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Shroff Enclave, Arekere, Bangalore-560076

Marks : 80
Std : 10 Time : 2hr


 Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

 You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes.
 This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
 The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers
 Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.
the intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]

Question 1
Choose the correct Answers to the question from the given options:

i) If an element A belongs to period 3 and group II then it will have

a) 3 shells and 2 Valence electron c) 2 Shells and 3 valence electrons
b) 3 shells and 3 valence electrons d) 2 shells and 2 valence electrons

ii) Aluminum powder is used in Thermite welding because

a) It is a strong reducing agent c) It is a corrosion resistant
b) It is a strong oxidizing agent d) It is a good conductor of heat

iii) The molecule containing a triple covalent bond is

a) Ammonia b) Methane c) Water d) Nitrogen

iv) Heating an ore in a limited supply of air or in the absence of air is known as
a) Smelting b) Ore dressing c) Calcination d) Electrolysis

v) The main of the fountain experiment is to prove that

a) HCl turns blue litmus into red c) HCl is highly soluble in water
b) HCl is denser than air d) HCl fumes is moist air

vi) Anhydrous Iron (III) chloride is prepared by

a) Direct combination b) Decomposition c) Simple displacement d) Neutralization

vii)To increase the PH value of a neutral solution we should add

a) An acid b) an acid salt c) An alkali d) a salt

viii) The IUPAC name of dimethyl ether is

a) Ethoxy methane b) Methoxy methane c) Methoxy Ethane d) Ethoxy ethane

ix) The salt solution which does not react with ammonium hydroxide is

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a) Calcium Nitrate b) Zinc nitrate c) Lead Nitrate d) Copper Nitrate

x) The Catalyst used in the contact process is

a) Copper b) Iron c) Vanadium Pentoxide d) Manganese di oxide

xi) An alkaline earth metal

a) Potassium b) Calcium c) Lead d) Copper

xii)Which of the following metallic oxides cannot be reduced by normal reducing agents?
a) Magnesium oxide b) Copper (II)oxide c) Zinc Oxide d) Iron (III) oxide

xiii) The chloride of a metal which is insoluble in cold water, but soluble in hot water
a) Silver chloride b) Copper (II) chloride c) Lead (II) chloride d) Iron (II)Chloride

xiv) The liquid ammonia is used as refrigerant because

a) It is highly Volatile c) It easily liquifies under pressure
b) It has a high specific latent heat of Vaporization d) All of these

xv)Which one is odd amongst the following

a) C2H2 b) C2H4 c) C3H4 d) C4H6

Question 2
i) The diagram shows an experiment set up for the lab preparation of a pungent smelling gas.
The gas is alkaline in nature. [5]

a) Name the gas collected in the gas jar.

b) Write a balanced chemical equation for
the above preparation.
c) How the gas being collected.
d) What is the purpose of using Y.
e) How will you find the jar is full of gas.

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ii) Match the following: [5]

a) Copper (II) nitrate 1) Green

b) Iron (II) sulphate 2) Whit
c) Magnesium chloride 3) Pink
d) Cobalt chloride 4) Black
e) Copper oxide 5) Blue

iii) Give one word or a phrase for the following statements [5]

a) The energy released when an electron is added to a neutral gaseous isolated atom to
form a negatively charged atom-
b) Process of formation of ions from molecules which are not in ionic state -
c) The tendency of an element to form chain of identical atoms-
d) The process by which Sulphide ore is concentrated-
e) The electrons present in the outer most shell of an atom-

iv) Complete the following by choosing the correct answer from the bracket [5]

a) In Haber’s process the Iron is used as _________ molybdenum as __________

[ Catalyst, Promoter]
b) Copper (II) Oxide which is _______ [Brown/Black] in color is strongly heated and
then ammonia gas is passed over it for some time. The color of the residue is ______.
[Reddish, Silvery].
c) Brown ring is formed during the testing of Iron radical I chemically _____________.
[Fe (SO4)3.NO/ FeSO4.NO / FeSO4 NO2]

v) A) Draw the structure for the following [5]

a) Pentan -3- ol b) Methanal c)2- Butene

B) Name the following Organic compound in IUPAC system

a) b)

Attempt any 4 Questions from this section
Question 3
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a) Draw an electron dot diagram of hydrogen ion, state the type of bonding present in it [2]

b) Name the following metals : [3]

i) A metal present in cryolite other than sodium.
ii) A metal which is unaffected by dilute or conc acid.
iii) A metal present in period 3, group1 of the periodic table.

c) There are three elements E, F, G with atomic number 19, 8 and 17 respectively [2]
i)Classify the element as metals and non-metals.
ii)Give the molecular formula of the compound formed between E and G and
state the type of chemical bond in this compound.

d) Identify the gas evolved in the following reaction when.. [3]

i) Sulphur is treated with conc. Nitric acid.
ii) A few crystals of KNO3are heated in a hard glass test tube.
iii) Conc. HCl acid is made to react with manganese di oxide.

Question 4


Number 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18

2nd period Li D O J Ne
A Mg E Si H M

 In this table H does not represent Hydrogen.

 Some elements are given in their own symbol and position in the periodic table.
 While others are shown in the letter.
With reference to the table answer the following questions [6]
i) Identify the most electronegative element.
ii) Identify the most reactive element of group I.
iii) Identify the element from period 3 with least atomic size.
iv) How many valance electrons are present in Q?
v) Which element from group 2 would have the least ionization energy?
vi) Identify the noble gas of fourth period.

b) State 2 relevant observation for each. [2]

i) When excess Sodium hydroxide is added to Calcium nitrate solution.

ii) When moist Starch Iodide paper is introduced into Chlorine gas.

i) Give the balanced equation for the following [2]

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i) Laboratory preparation of nitric acid.
ii) Preparation of Ethanol from mono-Chloro ethane and aqueous Sodium

Question 5
a) Give the main compounds of following alloys. [2]

i)Brass ii) Duralium

b) Study the diagram given and answer the question [3]

a) Identify the gas Y.

b)What property of gas Y does this

experiment demonstrate?

c)Name other gas which has the same

property and can be demonstrated
through this experiment.

c) Give the balanced chemical equation on [2]

i) Copper chloride using carbon carbonate
ii) Sodium sulphate using dilute sulphuric acid

d) Give reasons- Carbon Hydrochloride does not conduct electricity [1]

e) Answer the following

i) Name the other ion formed when ammonia dissolves in water. [2]
ii) Give one test that can be used to detect the presence of the ion produced.

Question 6

a) Give reasons: [2]

i) Electrolysis of molten Lead bromide is considered to be a Redox reaction.
ii) Along with cryolite and alumina, fluorspar is added.

b) Arrange the following as per the instructions given in the brackets: [4]
i) Cs, Na, Li, K, Rb (Increasing order of metallic character).
ii) Mg, Cl, Na, S, Si (Decreasing order of atomic size).
iii) Na, K, Cl, S, Si, (Increasing order ionization energy).
iv) C, l, F, Br, I, (Increasing order of electron affinity).

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c) Give the equation for. [2]
i) Ethanoic acid to ethyl ethanoate.
ii) Dil. Hydrochloric acid is added to Lead nitrate sodium and the mixture is heated.

d) Rewrite the following sentence by using the correct symbol >(greater than) or < (lesser than)
in the blanks given. [2]
i) The ionization potential of potassium is ______ that of sodium.
ii) The electro negativity of Iodine is ______ that of chlorine.

Question 7

a) Identify the Anion present in each of the following compounds: [3]

i) A salt M on treatment with concentrated sulphuric acid produces a gas which fumes in
moist air and gives dense fumes with ammonia.
ii) A salt D on treatment with dilute sulphuric acid produces a gas which turns lime water
milky but has no effect on acidified potassium dichromate solution.
iii) When Barium chloride solution is added to salt solution E a white precipitate insoluble
in dilute hydrochloric acid is obtained.

b) State the type of bonding in the following molecule [2]

i) Water ii) Calcium Oxide

c) Write the Balanced chemical equation for the preparation of the following. [2]
i) Copper carbonate ii) Ammonium sulphate crystal

d) Name the following [3]

i) The process of coating of Iron with Zinc.
ii) An alloy of Lead and Tin that is used in electric circuit.
iii) An ore of Zinc containing its sulphide.

Question 8

a) An element L consist of molecules. [2]

i) What type of bonding is present in the particle that make up L.
ii) When L is heated with Iron metal it forms a compound FeL. What chemical terms would
you use to describe the change undergone by L.

b) Choose the most appropriate answer from the following list of oxides which fit the
description. [4]
Each answer may be used only once:
[ SO2, SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, CO, Na2O]
i) A basic oxide.
ii) An acid which dissolves in water forming an acid.
iii) An amphoteric oxide.
iv) A covalent oxide of a metalloid.

c) Write the structure for [2]

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i) Ethanoic acid ii) Butan-2-Ol

d) Give reason [2]

i) Ionic compound has a high melting point.
ii) Ionization potential increases across a period, from left to right.

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