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Lesson Number: _2____

Institution: Colegio Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias.
Pre-service teacher’s name: Maura Alexy Salcedo Narvaez.
Grade/ Level:5°
Date of implementation: November 8 Duration: 60 minutes

Learning outcomes:
● Pragmatic:
 Students will be able to produce an acceptable core of words and use
appropriate word order.
 Students will be able to write a history with help of a template.
● Use of Language:
 Students will be able to recognize the main words in a text.
 Students will be able to identify the main idea in a text.
 Students will be able to develop writing skills, fostering creativity.


Development ideas. Time


 Instructions: On the board, students will find flashcards with imagines

and vocabulary, teacher explain mean of the vocabulary.
 The teacher questions students, what do you imagine of the history?
And writing some ideas on the board.

Universe spaceship Moon Sad

Flew Think Inside
Outside Trip

walk meet

Content. Time
 Instructions: Each student will receive the story: Man on the moon.

 The teacher begins to read the story and also different students continue
 The teacher asks the students to underline the vocabulary they do not
understand and answers questions about it.
Planning. Time


 Each

student will receive a worksheet with the following exercises:

 Organize in the correct order (list of 1 to 6) and rewrite the story
Drafting Time


 Answer Questions.
 Who is the main character of the story?
The main character is ___________
 Where does the story happen?
 The story happens in ___________
 What is the title of the story?
 The title of the story is
 What happened first?
 The first thing that happened

 What is the end of the story?

 The end of the story
 How many parts does the
story have?
 The story has ____________

 Imagine the characters in a story and write
with the help of the following questions.

Man on the moon My story

Assessment and evaluation

Homework: After creating your story, answer the following questions,

Answer Questions.
 Who is the main character of the story?
The main character is ___________
 Where does the story happen?
 The story happens in ___________
 What is the title of the story?
 The title of the story is __________
 What happened first?
 The first thing that happened was______
 What is the end of the story?
 The end of the story is__________
 How many parts does the story have?
 The story has ____________

Resources / APA References (Write the resources references according to APA rules)
● Harmer, J. (2007). How to teach English. Essex, UK: Longman.

● Medina, V. (2017, julio 23). Cuento para niños en inglés y con ilustraciones. Man on
the moon.

● Torres, G. P. (2014). Estrategias y técnicas para desarrollar la expresión escrita en

lengua inglesa en la etapa de Educación Primaria.

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