Footnote To Youth

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Footnote to Youth parents’ eyes, Dodong walks ahead of them

gloomily, wishing for some kind of

by José García Villa punishment. With kind voices, Dodong’s
mother and father greet him, the latter
gripping Dodong’s hand gently. They lead
Dodong, a farmer’s son, heads home him into the room where Teang and the baby
after a hard day’s work in the fields, working are. Dodong observes Teang with pity and a
up the courage to tell his father about his repeating sense of embarrassment. When he
plans to marry Teang, his sweetheart. After hears his newborn son cry out, however,
eating dinner, he watches with pity as his Dodong feels a swell of happiness and asks
to hold him. His first child is named Blas.
mother does the housework alone, while he
himself is too tired to help. Dodong then
searches for his father and finds him Dodong has many more children over
continuously sucking on a diseased tooth. the years, a fact which angers him, as he did
Briefly, he considers once again urging his not want any more. However, it did not seem
father to visit the dentist but sympathizes like something he could stop. These events
when he realizes that he, too, would avoid take a heavier toll on Teang, who loses her
the dentist if he were in the same situation. youthful figure. The work she has to do
After his mother goes out, Dodong tells his around the house is endless, and she cries
sometimes, wishing that she had not
father plainly that he plans to marry Teang.
married. However, she keeps this to herself
This announcement is met with silence, and
so as not to upset Dodong. Nonetheless, she
Dodong presses the matter impatiently. His wonders what would have happened if she
father asks him if he must really marry and had married another suitor from her youth—
reminds him of how young he still is. a man whom she knows remains childless to
However, Dodong feels that at seventeen, he this day, despite having also married.
is already sufficiently mature. His father Despite all of this, Teang knows that she
capitulates but asks Dodong to tell his loves Dodong. Meanwhile, Dodong wonders
mother the news. Dodong refuses to do it bitterly why so many of his dreams have
himself, and even in this respect his father gone unfulfilled and why he feels forsaken
helplessly lets him have his way. despite chasing after love. Turning inward,
he searches for the answer but finds none.
He thinks that perhaps the absence of an
answer is necessary for making youth
“dreamfully sweet.”
The story jumps forward several
years, to the moment when Teang, now
Dodong’s wife, is giving birth. Dodong leaves One night, the eighteen-year-old Blas
the house out of fear— fear of what the comes home, troubled and restless. He is
house has become to him and fear of Teang, unable to sleep, and so Dodong asks him
whose agonized cries have begun to sound what’s wrong. Blas calls out softly to his
like a sort of personal criticism of him. He father and announces his plan to marry a girl
begins to realize that he is perhaps too named Tona. At this news, Dodong lies silent
young to be a father. Shortly after, his and unmoving. When Blas asks his father to
mother calls out to him to come back, think about it, Dodong rises from his mat
announcing that the ordeal is over. Looking and tells Blas to follow him outside. In the
at her, Dodong is overcome with moonlight, Dodong asks Blas again if he is
embarrassment, as if he had taken sure of marrying and if he must. Blas replies
something that was not properly his. His resentfully that he is sure and asks if Dodong
father comes out and informs him that the has objections. Even though Dodong replies
child is a boy. They call out repeatedly to that he has none, deep down he wishes to
Dodong, who stands still in the sun until he spare his son from the same fate that has
has no choice but to come back. Avoiding his
befallen him. He looks at his son helplessly,
with a mixture of regret, sadness, and pity.

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