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“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise”

Gene Tunney

Lesson 1
Fitness Exercises

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. It has many benefits,
including improving your overall health and fitness, and reducing your risk for many chronic diseases.
There are many different types of exercise; it is important that you pick the right types for you.

In this lesson, you will definitely learn the basic exercises at home which are beneficial to your
daily activities, including sports.


Identify the significance of the different fitness exercises

Execute properly the different fitness exercises

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

Direction: Perform the exercises by following procedures below.


1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms down at your sides.
2. Take a step forward with your right leg and bend your right knee as you do so, stopping
when your thigh is parallel to the ground. Ensure that your right knee doesn’t extend past
your right foot.

3. Push up off your right foot and return to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg.
This is one rep.

4. Complete 10 reps for 3 sets.

Let’s Connect the Dots

1. What do you feel while doing the activity?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________

2. In what part of your body this exercise most likely benefited? Explain briefly.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________

Let’s Talk About It

Fitting regular exercise into your daily schedule may seem difficult at first. But you can start
slowly, and break your exercise time into chunks. Even doing ten minutes at a time is fine. You can
work your way up to doing the recommended amount of exercise. How much exercise you
need depends on your age and health


1. Squat

Squats are a simple exercise, but often performed with poor form. Here's how to
do them correctly:

 Start with your feet hip distance apart.

 Keeping your knees over your ankles, bend your knees, moving your butt back as if to sit
in a chair.
 Your knees and lower leg should form a 90 degree angle (if you can't get to 90 degrees
without compromising your form that's OK).
 Make sure your knees do not go over your toes.
 Raise up and start again.
 Do 10 reps, three sets, two to three times a week.

2. Lunge
A lunge is a great lower body exercise which also incorporates a certain degree of
balance and stabilization to complete properly. 

 The working leg should be forward, the back leg hip distance apart, and in a split
stance.  The heel of the back leg should be up.
 Bend your knees, keeping the front knee over the ankles.  The end point is when both
the front leg and the back leg make 90-degree angles.
 Rise up and start again.
 Do 10 reps, three sets, two to three times a week.

3. Pushups
The pushup is a simple exercise that can strengthen and tone many of the muscles of
the upper body and core. There are many variations of pushup that suit a range of
abilities and focus on different sets of muscles.

 Start in a basic plank, hands slightly wider than your shoulders and your palms on the
 Keep your back straight, don't let your lower back sag. Keep your head and neck in
alignment with your back.
 Slowly bend your elbows, bringing your chest towards the floor.
 Push against the floor and straighten your arms, returning to the starting position.
 Do 10 reps, three sets, two to three times a week.
 Modifications: you can perform this exercise on your knees or place your hands on a

4. Pull-ups
A pull-up is an upper body strength training exercise.

 Stand under the bar, palms on the bar, hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
Activate your core.
 Pull yourself up so that your chin reaches the bar. Keep your posture straight.
 Slowly lower yourself down, so that your arms are straight and your feet do not touch the
floor or bench.
 Start with five reps, two sets, two to three times a week, increase slowly.
 Modifications:
 Machine assisted—most gyms have an assisted pull up machines. This is the one
machine where the more weight you use, the easier it gets.
 Lateral pull up—most playgrounds have a bar that is close to the ground (monkey
bars). The position of your body will be the exact opposite of a pushup. To make it
easier you can bend your knees.


5. Glute Bridge

The Glute Bridge effectively works your entire posterior chain, which isn’t only
good for you, but it will make your booty look perkier as well.

 Start by lying on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and arms straight
at your sides with your palms facing down.

 Pushing through your heels, raise your hips off the ground by squeezing your core,
glutes, and hamstrings. Your upper back and shoulders should still be in contact with the
ground, and your core down to your knees should form a straight line.
 Pause 1–2 seconds at the top and return to the starting position.
Complete 10–12 reps for 3 sets.


6. Burpees
An exercise we love to hate, burpees are a super effective whole-body move that
provides great bang for your buck for cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength.

 Start by standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms down at your

 With your hands out in front of you, start to squat down. When your hands reach the
ground, pop your legs straight back into a pushup position.

 Jump your feet up to your palms by hinging at the waist. Get your feet as close to your
hands as you can get, landing them outside your hands if necessary.

 Stand up straight, bringing your arms above your head and jump.

 This is one rep. Complete 3

sets of 10 reps as a
7. Planks

Planks are an effective way to target both your abdominal muscles and your whole body.
Planking stabilizes your core without straining your back the way sit-ups or crunches might.

1. Begin in a pushup position with your hand and toes firmly planted on the ground, your
back straight, and your core tight.

2. Keep your chin slightly tucked and your gaze just in front of your hands.

3. Take deep controlled breaths while maintaining tension throughout your entire body, so
your abs, shoulders, triceps, glutes and quads are all engaged.

4. Complete 2-3 sets of 30 second holds to start.


Spice it up!
These fundamental exercises will do your body good, but there’s always room to keep
pushing it.

If you notice yourself breezing through and barely breaking a sweat, focus on progressive
overload by making each move more challenging by:

 adding 5 more reps

 adding more weight

 tacking on a jump to moves like squats and lunges

Let’s Do It!
Description: Fitness Exercises at Home is an improvise exercises without the use of the actual
gym equipment, instead look for Household Items to Use as Exercise Equipment which
can be found in your respective houses to use in your exercises.

 Select five (5) activities being discuss above and perform.
 Complete sets of 10 to 15 reps of each exercise.
 Have a video/photo documenting this activity.
 Be in your workout attire (e.g., jogging pants/leggings, t-shirt, and shoes)

Materials/Resources: Household Items to Use as Exercise Equipment (water jugs, stairs,

chairs, Laundry detergent bottles, mineral water bottle, used garter, etc.)

 Submission of the video for the Hip Dominant must be copied and pasted in a CD and
include it along with your module upon submission. Compile all videos required in this
module (midterm) in one CD. (Video must not include group performances. It is an
individual activity.)
 Name your file: Chapter 1 (Lesson 1- Fitness Exercises )
 For the cover of the CD, Title: Module in PATH FIT 2 (Movement Enhancement), below
write your complete name (last, first, middle initial), course, year & section.

Module in PATH FIT 2 (Fitness Exercise)

Let’s Dig Up More
Write down below the importance of the different fitness exercises that being discussed.

1. Squat  __________________________
2. Lunge  __________________________
3. Push-up  __________________________
4. Pull-up  __________________________
 __________________________
5. Glute bridge
 __________________________
6. Burpees
 __________________________
7. Plank __________________________
Kevin Auwarter, NASM Elite Trainer
Medically reviewed by Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS — Written
by Cathleen Crichton-Stuart on November 9, 2018

Nicole Davis is a Boston-based writer, ACE-certified personal

trainer, and health enthusiast who works to help women live
stronger, healthier, happier lives. Her philosophy is to embrace your
curves and create your fit — whatever that may be! She was
featured in Oxygen magazine’s “Future of Fitness” in the June 2016
issue. Follow her on Instagram.

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