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Practice 2.


Dr. Hendri Bustamam
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu
Bengkulu, Indonesia

1. INSECT SPRAY (Biological Sprays)

 Take a handful of pest insects that eat your plants, mashed and stir in a small bucket of
 Let stand for 2 days.
 Strain the liquid and spray on damaged plants. The same pests as pests in the spray will
prevent the liquid. Traces of insect body can be put in a container and placed around
 The scent will continue to refuse pests.
 Spray is effective for worms, caterpillars, snails, slugs and other small pests, but less
effective for grasshoppers.

2. NEEM (Azadirachta indicaA.Juss) SPRAY

This plant can be used for natural insecticide that is safe and effective.
Neem leaf contains Azadirachtin, salanin, nimbinen, and Meliantrol. Neem can be used on
almost all insects, including mosquitoes. Sometimes it takes several weeks for results due to
several types of insects, neem breaks their breeding cycles. Neem is one of the best plants to use
as safe for human sand does not pose much of a problem for beneficial insects, especially pest
predators. Insome circumstances it may even increasethe production of beneficial earthworms
Snails/slugs, nematodes, stingingbees, caterpillars, moths, leafborer, flies, mosquitoes, and
grasshoppers are several types of insects that can be controlled with neem.

Receipt 1
 Mashed neem seeds and put in a cloth bag.
 Enter this cloth bag in a bucke tor drum filled with water during a night.
 Use 500 grams of neem seeds for every 10liters of water.
 Use as a spray on insect pests and plant affected. Neem seeds is more effective than the

Receipt 2
 Take a large handful of fresh neem leaves, crushed, and put into a bucket of water.
 Let stand for 2 days, then remove the leaves and use as a spray.

Receipt 3
 Dry the handful of neem leaves, mashed, and enter into the water.
 Let stand for 2 days, strain and use as a spray.
Receipt 4
Spray neem can also be made by soaking neem seeds which had been destroyed in alcohol,
or make oil from neem seeds using a pressing too loil. This method is more expensive but
produce a much stronger product.

Receipt 5.
a. Mash finely 200-300 grams neem seeds:
b. Soak over night with 10liters of water, stir and strain,
c. Ready to be sprayed on crops.

Receipt 6.
a. Mash finely 1kg of dried neem leaves with fresh leaves can also soak overnight in
10 liters of water, stir, strain, and ready to be sprayed on plants.

Receip 7. Neem Leaves + galangal and lemon grass

Examples of botanical pesticides following herbs are used to control locusts, brown
planthopper, hemiptere pest, fleas, caterpillars, aphids, and thrips in vegetables and other

•8kg of neem leaves
•6 kg of Galangal Rhizome
•6 kg of Lemon grass
•20 g of Detergentor20g
•20 liter of Water
a. Neem leaves, galangal, and lemon grass in mashed or pureed.
b. The entire material evenly stirred in20L of water a day and then soaked overnight
(24 hours).
c. The next day herb filtered using a soft cloth. Filtering the resulting solution was
diluted again with 60Lof water.
d. Solution as much as it can be used for an area of1ha.
 Spray a solution of botanical pesticides that have been made that the plants will be
protected from the attack of insects/pests.

Receipt 7. Neem seeds for pesticide:

 50 grams of neem seed
 1 gram of detergent (as an emulsifier)

How to make:
a. Dry the neem seeds
b. Mash or puree the seeds in a blender.
c. Soak neemseed powder in 1liter of waterduring overnight (12 hours)
d. Filtere the marinade by using cloth furing
e. Add the water filtered by a detergent solution, mix well.

Methodof application:
 Dilute 500ml of filtered neem seeds in 14 liters o fwater
 and apply on land in the afternoon.

Receipt 8. Making Vegetable Pesticides from neem leaves

a. Blend 50 grams of fresh neem leaves in a blender.
b. Soak delicate leaves in 1 liter of water during the overnight (12 hours)
c. Filter the solution with a cloth Furing
d. Mix a solution of 1 gram filtering results with detergent and stir well.

Method of application:
 Dilute 500 ml of neem leaf filter results in 14 liters of water and apply on land in
the afternoon.

Receipt 9. Natural Pesticides “neem leaves"

Neem leaf contains Azadirachtin, salanin, nimbinen and meliantriol. Effective control of
caterpillars, sucking pests, fungi, bacteria, nematodes etc..
a. Mash smooth 200 -300 g of neem seed
b. Soak overnight in 10 liters of water
c. Stir and strain, ready to be sprayed

Receipt 10. "neem leaves" for controlling sucking pest

a. Mash finely 1 kg of dried neem leaves can also with fresh leaves.
b. Soak overnight in 10 liters of water, stir, strain and ready to be sprayed onto

Receipt 11. Neem leaf and seed for controlling the "root knot nematodes" in
tobacco plants
a. Put 15 -30 grams of dried neem leaves or neem seeds 5 -10 grams of finely
ground, then given for each hole tobacco plants.

Receipt 12. Neem seed for controlling the " fungus Fusarium and Sclerotium "
a. as much as 2 -6 g crushed neem seeds
b. soak for 3 days with 1 liter of water.
c. Then filtered and prepared in spray on plants.


Receipt 1.
a. Mix 3 seedg arlic peeled with a handful of chilies and boil in a pot of water.
b. Add ¼ block of soap, mix well and leave for the day.
c. Strain the liquid and use 2 cups of the solution for one-time spraying.
Garlic is an insecticide, fungicide and insect repellent. Chili is also an insecticide and
insect repellent. The soap will help the spray stick to the plants and insects. Use this
solution for aphids, worms, caterpillars, and moths.

Receipt 2. Garlic (Allium sativum)"

Garlic botanical pesticides are effective in controlling some insect pests.
a. Grind 100 g Grated garlic
b. mixed with 0.5 liters of water, 10gmdetergent, and 2 tea spoon soil.
c. Settling for 24 hours, then filter with a soft cloth
d. Dilute there sulting solution to 20 times its volume filtration and spray on plants.

4. PAPAYA (Carica papaya L)LEAFSPRAY

Receipt 1.
a. Collect1kg of papaya leaves (about 1 large plastic bag), crushed, and mix in1liter
of water, then let stand for1 hour.
b. Strain and add 4liters of water and 1 large spoonfull of soap.
c. Spray on insect pests.
Papaya the spray can be used for aphids, termites, tiny pests, and caterpillars. For
termites, young papaya fruit mashed and collected the juice. Spray directly onto
termites and damaged wood.

Receipt 2.
Leaf Papaya contains papain active ingredients that are effective controlling
caterpillars and sucking pests :
a. 1kg of fresh papaya leaves chopped
b. Results of chopped soaked in10 liters of water plus 2 table spoons of kerosene,
30 g etergents, andlet stand overnight.
c. Filter results soaking solution using a soft cloth
d. Spray the solution is filtered to plant

Receipt 3.
Papaya leaf contains the active ingredient "Papain", so effective for the control of
"caterpillars and sucking pests".
a. 1 kg of fresh papaya leaves chopped
b. Results of chopped soaked in 10 liters of water, 2 table spoons of kerosene, 30
grams of detergent, let sit overnight.
c. Filter results soaking solution with a soft cloth.
d. Spray the solution is filtered into the plant.


a. A handful of grated ginger and put into a bucket of water. Let it sit for a day, then
spray on the affected crops to control larvae and caterpillars.
Taro leaves lisollic acid. When insect seat it, eat like humans feel the broken glass!
a. Mashed10 taro leaves and entries in3 liters of water (½ bucket), stirwell.
b. Splash in to plants by using a broom stick.
c. Make sure each plant was splashed solution for a good protection against insects.

Tomato leaves area natura linsecticide and fungicide light, can be used for aphids, ants,
worms, caterpillars, insecteggs, grasshoppers, moths, nematodes, white flies, fungus and
bacterial decay.
Receipt 1
a. Cook 1kg of tomato leaves in 2 liters of water for 30 minutes, add more pieces 2
handfuls of leaves, stems and fruit, and 2 liters of water.
b. Stir th eingredients and leave for 6 hours (½ day).
c. Strain and add ¼ bars of soap. Spray this solution every 2 days when the number
of insects, especially moths, pretty much.

8. Annona muricata leaves as a pesticide plant pest controller trips:

Annonain leaves contain active ingredients and Resin. Annonain effectively control pests
Receipt 1.
a. Mash 100 pieces leaves.
b. Soak in 5 liters of water and add 15grams of detergent.
Let stand 3 days and night.
c. Filter the solution with a cloth.
d. Dilute each liter of solution in10 liters of water.
e. Spray solution ready for use.
Receipt 2. For controlling cartepillar and aphids
a. Mash smooth soursop leaves of 50-100
b. Soak in 5 liters of water, add 15 g detergent, stir well and let stand overnight
c. Filter with a soft cloth.
d. On the back 1 liter of dilute pesticide solution with10-15 liters of water
e. Readysprayed on crops.
Receipt 3. Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa) seeds for For controlling cartepillar
and aphids
a. Mashuntil smooth15-25grams ofsugar appleseed
b. Soakin 1quart of water, 1g ofdetergent, stir wellandlet1night
c. Filter andreadysprayed on crops.
Receipt 4.
3 Potions to control pests on chilli thrips:
•Annona leaves 50-100 pieces
•Detergent or 15 g of soap
•Water 5L
How to make:
a. Annona leaves finely mixed with 5 L of water and precipitated over night.
b. Filtered with a cloth.
c. Each1Lsolution filtrate diluted with 10-15L of water.
Usage/Application: Spray the entire plant to the chili.

Receipt 5. Annona Leaves

a. Mash smooth 50-100 annona leaves.
b. Soak in 5 liters of water, 15 gr + detergent, stir well and let stand overnight.
c. Filter with a soft cloth
d. Disbursed back 1 liter solution of pesticides with 10-15 liters of water
e. Ready sprayed on crops.

Receipt 6. Annona leaves + Jeringau (Acorus calamus)

Jeringau rhizome contains "Arosone, Kalomenol, Kalomen, Kalomeone, methyl
eugenol, eugenol". Effective for controlling "brown planthoppers".
a. Mash a handful smooth soursop leaves, rhizomes handful Jeringau, 20 cloves of
b. Soak in water 20 liters, add 20 g of soap, mix well and leave it overnight.
c. Filter with a soft cloth.
d. Dilute the pesticide 1liter with 50 -60 liters of water
e. Ready to spray on plants.

Receipt 7. Annona seeds for controlling aphids

a. Mash until smooth 15 -25 grams of sugar apple seed
b. Soak in 1 quart of water, 1 g detergent, stir well and let one night, then strain
c. ready sprayed to the plant leaf

9. Method for production of plant-based pesticides Annona muricata leaves,

Jeringau(Acorus calamus) rhizome +garlic+to control brown planthoppers:
a. handful of finelymashed soursop leaves, a handful of Jeringau and 20cloves of
b. Soak these ingredients with20 liters of water was added 20grams of detergent for
c. Filter the solution with a cloth.
d. The solution is ready for use.

10. Method for production ofplant-based pesticides of Anona muricataleaves+tobacco

leavesto control locusts and caterpillars:
a. Take 50 sheets of soursop leaf and a handful of tobacco leaves until finely
b. Soak the materials in20 lof water which had been given 20 g of detergent
c. Filter the solution with a cloth.
d. Solution is ready for use and sprayed on crops.

11. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Pesticide"

Tobacco leaves containthe active ingredient nicotine. Effective botanical pesticides to
control pests of tobacco leaf.
Receipt 1.
Method for production of tobacco leaf botanical pesticides areas follows:
a. Slice 250g tobacco leaves and soaked in 8 liters of water during the over night
b. Add 2 tea spoons extra detergent into the soaking solution results
c. Stir the solution evenly then filtered with soft cloth
d. Spray the solution to plant

Receipt 2.
Tobacco leaves contain nicotine. Effective for controlling sucking pests.
a. Mash 250 grams (about 4 leaves) and tobacco soaked in 8 liters of water during
the night.
b. Add 2 table spoons of detergent, stir well and then filtered.
c. Ready sprayed on crops.

12. Annona leaves + Jeringau (Acorus calamus) rhizome+garlic

2 Potions to control the brown planthopper:
•Soursop leavesa handful
•Rhizome Jeringau one hand held
•20 cloves Garlic
•20 g of Detergent or soap
•Water 20L
How to make:
a. Annona leaves, calamus rhizome, and garlic mashed or pureed.
b. The entire materialis mixed with detergent and then soaked in20 L of water for 2
c. The next day the solution was filtered with a soft cloth material.
d. Each1 L of the filter can be diluted with10-15 L of water.
e. The solution is ready to use botanical pesticides for the control of
Usage/Application: Spray to plant leaves

13. Maja fruit (Aegle marmelos) Against Conomorpha ceremela (Cocoa fuit borere)
a. Scrape flesh maja then crushed with1 liter of water. Put it in a container.
b. Fermentation for 24 hours.
c. Filter water fermented, then soluted with10 l of water.
d. Spray it on the leaves, stems attacked by pests mover in the morning hour 6-7 am
or and afternoon 4-6 pm

14. Castor seed

Castor Seeds contain "Reisin and Alkaloit", effective for the control of caterpillars and
sucking pests (in solution form), is also effective for controlling nematodes / worms (in
powder form).
a. Mash 1 castor beans and simmer for 10 minutes in 2 liters of water, add 2 table
spoons of kerosene and 50 g of detergent and stir.
b. Filter the resulting solution soaking, add back 10 liters of water.
c. Ready to be used in a way to spray the plants.
15. Natural Pesticides "Chinese henna"
China henna contains essential oils, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoin, and tannins. Effective
to control "pest caterpillars".
a. Mash 50 -100 g twigs or bark chinese henna, add 1 liter of water, add 1 g of
detergent and then boiled for 45-75 minutes and stirred to be the solution.
b. Filter with a soft cloth.
c. Ready sprayed on crops.

16. Forest Betel (Piper bettel) leaf

Betel leaf forests harbor "phenol and kavokol". Effective for sucking pests.
Making way:
a. Mash finely 1 kg of fresh betel leaf forest, 3 onions bulb and 5 stalks, lemongrass.
b. Add water 8-10 liters of water, 50 grams of detergent and mix evenly.
c. Filter with a soft cloth
d. Ready sprayed on crops.
17. Bitter Yam Bulbs"
Tubers of yam contains diosgenin, a steroid saponins, alcohols and phenols. Effective for
controlling caterpillars and sucking pests.
a. Mash finely 500 g yam tubers and extracted by soft cloth.
b. Add 10 liters of water, stir well
c. Ready to spray on plants.

18. "Leaves Gamal" Pesticide

Gliricidia leaf contains Tannins. Effective for controlling caterpillars and sucking pests.
Gamal leaves when coupled with kerosene and detergent will be used as an insecticide.
Its use should hati2 due to the presence of the plants burning kerosene and smell when
approaching harvest.
19. Pesticides Vegetable "neem leaves and Bluebird tubers".
Effective for controlling caterpillars and sucking pests.
a. Mash finely 1kg neem leaf and 2 pieces of yam tubers,
b. Add 20 liters of water, 10 grams of detergent and mix well
c. Then let sit overnight,
d. Filtered and ready to spray on plants.
20. Pesticides Vegetable "pyrethrum flower powder"
Pyrethrum flower powder containing material "pyrethrins". Effective for the control of
a. Soak pyrethrum flower powder as much as 25 g in 10 liters of water
b. Add 10 g of detergent, mix well and leave it overnight
c. Filtered and ready sprayed on crops.

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