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Pabón 1

Diego Pabón
Mr. Manuel Acevedo
American History
14 February 2023
The Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation, which served as the first constitution of the United States,
had numerous weaknesses that led to an ineffective government. One of the main areas for
improvement was the need for a strong central government. The Articles of Confederation gave
most of its power to the states, and the central government could not regulate trade, collect taxes,
or enforce laws. This resulted in a fragmented system, where each state acted independently
without regard for the needs of the country as a whole.
Another weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the difficulty in making changes
to the document. The Articles required a vote from all 13 states to approve any changes, making
it impossible to make improvements to the government, because nearly never each state
approved. This structure of government resulted in a government that was unable to respond to
the needs of the country, and it left the government powerless in times of crisis after the
Revolutionary War.
Finally, the Articles of Confederation were unable to provide for an efficient and
well-founded government because of their lack of a strong executive branch. The U.S.
government lacked a central figure with the power to enforce laws, negotiate with foreign
countries, and make decisions for the good of the people. This lack of leadership and direction
led to a government that was ineffective and unable to carry out itself effectively.
To fix these weaknesses, I would propose a new constitution that establishes a strong
central government that has the power to regulate trade, collect taxes, and enforce laws.
Additionally, I would propose that changes to the constitution should require a majority vote
from a number of states, instead of a vote from all 13 states. This would allow for more
responsiveness and unity in order to change the needs of the country. Finally, I would propose
the creation of a strong executive branch with a strong president who has the power to make
decisions and a judicial branch that enforces laws for the best of the country.

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