Activity 4 Sociological Perspective of The Self

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2nd Sem. A.Y. 2021-2022

Activity 4: Sociological Perspective of the Self


Part 1: Dana’s Story

Instruction: Read the article and answer the questions below.

Personal Troubles Versus Public Issues: DANA’S STORY

(Taken from SOCIOLOGY: A Critical Approach by K.J. Neubeck and D.S. Glasberg)

This is a story about Dana, a sincere and pleasant young woman of 19.
Dana grew up in a middle-class neighborhood with her parents and two younger brothers. She was a
relatively good student in high school, although she was the first to admit she coasted whenever she could. To
provide the family with the basic necessities, Dana’s parents both worked. They gave up vacations in order to put a
small amount of money aside each month to help pay for their children’s college expenses. Dana and her brothers
found part-time pay jobs to pay for their personal expenses. There were few luxuries. Dana’s family was proud last
year when she went off to a public college that had a good reputation. It was just affordable with Dana’s summer
earnings and a modest boost from the financial aid office. She was on track. But now her world is falling apart.

Dana’s father has been out of work for over six months. He was laid off when his employer, an industrial
firm where he had worked his way up to a middle-management position, “downsized” its labor pool. To his dismay,
he found little interest from other employers. He wondered how much his being middle-aged had to do with it or if
his physical disability, the result of a car accident, counted against him. He took it for granted that his dark skin was
a liability. Dana’s mother had been working ever since her youngest child was old enough to care for himself after
school. But salary as a clerk-typist in an insurance company was not sufficient to support much above the poverty
level, let alone contribute to Dana’s college expenses. When Dana asked for more financial aid, the college aid
office told her that the federal government had tightened the eligibility rules and it couldn’t give her anything more.
Even with the part-time jobs, she was holding down, Dana could not afford to stay at college.

When Dana arrives home, she finds her family in turmoil. The stress seems to be ripping apart her parents’
marriage. Mutual hostility and periodic outbursts of physical abuse mark their relationship. Dana’s father was
always strict but fair with his children. Now he behaves unpredictably. Her brothers seek refuge with their friends
and try to avoid their father. They are also beginning to get in trouble at school; her mother is receiving a stream of
calls and notes from school authorities. Dana spends a lot of time in her room, anxiety stricken and chronically
depressed by the overwhelming facts of her difficult situation. Away from her friends, and too frightened to approach
her parents, Dana suffers alone.
1. What is the problem with Dana? (5 points)
Dana is experiencing anxiety and depression, a condition in which a person feels discouraged, sad,
hopeless, unmotivated, or disinterested in life in general for more than two weeks and when the feelings interfere
with daily activities. As well as public issues like familial,financial, school and work problems which triggered her
and resulted to a serious and personal problem like depression.

2. What are the causes of Dana’s problem? (5 points)

There are many causes as to why Dana had those problems. Mostly were public issues firstly his father
being laid off from work or unemployed due to discrimination, financial problem from her mother having a minimum
wage because she only started recently since it is “a woman’s duty to take care of the children and stay at home"
and the college she had asked for financial aid, downfall of her part time job, leaving college. To a more personal
issues like her parents always fighting and resulted to separation and her brothers rebelling at school. All the
trauma and stress buildup triggered her as she suffers alone which arises to more consequential issue.

3. What are the possible solutions to Dana’s problem that you could suggest? (5 points)
The best thing to do is for them to talk about their personal issues and share it within the family. In that way,
they would more likely could come up with some solutions. Moreover to Dana's condition, it is safe to say that she'll
need to seek help from a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional for therapy and prescribed
medications. Most importantly, people shouldn’t be rejected just by their skin or disability. Addressing it to the public
is a must, we should stop racism, discrimination and sexism. Every human has the right to work or do whatever
they want even if they’re disabled or women.


Each member of our family, peer, and community influences our behavior and growth as a person.
Likewise, our behavior influences our relationship with each member of the family, peer, and community.
Identify the positive qualities of each family member, peer, and community. How do these qualities
contribute and what are the effects of these qualities in obtaining a harmonious relationship within your
family, peer, and community?

Family Member Positive Qualities Effects on Me

It gave me lessons and values that I
My Father/Papa/Tatay/Daddy Protective, disciplinarian, providing would use in the future. With his
a range of experiences, provide a advices, I learned things that I
sense of safety and security. would stay away from because it is
not good for me. Moreover, with
him Being a disciplinarian and
protective, it allow me to limit
myself from exploring to much. Ika
nga, lahat ng sobra ay masama.
My mom taught me to be
My Mother/Mama/Nanay/Mommy Supportive, affectionate, strong and independent, that I can stand alone
independent, religious, exemplifies without a man. Her affection also
what she teaches. helped me to calm down when I'm
angry. I also love it when she is
supportive, in that way I will not
hold back to things I wanna do
because someone right there
believes in me. My religious side
also is influenced by her, since I
was a kid she taught me to pray
until I grew up, a day won't be
complete if I don’t pray atleast 3
His characteristic of being a
My Brother Defends me everytime, hardworking man motivates me to
hardworking, keeps my secrets. do the same. He uses his own
money to by his whims and he
influences me to do it as well and
not to ask from my parents.
Whenever I wanna release my
My Sister Trustworthy, honest, good role thoughts about something, they
model, optimistic, good listener. always listen to me. It greatly
helped me in a way that it lesson
my worries because they listen and
gave me advises.
Everytime I'm feeling down, they
My Peers always hype me up. I'm not afraid
Always have my back, someone to fail since they're always at my
who will catch me when I fall, pure back to support me to try again.
good vibes, motivator, influences They also taught me things that
me in a good way. would make me a better person.
When I'm drained from home or
school, I would just reach out to
them and I'm energized again.
It is free of poverty and crime,
My community Cohesive, safe, confident, providing a high quality of life for
prosperous. everyone that lives there. It values
and promotes open, participative
development processes
underpinned by a continuous
culture of trans-generational

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