Long Exam 2021 2nd Q

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NAME____________________________________ YR.

& SEC__________________________

Read the sentences carefully and choose the best answer:

1. When was the 7.7 Earthquake took place in the Philippines?

a. 1990 b. 1991
c. 1890 d. 1891
ans. A
2. Where in the Philippines this earthquake have badly hit?
a. Luzon b. Mindanao
c. Mindoro d. Baguio ans. D
3. Which of the following are safer in during an earthquake?
a. inside the house b. outside in an open area
c. inside the car d. under a tree
ans. B
4. Which agency of the government in the Philippines is monitoring the movement of
the earth crust?
c. PAGASA d. DENR ans. A
5. It is a sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the release of stress
accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity.
a. typhoon b. flood
c. tsunami d. earthquake an

6. Which part of the earth is said to be solid?

a. crust b. mantle
c. outer core d. inner core ans. D
7. Which part of the earth is said to be liquid?
a. crust b. mantle
c. outer core d. inner core ans. C
8. What do you call the layer of the earth most visible to us?
a. crust b. mantle
c. outer core d. inner core ans. A
9. It is the thickest layer of the earth.
a. crust b. mantle
c. outer core d. inner core ans. B
10. These are waves of energies that travels through the Earth's layers.
a. ocean wave b. radio waves
c. seismic waves d. light waves

11. From what bodies of water do typhoons originates?

a. ocean b. rivers
c. lakes d. streams Ans. A
12. The name of the typhoon that caused great floods in Metro Manila that resulted
to many damaged houses,and properties.
a. Idang b. Mando
c. Kuring d. Ondoy Ans. D
13. Name the agency of the government that monitors typhoon in the Philippines.
a. DoST b. Phivolcs
c. PAGASA d. DENR Ans. C
14. It is rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure center, strong winds,
and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain.
a. rain b. tropical cyclone
c. snow d. sand storm Ans. B
15. What is the name of the big body of water that is where almost all typhoon that
pass in our country?
a. Indian Ocean b. West Philippine Sea
c. Atlantic Ocean d. Pacific Ocean Ans. D
16. A celestial body bigger than 10 m orbiting the Sun, mainly between Mars
and Jupiter.
a. asteroid b. meteorite
c. comet d. shooting star Ans. A
17. A smaller celestial body mainly composed of ice and dust. If a comet
approaches the Sun it can generate a tail of gas and/or dust.
a. asteroid b. meteorite
c. comet d. shooting star Ans. C
18. The part of a meteoroid or asteroid that survives the passage through our
atmosphere and reaches the Earth's surface.
a. asteroid b. meteorite
c. comet d. fireball Ans. B
19. Which of the following do enter the earth's atmosphere?
a. asteroid b. meteorite
c. comet d. satellite Ans. B
20. Which of the following heavenly bodies revolve around the sun.
a. asteroid b. meteorite
c. comet d. satellite Ans. C

IIns. Cs. D

II. Identify the parts of an


Focus opposing plates


seismic waves

III. Choose the correct word(s) from the box associated with the given statement

Tsunami tidal wave wavelength

phenomenon coast

6. The shore of a sea or ocean (coast)

7. Any state or process known through the senses (Phenomenon)
8. An unusual (and often destructive) rise of water along the seashore caused by
a storm or a combination of wind and high tide (Tidal Wave)
9. On reaching the coast, it slows down and its __________ decreases
10. The term __________ (harbor wave) comes from Japan, where the
phenomenon frequently occurs (‘tsu

IV. Supply the missing words in the following statements

11. The word typhoon is only used in countries western side of ________________
12. While in northern part of the Atlantic Ocean it is called _______________.
13. A Philippine name for the typhoon could only be used once the typhoon
___________ the country.
14. The speed of a super typhoon is about _______________
15. A tropical storm wind speed is around ________________

118kph Greater than 200kph Enters Pacific Ocean Hurricanes

GIVE for the meaning of the following acronyms (2pts )

1. NDRRMC ___________________________________________________________________
2. PAGASA_______________________________________________________________________
3. PAR___________________________________________________________________________
4. PSWS_________________________________________________________________________
5. DOST_________________________________________________________________________
6. NEA___________________________________________________________________________
7. PHIVOLCS_____________________________________________________________________
8. DENR__________________________________________________________________________
9. TD_____________________________________________________________________________
10. TS____________________________________________________________________________

Good luck!!!! Nay Lhen

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