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--> Project- Temporary endevour that must be completed to attain certain outcome.

--> Project Management- It is an act of planning, organizing and managing a project

to attain certain outcome.

-->Project plan- It is formal document created before starting any project. It

includes cost,schedule and project scope.

--> WBS- divides the work deliverable into managable sections.

--> Project manager- is the person who handles every aspect of the project from the
day it starts till it closes.

-->Project statkeholder- who are directly indirectly affect or affected by the

project decisions.

-->Project portfolio management- taking whole bunch of different project that

potentially dont link to each other and then put them in potfolio. The main goal of
this is to ensure it's linked to company's strategy

--> Collaboration- is a process of involving team members in project activities.

which helps in information exchange and monitor the project performance.

-->Project Budget- it is a formal document featuring the list of financial

resources, including project expenses, to complete the project.

-->Milestone- An important event that occurs during project lifecycle.

-->Dependencies- Specify the r/ship b/w proejct activities and the order in which
they are performed.

-->Scrum- scrum is a framework??

-->Sprint- is a set period of time in which specific work has to be completed &
made ready for review.

--> Agile- is a iterative methodology where afer every sprint, team reflect and
look back to see if there was anything thatcould be improved so they can adjust
their strategy for next sprint.

--> waterfall- In waterfall each stage of workflow needs to be completed in order

to move to next step.

-->Project management process-

1) Initiation
2) Planning
3) Executing
4) Monitoring and controlling
5) Closing

--> Defining the scope of project management

1)Creating project plan
2)Managing project risk
3)Tracking project progress
4)Phases of project lifecycle
5)Communicating with project stakeholders
--> Defining Project Scope
It is important to understand what the project is and it's objective. What the
scope of project is (what it excludes and includes) which helps PMs to create
project plan. example:
New software for food delivery.In this case objective would be to create user
friendly app. Project scope would be to include everything which would be necessary
to to included in the project and exclude everything which is not necessary.

--> Creating project plan

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