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Plate 6: Comparators

MFGE09L-2 E01 1Q2021

1. Compare comparison measurement with direct measurement

Near estimation isn't something very similar as immediate estimation. Direct estimation, as
exemplified in the sight-size technique, includes setting up your easel so that your drawing of
the figure is in a real sense a similar size as the model in your field of view. Sight-size
rearranges matters fairly in light of the fact that it's so immediate.

2. Define a comparator. Discuss the functional requirements of a comparator.

The comparator (which will have a dial marker) will be utilized alongside the check blocks.
Check blocks are otherwise called Slip Gauge. The Slip measures will have the working
standard measurement, yet the workpiece will have a deviation from this working norm. The
workpiece measurement might be not exactly or more noteworthy than this(Slip check)
measurement. This distinction in measurement can be appeared with the assistance of the
comparator's dial marker.

3. Give the classification of comparators

1. Mechanical Comparator: It deals with gears pinions, linkages, switches, springs, and so forth.
2. Pneumatic Comparator: Pneumatic comparator works by utilizing high-pressure air, valves,
back weight, and so on.
3. Optical Comparator: Optical comparator works by utilizing focal point, mirrors, light source,
and so on.
4. Electrical Comparator: Works by utilizing venture up, venture down transformers.
5. Electronic Comparator:It works by utilizing an intensifier, computerized signal, and so forth.
6. Consolidated Comparator: The blend of any two of the above kinds can give the best

4. Illustrate and explain the functional parts of a dial indicator.

1. Analog versus Digital (electronic) – this refers to the dial or face

of the instrument that provides the measurement. Analog reading
indicators utilize a dial face similar to a clock while digital indicators
have an electronic display providing the measurement.

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2. Range of motion or travel – this indicates the amount of movement the stem or probe
measures (travels). In most of the dial indicators we use, the range of travel is 0.500” or 1.000”.
3. Dial Size – there are variations in dial size. Most of the ones we use have a 2-1/4” dial face.
4. Dial Face – variations in color – most commonly used color face is white.
5. Accuracy
6. Metric vs. standard (English)
7. Revolution counters
8. Back design – flat backs, lugged backs, magnetic backs
9. Contact point (tip) – variations of all kinds – most commonly used in our hobby are standard
radiused/ball points or flat contacts

5. Explain the working mechanism of a dial indicator.

Working Of Dial Indicator It works on the guideline, that a slight upward weight on the shaft at
the contact point is duplicated through an arrangement of riggings and switches. It is shown on
the substance of the dial by a dial finger.

6. Discuss the various contact points used in a dial indicator.

Contact focuses arrive in a variety of materials too. The present materials incorporate steel,
plastic, ruby, and carbide. Carbide is presently the most utilized contact point material for
computerized and dial markers. Ruby accompanies incredible protection from consumption and
pressure quality. They function admirably on fragile parts. In the event that you require a more
solid alternative, carbide contact focuses are suggested. They offer long haul monetary
advantages and furthermore have unrivaled compressive quality.

7. What are the guidelines for the proper use of dial indicators?
Exact utilization of a dial indicator requires unbending mounting and outright solidness. In the
event that the marker moves all while the estimation is being taken, the estimation is
undermined. Henceforth dial pointers are quite often utilized with a movable attractive base that
can be cinched immovably to a close by surface.

8. Explain the factors that influence amplification in a Johansson mikrokator

Johansson Mikrocator was first evolved by C.E Johansson, so from that point on words, it was
named as Johansson Mikrokator.
In Johansson Mikrokator, rather than riggings or rack and Pinion, it utilizes a wound strip to
amplify the little direct development of the unclogger into Indicator(Pointer). So it can likewise be
called as Twisted strip Comparator.
There is another name is accessible for this Comparator. That is Abramson Movement Why on
the grounds that the mechanical amplification framework is planned by H. Abramson.

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9. Illustrate and explain the working principle of a Sigma mechanical comparator.
Sigma Comparator is one of the Types of Mechanical comparators. We should Quickly
experience the subject… This Sigma Comparator is likewise given a frictionless straight
development of the unclogger as like Reed Type Mechanical Comparator. The quantity of parts
in sigma comparator is more than the other Mechanical comparators types.

10. Explain the optical system in a mechanical optical comparator. What are its advantages
when compared to a mechanical comparator?
In optical comparator, a light source and a reflecting surface(Mirror) are utilized as the optical
An occurrence beam will hit the mirror and gets reflected. What's more, this beam will be
extended on to the scale.
In the beneath picture an occurrence beam OA is extended with a point θ on the mirror and it
gets reflected with a similar point θ. The advantages of optical comparator compared to
mechanical comparator is that the optical comparator has a high accuracy will be achieved

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because it is having very less moving parts and also can avoid Parallax error. In addition, the
optical comparator has a high magnification can be achieved.

11. Explain the function of a Zeiss ultra-optimeter

The Light from the light source passes through the green channel and condenser as appeared
in the above schematic graph.
The capacity of the Green channel is to permit just the green light and channels the staying all
tones in the light.
This sifted light emission through the Condenser.
The capacity of the condenser is to shine the light to the mobile mirror (M1).
See there are two mirrors. Mirror 1 (M1) and Mirror 2 (M2).
Where the Mirror 1 is a mobile mirror which is worked by the Plunger.
The unclogger is the estimating tip (Contacts to the workpiece to take the deviation ).
Mirror 2 (M2) is a fixed mirror.
When the shone light from the condenser falls on the mirror (M1) and get thought about to the
Mirror 2 (M2) and again reflected back to the Mirror 1 (M1) as should be obvious it in the above
schematic graph.
The target focal point will gather this picture and activities on to the graticule.

12. Discuss the various metrological applications of an optical projector

A projector is an optical gadget, which augments the picture. This is the guideline we will utilize
it in the Optical projector comparator. This Optical Profile of projectors is utilized to check
generally little designing parts with the working norm. Optical profile Projector Working rule

13. What are the major advantages of electronic comparators that have made them the first
choice in inspection metrology?
Vibrations are diminished because of least weight of mechanical.
It comprises of less moving parts.
By AC flexibly the grinding blunders are diminished.
For estimating units the showing instrument can be held at far off areas.

14. Explain the working principle of a Sigma electronic comparator

The overall guideline of the comparator is to show the distinction in size between the norm and
work being estimated by methods for some pointer on the scale with adequate amplification.
Comparators can give exactness estimations, with predictable precision by wiping out human

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15. Discuss the functional and metrological features of pneumatic comparators
Pneumatic comparators, air is utilized as the amplification framework. Utilizing the pneumatic
comparators empowers two methodologies for estimating the Deflection in estimation by
Estimating the Air pressure
Estimating the Velocity of Airflow
The reaction of the comparator chipping away at the wind current is very quicker when
contrasted with the comparator taking a shot at the pneumatic force. We can amplify up to
30,000 more than the genuine development. This is all on the grounds that there are no moving

16. Explain how the relationship between the clearance (between gauge head and work part)
and air flow rate enables measurement in a freeflow-type pneumatic gauge
Air gaging is an estimating framework that

– Allows for quick estimation

• Self adjusting

– Provides high goal

• Performance to 0.1um/5u"

– Easy to utilize

• Little administrator expertise included

– Is non-contact

• Won't female horse the part

– Self-Cleaning

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• Air overwhelms surface tainting

17. A pneumatic gauge is relatively free from operator error. How do you justify this statement?
Pneumatic checking is a solid and exact arrangement of estimation. It served industry well for a
long period before electronic measuring turned into a solid and affordable workshop framework.
The advances in estimating the progression of the air utilizing the new rule make air checking
considerably more
important than it has ever been, for the accompanying reasons:
• Linear estimations over a reach multiple times that of past frameworks.
• Easier tooling plan and machining. (Lower cost.)
• Easy to work (no changes and no upkeep).
• Air utilization is one-fifth that of past frameworks. (Cost decrease.)
• No requirement for air readiness or exact guideline. (Cost decrease.)
• Precise and repeatable estimations. (Microinch goal.)
There is no application where pneumatic measuring isn't appropriate (except if compacted air
accessible). The main necessity is to plan the proper measure head and installation and utilize
the best air
electronic converter

18. Explain the working principle of a pneumatic back pressure gauge. Discuss the relevance of
the characteristic curve in measurement.
A basic back weight circuit. In this circuit, packed air from the weight controller goes through an
essential restrictor, usually called the control hole, before entering the depression upstream of
the departure opening. Because of the presence of the essential limitation, changes in the
prohibitive impact of the getaway hole will offer ascent to changes in pressure in the cavity
between the two holes. Changes in the prohibitive impact of the break hole are made by
pushing the surface toward or then again away from the spout face. Changes in pressure inside
the depression can be estimated by a weight marker, for example, a Bourdon tube type
pressure check

19. With the help of a figure, explain the working principle of a Solex pneumatic gauge.
A SOLEX pneumatic miniature estimating framework fitted with an air check inside a sleeve
sliding into the firearm barrel gives a dependable, repeatable and fast review perusing with a
precision in the request for microns. With an appropriate air check the Solex flowmeter takes a
fast and exact point estimation of a section

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20. Discuss the major applications of pneumatic gauges
straightforward dimensional estimation, air checking was created to a degree where it was used
to control exact and complex machining and different cycles. In 2013, air checking is as yet alive
what's more, kicking and has numerous favorable circumstances over some other measuring
framework with regards to in-measure checking, for example, for pounding or lapping, or in
unforgiving conditions, for example, heat, chilly, acidic, hazardous, or atomic. The
instrumentation can dwell in a protected climate and send the air flexibly to the open fly or
checking cartridge through treated steel tubing. Utilizing the new stream framework permits
boundless length without debasing the exactness of the framework. Presently, numerous
applications for air checking have been taken over by electronic measuring, yet a few types of
estimation are still undeniably performed pneumatically, and it is these that we can helpfully
consider. Considering the ongoing enhancements in air electronic converters, the pattern will be
turned around once specialists and architects understand the potential in rearranged tooling and
the capacity to perform estimations that were unrealistic even with electronic checks. The lower
cost, the toughness, and the recently referenced focal points of air checking should make it

21. The operation of instruments requires energy. What is the source of energy for dial
indicators, pneumatic comparators, and electrical comparators?
The source of energy is manually applied by the push of the contacting spindle of the instrument
on the measured part and further transferred to the other mechanical parts of the instrument.

22. What is the most important way in which an electronic comparator differs from a mechanical
The two gadgets have modifying and non-upsetting sources of info and a solitary yield that can
go high or low. What's more, both have low balanced, high addition, and great normal mode
dismissal. There are, in any case, some significant contrasts among them, and these decide
when an operation amp can and when it can't be utilized in a comparator application.
The two gadgets observe the contributions to a similar way, by determining the relative qualities,
yet they structure yields in an unexpected way.

23. What is a balanced bridge? What is its significance in electrical comparators?

These instruments depend on the hypothesis of Wheatstone A.C. Scaffold. At the point when
the scaffold is electrically adjusted, no flow will move through the galvanometer associated with
the extension, and the pointer won't redirect. Any irritated in the inductances of the arms will
create unbalance and cause redirection of the pointer.

24. What are the limitations of pneumatic metrology?

Generally low precision: As pneumatic frameworks are controlled by the power gave by
compacted air, their activity is dependent upon the volume of the packed air. As the volume of
air may change when compacted or warmed, the gracefully of air to the framework may not be
precise, causing a reduction in the general exactness of the framework. 2. Low stacking: As the

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chambers of pneumatic parts are not extremely huge, a pneumatic framework can't drive stacks
that are excessively weighty. 3. Preparing needed before utilize Compressed air must be
handled before use to guarantee the nonattendance of water fume or residue. Something else,
the moving pieces of the pneumatic segments may destroy rapidly because of erosion. 4.
Lopsided moving velocity: As air can without much of a stretch be compacted, the moving rates
of the cylinders are moderately lopsided. 5. Clamor: Noise will be delivered when packed air is
delivered from the pneumatic segments. 6. Lubricator: Lubricator is needed to add oil to
compacted air to lessen grinding.

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