Control-D Commands & Utilities

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On the short term for planned shutdown, about 30mn before the shutdown (adjust the

delay to your production):

- Suspend the mission process using the F CONTROLD,SUSPEND
- Stop the generic decollation, if any, using the command F CONTROLD,STOPGEN

Start Control-D Monitor:


Stop the Control-D Monitor:


Activating Generic Processing


Deactivating Generic Processing

It is sometimes desirable to stop Control-D from processing the outputs in the generic classes (usually
to replace the current report decollating mission definitions).
Issue operator command


Suspending and resuming the mission process

It is sometimes desirable to suspend all mission processing for all Control-D decollation and print
monitors. All resources may be needed for other purposes for a limited period of time without
deactivation of the Control-D monitors.
Issue operator command


In order to resume all mission processing, issue operator command


Activating the Compressed Dataset Access Method

The Compressed Dataset Access Method (CDAM) must operate 24 hours a day, because CDAM is
used both by the Control-D monitor and by jobs within the system to read, write and view
compressed reports.

Deactivating the Compressed Dataset Access Method
There is seldom any reason to deactivate the Compressed Dataset Access Method. However, if such
a reason occurs, it must be done only in conjunction with problem-solving efforts as directed by your
BMC Technical Customer. In this case, shut down the Control-D monitor and issue the following
operator command:


Modifying the Control-D Sleeping Interval

Control-D "wakes up" every few seconds and checks what it has to do. This interval is set
through a Control-D installation parameter and can be changed by the system
administrator. In addition, the interval can be altered by the following operator


Loading the Recipient and Approval Tree into the Control-D Monitor
To load a new (modified) Recipient and Approval Tree under the Control-D monitor, enter operator


Loading the Recipient and Approval Tree into the IOA Online Monitor
The recipient tree is also loaded into the IOA Online monitor. To load a new (modified) Recipient and
Approval Tree under the IOA Online monitor, issue operator command


where x is the unique monitor ID.

Loading the Recipient and Approval Tree into Control-D Application

To load a new (modified) Recipient and Approval Tree under the Control-D Application
Server, issue operator command


where nn is the decimal sequential ASID number of the Control-D Application Server address space to which
the MODIFY command is submitted. The MODIFY command is broadcast to all active Application Server
address spaces if the ASID number ‘=nn’ is omitted.

Loading the Recipient and Approval Tree into File Transfer Monitor
To load a new (modified) Recipient and Approval Tree under the File Transfer monitor,
issue operator command

Displaying Storage Maps for the Control-D Monitor
A pair of MODIFY commands provide you with information about storage memory allocations. These
reports are issued into the file referred by the DD card DAPRENV. You can choose between a detailed
report or a summary report.
To display a detailed storage map by TCB storage key and subpool, specify the following operator

F controld,LISTVDET

Every allocated block is listed by TCB and subpool number. The following information is displayed on the
operator console from which the modify command was issued:

To display a summary storage map, specify the following operator command: F


Internal mode
In this mode, at the predefined time, the Control-D monitor switches to
SUSPENDed status and then internally activates the NEWDAY processes.

Start Control-D New Day Procedure Manually in internal mode:

After Control-D starts the CTDNDAY task, the monitor resumes processing of all missions and signals
the Printers Control monitor to resume all suspended print missions.

External mode
In this mode, at the predefined time, the Control-D monitor signals the
Printers Control monitor to shut down and waits until the monitor does
this, after which the Control-D monitor shuts down. When the Printers
Control monitor shuts down, it suspends all active printing missions, which
resume only after the Printers Control monitor is restarted.

1. To run the New Day process in external mode, start the Control-D monitor
by issuing the following operator command:


User Reports Commands:


DI J - When viewing the list of MSGCLASS (JCL) reports, you used display type J.
DI D –
DI O – User Wise Report

The original MSGCLASS output is displayed with a ruler activated. It displays messages and strings
that are relevant to production personnel.
Printer Commands

To display the entire list of open printers, issue operator command


If a required printer was defined as CLOSE, issue the following operator command to "open" it:

re-cycling the CDAM subsystem (IOATERM/IOASINIT)

Control-D Utilities:

Use utility IOACND to add a prerequisite condition.

Cleans the IOA Conditions file. Use only utility IOACLCND to clean the IOA Conditions
because this file is used for both Control-M and Control-D.

Utility IOALDNRS builds the Manual Conditions file from information in the Control-M Active
Jobs file, the Control-D Active Missions file, and the IOA Conditions and Control-M Resources
files. However, the CTDLDNRS utility, which perform the same function, is supplied for
compatibility with previous versions of Control-D.

If the Control-D and Control-M New Day procedures start at the same time, you need to ensure that
both procedures finish before running the IOALDNRS utility or the CTDLDNRS step. Use one of the
following options:
• Set Control-D New Day time (DAYTIMED) long enough after Control-M New Day time (DAYTIME) to
ensure that Control-M New Day is ended.
• Remove the CTDLDNRS step from the CTDNDAY procedure. Run the IOALDNRS utility after both
Control-M and Control-D New Day procedures have finished.
BKPRESET – Reset the Backup Mission Status

This utility affects backup or migration missions in IN PROCESS status, and resets them to ENDED
status, but it does not affect the missions that have reached the stage of checking the results of their
respective backup or migration jobs. It also resets the status of the reports affected by these missions
to WAITING FOR BACKUP/MIGRATION. In addition, it resets the status of all the reports affected by
those pending backup or migration missions that have already left the Active Mission File.

This utility can be invoked in test mode. In this case, it does not change the Control-D repository, and
only a simulation report is generated.
Note: This utility does not reset the status of reports that have been successfully migrated or backed

Activating the BKPRESET Utility

The utility is activated by the BKPRESET JCL procedure. See the sample BKPRESET job in the Control-
D JCL library.

BKPRESET Activation
// [ MODE={ RESET | TEST } ],
// MISNAME={ ALL | NOMISSION | name },
// [ MISTIME=time ],
// [ MISODATE=date ]

BKPRESET Example 1
// MISTIME=12054417,
// MISODATE=261106

In this example, the utility resets the status of the BKP0007Y mission that was ordered on November
26, 2006 and started at 12:05:44.17 to ENDED, and it also resets the status of the reports awaiting
completion for this mission and of the missions that have already left the Active Mission File to

BKPRESET Example 2

In this example, the utility resets the status of all pending backup or migration missions to ENDED,
and it also resets the status of all reports awaiting completion of their respective backup or migration

CTDAUTR – Create list of recipients and reports

authorized for a specific User ID
The CTDAUTR utility enables Control-D administrators to get a list of recipients and available reports
which are authorized for a specific User ID.
The authorization is checked in the user and security exits based on the Control-D Recipient tree and
security environment (such as RACF, TOP-Secret, or ASF2) definitions. Depending on the input
parameters, the utility uses the exits invoked in the online environment for accessing via 3270
interface (CTDX004, CTDSE04) or exits invoked under the IOA Application Server for users working
via Control-D WebAccess (CTDX024, CTDSE24).

CTDAUTR Parameters
The input parameters for the utility are specified in the stream referred by the SYSIN DD statement.
They must be specified in the following order:
1. General parameters
3. Selection parameters
4. Repeat INCLUDE with other Selection parameters, if needed.
6. Selection parameters
7. Repeat EXCLUDE with other Selection parameters, if needed.
CTDAUTR general parameters

Parameter Description
ACTION Specifies which report the utility is to produce. Valid values are:
 RECIPIENTS - list of recipients authorized for a specific user. Default.
 REPORTS - list of available Control-D reports authorized for a specific user.
ENV Specifies whether to use the online or web exits to check recipients and Control-D
reports authorization. Valid values are:
 ONLINE - the online exits CTDX004 and CTDSE04 are used. Default.
 WEB - the IOA Application server exits CTDX024 and CTDSE024 are used.
FILE Specifies which Control-D user files (active, migrated and history) the utility should
scan to get the list of authorized reports. To use this parameter the ACTION
parameter must be set to REPORTS. Valid values are:
 ACT - active. Default.
 MIG - migrated
 HST - history
Combinations for more than one value are allowed. If more than one file is specified,
the values should be separated by comma.
USERID Indicates User ID for which the report should be issued.
This parameter can be specified several times. In this case different report for each
specified User ID is issued. At least one USERID parameter should be specified

Selection parameters are specified in INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements. The following rules apply to
the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements:
 Several INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements can be specified.
 All selection parameters are optional. Each selection parameter can be specified several times in
the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements. In an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement, similar selection
parameters are related by logical OR, while different selection parameters are related by logical AND.
 CTDAUTR selects all reports that satisfy the selection parameters in the INCLUDE statements,
except those that satisfy the selection parameters in the EXCLUDE statements.
 If the EXCLUDE statements are missing, all reports that satisfy the selection parameters in the
INCLUDE statements are selected.
 If the INCLUDE statements are missing, all reports, except those which satisfy the selection
parameters in the EXCLUDE statements, are selected.
 If both the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements are missing, all Control-D reports from the specified
User file are selected.
Parameter Description
RECIPIENT It specifies the name of the report recipient. Complete value or mask. The maximum
length is 8 characters.
REPNAME It specifies the name of the report. Complete value or mask. If blanks or apostrophes
are included in the Report name, the Report name must be specified between
apostrophes and any apostrophes included in the Report name must be doubled. The
maximum length is 50 characters.
JOBNAME It specifies the name of the job created the report. Complete value or mask.
The maximum length is 8 characters.
Activating the CTDAUTR Utility
Following is a template for the JCL to run the CTDAUTR utility.

[JOBNAME=job name]
[JOBNAME=job name]

CTDAUTR Example 1
Produce list of recipients authorized for the user USER1. Use online exits to check authorization.

Example JCL for list of recipients


CTDAUTR Example 2
Produce two lists of active and migrated reports. The first allowed for viewing by the user USER1 and
the second allowed for viewing by the user USER2. Use Control-D Application Server exits to check

Example JCL for list of reports


CTDAUTR Example 3
Produce lists of migrated reports allowed for viewing by the user USER1. Only reports with the job
name ARCHIVE, except for the reports sent to the recipients RECIP1 and RECIP2, will be included in
the list. Use Online exits to check authorization.
Example JCL for list of migrated reports

CTDBLXRP – Rebuild Print Control Records in the Active

User File
Print control records are used by printing missions to create print plans.
The CTDBLXRP utility deletes all existing print control records in the Active User Reports file and
rebuilds them. These records are rebuilt by scanning the Active and Migrated User Reports file,
creating new print control records and inserting pointers to reports in WAIT PRINT status.
Use this utility if
 Reports that have WAIT PRINT status are not selected for printing.
 Many CTD908S error messages with a return code of 16 are issued when a printing mission is
building a print plan.
This utility can be run in parallel with other Control-D activities (decollation, printing, online viewing,
and so on.)

CTDBLXRP Parameter
The following parameter, described in Table 206, can be specified in the EXEC statement for the

FILE Specifies which Control-D user files are scanned to rebuild print control records. Valid values
 ACT - Only the Active User file is scanned. Default.
 MIG - Active and Migrated User files are scanned

Activating the CTDBLXRP Utility

The CTDBLXRP utility is activated by the following EXEC statement:

CTDCAMF – Compress or Copy Active Missions File

The CTDCAMF utility can compress or copy the Active Missions file (AMF), or change its size.
Message CTDF63W is issued if the AMF is about to become full. Message CTD533S is issued if the
AMF does become full. There are two solutions: increase the size of the file or compress the file.
The CTDCAMF utility receives control parameters using DD statement DACOPPRM (or SYSIN). The
parameters designate the required function (compress or copy).

Note: This utility cannot run simultaneously with the Control-D monitor. Results are unpredictable if
the monitor is not shut down. Online users can remain logged on.

Compressing the Active Missions File

The AMF contains entries for jobs that are no longer required, such as missions whose status is
DELETED or ENDED OK. By removing the unneeded entries from the file, the CTDCAMF utility
provides space for new entries.

Copying the Active Missions File

The AMF can be copied
 to another system
 to another user
 to create a backup

For an example of how to implement this utility, see sample job CTDCAMF in the Control-D JCL

Changing the Size of the Active Missions File

Note: Online users must not access the Online facility while the size of the Active Missions file is being
changed. You should stop all access to the AMF until the process is complete.
Perform the following steps to change the size of the AMF:
1. Rename the current AMF—which is the input file for the copy operation and its backup file—using,
for example ISPF 3.2 or 3.4.

Note: The backup Active Missions file suffix is AMB.

2. Perform the following steps:

a. Enter ICE and select Customization.
b. In the Customization screen, set Product ID to CTD.
c. Select major step 6, "Customize Control-D Data Set Parameters."
d. Select minor step 2, "Control-D Data Set Parameters."
e. Change the size of the new AMF by modifying the value of the AMFSIZE parameter from, for
example, 1100 blocks to 1200 blocks.
f. Select minor step 3, "Save Parameters into Product Libraries."
g. Select minor step 4, "Format the Active Missions File."
h. Set the TYPE parameter to NEWAMF/NEWAMB.
i. Submit the job and create a new Active Missions file (with the suffix NEWAMF).

3. Edit the CTDCAMF member in the Control-D JCL library. Change the OLDAMF parameter to match
the name specified in Step 1, as follows:

//CAMF EXEC CTDAMF,OLDNAME=’old-dsname’,NEW AMF=’new-dsname’


 old-dsname is the name specified in Step 1.
 new-dsname is the new DSN with the suffix NEWAMF.

4. Run the CTDCAMF utility to copy the current AMF to the new AMF. You must terminate the utility
a return code of 0.
5. Restart the Control-D monitor and resume operations.
CTDCCU – Delete Unneeded CDAM Files
The CTDCCU utility identifies CDAM files that are not referenced by the Active User Report List file (as
SYSDATA entries) and optionally deletes them.
CDAM files created using the JCL parameter SUBSYS are not always decollated. Since they are not
referenced by the Active User Report List file (ACTUSR), CTDDELRP does not delete these CDAM files.
This utility identifies or deletes these CDAM files.

This utility also identifies, and optionally deletes, Control-V index files that are not referenced (as
INDEX entries) by the Active User Report List file or the Migrate User Report List file. Since they are
not referenced by a Control-V database, they cannot be deleted by the CTDDELRP, CTVCLMIG, or
CTVDELI utilities.

CTDCCU Parameters
Parameter Description
DATE Specifies the date range for selecting CDAM and Control-V index files Format:
fromdate - todate
where fromdate is mandatory; todate is optional.
Date is in format mmddyy , ddmmyy , or yymmdd , depending on the site standard.
todate must not exceed the run date minus one (the day before the run date),
unless the SIMULATION parameter’s value is set to YES.
If todate is not specified, it defaults to the specified fromdate .
PREFIX Specifies the CDAM or Control-V index file prefix. At least one PREFIX command is
required. Multiple PREFIX commands are supported.
Maximum length: 23 characters.
Note: PREFIX is treated as an exact high-level qualifier of data set names that are
processed with the utility.

CAT An optional sub-parameter of the PREFIX parameter. CATcan be coded after the
PREFIX parameter, separated by acomma.
CAT specifies the system or user catalog data set that is used to locate CDAM or
Control-V index data sets that should be included in the utility process.
If CAT is not coded, all system and connected user catalog data sets are used by the
utility to locate either CDAM or Control-V index files that have the specified prefix in
the data set names.

SIMULATION Creates a report on non-referenced CDAM or Control-V index files, and specifies
whether to delete those files during the run of the utility. Valid values are:
 YES – Create report. Do not delete the files. Default.
 NO – Create report. Delete all non-referenced CDAM and Control-V files.
Note: Run the CTDCCU utility first in Simulation mode to ensure that only the correct
files are deleted.
VERIFY-INHISTORY Search the History User Report file for references to CDAM files that are not
referenced from the Active User Report List file. Search the History User
Report file for references to Control-V index files that are not referenced from
neither the Active User Report List file nor the Migrate User Report List file.
Valid values are:
 YES – Perform search. Either CDAM or Control-V index files that are
referenced by the History User Report List file are not deleted.
 NO – Do not search the History User Report List file. Default.
DELSYSDATA Deletes SYSDATA records from the Active User Report List file when the
corresponding CDAM files are not found. Valid values are:
 YES – Delete the SYSDATA records when the corresponding CDAM files
are not found.
 NO – Do not delete the SYSDATA records when the CDAM files are not
found. Default.

Activating the CTDCCU Utility

CTDCCU Activation
DATE=fromdate [- todate]

CTDCLHST – Clean History User Report List File

The CTDCLHST utility cleans entries from the History User Report List file. The History User Report
List file contains entries describing backed up user reports. Each report has a retention period. The
utility scans the History User Report List file for all the reports whose retention period has passed
(meaning, the backup is no longer needed), and then deletes them.

The utility also produces a list of all tapes that are no longer needed and can therefore be returned to
the global tape pool.


This optional parameter in the EXEC statement determines whether the CTDCLHST utility is run in
production mode (PROD) or simulation mode (TEST). If the parameter is not specified, the default is
production mode. You should run this utility in simulation mode before running it in production mode.

CTDCLHST – MODE parameter values

Value Description
PROD The utility runs in production mode, deleting records that meet the conditions defined by
other parameters. Default
TEST The utility runs in simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting but not changing or
deleting any record or file.


This optional parameter in the EXEC statement determines whether the CTDCLHST utility checks for
USER or INDEX records with missing SYSDATA records, or for SYSDATA records with missing USER

CTDDELRD – Delete Reports that are not needed

The CTDDELRD utility performs the same operations and it is managed in the same manner as the
CTDDELRP utility. The difference is that the CTDDELRD utility invokes the system service IDCAMS,
instead of Control-D program CTDDCD, to remove unneeded CDAM and index data sets from DASD.
Refer the delivered IOA PROCLIB library for the exact difference between the JCL procedures.
CTDDELRP – Delete Reports that are not needed
The CTDDELRP utility cleans unneeded user, report, and job entries from the Active User Report List
file and erases from the disk the compressed (CDAM) data sets that have no entries in the Active
User Report List file. The utility can also move a report entry from the Active User Report List file to
either the History User Report List file or the Migrated User Report List file. To do this, the following
must be true:
 The DASD retention period for that report has expired or the number of report generation that can
be kept on DASD is exceeded.
 The report has been backed up or migrated successfully.

The utility determines which reports are no longer needed for backup, migration, Online viewing, or
printing, by means of user-specified selection groups. A selection group consists of a DAYS or
GENERATIONS statement and optional INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. The DAYS statement
contains a retention period that specifies the number of days that the reports remain online, after
which they are deleted by the utility. The GENERATIONS statement specifies the number of the latest
report generations to keep in the Active User file. All other report generations will be deleted by the
utility. The optional INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements further qualify which reports belong to the
selection group. Several DAYS and GENERATIONS selection groups can be specified in the input
stream for the utility. At least one DAYS or GENERATIONS statement must be specified.
By specifying multiple selection groups, each with its own retention period and INCLUDE / EXCLUDE
statements, groups of entries with differing retention periods can be deleted by a single execution of
the CTDDELRP utility. Selection groups are scanned sequentially. The processing of a report is
determined by the selection groups whose INCLUDE / EXCLUDE criteria match the report.
The CTDDELRP utility performs the following steps:

1. Records to be deleted from the Active User Report List file are selected according to the parameters
specified for the utility, and written to a temporary file.
Records for reports that have been backed up are written to the History User Report List file. CDAM
files to be deleted are written to an intermediate file.

2. The temporary file is read and the records it contains are deleted from the Active User Report List
3. CDAM files stored in the intermediate file, in Step 1, are deleted.

CTDDELRP Example 1
The utility deletes reports that are older than three days if they have been backed up and have either

CTDDELRP Example 2
The utility deletes reports that were backed up and printed. Reports waiting for migration, print
and/or backup are not deleted.

CTDDELRP Example 3
The utility deletes reports with name prefix PROD-JCL that are more than five days old, unless they
have not yet been backed up.

CTDDELRP Example 4
The utility deletes reports of the specified job name and job ID, regardless of WAIT BACKUP or WAIT
PRINT status.
Assume the following report names exist: ACCT, ACCT-REC, ACCT-PAY.

CTDDELRP Example 5
The utility deletes all the above reports.

The utility deletes only report ACCT.
CTDDELRP Example 6
The utility deletes from DASD all reports that have already been migrated, printed, and backed up, if
backup was requested, except the following:
 production JCL reports
 reports produced on output class X
 reports produced by jobs with names beginning P00

CTDDELRP Example 7
The utility deletes reports older than seven days and created by jobs with names beginning PROD,
except reports waiting for print. Reports older than three days and created by jobs with names
beginning TEST are deleted, regardless of WAIT BACKUP or WAIT PRINT status.

CTDDELRP Example 8
The utility deletes reports that were restored at least three days ago, except reports still waiting for

CTDDELRP Example 9
The utility deletes reports older than four days.
The utility deletes reports that have only a SYSDATA record (no user record points to them), even if
the SYSDATA record is one day old.

CTDDELRP Example 10
The utility deletes reports older than 30 days and created by jobs with names beginning PROD or
FIRST, unless they have not yet been backed up. The utility deletes reports that have been printed,
backed up and migrated, that are older than 15 days, and that were created by jobs with names that
begin with "TEST." The utility deletes all other reports more than five days old.

CTDDELRP Example 11
The utility deletes reports that are more than seven days old and have not been used for viewing or
printing during the last three days.

CTDREPUS – Control-D report usage analysis

The CTDREPUS utility provides customers with information about Control-D report usage. This
information can help find those Control-D reports, which are no longer required by customers, but
which continue to be automatically decollated, backed up, or migrated, utilizing expensive resources.
The utility prints the results of the analysis in a usage output report. Using the report, the customer
can decide to discontinue decollating, archiving, or migrating reports. Similarly, by deleting obsolete
reports from the repository and discontinuing job runs that produce these reports, the customer can
reduce unnecessary expenses.

The usage output report is printed to the file referred by the DAREPORT DD statement. Each record
of the output report contains usage information about one Control-D report. The format of the usage
output report is described CTDREPUS Output (on page 473).
 The utility only generates a usage output report for Control-D version 7.0.02, and later, since only
from this version are end user actions collected in the User Report List files.
 To receive relevant information about viewing reports by the 3270 online users, the SUSRVEW
profile parameter must be set as SUSRVEW=A

CTDREPUS Parameters
The utility input parameters specified in the SYSIN DD input stream define which report entries will be
selected for analysis. All parameters are optional. If no selection parameters are specified, the utility
selects for analysis all Control-D reports from all Control-D User files (Active, Migrated, and History).

CTDREPUS utility input parameters

Parameter Description
FILE Determines the list of Control-D User files to be processed.
The valid values are:
 ACT - Active User file
 HST - History User file
 MIG - Migration User file
If more than one file is specified, the list must be enclosed in brackets and the values
in the list separated by commas.
REPNAME Report Name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask. If blanks or
apostrophes are included in the Report name, the Report name must be specified
between apostrophes and the apostrophes included in the Report name must be
Maximum length is 50 characters.
JOBNAME Job name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.
Maximum length is 8 characters.
CATEGORY Report Category to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.
Maximum length is 20 characters.
USER User name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.
Maximum length is 8 characters.
DECFROM Earliest decollation date to be selected for processing.
Date format is mm /dd /yy , dd /mm /yy or yy /mm /dd (depending on the site
standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member).
DECTO Latest decollation date to be selected for processing.
Date format is mm /dd /yy , dd /mm /yy or yy /mm /dd (depending on the site
standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member).
NOTUSDAYS Number of days the report have not been used. Only reports which have not been
accessed for viewing, printing or restore the specified number of days or more will be
selected for processing.
Maximum available value of parameter is 99999.

BKPMIS Backup mission name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.
Maximum length is 8 characters.
This parameter is checked by processing Active and History User File.
MIGMIS Migration mission name to be selected for processing. Complete value
or mask.
Maximum length is 8 characters.
This parameter is checked by processing Active and Migration User File.
MIGMEDIA Migration media where the migrated CDAM files reside. Complete value
or mask.
Maximum length is 8 characters.
This parameter is checked by processing Migration User File.
CDAM Name of the CDAM dataset containing the report to be selected for
processing. Complete value or mask.
The maximum length is 44 characters.
By Active and History User file processing, the original CDAM name is
By Migrated User file processing, the original and the primary and
secondary migrated CDAM dataset names are searched. If at least one
of names: original CDAM name/primary migrated CDAM
name/secondary migrated CDAM name satisfies to the specified
parameter, the report is selected for processing.
VOLSER The tape volume serial number where the backed up or migrated CDAM
file containing the report to be selected resides. Complete value or
Maximum length is 6 characters.
This parameter is checked by processing History or Migrated User files.

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