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 What is project

 What is project management

 Project management life cycle
 Waterfall V/S Agile
 Organization structure

 Initiate the project-

First Step- Assign project manager. Sometimes PM is assigned after the project has been
approved. Once the PM has initial Project definition, project charter is created

Second Step- Identify project Stakeholders- Stakeholders includes

1. Customer- Person or group of people with a problem to solve.
a) Funds the project
b) Informs what needs to be done
c) Approves deliverables
2. Project sponsor- Wants project to succeed
a) Prioritize Objectives
b) Talk to stakeholders who aren’t supportive
c) Suggest improvement
3. Functional managers
a) Achieve department goals
b) Manage team members- Manage people in their dept.
4. Team Members
5. Dept- people invested & affected by project outcome

Third Step- It is important to analyze stakeholders for the projects. So, stakeholder analysis
document helps in that. Needs to find stakeholders and their part in the project.

Fourth step- Project goal- defines the end result. Solves the problem. Takes advantage of the

Fifth step- Define project objective- Document objectives- best practices:-

a) Specific objectives- inform what needs to be achieved.

b) Measurable objective- Show how much has been achieved.
c) Achievable objective- Tell what can be done with resources available.
d) Time related objective- Identify when objectives needs to be achieved.

Fifth Step- Choose Strategy

a) Brainstorming-
i) Identify possible strategies
ii) Allow free flow of ideas
iii) Avoid evaluation
Sixth Step – Gather Requirement. Requirement Challenges

a) Incorrect requirement
b) Inconsistent requirement
c) Missing requirement
d) Unnecessary requirement
e) Customers don’t commit time

Techniques for gathering requirement

a) Interviews
b) Focus groups
c) Observation
d) Surveys
e) Analyze existing documents
f) Analyze initial requirement

Seventh step- Identify project deliverables & success criteria

Deliverables defines scope & measure progress

Eighth Step- Assumptions and risk

9th step- prepare project scope statement

10th step- create project charter

Project charter includes:

a) Project Name
b) Purpose
c) High level project description
d) High level milestone schedule
e) Rough cost estimate
f) Stakeholders
g) PM’s name
h) Pm’s responsibilities
i) PM’s Authority
j) Formal declaration of sponsor’s support

 Project charter- a formal short document that states a project exists and provides project
managers with written authority to begin work. A project charter document describes a project to
create a shared understanding of its goals, objectives and resource requirements before the project is
scoped out in detail.
 Develop a project plan

 Project plan is used over the course of the project & directs people’s task. It tracks project’s projection. Aids in
course correction. Communicate progress with stakeholders.
o Work breakdown structure- Easier to estimate time & cost. Easier to assign work. I t contains two
types of task.
1. Summary task- Higher level task in WBS
2. Work packages- low level task in WBS

 Define work package document-

 Estimate time & cost- Parametric model- You calculate work and cost based on a measured unit
Delphi technique- expert advice
Top down- for large projects rough estimate works well
Bottom up- Estimating each task and then add them up until you get the entire cost of the project.

 Create a resource management plan- Includes

1. Roles
2. Responsibilities
3. Reporting structure
4. Skills
5. Staffing

RICA- Responsible for doing

Who needs to be informed

Consult before a decision

Accountable for decision and delegating

 Project organisation chart

 Develop detailed staffing plan
o identify sources for resources
o When they are needed
o Training requirement
o Resource process
 Build project schedule
1. Put task in sequential order
2. Estimate the time each task will take
3. Assign task to project team member
4. Calculate task duration
5. Account for deadlines and other constraints
 Develop project budget- cost includes
o Labour cost- vendors, contractors & Employees
o For employees burdened cost is involved i.e. salary, benefits
o Time Based resources- equipment, leased office space
o Material cost- equipment being installed, construction material, consumable goods
o Ancillary cost- It includes extra cost like travel, training, fees
 Identify Risk- We need to identify what can go wrong in project.
 Create risk management plan – Different risk responses:
o Acceptance of the risk
o Avoid Risk- changing project scope
o Mitigating risk
o Transfer risk- Handling risk to someone else

 Setup Communication plan- The success of the project depends on the communication plan. Right
people getting right communication at the right time.
o Identify your audience

 Develop quality plan- Tools for quality improvement

o Fish bone or cause and effect diagram
o Pareto diagram- shows how many defects are generated by each cause

 How to setup change management plan- Helps in adding important changes in the project.
o Identify what needs to be controlled- Project scope, Requirements, Schedule, Project plan
o Define change management plan- Company culture, Project size. Typical components of
change management plan:
 Receive change request
 Evaluate change Request
 Reviewed by change review board
 Track change request
 Plan procurement- Procuring the services and products
o Identify Purchase needs- Skills, Additional resources, Products, Material
o Document procurement processes- Identify vendors, Select vendors, manage contract.
o Describe your make or buy decision process- Decide whether to buy or procure the
products or services. Understand needs, Determine if products are available, Determine
o List of potential vendors
Note: Procurement plan helps in:
Identify purchase needs
Document procurement process
Describe the make or buy process
List potential vendors.

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