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CTFC 02 – Design and Evaluation of Training

Unit 1: Assessment of Training Needs

1. Systematic Approach to Training (SAT): A logical and sequential planning and
execution of training function in a systematic manner starting with TNA, design,
delivery and validation (Also known as ‘Training Cycle’)

2. SAT revolve around five main activities known as ……… (Identify Training Needs
– Plan & Design – Implement – Performance – Validate Results)
3. A training need is basically a performance gap between ……….. and …….. levels
(Expected and Actual Performance)

4. The first stage of SAT is ………….. (To identify performance problems and
training needs)
5. The main objective of a TNA is to improve the performance of both the …….. and …….
(Individual Job Holder, Organization)

6. An organization’s internal and external environment is always in a state of ………..


7. A change in one sub-system or operation could cause a ripple effect of needed

changes in …………….. (Other sub-systems or functions)

8. Introduction of CAS in PACS caused ………….. and ………….. (desired changes in

business, accounting processes in all other functional areas)
9. Investment guidelines are issued by ……… ALM guidelines are issued by ………..
10. It is also necessary to ……… old practices and procedures (Unlearn)
11. ………….customers seldom complain but prefer to exit changing their loyalty to other
products (Loyal)

12. Good organizations go out to the market to sense client satisfaction rather than wait
for …………. (Complaints to build for)
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