Imagining A Global IR Out of India

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Imagining a Global IR Out of India


ABSTRACT The global order is fast-changing; the field of International Relations (IR),
less so. Despite the rise of other countries in economic and geopolitical terms, the field of
IR continues to be dominated by the West and its theories, methods and policy concerns.
The idea of 'Global IR' proposed in this brief aims to make the field more inclusive and
universal. After outlining the major elements of a Global IR paradigm, the brief suggests
that Indian IR can make a vital contribution to Global IR. But the temptation to develop
an Indian School of IR , mimicking the Chinese School of IR , must be resisted. Rather,
India can make a more significant contribution by rejecting singularity and refraining
from becoming a legitimising device for the official foreign policy of India.


Pundits and policymakers have described the the American-led liberal hegemonic order, as
changing global order in a variety of ways: Princeton scholar John Ikenberry puts it, is
multipolar, polycentric, nonpolar, going to wither away is still heavily debated.
neopolar, apolar, post-American and G- Ikenberry and other scholars believe that the
zero. ere is little agreement on what the order that America built will survive and may
future holds, and it will not be an even co-opt its potential challengers. 1
overstatement to point out that all these However, as this author has argued in e End
labels verge on speculation and controversy. of American World Order, the American-led
e one thing that scholars agree on is that liberal hegemonic order is coming to an end,
the unipolar moment is largely over. Whether whether the US itself is in decline or not.

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Imagining a Global IR out of India

REDEFINING 'LIBERAL ORDER' institutions, corporations, and transnational

non-state actors. e latter includes heroes
e liberal order is in decline not because the such as norm entrepreneurs who promote
emerging powers have not bene tted from it, human rights and environmental protection,
but because they no longer want to support it and villains such as al-Qaeda, drug lords,
in its present form, which they deem to be human tra ckers and villainous
unjust, unilateral and exclusionist. While corporations.
some features of the liberal order will likely In a multiplex world, there will be hits and
re m a i n ( re l a t i v e l y o p e n e c o n o m i e s , ops, e.g., emerging powers fading away
multilateral institutions, the advance of because of middle-income traps, domestic
democracy), its institutional structures, instability or prolonged regional con ict.
leadership and management will have to India, China, Russia, Brazil, each have such a
change. e new order will not be an American potential. e US hegemony may continue to
hegemony. Indeed, it will be no one's dominate the box o ce for a while, but the
hegemony. audience will likely lose interest, especially
Instead, there is likely to be what can be when faced with more choices. Leadership in a
called a multiplex world, like a multiplex multiplex world is plural and is conducted in
cinema. e term 'multiplex' is de ned as a di erent styles and modes. Yet, being under
complex that houses several movie theatres. one complex ensures that they share a
In a multiplex, there are several movies being c o m m o n a rc h i t e c t u re a n d a re i n a n
screened in di erent theatres in a single interdependent relationship with each other.
complex: thrillers, with violence, crime, Just as security screening in a multiplex
ruggedness and heroism; drama, with cinema is done at the entrance to the entire
passion, tragedy, song and dance. In addition complex, in a multiplex world, common
to mainstream movies, there is plenty of security mechanisms must be at play.
scope for indie lms too, or independent
c i n e m a t h a t i s p ro d u c e d b y s m a l l e r THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THE
production out ts and not monolith studios. STATE OF I.R. STUDIES IN INDIA
No single director or producer can monopolise
the audience's attention or loyalty. In re- What does a multiplex world mean for
imagining the global order today, the world is international relations/studies in India? A
shifting towards a similar multiplex model. mult iplex world re quires a di erent
e liberal hegemony is like watching one conception of international relations (IR).3 In
movie at a time in one theatre, wherein one the discussion of the state of IR in India, one
country has monopoly. In the multiplex JNU contributor,4 Kanti Bajpai, states that
world, on the other hand, the management of India led the developing world, speci cally
order is diversi ed and decentralised, with the Asia, in IR studies from 1947 to the late
involvement of established and emerging 1980s. However, since then, it has lost ground
powers, middle powers, global and regional to China, Korea and Japan. He lists ve key


Imagining a Global IR out of India

obstacles to the advancement of IR in India, direction the eld of IR in India should take.
including the neglect of theory; the failure to Drawing upon the theme of the author's
de ne a series of animating puzzles, impending presidency of the International
problematiques and problem- solving Studies Association, this paper proposes what
agendas; the lack of methodological training; can be called Global IR.
the quality of teaching; and the
mismanagement of professional life. WHAT IS GLOBAL I.R.?6
Another JNU scholar, Amitabh Mattoo, is
even more scathing about the state of Indian In a project launched a decade ago and
IR. In his view, ere have been, of course, published in 2007 in the International
and continue to be, islands of excellence and Relations of the Asia-Paci c, a group of
inspiration, but these are overwhelmed by scholars addressed the question: Why is
mediocrity that seem to de ne the discipline there no non-Western international-relations
as it exists today. While, according to Bajpai, theory? ree aspects of that project's legacy
the stagnation of Indian IR is due to problems remain highly relevant to the theme of the
peculiar to the discipline and its scholars, convention. First, the project argued that the
Mattoo's diagnosis holds responsible the main theories of IR are too deeply rooted in,
institutional factors that plague Indian and beholden to, the history, intellectual
higher-education system as a whole. tradition and agency claims of the West to
As with the causes of the stagnation, or accord little more than a marginal place to
even the decline of Indian IR, there have been those of the non-Western world. Second, it
numerous discussions about the possible ex plored the reasons for the under-
remedies. Some remedies are institutional development of IR theory outside of the West,
and call for increased resources and funding, which include cultural, political and
while others demand conceptual shifts. e institutional factors when viewed against the
most suggested remedies stress the need for hegemonic status of established IR theories.
the Indian IR community to take a greater ird, the project identi ed some of the
interest in theoretical work. T.V. Paul possible sources of non-Western IR theories,
emphasises on the need for rigorous theory- including indigenous history and culture, the
driven and theory-informed scholarship; ideas of nationalist leaders, distinctive local
Navnita Behera has explored several speci c and regional interaction patterns, and the
classical and contemporary sources of theory writings of scholars of distinction working in
development;5 and Siddharth Mallavarapu or about the region. Subsequent debates on
has encouraged Indian scholars to build on the state of IR in China and India (and Asia,
existing paradigms and develop new critical more generally) have taken up and further
ones. developed the aspects addressed in the
e underdevelopment of Indian IR and project.
the ways to redress them have been well- e naming , if not the intent and
discussed by others. However, there has not substance, of the Non-Western International
been much discussion on the overarching Relations eory approach has caused some


Imagining a Global IR out of India

controversy. While some would rather call the neo-classical realism, defensive realism
new project post-Western, with a more have rendered realism more relevant to the
radical agenda to disavow the existing non-Western world. Increasing trends
Western IR, it is prudent to view both non- t o w a rd s e c o n o m i c i n t e rd e p e n d e n c e ,
Western and post-Western as part of a multilateral institutions and democratisation
broader challenge of reimagining IR as a global pathways to order that liberalism identi es
project, i.e., the Global IR project. In using the and prescribes make that theory potentially
term Global IR, the focus is not on renaming more applicable in the non-Western world. At
the discipline. So much for so long has been the same time, Global IR also a ects the
written of and about IR that it has now mainstream theories, i.e., realism, liberalism
become like a heritage site, which deserves and constructivism. It urges them to rethink
to be preserved. However, Global IR is their assumptions and extend their scope. For
di erent from traditional IR. Broadly, the idea realism, the challenge is to look beyond
of Global IR encompasses six major aspects. national interest and the distribution of
First, Global IR is inclusive. It calls for IR to power, and acknowledge other determinants
be more authentically grounded in world of foreign policy and world order. For
history instead of only Western history liberalism, there is a similar challenge to look
and in the ideas, institutions, intellectual beyond American hegemony as the starting
perspectives and practices of both Western point of investigating multilateralism and
and non-Western societies. However, regionalism and their institutional forms.
bringing the rest in does not mean simply Liberalism also needs to acknowledge the
using the non-Western world as a testing sig ni cant var i ations in cooperative
ground to revalidate Western-derived IR behaviour that exist in di erent local
theories after a few adjustments and contexts, and that no single model of
extensions. Global IR must be a two-way integration or interactions can account for all
process. A key challenge for Global IR theories or most of them. For constructivism, taking
and theorists is to develop concepts and stock of di erent forms of agency in the
approaches from non-Western contexts on creation and di usion of ideas and norms
their own terms and applying them, not only remains a major and as yet unrealised
locally but also to other contexts, including challenge.
the larger global canvas. ird, Global IR emphasises the
Second, Global IR does not merely importance of regions, regionalisms and the
supplant Western theories; it subsumes contribution of area studies. Currently,
them. In dealing with the non-Western world, although the world is not fragmenting into
IR theories are hardly monolithic or regions, it is not moving inexorably towards a
unchanging. Constructivism has been seamless globality either. A Global IR calls for
especially important in opening spaces for the acknowledgement of regional diversity
scholarship in the non-Western world and agency. Regions should not be viewed in
because of its stress on culture and identity. material terms or as xed geographic or
New variants of realism subaltern realism, cultural entities, but as dynamic, purposeful


Imagining a Global IR out of India

and socially constructed spaces. Regionalism, Asian values or Asian human rights or
today, is less territorial or state-centric, and Asian democracy, all of which are rightly
encompasses an ever-widening range of associated with authoritarianism. Similarly,
actors and issues. e traditional divide exceptionalism in IR justi es the dominance
between regionalism and universalism may be of the big powers over the weak . US
breaking down. e study of regions is not just exceptionalism, seemingly benign and
about how the regions organise their popular at home, can be associated with the
economic, political and cultural space, but Monroe Doctrine and its self-serving global
also about how they relate to other physical interventionism. One strand of Japan's pre-
and ideational spaces and shape the global war pan-Asian discourse, founded upon the
order. Moreover, the study of regions is conception of Asia for Asians, illustrates this
central to forging a close integration between tendency. China's evoking of the tributary
disciplinary approaches and area studies. system is pregnant with similar possibilities,
Fourth, Global IR calls for a new under- since the paci c nature of the system remains
standing of universalism or universality. e contested. While the development of national
dominant meaning of universalism is schools of IR can broaden and enrich IR if
applying to all. It is the perspective of a based mainly on exceptionalism, they are a
homogenous reality. is is the essence of challenge to the possibility of Global IR.
Enlightenment universalism, whose dark side Finally, Global IR takes a broad conception
was the suppression of diversity and the of agency in global order-building. For a long
justi cation of European imperialism. Robert time, IR theory denied the agency of non-
Cox's alternative understanding of uni- Western countries. is was and remains true
versalism, which is more suited under Global not just of the mainstream theories, but also
IR, involves comprehending and respecting of the critical theories including post-
diversity in an ever-changing world. is is modernism, postcolonialism and dependency
syncretic universalism, as later argued in this theories. e mainstream theories started out
paper, that blends well with the Indian as deeply ethnocentric. For them, the South
tradition. was marginal, the object, not the subject of the
Fifth, a truly Global IR cannot be based games that nations play. e critical theories,
solely or mainly on cultural exceptionalism on the other hand, thrive on this marginality.
and parochialism. Exceptionalism is the ey criticise mainstream theories for
tendency to present the characteristics of a ignoring the South, but do little to explore the
social group as homogenous, collectively agency of the South, since that would
unique and superior to those of others. Claims undermine their central narrative. However,
about exceptionalism in IR are questionable, neither approach was right as both took a
not only because of the cultural and political narrow view of agency. Agency, especially in
diversity within nations and regions but also building global and regional orders, can be
because such claims are frequently associated both material and ideational. It can be
with the political agendas and purposes of a exercised at a global level as well as regional
ruling elite, as evident in concepts such as and local levels. It can take multiple forms and


Imagining a Global IR out of India

can describe acts of resistance to and i nc l u s i ve i n e ve r y s e n s e , ac ro s s t h e

localisation of global norms and institutions. traditionally understood but increasingly
Agency also means constructing new rules and blurred East West and North South lines.
institutions to support and strengthen global And it is this conception of Global IR that the
order, and conceptualising and implementing Indian academic and policy community should
new pathways to development, security and turn to.
ecological justice. Under this broader
framework, the South has a voice and the GLOBAL I.R. & INDIA'S UNIVERSALISM
subaltern can speak. And it has done so. For
instance, Latin American states led the India is an inclusive nation. It does not have a
creation of the global human rights norms; very unique or exceptionalist culture. India is
India and China were on the forefront of rich in traditions, history, ideas and practices
creating development norms; sovereignty was that constitute a key source for Global IR.
rede ned and broadened at Bandung; Africa ese ideas and institutions have proven to be
created a form of regionalism to maintain highly exportable and compatible with the
postcolonial boundaries; and India's rst cultures and norms of other societies. e
prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the country is a veritable microcosm of world
rst to propose a nuclear-test ban. history, more universalist in its cultural and
Some of these acts of agency are not just civilisational ethos than many other cultures.
for those regions or for the South itself, but are Due to its geography, history and culture, a
important to the global governance as a whole. syncretic universalism thrives in India. India
From climate- change negotiations, we see the has received ideas and culture as much as it
example of the common but di erentiated has given them to others. In the past, Indian
responsibility norm. South Asians pioneered ideas found their way to South East Asia and
the ideas of human development and human Central Asia. A powerful example of syncretic
security. e idea of responsibility to universalism is Su sm, seen, for instance, at
protect, usually attributed to a Canadian- the Dargah of Nizamuddin in Old Delhi.
inspired commission, actually has a strong It is, therefore, unsurprising that there is
African lineage. Its concept originated in the little movement towards an Indian school of
responsible sovereignty, attributed to an IR. is is in marked contrast to the growing
African diplomat, Francis Deng. demand for a Chinese school of IR. e Chinese
e idea of Global IR gives a central role to school is based on Confucianism, Tianxia ( all
the voices and agency of the South, to under heaven ), the tributary system and
Southern perspectives on global order and to other very distinctive elements of Chinese
North South relations. Exploring agency civilisation, politics and mode of interactions
using this broader framework is an exciting with the outside world. ese have limited
and productive task. IR has a multiple and relevance for its neighbourhood, which makes
global heritage that must be acknowledged the idea of a Chinese school inadequate. is is
and promoted. e Global IR perspective is also one of the key limitations of Chinese


Imagining a Global IR out of India

power. While China is materially growing more and security universalism. Nehru was the
powerful, it does not o er an exportable and developing world's most articulate critic of
attractive ideology for others. ideological blocs, and a key defender of the UN
What about India? Some argue that Indian and the Universal Declaration of Human
IR should develop by focusing on the rise of Rights.
India, including the distinctive concerns and Scholars have interpreted Indian non-
status that come with it, just as Chinese alignment as both realism and idealism, but
scholars are creating a Chinese school of IR often forget that it also proved highly
that focuses, among other things, on the exportable to so many countries around the
peaceful rise of China. While some of this is w o r l d . I f I n d i a n fo re i g n p o l i c y w a s
understandable and inevitable, pushing this as exceptionalist, then so many countries would
the central basis of Indian IR would be a not have accepted non-alignment. e Indian
terrible intellectual mistake. IR community should unabashedly embrace
As with its history, Indian domestic politics and promote this syncretic or pluralistic
and foreign policy resonate with universalistic universalism, instead of creating a distinct
norms. India is a democracy, unlike China. Indian school of IR. If it does so, the country
ere have been powerful voices against can be a rich source for the development and
narrow forms of nationalism closely related advancement of Global IR. e Global IR
to exceptionalism in India. Tagore was a approach is especially important in avoiding
leading example of such universalist ethos. the trap of exceptionalism and parochialism, as
Most, though not all, of India's post-war Indian IR strives to overcome its past
leaders accepted values of political liberalism limitations.


Amitav Acharya is Professor of International Relations at the School of International Service,

American University, Washington, DC. He has held the UNESCO Chair in Transnational Challenges
and Governance since 2011.

( is brief is based on the author's keynote address to the Annual International Studies Convention
2013, Re-imagining Global Orders: Perspectives from the South , 10-12 December, 2013, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi, India)


Imagining a Global IR out of India

1. John Ikenberry, e Liberal Leviathan: e Origins, Crisis and Transformation of the American World
Order (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010).

2. Amitav Acharya, e End of American World Order (Cambridge, UK: e Polity Press, 2014, 2nd edition
2018). See also, Amitav Acharya, After Liberal Hegemony: e Advent of a Multiplex World, Ethics
and International A airs, Vol.31, No.3 (Fall 2017), 271-285.

3. I use international studies and international relations interchangeably, although I am mindful of

the di erence. International studies is a wider conception that also stresses the contribution of area

4. e references to Bajpai, Mattoo, Paul and Mallavarapu are their articles in the Special Section of
International Studies 46, nos. 1 2 (2009). ese essays were initially presented at a workshop held at

5. Reimagining IR in India, International Relations of the Asia-Paci c (Special Issue on Why is there no
Non-Western IR eory, eds. Amitav Acharya and Barry Buzan) 7, no. 3 (2007).

6. For further elaboration of Global IR, see: Amitav Acharya, Global International Relations (IR) and
Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.58,
No.4 (2014): 647-59. ( is article is an expanded version of my Presidential Address to the
International Studies Association Annual Convention in Toronto, March 26-29, 2014). Available at:

7. Robert W. Cox, Universality in International Studies: A Historicist Approach, in e Essence of

Millennial Re ections on International Studies: Critical Perspective, eds. Michael Brecher and Frank P.
Harvey (University of Michigan Press), 53.

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