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Chapter I



In a recent correspondence, the researchers proposed that grade schools follow

health protocols to ensure that proper sanitation amongst the students complies with

health status. Inadequate personal hygiene and sanitation practices in young children

contribute to the spread of communicable diseases. In the Philippines, there is still a

vacuum in the comprehensive assessment of schoolchildren's hygiene literacy and

behaviors as well as the effectiveness of school-based hygiene programs. As a result, a

protocol for a school-based intervention was developed to improve personal and

environmental cleanliness behaviors among primary school children.

The study will also focus on improving mothers' hygiene knowledge and practices

in order to aid in the improvement of children's hygiene behaviors. Hand hygiene is

crucial to preventing viruses such as the COVID-19 virus from spreading. Other viruses

and bacteria that cause common colds, flu, and pneumonia are also prevented from

spreading. In low- and middle-income countries, especially, access to hand hygiene

facilities such as alcohol-based hand rubs and soap and water is often suboptimal.

WHO and UNICEF estimate that 3 billion people lack hand hygiene facilities at home,

and 2/5 of hospitals lack hand hygiene at the point of care.

The purpose of this study is to determine and understand the elements that

influence students’ sanitation and hygiene behaviors in elementary school settings. The

academic field may benefit from this research study if it is determined that students'

compliance with hygiene practices affects their health status.

Keywords: COVID-19, primary education setting, hygiene, sanitation


The fundamentals of conscientiousness for the continuance of personal hygiene

can be easily incorporated in childhood, which is essential for a healthy childhood and

adulthood which overall leads to forming a healthy society. Hygiene practices start at

home but also students might be exposed to a variety of health themes in school:

nutrition, disease prevention, physical growth and development, mental health, drug,

and alcohol abuse prevention, and safety. There are a lot of factors that may influence

the students' hygiene practices. According to Artem Cheprasov (2003), factors such as

body image, age, culture, personal views, economics, and education gave a direct

influence on a person's practices on hygiene.

According to Hana Ames (2020), practicing good personal hygiene is important in

keeping the body healthy and clean. Good personal hygiene involves keeping all parts

of the external body clean, healthy, and away from bacteria and germs that may cause

disease. It is important for maintaining both physical and mental health. According to the

DOH of the State of Victoria (2020), One of the most effective ways to protect ourselves

and also others from illness is to have good personal hygiene. Having poor hygiene
practices can lead to serious issues in one’s health. Poor hygiene practices have a

direct effect on the physical health and mental health of students. In terms of physical

health, poor hygiene leads to visible markers of poor health in your body. On a social

level, this makes others see you as a source of infections and diseases that may

become the reason for others to avoid you, which may result in isolation and loneliness.

According to Stephen T. Odonkor et. al (2019), in his study, it concluded that a

significant number of students were not active when it comes to practicing good and

healthy hygiene. Some students' way back during face-to-face classes tend to have

visible marks of poor personal hygiene, and this is a big issue because this will affect

their health status in terms of physical and mental health. Students with poor personal

hygiene are seen as untidy which leads to other students avoiding them and sometimes

these will become the reason why other students bully them. Bad body odor, dirty

uniforms, and bad breath are some examples that the researchers noticed way back

when it was still a face-to-face class.

The main reason why the researchers decided to choose this topic is that the

researchers want to know and determine the level of compliance of the students toward

their hygiene practices and how it affects their level of health status and if there is a

significant relationship between the level of compliance to hygiene practice and the level

of the health status of the students. Moreover, if and only if it is determined that the level

of compliance of the students towards their hygiene practices affects their level of health

status then this research study may contribute to the academic field in helping students

by giving them insights and information about this research study.

Theoretical Background of the Study

This study is underpinned on the following theory: Germ Theory of Disease by

Louis Pasteur.

Germ Theory is the theory that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of

the body by microorganisms, organisms too small to be seen except through a

microscope. According to this approach, the key determinants when it comes to health

status are germs, and diseases. Germs, according to Pasteur, can lead to diseases.

With regards to the level of health status, having a good level of compliance to hygiene

practices can avoid the formation of germs in the body which will highly affect the level

of health status.

This theory then identified variables that will motivate a student to practice good

hygiene practices. This theory is then applied to the study because the researchers

believe that this has a connection to the study wherein it encourages students to

perform good hygiene practices to avoid germs and diseases that will affect their health

status. This motivates them to become more serious in terms of prioritizing their health

and avoiding such practices that can harm them. They will understand that germs and

diseases attract people with bad hygiene.

Germ Theory of Disease by Louis Pasteur
(Certain diseases are caused by the
invasion of the body by microorganisms,
organisms too small to be seen except
through a microscope.)

Student’s Level of Compliance

towards their Hygiene

Student’s Level of Health


Output the Study

In figure 1, the mentioned theory converges primarily by how much germs can

cause diseases that will affect the level of the health status of a person. Based on the

theory, students will understand how germs and hygiene are related hence the theory is

connected to the Student’s Level of Compliance towards their Hygiene Practices since

knowing this theory students will now comply more with their hygiene practices. It is also

then connected to the level of the health status of the students since knowing the level

of compliance of the students to their hygiene practices we will be able to know the level

of the health status of the students. It is then connected to the overall output of the

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the Level of Compliance to Hygiene practices and

Its Effect on the level of Health Status among Grade 12 students studying at Saint

Joseph College, Maasin City for the school year 2021-2022.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of compliance to hygiene practices in terms of:

1.1 Hygiene

1.2 Dental Hygiene

1.3 Hand and Nail Hygiene

1.4 Genital Hygiene

1.5 Clothing and bedroom hygiene

1.7 Food and drinking water hygiene

1.8 Fitness

2. What is the level of health status of the students in terms of:

2.1 Physical health

2.2 Mental health

2.3 Social health

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of compliance to hygiene

practices and the level of the health status of the students?

4. What other factors affect the health status of students?

5. What output can be generated from the findings of the study?

Statement of Hypothesis

1. There is a significant relationship between the level of compliance to

hygiene practices and the level of the health status of the students.

2. There is no significant relationship between the level of compliance to

hygiene practices and the level of the health status of the students.

Significance of the Study

This study focuses on determining how the level of hygiene practices affects the level of

the health status of grade 12 students. Moreover, the research and data acquired from

this study would benefit the Grade 12 students. This study would help them

understand how such hygiene practices directly affect their health status so they will be

able to act and do things that are beneficial for their health. Also, the Parents will be

able to know how hygiene practices affect their children for them to educate and give

advice to their children so they will comply with such hygiene practices, especially at

home. This study would also benefit the school staffs, this study will give them a better

understanding of their student’s current health status.

Throughout the study, the researchers will gain knowledge, and as students

also, the researchers will be aware of their fellow students’ level of hygiene practices

and level of health status so they can do actions such as helping them in order for their

fellow students to have better hygiene practices. Furthermore, the conclusions from the

study will also serve as a reference and basis for future researchers that may conduct

a related study.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study primarily focuses on the significant relationship between the levels of

hygiene practices and the level of the health status of the grade 12 students; the

population is 50 grade 12 students. The gathered data will only be for the grade 12

students studying at Saint Joseph College in the school year 2021-2022. The

researchers aim to gain information on how the students comply with the different

hygiene practices and the effect of these practices on their level of health status. The

primary data of this study is acquired by the means of a survey-questionnaire as a tool

in the data collection method.

The limitation that the researchers will encounter is the responses of the

students. The students' unwillingness and dishonesty will affect the credibility of the

data gathering of the study.

Definition of Terms

These are the operational definitions of the important terms used in the research


Hygiene refers to practices applied by grade 12 students to maintain health and

prevent the spread of diseases.

Practices the customary, and habitual ways on how the grade 12 students

perform their hygiene.

Health Status refers to the physical and mental attributes of Grade 12 students.

Physical health refers to how the Grade 12 students look, feel and function


Mental health refers to how Grade 12 students function mentally.

Social health refers to how Grade 12 students function socially.

Level of Compliance indicates the degree of compliance that the grade 12

students have achieved for the requirement on hygiene practices.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher

considered as important backgrounds that help the researcher to better understand and

conceptualize the present study. It includes the themes Hygiene Practices, Health

Status, and Factors Affecting Health Status.

Hygiene Practices

According to a research study "Self-Assessment of Hygiene Practices towards

Predictive and Preventive Medicine Intervention: A Case Study of University Students in

Ghana" by Stephen T. Odonkor, Jones Kitcher, Mavis Okyere and Tahiru Mahami

(2019) found that a number of respondents practiced good hygiene in all the activities

described. Basic personal hygiene refers to the principle of cleaning and caring for the

outside of the body. These include such practices as bathing regularly, washing hands if

necessary, clipping fingernails and toenails, only wearing clothes that are already

washed and cleaned, washing hair, cleaning hair out of lice and dandruff, brushing

teeth, and taking care of the gums. According to the WHO, this is the basis of good

personal hygiene. Personal hygiene practices that appeared to be generally sound

among study participants included hand washing after using the bathroom (76.2%),

brushing teeth at least once a day (84.2%), hand washing before meals (73.3%) and

bathing every day (80.1%).

Keeping our hands clean through better hand hygiene is one of the most

important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many

diseases are spread by not washing your hands with soap and clean running water. To

have healthy teeth and gums, it is ideal to brush your teeth at least twice a day, once in

the early morning and the next time before bed. In addition, students must wear clean

clothes, dirty and messy clothes have been observed to negatively affect students' self-

confidence and self-esteem, and regular dirty clothes can lead to ectoparasitic and

fungal infections. Additionally, students should understand the importance of washing

their genitals daily with mild soap and water. In addition to proper general hygiene

practices, adequate sanitation is also very important for a healthy life.

According to Dettol written by Reckitt Benckiser, good personal hygiene is very

important in today's society for both health and social reasons. Keeping your hands and

body clean is essential to stopping the development and spread of disease and

infection. This simple habit is not only good for your health, it can also help keep those

around you safe. Personal hygiene also has its social benefits. Since a good personal

hygiene routine means taking care of your body and washing regularly, this will reduce

the possibility of body odor, which can be embarrassing in social situations at work or


Health Status

According to a study of Marilyn Bergner and Margaret L. Rothman’s “HEALTH

STATUS MEASURES: An Overview and Guide for Selection”, health status is not a

term that is widely used or immediately understood. Most people, even those familiar
with health care, would call it technical jargon. The main reason why this term escaped

a simple definition is the lack of a consensual definition of health. The broad definition of

health proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 has been repeated

and supported for many years. However, few have attempted to operationalize this

definition so that it can be used to assess the health status of a group of people.

An operational definition of health is essential before the level or state of health

of a person or a population can be assessed. This definition is becoming more difficult

as the focus of medical and health care has changed from reducing mortality and

increasing life expectancy to improving health-related quality of life. The maximum

measure of health when it comes to acute diseases with a potentially fatal outcome but

for chronic diseases that involve palliative therapies or therapies that can prevent further

deterioration, the relevant measure for the state of health.

Also, according to them, there are different ways when it comes to measuring

health status. And there has been much progress in measuring health status over the

past 15 years. Various measures have been developed, tested and used in different

situations. Anyone planning a health assessment is strongly advised to review existing

measures before deciding on any of them. Furthermore, people without technical

training and experience are strongly advised not to develop sanitary measures for

specific applications or situations. The process of developing a measure is complex and

time consuming and requires the attributes discussed above to be examined. This can

delay the start of a study and lead to questionable actions. Often minor additions or

revisions to an existing measure can provide all the information needed for a specific

purpose, while maintaining the benefits of an established health status measure.

Factors Affecting Health Status

Many factors combine together to affect the health of individuals and

communities. Whether people are healthy or not, is determined by their circumstances

and environment. To a large extent, factors such as where we live, the state of our

environment, genetics, our income and education level, and our relationships with

friends and family all have considerable impacts on health, whereas the more

commonly considered factors such as access and use of health care services often

have less of an impact.

In an article entitled “Factors Affecting Health Status in African Americans Living

with HIV/AIDS” constructed a health status proxy variable from survey items and

examines its relationship to biological and social variables. Variables found to have a

significant relationship with health status are gender, type of health insurance,

employment, receiving Social Security Disability Income, and level of education. A log-

linear model for selection of parsimony found that the type of health insurance was most

highly predictive of health status, when controlling for other variables. Persons who

receive Medicaid report no better levels of health status than those without health

insurance. Having private health insurance is associated with a 5.3-fold greater chance

of having good or excellent health status.

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the different hygiene practices among grade

12 senior high school students at Saint Joseph College aiming at providing a basis for
their level of health status and to make future efforts to improve target interventions for

young people.

Chapter III


This chapter contains the methods that will be used to gather relevant data for

the conducting of the study. These methods include the following: Research Design,

Research Locale, Research Respondents, Research Instruments, Data Gathering

Procedures, and Statistical Treatment of Data.

Research Design

The design that will be used in this research is a non-experimental method,

specifically, a descriptive correlational design. This study describes the variables and

the relationships that occur naturally between and among them. It provides information

on the phenomenon, its prevalence, deep understanding on the nature of the

relationship between the students’ level of hygiene practices and students’ level of

health status, whether there is a significant effect or not, and what is/are the effects of

the level of hygiene practices to the student’s level of health status.

Research Locale
This research study will be conducted in Saint Joseph College located at Maasin

City, Southern Leyte since the chosen respondents are currently enrolled, and they are

grade 12 students of the said school.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study are the students from Grade 12 in Saint Joseph

College – Senior High School Department. The researchers decided that the Senior

High Students will be the respondents in this study since senior high students are more

mature in terms of thinking and will be taking the questionnaire seriously.

Research Instrument

The instrument that will be used is a modified survey-questionnaire. The draft of

the questionnaire was drawn out based on the researcher’s searched websites and

journals, and personal information. For the preparation, producing a good quality of data

collection and all the requirements needed for the design will then be considered. The

questionnaire will be a Likert scale and modified questions that deal with the situation

regarding the level of hygiene practices made by the students and its effect on their

health status. However, the researchers will modify the questionnaire to make it relevant

to the nature of the study and its setting.

Data Gathering Procedure

A written transmittal letter will be forwarded to the principal of Saint Joseph

College – Senior High School Department in conducting the study. After the approval

from the principal, researchers will identify the respondents of the study from Grade 12

students on the basis of their proximity and willingness to participate. Afterwards,

another written transmittal letter will be forwarded to the identified respondents prior to

data gathering. The said letters will serve as legitimate papers that will let the

researchers gather data from the respondents.

Subsequently, an orientation towards the respondents of the study regarding the

survey-questionnaires to be answered, handed and will be sent to them upon data

gathering. The survey-questionnaire contains the responses of the respondents in their

level of compliance towards hygiene practices in relation to their level of health status.

The researchers then gather back the survey-questionnaire in hand, received via

messenger, or google forms from the students. After gathering the survey-

questionnaire, the researchers will tabulate, interpret, and statistically treat the results.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data to be gathered in this study will be subjected to the following statistical


● Frequency Distribution to give the number of responses and percentage


● Average Weighted Mean to analyze the respondent’s level of health status.

● To test for a significant relationship between the level of hygiene practices and

level of health status, the researchers used spearman rank correlation.


Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered and

statistically analyzed to answer the questions posed in the study.

The presentation of the data includes the Adequacy of Sample Size, Reliability

Statistics, The Level of Compliance to Hygiene Practices as Perceived by the SHS

students, The Level of Health Status of the SHS students, Profile of the Significant

Relationship of the Level of Compliance to Hygiene Practices and Health Status of SHS

Students, and The Effect of Compliance to Hygiene Practices on Health Status.

Initially, the adequacy of sample size and reliability of the constructs/variables was

examined using Factor Analysis. Being a self-reported questionnaire, it felt necessary to

perform factor analysis before other techniques of construct or latent variable analysis.

Firstly, as revealed in Table 1, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling

adequacy was 0.766, which is above the commonly recommended value of 0.7, and the

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was significant (X2 = 2040.844 with df=1225 and p <

0.05), implying that the sample size of fifty (50) respondents was sufficient enough.

Table 1. Adequacy of Sample Size

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .766

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 2040.844
df 1225
Sig. .000

Secondly, the result of the internal consistency or reliability for each of the latent

variables using Cronbach’s Alpha is shown in Table 2. The reliability coefficient

normally ranges between 0 and 1 (Gliem and Gliem, 2003). The average value is

believed to be above 0.60, otherwise, items scoring below 0.60 will be eliminated. For

this study, the alphas were moderately high (.603 - .823) for all the latent variables,

hence, the reliability of the items for each defined latent variable is generally

satisfactory. Implying further that the items fit to measure the magnitude of the


Table 2. Reliability Statistics

VARIABLE/CONSTRUCT No. of items Cronbach's Alpha
Hygiene 5 .654 RELIABLE

Dental Hygiene 5 .681 RELIABLE

Hand and Nail Hygiene 5 .603 RELIABLE

Genital Hygiene 5 .648 RELIABLE

Clothing and bedroom hygiene 5 .721 RELIABLE

Food and drinking water hygiene 5 .689 RELIABLE

Fitness 5 .823 RELIABLE

Physical health 5 .625 RELIABLE

Mental health 5 .652 RELIABLE

Social health 5 .634 RELIABLE

1. The level of compliance to hygiene practices

Table 3. The Level of Compliance to Hygiene Practices as Perceived by the SHS

Indicator n WMR Std. DER
1.How often do you take a bath? 55 4.56 .601 VLE
2.How often do you use hygiene products such as soap, and shampoo 55 4.75 .517 VLE
when taking a bath and after taking a bath such as deodorant?
3.How often do you use different bath towels for your face, body, and 55 3.84 .856 LE
4.Do you change your bath towels as soon as needed? 55 4.29 .685 LE

5.Do you clean your ears as soon as needed? 55 4.31 .814 LE

4.35 LE

Dental Hygiene
1.How often do you brush your teeth? 55 4.45 .741 LE
2.How often do you brush your teeth after eating? 55 4.18 .841 LE

3.How often do you use toothpaste when brushing your teeth? 55 4.40 .558 LE

4.How often do you change your toothbrush? 55 3.69 .858 LE

5.Do you use mouthwash after brushing for further protection and 55 2.87 1.277 TE
4.18 LE
Hand and Nail Hygiene
1.Do you wash your hand as soon as needed? 55 4.67 .546 VLE

2.Do you wash your hands before and after every meal? 55 4.62 .652 VLE

3.Do you wash your hands after using the bathroom? 55 4.73 .560 VLE

4.Do you trim your nails when it is at least 0.5 cm long? 55 4.56 .729 VLE

5.Do you use hand sanitizers or alcohol? 55 4.93 .959 VLE

4.70 VLE
Genital Hygiene
1.How often do you change your undergarments? 55 4.73 .489 VLE

2.How often do you keep your undergarments dry? 55 4.49 .690 LE

3.How often do you avoid using fermented genital products? 55 3.71 1.329 LE

4.Do you wash and clean your genitals? 55 4.78 .459 VTE

5.For women: Do you change your sanitary pads every 3 to 4 hours? 55 3.20 1.880 LE
4.18 LE

Clothing and bedroom hygiene

1.How often do you change your clothes? 55 4.47 .742 LE
2.How often do you change into clothes that have been washed, dried, 55 4.46 .536 LE
and cleaned already after a bath?
3.How often do you have clean storage for your clothes? 55 4.00 .962 LE

4.How often do you change your beddings and pillow covers? 55 3.69 .717 LE

5.How often do you clean your bedroom? 55 3.76 .816 LE

4.08 LE
Food and drinking water hygiene
1.Do you stock your food properly in a clean space? 55 4.40 .760 LE
2.Do you or your parents avoid buying food from unknown sources? 55 4.38 .828 LE
3.Do you wash all the food, and equipment to be used before cooking 55 4.47 .511 LE
and the utensils used before and as soon as you finish eating, and
4.Do you cook food adequately? 55 3.89 1.100 LE
5.Do you treat your water in any way to make it safer to drink? 55 4.20 1.043 LE
4.27 LE
1.How often do you exercise? 55 3.07 .920 TE
2.How often do you choose to walk and ride a bike rather than riding a 55 3.07 1.103 TE
motorcycle and other motor generated vehicles?
3. How often do you go to walks? 55 3.29 1.066 TE
4.How often do you make yourself sweat? 55 3.45 .907 TE
5.How often do you do chores in the house? 55 3.49 .896 TE
3.27 TE

Legend: n - sample size; WMR - Weighted Mean Rating; DER - Descriptive Equivalent Rating
Weighted points Rating scale Range DER
5 Always 4.50 – 5.00 To a very large extent (VLE)
4 Very frequently 3.50 – 4.49 To a large extent (LE)
3 Sometimes 2.50 – 3.49 To a little extent (TL)
2 Rarely 1.50 – 2.49 To a very little extent (VTE)
1 Never 1.00 - 1.49 To no extent (NE)

Based on the result shown in Table 3 above, the level of compliance to hygiene

practices as stated by the sampled respondents is described as ‘to a large extent’ for

the construct: hygiene (WMR=4.35), dental hygiene (WMR=4.18), genital hygiene

(WMR=4.18), clothing and bedroom hygiene (WMR=4.08), and food and drinking water

hygiene (WMR=4.27). This greatly implies that the selected students are part of a large

extent. It means that the students are fully aware to the given question that they answered.

Furthermore, their level of compliance for hand and nail hygiene is to a very large

extent with WMR=4.70 which could mean that they always cut their nails and clean

them which is a good habit for the student to do.

Moreover, for fitness variable, their level of compliance is to a little extent only

(WMR=3.27) which could indicate that most students aren't physically active.

2. The level of health status of the SHS students

Table 4. The Level of Health Status of the SHS students
Indicator n WMR Std. DER
1.How often do you think that you look presentable and clean 55 4.09 .776 LE
2.How often do you notice your change in body smell? 55 3.73 1.178 LE

3.Do you notice pests such as body lice, hair lice in your body? 55 1.95 1.177 VTE
4.How often do you notice that you have pimples and other body bumps 55 3.98 .972 LE
popping out?
5.Do you feel that you are physically drained even without doing 55 4.24 .942 LE
3.60 LE
1.How many times do you feel anxious about how you smell? 55 3.73 1.044 LE

2.How many times do you feel anxious about how you look? 55 4.15 .951 LE
3.How often do you feel that your confident about yourself? 55 3.55 .989 LE
4.Does your physical fitness affects your mental well-being? 55 3.55 1.102 LE
5.Do you feel mentally drained even without doing anything? 55 4.05 1.079 LE
3.81 LE
1.How often do you socialize with people other than your family? 55 3.22 1.031 TE
2.How often do you feel anxious and overthinks every time you socialize 55 3.98 1.045 LE
with someone?
3.How often do you prefer to isolate yourself rather than go outside and 55 4.00 1.089 LE
4.How often do you go outside? 55 3.13 1.090 TE
5.How often do you like meeting and knowing new people? 55 3.04 1.154 TE
3.47 TE

Legend: n - sample size; WMR - Weighted Mean Rating; DER - Descriptive Equivalent Rating
Weighted points Rating scale Range DER
5 Always 4.50 – 5.00 To a very large extent (VLE)
4 Very frequently 3.50 – 4.49 To a large extent (LE)
3 Sometimes 2.50 – 3.49 To a little extent (TL)
2 Rarely 1.50 – 2.49 To a very little extent (VTE)
1 Never 1.00 - 1.49 To no extent (NE)

It can be deduced from the result in Table 4 above that the level of health status as

stated by the sampled respondents is described as ‘to a large extent for the two

constricts: physical health (WMR=3.60) and mental health (WMR=3.81). This implies that

students are conscious about their physical appearance in front of other people or to the people

around them and also to their mental health.

However, for the variable social health, the level of health status as perceived by the

respondents is to a little extent only with a weighted mean rating of 3.47. This result

indicates that the selected students are having good social health, they are outgoing.

3. The significant relationship of the level of compliance to hygiene practices

and health status

Table 5. Profile of the Significant Relationship of the Level of Compliance to

Hygiene Practices and Health Status of SHS Students
Hypothesis Relationship r P-value Sig. Decision
Ha Compliance to Health Status .447 .001 ** Supported
Hygiene Practices
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Result shown in Table 5 indicates that there is moderate relationship (0.40<r<0.59)

between compliance to hygiene practices and health status. Furthermore, result of the

study have shown that the relationship is significant at 0.01 level leading to the

acceptance of the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between the two

constructs. The result implies that schooling might further develop hand cleanliness

consistency (low conviction of proof). Prompts, like signs or fragrance, may somewhat further

develop hand cleanliness consistency (low conviction of proof).

Table 6. The Effect of Compliance to Hygiene Practices on Health Status

Independent Variable Beta standardized Model
Model variable
Compliance to Hygiene Practices .447*
R2 .200
Adjusted R .185
R2 change .200
F change 13.222*
Note: * - significant at 0.05 level
Table 6 tabulates the model summary of predicting the statistical relationship and

describes the relationship between compliance to hygiene practices and health status.

The coefficient of determination is a measure of the amount of variance in the

dependent variable explained by the independent variable. The value of 0.200 indicates

that 20.0% of the variance in health status is explained by the compliance to hygiene

practices with an standardized coefficient of 0.447 and is significant because p<0.05.

The F change value of 13.222 with p<0.05 indicates variance was significantly

explained by the model.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary and conclusions derived in the conduct of the

study which is the probe of the effect of hygiene practices and their effect on the level of

health status among the students; it also provides recommendations that can pursue

the students.

This study was conducted through a modified survey questionnaire. The

respondents were grade 12 students.


The current study established that almost all of the students have their level of

compliance for being hygienic. The study that we conducted states that most of the

students are aware of their health status and their practices for their hygiene.

Nevertheless, neither of the students is aware of their hygiene practices and health
status. At the end of the study in the current review, students were taking care of

themselves. The general pretest means rate scores of the benchmark group and

exploratory gathering were ordered to be part of "a large extent". Engaging in various

types of questions to the students has also been associated with positive outcomes

such as increased ‘Pain Prevention, Self-Esteem, Higher Confidence, and even Social

and Professional Acceptance. Consequently, students are aware of what is going on in

their own health and they can also spread awareness for doing proper hygiene. In

addition to being in touch with friends and family, students, and making new friends

without worrying if we have proper hygiene.


Based on the indicated findings the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Our results have demonstrated that the grade 12 students mostly know how to

do health care and do proper hygiene for themselves. They know that Individual

cleanliness is a need for our everyday exercises. It is vital for the security of our

wellbeing and assists with forestalling the spread of transmittable illnesses. Individual

cleanliness has social and tasteful qualities. To maintain proper hygiene such as

cleaning your personal stuff and doing your self-care. The majority of students engaged

in taking a bath more than 7times per week. The results also showed that most of the

sampled students found hygiene practices “irresistible” to the extent that they do self-

care before doing anything.

2. This study makes an important contribution to understanding students’ hygiene

practices and their effects on their Level of health status. The findings of the current
study present important implications. First, these results unlock the potential to identify

students who don't know that great individual cleanliness propensities are

straightforwardly identified with fewer sicknesses and better wellbeing. Helpless

individual cleanliness propensities, be that as it may, can prompt some minor incidental

effects, similar to the personal stench and oily skin. Second, understanding the effects

of not doing hygiene practices on students' health status, this study allows the teaching

staff and the parents to know the health status of the selected students. Finally, by

learning about the adverse effects.


Based on the findings of this study,

1. It is recommended that the school management should develop policies that

encourage the students to start hygiene practices.

2. The parents should track the health status of their child.

3. The educators should look for assets and foster techniques to acquire more

incessant in-person measures and medical services and other managerial

records information to concentrate on members.

4. The school staff should concentrate on looking for ways of reinforcing the

capacity of the review to add to the comprehension of cleanliness rehearses

among understudies.

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