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Experiment 2 c

Redox (portmanteau of reduction and oxidation) reactions include all chemical
reactions in which atoms have their oxidation state changed; in general, redox
reactions involve the transfer of electrons between species.
The term "redox" comes from two concepts involved with electron transfer which
is reduction and oxidation. It can be explained in. Oxidation is the loss of electrons
or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion. Reduction is the gain
of electrons or a decrease in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion. Although
oxidation reactions are commonly associated with the formation of oxides from
oxygen molecules, these are only specific examples of a more general concept of
reactions involving electron transfer.
Redox reactions, or oxidation-reduction reactions, have a number of similarities
to acid–base reactions. Like acid–base reactions, redox reactions are a matched
set, that is, there cannot be an oxidation reaction without a reduction reaction
happening simultaneously. The oxidation alone and the reduction alone are each
called a half-reaction, because two half-reactions always occur together to form a
whole reaction. When writing half-reactions, the gained or lost electrons are
typically included explicitly in order that the half-reaction be balanced with
respect to electric charge.
In terms of everyday life, redox reactions occur all of the time around us. For
example of redox is fire or combustion, such as in a car engine. In a car engine,
hydrocarbons in the fuel are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, while oxygen
is reduced to water.
There are several reasons why oxidation-reduction reactions are important to
understanding inorganic chemistry:
 Transition metals can have multiple oxidation states
 Main group elements (N, halogens, O, S...) also have multiple oxidation
states and important redox chemistry
 Many inorganic compounds catalyze redox reactions (which are especially
useful in industrial and biological applications)
 Energy conversion technologies (solar water splitting, batteries, fuel cells)
rely on inorganic redox reactions and catalysis
 Electrochemistry provides a way to measure equilibrium constants for
dissolution/precipitation, complexation, and other reactions.
 Reaction mechanisms in organometallic chemistry (oxidative addition,
reductive elimination) involve changes in the oxidation states of metals.

Though sufficient for many purposes, these descriptions are not precisely correct.
Oxidation and reduction properly refer to a change in oxidation state the actual
transfer of electrons may never occur. Thus, oxidation is better defined as an
increase in oxidation state, and reduction as a decrease in oxidation state. In
practice, the transfer of electrons will always cause a change in oxidation state,
but there are many reactions that are classed as "redox" even though no electron
transfer occurs (such as those involving covalent bonds). So in this experiment,
we’ll investigate three experiment to see how its redox reaction.

To investigate three redox reactions;
(a) Between a metal and dilute acid
(b) Metal-metal ion displacement reaction
(c) Halogen displacement reaction

A. Metal – Acid reaction
1. Place a piece of copper metal into a test tube.
2. Add 2.0 ml dilute HCl acid into this test tube.
3. Observe the amount gas evolved.
4. Repeat with other metals. Compare the reactivity of the metals with the acid.

B. Metal –Metal ion Reaction

1. Place a zinc strip into 3 different test tubes.
2. Add 1 M Magnesium nitrate solution into the first test tube, 1 M Lead (II)
nitrate solution into the second test tube and 1 M Copper (II) nitrate solution
into the third test tube.
3. Record all your observations.
4. Repeat steps (1)  (4) for magnesium, lead and copper metals.

C. Halogen displacement Reaction

1. To 2.0 ml KBr solution, in a test tube, add about 2.0 ml chlorine water; stir.
2. Observe any change.
3. Add about 1.0 ml hexane to the same test tube and stir. Allow the hexane
layer to settle down. Note the colour of this layer.
4. Record the colour of the hexane layer.
5. Repeat steps (1)  (4), for the following reactions:
Cl2 + KI, Br2 + KCl, Br2 + KI, I2 + KCl, I2 + KBr

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