Section A

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SECTION A Question 1-4 Choose the best word to fill in the blanks. 1.

Najmi wears gloves to protect his _______ while gardening. A. face C. toes B. legs D. hands 2. Aisyah wipes her face with a _________. A. handkerchief C. blouse B. skirt D. trousers 3. Mei Lin wears a beautiful _______ on Chinese New Year. A. sari C. sweater B. cheongsam D. baju kurung

4. My grandmother is my ________ mother. A. brothers C. grandfathers B. cousins D. fathers

Question 5-7 Study the pictures carefully and choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

I must take my breakfast every morning. I usually have a ____5____


___6____ for me.

. Sometimes, my mother gets up early to prepare a ___7____

5. A. B. C. 6. A. B. C. 7. A. B. C.

cup of tea glass of milk can of drink two slices of bread two karipap two slices of cake packet of noodle a bowl of soup plate of fried rice

Question 8-10 Based on the pictures, choose the best sentences.

8. A. He is wiping his face. B. He is combing his hair. C. He is brushing his teeth. D. He is taking his bath.

9. A. The football team received a big hamper. B. The football team lost in the match. C. The football team cried sadly at the field. D. The football team received a trophy.

10. A. Jane is putting on her skirt. B. Jane is buying a blouse. C. Jane is washing her trousers. D. Jane is buying a pair of trousers.

SECTION B Question 11-15 Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures. 11. A. Those are the dustbins. B. You have a lot of rubbish. C. Phew! The rubbish is smelly. D. Lets throw them into that dustbin.


A. I like fishing. B. A few times a week. C. We keep a lot of fish. D. The lake is nearby.


A. Go and wash your hand, Ravi. B. Ravi, please get me an apple. C. Do you want apple, Ravi? D. Why are your hands dirty?


A. It eats sugar cane. B. It is a carnivorous animal. C. I am not sure. D. It is the biggest animal on land.


A. Please take my seat. B. This chair is yours. C. Please sit with me. D. Nice to meet you.

SECTION C Question 16-21 Choose the best answer. 16. January is the _______ month of the year. A. first C. third B. second D. fourth 17. We went to Langkawi Island and stayed in the ______. A. studio C. hotel B. garage D. restaurant 18. Why are you _______? A. cries B. cried

C. crying D. cry

19. Syahir ______ to the mosque every Friday. A. go C. went B. goes D. going 20. _______ old are you? A. How B. Why

C. What D. Which

21. Mariam _______ her teeth every morning. A. brush C. brushes B. brushing D. brushed

Question 22-23 Choose the sentence with correct with punctuation. 22. A. Were going to Penang in december. B. Were going to Penang in december. C. Were going to Penang in December. D. Were going to penang in December.


A. can I take your orders? B. can I take your orders, C. Can I take your orders? D. Can I take your orders!

Question 24-25 Choose the word with the correct spelling.

24. This _______ will keep you warm. A. sweetar B. swaeter C. sweatre D. sweater

25. Every morning, I eat _______ for my breakfast. A. sanwich B. sanddwich C. sandwiches D. sanndwiches

SECTION D Look at the picture and read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the passage, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Najwa and her mother are in the kitchen. They are preparing ______ (26). Her mother is ______ (27) a chicken. She is using a sharp knife. Najwa is ________ (28) beside her mother. _______ (29) is helping her mother. She is washing the vegetables in the ________ (30).


A drinks B dinner C breakfast D sandwiches A frying B cooking C washing D chopping A stand B stood C stands D standing


A He B She C Her D They A stove B basin C sink D pail




SECTION E Question 31-35 Read the diary and answer the questions that follow.

31. At what time the Tamil movie will be aired? A. 12.30 p.m. B. 9.30 a.m. C. 2.00 p.m. D. 5.30 p.m. 32. Which one of these programmes will be the children favourite? A. News in Bahasa Malaysia B. Wanita Hari Ini C. Ben 10 D. Travelogue 33. A movie-goer would like to watch _______ A. Action movie B. Business News C. Tom and Jerry D. Exercise with Miss Jessie 34. Which programme is suitable to those who love to travel? A. English Movie (Mamma Mia) B. Korean Movie C. Travelogue D. Ultraman 35. According to the programme summary, A. the movie Mamma Mia takes two hours B. Ultraman airs at 8.00 a.m. C. News in English takes one hour D. Ben 10 airs at 4.00 p.m.

Question 36-40 Read the notice below and answer the questions. All pupils must follow school rules: 1. Pupils must always wear clean and neat uniform. 2. Pupils must wear white shoes with white socks. 3. Pupils must put on their badge and name tag when in school. 4. The hair of the pupils must be short and neat. 5. Pupils must respect their teacher. 6. Pupils must be punctual for school. 7. Pupils must behave themselves in and outside the school. 8. Pupils who are caught smoking will be expelled from the school. 9. Pupils must not fight. 10. Pupils must not steal

36. How must pupils be dressed in school? A. In a t-shirt B. In a neat school uniform C. In formal clothes D. In pants 37. What kind of shoes must they wear? A. White in colour B. Rubber shoes C. Leather shoes D. White sandals 38. How must the hair be like? A. Short B. Long C. Short and neat D. Trimmed at the back 39. To be punctual for school is A. to come before seven oclock B. come by bus C. go straight to class D. not to be late for school 40. If a pupil is expelled, he has to? A. leave school B. stay back after school C. join a school club D. go to the school office

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