Amway Gar - Faqs

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why are we changing qualification criteria?
Throughout Amway history, beginning with Rich and Jay, the Sales Plan has evolved along with the
marketplace, to provide a relevant and profitable entrepreneurial opportunity. Global Award Recognition is
the next step in that evolution. With the launch of New FAA in PY18, it was announced that there would be
a single path to qualification in the future. Global Award Recognition, aligned with Amway Next, challenges
all of us to ensure business are built upon a solid foundation of healthy, profitable, and sustainable leaders
backed by strong sales to loyal buyers and consumers. Leaders will be recognized for building businesses
with sound and profitable structures and for developing and mentoring sustainable leaders. It is a simplified,
single route to qualification that promotes a continuous journey to sustained achievement.

Why does Global Award Recognition start at Executive Diamond?

Executive Diamond represents the stage of Amway business development where leaders shift emphasis
from building Platinum legs to duplicating/developing higher level leadership in depth. Previously, the two
paths to qualification had created disparity of effort and income within award levels at Executive Diamond
and above. The single path to qualification at Executive Diamond and above will encourage qualifiers having
profitable, sustainable businesses well positioned for future growth and higher achievement.

Are there any changes I can make to my business to maximize Global Award
The fundamentals of the Sales Plan have not changed and by focusing on these, you are positioned for
success. Founders Platinum legs are key to success as they create both a profitable and sustainable
foundation for your business. Strong, healthy in-market legs are valuable and recommended before
venturing into international markets. More than ever, helping others become successful will help you
become successful.

Will there be any impact on annual bonuses (i.e. Diamond, Diamond Plus)?
No. Annual bonuses or any other core plan bonus calculations are not impacted and will continue to be
calculated according to the Sales Plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Global Award Recognition connected to the New FAA program?
Global Award Recognition and New FAA are similar, but the two are not identical in their design. Both
programs focus on leadership development (either through reward or recognition) and Founders Platinum
legs, but depth plays a different role for qualification than for the New FAA Bonus. While FAA is one bonus
in a portfolio of bonuses that reward various business building behaviors, there is only one route to
qualification in Global Award Recognition, requiring a balance of width and depth. Width is valued in Global
Award Recognition in the exact same way as in the New FAA Bonus; depth is valued differently.

What does ‘Global Pin’ mean and what does this mean for how I am treated at different
Amway events around the globe?
Global Pin means exactly what it says: you will be recognized at your highest level of achievement based
on your total leadership development efforts around the globe in all markets where you have a multiple
business. In short, once you’re qualified at Executive Diamond or above, your qualification title travels with

What does it mean that an award is earned globally?
Business achievements of your multiple businesses (#1/#2) and ISDs around the world will be combined to
create a single global award qualification. This will give you more freedom to choose where to work and
more confidence that where you are building your business will lead to global recognition.

What are Global Award tiers?

Global Award Recognition has three tiers. Within each tier, there are award levels, each with different
Founders Platinum leg and Qualification Credit requirements. The total number of credits in a leg that can
contribute to a qualification is based on the tier of the award. As your business grows, it can use
progressively more depth to achieve higher awards. This is an acknowledgement of the increased influence
of a business at these high pin levels.

Can I achieve a higher award without achieving all the other awards below it?
No. The design of Global Award Recognition is that there is one clear and sequential path to qualification.
You cannot “skip” over awards without achieving all lower awards as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I achieve more than one new level during a Performance Year?
Yes. It is possible that by adding Founder Platinum Legs or Qualification Credits you will achieve more than
one new award level in a Performance Year. In this case, all new award levels will be recognized.

What are the criteria for Founders Council?

Beginning PY20, Founders Council invitations will be given to ABOs that qualify for Crown and above using
Global Award Recognition. This invitation is at Amway’s discretion.

Why is Founders Diamond so important?
Under Global Award Recognition, you are required to have at least one Founders Diamond business globally
to earn higher awards. Founders Diamond represents a solid, profitable foundation upon which to grow to
Executive Diamond and beyond. Founders Diamonds are more profitable and have higher requalification
rates. A Founders Diamond is an Emerald Bonus Recipient (including European EBR) with 6 or more
personal, foster, or internationally sponsored legs that qualify at the 21% level for 12 months (Q12 legs) in
a Performance Year. You must build 6 12-month qualified legs (including VE) to achieve Founders Diamond
and eligibility for Global Award Recognition.

What is changing with Founders Diamond qualification?

There will no longer be an FAA equivalency rule for Founders Diamond qualification beyond the transition
period. The FAA qualification equivalency rule at 8 FAA and above will not exist under Global Award
Recognition. There will be a new emphasis on the importance of Founders Diamond qualification based on
6 12-month qualified legs.


How are Q12 legs counted in Global Award Recognition?
Founders Diamond and below, will continue to be achieved based on the number of qualified legs that you
have, including international legs. Global Award Recognition, at Executive Diamond and above, will be
achieved using Founders Platinum legs.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Founders Platinum legs?
Founders Platinum (FP) legs are the measurement of width in Global Award Recognition. FP legs are in-
Market legs (personally or foster sponsored) that contain a FP and are downline of a #1 or #2 multiple
business in another Amway market. International legs do not count as FP legs. A FP leg must have a FP
in it; two 6-month Platinums within a leg will not count as a FP leg, even though the leg may be a Q12 leg
and have 12 qualified months.

What is the difference between Founders Platinum legs and Q12 legs?
A Founders Platinum leg requires 12 qualified months from one ABO, meaning there must a Founders
Platinum in the leg. A Founders Platinum leg also must be an in-market leg that is downline of a #1 or #2
multiple business. A Q12 leg can have different ABOs qualifying each month within the leg (for example,
two ABOs qualified for 6 months each). Q12 legs can also be internationally sponsored ABOs while
Founders Platinum Legs must be personally or foster sponsored.

Is Volume Equivalency still counted for Founders Platinum qualification?

Yes. Founders Platinum qualifications can still be earned using Volume Equivalency and these Founders
Platinums count for Founders Platinum legs and can generate Qualification Credits.

Does an EBR count as a Founders Platinum in a leg?

To count as a Founders Platinum in a leg and generate Qualification Credits, EBRs and DBRs must also be
Founders Platinums. The majority of EBRs are Founders Platinum, but if an EBR is not also a Founders
Platinum it will not generate Qualification Credits and if there are no other Founders Platinums in the leg,
the EBR leg will not count as a Founders Platinum leg.

Does my #2 business count as a Founders Platinum leg?

No. #2 businesses are internationally sponsored and cannot count as Founders Platinum legs. However,
the business you created downline of a #2 business will count with any Founders Platinum legs downline of
a #2 business, contributing to your global total.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does a multiple business need to meet any local criteria to contribute Founders
Platinum legs?
There is no minimum level for a multiple business to contribute Founders Platinum legs.

Do my Founders Platinum legs determine how many Qualification Credits per leg can
be used for all awards I achieve?
No, the maximum number of credits per leg you can use is specific to each award. You can use up to 6
credits per leg for Executive Diamond and Founders Executive Diamond, up to 9 credits per leg for Double
Diamond through Founders Triple Diamond, and up to 12 credits per leg for Crown and above awards.

Does a multiple business need to meet any local criteria to contribute Qualification
A multiple business must locally be a Founders Platinum to contribute 1 credit for each Founders Platinum
leg downline of that business. To contribute more than one credit per leg, up to a maximum of 12 credits
depending on the Global Award tier, a multiple business must locally be an EBR (must also be Founders

Does my #2 businesses generate Qualification Credits?

A #1/#2 multiple business no longer generates any qualification credits itself, but instead, the entire business
it developed contributes Qualification Credits based on the leaders downline in that business rather than
just the qualification of the #2 business itself.

Why is depth limited to 6-9-12 Qualification Credits when the New FAA allows 30 FAA
points of depth?
Depth is capped at less than 30 credits to preserve the foundational principle of unlimited potential within
the Amway business. Depth is treated differently in bonuses than it is in qualification. For qualification, the
preservation of the important value of unlimited potential for anyone in the LOS had to be ensured. The
benefit for depth in the new qualification criteria is far more beneficial compared to old rules under old FAA,
and the progressive depth benefit (growing from 6 Qualification Credits to 12) reflects the increasing sphere
of influence and scope of businesses that achieve the highest levels of Amway merits.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Founders DBR?
A Founders DBR is a Founders Diamond with 6 personally or foster sponsored Founders Platinum legs and
will contribute 6 Qualification Credits upline instead of the 3 credits awarded for DBRs. These Founders
DBRs exhibit a profitable and sustainable business and the additional Qualification Credits are in place to
encourage this robust structure. A Founders DBR also is well positioned for current or future participation
in Global Award Recognition as their business structure would meet the Founders Diamond requirement.

Why is an in-market Founders Diamond worth 6 credits but only 3 FAA points?
Depth is treated differently in FAA than it is for qualification. The purpose behind the 6 credit in-market
Founders DBR qualification credit value was to reinforce this important structure on the journey to Executive
Diamond and above. With new FAA, an ABO could generate 9 FAA points for building an in-market
Founders Diamond (one 3 point DBR + six 1 point Founders Platinums). To promote this same structure
with qualification, a Founders DBR can also contribute 9 credits upline (one 6 credit Founders DBR and
three 1 credit Founders Platinums). This unique benefit of the new program will create alignment between
the downline Diamond’s goal (who must grow to Founders Diamond to participate in Global Award
Recognition) and the upline’s goal to maximize FAA and Qualification Credits.

How is Founders DBR different than DBR for 12 months?

Founders DBR requires more than just 6 Q12 legs. It promotes sustainability with 6 legs with leaders in
them…Founders Platinum legs.

Is there no longer any benefit from Q6 legs?

Q6 legs do not have an explicit role in qualification at Executive Diamond and above, but they still play an
important role in qualification at lower levels and towards the development of EBR and DBR leaders that
will be a part of higher award qualification at Executive Diamond and above.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be a transition period?
Yes. For PF19, you can grow or maintain your qualification using the better of the three programs (FAA
points, qualified legs, or Global Award Recognition). During PF20 and PF21, Diamond ABOs and below
will transition to the new qualification program. Founders Diamond ABOs and above can maintain their
qualification using the better of the three programs during PY20 and PY21. Growth can only occur through
the new program. Beginning in PY22, qualification will be determined by Global Award Recognition
standards only.

During PY20 and PY21, is the highest award that can be earned using Legs and/or FAA
points based on my highest qualified award level ever or my PY19 award level?
Your PY19 award level achieved using legs and/or FAA points will be used as a baseline for PY20 and PY21
achievement using legs and/or FAA points. Resources such as MyBiz will be there to help you identify and
track opportunities to build a profitable business built for long-term success.

Can a Founders Diamond qualify with 8 FAA points during the transition?
In PY19, you may qualify for Founders Diamond as a DBR with 8 Original FAA points and in PY20 and PY21
can requalify for Founders Diamond using this criteria. However, this will not meet the eligibility
requirements for Global Award Recognition.

Will my highest historical pin earned using Legs/FAA still be acknowledged?

Yes. Pins earned in the past will continue to be acknowledged if they were the highest level of achievement.

How can I find out the impact of Global Award Recognition on my current situation
and how can I track my progress?
Consult with your local LGS staff to learn more about how Global Award Recognition will impact you and
how you can improve your understanding of how to advance to higher qualified awards. Tracking in MyBiz
will also be available to EBRs and above beginning October 2018 to help you set goals and track your
Frequently Asked Questions
Will there still be One Time Cash Awards (OTCA) for the first time I achieve Double
Diamond and above?
OTCAs are being enhanced into a Two-Time Cash Award (TTCA) program offering increased payment
amounts for first time achievement of new award levels. Additionally, new requalification incentives will be
offered to reinforce the broader ABO Incentive strategy, which is focused on rewarding sustainable
businesses. TTCAs can be earned by an ABO who achieves new award level using Global Award
Recognition. Payments for these awards will be pro-rated by country where Qualification Credits are

How will TTCA amounts be determined?

TTCAs are determined as a multiplier of the Profitability Index and can vary by country. When a global
award is earned using Qualification Credits from more than one market, the payment will be prorated
according to where the credits were earned, with credits from the highest paying markets being counted

When do I have to requalify to earn the Year Two requalification incentive?

To earn a requalification incentive, which is approximately 1/3 of the first year amount, you must requalify
for the award in the year immediately following the initial qualification.

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