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Research Article

Effective Lifestyle Habits and Coping Strategies

for Stress Tolerance among College Students
Paul D. Welle and Helen M. Graf


Background: Stress among college students is a major problem, impacting their overall health. Students, espe-
cially freshmen, are expected to handle difficult academic workloads at a faster pace while adapting to new social
situations. In addition, findings from new stress data purport that stress responses might vary by gender and race.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine effectiveness of lifestyle habits and coping strategies on stress
tolerance among college students, specific to race and gender. Methods: College students (N=459) completed a
stress inventory, which was comprised of three established surveys of stressors, symptoms and coping strategies.
Stress tolerance ratios (STRs) were calculated, and subjects divided into high or low stress tolerance groups. Sta-
tistical differences were determined by chi-square estimates and odds ratio calculations (95%CI). Results: Seven
lifestyle/coping factors (out of 20) were significantly associated with high stress tolerance (HST) for males, 13 for
females, and five were commonly shared (P<0.05). Whites had 13 significantly factors associated with HST while
Blacks had only three (P<0.05). Discussion: The findings of this study support those from previous research
studies wherein it was found that college students are “overwhelmed,” “suffer from emotional ups and downs,”
“have difficulty falling asleep,” and “feelings of anxieties.” Translation to Health Education Practice: Differ-
ences in effectiveness of coping strategies among students strongly suggest that genders and races cope differently
and that “one size fits all” health education stress intervention programs may not be effective for college students.

Welle PD, Graf HM. Effective lifestyle habits and coping strategies for stress tolerance among college students. Am J Health Educ.
2011;42(2):96-105. This paper was submitted to the Journal on July 7, 2010, revised and accepted for publication on November 19, 2010.

BACKGROUND students are used to receiving guidance and more alert, heart rate increases, breathing
College years have been deemed as one direction, which is often not available in a quickens, adrenaline is released, and, be-
of the most stressful times in a person’s college climate.3 In addition, many students cause the digestive and immune system are
life.1 Younger college students navigating are being given more responsibility for their nonessential in a crisis, they are shut down.5
the transition from high school to college own finances.2 All of these new expectations This stress reaction, also known as “flight or
face the most difficult tasks of all.2,3 College combined with the student’s search for fight,” can be stimulated by anything from
freshmen are expected to handle a more identity, autonomy, and purpose, creates an
difficult academic workload at a faster pace incredible amount of pressure and stress.4 Paul D. Welle is a student in the Department
than they are used to while simultaneously Every person encounters stress, under- of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the
adapting to a new social situation with little stood as the nonspecific response of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam-
supervision or structure.2 The new social body to a demand made upon it.5 Any type bridge, MA 02139; E-mail: pwelle@mit.edu.
environment of college creates pressure to of stress elicits the same biological response, Helen M. Graf is an associate professor in the
make friends and build meaningful relation- understood as the General Adaptation Department of Health & Kinesiology, Georgia
ships. These demands can be difficult when Syndrome (GAS). 6 The brain becomes Southern University, Statesboro, GA 30460.

96 American Journal of Health Education — March/April 2011, Volume 42, No. 2

Paul D. Welle and Helen M. Graf

slipping on a wet floor to the death of a loved Stress tolerance can be affected by a consequences for a minority student at a
one. Even eustress, defined as a positive stress number of things, including genetics, life- predominately white campus. Research on
event, educes the GAS syndrome. When style habits, and coping strategies. Results frequency and types of stressors and dif-
the stressor is no longer present, the body’s from research studies have revealed that the ferential vulnerability to these stressors by
parasympathetic nervous system returns the factor most strongly associated with high race remains inconclusive.20 Future research
body to homeostasis.7 Major problems arise stress tolerance is a strong social network,15,16 to investigate coping styles that could me-
when a long-lasting stressor is present. The which many young college students lose diate the effects of minority stress levels is
body does not shut the stress response off, upon their initial transition to college. This needed. 21 The relationship between race and
which can lead an individual to exhaustion group, thrown into an entirely new envi- mental health has been called a central issue
and breakdown.7 It is estimated that a long ronment and forced to find ways to adapt in epidemiological research.20
lasting stressor can compromise the immune to the stress of college life, offers a unique
system for up to a year.1 Constant stress opportunity to uncover factors associated PURPOSE
is linked to physical and mental illnesses. with stress tolerance. The purpose of this study was to deter-
The significance of the impact of stress can While the biological reaction to stress is mine effectiveness of lifestyle habits coping
further understood through quantification. similar in all people, there may be differences strategies on stress tolerance among college
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by gender and race. “Fight or flight” may students, specific to race and gender. A nec-
(CDC) now estimates that 1 in 2 Americans be a primarily male response. Studies on essary first step to achieving this objective
are annually diagnosed with a mental disor- stress conducted prior to 1995 contained was the development and quantification
der.8 Furthermore, the National Center for only 17% females, which could have skewed of the concept of “stress tolerance.” This
Health Statistics attributed 46 million phy- the data to emphasize the male response.17 framework can be useful in assessing the
sician office-based visits in 2003 to mental The female response to stress is being called effectiveness of coping strategies in future
disorders.8 Although stress is not considered “tend and befriend.” Women in the time studies. If certain lifestyle habits or coping
a mental disorder, stress has been reported of distant ancestors protected the children strategies are found to be effective, it might
as a contributing factor or comorbidity of (tended) and banded together with other be possible for college students to improve
mental illnesses. Stress can lead to suicidal women (befriended) in times of hardship. their stress tolerance rather than try to
ideation and depression in young adults.9 Whereas, the male response would have mediate stress once already overburdened.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death been to either fight or flee, females found Lifestyle habits and coping strategies will be
in college students, and over 44 percent of it much more beneficial to use “strength deemed effective if they are significantly as-
college students reported feeling symptoms in numbers” to protect their children and sociated with high stress tolerance. If signifi-
of depression.10 In a study conducted by the themselves.18 When mothers experience cant gender or racial differences are found,
American College Health Association, 63% an excess stress in the work environment, intervention programs may be tailored to fit
of college students felt “hopeless” at times, they are more likely to concentrate on their the audience rather than the current, broad
and 94% reported feeling “overwhelmed.” children when they get home. Men are more approach. Specifically, this study attempted
Forty-eight percent of females and 39% of likely to withdraw.17 Although research to address the following research questions:
males reported that they felt so depressed it results have begun to show that the stress (1) What is the prevalence of stressors and
was difficult to function.11 reaction for males and females is not the stress symptoms among college students?;
When faced with similar stressors, not same,18 few researchers have yet to discover (2) Are any lifestyle habits or coping factors
all people react the same. The variance in if coping strategies’ effectiveness on stress used by college student significantly associ-
ability to handle stress can be attributed to tolerance also varies by gender. It has been ates with either high or low stress tolerance?;
stress tolerance.12 The natural differences in assumed that strategies to mediate stress and (3) Do habits and factors significantly
psychological and biological traits between are equally effective across race and gender. associated with high or low stress tolerance
individuals allow some to thrive under With increasing evidence of a differing differ by gender or race?
pressure and cause others to crumble.13 The stress response (due to both physical and
Surgeon General’s Report on Mental Health societal differences) this assumption may METHODS
stated “understanding variability among not be valid. Even less is known about stress Design and Sample
individuals to stressful events is a major response and coping differences between The research design employed was of an
challenge to research.”14 The question is races. Research reports some minorities deal epidemiological, analytical, observational,
how some people can seemingly handle large with more stress in a college environment cross-sectional nature. Analytical studies
amounts of stress while others are crippled due to being “outnumbered” in a strange can be used to look for associations between
with much less. This phenomena is defined campus community. 18,19 Stressors may exposure factors and health outcomes.22
as stress tolerance.12 be compounded and have more negative A cross-sectional design enabled the re-

American Journal of Health Education — March/April 2011, Volume 42, No. 2 97

Paul D. Welle and Helen M. Graf

searchers to obtain a brief description of This page was a version of the Life Event’s struments. Cronbach’s α reliability test for
the lifestyles of the subjects.23 One disad- Checklist for Adolescents originally con- internal consistency was run on the data
vantage to a cross-sectional study is the in- structed by Johnson28 and later updated set and yielded a score of 0.943, indicating
ability to determine causal relationships.22 in various research.29-31 This 37-item scale a highly reliable instrument. Cronbach’s α
Researchers employing a cross-sectional encompasses common major life events reliability scores for subscales were reported
study design, however, can readily measure facing today’s college students. The subjects previously and were above 0.60.
relationships and propose ideas to be fur- were asked to check “yes or no” if the event Outcome Measure
ther investigated.24 had occurred in the past year. Examples in- The outcome measure in this study was
Sampling methodology employed for cluded serious difficulties with roommate, stress tolerance. Stress tolerance has been
this study was randomized, cluster sampling having to repeat a course, and death of close previously operationalized in previous
technique. A cluster sample is a sample that family member. Cronbach’s α, a measure of studies.12,33 Rowlinson and Felner linked the
involves groups of individuals, rather than internal consistency reliability, was 0.696 amount of stressors and stress symptoms
individuals, who have been randomly se- for the Life Events Checklist, signifying to determine a participant’s stress tolerance
lected. Cluster sampling is recommended for acceptable reliability.25 and defined stress tolerance as an “associa-
sampling intact groups25 and can be a highly The second page was a Daily Hassles
tion between the cumulative number of life
effective and efficient method of sampling Questionnaire (DHQ). The DHQ was
events experienced and various forms of
a large population.26 For this study, general similar to the LEC, except the events were re-
symptomatology.”33(p.438) Izutsu et al12 divided
Healthful Living classes were randomly se- flective of everyday minor occurrences. The
workers into groups based on stress toler-
lected and students in those classes surveyed. DHQ was comprised of stressors established
ance by a job control score.
This course is a required class that many by some of the same research studies on
Following these examples, the researchers
college students take their freshman year. college LECs. 29,30,31 The DHQ contained 31
of this study operationalized stress tolerance
Targeting a required, freshman level course items, and the subjects were asked to check
by dividing the total number of stressors
was done intentionally; these students are “yes” if the event had occurred in the past
(frequency count) of an individual by that
still adapting to the change of college life. month. Examples include change in plans
individual’s stress symptomatology score.
Minimum sample size, given a population for major, argument with friends, and car
This calculation gave a number which
of 2,096 students enrolled in Healthful problems. Cronbach’s α for the Daily Hassle
upheld the relationship described above.
Living classes, was determined to be 322 in Questionnaire was 0.760.
The larger the number was, the higher the
The third page was a stress symptom
order to establish an alpha level of 0.05 with individual’s stress tolerance. For example,
scale. This scale was developed by Schafer32
95% Confidence Intervals.27 A total of 541 an individual with high stress tolerance
and used verbatim. Consensual content
students were in attendance during times of had many stressors and few symptoms,
validity was established. The scale contained
data collection; 470 surveys were returned. yielding a larger number. A person with low
45 “symptoms of stress.” The subject was
Eleven of these surveys were not usable, stress tolerance had few stressors and many
instructed to mark which of the events had
yielding a usable survey total of 459. The symptoms, yielding a smaller number. Stress
occurred in the past two weeks. Response
return rate after discarding the 11 unfinished tolerance has thus been defined as the ability
choices included “did not occur,” “occurred
surveys was 84.8% (459/541). The survey of an individual to handle stressors without
1-2 times,” “occurred several times,” or “oc-
took about ten minutes to complete. Data succumbing to their effects. This ratio sim-
curred more than 10 times.” Each response
were collected in fall semester at the begin- plifies the complex phenomenon of stress
has a set point value, 0, 1, 5, and 10 respec-
ning of the class period. Non-participants tolerance into a linear relationship, which
tively. Total stress symptomatology score
were given review material compiled by the is often done to create numbers that would
could range from 0-450. Cronbach’s α on the
professor and unrelated to this study. Both stress symptom scale was 0.946. be unquantifiable through strictly rigorous
completion of the survey or the worksheet The last page of the instrument contained means. While this approach has limitations,
were voluntary. Institutional Review Board 20 factors that are effective ways to cope with it also allows for a much more careful and
approval was obtained prior to initiation of stress.7,16,30 Each exposure factor was either consistent analysis. This ratio will be referred
this research project. marked “yes” or “no.” The last page also to as the Stress Tolerance Ratio (STR).
Measures contained demographics, including gender, Data Analysis
The instrument encompassed four race, age and year in school. Cronbach’s α Frequencies and descriptive statistics
pages. Each page contained a previously on this combination of lifestyle habits and were calculated to describe the population
established survey. coping mechanism scale was 0.628. under study. In order to study differences in
The first page of the survey was com- Expert content validity was established exposure to certain factors between subjects,
prised of a Life Events Checklist (LEC). by the original authors of the separate in- 2x2 tables were constructed.

98 American Journal of Health Education — March/April 2011, Volume 42, No. 2

Paul D. Welle and Helen M. Graf

and symptoms reported by participants.

Disease or Condition Among Life Events, most seem to be typi-
Yes No cal college stressors: pressure to do well in
Exposure Status Yes a b a+b school (N = 401, 87.4%), beginning college
No c d c+d (N = 338, 73.6%), and change in living
a+c b+d condition (N = 314, 68.4%). Almost all
subjects (N = 435, 94.8%) reported the
Chi-squares and odds ratios reported RESULTS Daily Hassle of “change in sleeping habits.”
with 95% confidence intervals were calcu- All of the subjects in this study (N = 459) Although most students initially leaving
lated. Chi-squared determined statistical were college students enrolled in Healthful home are portrayed as happily asserting their
significance with categorical variables.23 Living, a university-wide required course independence, 64.9% (N = 298) reported
Odds ratios were used to try to understand (Table 1). Freshmen were intentionally not spending as much time as they would
the relative importance of the factors in rela- overrepresented (75.9%, N = 347). Gender like with their parents. A little less than half
tion to each other. Any odds ratio of over 1.0 and race distribution reflected the university of the students (42.3%) report having “dif-
indicates a risk factor, and an odds ratio of population.36 Males comprised 47.7% (N = ficulty with roommate(s).”
less than 1.0 indicates a protective factor.34 216), while females were 52.3% (N = 237). Highly reported stress symptoms paint-
The key to 2x2 tables is correct assign- Racial distribution of the participants were: ed a picture of a still-developing person
ment of a “diseased” or “condition” group. white 73.1% (N = 332), black 21.1% (N = with much on his/her plate. Although the
Low stress tolerance was the condition un- 96) and Other 5.7% (N = 26). “general fatigue or heaviness” (N = 327,
der study. In this study, stress tolerance was Three research questions were proposed 71.2%) and “inability to concentrate”(N
originally a continuous variable described in this study. They are addressed individu- = 353, 76.9%) seemed to depict a very
by the formula below: ally below. tired and overworked group of students,
Stressor total Among college students, what is the “difficulty falling asleep” (N = 352, 76.7%)
Symptom Score prevalence of stressors and symptoms? was one of the most highly reported re-
Based on their STR, people were assigned An average number of Life Events, Daily sponses. Examining the high occurrence of
to groups. A “diseased” or “condition” group Hassles, total stressors and symptoms by fre- symptoms (even the tenth most common
consisted of those with a STR between 0 and quencies and percentiles per demographics symptom was reported in well over half of
0.4 (low stress tolerance). Low stress toler- were calculated (Table 2). The overall mean the subjects) seems to indicate that college
ance is certainly not a disease, but it can be for Life Events was 9.98, males (9.50) fell students struggle with handling the large
viewed as such in order to be placed into this below this number, while females (10.46) amount of stress they are experiencing.
common epidemiological framework. The were above. This trend was followed for the Among college students, are any of the
low stress tolerance group was compared Daily Hassles Mean (11.58), total stressor lifestyle habits or coping strategies sig-
to a “healthy” group, whose STRs were 0.6 mean (21.56), and stress symptom mean nificantly associated with either high or
and above (high stress tolerance). The 0.2 (60.00); females scored higher in every low stress tolerance?
difference was a necessity to ensure that a category (12.42, 22.89, 68.35; respectively). Levels of stress tolerance among college
real difference existed between the groups. Caucasians were below the mean for stres- students by total and demographic deter-
Currently, there are no national guidelines sors (21.48) and above the mean for stress minants were calculated. STRs were used
for grouping individuals in such a fashion or symptoms (60.32). African Americans had to divide the participants into a case “low
indicating when a stress tolerance number is more stressors than average (22.34) but less stress tolerance” (LST) group (N = 190)
low enough to be of concern. This study in- stress symptoms (56.74). The ‘other’ cat- and control “high stress tolerance” (HST)
stead made use of the fact that there are dif- egory for race exhibited a similar Life Event group(N = 189). Adequate representation of
ferences in stress tolerance, and the “healthy” mean, a lower Daily Hassles mean (10.34), a each demographic group for both LST and
group really exhibited better stress tolerance lower total stressor mean (20.25), and yet a HST groups was obtained. For males, 74 fell
than the “diseased” group. Since it is always much higher stress symptom mean (73.96). in the LST group (STR x = 0.255) and 104
desirable to increase stress tolerance, it is not As age increased, the total number of stres- in HST group (STR x = 1.694). Females had
necessary to deal with strictly “sick” people. sors decreased, suggesting that younger 115 in the LST group (STR x = 0.249) and 82
Participants with STRs between 0.4 and 0.6 students are under more stress. There was in the HST (STR x = 1.123). For whites, 140
were excluded (82 surveys). Even without no apparent trend in stress symptomatology were in the LST (STR x = 0.251) and 130 in
these surveys, the sample size for the latter compared to age. the HST group (STR x = 1.350). For blacks,
part of the study was 377, well above the Additionally, frequencies and percentiles 34 were in the LST group (STR x = 0.271)
minimum originally targeted. were calculated for life events, daily hassles and 47 in the HST group (STR x = 1.744).

American Journal of Health Education — March/April 2011, Volume 42, No. 2 99

Paul D. Welle and Helen M. Graf

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Study Participants by Frequency and Percentiles

Variable N (%) N (%)

Year in School (N = 457) Gender (N = 453)

Freshmen 347 75.9 Male 216 47.7
Sophomore 78 17.1 Female 237 52.3
Junior 24 5.3
Senior 8 1.7 Age (N = 453)
< 18 250 55.2
Race (N = 454) 19 127 28.0
White 332 73.1 20 36 7.9
Black 96 21.1 21 11 2.4
Other 26 5.7 22 11 2.4
23+ 18 4.1

Table 2. Mean Frequency Count of Stressors and Symptoms of the College Students
Life Daily Total Stress
Events Hassles Stressors Symptom
Demographics (x) (x) (x) (x)
Overall Total (N = 459) 9.98 11.58 21.56 60.00
Male (N = 216) 9.50 10.70 20.20 51.75
Female (N = 237) 10.46 12.42 22.89 68.35
Caucasian (N = 332) 9.90 11.59 21.48 60.32
Black (N = 96) 10.37 11.97 22.34 56.74
Other (N = 26) 10.03 10.34 20.25 73.96
< 18 (N = 250) 10.14 11.91 22.08 58.34
19 (N = 127) 10.15 11.73 21.88 63.40
20 (N = 36) 9.75 11.78 21.53 64.75
21 (N = 11) 9.27 11.27 20.55 57.82
22 (N = 11) 8.64 9.18 17.82 46.27
23+ (N = 18) 8.94 8.94 17.89 66.28
Freshmen (N = 347) 10.36 11.93 22.29 59.84
Sophomore (N = 78) 8.93 10.96 19.90 56.81
Junior (N = 24) 8.54 9.96 18.50 77.25
Senior (N = 8) 9.38 8.62 18.00 55.00

Chi square values and odds ratios were then exposures are sharply more protective than well (control over academics). Taking care
calculated to determine association. the rest. The Odds ratio doubles from the of one’s body also seems to protect against
The data in Table 3 is arranged in ascend- second to the third factor, showing the rela- stress. Getting 8+ hours of sleep a night
ing order by odds ratio. Odds ratios can tive importance of feeling control over one’s (OR = 0.41), enough leisure time (OR =
suggest the degree to which an exposure personal life (OR = 0.07) and being well 0.45), balanced diet (OR = 0.49), regular
factor protects or places one at risk.22 Four supported by friends, teachers, and family exercise (OR = 0.49), and being involved
lifestyle habits/coping mechanism factors (OR = 0.19). Control displays its importance in an extra-curricular sport (OR = 0.53) all
of the 20 were not significant. The first two again by being the fifth protective factor as support this point. The one risk factor that

100 American Journal of Health Education — March/April 2011, Volume 42, No. 2
Paul D. Welle and Helen M. Graf

was significantly associated with low stress

tolerance was avoiding problems with a Table 3. Factors Associated with High or Low Stress Tolerance
substance (OR = 2.35, CI 1.45, 3.80). Many Reported in Ascending Order by Odds Ratio (n = 379) for Entire Sample
college students believe that substances, like
Variable OR 95% CI
alcohol, can help one deal with problems and
the only negative effects are those related to Control Over Personal Life 0.07 0.03, 0.18*
addiction and disease. These data, however, Feeling Well Supported 0.19 0.09, 0.41*
serve to dispute that notion. These data sug- Satisfaction with Environment 0.39 0.25, 0.63*
gest that using substances to avoid problems Enough Social Interaction 0.40 0.26, 0.62*
hinders one’s ability to handle stress. Those Control Over Academics 0.41 0.25, 0.68*
who used a substance to deal with problems 8+ Hours of Sleep 0.41 0.25, 0.66*
Use of Calming Hobby 0.43 0.28, 0.68*
suffered more from stress related physical
Enough Leisure Time 0.45 0.29, 0.69*
ailments than those who had not.
Enough Privacy 0.48 0.31, 0.75*
Among college students, do factors signif- Balanced Diet 0.49 0.32, 0.76*
icantly associated with high or low stress Regular Exercise 0.49 0.32, 0.74*
tolerance differ by gender and/or race? Regular Contact with Family 0.50 0.26, 0.96*
Numbers often can be misleading. When Extra-Curricular Sport 0.53 0.35, 0.80*
examining a set of data for a given sample, a Satisfaction with grades 0.53 0.35, 0.80*
researcher can consider group differentials Taught in School How to Deal With Stress 0.56 0.36, 0.86*
that make up the sample. Table 4 contrasts Extra-Curricular Activity 0.80 0.53, 1.20
Listen to Calming Music 0.88 0.59, 1.32
lifestyle habits and coping strategies that
Peer Pressure 1.09 0.61, 1.95
were significant for males versus those that Grades Extremely Important 1.21 0.51, 2.87
were significant for females. Only eight of Avoiding problems with substance 2.35 1.45, 3.80*
the 20 lifestyle habits/coping strategies were
* P < 0.05
significant for males, while 13 of the 20 were
for females (P<0.05) Control over personal
life and feeling well supported are still the how to relieve stress were also significant ing pressured by peers was a significant risk
most protective exposure factors for both for females but not for males. The one sig- factor for blacks but not the population as a
men and women. As one looks a little further nificant risk factor, avoiding problems with whole. An odds ratio of 4.51 indicated that
down the list, however, the paths diverge. substance, seemed to equally affect both this factor very significantly decreases a black
Satisfaction with environment was the third males and females (OR = 2.75 for males and individual’s ability to cope with stress. Inter-
highest protective factor for males, but was OR = 2.55 for females). These findings sug- estingly, commonly espoused strategies to
not significant for females. The fourth and gested that the factors under consideration lower stress are not effective universally. The
sixth most protective factors for males (get- impact males and females differently. lack any other identified significant factors
ting 8+ hours of sleep a night and regular Differences were found in life habits and suggested that either the black community
contact with family) were also not significant coping strategies effectiveness with regard may have other, possibly unstudied, ways
protective factors for females. Thus, of the to race (Table 6). The “Other” category of coping with stress that serve to protect
eight significant factors for males, females was not tested because there were only 26 against low stress tolerance.
shared only five of these. Meanwhile, of the subjects of this ‘race’ and was a combination Predictably, the 14 of the 16 coping strat-
13 significant factors for females, eight of of many diverse minority populations. The egies that were found to be significant in the
these were not effective for men. Others, first apparent difference in data between sample population were significant among
like enough social interaction, were sig- races was the total number of significant whites. Two factors that were not significant
nificant for both sexes but are much more lifestyle habits/coping strategies for whites for whites were “taught in school how to deal
important for women (OR = 0.50 for men and blacks. Blacks had only four effective with stress” and “regular contact with fam-
and OR = 0.28 for women). Balanced diet, significant lifestyle habits/coping strategies ily.” This identified divergence between races
extra-curricular sport, and regular exercise factors, of which two were commonly shared could suggest real differences in effectiveness
(all of which have to do with physical health) with whites: control over personal life and of lifestyle habits/coping strategies.
were not significantly protective against the use of calming hobby. These findings indi-
low stress tolerance for males, but they were cated a contrast between the two races and DISCUSSION
for females. Enough leisure time, enough how factors that improve stress tolerance are The results from this study revealed that
privacy, and having been taught in school different. It is interesting to note that feel- younger college students who participated

American Journal of Health Education — March/April 2011, Volume 42, No. 2 101
Paul D. Welle and Helen M. Graf

experts warn that young college students

Table 4. Significant Lifestyle Habits/Coping Strategies Reported are at risk and suffer due to stress.10 The
Separately for Males and Females in Ascending Order by Odds Ratio symptomology reported by the students in
this study concurred and portrayed a tired,
Men Women
overworked group of individuals.
Variable OR (95%CI) OR (95%CI)
Given the burden of stressors and physi-
Male (N = 178) cal/psychological distress, what did college
Control Over Personal Life 0.10 (0.03, 0.31)* 0.05 (0.01, 0.23)* students do protect themselves? Many of
Well Supported 0.24 (0.09, 0.66)* 0.14 (0.04, 0.49)* the protective factors significantly associ-
Satisfaction with Environment 0.27 (0.14, 0.54)* 0.58 (0.31, 1.08) ated with high stress tolerance within this
8+ Hours of Sleep 0.28 (0.13, 0.62)* 0.54 (0.28, 1.03) study can be put into categories. Feeling
Control Over Academics 0.40 (0.20, 0.83)* 0.43 (0.21, 0.88)* well supported, enough social interaction,
Regular Contact with Family 0.41 (0.17, 0.98)* 0.51 (0.17, 1.49) and regular contact with family all are
Enough Social Interaction 0.50 (0.26, 0.93)* 0.28 (0.14, 0.55)* connected with a strong social network.
Avoiding problems with substance 2.75 (1.39, 5.46)* 2.55 (1.23, 5.30)* Getting 8+ hours of sleep a night, having a
Female (N = 197) balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and
Control Over Personal Life 0.10 (0.03, 0.31)* 0.05 (0.01, 0.23)* being involved in an extra-curricular sport
Well Supported 0.24 (0.09, 0.66)* 0.14 (0.04, 0.49)* all are related to physical health. This finding
Enough Social Interaction 0.50 (0.26, 0.93)* 0.28 (0.14, 0.55)* supports a link between physical health and
Regular Exercise 0.79 (0.43, 1.45) 0.38 (0.21, 0.68)* stress response. Those who took better care
Enough Leisure Time 0.66 (0.33, 1.23) 0.39 (0.21, 0.71)* of their body were significantly more likely
Satisfaction with grades 0.70 (0.38, 1.29) 0.39 (0.22, 0.71)* to be in the high stress tolerance group.
Enough Privacy 0.58 (0.30, 1.10) 0.42 (0.22, 0.79)*
Satisfaction with environment and enough
Balanced Diet 0.58 (0.31, 1.09) 0.43 (0.24, 0.79)*
privacy shows the importance of one’s living
Control Over Academics 0.40 (0.20, 0.83)* 0.43 (0.21, 0.88)*
Use of Calming Hobby 0.53 (0.25, 1.11) 0.45 (0.25, 0.82)* areas to mental and physical health. Sense
Taught in School How to Deal With Stress 0.69 (0.37, 1.31) 0.50 (0.27, 0.93)* of control is a reoccurring theme is stress
Extra-Curricular Sport 0.70 (0.37, 1.22) 0.53 (0.29, 0.98)* research, which has shown that those who
Avoiding problems with substance 2.75 (1.39, 5.46)* 2.55 (1.23, 5.30)* feel as if they control their problems actively
try to fix them.16 This is why control over
*P < 0.05
personal life and control over academics
were both in the top five lowest odds ratios.
in this study experienced numerous stres- cial challenges (not spending enough time Enough leisure time and use of calming
sors and change over a very short period of with parents and worried about a family hobby give the body a period of rest and
time. “Beginning college,” “change in living member). Other miscellaneous items in- allows the body to recuperate for upcoming
conditions,” “decreased number of fam- clude boredom and feelings of uncertainty stress. The use of a substance to avoid prob-
ily get-togethers,” “losing a friendship or about the future. The findings of this study lems was actually shown to interfere with the
friend,” and “new boyfriend/girlfriend” were concurred with like studies that emphasize ability of the user to deal with the problems
all related to this change and make up half inordinate change and transition in young in his/her life. When one uses a substance
of the most common stressors facing young college freshman.2,3,15 to avoid problems, one receives both the
college students today. The other stressors Stress symptoms give an idea of the negative health effects of the substance and
had to do with demands of the academic physiological and psychological distress a decreased ability to handle stress.
environment (pressure to do well in school, exhibited by a person experiencing stress.32 In summation, in this study significant
beginning college, difficulty in identifying The findings of this study support those associated factors to deal with stress among
a major) and the pressures of new social from previous research studies wherein it college students agreed with findings previ-
environment (not dating, difficulty with was found that college students are “over- ous research 2,15,16 and supported much of
roommates). Reported daily hassles follow whelmed,” “suffer from emotional ups and current textbook writings regarding how to
the same pattern of the interplay between downs,” “have difficulty falling asleep,” and reduce stress.1,7,30 Yet, one is left to wonder
change (change in sleeping habits, change “feelings of anxieties.” Ten of the physical why this population remains at risk if the
in social habits), academic pressures (tests, and psychological symptoms were reported coping mechanisms are indeed effective?
too many things to do, increased workload, as being experienced by 60% or more of the Why did the researchers of this study find so
and lower grades than expected), and so- students in the last two weeks. Mental health many colleges students suffering from a large

102 American Journal of Health Education — March/April 2011, Volume 42, No. 2
Paul D. Welle and Helen M. Graf

frequency of stress symptoms? What the re-

searchers of this study proposed to do was to Table 5. Significant Lifestyle Habits/Coping Strategies Reported
go a step further and break down the effec- Separately for Whites and Blacks in Ascending Order by Odds Ratio
tiveness of lifestyle habits and coping strate-
White Black
gies by subgroups that are currently taught
Variable OR (95%CI) OR (95%CI)
by a “one size fits all” approach. New research
is beginning to show that different groups White (N = 270)
have different responses to stress.18,20,21 The Control Over Personal Life 0.04 (0.01, 0.15)* 0.14 (0.04, 0.56)*
results of this study supported this conclu- Well Supported 0.15 (0.05, 0.45)* 0.30 (0.08, 1.10)
sion and indicated something further, that Enough Social Interaction 0.30 (0.18, 0.52)* 0.67 (0.28, 1.68)
perhaps divergent responses require diver- Control Over Academics 0.33 (0.17, 0.62)* 0.75 (0.27, 2.11)
gent mediation techniques. These results Satisfaction with Environment 0.34 (0.20, 0.60)* 0.49 (0.19, 1.30)
were unexpected. Enough Leisure Time 0.40 (0.24, 0.68)* 0.83 (0.33, 2.09)
Males and females coped with stress very 8+ Hours of Sleep 0.40 (0.23, 0.70)* 0.44 (0.13, 1.51)
Enough Privacy 0.42 (0.24, 0.72)* 0.60 (0.25, 1.47)
differently. Out of the 16 significant lifestyle
Extra-Curricular Sport 0.48 (0.29, 0.78)* 0.87 (0.36, 2.12)
habits/coping factors for the population as Satisfaction with grades 0.48 (0.30, 0.79)* 0.65 (0.22, 1.95)
a whole, males and females shared only five. Regular Exercise 0.51 (0.31, 0.83)* 0.46 (0.18, 1.15)
The top two on each list (sorted in ascend- Use of Calming Hobby 0.52 (0.30, 0.89)* 0.16 (0.06, 0.45)*
ing order by odds ratio) were control over Balanced Diet 0.52 (0.31, 0.87)* 0.57 (0.23, 1.41)
personal life and feeling well supported. For Avoiding problems with substance 2.27 (1.30, 3.96)* 2.10 (0.66, 6.75)
those significant in males, the most impor-
Black (N = 81)
tant of the protective factors were control Control Over Personal Life 0.04 (0.01, 0.15)* 0.14 (0.04, 0.56)*
over personal life, well supported, satisfac- Use of Calming Hobby 0.52 (0.30, 0.89)* 0.16 (0.06, 0.45)*
tion with environment, and getting 8+ hours Taught in School How to Deal With Stress 0.72 (0.43, 1.20) 0.23 (0.09, 0.59)*
of sleep a night (from the fourth to the fifth Feeling Pressured by Peers 0.86 (0.44, 1.70) 4.51 (1.10, 18.53)*
there is an odds ratio drop from 0.28 to
* P < 0.05
0.40). None of the factors dealing with physi-
cal health (enough exercise, balanced diet,
extra-curricular sport) were significantly discovered between two races. While the lifestyle habits/coping strategies between
associated with higher stress tolerance for white subjects’ significant lifestyle habits/ races indicated that blacks and whites cope
males, which is contradictory with current coping strategies are similar to the popula- with stress very differently.
research findings.2 Being taught in school tion’s as a whole (probably due to over- Limitations
how to deal with stress was not significantly representation), the factors significant in the A limitation of this study was the lack
associated with high stress tolerance for black population are rather different. Only of a national guideline for stress tolerance.
males, meaning that the education received four of the 20 of the studied lifestyle habits/ This lack of national standards led to a state
may not address or support stress coping coping strategies were significantly associ- of relativity. The people in the “condition”
strategies meaningful to males. ated with stress tolerance. A sense of control group had lower stress tolerance than the
Females, on the other hand, utilized a over personal life, but not academics, was people in the “healthy” group, but there is
wide variety of factors to deal with stress. significant for blacks. A calming hobby was no way to determine if the people in the
Interestingly, satisfaction with environment, important, along with being taught in school “condition” group actually have an unac-
getting 8+ hours of sleep a night, and having how to relieve stress. Reported odds ratios ceptable STR. Another limitation is that a
regular contact with family were not signifi- were very low or high, indicating that the cross-sectional study inhibits any cause-
cant for females but were for males. For this factors either really affected stress tolerance effect relationships from being established.
sample, the current educational structure or they do not. Feeling pressured by peers, Therefore, many of the factors could have
may be effective for teaching females how to while not significant for the population as a been caused by high or low stress tolerance.
cope with stress. The “tend and befriend” whole, was significant for the black subjects. Reliance on self-reported data is a limitation.
strategies are supported in this research as This finding suggests that blacks are more Individuals may have forgotten certain past
females sought to build a strong social net- affected by peer pressure. With a campus events or have changed them mentally since
work, relax, and actively try to fix problems made up of less than 20% blacks, friends they occurred. Data were only collected
(theirs and others).17 might be harder to come by and dismiss. from a single university and may not be
As with gender, large differences were The differences identified in this sample in reflective of all colleges. If the researchers

American Journal of Health Education — March/April 2011, Volume 42, No. 2 103
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