 18 national were just repatriated from the Middle East who in private homes where monitoring is extremely
of our travel visas for Taiwanese visitors were holidays, not to include two local holidays (the were also victims of abuse. What happened difficult if not almost impossible.
Araw ng… and the religious fiesta) for a total of How many more Jullebee Ranara cases
done electronically.
Before the COVID pandemic struck and we 20. By contrast, the US of A has 10, and France
Lucky for them, they came home alive.
This latest murder case is such that
to Jullebee Ranasa are we prepared to accept to convince the
locked down travel, we were already hitting 70 to which our president will visit in June or July, has
the government must now take a decisive should outrage us all government to stop deploying domestic helpers
75 percent usage of the e-visa service. to countries where sexual assaults and murders
We tied up with Taiwan’s CTBC, which had As for those who cry about losing the
But the shocking response of the Department
and Secretary Susan are happening?
sentimental importance of commemorating heroes
several branches and ATM machines all over the
island, including 7-Eleven convenience stores and others on inexact dates, the US of A has been
of Migrant Workers under Secretary Susan Ople should ban the I really wonder how much of the $38B being
Ople is only to improve the protection of our remitted to the country are coming from our
to facilitate payment of the visa fee, which is moving almost all their commemorations to the workers with a more stringent government- to- deployment of domestic domestic helpers.
MECO’s main source of income. nearest Monday or Friday for six decades.
The e-visa should be very expedient, especially My extreme proposal which I have written
government agreement rather than immediately workers to Kuwait My guess is that it constitutes only a small
part of what is being remitted.
suspending the deployment of domestic
for large countries like China and India where our about in the past, but which is an aspiration that
workers to Kuwait. immediately If we look at the countries where remittances
embassy and consulates are few and far between. will certainly merit wholesale disapproval, is for are coming from, the United States is still the
DMW also wants to sanction the agency
In China, for instance, we have an embassy in all holidays in the first semester to be bunched up top with about 40.5 per cent of all remittances.
that recruited Jullebee Ranasa which in effect
Beijing, and consulates in Shanghai, Guangzhou, into an entire week to coincide with Holy Week.
is washing its hands from any responsibility to Among the top 10, Saudi Arabia, United
Chongqing, Xiamen, Macau and Hong Kong. An Likewise all holidays for the second semester Arab Emirates and Qatar are the Middle
what happened.
e-visa would allow tourists coming from other to be bunched up into a long holiday beginning
Why must DMW be so quick to throw the of the government. Eastern countries on the list.
provinces to apply without visiting our consular December 24 up to January 1 of the following Singapore, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada,
blame on the recruiting agency? Is it the deployment of domestic helpers
offices. year.
Our senior officials in the DMW must get it so that they can contribute to the dollar Taiwan and South Korea round up the rest.
The president in fact adverted to MECO’s The singular exception should be June 12, when And if I am not mistaken, the deployment of
thru their thick skulls that no amount of written remittances to the country or the protection of
Taiwan e-visa, and directed the BID and DFA to we commemorate our National Day when we workers to Kuwait was just recently resumed
agreements can protect domestic helpers who Filipinos deployed abroad?
use the same as template. declared independence from foreign domination.
live with their employers. Common sense If the priority in the deployment is simply because of another case that happened during
*** *** the term of then President Duterte.
dictates that women who work as domestics in for the sake of the remittance, then there must
Another good policy is that of granting VAT As we write this piece, we are happy to know
places where there are no women’s rights are be something terribly wrong with our priorities. As we already know, about 10 per cent of
refunds for tourists who shop while in the country. that Valenzuela’s ideal public servant, Rex our population are scattered all over the globe
always in danger of sexual abuse especially the I understand the importance of remittances.
Shopping is part and parcel of travel, and Gatchalian, has been named DSWD Secretary. working and sacrificing to send money to their
younger ones. The latest worldwide figures indicate that
giving VAT refunds for tourists is certainly a Congratulations! families.
Yet, we continue to send our women to these about $850B was remitted by citizens of
welcome idea. Incidentally, Rex was told on Tuesday morning The best thing the government can do is to
countries. various countries working overseas in 2022,
There are a few major considerations when it that the president wanted him to join the cabinet, develop programs that ensures the safety of our
Do we not have any national pride left in us? with the Philippines coming in fourth with
comes to the effective implementation of the VAT and could he rush to the palace in the afternoon to
Can’t the country survive without the foreign about $38B. citizens and one of these is to stop sending our
refund. take his oath of office? women to work as virtual slaves in countries
exchange sent by our domestic helpers? By India, Mexico and China are the first three.
The first is obvious: what locally-made This was to be after a DSWD commemoration with no women’s right for the sake of the
now, the country should have graduated from India gets $100B followed by Mexico with
products are worth the while of the tourist? If they in the morning where no hints were given about money that they send home.
deploying women domestic helpers and simply $60B and China with $51B.
buy signature items and apparel made elsewhere, the new head of agency.
concentrate on sending skilled and professional The $38B remitted by our overseas workers What happened to Jullebee Ranasa should
the effect on our economy is minimal. In any case, Rex brings both an excellent
workers. is admittedly a lot of money and helps in outrage us all and Secretary Susan Ople should
But Joey Salceda has a solution, which is to tax mastery of public communications and ban the deployment of domestic workers to
Before being drafted in government to keeping the country afloat because we are
by 25 percent all such designer-branded luxury managerial competence which would be a credit Kuwait immediately.
head the DMW, Secretary Ople was a voice in always spending more than we earn but the
goods, on top of the VAT. to the DSWD.
migrant worker affairs. price that we are paying is too high. That is the least that she can do.

Mexico gripped by ex-security chief’s US drugs trial

By Samir Tounsi Mexican media have given blow-by-blow
accounts of the proceedings, while President
in 2021 on whether former presidents should be
prosecuted for graft.
Before becoming a government minister, Garcia
Luna, an engineer by training, headed Mexico’s
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has promised daily The poll’s result in favor was non-binding due since-renamed Federal Investigation Agency, a
MEXICO is on tenterhooks awaiting fresh
updates at his morning news conferences.
Mexican media to low turnout. branch of the police.
revelations from the US trial of former security
chief Genaro Garcia Luna, accused of receiving Lopez Obrador called the allegations have given blow-by- US cooperation Hailing from a modest district of Mexico City,
“shameful,” while his government is seeking to Garcia Luna, who was arrested in December Garcia Luna entered the security services at the
vast sums of money to allow the notorious Sinaloa
recover $700 million allegedly embezzled by blow accounts of the 2019 in Texas, was Washington’s interlocutor age of 21.
cartel to smuggle cocaine.
The trial of Garcia Luna, who was Mexico’s Garcia Luna. proceedings, while when he was Calderon’s security chief. It was there that Garcia Luna, known for
public security minister from 2006 to 2012, began A lawsuit was filed on September 21, 2021 in Meeting then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton always being elegantly dressed, met his wife, an
on Monday at the same New York court that Florida against 39 companies belonging to Garcia President Andres Manuel in 2009 as the neighboring countries launched a intelligence analyst.
handed convicted drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Luna or his relatives.
The objective is “to return to Mexico all the
Lopez Obrador has joint initiative to fight cross-border organized
crime, the pair were all smiles as they shook hands
According to journalist Francisco Cruz,
who wrote a book about the ex-security chief,
Guzman a life sentence in 2019.
The prosecution’s first witness, an ex-police property that exists in the name of Genaro Garcia promised daily updates in front of the cameras. Garcia Luna sought to model himself on the late
Luna in Florida,” Foreign Minister Marcelo As the boss of the police, the former minister American J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI’s first director
officer who later worked for Guzman’s Sinaloa
Ebrard said.
at his morning news was a pivotal player in the war against drug cartels who served for nearly a half-century.
cartel, said he had witnessed former gang boss
Arturo Beltran Leyva, who was killed in 2009, Lopez Obrador, who took office in 2018, conferences launched by Calderon in 2006. The nature of his work meant that Garcia Luna
give bribes to Garcia Luna. suggested three hypotheses on the situation At the time, the super-cop was already allegedly crossed paths with US security agencies, whose
“He was paid until Beltran’s last day,” Sergio surrounding Garcia Luna: profiting from his influence with “El Chapo,” US presence in Mexico is an open secret.
Villarreal Barragan said in Spanish. First, if he’s innocent, he must be released authorities charged in 2020. “We had a close relationship with him on the
In exchange for money, Garcia Luna provided “even if it’s a fiasco” for the United States. “From 2001 to 2012, while occupying high- themes of crime and drug trafficking,” said Mike
Calderon as well as former president Vicente Fox ranking law enforcement positions in the Mexican Vigil, a retired chief of international operations at
information about police operations, Villarreal The second possibility is that Garcia Luna acted
(2000-06). government, Garcia Luna received millions the US Drug Enforcement Administration .
Barragan testified -- claims denied by lawyers for alone, deceiving Mexican authorities including
A left-wing populist, Lopez Obrador regularly of dollars in bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel in The trial is expected to last several weeks and
the 54-year-old ex-minister, who has pleaded not former president Felipe Calderon (2006-12).
accuses his “conservative” predecessors of exchange for providing protection for its drug if convicted, Garcia Luna could face up to life in
Lopez Obrador’s third conjecture is that Garcia
guilty. corruption, and even organized a referendum trafficking activities,” the Justice Department said. prison. AFP
Luna may have acted with a “green light” from

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Office, Manila. Website: Emil P. Jurado Chairman Emeritus, Editorial Board

Biden, Speaker clash, with economy at stake

RESIDENT Joe Biden and the new Republican speaker Biden, though, doesn’t even want is widely expected to be on the cusp of ceiling would be like refusing to pay an
of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, face to hear the word negotiation when it announcing his bid for a second term in already existing credit card bill.
comes to the debt ceiling. “The presi- the 2024 election. And Republicans, who There could be room for negotiating
off Wednesday at the White House to discuss the US dent firmly believes there should be no have just taken over control of the House, on changes to future budgets.
debt standoff – but so far apart they can’t even agree on how to negotiation over this,” as Biden’s na- are eager to show their muscle. McCarthy says his goal is to tackle
describe their get-together. tional security spokesman John Kirby Even if McCarthy is minded to show “runaway spending.”
said Tuesday. flexibility, his power in Congress de- But when it gets down to brass tacks,
At stake is the stability of the US Fail to raise the debt ceiling by around There have been other showdowns pends almost entirely on the desires of a it’s hard for either party to say where
economy. June, the Treasury says, and the United over the years when Republicans balked far-right group of Republicans who are they can find significant reductions
Republicans are threatening to block States will be forced into default on its at allowing US debt to spiral ever high- more likely to play chicken, regardless -- unless they go into the usually po-
the usually rubber stamp approval for $31.4 trillion debt – a historic first that er. But on most occasions the dispute of the global financial consequences. litically untouchable Social Security,
raising the nation’s credit limit if Demo- would leave the government unable to was quickly smoothed over, Congress The White House says it won’t allow Medicare, Medicaid or other govern-
crats don’t first agree to steep future pay bills, undermine the US economy’s extended the ceiling and the economy the current debt ceiling to be part of ment subsidized healthcare.
budget cuts. The White House, mean- reputation, and likely panic investors. kept going without a hiccup. any negotiation on future government Biden is signaling he wants to call
while, accuses the Republicans of taking McCarthy said in a tweet Tuesday, This time, the political heat is so high spending because that $31.4 trillion is McCarthy’s bluff by insisting that the
the economy “hostage” in order to exact he’s going “to negotiate for the Ameri- that things may be different. money already agreed to by Congress. Republicans lay out where exactly
politically motivated budget concessions. can people.” Two years through his first term, Biden In other words, refusal to raise the debt they’d make cuts. AFP

A man
crosses an
almost empty
street near
Pagoda during
a ‘silent strike’
to protest
and mark
the second
of the coup
in Yangon on
February 1, Haruki Murakami
2023. Streets
in commercial Murakami to publish
hub Yangon new novel in 6 years
were largely
emptied from CELEBRATED Japanese author
late morning Haruki Murakami will release his
after activists first new novel in six years this
called for April, publisher Shinchosha an-
people across nounced on Wednesday.
the country There was little detail given
to close
about the new work, which will be
businesses and
stay indoors Murakami’s first novel since
from 10 a.m. to “Killing Commendatore” was pub-
4 p.m. AFP lished in February 2017.
In a brief statement in Japanese,
Shinchosha said the new work would
be published on April 13, but gave
neither its title nor details of the plot.
The bookYELLOW
CYAN MAGENTA is expected to be pub-
lished in Japanese initially, with
Standard translations following later.
TODAY Shinchosha told AFP it could not
confirm when translations of the
book might be released, or even

Ukraine hopes Empty streets in protest on Myanmar coup anniversary

when the name of the book would
be announced.
The title will be 1,200 Japanese

for progress on
manuscript pages long, but the ex-
STREETS emptied and shops closed ing the junta off course. It was similarly quiet in the second
act number of book pages that will
in protest across Myanmar on Wednes- Streets in commercial hub Yangon city of Mandalay, a resident told AFP.
amount to was also not yet con-
day, the second anniversary of the coup largely emptied from late morning, “There are a few people walking here
firmed, the publisher added. AFP

path to Europe that toppled Aung San Suu Kyi’s gov-

ernment, with the junta hinting it may
extend a state of emergency and delay
new elections.
AFP correspondents said, after ac-
tivists called for people across the
country to close businesses and stay
indoors from 10 am (0330 GMT) to
and there in neighbourhoods but almost
no activity on the main roads,” the resi-
dent said, requesting anonymity.
Local media images showed empty
UKRAINE will hold a summit with Myanmar has been in turmoil since 4 pm. streets in the eastern city of Mawlamyine.
the European Union in Kyiv this the military’s power grab and bloody Roads leading to the famous Shwed- A pro-military group of “patriots,
week, the government announced crackdown on dissent, which has agon pagoda – a Buddhist shrine that military lovers, monks and the public”
Tuesday, as it expressed hope the sparked fighting across swathes of the dominates Yangon’s skyline and is usu- was set to march through the streets of
conference would bring the war-bat- country and tanked the economy. ally thronged by worshippers – were downtown Yangon later Wednesday.
tered nation closer to membership in Western powers launched a fresh largely deserted. The US embassy in the city has
the bloc almost a year after Russia broadside of sanctions against the gen- Most buses on roads elsewhere in the warned of “increased anti-regime activ-
launched its invasion. erals on the anniversary, but previous city were empty and there was a heavy ity and violence” in the days around the
Kyiv also announced it expected rounds have shown little sign of throw- security presence. anniversary. AFP
to receive up to 140 modern bat- Priscilla Presley
tle tanks from its Western allies,
while the prospect of more advanced WAITING Elvis’ widow disputes
weapons for Ukraine came from the FOR THE late daughter’s will
United States. POPE.
In his evening address to the nation, A girl looks on ELVIS Presley’s widow Priscilla has
President Volodymyr Zelensky said as attendees disputed their late daughter’s will,
gather ahead claiming that an amendment which
he hoped the Friday summit would re- of the arrival of
flect a high “level of cooperation and would remove her as a trustee is inva-
Pope Francis for lid, court documents show.
progress” with the 27-member bloc, the mass at the
which Kyiv has long sought to join. N’Dolo Airport
Lisa Marie Presley died suddenly
“We are waiting for news for in Kinshasa, in Los Angeles earlier this month
Ukraine,” Zelensky said. Democratic from cardiac arrest at the age of 54.
The fact the summit is being held Republic of According to court documents,
in the Ukrainian capital sends “a Congo (DRC), Lisa Marie had in 2010 named her
powerful signal to both partners and on February 1, mother Priscilla and former business
enemies”, Prime Minister Denys 2023. Up to a manager Barry Siegel as co-trustees
million people of her estate, both during her lifetime
Shmygal said. are tipped to
“It is a message that Europe believes and in the event of her death.
celebrate the But Lisa Marie appears to have
in Ukraine’s victory and supports our papal mass in
rapid movement towards EU member- DR Congo’s
amended that plan in 2016 to re-
ship,” he said. capital. AFP move them, and to declare that her
Ukraine gained EU candidate status older children Riley and Benjamin
in June last year, several months after Keough should inherit the trust in
Vladimir Putin sent Russian troops the event of her death.
rolling across the border. According to a filing last week
No details were provided on who by her lawyer, Priscilla Presley only
would attend the summit from the Eu- “discovered” the changes after her
ropean Union side. AFP daughter died on January 12. AFP

NATO chief hails Japan plans to expand defense spending

NATO’s chief on Wednesday applauded Ja- try’s resolve for greater security involve- defence spending to two percent of GDP by the strong unity among NATO members in
pan’s plan to double its defense spending, ment in a volatile world. fiscal year 2027. supporting the country.
saying that the pledge reflected the coun- Speaking in Tokyo, Jens Stoltenberg said “This demonstrates that Japan takes inter- While stressing NATO did not see Chi-
Japan’s renewed focus on security made the national security seriously,” said Stoltenberg na as an adversary, he said Beijing’s mili-
nation “even more” of a partner “for peace.” on Wednesday. tary build-up and ambitions were an issue
“I am glad that Japan is planning (a military Rising threats from China and North Ko- to address.
budget) to reach the NATO benchmark of two rea, as well as Russia’s war on Ukraine, have “Today, the global order that has served
Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late Felicitas percent of GDP devoted to defence,” he said at fuelled public support for greater military us so well for so many decades is under
Damuya Miralles who died intestate on December 28,
2018, have been extrajudicially settled with adjudication an address at Keio University in Tokyo. spending in Japan. threat. Moscow and Beijing are at the
for the Two Hundred Seventy Six (276) Square meters For decades, Japan has capped military Stoltenberg stressed that Russia’s war was forefronts of... authoritarian pushback,”
parcel of land with TCT No. 204913 (PR39610) situated spending at around one percent of GDP, a global problem that also affected the secu- Stoltenberg said.
but late last year Prime Minister Fumio rity landscape of Asia. “In a more dangerous world, Japan can
in Brgy. Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City
before Notary Public Atty. Joshua P. Lapuz as per Doc.
No. 428; Page No. 89; Book No. 10; Series 0f 2022. Kishida’s government approved a new se- He said Russian President Vladimir Putin count on NATO to stand with you,” he
MS-(JAN. 19, 26, 2023 & FEB. 2, 2023)
(MStandard - Feb. 2, 9 & 16, 2023) curity strategy, including plans to increase had “totally underestimated Ukraine” and said. AFP

PSEi February 1, 2023

US sets up new
TOP GAINERS panel on dairy
CHANGE CHANGE trade complaint
against Canada
1 TFC 55 7 14.58%
2 HOME 2.77 0.32 13.06%
3 VUL 1.03 0.09 9.57%
WASHINGTON—The United States
4 RCI 0.58 0.05 9.43%
announced Tuesday it is once again
5 DMC 11.8 0.8 7.27% turning to a dispute settlement panel
6 ACEN 7.5 0.5 7.14% in its challenge to Canada’s dairy
import policies, which Washington
7 ION 0.64 0.04 6.67% says undermine market access that
8 TECHW 0.65 0.04 6.56% Ottawa agreed to provide.
Canada’s policies limit a large
9 GLO 2150 130 6.44% share of American dairy exports—
10 TEL 1428 86 6.41% including milk, butter, yogurt, and
LAST BOEING 747. Artist Jeff Barlow of Boeing’s creative department shows off his sketch of the last Boeing 747 aircraft in a ice cream—to Canadian processors
ceremony to mark its delivery, at the Boeing Future of Flight Museum in Everett, Washington, on Jan. 31, 2023. Boeing officially bids
under a system known as tariff rate
farewell to the original jumbo jet, the 747, as it makes its final commercial delivery of an aircraft that democratized flying and serves quotas (TRQs).
US presidents. AFP
A TRQ applies a preferential tariff
LAST % to a set volume or quota of product,

Stock market rebounds;

PRICE CHANGE CHANGE and a higher duty for amounts above
1 KEP 2.8 -1.16 -29.29% that level.
US officials argue that the system
2 IMP 1.15 -0.17 -12.88%
restricts market access for American
3 ZHI 0.139 -0.011 -7.33% producers, despite an earlier attempt

PLDT, ICTSI lead gainers

4 MAH 0.73 -0.05 -6.41% by Canada to bring its policies into
compliance with commitments under
5 PRMX 2.02 -0.13 -6.05% the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
6 CEI 0.081 -0.005 -5.81% “Although the United States won
a previous USMCA dispute on Can-
7 BKR 1.4 -0.07 -4.76% ada’s dairy TRQ allocation policies,
8 CAT 10 -0.5 -4.76% the Canadian government’s revised
measures have not fixed the prob-
9 MBC 7.6 -0.32 -4.04% TOCKS bounced billion. Gainers outnumbered losers, ally adjusts wages growth, unlike other
10 PBB 10

-0.4 -3.85%
S back from two days
of losses as traders
tracked a Wall Street surge
143 to 49, while 43 issues were un-
All ten most active stocks ended in
the green, led by PLDT Inc. which
climbed 6.41 percent to P1,428.00 and
more timely measures,” said National
Australia Bank’s Tapas Strickland.
“More important for the Fed is one
of the subcomponents, the wages and
salaries for private sector workers
lem,” said United States Trade Rep-
resentative Katherine Tai in a state-
ment Tuesday.
She added that the United States is
setting up a dispute settlement pan-
VOLUME VALUE (PHP) fueled by data pointing to International Container Terminal Ser- excluding incentive paid occupations, el in an attempt to enforce its trade
agreements and ensure its workers,
1 BDO 7,203,530 898,881,155 slowing US inflation and vices Inc. which gained 5.40 percent which rose 0.9 percent on-quarter from
farmers, processors, and exporters
hopes the Federal Reserve’s to P218.60. 1.2 previously.”
2 ALI 26,520,100 797,179,525 Most Asian markets also traded high- He added that the reading was “a receive full benefits of the pact.
3 ICT 2,355,260 507,030,484 rate hike drive is coming to er Wednesday. The gains will provide notable deceleration and in quarter an- According to the United States,
Canada’s revised measures impose
4 TEL 302,775 422,159,310 an end. some relief to investors after January’s nualized terms would be equivalent to
new conditions that effectively pro-
rally appeared to have hit the buffers 3.6-3.7 percent. That is close to being
5 SM 385,740 360,980,995 The PSE index, the 30-company this week on lingering concerns about consistent with at-target inflation if re- hibit retailers, food service operators,
benchmark of the Philippine Stock Ex- the economic outlook. peated next quarter.” and other types of importers from
6 UBP 3,204,270 311,067,999 utilizing quota allocations.
change, jumped 242 points, or 3.57 per- Expectations the Fed will hike borrowing The ECI reading came as another
7 SMPH 8,098,200 298,905,690 cent, to close at 7,035.76 Wednesday as costs by just 25 basis points on Wednesday report showed a slowdown in the US “Through these measures, Cana-
all six subsectors posted gains. were ramped up after a key gauge of wage housing market as well as a dip in con- da undermines the market access it
8 GTCAP 570,470 293,435,745 agreed to provide in the USMCA,”
The broader all-share index also went increases came in below forecasts. sumer confidence, suggesting the Fed’s
9 URC 1,876,170 269,051,767 up by 96 points, or 2.70 percent, to settle “The employment cost index is close- tightening campaign is beginning to said the USTR.
at 3,687.17, on a value turnover of P9 ly watched by the Fed as it composition- kick in. With AFP The panel is expected to issue a re-
10 CNVRG 14,498,600 259,977,526
port later this year. AFP

Agri remains weakest link; Electric cars gain record market share in European Union
Scoot airline disappoints By Taimaz Szirniks should change with the generalization of electric cars, accord-
ing to ACEA president. AFP
AGRICULTURE’S gross domestic PARIS—Electric car sales set a new market share re-
product performance is something cord in the European Union in 2022, industry figures Manila

not to cheer about. The farm sector, showed Wednesday, as the region seeks to rid itself of
which now accounts for less than 10 fossil fuel cars.
percent of the Philippine economy, Battery-powered electric cars accounted for 12.1 16th to 22nd Floors, Fort Legend Towers
always disappoints economists and percent of new car sales, compared to 9.1 percent 31st Street corner 3rd Avenue, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City 1634
analysts alike, and is seen as a drag to in 2021 and 1.9 percent in 2019, according to the Statement of Condition
the overall GDP growth. deficit would have been a different European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association
(Head Office and Branches)
Its dismal performance last year is story if the Philippines had developed
As of December 31, 2022
a reflection of the sector’s decades- a strong agriculture export base.

long retardation. The lack of post- The EU has agreed to ban sales of new petrol and ASSETS CURRENT QUARTER PREVIOUS QUARTER
Singapore Airline’s pride dented diesel cars from 2035 as part of the 27-nation bloc’s
harvest facilities and outdated farming Singapore’s flag carrier airline
Cash and Cash Items
Due from Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
systems have kept farmers’ income effort to build a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. Due from Other Banks 875,457,110.92 668,564,566.38
prides itself for its multiple travel Sales of electric vehicles rose 28 percent last year,
Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 314,332,276.30 646,269,836.03
to a subsistence level. The Philippine accolades and supposedly impeccable
Available-for-Sale Financial Assets-Net 4,324,979,592.30 4,685,166,612.60
with more than 1.1 million vehicles sold.
Held-to-Maturity (HTM) Financial Assets-Net 11,077,099,086.74 10,800,717,589.89
economy cannot claim an inclusive service standards that are embodied in Loans and Receivables - Net 45,433,028,592.24 44,489,509,828.60
Interbank Loans Receivable 2,185,596,000.03 2,683,237,500.02
growth if farmers remain at the bottom its kebaya (traditional nonya dress)- These rises were notably driven by the German Loans and Receivables - Others 43,976,670,672.88 42,422,136,349.48
General Loan Loss Provision 729,238,080.67 615,864,020.90
of the food chain. clad flight attendants, famously known market, where sales accelerated at the end of the year, Other Financial Assets 524,403,589.29 478,261,195.63
Agriculture and fisheries production as the Singapore Girl. just before a drop in purchase bonuses. Bank Premises, Furniture, Fixture and Equipment-Net
Real and Other Properties Acquired-Net
contracted 1 percent in the fourth quarter Singapore Airlines’ globally
Other Assets-Net 2,060,471,117.95 1,225,996,733.39

from a year ago, on lower crop harvests acclaimed standards, so the carrier’s
TOTAL ASSETS 69,560,635,775.91 67,793,916,167.55

and fisheries output, per the data of the promo claims, have won the
Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 130,366,861.19 635,626,242.62
Philippine Statistics Authority. organization multiple awards, ranging Deposit Liabilities 46,444,412,374.28 48,479,141,848.34
“At current prices, the value of from a place on Fortune Magazine’s list
Bills Payable
a) Interbank Loans Payable
production in agriculture and fisheries of Top 50 Most Admired Companies
Other Financial Liabilities
Other Liabilities
amounted to P611.52 billion or 9.4 in 2021 to being awarded the Highest TOTAL LIABILITIES 59,225,601,152.97 57,476,784,616.61
percent higher compared to the level Diamond Rating in the APEX Health STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY
in the same period last year,” says PSA Safety powered by SimpliFlying audit Capital Stock 5,506,763,497.62 5,505,833,769.57
report, noting the growth in current of global airlines.
Other Capital Accounts
Retained Earnings
prices reflected the higher inflation A quick search on the web, however, TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY 10,335,034,622.94 10,317,131,550.94
in the fourth quarter. The production belies Singapore Airline’s reputation. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY 69,560,635,775.91 67,793,916,167.55
value of agriculture and fisheries for Its budget airline unit, Scoot, is the CONTINGENT ACCOUNTS
the full year of 2022 fell 0.1 percent subject of many complaints, mainly Financial Standby Letters of Credit 2,597,149,970.12 1,782,147,998.45
Performance Standby Letters of Credit 144,865,822.22 96,949,695.19
Crop harvests, which accounted about lost baggages of passengers Commercial Letters of Credit 308,639,782.52 647,417,129.22
for 59.1 percent of the total value Luca de Meo, ACEA president Trade Related Guarantees 00.00 00.00
The web will tell you about the Commitments 320,810,024.13 50,000,000.00
of production in agriculture and nightmares experienced by Scoot’s In Norway, a record four out of five new cars (79 per-
Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts
Trust Department Accounts
fisheries, dropped 1.0 percent in the passengers. Most of the baggages cent) sold last year were electric, in a major oil-produc-
a) Trust and Other Fiduciary Accounts
b) Agency Accounts
fourth quarter, while rice and corn appeared to have been lost between ing country that aims to end the sale of new fossil fuel
Derivatives 12,189,262,847.84 18,567,603,020.00
output shrank 2.5 percent and 6.9
Others 511,830,502.21 28,233,667.28
connecting flights. cars by 2025—a decade ahead of the EU’s ban.
percent, respectively. Fisheries, with a
TOTAL CONTINGENT ACCOUNTS 19,901,451,852.22 25,312,721,014.06
The Straits Times/Asia News The Italian market was the only one to put a brake ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
13.8-percent share in the total value of Network recently narrated the Gross Total Loan Portfolio (TLP) 47,105,882,969.09 46,129,271,006.98
the sector, slumped 6.6 percent. on the electric engine in 2022, with sales falling by Specific Allowance for credit losses on the TLP 943,616,296.18 1,023,897,157.48
increasing number of travelers flying 26.9 percent.
Non-performing Loans (NPLs)
The nation’s policy makers into Singapore, who were reporting
a. Gross NPLs
b. Ratio of gross NPLs to gross TLP (%)
will cringe when they learn about It was also a strong year for hybrid cars, which c. Net NPLs 268,235,038.30 250,129,102.32
lost or damaged luggages. Many d. Ratio of Net NPLs to gross TLP (%) 0.57% 0.54%
Vietnam’s successful agriculture story. travelers have to wait longer to collect achieved a market share of 22.6 percent. e. Ratio of total allowance for credit losses to gross NPL (%) 219.92% 197.78%
f. Ratio of specific allowance for credit losses on the gross TLP
The state-run Vietnamese New Agency their luggage after arrival. ‘Moving fast’ to gross NPL (%) 124.05% 123.50%
reported on Dec. 30 that Vietnam’s A manpower crisis seems to be partly Traditional petrol and diesel-fueled cars continued Classified Loans & Other Risk Assets, gross of
allowance for credit losses 4,723,570,886.21 5,006,976,959.07
agricultural sector met all goals set responsible for the lost baggages. to lose ground, despite still accounting for more than DOSRI Loans and receivables, gross of
allowance for credit losses 18,175,315.35 17,810,131.27
in 2022, including a growth rate of Singapore’s aviation sector lost about half of EU car sales in 2022 at 52.8 percent. Ratio of DOSRI Loans and receivables, gross of
allowance for credit losses, to TLP (%) 0.04% 0.04%
3.36 percent. Its animal husbandry a third of its 35,000-strong workforce Diesel, hit by heavy penalties and a shrinking offer Gross Non-performing DOSRI loans and receivables 0.00 0.00
Ratio of gross non-performing DOSRI loans and
and cultivation sector expanded 2.88 in the last two years because of in manufacturers’ ranges, continues on its downward receivable to TLP (%) 0.00% 0.00%
percent, fisheries rose 2.88 while pandemic-induced travel restrictions.
Percent Compliance with Magna Carta (%)
slope, dropping by almost 20 percent with 1.5 million a. 8% for Micro and Small Enterprises 2.02% 2.26%
forestry grew 6.13 percent. b. 2% for Medium Enterprises 1.58% 1.90%

More impressive is Vietnam’s

But the manpower crunch should vehicles sold. Return on Equity (ROE) (%)
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on Solo Basis
2.64% 3.28%
never be an excuse for bad service. European automakers are investing 250 billion eu- a. Total CAR (%) 17.64% 17.79%
agricultural exports. Outbound One horror story tells how a South b. TIER 1 Ratio (%) 16.74% 16.89%
shipments of agro-forestry-fishery ros ($272 billion) in their electrification, said Luca de c. CET 1 (%) 16.74% 16.89%
Australian mother felt “helpless, Meo, ACEA president, and chief executive of French
Deferred Charges not yet Written Down
Unbooked Allowance for Credit Losses on Financial Instruments Received
products, according to the VNA, reached hopeless and alone” after losing a Basel III Leverage Ratio (BLR) on Solo Basis, as prescribe under
a new record of US$53.22 billion, up 9.3 automaker Renault. existing regulations
luggage that contains the life-saving i. Capital Measure - Tier 1 9,404,311,690.30 9,730,211,044.27
percent from a year ago, with a a trade medication for her 13-year-old son. “The auto industry is moving fast,” he said on ii. Exposure Measure
iii. Total BLR (%)
surplus of over $8.5 billion. Singapore Airlines lost that critical Tuesday. Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) on Single Currency Basis,
Vietnam’s farm exports already
as prescribed under existing regulations
medication. But De Meo said Europe needs more public charg- i. Total High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
ii. Total Net Cash Outflows
account for two-thirds of total Poor airline service has no place ing stations, with installations limited to 2,000 per iii. Total LCR (%) 125.51% 132.84%
Philippine exports in 2022, which rose in the modern aviation sector. Guilty week in the EU, while 14,000 are needed weekly to
Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) on Single Currency Basis,
as prescribed under existing regulations
just 5.6 percent to $78.84 billion. airlines like Singapore Airlines and its ensure the continent’s transition.
i. Available Stable Funding
ii. Required Stable Funding
The weak rise in Philippine exports, budget airline Scoot should put up or “Despite many announcements and recent prog-
iii. Net Stable Funding Ratio 1.21% 1.19%

coupled with the 17.3-percent jump shut up. ress, infrastructure development is lagging behind the I/ We hereby certify that all matters set forth in this Published Balance Sheet are true and correct, to the best of my
in imports to $137.16 billion, resulted knowledge and belief.

in the country’s record trade deficit E-mail: or industry efforts,” De Meo said. (Sgd.) ANDREW A. FALCON (Sgd.) OLIVER D. JIMENO
Chief Finance Officer President and CEO
of $58.32 billion in 2022. The trade With their high prices, electric cars are currently (Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)
being purchased by “wealthy” households, but that
Roderick T. dela Cruz
Cruz, Editor
Alena Mae S. Flores, Assistant Editor

US bank sees
BSP increasing
Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas Governor

borrowing rate
Felipe Medalla
addresses the central
bank’s regional
partners and
stakeholders during

to 6% in 1 half
the 4th Regional

Conference for South
Luzon on Jan. 18,
2023. Held online,
the presentations
discussed recent
developments in
By Julito G. Rada the economy and
the general banking
system with a focus on

ITI, the largest foreign bank in the Philippines, South Luzon.
expects the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to increase
the policy interest rate by another 50 basis points
in the first half of 2023 to 6 percent to tackle the elevated
Citi Philippines economist Nalin “GDP growth in 2022 beat expec-
Chutchotitham said in an online brief- tations, and we continue to see some
ing Wednesday inflation remained a
concern in the medium term.
upside risks to 2023 growth outlook,”
Chua said.
PSE INDEX CLOSING Meralco to continue delivery of stable
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
power despite CA ruling on supply deal
“Thus we expect the BSP to remain The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas said
hawkish and hike the policy rate by 50 inflation in January likely settled within 242.51 PTS. TOTAL VOLUME 1,062,569,025

basis points to 6 percent in the first half a range of 7.5 percent to 8.3 percent, TOTAL VALUE (IN PHP)
of 2023,” Chutchotitham said. amid the higher prices of electricity, 7,035.76 DECLINES 49

“The continuation of the hike is fuel and food items. UNCHANGED 43

By Alena Mae S. Flores resolves the petition for certiorari filed
meant to tackle inflation this year and Inflation in December reached 8.1 F oreign e xchange r ate by SPPC,” the company said.
next year. We see inflation in 2023 to hit percent on faster increases in prices of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2023
POWER retailer Manila Electric Co. SPPC cannot be compelled to con-
5.3 percent and 3.3 percent next year. food and nonalcoholic beverages. The Currency Unit US Dollar Peso said Wednesday it will exhaust all mea- tinue to supply Meralco under the 2019
We expect inflation to be within the tar- December outturn was faster than 3.1 United States Dollar 1.000000 54.5710 sures and work with industry stakehold- PSA following the CA decision.
get band by October this year,” she said. percent in the same month in 2021. Japan Yen 0.007687 0.4195 ers to find ways to mitigate the impact Meralco said it would continue to
She said food prices remained high, This brought the average inflation UK Pound 1.232100 67.2369 of the Court of Appeals’ issuance of source power from the Wholesale Elec-
and weather disturbances could impact to 5.8 percent in 2022, above the gov-
Hong Kong Dollar 0.127549 6.9605
a writ of preliminary injunction on a tricity Spot Market, the trading floor
Switzerland Franc 1.091584 59.5688
agriculture this year. ernment’s target range of 2 percent to 670-megawatt supply deal with a power of electricity where prices are more
Canada Dollar 0.751597 41.0154
“Inflation is very much on the mind 4 percent and faster than 3.9 percent in Singapore Dollar 0.761325 41.5463
unit of San Miguel Corp. volatile, until it finds a new supplier to
of the BSP, although bigger hikes are 2021. Australia Dollar 0.705400 38.4944 Meralco said in a statement it would bridge the supply gap.
not needed anymore [just] like they did The BSP earlier reaffirmed its readi- Bahrain Dinar 2.653012 144.7775 ensure the continued delivery of stable SPPC ceased to supply Meralco start-
last year to defend the peso and give the ness to tweak its monetary policy stance Saudi Arabia Rial 0.266468 14.5414 and reliable power to 7.6 million cus- ing Dec. 7, 2022 following the CA’s
market enough confidence,” she said. if necessary to rein in inflation in the Brunei Dollar 0.758438 41.3887 tomers following the CA ruling. grant of a 60-day temporary restraining
Chutchotitham predicted that eco- coming months. The BSP in an open Indonesia Rupiah 0.000067 0.0037 The company said it received the order last year.
nomic growth in the Philippines would letter to President Ferdinand Marcos
Thailand Baht 0.030469 1.6627
CA’s 13th Division’s decision grant- “Meralco maintains its position that
settle at 6.2 percent in 2023, slower Jr. on Jan. 24 said any further monetary
UAE Dirham 0.272279 14.8585
ing the WPI sought by South Premiere preserving the PSA serves the best in-
Euro Euro 1.086400 59.2859
than 7.6 percent in 2022. policy actions would depend on perti- Korea Won 0.000811 0.0443
Power Corp. on the 2019 power supply terest of its customers as this would
Chutchotitham said based on her nent economic data. China Yuan 0.148080 8.0809
agreement. protect them from potentially higher
forecast, inflation might have peaked at Economic growth in 2022 was the India Rupee 0.012234 0.6676 The WPI stopped Meralco from electricity rates,” Meralco said.
8.1 percent in December 2022. highest in 46 years and exceeded the Malaysia Ringgit 0.234577 12.8011 implementing the order of the Energy ERC chairperson Monalisa Dimalan-
Joanna Chua, head of Citi Asia Eco- 6.5 percent to 7.5 percent target range New Zealand Dollar 0.643900 35.1383 Regulatory Commission to honor their ta said the regulator was seeking guid-
nomics and Strategy, said the bank re- despite the global headwinds highlight- Taiwan Dollar 0.033340 1.8194 fixed-rate PSA. “With the WPI, imple- ance from its legal counsel, the Office
mained bullish on the economy despite ed by higher interest rates and elevated
Source: BSP
mentation of the PSA will remain sus- of the Solicitor General, on the latest
a challenging macro-environment. inflation. pended until such time that the court CA resolution.


ARROW. Manufacturing
index sustained
Cebu Pacific general
CA confirms Pascual counsel Atty. Anne
as DTI secretary Romadine Tieng (center)
THE Commission on Appointments approved on
Wednesday the ad interim appointment of Department
of Trade and Industry Secretary Alfredo Pascual.
accepts the Golden
Arrow Award for the
airline from the Institute
growth in January
Members of the CA led by Rep. Johnny Pimentel of Corporate Directors
attested to Pascual’s physical and intellectual in recognition of its By Othel V. Campos
capabilities and his readiness to steer the department
into the path of stability and growth. continuous adherence THE manufacturing industry’s pur-
Pascual has actively contributed both to the to the best corporate
chasing managers index rose to 53.5
private sector and the academe, serving prominent governance standards
institutions such as the Management Association of and practices among percent in January from 53.1 percent
the Philippines, Institute of Corporate Directors, Asian
Filipino publicly-listed in December 2022, according to the
Development Bank, University of the Philippines and
Asian Institute of Management. companies. CEB was one latest report from S&P Global Market
He also served board memberships that included of the 86 companies Intelligence.
non-profits and other organizations such as the that won the Golden A PMI is a gauge of a country’s
Philippine Institute of Development Studies,
International Rice Research Institute, Institute for Arrow Award for manufacturing activity. A reading
Solidarity in Asia and Financial Executives Institute garnering at least 80 above 50 indicates growth or expan-
of the Philippines. points in the ASEAN sion of the sector compared to the pre-
Pascual also led the University of the Philippines Corporate Governance
system in his capacity as president and co-chair from vious month, while a reading under 50
Scorecard Assessment, a
2011 to 2017. He implemented bold initiatives and suggests contraction.
programs to transform UP into a research-intensive globally-benchmarked
university, raised its profile as a global university scoring system that Rizal Commercial Banking Corp.’s
and strengthened its capabilities as a leading public aims to improve the market analytics unit Hexagon Per-
service university. Othel V. Campos
corporate governance spective said the positive PMI was
performance of partly supported by the near record
PAGCOR reviews documents companies and make high remittances, increased revenues
submitted by POGO auditor them attractive to from the business process management
STATE-RUN Philippine Amusement and Gaming investors. sector, higher exports and imports, im-
Corp. said Wednesday its new management is proving local unemployment, contin-
revalidating the veracity of the documents submitted
ued increase in infrastructure spending
PEZA-approved investments grew 83% to P6.4b in January
by third-party auditor Global ComRCI.
This followed a Manila Standard’s report that and foreign direct investments revert-
Soleil Chartered Bank issued a statement denying the
issuance of a bank certification to Global ComRCI,
ing to pre-pandemic levels.
PAGCOR’s third-party auditor for offshore gaming It said the sustained improvement
licensees, whose contract commenced in December INVESTMENT pledges approved by The PEZA board approved a combi- the implementation of the economic in PMI is a good signal of economic
2017. the Philippine Economic Zone Author- nation of 18 new and expansion projects zones development program with the growth, after the seasonal increase in
“In relation to this report, PAGCOR would like
to reiterate that since the assumption of its new
ity climbed 83.69 percent in January to with investments totaling P2.27 billion. launch of the new Philippine Develop- economic activities during the holiday
management in August 2022, all contracts – including P6.39 billion from P3.48 billion a year These include 11 export manufacturing ment Plan 2023-2028 on Jan. 30, 2023. season.
that of Global ComRCI—were put under review in ago as more locators plan to expand enterprises, four facilities enterprises, “With the inclusion of the ecozone “The latest local manufacturing
September 2022,” PAGCOR said.
“Should PAGCOR be able to prove that the their facilities and ramp up operations two IT enterprises and 1 domestic mar- development program in the new Philip- PMI gauge generally improved in re-
documents submitted were spurious, it will in the country. ket enterprise. pine Development Plan, we are positive cent months amid measures to further
immediately take legal action and cancel the contract PEZA acting director-general Tereso It also approved an economic zone that more ecozones will be approved
of its third-party auditor, if found warranted,” it said. reopen the economy towards greater
The state-run gaming firm said it conscientiously Panga said the board approved the in- development project valued at P 4.12 and created especially in the country- normalcy. Further improvement of for-
looked into the matter and would take the necessary vestments in its meeting in the last week billion. side. Ecozones can be shields to soften eign and local tourism in recent months
actions to safeguard public interest. “PAGCOR
upholds strict adherence of its offshore licensed
of January. These projects will be located in the landing of the headwinds, the ex- and the resumption of the nationwide
operators and accredited service providers to whatever “With the positive start of the year, PEZA-accredited establishments in ternal constraints, and all these global face-to-face/in person schooling sup-
laws which may be applicable to them,” it said. we are bullish with our outlook this Makati City and Pasay City and within disruptions happening especially during ported the recovery of many affected
year, targeting a 10-percent investment the economic zones of CALABARZON, this time. Ecozones can be economic businesses/industries, including some
NPC seeks higher power growth based on the initial locator sec- Cebu City and South Cotabato. drivers to accelerate economic recovery manufacturers,” said RCBC chief
rates to recover P1.24b tor targets,” said Panga. Panga said PEZA aimed to strengthen and growth,” he said. Othel V. Campos economist Michael Ricafort.
STATE-RUN National Power Corp. asked the Energy

Four PSE-listed companies included in Bloomberg’s gender-equality index

Regulatory Commission to allow it to recover P1.248
billion worth of deferred fuel costs equivalent to an
average of P1.0838 per kilowatt-hour for off-grid
NPC, in a filing with the ERC, sought to recover
the fuel costs, which it incurred from July to By Jenniffer B. Austria and Manila Electric Co. nology and utilities, which continue to and Semirara chairman Isidro Consunji
December 2020. NPC said that if approved, charges The index measures gender equality have the highest company representa- said in a statement.
in Small Power Utilities Group areas in Luzon would
go up by P1.1203 per KWh, Visayas by P1.9080 per
FOUR publicly listed firms in the Phil- across five pillars including leadership tion in the index from 2022. DMCI Holdings and Semirara sub-
kWh and Mindanao by P0.9402 per kWh. ippines made it to Bloomberg’s gender- and talent pipeline, equal pay and gen- This is the third straight year for both mitted a social survey created by
“Since these expenses were already incurred in the equality index which tracks the per- der pay parity, inclusive culture, anti- DMCI and Semirara to be included in Bloomberg in collaboration with sub-
second semester of 2020, immediate recovery of the
needed adjustment would help alleviate the operational formance of companies committed to sexual harassment policies and external the list. ject matter experts globally. Those
funding of applicant NPC,” the company said. transparency in gender-data reporting. brand. “Diversity and representation mat- included in this year’s index scored
It asked ERC to allow it to impose the generation rate The four firms are DMCI Holdings The Philippine firms joined 480 oth- ter. When different voices and perspec- above a global threshold established
adjustment mechanism directly to consumers in SPUG
areas and authorize the continued collection of the Inc. and Semirara Mining Corp. of er companies as members of the GEI. tives are included in the conversation, by Bloomberg to reflect disclosure and
GRAM adjustments even with the entry of private sector the Consunji Group, Robinsons Retail Member companies represent a variety companies benefit from a wider range the achievement or adoption of best-in-
players in specific SPUG areas. Alena Mae S. Flores Holdings Inc. of the Gokongwei Group of sectors including financials, tech- of ideas and insights,” DMCI Holdings class statistics and policies.
Riera U. Mallari, Editor;
Randy M. Caluag, Assistant Editor

big threat to
Strong Group’s
Dubai title bid
AS expected, the Lebanese teams are
emerging as the top threat to Strong
Group’s bid to bring the title back to
Philippine shores in the 32nd Dubai
International Basketball Champion-
ship in Dubai, UAE.
So far, Strong Group, owned by
Frank and Jacob Lao, has already
clinched a quarterfinals seat along
with three other Lebanese teams
namely the Al Riyadi, Sports Club
Beirut and Dynamo.
“All teams very tough,” said coach
Charles Tiu.
Among the three, Dynamo seemed
to be the better offensive team av-
eraging 99.6 points through three
games on an average winning margin
of 23 points.
Dynamo is currently the No. 1 club
team in Lebanon because of its explo-
sive imports in Ibrahima Thomas and
Cleanthony Early.
SMB’s Jericho Cruz drives to the basket in a PBA Governors’ Cup game won by the Beermen over the Blackwater Elite Bossings, 105-86.

Cruz bounces back, lifts

Al Riyadi is no pushover as it
bannered by Lebanon national team
members Wael Arakji, Amir Saoud,
Hayk Gyokchan and import and for-
mer NBA second round draft pick
AJ Majok.
Even Sale of Morocco, the tail-

Beermen past Bossings

ender in Group B, is another cause
of concern for the team backed by
Mighty Sports and Acrocity.
“Morocco is super big,” added Tiu,
Good thing, the Philippine represen-
tatives is playing Dynamo in its last
game in the elimination which means
they would not be facing in the knock-
out stage until the semifinals at least.
The game though will certainly By Peter Atencio Beermen, who already had the game un- made 18 points, five rebounds, and sev-
give Strong Group an idea how it der control near the end of the first half. en assists. Newbie Allyn Bulanadi shot
would fare against the other Lebanese
ERICHO Cruz bounced back from a bad first game The Beermen, now coached by 16 points, including 13 in the first half.
squads with former NBA player Nick
Young nursing a knee injury.
“It’s game time decision,” said Tiu.
Arakji, a familiar face for Filipinos
after he towed Lebanon past a Jordan
Clarkson-led Gilas Pilipinas in the
J with a game-high 22 points as the San Miguel Beermen
repulsed the Blackwater Elite Bossings, 105-86,
on Wednesday in the Philippine Basketball Association
George Gallent, enjoyed their biggest
edge at 30 points, 63-33, at the 52-sec-
ond mark after Clark knocked in two
free throws.
“We just had to learn how be smart
on defense and play smarter. In the first
Simon Enciso knocked in 14 points,
while Marcio Lassiter added 11
markers as the two combined for seven
of the Beermen’s 14 three-pointers.
The Scores:
San Miguel Beermen 105—Cruz
fourth window of the FIBA World Governors’ Cup at the Philsports Arena in Pasig. half, we were running and it just sud- 22, Clark 20, Fajardo 17, Perez 14, Las-
Cup Asian qualifiers, has been aver-
aging 16.5 points per game while Ma- denly stopped,” said Gallent. siter 13, Enciso 9, Tautuaa 7, Ross 3,
jok has been norming 16 points and Cruz said encouraging words from the The 6’2” shooting guard was held Gallent recently replaced Leo Austria, Bulanadi 0, Brondial 0
14 rebounds per outing. coaching staff pushed him to be better to just two points when the Beermen who had a total of nine championships in Blackwater Bossing 86—Glover 16,
Sports Club Beirut is also a formi- this time around for the Beermen, who turned back the Phoenix Super LPG the last eight years for the Beermen. Torralba 11, Ilagan 10, Taha 8, Banal 8,
dable squad with Gerard Hadidan and posted their second straight win. Fuel Masters, 114-93, last Sunday in Six Beermen ended up with double Hill 8, Ular 6, Casio 6, Ayonayon 5, Amer
Kenneth Hays forming a deadly one- “Binigyan nila ako ng kumpiyansa. the Philippine at the Ynares Center in figure outputs. 4, Suerte 2, Escoto 2, DiGregorio 0
two punch for the team. Masama kasi ang una kong laro. Bu- Antipolo City. June Mar Fajardo finished with 19 QUARTERS: 33-24, 63-35, 83-68,
mawi ako,” said Cruz. Cameron Clark shot 20 points for the points and 13 rebounds, while CJ Perez 105-86

PNVF Under-18 Cebuano scores 11-second stoppage at URCC 82

championships IT took only 11 seconds for the with only bare fists. John Marvin “Marble” Callueng

set February 17
newest bare-knuckle sensation “Rugby Boy is here...kung sino defeated Jovanie Bualan via sub-
Dondon “Rugby Boy” Serrano pa ang maghahamon, call ninyo mission in a 155-pound tiff, before
from Cebu to dismantle veteran ako anytime, anywhere!,”said the Mark “Deadshot” Sadang scored

at Rizal arena
mixed martial artist Richard “The 31-year-old golden-haired Ser- a first-round knockout of Rogelio
Cannibal” Redman of Fist Gym rano. “Thunder Flash” Enumerables.
to rule the 170-lb weight class of In the undercards, Tirso “The A second-round stoppage by Mar-
the URCC 82 Royal Knuckle Fight Mechanic” Torres won over Rocky vin Malunes over Wilson “Ongbak”
SIXTEEN senior high schools and Night on Tuesday at the Royal Vergara via majority decision in Managuio capped the blockbuster
club teams have so far confirmed Knight Club in A-Venue St., Po- the 125-lb division, while Edemel supporting bouts.
their participation in the Philip- blacion, Makati City. Catalan of Catalan Fighting Sys- After the awarding ceremony
pine National Volleyball Federation A barrage of lightning punch- tem outpointed Rexelmar Liloc in of the event witnessed by GAB
(PNVF) Under-18 Championships for es and telling blows by Ser- a 115-pound fight. chairman Atty. Richard Clarin and
Boys and Girls that kick off February rano right after the opening bell In the 145 category, Leonard supported by CrazyWin, Nueve
17 at the Rizal Memorial Coliseum. caught Redman off guard and it “Deadshot” Pornia defeated Jeffrey Gaming, Top 1 Play and ALV
PNVF President Ramon “Tats” Su-
spelled doom to his overhyped Suble via TKO. Events, URCC founder/ chief Al-
zara said the federation expects the
number of participants to increase pre-fight challenge to a former Allan “Manunusok” Wycoco vin Aguilar announced the newly
this week after several schools and amateur boxer-turned knuckle manhandled Stephen Atok to hyped Rugby Boy Serrano vs
clubs sent letters of intent to join the fighter nicknamed “Rugby Boy” score a second-round, referee- Manunusok Wycoco to be sched-
tournament that is being revived after in the new combat sport armed stopped-contest. uled next at The Okada Manila. Dondon “Rugby Boy” Serrano is declared as winner.
decades of hibernation.
“This Under-18 Championships aims

Van der Valk wary of TCC Invitational repeat bid

to keep the pool of young players ac-
tive,” Suzara said. “This tournament
serves as a feeder for future national teams.”
Five teams—California Precision
Sports-Antipolo City, Paranaque GUIDO Van der Valk is just as thrilled and inspired as hole championship, which offers a record P6 million
Thunderbolts Volleyball Club, Santa the rest of the men of the tour for the Philippine Golf total purse with the winner pocketing P1.5 million.
Rosa City, Angeles City and Sto. Nino Tour restart next week but still striving to reach top “I know if I play well I can win again. Just got to
de Praga Academy (Trece Martires, form in time for rich The Country Club Invitational un- get my game in shape in the next few days,” stressed
Cavite)—are fielding squads in both folding Feb. 7 at the TCC course in Laguna. Van der Valk.
the boys and girls divisions. “I’m very excited to have the season start again, But a slew of aces will be going all-out to foil his
Also joining the PNVF’s season- especially to play TCC after two years,” said the back-to-back title drive in the Pilipinas Golf Tour-
opening national tournament are Phil- Dutchman, who nipped Clyde Mondilla by one naments, Inc.-organized event, including Mondilla,
ippine Christian University (Manila), to claim the last TCC trophy in 2020 and join the who won the last Philippine Open, also at TCC,
Queen Ann School (Santa Rosa), Jus- elite circle of winners in the flagship tournament in 2019, Tony Lascuña, Reymon Jaraula, Jhonnel
tice CM Palma High School (Quezon of each PGT season. Ababa, Lloyd Go, Ira Alido, Joenard Rates, Ruper-
City), Hermosa Volleyball Club (Bata- While he topped the seven-leg PGT edition last to Zaragosa III, Sean Ramos, Rico Depilo, Orlan
an), Municipality of Nagcarlan (Lagu- year with victories at Splendido Taal and Pradera Sumcad and Jerson Balasabas.
na) and Mayamot National High School Verde, Van der Valk’s TCC Invitational preparations Last year’s leg winners Zanieboy Gialon and Mi-
(Antipolo City) in the boys division. suffered a snag weeks before his defense of the TCC chael Bibat are also both primed for a shot at the pres-
Competing in the girls’ side are championship. tigious championship, along with Gerald Rosales, Jay
Ateneo de Manila University, Grace “I’m about a 6 at the moment,” he said when asked Bayron, Dino Villanueva, Marvin Dumandan, Fidel
Christian College Foundation (Taguig how he would rate his game at this stage. “It’s tough to Concepcion, Albin Engino, Enrico Gallardo, Richard
City), New Gen-Municipality of Sta. sharpen my game as the club where I’m member at is Sinfuego and Art Arbole.
Cruz (Laguna), Mayamot Nation- closed for its member-guest tournament the week be- Three-time winner Angelo Que and former cham-
al High School (Antipolo City), fore the TCC Invitational.” pion Miguel Tabuena, however, won’t be around as the
UVL-Science City of Munoz and But he said he’s been working on his swing the last former is booked to compete in the rich Saudi Interna-
Parañaque Berets. few weeks, saying: “Swing is slowly progressing to tional this week and in International Series Oman on
Competition director Oliver Mora where I want it. I’m working hard to get as good in Feb. 9-12 where the latter will join him.
said the matches will be played on shape as I can.” The traditional pro-am tournament will be held on
weekends with the finals for both gen- The rest of the stellar cast, made up of the past win- Feb. 6, featuring a select number of pros and ama-
ders set on March 12. Yul Benosa is ners and/or the Top 30 players in last year’s PGT Order teur guests of the sponsoring ICTSI, with the practice
the event director. of Merit, are also in the thick of preparations for the 72- Guido Van der Valk eyes repeat. round set in the afternoon.

Gomera BEST Center

resumes kicks off 2023
title hunt clinics at Ideal
center in QC
in PPS Bais THE multi-awarded Basketball Effi-
ciency and Scientific Training Center
(BEST CENTER) fires off the year
MCLEEN Gomera hopes to start out
strong coming off a break as he with a basketball clinic on February
shoots for a “double” in the PPS- 4 at the Ideal Subdivision Sports and
PEPP Mayor Luigi Goñi national Training Center in Quezon City.
tennis juniors championships, which BEST Center, founded in 1978 by the
get going today (Thursday) at the late national coach Nicanor Jorge, plans
Bais City Tennis Club courts in Ne- to bring more clinics closer to the young
gros Oriental. students, who want to follow in the foot-
Gomera kicked off the new season steps of their sporting idols.
with an MVP romp with a victory in The clinics will be held from 1 to
the 16-U division of the Masters Top p.m. on Saturdays from February to
8 in Negros Occidental last month but March 25.
the Lanao del Norte find skipped the Students aged 5 to 8 years are wel-
stops in Iloilo, Roxas City and Ba- come to join the Preparatory classes,
colod, which Brice Baisa dominated to while those aged 9 and up can join the
emerge the new toast of junior tennis. Level 1 class.
But the Palawan City native won’t For further inquiry, call 3411-6260 or
be around this week to compete in email bestcenter.inquiry@
his first International Tennis Fed- The Ideal Subdivision Sports and
eration tournament—the ITF Junior Training Center is at Abelardo St.,
Circuit in Colombo, Sri Lanka— Ideal Subdivision, Quezon City.
which starts on Friday. The BEST Center is a Philippine
Gomera, however, expects to have his JUNGOLF CHAMPS. Overall winners in the girls’ 8-to-16 division of the inaugural Junior Philippine Golf Tour at The Country Club Olympic Committee Olympism award-
hands full just the same with the likes display their trophies and medals. Shown here are (from left) Colo Ventosa, The Country Club Manager, and jungolf champs Georgina ee and a Hall of Fame member of the
of Ariel Cabaral, Josh Lim, the Masters Handog, Precious Zaragosa, Ana Cedo Anya and Rafa Anciano. Manny Marcelo Philippine Sportswriters Association.
Top 8 winner in 14-U, and Kurt Barrera

James set to surpass

all primed up for battle in 16-U play
of the five-day tournament hosted by
Mayor Luigi Goñi in his continuing ef-
fort to boost local tennis and keep the
youngsters busy and prevent them from
gadget addiction.

all-time scoring record

Gomera also faces an uphill battle in
the 18-U class with Vince Serna, Her-
man Illusorio and Cabaral all set for a
title crack even as Angel Vosotros and
Therese Gauran brace for a showdown
in the girls’ side of the premier divi-
sion of the country’s longest talent-

search put up by Palawan Pawnshop EW YORK— At his current rate of scoring, James chasing the scoring record as he con-
president/CEO Bobby Castro. is on target to pass Abdul-Jabbar next centrates on helping the Lakers try to
Gauran is also ranked No. 2 in the LeBron James said Tuesday when the Lakers host the Okla- claw their up the Western Conference
16-U division topbilled by Louise Pali- Tuesday it’s only homa City Thunder. standings.
wag, Alexa Cruspero and Queen Villa James said Tuesday, however, that “I didn’t get to this point of my career
gear up for a title clash in the 14-U divi- a “matter of time” before the prospect of making NBA history is by thinking about records or how many
sion, while Lim banners the boys’ 14-U he passes Kareem Abdul- not weighing heavily on him as his date points I have,” James said.
cast that includes Rafa Callao, Murray LeBron James AFP
Bolongaita and Andrian Rodriguez. Jabbar as the greatest with destiny looms ever closer. “I just try and play the game the
Callao also gained the top seeding in “No, it’s not getting heavier, be- right way. I approach the game ev- a moment to reflect with pride on the
12-U class that also drew Gabrio Serillo,
scorer in NBA history after cause I’m going to do it,” James told ery night by trying to be a triple fact that Tuesday saw him pass Steve
also winner of the Masters Top 8. edging closer to the long- reporters. threat—scoring, rebounding and as- Nash and Mark Jackson to move into
Meanwhile, action shifts to Manila “I mean, it’s just a matter of time sisting. So let the chips fall where fourth in the all-time NBA rankings
next week for the Women’s Open (sin-
standing NBA record.
when I’m going to do it. they may. for career assists.
gles and doubles) at the PCA courts “I’m not going anywhere—I’m going “I think maybe when I get super-dup- “It’s amazing. Because that’s what I
James’ 28-point triple-double in
in Plaza Dilao with the collegiate to be in this league for at least a few more er close (to the record) it might be in the
the Los Angeles Lakers’ win over the love to do—get my guys involved. Try
championship, featuring team and in- years, so I’m going to do it. back or the front of my mind.
dividual competitions, to be held the New York Knicks means the 38-year- to put the ball on time and on target
following week. For details, contact old superstar needs just 89 more “It’s not heavy at all.” “But I don’t put that kind of pressure through my career,” James said.
tournament organizer Bobby Mangu- points to eclipse Abdul-Jabbar’s James, meanwhile, said he had not on myself. I just go out and play.” “Any time you’re linked with the
nay at 0915-4046464. mark of 38,387. allowed himself to be distracted by James, however, did allow himself greats, it’s a super cool thing.”

PH’s top chessers clash for bragging rights

THE country’s top wood pushers, along with Asia’s first GM Eugene staging two years ago in Lapu Lapu, Also seeing action in this event will be played each today and tomorrow,
headed by defending champion Torre, National Chess Federation of Cebu. backed by Philippine Sports and takes a break on Saturday and
International Master Daniel Quizon, the Philippines chairman-president Gomez and Laylo, who were part of Commission chair Richard Bachmann resumes with two games each on
Grandmasters John Paul Gomez, Butch Pichay and tournament director the national team that saw action in the and Philippine Olympic Committee Sunday and Monday.
Darwin Laylo and Joey Antonio, battle GM Jayson Gonzales and chief arbiter Chennai World Chess Olympiad last president Abraham Tolentino and Also being staked are P80,000
it out for glory in the Philippine National Reden Cruz. year, were battling IM Michael Concio, staking a total cash purse worth to the second placer and P50,000,
Chess Championship at the Malolos The 19-year-old Quizon was Jr. and Woman GM Janelle Mae Frayna P322,000 including P100,000 to P30,000 and P20,000 to the third to
City Auditorium. battling Dasmarinas teammate Mark at press time, respectively. the winner are reigning women’s fifth placers.
Host Malolos City Mayor Atty. Jay Bacojo in the opening round at Antonio, a many-time national champion WIM Antoinette Mae San The rest will receive P15,000,
Christian Natividad ushered in the press time and the former hopes to champion, for his part, was tackling Diego, IM Jan Emmanuel Garcia. P10,000, P7,000, P5,000 and P5,000,
nine-round tournament on Wednesday, retain the crown he won in the last Olympiad regular Paulo Bersamina After the opening round, two rounds respectively.

Karpov, Korchnoi, Fischer responsible for SEA chess boom

By Peter Atencio Classical Opening. gene Torre joined the sixth Vila de Platja D’
“The problem was not in my preparation. Aro International Chess Festival Battle of
FOR former world champion Anatoly Kar- But it was more of mental health and psychol- Legends in Spain with Karpov, former world
pov, playing the game of chess at the highest ogy. I was kind of drained,” said Karpov. title contender Ljubomir Ljubojevic of Yu-
level in the Philippines more than four de- He recalled that his winning drive returned goslavia, and four-time world seniors titlist
cades ago led to the development of the sport after Karpov managed to get enough rest for Anatoly Vaisser of France.
in the Southeast Asian region his final game. But this was delayed because of the CO-
Back then, a young generation of Filipino “The basketball team lost. But that brought VID-19 pandemic lockdowns.
woodpushers grew to love the sport. back excitement with me watching the game,” It finally became a reality when the Rus-
But for him to win a title, Karpov felt that added sian embassy contacted the City of Manila
he needed to learn how to take a break. “That game brought me excitement,” last year.
Watching a game of basketball gave Kar- Karpov went on. Returning to the City of Baguio will be
pov find his wits again and win his second Karpov would eventually win five world one of Karpov’s plans in his return to the
world championship in Baguio City. championships, two of which were won in the Philippines.
The 71-year-old Karpov, who was wel- Philippines, made possible with the support His visit drew a lot of excitement after chess
comed by Philippine Sports Commission of Florencio Campomanes, the FIDE Deputy aficionados coming all the way from Dasma-
chairman Richard Bachmann and Grandmas- President for Asia between 1974 and 1982. rinas, Imus, and Carmona in Cavite braved
ter Eugene Torre, vividly recalled that time During that time, Campomanes was the traffic just to get a glimpse of Karpov.
during a visit to the Rizal Memorial Colise- credited with organizing the 1978 Karpov- He was quickly whisked away, avoiding
um in Manila on Tuesday to meet and greet Kortchnoi World Championship Match in autograph seekers and excited fans, and was
his fans and supporters. Baguio City. not around to view the film, “The Champion
Karpov remembered Soviet Chess Fed- Karpov, who is the 12th World Chess of the World.”
eration president Vitaly Sevastianov bringing Champion from 1975 to 1985, and is a three- Also welcoming him to Manila was National
him to the Araneta Coliseum so that they can time FIDE World Champion (1993, 1996, Chess Federation of the Philippines president
watch the 1978 World Championship finals’ 1998), recalled that interest in the game of Prospero Pichay, executive director Jayson
game between Russia and Yugoslavia. chess eventually grew and exploded in the Gonzales, Russian Ambassador to the Philip-
He had fun watching the game, which saw Philippines when he, Korchnoi and Bobby pines Marat Pavlov and Zuleika Lopez, chief of
Yugoslavia taking the crown from Russia Fischer played here. staff for the Office of the Vice President.
with an 82-81 overtime win on Oct. 14, 1978. “(Chess in) the Philippines grew to the After retiring from playing chess in 2012,
This gave Karpov time collect his wits after level of the top chess countries became of the Karpov has done other things like heading
his encounter with Victor Korchnoi got tied at level of games that were played here. Even af- the Commission for Ecological Safety and
15.5-all, when the latter won Game no. 31 in 71 ter I had fought for the World Championships Environmental Protection of the Civic Cham-
moves of a Queen’s Gambit Declined. 20 times, six times in the Olympiad and eight ber of the Russian Federation in 2006.
When he returned to the City of Pines, times as a member of a team,” added Karpov. Since 2007, Karpov has been a member
he had more time to relax and get ready Karpov’s visit to the country was first of the Public Council under the Russian
Chess icon Anatoly Karpov with GM Eugene Torre for Game 32, winning it in 31 moves of the planned back in 2018 when Filipino GM Eu- Ministry of Defense.
ENTERTAINMENT Nickie Wang, Editor; Patricia Taculao, Editorial Assistant

Louie Ocampo
celebrates Ocampo is the creative
mind behind some
of the biggest and

45 years
most enduring hits in
Philippine pop music

with concert
OMPOSER, arranger,
and media celebrity
Louie Ocampo is set
to mark his 45th anniversary in
the entertainment business with a
concert series titled Composer Ka
Lang at The Theatre in Solaire on
February 4 and 5.
Produced by Viva Live Inc., in
cooperation with Solaire Resorts
Entertainment City, Composer Ka Lang
stars Ocampo and features famous artists
who will perform his hit songs.
These are Sharon Cuneta, Basil
Valdez, Martin Nievera, Gary
Valenciano, Marco Sison, Katrina
Velarde, Janine Tenoso, Lyca
Gairanod, and Jim Paredes and Boboy
Garrovillo of the Apo Hiking Society
on February 4 and 5; Zsa Zsa Padilla
and Sarah Geronimo on February 4;
and Regine Velasquez on February 5 ‘Composer
Composer, Ka Lang’ will
and other surprise guests.
arranger, and focus on
The show will focus on the music that media celebrity
Ocampo has created over the years as Ocampo’s
Louie Ocampo music over
well as his experiences and memories
as the favorite songwriter and arranger the years
of some of the biggest names in the
Ocampo started out playing the piano
and the organ as a child. This was
followed by composing. His earliest music director and arranger but he kept Albert and Martin Nievera; “Don’t Say
hit songs were “Maghihintay Ako Sa up with his songwriting and has since then Goodbye” by Pops Fernandez; “So
‘Yo” recorded by Anthony Castelo, produced some of the biggest and most Many Questions” by Side A; “Kahit
“Hagkan” popularized by Sharon Cuneta, enduring hits in the area of Philippine pop Isang Saglit” by Vernie Varga; “Si
and “Ewan” by the Apo Hiking Society. music. Aida Si Lorna at si Fe” by Marco
“Ewan,” co-written with world- Among these are: “Ikaw” by Sison; “Babalik Ka Rin” by Gary
famous classical pianist Rowena Sharon Cuneta; “Tell Me” by Joey Valenciano; and “Closer You and I” by
Arrietta bagged Second Place at the Albert; “You are My Song” by Regine Gino Padilla, to name a few.
Second Metro Manila Popular Music Velasquez and Martin Nievera; “Say Tickets are now available at www.
Festival in 1979. That You Love Me” by Basil Valdez; or you can call
Ocampo soon became a popular “Ikaw Lang Ang Mamahalin” by Joey telephone number 8891-9999.

TNT completes ‘KathNiel’ as Portrait of Soul Diva as guest

Daniel Padilla joins telco as endorser
MUCH like an early Valentine’s Day treat katropa. I also play basketball and golf,”
for their millions of fans, value mobile Daniel said.
brand TNT has announced Daniel ‘DJ’ “I like to treat myself to some “me
Padilla as its newest endorser, joining time” once in a while. Gusto ko sa free
his real and reel life sweetheart Kathryn days ko pinapamper ko yung sarili ko,
Bernardo as a “TNT katropa.” which for me means spending time with TOUCHBASS
“I’m happy and grateful to join TNT friends and family, and also surrounding BY YUGEL LOSORATA
with Kath. Together, we’re excited to myself with people around me who give
give more saya and kilig to our fans me happiness. I like to appreciate the
AS a marquee guest artist in a Los Angeles-
and for millions of TNT subscribers people around me and find happiness
held birthday concert of a friend, the Queen of
nationwide who can always rely on TNT through them,” Kathryn said.
to keep us always connected,” said DJ. What do they look forward to this
Soul Jaya made everybody feel that she had Garth Garcia (left) with Jaya
no intention of upstaging the main act. She
“We’re very excited to have Daniel year?
was there to support Garth Garcia, a beloved
with us. Finally, we were able to add “I hope to explore new projects and
Filipino-American star in his own right.
‘Kathniel’ to Tropang TNT. We look roles na di ko pa nagagawa. I also hope
forward to collaborating with them to Daniel Padilla (left) and Kathryn Bernardo to be able to perform my music again to a True enough, Jaya added glitter to a “shining,
give more fun to subscribers through are both excited to give kilig to their fans as live audience,”DJ said. shimmering” show by just being herself,
TNT endorsers effortless and naturally brilliant. She gave
our value-packed offers, powered by “For 2023, I just want to continue
definitive meaning to how one need not push
the Philippines’ strongest and widest stellar performances and dominated the learning new things. We just finished 2
online trending topics throughout its run herself too much while on stage, and should
network,” said Francis E. Flores, Good 2 Be True but I feel like there’s
from May to November 2022. just enjoy the crowd, either while singing or
SVP and Head of Consumer Wireless still a lot to be explored for me to
Asked how they keep their saya going delivering a spiel.
Business-Individual at Smart. improve my craft in acting, and I’m
in between projects, KathNiel reveals “That was sweet. Thank you for your
KathNiel’s much-awaited TNT looking forward to trying new things
they usually spend quality time with wonderful welcome to me,” said the soul diva
campaign comes on the heels of their that will challenge me. Second is to
after the crowd applauded long and loud to
recently concluded hit TV series, 2 loved ones and friends. protect my peace. As much as possible, Filipino-American singer Garth Garcia
acknowledge her presence.
Good 2 Be True, which drew praises and “‘Pag free days, I spend time with I choose my battles and find a way to
Kath or eat together with my family and Perhaps due to her numerous accolades, most “Do You Miss Me,” popularized by Fil-Am
accolades from viewers for the cast’s protect that inner peace,” Kathryn said.
Filipinos have somehow forgotten that Jaya is Jocelyn Enriquez, is unmistakably delightful
the first Filipino recording artist to chart in the to the ear, and so is his take of Selena’s

Tarsier Records artists mark 2023 with wins and new music United States. Her Tagalog hits “Wala Na Bang
Pag-Ibig,” “Dahil Tanging Ikaw,” and “Laging
Naro’n Ka” have made her a household name.
signature hit “Dreaming of You,” both songs
included in his EP Hits Reimagined released
in 2021.
IÑIGO Pascual, Maki, SAB, Zion, and Options, Iñigo’s international album 24 hours on Twitter. It features Kapamilya Last Saturday at the Herbert Zipper While the statuses of both Jaya and Garth
other Tarsier Records artists continue featuring the hit single “Catching stars Anji Salvacion and Brent Manalo. Concert Hall in Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, were crucial to the crossing of their paths, it
to make waves in music with several Feelings” surpassed 20 million streams in Marina Summers is the first drag the daughter of the late comedienne-singer is destiny that put them together onstage.
milestones achieved last year and new 2022. Following its success, the Monarch queen to be part of Tarsier Records’ roster Elizabeth Ramsey wowed the Fil-Am The latter had been poised to get deep into
music drops this month. star released a reimagined version of of artists. Her debut single “Divine” crowd with her duet with Garth of Dodjie the Fil-Am artist community, the former was
the album called Lockdown Sessions on produced by Moophs gained 10,000 Simon’s composition “Ikaw Lamang.” She brought back to America after a stellar run in
January 20. It includes stripped-down, Spotify streams in less than 24 hours. The complimented the birthday boy by saying she the Philippines.
Singer-actor acoustic versions of the songs “Options,” label continues to champion drag pop found the perfect stand-in for Janno Gibbs who Jaya climaxed her spot at Garth’s stylish
Iñigo Pascual “Neverland,” key track “Not Him,” and music and has just introduced another did the famed record of the classic piece with birthday bash by singing her most recent,
more. drag queen, Viñas Deluxe. her. pre-pandemic hit, “Hanggang Dito Na Lang,”
Newcomer Maki made an R&B twist to From milestones to new offerings, My Time: A Birthday Concert, brought to penned by StarPop label head Rox Santos.
the viral hit “Gusto Ko Nang Bumitaw” young artist SAB dropped the “Happy life by Starlink Promotions and TGM Group of She shared, “It’s a song that has not been heard
late last year, which crossed the half-a- You Stayed” music video that also stars Companies, also featured several promising Fil- for two to three years. Then it was submitted to
million mark on Spotify by year-end. Kaori Oinuma and Shanaia Gomez on Am artists in Southern California. Garth shone a Koreanovela which carried it.”
TikTok star Zion Aguirre meanwhile January 20 with over 73,000 YouTube brightly in his, yes, “shining, shimmering” She added, “Sometimes God has His own
achieved over 300,000 streams for his views as of writing. outfits and stage allure that complemented his ways of maneuvering things. He makes you
debut EP Bigkas. Dotty and Malli are also starting off smooth singing and properly timed quips. wait.”
The music video of Pinoy soul icon the year with a fresh vibe through their Garth took the opportunity to promote his The album Queen of Soul, from which the
Kyla and “Marry Your Daughter” collaboration “icy,” a rap track that talks latest single “Round Round” released on the song came, garnered awards. Jaya said she
hitmaker Brian McKnight Jr.’s song about protecting one’s energy from same day. It is a pop dance track that puts was already 50 when it happened. She noted,
collaboration “Cuz Of You (COY)” negative people. The two also dropped emphasis on his reputation as a singer delivering “Ang dami kong dapat ipagpasalamat. I’m so
garnered over 130,000 YouTube views the song’s music video on YouTube two upbeat, recallable songs and mellowing down thankful that this song kind of happened before
and its official hashtag was trending for Fridays ago. with heartfelt acoustic ballads. His version of I made the move to live in America again.”

Nickie Wang, Editor

Patricia Taculao, Editorial Assistant
E-mail: LIFE
Making women feel confident
one hair extension at a time
is booming with tourists, so I felt so homesick at that

time. So, to combat that, I made myself busy aside
confidence” is the phrase from being serious with my studies,” she started.
that always comes Denise asked a friend to photograph her amid the
cherry blossoms at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
to mind whenever we talk about Wearing hair extensions, she used the photos to ini-
something that makes us feel and tially sell the products online through platforms like
look good temporarily—like how a Multiply and Friendster.
“My mom uploaded my photos online and she
woman feels more attractive when started swelling the hair extensions from our house in
she’s in her high heels or when she Antipolo. And she was selling at least one hair exten-
sion a day,” Denise said of the early days of her now
puts her makeup on. Some argue booming business.
that this idea leads to frustrations Self-expression
“In Tokyo, fashion is everything, it’s from head to
when the source of our confidence toe. Yes, including the hair. Hair extension there is a
runs out. normal thing and already a booming business. Since
I’m so exposed to using hair extensions, I thought of
But I say, building self-confidence is a process. bringing that aspect of Japanese fashion to the Philip-
Since it is not innate, we start somewhere by borrow- pines,” Denise shared and further said that she put up
ing that confidence until we own it. Tokyo Posh as a back plan.
Talking to Denise Aquino, CEO and president of “I was thinking, If I wouldn’t be able to finish Fash-
Tokyo Posh—the pioneer of premium hair exten- ion Design, at least I have a fallback.”
sions in the Philippines – making a woman feel bet- This fallback is now the go-to boutique for pre-
ter about the way she looks, albeit temporarily, is mium hair extension services in the metro. It has
already life-changing. two other branches in Powerplant Mall in Rockwell
Denise welcomed me into her “very pink” bou- (her first branch in a big mall after closing the first
tique located on the 4th level of The Podium Mall in shop in Pasig) and in UP Town in Quezon City — The brand has two unique products,
Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong. The afternoon tête- key locations that make her shops accessible to their the semi-permanent and the clip-ons
à-tête with the young mother and entrepreneur cen- target market.
tered on how she started the business in 2009 when Denise is very particular about the quality of
she opened a shop in Valle Verde in Pasig and how their product, which is why, being the pioneer in
her hair extensions changed the lives of ordinary the country, she confidently says that their hair
women —from celebrities to beauty queens, from extensions are exactly what they’re made to do—
models to bride-to-be, and from young profession- be an extension of your real hair.
als to stay-at-home moms. “No glue or sewing is required in the applica-
Tokyo Posh was born in the streets of Harajuku, Ja- tion process, we only use clips and tapes with a
pan, where Denise stayed as a fashion design student special adhesive to avoid hair damage,” she said
at the prestigious Bunka Fashion College. Exposed to even asking the author to touch her hair if he would
a culture where hair was seen as an accessory, fashion- notice any difference or notice if she’s wearing any
forward Denise decided to bring this lifestyle home hair extension at all.
to Filipinas, introducing hair extensions that were not The young entrepreneur believes that hair, apart
only easy to put on, but also came in a wide array of from being every woman’s crowning glory, is an
styles in colors and highlights all suited to complement extension of self-expression that can be changed on
the Asian look and style preference. a daily basis—depending on her mood and the look
“Two weeks after graduating from Ateneo in 2006, she wants to achieve.
I flew to Tokyo to study Fashion Design. Well, To- Hard work pays off
kyo wasn’t always the city that we know now, which Tokyo Posh basically started a new category in

Maureen Wroblewitz for Tokyo Posh

Denise Aquino, CEO and president of Tokyo Posh

Philippine fashion. It’s not just a brand that its clip-ons. And we are the exclusive distributor of the
CEO and President introduced. During the initial Hair Talk brand,” Denise said.
stage of her business, Denise had to do talks in Unlike most extensions, these do not involve
schools and hospitals and even hold bazaars to weaving, sewing, braiding, or gluing, but are simply
“just educate people about hair extensions.” clipped on, and worked into real hair. High-quality
“Back in 2009, we just had salons, we didn’t have fiber from Japan ensures that these extensions look
any hair extension specialist shops. Fast forward to and feel natural, and are lightweight enough to carry
2022 to 2023, and we’re happy to say that the indus- any posh girl through all her day-to-night activities
try is growing. We have a lot of competitors now and with confidence.
I think it’s good for the business, the hair extension “I feel so humbled and honored to see a lot of
industry is growing and that means, we’re here to women make their dreams come true with a simple
stay,” Denise exclaimed. activity as putting on hair extensions. It sounds so
Being the first brand to introduce such a category, shallow but it’s so true. After putting your hair ex-
Tokyo Posh prides itself on offering the best products tensions on, you get that sense of confidence that’s
and best solutions to all hair needs. hard to explain. Since we opened shop 14 years ago,
“People will not find our product anywhere. We we’ve seen a lot of women transformed simply be-
Tokyo Posh prides itself on offering the best products and best solutions to all hair needs have two categories, the semi-permanent, and the cause of this quick fix,” Denise ended.

Emerging home trends that you’ll be seeing everywhere in 2023   

WORKING with top designers and industry gapore, the consumption of plastic and water con- designers will account for this reality, especially see more products like GROHE’s Smart
insiders, Antoine Besseyre Des Horts, Leader sumption is on the rise, with each person using 158 with Asia-Pacific likely to see the most rapid in- Control shower system, which uses
(VP), LIXIL Global Design, Asia at LIXIL, liters of water a day and 467 million PET bottles crease in older citizens between now and 2050, innovative technology that allows Antoine
shares the standout emerging trends for 2023 being used each year across the country. according to the UN. Bathtubs, for example, are users to personalize their shower Besseyre
that are beginning to impact the real estate sec- Being the main source of water consumption areas where designers will provide significant according to the way they like it, Des Horts,
tor and the designs of home interiors. at home, toilets, showers, and faucets that use benefits to ageing populations; widened bathtub such as having intuitive control Leader (VP),
LIXIL Global
As working from home continues to be the less water and help reduce plastic will slowly ledges can facilitate the transition into the tub, of the temperature and volume
Design, Asia
norm for many, people are looking for more take over our living spaces. Like GROHE Blue, while walk-in tubs provide much easier acces- of water.
convenient yet stylish solutions, especially for a revolutionary water system that can filter, chill, sibility and prevent slippage. To conclude, whether it’s remain-
their homes. However, new trends will emerge and carbonate water directly from the kitchen The trend of inclusive design will continue to ing on top of trends, implementing new
as concerns about global warming arise and the faucet, contributing to reducing up to 800 plastic expand to many areas and intensify. We’re see- technologies, or prioritizing sustain-
prices of construction materials spike. bottles, water, and CO2. The process of creat- ing the beginnings of a shift from status-based ability, designers, builders, and
We will see greater demand for new tech solu- ing more sustainable solutions at LIXIL has in- products toward those that are simpler and more architects have the power to
tions for homes that can help consumers reduce volved looking at pain points in the design of the practical. These products are still beautiful and styl- accelerate the progression
their water consumption, carbon footprint, and products and identifying ways to improve water ish, but more user-friendly and straightforward, to of inclusive design, water
utility bills. conservation without compromising user expe- accommodate a diverse range of users. Designers conservation, and sustain-
So, what does 2023 hold? Sustainability, in- rience and accessibility. and architects should keep this trend in mind as ability. But more impor-
clusivity, and innovation are the main areas in More inclusive designs, especially for the they work to stay ahead of the design curve. tantly, the ones who view
interior design where we will see a shift in the ageing population Technology will serve simplicity the design from an empa-
next few months. While inclusivity has been a buzzword for and practicality thetic, careful, and criti-
Sustainability, water conservation, and many years – inclusive workplace, inclusive Technology will play a significant role in ad- cal eye are those that
plastic reduction education, inclusive language, etc. – little has vancing the 2023 trends in sustainability, inclu- will stand out among
Sustainability is becoming a priority for many been said about inclusive design for physical sive design, and making homes more stylish and others while chang-
people, especially younger generations, who are spaces. It is often left out of the mainstream convenient as we continue to work from home. ing the lives of so
increasingly more conscious of the need to adopt conversation regarding diversity and inclu- However, we won’t see “one-size-fits-all” in- many.
sustainable solutions. sion initiatives. novation approaches in interior design projects.
In 2023, more home products will be designed However, in 2023, we will start to see a The scale at which designers will incorporate
to enable people to be more sustainable in their tendency to incorporate inclusive design in technology will depend more and more on the
daily lives without compromising their experi- both existing structures and new develop- audience and environment.
ence. We will see a mindful shift to sustainabil- ments. Products that ensure the built envi- For example, touchless faucets and flushing
ity and circularity, and a more responsible use of ronment is accessible and accommodating systems that help to minimize user contact will
resources will be incorporated in interior design to all individuals regardless of demographic continue to exist in public spaces to optimize hy-
products and services, using recycled materi- will become more popular. giene and minimize the spread of germs. How-
als where possible and designing products with More specifically, we will see inclusivity ever, concerns over safety are not as prevalent
long life spans and recyclability in mind. when it comes to the ageing population. As peo- inside the home.
In particular, we will continue to see innovations ple grow older, they become less physically able The integration of technology in the home
that help reduce plastic and water use. Only in Sin- to navigate the structures in their homes, and will be more about convenience. So we will

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