Institute News: Programme

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(2) A variety of practical experiences designed to

Institute News enlarge their one-to-one and group skills with

both adults and children.
(3) Practical experience under supervision to enable
participants to implement and disseminate the
skills and knowledge acquired.
Details of our proposed programme for 1974/75 (4) A training manual and record sheets for on-
are given below. Fuller information about events going programmes.
scheduled for the later part of the year will be (5) Training materials for use in specific pro-
published in the March issue of Apex. grammes.
Further details can be obtained from the Secretary, (6) Follow-up support.
Institute of Mental Subnormality, Wolverhampton Training materials: The following training kits will
Road, Kidderminster, Worcs. DYlO 3PP, to whom all be provided to each participant: (1) Language kit, (2)
applications should be sent. visual-motor equipment, (3) recommended training
programmes for self-help skills, (4) record and assess-
ment charts.
Travelling Workshop Course fee: E30.00 per person, inclusive of full
board and lodging.
A team of three or four staff from the Institute is These three courses have been arranged as a result
prepared to visit other hospitals to conduct two-day of the over-subscription of those taking place this
workshops in behaviour modification. Each workshop month. Should demand warrant it, all three courses
will include selected lectures, films and demonstrations will be repeated yet again in March, 1974.
from the three-day training workshops being held at FEBRUARY
Lea Hospital in January (details are given in the Symposium: Education and Assessment
Programme for 1974 below). The emphasis will be
on self-help, communication and play skills at a Lea Castle Hospital, Wolverley, Nr. Kidderminster,
practical level. Worcs.
Open to anyone interested in education and training
Charges: The charge for two days of instruction by of the mentally handicapped, but of particular
a team of three or four people is E30.00. The host interest to teachers in special schools and training
establishment will, in addition, be expected to meet centres and psychologists working with the mentally
travelling expenses and to provide board and lodging retarded.
for the lecturers. Early application is advised as the Friday, 8th February, 1974. 10.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m.
team is already heavily booked until June, 1974. Fees: Members of IMS E2.00, Non-members i2.50.
Closing date for applications: 25th Januarv. 1974.
Further details available from the Secretary, IMS.

Outline MARCH
Course: Educational Rhythmics for the Mentally

Programme 1974-75 Handicapped

Lea Castle Hospital, Wolverley, Nr. Kidderminster,
Course leaders: Ferris and Jennet Robins from
JANUARY Stafa, Switzerland.
Workshop in behaviour modification We are delighted that Mr. and Mrs. Robins will be
Lea Hospital, Stourbridge Road, Bromsgrove, returning to conduct their five-day workshop course in
Worcs. educational rhythmics in response to our request as a
Three separate courses as follows: result of the interest expressed in their work.
The course is designed to open new possibilities on
Medical Practitioners/Psychologists the practical application of rhythmics to improve the
10th-12th January, 1974 physical and mental performance of the mentally
Teachers 15th-17th January, 1974 handicapped, as an aid to general education.
Nurses 22nd-24th January, 1974 Open to anyone working amongst or involved with
Eight participants can be accepted in each three-day the mentally handicapped but of particular value to:
workshop. teachers, nurses, trainers, occupational therapists,
Aim: To provide practical and theoretical experience physiotherapists and play leaders.
of the use of reinforcement training with severely Duration: 25th-29th March, 1974. Course fees:
subnormal children and adults in an intensive teaching Members of IMS E10.00 non-resident, Non-members
situation. E12.50 non-resident. Limited accommodation is
Entrance requirements: available and rooms will be allocated on receipt of
avplication to attend, for which an extra charge will
(1) Some knowledge and experience of mental be made.
(2) Willingness to participate actively in supervised APRIL
and solo training sessions with children under Symposium: Deprivation and the Mentally Handicapped
the instruction of the tutors. Further details in our March issue. Tentative
(3) Willingness to share experiences gained in the date: 24th April, 1974.
workshop both with the tutors and in their home
work situation. MAY
The course will provide: Training workshop in behaviour modification
(1) Instruction on the theory and rationale of Lea Hospital, Stourbridge Road, Bromsgrove,
reinforcement training. Worcs.

Parents. Tentative date: 11th May, 1974.
Course on similar lines to those being held in
January, 1974 (details above) with practical advice and
instruction to parents on management of their child
at home with an emphasis on self-help, communi-
cation and play skills. Further details to be published
Castle Priory College
in our March issue WALLINGFORD
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, 5th June, 1974.
Conference: Design of play equipment for the “Ward staff in particular need more opportunities to
mentally handicapped and the use of the toy library. widen their horizons by exchanging ideas, and to devclop
their own ideas about ways in which they may give their
Further details will appear in our March issue. patients a fuller life.”
Tentative date: 18th June, 1974. Command 4653.
Second symposium: Language
Further details in March issue. Tentative date:
International conference on the deaf/blind (by An eight-week sandwich course for qualified
invitation only) nurses at Ward Sister, Charge Nurse or Salmon
SEPTEMBER No. 6 level in hospitals for the mentally handi-
Full-time, certificated course in behaviour modification capped.
For qualified nursing staff (approved by the Joint
Board of Clinical Nursing Studies). February 4th to March 1st and June 3rd to
Further details in March issue. June 28th, 1974.
Intensive course in mental subnormality A wide range of topics concerned with the care
For D.P.M. and M.R.C.Psych. candidates. and education of mentally handicapped children
Lea Castle Hospital, Wolverley, Nr. Kidderminster, and adults will be covered through talks, films,
16th-19th September, 1974. discussions, practical work and visits.
Further details in March issue.
Extended multi-disciplinary course in mental sub-
Lea Castle Hospital, Wolverley, Nr. Kidderminster, HOUSEP,4RENTS/CARE STAFF - 1974/75
Aims: to enable people of different disciplines who (a) Residential Care of Handicapped Children,
have a common interest in and a responsibility (b) Residential Care of Handicapped Adults.
towards the mentally handicapped to:
(1) have a group experience in which to share Applications are invited for these 15-month
knowledge and experience;
(2) learn together about the main aspects of mental residential courses at Castle Priory College,
handicap; commencing in September, 1974. Candidates
(3) understand the contribution of different dis- must have at least one year’s full-time experience
ciplines in the assessment of a mentally handi- of work with children or adults, and the
capped person and his/her family and in the minimum age for consideration is 18.
preparation of therapeutic programmes for the
individual and family; Both courses include practical periods spent in
(4)study under the guidance of experts in various special schools for handicapped children, care
fields related to mental handicap and allow units for the mentally handicapped, and other
dialogue with these experts with a view to residential situations, as well as sessions in
converting theory into practice.
Fortnightly on Wednesday afternoons from 2nd College. The courses work in parallel and give
October, 1974-9th July, 1975. 2.15 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. all participants an awareness of the work
Three terms. encountered in a whole range of care establish-
Further details in March issue. ments, whilst enabling them to develop particular
NOVEMBER skills for the two main fields of care.
Symposium: Research techniques ~

Further details in March issue. Tentative date:

6th November, 1974. Bequests for further information regarding all the above
DECEMBER courses should be sent to:-
Third symposium: Language The Principal, Castle Priory College, Thames Street,
Further details in March issue. Tentative date: Wallingford, Berkshire, OX10 OHE
13th December, 1974. Telephone: Wallingford 2551
Follow-up symposium: Biochemical aspects of mental

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