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Emily Perez Podcast Final Draft

Intro Music: 15 seconds

Intro to Podcast: 10 seconds

“Hey and welcome to the Art Bubble. It’s the podcast show that talks about the honest realities of

art and its creative process. I’m your host, Emily Perez.

Intro to Topic: 1-2 minutes

In today's first ever episode, I'm going to be talking about the way that I create my own art and

the challenges I face like art blocks, lack of creativity, and other things. We’ll also talk about

how I have learned to overcome some of the art blocks I’ve faced in my past and also some

helpful tips I have learned along the way to overcome those blocks. Also I've personally gone

through stress and anxiety from making art before, so I wanted to cover that too and some ways

that I have overcome those feelings as well.”

Main Content: 5 minutes

My artistic journey began as a little kid by making crafts… Once I got older and started trying to

develop my own style I began to face some issues such as stress and a lot of comparing to other

people which ultimately messed with my confidence. Over time though, I had talks with people,

watched a lot of videos, and read a lot about different ways to overcome artist blocks and to stop

comparing myself and my work to others. … As an artist, when we feel like art is becoming

more of a chore than a passion, it is okay to step back and take a break… Having a journal and

trying to sketch something (doesn’t have to be great or complete) can help train the brain to keep

making more which leads to more creativity… Drawing prompts also help when it feels too

difficult to think of something… One thing that also helps me is to create mood boards and surf

through the internet and explore outside to pull creativity from life around me…
^ more details in actual podcast ^

Conclusion: 2-3 minutes

I’ll be repeating some key points that I made in the main content such as:

I understand that some of you that may be listening can relate to these stresses, anxieties, and art

blocks that I’ve faced but please remember that there are ways to go about those and fight those

discouraging feelings. Sketchbook prompts, little sketches, videos and mood boards are your best

friends when you're having trouble. Make sure to look up other tips as well and remember that

all things take time and to take care of yourself!

Outro: 3 minutes

Some videos I want to share with you are Kasey Golden’s art block video on youtube (I watched

it), various ticktockers/youtubers who make videos about small projects/prompts they do to be

more creative. One specific video by Struthless on youtube “the drawing advice that changed my

life”, was very helpful to me and I also to this day still take the advice he gives in that video and

it genuinely helped and I hope it can help you too. Talking to other creatives that you may be

friends with too is helpful as well and it’s always nice to share and hear new ideas, maybe some

friends might be going or gone through similar experiences. As much as I want to keep talking,

I’m going to have to wrap up today’s show. Thank you so much for listening and I hope today’s

episode helped in one way or another. I will see you guys next time on Art Bubble! Thank you

and goodbye!

Outro Music: 15 seconds

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