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Received: 5 May 2022    Accepted: 6 May 2022

DOI: 10.1111/clr.13955


Effect of peri-­implant mucosal thickness on esthetic outcomes

and the efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures:
Consensus report of group 2 of the SEPA/DGI/OF workshop

Ronald E. Jung1  | Kathrin Becker2  | Stefan P. Bienz1  | Christer Dahlin3  |

Nikos Donos4  | Christian Hammächer5 | Gerhard Iglhaut6,7  | Antonio Liñares8  |
Alberto  Ortiz-­Vigón9  | Nerea Sanchez9,10  | Ignacio Sanz-­Sánchez9,10  |
Daniel S. Thoma1  | Cristina Valles11 | Dietmar Weng12  | José Nart11
Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Orthodontics, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Department of Biomaterials, Institute for Surgical Sciences, The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Centre for Oral Clinical Research, Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
Private Practice, Aachen, Germany
Department of Oral and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Translational Implantology, Center for Dental Medicine, University Medical Center of Freiburg, Freiburg,
Private Center of Oral Surgery, Memmingen, Germany
Periodontology Unit, Faculty of Odontology, University of Santiago de Compostela & Medical-­Surgical Dentistry Research Group, Health Research Institute of
Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Section of Graduate Periodontology, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain
ETEP (Etiology and Therapy of Periodontal and Peri-­implant Diseases) Research Group, School of Dentistry, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Department of Periodontology, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Prosthodontics, Propaedeutics and Dental Materials, School of Dentistry, Christian-­Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany

Ronald E. Jung, Clinic of Reconstructive Abstract
Dentistry, Center of Dental Medicine,
Objectives: The aim of this study was to comprehensively assess the literature in
University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 11,
CH-­8 032 Zurich, Switzerland. terms of the effect of peri-­implant mucosal thickness on esthetic outcomes and the
efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures to increase the mucosal thickness
with autogenous grafts or soft tissue substitutes.
Material and methods: Two systematic reviews (SR) were performed prior to the
consensus meeting to assess the following questions. Review 1, focused question: In
systemically healthy patients with an implant-­supported fixed prosthesis, what is the
influence of thin as compared to thick peri-­implant mucosa on esthetic outcomes?
Review 2, focused question 1: In systemically healthy humans with at least one dental
implant (immediate or staged implant), what is the efficacy of connective tissue graft
(CTG), as compared to absence of a soft tissue grafting procedure, in terms of gain in

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Clinical Oral Implants Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

 Clin Oral Impl Res. 2022;33(Suppl. 23):100–108.
JUNG et al. |

peri-­implant soft tissue thickness (STT) reported by randomized controlled clinical tri-
als (RCTs) or controlled clinical trials (CCTs)? Review 2, focused question 2: In systemi-
cally healthy humans with at least one dental implant (immediate or staged implant),
what is the efficacy of CTG, as compared to soft tissue substitutes, in terms of gain in
peri-­implant STT reported by RCTs or CCTs? The outcomes of the two SRs, the con-
sensus statements, the clinical implications, and the research recommendations were
discussed and subsequently approved at the consensus meeting during the group and
plenary sessions.
Conclusions: There was a tendency of superior esthetic outcomes in the presence of
a thick mucosa. The connective tissue graft remains the standard of care in terms of
increasing mucosa thickness.

color measurement, esthetic outcomes, implant dentistry, papilla index, patient-­reported
outcome measures, peri-­implant mucosa, peri-­implant soft tissue, pink esthetic score

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N Therefore, the task of the group was (i) to evaluate the influence
of a thin as compared to a thick mucosa on esthetic outcomes at
The mucosal thickness is a parameter, which has been frequently dental implants and (ii) to assess the efficacy of a connective tissue
investigated in conjunction with biological and esthetic outcomes at graft versus the absence of treatment or versus a soft tissue substi-
implant sites (Chan et al., 2019; Kan et al., 2011; Mailoa et al., 2018; tute in increasing the peri-­implant mucosal thickness and improving
Schwarz et al., 2021). the esthetic outcomes.
Different methods of assessments, indices, parameters, and
patient-­reported outcome measures have been proposed to quan-
tify and qualify esthetic outcomes (Chang et al.,  1999; Fürhauser 2  |  WO R K S H O P D I S C U S S I O N A N D
et al.,  2005; Jemt,  1999). Moreover, esthetic outcomes were sug- CO N S E N S U S
gested to be associated with either a thin or thick mucosal thick-
ness/phenotype (Garabetyan et al.,  2019; Tatum et al.,  2020). A 2.1  |  Systematic Review (SR) 1: The influence of
threshold value of 2 mm of buccal mucosal thickness was primarily thin as compared to thick peri-­implant soft tissues on
introduced by (pre-­)clinical studies assessing the color differences esthetic outcomes. A SR and meta-­analysis (Bienz et
of implant prostheses on the level of the mucosa (Jung et al., 2008; al., 2021).
Lops et al., 2017; Sala et al., 2017). Consequently, it was proposed
to use a categorization of <2 mm (thin) and ≥2 mm (thick) in future This SR aimed to evaluate the influence of the thickness of the buc-
research (Avila-­Ortiz et al., 2020). cal mucosa around implants on esthetic outcomes. Clinical stud-
Besides the mucosa thickness, a variety of studies have in- ies with ≥10 patients with dental implants, published until August
troduced the term of peri-­implant phenotype to characterize the 2020, were searched. Studies reporting the thickness of the buc-
peri-­implant dimensions. As per definition, the term peri-­implant cal mucosa by means of a measurement in mm (with an endodontic
phenotype encompasses the peri-­implant mucosa width, the mucosa file or ultrasound device) or by means of a phenotype determina-
thickness, the supracrestal tissue height, and the peri-­implant bone tion (shimmering of a periodontal probe) and an esthetic outcome
thickness (Avila-­Ortiz et al., 2020). Like the periodontal phenotype, were included. Esthetic outcomes encompassed the Pink Esthetic
the peri-­implant phenotype is site-­specific and has frequently been Score (PES; Fürhauser et al., 2005), papillae index (Jemt, 1999), pres-
reported as thin or thick (De Rouck et al.,  2009; Kan et al.,  2003; ence of papillae (yes/no; Romeo et al.,  2008), papillae height (mm;
Müller et al., 2000). Chang et al., 1999), color measurements (spectrophotometric meas-
Various soft tissue augmentation procedures were described urements; Jung et al.,  2007), and buccal marginal mucosal levels
to increase the mucosal thickness around dental implants apply- (mm). An additional search for relevant articles published between
ing autogenous gingival grafts or soft tissue substitutes (Langer & September 2020 and January 31, 2022, was performed.
Calagna, 1980; Schneider et al., 2011; Thoma et al., 2016). The im- PECO question: “In systematically healthy patients with an
pact of different soft tissue grafting techniques and biomaterials on implant-­supported fixed restoration (P), what is the influence of thin
increasing in mucosal thickness and esthetic outcomes is still a sub- (E) as compared to thick (C) peri-­implant soft tissues on esthetic out-
ject of debate (Avila-­Ortiz et al., 2022). comes (O)?”
102      JUNG et al.

Results: Thirty-­n ine articles reporting on 34 unique patient 3. What is the influence of the mucosal phenotype on PES?
populations were included. Out of the included unique studies,
nine were randomized controlled trials, one was a controlled clin- Based on 11 studies (two RCTs, three prospective case series,
ical trial (CCT), 10 were prospective cohort studies, eight were three cross-­sectional studies, and three retrospective cohort studies)
cross-­s ectional studies, and six were retrospective cohort stud- including 663 patients and 688 implants, it was demonstrated that
ies. The risk of bias was overall high. 1508 patients and 1606 PES was not significantly different between thin and thick phenotype
sites were part of the analysis. The mean difference in the PES (MD = 0.15; [95% CI = −0.24; 0.53]) during the different stages follow-
after the follow-­u p was not significantly different between thin ing prosthetic treatment and follow-­up time points (12–­106 months).
(<2.0 mm) or thick soft tissues (≥2.0 mm) or phenotypes (12 stud-
ies; MD = 0.15; [95% CI =  −0.24; 0.53]; p  =  .46). An increased 4. Does peri-­implant mucosal phenotype/thickness influence the
mean mucosal thickness was associated with an increased papilla change in esthetic outcomes over time?
index (five studies; MD = 0.5; [95% CI = 0.1; 0.3]; p = .002) and an
increase in papilla presence (five studies; OR = 1.6; [95% CI = 1.0; Based on three studies (two prospective case series and one retro-
2.3]; p  =  .03). Thin soft tissues were associated with increased spective case series) including 97 patients and 97 implants, there was
recession, −0.62 mm (four studies; [95% CI  =  −1.06; −0.18]; a tendency (p = .05) for a higher increase in the PES for patients with
p  =  .006). Patient-­reported outcome measures (patient satisfac- a thick phenotype/thickness (MD = 0.72; [95% CI = 0.00; 1.43]) with
tion) were in favor of thick soft tissues −2.33 (six studies; [95% follow-­up periods ranging from 12 to 74 months.
CI = −4.70; 0.04]; p = .05).
Conclusions: Within the limitations of various study designs, var- 5. What is the association between the buccal mucosal thickness
ious soft tissue measurements, and time points, it can be concluded and the presence/height of a papilla (with presence of an ad-
that an increased soft tissue thickness (STT) at implant sites was as- jacent tooth)?
sociated with more favorable esthetic outcomes.
Based on five studies (four RCTs and one prospective case se-
ries) including 125 patients and 143 implants, it was shown that
2.1.1  |  Consensus statements (SR 1) each additional mm of mucosal thickness was associated with an
increase in papilla index (MD = 0.21; [95% CI = 0.08; 0.34]) and an
increase in papilla presence (OR 1.55; [95% CI = 1.03; 2.31]) with
follow-­ups ranging from 12 to 86 months. However, there are sev-
1. What are the most frequently reported esthetic outcomes in eral factors that should be considered in regard to papilla measure-
implant dentistry? ments which include the surgical placement of the implant, the type
of implant placed in the area, and the relevant temporary and final
Based on 34 studies (nine randomized clinical trials (RCTs), one prosthesis.
controlled clinical trial, 10 prospective cohort studies, eight cross-­
sectional studies and six retrospective cohort studies) with 1508 pa- 6. What is the association between the buccal mucosal thickness
tients and 1606 implants, the following esthetic outcome measures and the buccal marginal mucosal level?
were described:
a. Pink Esthetic Score (PES, Score 0–­14; Fürhauser et al., 2005) Based on four studies (one RCT, two prospective case series, one
b. Papilla index (Score 0–­4; Jemt, 1999) retrospective case series), a statistically significant reduction in buc-
c. Presence of papillae (yes/no; Romeo et al., 2008) cal marginal mucosal level (BSTD; buccal soft tissue dehiscence) was
d. Papilla height (mm; Chang et al., 1999) found for patients with a thin phenotype (two studies)/reduced muco-
e. Color measurements (Spectrophotometry; Jung et al., 2007) sal thickness (two studies; MD = −0.62; [95% CI = −1.06; −0.18]) after
follow-­ups ranging from 12 months to 8 years.

2. What is the most frequent and comprehensive esthetic index/ 7. What are the patient-­reported outcomes related to the thick-
score/method in implant dentistry? ness of the peri-­implant mucosa/phenotype?

In clinical practice, several factors should be combined for de- Based on six studies (one RCT, two prospective case series, two
scribing comprehensively the esthetic outcomes around dental im- cross-­sectional, one retrospective case series) including 272 patients
plants. Based on the available evidence provided in this SR, the group and 281 implants, there was a tendency (p = .05) in favor of thick mu-
suggested that PES is a comprehensive index for measuring esthetic cosa/phenotype for higher patient satisfaction after follow-­up periods
outcomes following different single implant placement and loading ranging from 12 months to 8.9 years (MD  =  −2.33; [95% CI  =  −4.70;
protocols. 0.04]).
JUNG et al. |

8. What is the association between the buccal mucosal phenotype/ • As PES is used for single implants, the group recommends that an
thickness and the color match of the peri-­implant marginal index for the esthetic assessment of multiple implants should be
mucosa with the marginal gingiva? developed.
• It is recommended to assess the validity of the incremental
Based on nine studies (five RCTs, one CCT, two cross-­sectional increase of mucosal thickness in mm as a prognostic indicator
studies, and one retrospective cohort study) with 317 patients and 359 for esthetic outcomes of dental implants. The group suggested
implants, no significant difference in color match was seen between that comparison of different non-­invasive methodologies of
thick and thin mucosa/phenotype (MD: 0.66; [95% CI = −0.16; 1.47]). assessing mucosal thickness or phenotype determination is
Eight studies measured the mucosal thickness and one determined the imperative.
phenotype. The mean follow-­up time ranged between final prosthesis • Future studies in implant dentistry should take into consideration
insertion and 5.1 years. the perceptions of the patients in relation to long-­term esthetic
The factors that may influence the color match include the various outcomes.
material characteristics (color/material/design) of the abutment/pros-
thesis and the position of the implant as well as surgical techniques
(flap design/scarring). 2.2 | SR 2: Efficacy of soft tissue augmentation
procedures on tissue thickening around dental
9. Which assessment method (phenotype determination or mucosal implants: a SR and meta-­analysis (Valles et
thickness in mm) may be used as an indicator for final esthetic al., 2022).
The purpose of the present SR was to critically assess the evidence
The most frequently reported methods to assess the mucosal on the efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures around
thickness are the phenotype categorization (e.g., transparency of the dental implants in terms of gain in peri-­implant STT and esthetic
periodontal probe) and the quantitative evaluation in millimeters (end- outcomes. Clinical studies including ≥5 patients per group with a
odontic file, ultrasonic device, caliper, cast analysis, etc.). Eleven, out follow-­up of ≥3  months after grafting, reporting on peri-­implant
of twelve studies assessing the PES, used the phenotype to categorize soft tissue thickening (primary outcome), the level of the mucosal
the groups. Therefore, there is a lack of information on how the as- margin, the width of the keratinized mucosa, esthetics, clinical, and
sessment method may be used as an indicator for esthetic outcomes. radiographic parameters as well as patient-­reported outcome meas-
However, the incremental increase in the mean mucosal thickness ures (PROMs; secondary outcomes) published until July 2020 were
in mm was associated with the presence of a papilla (OR 1.55; [95% searched.
CI = 1.03; 2.31]), as well as with higher papilla index scores (MD = 0.21; Focused question: The following focused questions were
[95% CI = 0.08; 0.34]). developed:

PICOS question 1: In systemically healthy patients with

2.1.2  |  Implications for clinical practice (SR 1) at least one dental implant (immediate or staged im-
plant), what is the efficacy of a connective tissue graft
• In areas of high esthetic risk/demands, clinicians should be aware (CTG), as compared to the absence of a soft tissue
of the possible impact of the mucosal thickness regarding esthetic grafting procedure, in terms of gain in peri-­implant
outcomes. STT reported by randomized controlled clinical trials
• In areas of high esthetic risk/demands, a mucosal assessment (RCTs) or CCTs?
should be part of the initial treatment planning and the related
risk factor analysis. PICOS question 2: In systemically healthy humans with
• In patients with a thin mucosa, it is the responsibility of the cli- at least one dental implant (immediate or staged im-
nician to provide specific information in relation to the possible plant), what is the efficacy of a CTG, as compared to
long-­term esthetic risks. soft tissue substitutes, in terms of gain in peri-­implant
• The clinician should be aware that different implant placement STT reported by RCTs or CCTs?
and loading procedures may be associated with different esthetic-­
related challenges. Results: Eight trials were included to answer the first focused
question and eight to answer the second one, providing data for 254
and 192 patients, respectively. For the first focused question, a sta-
2.1.3  |  Implications for future research (SR 1) tistically significant weighted mean difference (WMD) of 0.64 mm
(95% CI [0.16; 1.13]; p = .01) in STT was found in favor of the grafted
• Researchers should design adequately powered trials where the group (n = 8 studies). The level of the mucosal margin was signifi-
esthetic outcomes are the primary outcome. cantly more coronal (n = 4; WMD = 0.50 mm; 95% CI [0.19; 0.80];
104      JUNG et al.

p < .001) applying a CTG compared with the absence of treatment. 3. When could clinicians consider using a soft tissue substitute to
For the second focused question, a significantly greater gain in STT increase the peri-­implant mucosal thickness?
was found for CTGs compared with soft tissue substitutes (n  = 8;
WMD  =  0.51 mm; 95% CI [0.28; 0.75]; p < .001). Furthermore, the Clinicians should be aware that mechanical and physico-­chemical
use of CTGs resulted in a significantly higher pink esthetic score properties as well as the origin of the products available on the mar-
(PES; n = 3; WMD = 1.02; 95% CI [0.29; 1.74]; p = .01) and a more ket differ. The use of soft tissue substitutes appears to be less ef-
coronal level of the mucosal margin (n = 2; WMD = 0.50 mm) com- fective for most of the outcome measures related to the esthetics
pared with soft tissue substitutes. No statistically significant differ- (i.e., STT changes, level of the soft tissue margin, and PES) compared
ences between groups were observed for PROMs, except for pain with the use of a CTG. In specific clinical situations, soft tissue sub-
medication intake, which was significantly higher when using CTGs stitutes may serve as an alternative to CTGs. This includes patient's
compared with soft tissue substitutes (n = 2; WMD = 1.68 tablets preference, reducing surgical time and medication intake, single sites
within the first week; 95% CI [1.30; 2.07]; p < .001). with minor deficiencies, and limited availability of autogenous tissue.
Conclusions: Soft tissue augmentation procedures are efficacious
in soft tissue thickening and, in particular, CTG demonstrated a sig- 4. What is the effect of applying a CTG to increase the peri-­
nificantly greater STT gain when compared to the absence of treat- implant mucosal thickness compared with the absence of
ment or soft tissue substitutes. treatment?

Based on eight studies (seven RCTs and one CCT), apply-

2.2.1  |  Consensus statements (SR 2) ing a CTG results in a significantly thicker peri-­implant mucosa
(WMD = 0.64 mm; 95% CI [0.16; 1.13]; p = .01) compared with the
1. What were the clinical indications of increasing the peri-­implant absence of treatment.
mucosal thickness?
5. What is the effect of applying a CTG to increase the peri-­implant
Based on 14 investigations (12 RCTs and two CCTs), the reported mucosal thickness compared with the use of a soft tissue
clinical indications to increase the mucosal thickness included as substitute?
follows: compensation of the loss of bone volume after immedi-
ate implant placement (Jiang et al.,  2020; Migliorati et al.,  2015; Based on eight investigations (seven RCTs and one CCT), ap-
van Nimwegen et al.,  2018), prevention of buccal peri-­implant plying a CTG results in a significantly thicker peri-­implant mucosa
soft tissue dehiscences (Frizzera et al.,  2019; Jiang et al.,  2020), (WMD  =  0.51 mm; 95% CI [0.28; 0.75]; p < .001) compared with a
to increase the soft tissue dimensions (Cairo et al., 2017; Hutton soft tissue substitute.
et al.,  2018; Kamal et al.,  2020; Papapetros et al.,  2019; Puzio
et al.,  2018; Schmitt et al.,  2021; Thoma et al.,  2016; Ustaoğlu 6. What is the impact of the timing (simultaneous with or post-­implant
et al., 2020; Wiesner et al., 2010), and improvement of esthetics placement) of the soft tissue augmentation procedure on changes
(Hosseini et al., 2020). in peri-­implant mucosal thickness?
According to the expert's opinion, peri-­implant mucosal thick-
ness could also be increased to improve the emergence profile of Based on eight studies (seven RCTs and one CCT) for compar-
implant-­supported prosthesis and, hence, self-­performed oral hy- isons between CTG vs. no graft and eight studies (seven RCTs and
giene measures. one CCT) for comparisons between CTG vs. soft tissue substitutes,
the timing of soft tissue grafting did not significantly influence the
2. What is the standard of care to increase the peri-­implant mucosal increase in mucosal thickness.
7. What is the stability of the increased peri-­implant mucosal thick-
Based on 14 studies (12 RCTs and two CCTs), CTG in com- ness with a CTG compared with the absence of treatment?
bination with a bilaminar approach (i.e., coronally advanced flap
(Cairo et al.,  2017; Hutton et al.,  2018; Papapetros et al.,  2019; According to the present SR, the follow-­up (i.e., ≥1 year or <1 year)
Ustaoğlu et al., 2020; Wiesner et al., 2010), tunnel technique (Jiang did not influence the outcomes of STT changes between CTG and the
et al.,  2020; Migliorati et al.,  2015), and envelope flap or pouch control group (no graft; p = .55). In this context, the WMD for increase
(Frizzera et al., 2019; Hosseini et al., 2020; Kamal et al., 2020; Puzio in mucosal thickness was 0.96 mm (95% CI [−0.35; 2.28]; p = .15) and
et al., 2018; Schmitt et al., 2021; Thoma et al., 2016; van Nimwegen 0.54 mm (95% CI [0.01; 1.07]; p  =  .05), in favor of CTG, for studies
et al.,  2018) is the most effective treatment to increase the peri-­ with a follow-­up <1  year (2 RCTs) and ≥1  year (5 RCTs and 1 CCT),
implant mucosal thickness. respectively.
JUNG et al. |

8. What is the stability of the peri-­

implant mucosal thickness aug- CI [−0.32; 0.37]; p = .89]). On the contrary, two studies comparing a
mented with a CTG compared with a soft tissue substitute? CTG with soft tissue substitutes assessed changes in mesial and dis-
tal papillary height (Frizzera et al., 2019; Thoma et al., 2020) and no
Differences between CTG and soft tissue substitutes were af- statistically significant differences between groups were observed.
fected by the length of follow-­up (p = .03) and the differences between However, due to the different methodologies used in these studies,
the groups were more pronounced in those studies with ≥1  year of a meta-­analysis could not be performed.
follow-­up, in favor of a CTG. In this sense, the WMD for increase in mu-
cosal thickness was 0.37 mm (95% CI [0.18; 0.55]; p < .01) and 0.79 mm 14. Is evidence available on the long-­term esthetic outcomes (PES) of
(95% CI [0.46; 1.11]; p < .01), in favor of CTG, for studies with a fol- implants after increasing the peri-­implant mucosal thickness?
low-­up <1  year (four RCTs and one CCT) and ≥1  year (three RCTs),
respectively. Based on the present SR, there is no available scientific literature
with a follow-­up >5 years on the long-­term esthetic outcomes of im-
9. What is the effect of increasing the mucosal thickness applying plants after increasing the peri-­implant mucosal thickness.
a CTG compared with the absence of treatment on esthetics as
assessed by the pink esthetic score (PES)? 15. What is the difference between an autogenous connective tissue
graft and the absence of treatment in terms of increasing the
Based on three RCTs, an increase in mucosal thickness applying peri-­implant keratinized mucosa?
a CTG did not result in a significant esthetic benefit (WMD = 1.18;
95% CI [−0.56; 2.91]; p = .18) after 12 months following soft tissue Based on three studies (two RCTs and one CCT), the changes
grafting. in peri-­implant keratinized mucosa width were not signifi-
cantly different between the CTG and the absence of treatment
10. What is the effect of increasing the mucosal thickness when ap- (WMD  =  0.38 mm; 95% CI [−0.24; 0.98]; p  =  .23). Applying a CTG
plying a CTG compared with soft tissue substitutes on in combination with a bilaminar approach did not increase the peri-­
esthetics? implant keratinized mucosa width, especially in those sites with
≥2 mm of keratinized tissue width at baseline (Lin et al., 2018).
Based on three RCTs, PES scores were significantly higher for
CTG compared with soft tissue substitutes (WMD  = 1.02; 95% CI 16. What is the difference between autogenous connective tissue grafts
[0.29; 1.74]; p = .01) at short-­and medium-­term follow-­up. and soft tissue substitutes in terms of increasing the peri-­implant
keratinized mucosa width?
11. What is the influence of increasing the mucosal thickness when
applying a CTG versus the absence of treatment on the level/posi- Based on five RCTs, the changes in the peri-­implant keratinized
tion of the mucosal margin? mucosa width were not significantly different between the two
treatment modalities (WMD  =  −0.09 mm; 95% CI [−0.40; 0.22];
Based on four investigations (three RCTs and one CCT), applying p = .57). Minor changes in keratinized mucosa width were observed
a CTG results in a significantly more coronal position of the mucosal after increasing the peri-­implant mucosal thickness with CTG or soft
margin compared with the absence of treatment (WMD = 0.50 mm; tissue substitutes in combination with a bilaminar approach.
95% CI [0.19; 0.80]; p < .001).
17. Can peri-­implant soft tissue thickening improve clinical and radio-
12. What is the influence of increasing the mucosal thickness when graphic parameters related to peri-­
implant health (i.e., probing
applying a CTG versus soft tissue substitutes on the level/position depth, plaque indices, bleeding indices, and marginal bone level)?
of the mucosal margin?
Based on a varying number of included RCTs and CCTs reporting
Based on two RCTs, applying a CTG results in a significantly on the different parameters, an increase in mucosal thickness does
more coronal position of the mucosal margin compared with soft not improve clinical (probing depth, plaque indices, and bleeding in-
tissue substitutes (WMD = 0.50 mm; 95% CI [0.10; 0.89]; p = .014). dices) and radiographic outcomes (marginal bone level).

13. What is the influence of increasing the mucosal thickness on the 18. Do soft tissue substitutes reduce patient morbidity (i.e., pain per-
height of the papillae? ception and medication intake) when compared to CTGs?

Based on 2 RCTs with a 1-­ and 2-­year follow-­up, respectively, Based on three RCTs, pain perception (i.e., measured using a
the height of the papillae was not influenced by the treatment when VAS) was not significantly different between CTGs and soft tissue
comparing a CTG vs. no graft (mesial papilla: WMD  =  −0.10 mm; substitutes (WMD = 12.13; 95% CI [−2.88; 27.15]; p = .11). Based on
95% CI [−0.54; 0.34]; p = .66/distal papilla: WMD = 0.02 mm; 95% two RCTs, medication intake (i.e., tablets within the first week) was
106      JUNG et al.

significantly higher in patients receiving a CTG compared with pa- • Clinicians should be aware that the soft tissue substitutes
tients receiving soft tissue substitutes (WMD = 1.68; 95% CI [1.30; available on the market vary in terms of origin and design,
2.07]; p < .001). physico-­chemical properties, and scientific documentation.
Consequently, these materials are proposed for specific clinical
19. Do soft tissue substitutes improve the overall patient satisfaction interventions (i.e., gain of keratinized tissue and gain of mucosal
when compared to CTGs? thickness).

Based on two RCTs, patient satisfaction was not significantly

different between the two treatment modalities (WMD  =  −0.49; 2.2.3  |  Implications for future research (SR 2)
95% CI [−7.82; 6.85]; p = .90 on VAS 0–­100). Both treatment options
achieved a high patient satisfaction. Researchers are advised to:

20. Does the use of soft tissues substitutes reduce the surgical time • study the influence of the initial mucosa thickness, and the thick-
as compared to the use of CTGs? ness and origin of the graft on the increase of the thickness of the
peri-­implant mucosa
Based on two RCTs, the surgical time was not significantly differ- • assess longitudinal and long-­term data (>5 years) on the changes
ent between the two treatment modalities (WMD = 5.54 min; 95% in the mucosa thickness and the level of the peri-­implant mucosal
CI [−17.56; 28.65]; p = .64). margin, following procedures to increase the mucosa thickness
According to the expert's opinion, the use of soft tissue substi- • investigate the influence of procedures to increase the mucosa
tutes may reduce the surgical time compared with the use of CTGs, thickness on peri-­implant health (probing depth, bleeding on prob-
mostly after the soft tissue substitutes preparation and handling ing, radiographic marginal bone levels) in the long-­term (>5 years)
learning curve. • assess the effectiveness of soft tissue substitutes compared with
the absence of treatment in the long-­term (>5 years)
• develop new biomaterials and scaffolds as soft tissue substitutes
2.2.2  |  Implications for clinical practice (SR 2) providing stable space maintenance with the aim of increasing the
thickness of the mucosa.
Indications in general: STT may be important to compensate the • develop different methods of assessment using digital technolo-
loss of bone volume after immediate implant placement, to pre- gies to evaluate changes of the peri-­implant mucosal thickness
vent a peri-­implant soft tissue dehiscence, to increase the soft
tissue dimensions, to improve esthetics, and to improve the implant-­
supported prosthesis emergence profile and cleansability, especially AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N
when treating thin peri-­implant phenotypes.
All authors contributed to the interpretation of the data of the two
• In such clinical situations, the use of a CTG in a bilaminar manner systematic reviews, developed the questions and provided the an-
is the most indicated treatment modality to increase the peri-­ swers as well as recommendations. R.J. and J.N. led the writing, and
implant mucosal thickness. all authors reviewed the manuscript.
• Applying a CTG also results in a more coronal position of the peri-­
implant mucosal margin and enhanced esthetics, especially in the C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T
long-­term, but might be associated with a higher patient mor- The authors report no conflict of interest related to the manuscript.
bidity and a longer surgical time in comparison with soft tissue
substitutes. DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
• CTG donor sites can include the palatal premolar area, the pos- The data that support the findings of this study are available from
terior palate, or the tuberosity. Dense lamina propria located the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
immediately beneath the epithelium is the preferred tissue to be
harvested. ORCID
• The oral exposure of the CTG underneath the flap may result in Ronald E. Jung
an increase in keratinized mucosa width but unpleasant esthetic Kathrin Becker
results. Stefan P. Bienz
• Although the use of soft tissue substitutes is less effective than a Christer Dahlin
CTG in increasing STT, they may serve as an alternative in specific Nikos Donos
clinical situations such as patient's preference, reducing surgical Gerhard Iglhaut
time and medication intake, single sites with minor deficiencies, Antonio Liñares
and limited availability of autogenous tissue. Alberto Ortiz-­Vigón
JUNG et al. |

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How to cite this article: Jung, R. E., Becker, K., Bienz, S. P.,
32(Suppl. 21), 245–­253. doi:
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