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AS400e – Mini Computer

Mainframe – Processes instructions in MIPS

MIPS – Millions instruction per second

Mainframes shares resources virtually – All about virtualization

MVS – Operating Systems on Mainframes are called MVS – Multiple Virtual Storage

CICS – Customer Information Control System – used in banks – designed for processes which
involves lots of input/output operation

Mainframes are widely used by banks for generate reports/statements to be shared with customers

Mainframes are also used by share market, insurance, logistics, big stores, Railway/Airline ticket
reservation/bookings, Health care companies.

Setup Mainframe in your PC: (MVS3.8J Tur(n)key version 4- MVS freely available)
1. To download ‘MVS3.8J Tur(n)key version 4-’ Open Chrome browser and type in URL
2. Download the * in your PC
3. Extract the zip file
4. Go to extracted folder, open ‘unattended’ folder and run set_console_mode.bat
5. Go back to root folder and run mvs.bat, MF emulator will start executing
6. Download the Vista tn3270 mainframe terminal emulator to connect to terminal
7. Install the Vista tn3270 by following up wizard instruction
8. Once the installation is completed, launch ‘Vista tn3270 Standard Session’
9. First you will have to map the keyboard, go to option menu  Keyboard Edit
10. Press on the ‘Enter’ key on visible keyboard  and in below options select ‘New Line’
11. Again press on ‘Ctrl’ key on visible keyboard  and in below options select ‘Enter’
12. Close the dialog box and press ‘Enter’, here you will receive ‘input not recognized’; ignore
the message and enter the user name as ‘herc01’
13. Enter the password as ‘CUL8TR’, it gives you Welcome screen
14. Press enter twice to switch to menus screen

Programming Languages used in Mainframe:

COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language


Object Oriented Languages like C, C++ and Java

CLIST (Within TSO Only) and

REXX (can be executed in other platforms as well)


Time Sharing option – multiple users can operate the mainframe, sessions are managed; provides
commands to manage datasets (files)

- Interaction is either line by line mode or in full screen menu driven mode
- TSO handles dataset, program development, batch job functions etc.

ISPF – ISPF provides menu driven funtions and combination of TSO and ISPF is called TSO/ISPF

RACF – Controls the user accesses. Provided security

Basics of PS and PDS

Space Unit – unit in which the file will be saved. BLKS, TRKS an CYLS is used mostly.

- BLKS (Blocks)
- TRKS (Tracks) – it is equals to 192 KB or 48 KB or 56 KB, depends on type of DASD used. 1
Track has minimum of 6 blocks
- CYLS (Cylinder) – it is equals to 15 tracks
- KB
- MB

PS – 16 extents

PDS – 16 extents

PDSE – 123 extents

Primary Quantity - must be non-zero for PDS

Secondary Quantity – Used to extend the size when primary quantity is utilized

Directory Blocks – Zero for PS; Non zero for PDS

Record Format:

F – Fixed length records

FB – Fixed Blocks

V – Variable length records

VB - Variable length block

U – Unified Format Records

F and FB are used mostly.

Record Length: Logical record length in bytes. E.g. 80

Block Size: Physical record length, it should be multiple of record length specified.

Data set name type: Important datasets are:

- Library – Allocates a partitioned dataset extended. (Also called PDSE)

- PDS - Allocates a partitioned dataset.
- LARGE - Allocates a large format sequential data set
- Blank – Allocates a partitioned or sequential data sets based on the data sets characteristics
entered. (Used in case of PS)

Note: Organization for PDS will always be PO.

Spool: Simultaneous peripheral operations online (spool) has several meanings
as used in this book and throughout JES2 documentation. Spooling is a process
by which the system manipulates its work. This includes:

 Using storage on direct access storage devices (DASD) as a buffer storage to reduce
processing delays when transferring data between peripheral equipment and a
program to be run.
 Reading and writing input and output streams on an intermediate device for later
processing or output.
 Performing an operation such as printing while the computer is busy with other work.


Use the MSGCLASS parameter to assign the job log to an output class. The job log
is a record of job-related information for the programmer. Depending on the JOB
statement MSGLEVEL parameter, the job log can consist of:

 Only the JOB statement.

 All job control statements.
 In-stream and cataloged procedure statements.
 Job control statement messages.
 JES and operator messages about the job.

Single Ampersand (&) denotes a Symbloic Parameter, for which a value can be assigned in an Exec
statement or on Proc staement and down the line u can use that parameter with prefix &.

Double ampersand (&&) denotes a temporary dataset.

& -->To identify a symbolic parameter, for example, &LIB

&& --> To identify a temporary data set name, for example, &&TEMPDS, and, to identify an in-
stream or sysout data set name, for example, &&PAYOUT


// TIME=3)
// TIME=3)

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