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Name : Ranuyasa Al Ayuby

Class : 11 DKV 2
No : 27


1. Could you tell me about what kind of person you are?

My name is Ranuyasa Al Ayuby, I am 16 years old, and I am a student of SMK RUS and
majoring in Graphic Design.

2. Would you describe about yourself in just three words?

I like illustration major, like listening to music, and not diligent enough.

3. Could you tell me about your educational background?

I started attending at Umar Bin Khattab kindergarten from 2012 to 2014. I continued to
study at primary school 1 Gondosari from 2014 to 2019. Not only that, I also continued to
the next level, namely elementary school 1 Gebog in from 2019 to 2021. Then, I
continued to study here, at the Raden Umar Said Kudus vocational high school in 2021
until now.

4. Would you tell me about your organizational experience?

I've never been in a school organization like OSIS or MPK, so I don't have any experience
in any organization.

5. Would you tell me about your skills?

I have skills in CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Power
Point, ibis Paint X, and Figma’s software. However, I also lack skills in Excel, Adobe
Premiere, and Adobe XD’s software.

6. How would you describe about your relationship with recent company?

I have never worked for any company before, so I have no relationship with any company
now. You could say this is my first experience in a job interview in a company.

7. Can you tell me about your last job?

like I said earlier, I have never worked in any company before, so, I don't have any work
experience before

8. Would you please describe about your duties in your last job?
I didn't have a previous job, so, you could say that I didn't have any duties in my previous

9. Can you work under the target and pressure?

I can work according to the stated deadline as long as the deadline is still reasonable for
me to work on. If there is pressure at work, I can also handle it as long as the pressure is
still normal and doesn't stress me out.

10. Would you say about your strength?

My strength is not in physical, but in brain and thinking, so the job I choose is of course I
choose based on my strength and ability.

11. Would you say about your weakness?

The weakness that I have is the deadline that very fast and not normal for me to
work on. Not only that, I also have a weakness at work that requires physical strength.

12. What is your goal for your future?

My goal in the future is to become a successful person and can make my parents and
even many people happy. Maybe it's the desire and goal of many people, but I'm here
to convey my true goal, and will really prove it.

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