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12 STEM – Archimedes
Group 5


Acapulco, Jasmine Shane

Bonghanoy, Adriel Jhon

Fiel, Albert Dann

Infantado, Khyle Nicole

Lagud, Tyron

Manlangit, Reynah Nicol

Minao, John Loyd

Puntuan, Raida
Review of Related Literature:

According to Stefan Hrastinski & Naghme Aghaee (2012), social media hype has
created a lot of speculation among educators on how these media can be used to
support learning, but there have been rather few studies so far. Our explorative
interview study contributes by critically exploring how campus students perceive using
social media to support their studies and the perceived benefits and limitations
compared with other means. Although the vast majority of the respondents use social
media frequently, a “digital dissonance” can be noted, because few of them feel that
they use such media to support their studies. The interviewees mainly put forth e-mail
and instant messaging, which are used among students to ask questions, coordinate
group work and share files. Some of them mention using Wikipedia and YouTube for
retrieving content and Facebook to initiate contact with course peers. Students regard
social media as one of three key means of the educational experience, alongside face-
to-face meetings and using the learning management systems, and are mainly used for
brief questions and answers, and to coordinate group work. In conclusion, we argue that
teaching strategy plays a key role in supporting students in moving from using social
media to support coordination and information retrieval to also using such media for
collaborative learning, when appropriate.

Cognitive load theory would predict deficits in performance when students engage in
multitasking, because there would be an increase in extraneous load or intrinsic load.
For example, when students use technology for off‐task purposes, such as reviewing
images on Facebook when they are supposed to be attending to lectures, the
information presented using the technology imposes an added and unnecessary load to
the instructional task at hand. Additionally, attempting to do more than one task reduces
the amount of mental processing students can bring to each task, hence limiting the
resources students can use for learning. Also, when exploring new technology
platforms, games etc., intrinsic load is high, for example, because the user needs to
acquire new rules and learn how to navigate the software, which also would reduce
performance. (Wood E. & Zivcakova L., 2015)

The twenty-first century can be said to be the time where digitization is at its peak, with
many programmers tapping into the desire of humans to remain connected without time
and space limitations. The crash in prices of data, smart phones, and related digital
devices have increased availability and access thereby closing digital divide and
widening its adverse effects on the youths’ morals and academic pursuits. It is important
that the Nigerian government understand some of the factors that contribute to the
dwindling participation level of students in government owned institutions, in academic
exercise so as to put in place policies and infrastructure that would help combat the
challenges. This study investigated the effects of time spent on social media on
students’ academic activities, mood, and time management abilities. The investigation
was carried through the analysis of students’ answers to questions presented in a
questionnaire. The result indicated that time spent on social media negatively affects
academic activities and students’ time management abilities, as well as students’ mood.
From the findings we conclude that time spent on social media results in lesser
commitment to academic activities, inefficient time management ability, and increase in
mood swings among undergraduates (Olebara C., et. al., 2021).

Time as a relative notion being perceived and interpreted differently for everyone, is
influenced by the position and conditions as well. The importance of the time usually
understood by people when irreversible results occur. People make a habit of work
without planning because of the lack of consciousness, system and strategy about
managing the time. However time which is thought that spending without control of
individual means nothing after it is been spent, in fact to order and manage the time is
possible. Currently, individuals who can not audit their time getting face to face with
negative cases in various fields. These cases cause motivation decrease and stress
increase and sometimes lack of satiety and success. In the case of time management
self confidence of individuals would rise and the time they allow for personal
development increase thus accrual of productivity and performance would lead progress
on career. Currently social media is the first reason for youngsters complicating to
control and manage their efficient time. While there is a differentation at social media
usage purpose, time limit as a result of social media usage and avoidance of
responsibilities are similar. Spending most of their times at share platforms at internet
for individuals actually cause to postpone or cancel their duties. Thus university
students might have difficulties about management of time.This study is focused on how
university students in Konya manage their time and determination of the role of social
media at this management. In this context, its is examined that if the students use their
time in a programmed way or not, frequency and aim of social media usage by obtained
data. It is also among the examined issues that if there is a correlation between social
media usage ratio and academical success of students. (Bal M., 2015)

Social media access and usage has grown rapidly in the past several years. In
academia, social media is a new pedagogical tool that may be used to engage students
both inside and outside the economics classroom, and impact their overall success. In
this study we examine the students’ view of incorporating social media in the classroom.
The survey was administered at three academic institutions. The results are based on a
survey administered to students in Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
courses. Students have the strongest presence, in descending order, on Facebook,
YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. However, based on their utilization preferences, these
mediums are ranked as follows: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The results
indicate that students are concerned with privacy but are more willing to connect with
faculty if the connection is “one-way” and participate if social media is a voluntary part of
class. Therefore Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, or Facebook “like” pages or groups
are potentially better mediums for faculty to use in economic classrooms. The survey
indicates that students use their social media accounts more frequently than email or
Learning Management Systems and, therefore, social media may also be a more
effective tool for spontaneous communication for many students. (Al – Bahrani A., Patel
D., Sheridan B., 2015)

Social media is a mode of communication, influencing nearly every field of life.

Researchers have found that the use of social media can be addictive, which may
cause significant impairment in various aspects of an individual’s life. This study has
been designed to investigate the impact of Social Networking on students’ academic
performance in Islamabad and Rawalpindi (Pakistan). This Cross-sectional study was
conducted from April 2019 to February 2020. 385 students of age 15 to 25 years,
enrolled in different educational institutes of twin cities were included in the study. Data
was collected using self-designed Questionnaire. Analysis of data was performed using
SPSS V.21. Total of 348 participants were included from different educational institutes
of Rawalpindi and Islamabad city. Studies show that among youth, teen age group was
more addicted to social networking and maximum participants were using social media
for more than 3 years for just recreation or relaxation purpose. Though the results do
not show statistical significance (Social Network Usage per 24 hours* Negative Effect of
social networking on study timings p-value 0.061) but being close to the statistically
significant figure, shows that somehow the fact that spending more time on social
network has overall negative effect on academic’s outcome. We cross tabulated,
duration since using social network with social network usage/24 hours and found
statistically significant association between it (i.e. p- value= 0.000) which shows that
those who were using social media for longer duration are actually using it for no
specific reason or fruitful purpose. Most of the subjects under study were females in
both age groups. More time spent on social media in 24 hours affects the study timings
negatively thus affecting the study outcome and academic results. (Jamil M., Ain Q.,
Batool S., Malik S., Arshad M., Saadat S.,Naseer R.,Haider M.,Latif B., Shameem R.,
Clicking, posting and scrolling are not the only purpose of social media. Social media
has become multipurpose forum for the people. In the educational sector, the use of
social media as interactive tools which motivate students towards learning. The aim of
this research is to investigate the impact of social media on students' learning in Iqra
University, Karachi. Researchers conducted a complete review of the impact of social
media for university students' learning, identified the significant factors and deliberated
on new models which were based on different research studies. By using random
sampling technique, students were selected for data collection. Questionnaire was used
as an instrumental tool for collection of data. IBM SPSS and Smart PLS were used for
analyzing the data. Results of this research study state that social media creates a
positive and significant impact on the learning of the students. As a part of this research,
three platforms (Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp) were discussed in this study. In
future studies, researchers can add some more or different variables to study this
phenomenon in more detail. (Umair, Muhammad, Basharat, Rukshinda, Bugti, Mairaj S.,

The present study deals with the current situation of social media and how it is utilized
in the progress of learning. Many studies related to social media revealed that the
students were far from the learning because of social media and also there are many
articles related to social media which narrate the negative aspects in it. In this study the
investigator decided to find, how social media assists learners in their studies and how
an individual utilizes the social media for his/her learning. In this modern scenario,
social media takes a vital role in communication, transferring messages, photos, videos,
documents, etc. through internet. In educational process also social media takes
accountability by sharing notes from one learner to another learner, teacher to student,
subject expert to teacher, authorized committee to School, etc. There exist many social
media application for communication through online. This leads to the necessity of the
knowledge to use social media applications in a proper manner. Also, the social media
is very convenient for the learner and the teacher because it reduces the printing cost of
materials. Sharing notes through social media saves time in the class. The investigator's
aim is to find the Influence of social media in the Progress of Learning. For that, the
investigator used the survey method to determine influence of social media in the
progress of learning through social media among prospective teachers. The present
study consists of 64 samples from a College of Education. The investigator has used
"Social Media Educational Scale" to collect the data for the present study. From this
study, majority of the prospective teachers have good knowledge of social media. (Joan
& Robert D.R., 2020)
Findings reveal that majority of the students used Facebook to communicate with their
friends and relatives followed by Instagram. The students were using social media daily
for 1-5 hours. The only variable that affected the extent of utilization of social media was
the respondents’ gender. With 0.87, females were two times more exposed to social
media rather than males. The study concludes that females are more exposed to social
media rather than males. The use of social media by females has to do with their desire
to communicate or share more personal information, revealing more about their
personal lives. They use social networking sites to make connections and stay in touch
with family or friends. Men, by contrast, use social media to gather the information they
need to build influence. Facebook is the most preferred social networking site for
students to connect with family and friends. They are entertained by Facebook. They
use a long time chatting with friends rather than doing school works. Facebook
becomes their daily routine. The study recommends for other researchers who wish to
do a similar study, employ other variables which are not tested in the study to find other
factors that affect the extent of social media usage of the students. (Abrenica J., De
Torres M., Vargas D., 2021)

The increase in the use of social media among students has led to investigation on its
effect on academic performance. Existing studies conducted on this subject matter
showed two contradictory opinions among researchers. While some researchers agreed
that social media has negative impact on the students’ academic performance, others
concluded that it has positive impact on the students’ academic performance. However,
these studies relied on surveys carried out using questionnaires, which provide
approximate estimates. In this study, a real-time observation approach devoid from the
use of questionnaire was proposed. In addition, a time management equation was
developed to further evaluate the impact of social media on the students’ academic
performance. The results from the study showed that the use of social media has
significant negative effect on the academic performance of the students.(Agholor S.,
Agholor A., Aborisade D., 2018)

Clicking, posting and scrolling are not the only purpose of social media. Social media
has become multipurpose forum for the people. In the educational sector, the use of
social media as interactive tools which motivate students towards learning. The aim of
this research is to investigate the impact of social media on students' learning in Iqra
University, Karachi. Researchers conducted a complete review of the impact of social
media for university students' learning, identified the significant factors and deliberated
on new models which were based on different research studies. By using random
sampling technique, students were selected for data collection. Questionnaire was used
as an instrumental tool for collection of data. IBM SPSS and Smart PLS were used for
analyzing the data. Results of this research study state that social media creates a
positive and significant impact on the learning of the students. As a part of this research,
three platforms (Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp) were discussed in this study. In
future studies, researchers can add some more or different variables to study this
phenomenon in more detail. ()

The twenty-first century can be said to be the time where digitisation is at its peak, with
many programmers tapping into the desire of humans to remain connected without time
and space limitations. The number of social media sites have increased exponentially,
with new ones cashing in on the weaknesses of older ones, and others going beyond
community guidelines by offering uncensored content. The vendors of these platforms,
in order to have a wider reach do not place restrictions on viewing age, give promise of
making young people famous, and other such attractive offers that make the youths
addicted to the site. The possibility of hacking into accounts of users and using same for
fraud is another rave among the Nigerian youths with desire for quick riches. The crash
in prices of data, smart phones, and related digital devices has increased availability
and access thereby closing digital divide and widening its adverse effects on the youths’
morals and academic pursuits. It is important that the Nigerian government understand
that factors that contribute to the dwindling performance level of students in government
owned institutions so as to put in place policies and infrastructure that would help
combat the challenges. This study investigated the effects of social media on students’
academic activities, mood, and time management abilities. The result indicated that
association between social media and academic activities is statistically significant,
however, a negative association exists between them which implies that the high the
level of social media activity, the lower academic activities participation. Similar
association was observed on the effects of social media on students’ time management
ability. Statistical tests showed there is statistical significance, but also with a negative
association which implies that increase in social media activities result in decrease in
ability to effectively manage time. Result on the effect of social media on students’ mood
(angry, depressed) showed no statistical significance and a negative t-value, indicating
a reversal on directionality of effects sought. This means that social media posts do not
result in bad mood, but higher the level of bad mood leads to higher social media posts.
Keywords— Social Media, Time Management, academic activities, Signal Jammer,
Multi-tasking. (Olebara C., Ezugwu O., Obayi A.,Ebem D., Mbgoh U., Ukwandu E.,
With the rapid increase in the prevalence of the Internet and/or smartphone usage
worldwide in the last decade, engagement in internet gaming and social media may be
problematic and may lead to negative consequences on mental and physical health
among young adults. The main objectives of the present study are (1) to investigate
how internet gaming and social media impact on physical activity, sleep quality, quality
of life (QoL), and academic performance of university students in Hong Kong and (2) to
investigate how physical activity and sleep associate with QoL and academic
performance of university students in Hong Kong. Methods: This study employed a
longitudinal design with 3-month duration. Hong Kong university students (n = 15; 4
males; mean age = 26.87 years) completed the questionnaires, wore a device to
measure their physical activity and sleep, provided screen time data showing the time
usage of applications on gaming and social media categories, and academic transcript
for the study. Results: Internet gaming was negatively correlated with physical activity
and psychological QoL (rs = −0.49 to −0.62); social media use was negatively
correlated with physical activity and sleep quality (rs = −0.48 to −0.63); internet gaming
and smartphone addiction were negatively correlated with academic performance (rs =
−0.51 to −0.53); physical activity was positively correlated with psychological QoL (rs =
0.49). Conclusion: The results emphasized that internet gaming and smartphone
addiction tend to have negative impact on physical activity, psychological QoL, sleep,
and academic performance. The findings may be regarded as a direction for health-care
providers to develop and evaluate the intervention to treat the specific type of
internet/smartphone overuse. (Kwok C., Leung P., Poon K., Xavier C., Fung C., 2021)

The authors analyze matched administrative survey data on economics students

enrolled in two econometrics courses offered in consecutive terms at a major public
university in Spain to assess the impact of lecture attendance and study time on
academic performance. Using proxy variables in a cross-sectional regression setting,
they find a positive and significant effect of attendance and study time, with a
substantially higher return on each additional hour of attendance. However, when panel
data first-difference estimators are used to eliminate time-invariant individual-specific
unobservables possibly correlated with regressors of interest, the attendance effect
disappears, while study time substantially increases its economic impact. These results
suggest that study time may be much more important than attendance as a causal
determinant of academic performance. (Andrietti V., Velasco C., 2015)

Two major issues appear prominent in all these studies: the amount of time spent on
using social media and the likely effects it has on their time management ability.
Secondly, the quality of information accessible through social media and the effects on
students’ behaviour as many of this information are uncensored. These factors will be
discussed in detail as we work on finding their implications on Nigeria students’
academic performance from when they become school leavers through their university
education. The ability to balance between leisure and study time so as to prepare well
for examination known as time management has been judged as an important predictor
of students’ academic performance, [8]. The works of [9], [10] and [11] gave supportive
evidence to the above information. While [9] agree that time spent correlates with
student’s academic performance, they went further to add that such time spent were
heavily influenced by their attention span. [10] conducted their study on 72 students
participating in a project known as SmartUnitn, and at the end underlined the need for
control on students’ access to smart phones, which gives them opportunity to go
through social media platforms while studying as it showed negative effects on their
time management ability and hence academic performance. (Olebara C., et. Al., 2021)
Minao, John Loyd

Puntuan, Raida


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