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Using E-Cigarettes is a healthy method to quit smoking.

Obviously, the safest option is to fully quit

smoking, but we must take into consideration that for a chronic smoker, it is a very difficult task to
achieve, especially when they don’t want to quit. This is where E-Cigarettes come in place. E-
Cigarettes not only greatly reduce the harmful effects of smoking, but they also allow the user to
control his own rates of nicotine consumption and help deal with the addiction of fiscally smoking a
cigarette, leading the smoker to a healthier lifestyle. Compared to the other methods available to
quit smoking, vaping has been shown to be the most effective. A recent study published by various
scientists in the Cochrane Library state that:

“For every 100 people using nicotine e‐cigarettes to stop smoking, 9 to 14 might successfully stop,
compared with only 6 of 100 people using nicotine‐replacement therapy, 7 of 100 using e‐cigarettes
without nicotine, or 4 of 100 people having no support or behavioral support only.”

According to the England Public Health organization, E-Cigarettes are 95% less harmful than
cigarettes. The reason is that the components of cigarette smoke that harm health – including its
carcinogens – are either absent in e-cigarette vapor or, if present, they are mostly at levels much
below 5% of smoking doses. Additionally, the main chemicals present in e-cigarettes have not been
associated with any serious risk. They claim:

“E-cigarettes are not completely risk free but when compared to smoking, evidence shows they carry
just a fraction of the harm. The problem is people increasingly think they are at least as harmful, and
this may be keeping millions of smokers from quitting. Local stop smoking services should look to
support e-cigarette users in their journey to quitting completely.”.

Also, there is no convincing evidence that ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) are seriously
harmful to health. Almost all studies conducted to prove that Vaping is harmful, don’t take into
consideration that the vast majority of vapers that are used in the studies had been smokers for
many years prior to vaping.

Because E-Cigarettes are 95% less harmful than smoking, we believe that vaping is a healthy way to
stop smoking.

We consider it healthy because it greatly reduces the harmful effects and risks that smoking cigars
cause. As well as

How many deaths have been caused by nicotine vaping?

How many diseases caused by nicotine vaping have been recorded there?

How can you say that vaping isn’t a healthy way of quitting smoking, when the other options
available, like nicotine gums or patches, have been proven to cause negative side effects?

Even if it has some harmful substances, shouldn't vaping be considered a healthy option in contrast
to smoking?

Which is preferable, having smokers die from the damage caused by smoking or letting them vape
which is believed to cause less harm?
Smoking and vaping refer to the inhalation of aerosols. However, smoke aerosol and vapor aerosol
have completely different characteristics. Smoke aerosol is made through a high-temperature
process named combustion, while vape aerosol is formed in a low-temperature process named
vaporization. HPHC stands for Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents. Combustion produces
many HPHC while vaporization produces a lot fewer HPHC as part of the chemical process. It is the
inhalation of these HPHCs that are related to smoking disease, not nicotine per se. During
combustion, tar and carbon monoxide are produced and affect our health but vape doesn't involve
combustion. So, changing to vapes is less harmful than continuing or even reducing the number of
cigarettes you consume.

There are vapes that allow you to control how much nicotine you inhale. These are helpful in the
transition from smoking to vaping because it allows you to continue with the same level of nicotine
as you would smoke and start reducing the nicotine at your own pace till you no longer require it.
According to the scientists behind JT-Science:

“When inhaled into the lungs, nicotine enters the blood stream and is quickly distributed in the
body, reaching the brain in about 10 to 20 seconds. It causes the release of dopamine and Dopamine
plays an important role in inducing pleasure and reducing stress. Nicotine can cause short-term
effects such as increased blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and dizziness. Nicotine does not remain in
the body for long. One or two hours after inhalation, nicotine in the blood drops to around half of its
initial concentration.”

Nicotine may have other benefits like reducing Alzheimer`s disease probability, Parkinson’s disease
and it can have antidepressants effects for treating major depressive disorders.

So, the stigma that there is of nicotine is not correct at all. Yes, it is addictive and in excess it is toxic,
but the levels of nicotine in e-cigarettes and cigarettes are not enough to intoxicate you. Vaping
offers the same experience as smoking but in a less harmful way.

Hartmann-Boyce, J. (2022, November 17). Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation.
Retrieved from Cochrane Library:
JT Science. (n.d.). An Intro To Aerosol Chemistry. Retrieved from JT Science:
JT Science. (n.d.). Nicotine. Retrieved from JT Science:
Safer Nicotine Wiki, C. (2021, September 20). Nicotine. Retrieved from Safer nicotine wiki:

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