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Lesson Number: 3
Institution: Colegio Nuestra señora de las victorias
Pre-service teacher’s name: Maura Alexy Salcedo Narvaez.
Grade/ Level: 5°
Date of implementation:24 November 2022 Duration: 60 minutes

Learning outcomes:
● Pragmatic:
● Students will be able to create a dialogue with the help of a template and socialize it
in front of the class by developing the ability to speak.
● Use of Language:
o Students will be able to answer questions about the Listening
o Students will be able to recognize the vocabulary.
o Students will be able to identify and comprehend the main idea of listening.

Pre-Listening. Time

Strategies: Predicting
Brainstorming 10

On the board with help of the teacher, the students go to create a brainstorming
from this exercise is possible to get some vocabulary.

Answer the following questions?

 What the persons usually buy at supermarkets?

 What supermarket do you know?
For expressing your ideas use:

I think the people buy____________

The supermarket that I know is _________ and ______

While Listening -Skimming Time

First Listening.

The student recognizes the vocabulary and the teacher solves doubts about it
and compares the answers with the vocabulary obtained in the brainstorming.

In a worksheet, the teacher presents the following exercise.

Second Listening.

1.0 Where is Sara?

A. B. C.
2.0 What Does Claire prefer for her breakfast?

A. B. C.

3.0 What does Sara's husband like?

A. B. C.
4.0 What does Sara need to prepare the dinner?

A. B. C.

Script of Listening.

Hello, I am Sara and I am with my daughter Claire we are at the supermarket,

Claire loves supermarkets and I like them too, Claire prefers grapes and orange
juice for breakfast, I like milk and bread for breakfast.
We are in front of the fruit stall, there are many fruits, bananas, apples, melons,
pineapples, and watermelons, but there are no mangoes or avocadoes.
My husband like to buy potato chips, soda, and some bread, and Claire likes to
buy ice cream and chocolate. I have to buy some rice, meat, and oil for the

Practice .Comprehension.
Post-Listening. Time

Third Listening. 15

Instructions: Each student will receive the Script of listening and puts the
paragraph in the right order, using the numbers 1 to 5.

( ) I have to buy some rice, meat, and oil for the dinner
( ) Hello, I am Sara and I am with my daughter Claire we are at the supermarket.
( ) We are in front of the fruit stall, there are many fruits, bananas, apples, melons,
pineapples, and watermelons, but there are no mangoes or avocadoes.
( ) Claire loves supermarkets and I like them too, Claire prefers grapes and orange
juice for breakfast, and I like milk and bread for breakfast.
( ) My husband like to buy potato chips, soda, and some bread, and Claire likes to
buy ice cream and chocolate.

Answer of Questions

Instructions: Work in groups each student will receive to worksheet with questions
about Listening and questions about your opinion. After answering the question
What About You, share the answers with your partner in a way of dialogue.

a. Do Sara and Claire like supermarkets?

b. Does Claire like grapes and oranges?
c. Are there mangoes and avocadoes at the supermarket?
d. Did Claire buy ice cream at the supermarket?
e. What Does Sara prefer for breakfast?

What about you…..

a. Do you like supermarkets?
b. What fruits do you prefer?
c. Do you like ice cream?
d. Are there mangoes and avocados in your house?
e. What do you prefer for breakfast?

Follows these structures for answers to questions.

Supermarket What about you…..

 Yes/No, Sara_______like ________. Yes/No, I __________

 Yes/No, Claire _______, _________. I prefer _______and____
 Yes/No, there are______________. Yes/No, In my house______
 Yes/No, She _____ice cream_____. Yes, /No, I ___________
 Sara prefers for __________, ____. I prefer for _____________
Speaking. Strategies: Role Play. Time

Instructions: Work in pairs. choose a role and complete your dialogue, Use the
vocabulary and take some ideas of dialogue studied previously, memorize and
present the dialogue in front of the class.

Dialogue Number 1.0

Alex: Excuse me. Where can I find _______?

Clerk: You can find that in_________
Alex: Thank, do you know how much that_____
Clerk: Yes, that costs________
Alex: Do you know where I can find the yogurt and ____
Clerk: Probably in _________

Dialogue Number 2.0

Seller: Hello, How Can _______

Customer: I am looking _________
Seller: We have this in different colors, What color ________
Customer: I prefer____________
Seller: That color is beautiful.
Customer: Do you know Where I can ________
Seller: Yes, In the second _______

Assessment and evaluation (How the student will be evaluated through the activities proposed)

Regarding the assessment during the development of the activity, the teacher will review
the development of the activity, provide feedback, and resolve doubts, and in the stage of
production, the teacher will do a short-term achievement assessment, in this case, an
assessment of the ability of the students to create, organize, and use the tools given
previously for producing dialogues.

Resources / APA References (Write the resources references according to APA rules)

● Harmer, J. (2007). How to teach English. Essex, UK: Longman.

 Erika Ortegón Loaiza, Daniela Peña Duque, Jaqueline Quintero Gómez. (2017). Proyecto
de aula en inglés para desarrollar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de básica primaria
en dos instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Manizales y una institución educativa de la
ciudad de Pereira [Universidad de Manizales].

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