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Chapter Title: Bibliography

Book Title: Golddiggers, Farmers, and Traders in the "Chinese Districts" of West
Kalimantan, Indonesia
Book Author(s): Mary Somers Heidhues
Published by: Cornell University Press; Southeast Asia Program Publications at Cornell

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ANRI: Arsip National Republik Indonesia (National Archives, Republic of Indonesia), Jakarta,
colonial archives
AS: Archief van de Algemene Sekretarie (Archives of the Secretary-General), (1942), 1944-
1950, (followed by inventory number).
BB: Binnenlands Bestuur (colonial administrative service), especially papers from the office of
the Advisor for Chinese Affairs, later called Advisor, Head of the Service of Chinese
Affairs and East Asian Matters. This office was responsible for CPO, Chineesche
Persoversicht (Chinese Press Survey), which is found in various archives and identified
by date.
BW: Borneos Westerafdeeling (district of West Borneo), with inventory number and new
ARA-Algemeen Rijksarchief, Eerste Afdeling (National Archives, First Section), The Hague
VOC: Vereenigte Oost-Indische Compagnie (United [Dutch] East India Company), Records.
ARA-Algemeen Rijksarchief, Tweede Afdeling (National Archives, Second Section), The Hague
2.10.01: Inventaris van het archief van het Ministerie van Kolonién (Inventory of the archives
of the Ministry of Colonies), 1814-1819 (items identified by author).
2.21.120: Personal collection of S. Meyer (1912-1967), former Officer for Chinese Affairs,
Pontianak, followed by document number.
AS: Inventaris van het archief van de Algemene Secretarie van de Nederlands-mdische Regering
en de daarbij gedeponeerde archieven (Inventory of the archives of the General Secretary
of the Netherlands Indies Government and the archives located there), (1942), 1944-
1950, Inventory number, followed by file number. Part of the AS collection is
in the Jakarta archive ANRI.
Collectie Schneither: Schneither collection, items from early nineteenth century. Inventory
number, followed by document number.
Geh. Besluit: Secret resolution, in Resolutions of the Governors-General.
MR: Mailrapporten (mail dispatches, usually sent from the colony to the Hague every fourteen
days), Index op de Mailrapporten (index of the mail dispatches), 1869-1899, 1902,
Inventory number 2.10.10, followed by year and file number; Inventaris Kolonién
(inventory of the colonial archives), 1900-1963, Openbare Mailrapporten (unclassified
mail dispatches), 1901-1952, Inventory number, followed by year and file
number. Secret Mail Reports have the inventory number

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284 Golddiggers, Farmers, and Traders

MvO: Memorie van Overgave (memorandum of transfer by a colonial official leaving office, for
his successor), Inventaris van de Memories van Overgave (inventory of the memoranda
of transfer), 1849-1962, Inventory number 2.10.39, Section Westerafdeling Borneo. These
are identified as MMK (Ministerie van Kolonién, Ministry of Colonies) numbers 260-
265 or KIT (Collection of the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Royal Institute for the
Tropics), numbers 980-992. Items identified by author and number. This collection has
been consolidated on microfiche.
PG: Inventaris van archie ven van de Procureur Generaal bij het Hooggerechtshof van Indonesié
(inventory of the archives of the attorney general at the high court of Indonesia) [1945-
1949] Inventory number 2.10.17 followed by file number.
Politieke Verslagen: Police reports, collected from other documents such as Mailrapporten,
now on microfiche. Archief Ministerie van Kolonién (Archives of the Ministry of
Colonies) 1850-1900, Inventory number, identified by number of document.
RI: Rapportage Indonesia (Indonesian [intelligence] reports): Ministerie van Kolonién,
Rapportage Indonesié (Ministry of the Colonies, Reports on Indonesia), 1945-1950,
Inventory number 2.10.29, followed by number.
Stamboeken: Inventaris Kolonién (inventory of the colonial archives), 1900-1963, .015
burgerlijke ambtenaren (civil officials), Stamboeken Indische Ambtenaren (service
records of Indies officials), 1816-1927, Inventory number, followed by
number of entry. On microfiche.
Verbalen: Archief Ministerie van Kolonién (Archives, Ministry of Colonies), 1850-1900
(1932), Openbar Verbaal (V., unclassified report) or Exhibitum (Exh., displayed),
Inventory number 2.10.02, identified by date and number; also Inventaris Kolonién
(Inventory, Colonies), 1900-1963, Openbaar Verbaal, 1901-1952, inventory number, identified by date and number. Secret reports from the twentieth century have
the investory number
British Library, India Office Library and Records, London, European Manuscripts
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KITLV - Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Leiden, Division of Western
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