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Modeling and Simulation of Solar

Photovoltaic Grid Connected System

The need for renewable energy sources is on the rise because of the acute energy crisis in
the world today [l]. Solar energy is a vital untapped resource in a tropical country like ours.
The main hindrance for the penetration and reach of solar PV systems is their low efficiency
and high capital cost. In this thesis, we examine a schematic to extract maximum obtainable
solar power from a PV module and supply it to grid. This project investigates in detail the
concept of Maximum PowerPoint Tracking (MPPT) which significantly increases the
efficiency of the solar photovoltaic system. In this study, modeling and simulation of solar
PV array using MATLAB software taking the effect of irradiance and temperature are in
concem. The MPPT converter is applied to take out the maximum power out of the sun.

Keywords: Solar PV System, Boost Converter, Inverter, MPPT Controller-P&O, DQ

Controlling scheme
1.1 Overview
Renewable energy is the energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind,
rain, tides and geothermal heat. These resources are renewable and can be naturally
replenished. Therefore, for all practical purposes, these resources can be considered to be
inexhaustible, unlike dwindling conventional fossil fuels [l]. The global energy crunch has
provided a renewed impetus to the groMh and development of Clean and Renewable
Energy sources. Apart from the rapidly decreasing reserves of fossil fuels in the world,
another major factor working against fossil fuels is the pollution associated with their
combustion. Contrastingly, renewable energy sources are to be much cleaner and produce
energy without the harmful effects of pollution unlike their conventional counterparts [17].
The conventional sources like fossil fuels are used to supply the energy demand in the world,
which is the most basic cause of generating the carbon contents in the environment. These
carbon contents are responsible for the unwanted change in the climate or for Global Warming.
Solar energy is the most efficient renewable energy source if it is efficiently hamessed by the
modem technology. In solar PV system, the sunlight is directly converted into the electrical
energy. The energy that can be produced by a solar cell basically depends on the intrinsic
properties of the cells and the amount of solar radiation which falls on the panel. The typical
size of the solar array as well as AC inverter required for solar PV applications depends on the
type of loads connected. The energy from the panel can also be stored by using battery storage
for later use. The basic disadvantage of solar PV system is its lower efficiency as panels are
hugely dependent on highly unpredictable atmospheric parameters, i.e., the solar radiation and
temperature. So, it is bit difficult to extract the maximum power from the panel resulting into
reduced efficiency of system. To increase the system efficiency and to extract maximum power
from the panels, different MPPT (Maximum
Power Point Tracking) techniques are used
The power obtained from the PV panel is of fluctuating dc in nature. To convert this value into
constant dc value, dc-dc converter (either step up or step down) is used. Other than the boost
converter (Step up converter); buck converter (Step down converter), buck-boost converter,
SEPIC converter and Cuk converter configurations can also be used. The duty cycle of the dc-dc
converter is regulated to vary the load impedance as seen by the source, to match point of the
maximum value of power of the source in order to transfer the maximum power of the panel to
the load. Thus, using MPPT techniques the PV array is made to operate on MPP (Maximum
Power Point). There are many MPPT techniques used like: Perturb and Observe (P&O) method,
Incremental Conductance (IC) method, Fuzzy Logic Method, Constant Voltage method, etc. The
simplest technique amongst them is P&O method which is used mostly, as it provides fast
tracking of MPP and it have easy algorithm to implement. We are using Perturb and Observe
(P&O) MPPT technique to control the switching of boost converter.
The panel voltage and current obtained are dc quantity, which should be converted into ac
quantity by means of inverters to feed the ac loads or for grid connection. The solar PV systems
are of two types: Grid-connected system and Standalone-system. In the grid connected system,
the solar PV system will supply the power to the connected grid along with the loads connected
to it. The grid connected solar PV inverters used can have different configurations like: Central
inverters, String inverters and Multi-String inverters. The central inverter configuration is the
simplest one having main drawback that when different solar irradiation falls on the module then
the strings of the panel will operate at different MPPs. The string inverters have advantage of
operating at common MPP even for different irradiance value. The selection of inverter
configuration is based on the cost, power requirement and the area of project. In the Standalone
system, the solar PV system will feed the loads which are directly connected to it. Both of the
systems are capable of feeding ac and dc both types of the load. The standalone systems are
mostly preferred for household applications.
We are stimulating Grid-connected system.

1.2 Problem Statement

With the increased in demand, we cannot only depend on conventional energy sources, as with
time conventional energy resources are depleting with fast rate, so we need an altemative source
which cannot be replenished like solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy etc.
About 201,480 trillion kWh irradiation falling annually on earth's land that is more than 1300
times the number the consumption of energy for our entire civilization.

If we head towards the utilization of solar energy, we can reduce stress on dependency on
conventional energy resources (like coal) which can also result in decrease in carbon emission
which contributes to the greenhouse gases.
1.3 Aim and Objective
Use renewable energy resource (solar energy) to generate electricity.
To design and simulate the solar photovoltaic grid connected system using MPPT (P&O)
technique in MATLAB software.
To design a DC-DC boost converter to step up a fluctuating solar panel voltage to a
higher constant DC voltage.
To design an Inverter (3-Phase) with DQ controlling scheme.
To extract maximum obtainable solar power from a PV module.
To design a Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) to constantly calculate and
maintain the maximum amount of power from a solar panel.

1.4 Motivation
The key motivation is fascinating the scientists more to research in this field. Now this field is
become buming research fields these days. A key point for encouraging to the use of solar PV
power generation system across the whole world wide many of the Govemments giving center
of attention to their investments in renewable and clean energy sources for developing their
power sector areas because every country has limited sources of conventional energy. Power
generation method from solar photovoltaic module is a foremost effective technique of using the
solar energy. In this method solar panel directly convert sunlight irradiation into electricity by
the photovoltaic effect, and it has spacious scenario for improvement with a number of
advantages like clean and pollution-free due to solar power generation do not releases any
greenhouse gases in its operation, easy in structure and free from noise pollution due to it does
not contain any movmg parts, no fuel cost required because it uses son light as a input that is
globally free, little maintenance and renewable. Solar power generations have low conversion
efficiency and high installation cost therefore our target should be increasing the efficiency for
power generation from the system. Researchers are continuously searching to develop better and
efficient solar cell materials and give service to minimize the cost for power consumers of solar
systems. We used MATLAB software to design and simulate.

Sr. Author's Publishing Title Conclusion
Name Date
l. A. Ashwin 20-11-2010 A study on A. Ashwin Kumar said that
Kumar [12] renewable energy Renewable energy resources sector
resources in India groMh in India has been
significant, even for electricity
generation from renewable sources.
Photovoltaic (PV) cells have a low
efficiency factor, yet power
generation systems usmg
photovoltaic materials have the
advantage of having no moving parts.
PV cells find applications in
individual home rooftop systems,
community street lights, community
water pumpmg, and areas where the
terrain makes it difficult to access the
power grid. The efficiency of solar
photovoltaic cells with single crystal
silicon is about 13 % - 17%.
efficiency cells with
concentrators are being
manufactured which can operate with
low sunlight intensities.

2. M. Bouzguend 2015 Solar PV system He in his paper mentioned the major

(IEEE S. part in a solar photovoltaic
Member) [13]
(PV) system is the conversion stage
and its characteristics dominate the
behavior of the solar PV system.
This is followed by surveymg
commercially available transformer
less inverters for solar PV
applications and their features. The
description and the simulation of a
proposed transformer less inverter
are included in this paper.

3. Moacyr d 03-03-2013 Maximum Power Moacyr Aureliano Gomes de

Aureliano Point Tracker Brito et al, in their paper presents
(MPPT) additional comparisons about the
Brito [14]
MPPT algorithms, their
flowcharts, more interesting
experimental results, and the
Improved modified MPPT
proportional—integral (Pl)-based
IC and perturb and observe
(P&O) methods, which presented
outstanding performances
because of their inherent
adaptive capabilities. Finally,
experimental results with typical
daily power profile are not found
in the literature for so many
MPPT methods.

4. Pongsakor 16-03-2011 MPPT using fuzzy This paper presents an intelligent

logic control for control strategy of MPPT for the
Takum [15]
photovoltaic PV system usmg the FLC.
systems Simulation results show that the
proposed MPPT can track the
MPP faster when compared to the
conventional P&O method. In
conclusion, the proposed MPPT
using fuzzy logic can improve the
performance of the system. For
the future work, we
intend to implement the
proposed technique in the real
PV system.

5. Nils Dalarsso 1998 Buck Boost Nils Dalarsson, in his paper

converter showed the exact analytic
treatment of the buck-boost
DC/DC-converter. The results
obtained in the paper were
applicable to the fly back DC/DC-
converter as well. Even though
the buck- boost (or fly back)
DC/DC-converter circuits are
well known and investigated,
we use these circuits to
demonstrate the analytic
techniques, which are easily
generalized to arbitrary topologies
of the similar kind. Another
reason for choosing the buck-
boost circuit for the present
analysis that it is a commonly
used circuit and the results
obtained here can easily be
applied to a number of existing

6. Satya Sundar 2018 Design and Satya Sundar Mishra in his paper
Mishra [17] of grid said that we all are moving to
installati on
connected roof top clean and Green energy and solar
solar PV system energy is the most utilizable
energy in the world. Solar PV is
of two types in which one is the
heat energy called solar thermal
and other is the light energy
called Solar PV system which can
be classified as mainly three types
as Grid connected Solar PV
system, Off Grid Solar PV system
and hybrid Solar PV system.

7. Eduardo 1. 18-10-2008 Bringing renewable The projects involve formulation

energy to the of new mathematical models to
describe behavior of renewable
Electrical sources of energy, as well as,
Engineering design and implementation of
maximum power point tracking
controllers, and design and
Education and implementation of DC-DC
Research at UPRM conversion systems.

8. J. Edwin 2018 On-Grid Solar This paper involves the study on

various components of grid
Moses [24] Photovoltaic
connected PV system, and their
System: operation, along with the design
Components, considerations to be followed
during the installation. Study on
Design the on-grid PV system consists of
Considerations, and 95 kWph.
Case Study

9. Dalila Bieber 17-05-2003 MPPT Techniques This paper proposes a detailed

for PV Systems comparative survey of four
maximum power tracking
techniques: Perturb and Observe
(P&O), Incremental Conductance
(Inc), fuzzy logic-based tracking
technique and a, less known,
method usmg the
photovoltaic current
measurement. The drawback of
the three studied methods; P&O,
Inc and one sensor algorithm, is
that at steady state the operating
point oscillate around the
maximum power point, giving rise
to the waste of the output panel 's
available energy. Simulation
results show that the proposed
fuzzy logic controller (FLC) can
provides faster and stable tracking
maximum power as compared to
the other studied methods.

10. Akansha Hota 15-02-2020 Modeling This paper represents PV model

Simulation of which is connected to the grid
Photovoltaic having maximum power point
System Connected tracking (MPPT) by the use of

to Grid usmg MATLAB/Simulink software. It

MATLAB. also gives the information about
the behaviors of the photovoltaic
(PV) model and its
characteristics. The PV system
connected to Grid comprises a
photovoltaic array with MP PT, a
distri bution network, a control
system and a load. The control
system part of PV system
connected to Grid consists of two
operative controls. One of them is
the current control which
regulates the current at the PCC
(point of common coupling). So,
it achieves power factor control as
well as regulates dc link voltage.
The other one is the voltage
control which is employed to
achieve the PV output voltage, so
that maximum power point can be
tracked smoothly and quickly of
PV array. MPPT improves the
efficiency of the solar energy of
PV panel effectively. P&O
(Perturb and observe) technique is
used in this paper to attain the
obtained results. The proposed
simulation model and obtained
results shall provide the depth
understanding of grid connected
photovoltaic system.

l Maria c.
Argyrou [27]
2018 Modeling of a In this paper a model of a PV
photovoltaic system array along with different MPPT
l. techniques has been developed.
with different MPPT Firstly, a mathematical analysis of
techniques usmg the PV module is achieved. In
addition, three MPPT algorithms
MATLAB/Simulink have been studied. Specifically,
the Perturbation and Observation
(P&O) algorithm, the incremental
conductance method and a fuzzy
control have been examined.

12. Jim Fu•, Bo 2014 A Novel This work focused on the

Zhang et al SingleSwitch evaluation of the performance and
Cascaded DC-DC
the reliability of usual MPPT
Converter of Boost
and BuckBoost algorithms, taking into
Converters consideration the dependency of
the intrinsic parameters of
crystalline silicon photovoltaic
modules to the variable weather
conditions. These intrinsic
parameters were extracted by
fitting the IV characteristic to
experimental points. In so doing,
the responses of near to real
Simulink model of photovoltaic
modules are superimposed with
the experimental points. The
obtained Simulink model of the
PV module has been used to
simulate with a good accuracy the
MPPT algorithms widely used
i.e., Perturb and Observe (P&O),
Conductance (INC), HillClimbing
(HC). The simulation results
show that the variable step size
INC algorithm has the best
performance and reliability
than both HC and P&O
algorithms in fast variable
weather conditions. However, in
order to reduce uncertainties in
this work, the following items
must be considered: the use of the
various technologies of PV
(mono crystalline,
polycrystalline, amorphous, etc.),
the influence of the other
parameters like the shunt
resistance and the band gap
energy of the solar cell.

13. Nicola Femia 04-07-2015 Optimization of In this paper theoretical analysis

Perturb and allowing the optimal choice of the
Observe Maximum two main parameters
Power Point characterizing the P&O algorithm
Tracking Method has been carried out. The idea
underlying the
proposed optimization approach
lies in the customization of the
P&O MPPT parameters to the
dynamic behavior of the whole
system composed by the specific
converter and PV array adopted.
The results obtained by means of
such approach clearly show that in
the design of efficient MPPT
regulators the easiness and
flexibility of P&O MPPT control
technique can be exploited by
optimizing it according to the
specific system's dynamic
characteristics. As an example, a
boost converter has been
examined. The results obtained
and the considerations drawn can
be extended to any other
converter topology as well.

14. Nithin 06-06-2015 Multi-level The main objective of this paper

is to produce sinusoidal wave
Krishnan [22] Topology and Pulse
form with minimum distortion
Width Modulation from separate DC source by using
with Load multilevel inverter is validated.


15. Ali F Murtaza 2013 Comparative In this paper he presented a

Analysis of comparison of the four widely
Maximum Power used MPPT techniques. The

Point Tracking simulation study is carried out

Techniques for PV usmg MATLAB/Simulink to

applications inspect the performance of MPPT
techniques under steady state as
well as the dynamic weather
conditions. It has been found that
IC is the best method
for steady state weather
conditions as far as the efficiency
and the power losses are
concemed. However, IC is
complex in implementation and
requires two sensors for proper
operation. Among all the four
MPPT techniques the IC and
FOCV have high convergence
speed under dynamic weather
conditions. FSSC and FOCV are
the easiest to implement at
software level but they require
additional hardware
arrangements for measuring the
Isc & Voc. P&O is easy to
implement in terms of both
embedded software and
hardware but is less efficient
under both steady and dynamic
weather conditions. The
comparison presented in this
paper will enrich the research
community and will help in future
research in this field.

16. Carlos A. Comparative This paper presents a careful

Canesin [21] Analysis of MPPT evaluation among the most usual
Techniques for PV MPPT techniques, doing
Applications meaningful comparisons with
respect to the amount of energy
extracted from the photovoltaic
(PV) panel, PV voltage ripple,
dynamic response and use of
sensors, considering that the
models are first implemented via
MATLAB/Simulink, and after a
digitally controlled boost DC-DC
converter was implemented and
connected to an Agilent Solar
Array simulator in order to verify
the simulation results. The
prototype was the
algorithms are digitally developed
and the main
experimental results are also
presented, including dynamic
responses and the experimental
tracking factor (TF) for the analyzed
MPPT techniques.

Studies show that a solar panel converts 30-40% of energy incident on it to electrical energy. A
Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm is necessary to increase the efficiency of the solar
panel. There are different techniques for MPPT such as Perturb and Observe (hill climbing
method), Incremental conductance, Fractional Short Circuit Current, Fractional Open Circuit
Voltage, Fuzzy Control, Neural Network Control etc.
Among all the methods Perturb and observe (P&O) and Incremental conductance are most
commonly used because of their simple implementation, lesser time to track the MPP and
several other economic reasons. We are using dc-dc boost converter.

2.1 Photovoltaic System Components

2.1.1 Photovoltaic cell

A photovoltaic cell or photoelectric cell is a semiconductor device that converts light to
electrical energy by photovoltaic effect. If the energy of photon of light is greater than the
band gap then the electron is emitted and the flow of electrons creates current. However, a
photovoltaic cell is different from a photodiode. In a photodiode light falls on n-channel of
the semiconductor junction and gets converted into current or voltage signal but a
photovoltaic cell is always forward biased.

2.1.2 PV module
Usually, a number of PV modules are arranged in series and parallel to meet the energy
requirements. PV modules of different sizes are commercially available (generally sized
from 60W to 170W). For example, a typical small scale desalination plant requires a few
thousand Watts of power.
(Since MATLAB 2021, hence Module 1S01tech-1STH-215-P not showing, but module data
used of 1 Soltech ISTH-215-P.)
Block Parameters: PV Array
PV array (mask) (link)
Implements a PV array built of strings of PV modules connected in parallel. Each string consists of modules connected in series.
Allows modeling of a variety of preset PV modules available from NREL System Advisor Model (Jan. 2014) as well as user-defined PV module.
Input 1 = Sun irradiance, in W/m2, and input 2 = Cell temperature, in deg.C.

Display I-V and P-V characteristicsof


Array data

Parallel strings 47

Module Model parameters


Cells per 2.9273e-10
Open circuit


Figure 2.1 Block parameter PV Array

2.1.3 PV Modeling
A PV array consists of several photovoltaic cells in series and parallel connections. Series
Connections are responsible for increasing the voltage of the module whereas the parallel
Connection is responsible for increasing the current in the array. Typically, a solar cell can
be modeled by a current source and an inverted diode connected in parallel to it. It has its
own series and parallel resistance. Series resistance is due to hindrance in the path of flow
of electrons from n to p junction and parallel resistance is due to the leakage current.


Figure 2.2: Single diode model of PV cell

In this model we consider a current source (I) along with a diode and series resistance (R).
The shunt resistance (Rsh) in parallel is very high, has a negligible effect and can be
neglected. The output current from the photovoltaic array is

l c - ld 2.1

where 10 is the reverse saturation current of the diode, q is the electron charge, vdis the
voltage across the diode, k is Boltzmann constant (1.38 X 10 19
J/K) and T is the junction
temperature in Kelvin (K)From above equation:


Using suitable approximations,


where, I is the photovoltaic cell current, V is the PV cell voltage, T is the temperature (in
Kelvin) and n is the diode ideality factor. In order to model the solar panel accurately we
can use two diode models but in our project our scope of study is limited the single diode
model. Also, the shunt resistance is very high and can be neglected during the course of our
2.1.4 1-V Characteristic Curve of a Solar Panel
A PV module produces maximum current when it's positive and negative terminal is
shorted, this maximum current is named as short circuit current of PV panel. When panel is
short circuited, it's voltage across terminal is zero.

4.0 100

I-V Curve Watts

Figure 2.3 I-V Characteristic Curve of a Solar Panel

When panel terminal is kept open circuited then the voltage across its terminal is
maximum called open circuit voltage of that panel. This time panel fells infinite resistance
since the current is zero this time. Between these two extremes point under different load
resistance condition different pair of points of current and voltage are achieved, by
connecting points a curve is find called I-V curve. This curve is called I-V characteristics of
that particular panel. Figure showing the I-V curve with the output power curve. As
showing in figure 2.3 is occurred when current is zero and is occurred when voltage is zero
on that curve and power of that panel at any point in Watt is calculated by multiplying
both the current and voltage of that point.

2.2 Need of DC-DC converter

DC/DC converter is widely used for the purpose of converting unregulated DC input into a
regulated DC output. A DC-DC converter is a hart of MPPT hardware implementation. MPPT
uses the one of the above converters for regulating the solar input voltage to the MPP and
providing impedance matching for the maximum power transfer to the load.
Buck and Boost converter are the basic and simple, easy circuit and less components requires.
In this proj ect Boost converter is selected due to
It is a step-up DC/DC converter, it boosting the input voltage and gives— that voltage to
the output.
Boost converter operates by temporarily storing the input energy and then releasing
that energy to the output at a higher level of voltage.
In case if switching device is fail then load is still connected to the source.
2.2.1 Boost Converter

As stated in the introduction, the maximum power point tracking is basically a load
matching problem. In order to change the input resistance of the panel to match the load
resistance (by varying the duty cycle), a DC-to-DC converter is required. It has been
studied that the efficiency of the DC-to-DC converter is maximum for a buck converter,
then for a buck-boost converter and minimum for a boost converter but as we intend to
use our system either for tying to a grid or for a water pumpmg system which requires
230 V At the output end, so we use a boost converter.

Figure 2.4 Circuit diagram of a Boost Converter

2.3 Inverter

An inverter is a power electronics device which used to convert fixed DC (Direct Current)
into controlled AC (Altemating Current)". Here, Controlled AC means we controlled two
parameter of AC signal Frequency and Amplitude.

2.3.1 Three Phase Inverter

As shown in the circuit diagram, it is a three-phase inverter, also called a full-bridge

inverter. In all for the circuit, we require six switching devices. From a DC supply, we
obtain a three- phase altemating voltage on the load side.
0 0 0
1 3 5

Figure 2.5 Three Phase Inverter Circuit Diagram

2.3.2 Three-phase Inverter Working Principle

Firstly, the devices need to be numbered for the correct operation. Note that, we have six
devices, two devices on one leg. This circuit is also called as three leg operation. There Is
logic behind the numbering of the devices. The devices are numbered as per the sequence of
triggering. This means that as shown in the circuit, the switch S2 is triggered after S l, and
similarly for the rest of the devices. The output required is three-phase voltage, which
means that three-phase sequences, separated by 120 degrees each are required. For each
phase sequence, one pair of switching devices is operated. This means that to obtain the R
phase, Sl-S2 is tumed on. To obtain Y phase S3-S4 are tumed on and to obtain B phase
S5-S6 are tumed on.
Figure 2.6 Three phase inverter (MATLAB)
2.4 Maximum Power Point Tracking

2.4.1 An overview of Maximum Power Point Tracking

A typical solar panel converts only 30 to 40 percent of the incident solar irradiation into
electrical energy. Maximum power point tracking techniques used to improve the efficiency
of the solar panel. According to Maximum Power Transfer theorem, the power output of a
circuit is maximum when the Thevenin impedance of the circuit (source impedance)
matches with the load impedance. Hence our problem of tracking the maximum power point
reduces to an impedance matching problem. In the source side we are using a boost
converter connected to a solar panel in order to enhance the output voltage so that it can be
used for different applications like motor load. By changing the duty cycle of boost
converter appropriately we can match the source impedance with that of the load

2.4.2 Different MPPT techniques

There are different techniques used to track the maximum power point. Few of the most popular
techniques are:

l . Perturb and Observe (hill climbing method)

2. Incremental Conductance method

3. Fractional short circuit current

4. Fractional open circuit voltage

5. Neural networks

6. Fuzzy logic

The choice of the algorithm depends on the time complexity the algorithm takes to track the
MPP, implementation cost and the ease of implementation. [6] Perturb & Observe

Perturb & Observe (P&O) is the simplest method. In this we use only one sensor, that is the
Voltage sensor, to sense the PV array voltage and so the cost of implementation is less and
hence easy to implement. The time complexity of this algorithm is very less but on reaching
very close to the MPP it doesn't stop at the MPP and keeps on perturbing on both the
directions. When this happens, the algorithm has reached very close to the MPP and we can
set an appropriate error limit or can use await function which ends up increasing the time
complexity of the algorithm. However, the method does not take account of the rapid
change of irradiation level (due to which MPPT changes) and considers it as a change in
MPP due to perturbation and ends up calculating the wrong
MPP. To avoid this problem, we can use incremental conductance method. Incremental Conductance

Incremental conductance method uses two voltage and current sensors to sense the output
Voltage and current of the PV array.

At MPP the slope of the PV curve is 0.




The left-hand side is the instantaneous conductance of the solar panel. When this
instantaneous conductance equals the conductance of the solar then MPP is reached. Here
we are sensing both the voltage and current simultaneously. Hence the error due to changing
irradiance is eliminated. However, the complexity and the cost of implementation increase.
As we go down the list of algorithms the complexity and the cost of implementation goes on
increasing which may be suitable for a highly complicated system. This is the reason that
Perturb and Observe and Incremental Conductance method are the most widely used
algorithms. Owing to its simplicity of implementation we have chosen the Perturb &
Observe algorithm for our study among the two. Fractional open circuit voltage

Then ear linear relationship between Vivwp and Voc of the PV array, under varymg irradiance
and temperature levels, has given rise to the fractional Voc method.

MPP = kl VOC 2.8 Where kl is a constant of

proportionality. Since kl is dependent on the characteristics of the PV array being used, it
usually has to be computed beforehand by empirically determining vxpp and Voc for the
specific PV array at different irradiance and temperature levels. The factor kl has been
reported to be between 0.71 and 0.78. Once kl is knc:nvn, Vivwp can be computed with Voc
measured periodically by momentarily shutting down the power converter. However, this
incurs some disadvantages, including temporary loss of power. Fractional short circuit current

Fractional Isc results from the fact that, under varying atmospheric conditions, is approximately
linearly related to the Isc of the PV array.

where is a proportionality constant. Just like in the fractional Voc technique, has to be
determined according to the PV array in use. The constant is generally found to be between
0.78 and 0.92. Measuring Isc during operation is problematic. An additional switch usually
has to be added to the power converter to periodically short the PV array so that Isc can be
measured using a current sensor. Fuzzy Logic Control

Microcontrollers have made using fuzzy logic control popular for MPPT over last decade.
Fuzzy logic controllers have the advantages of working with imprecise inputs, not needing
an accurate mathematical model, and handling nonlinearity. Neural Network

Another technique of implementing MPPT which are also well adapted for microcontrollers
is neural networks. Neural networks commonly have three layers: input, hidden, and output
layers. The number nodes in each layer vary and are user-dependent. The input variables
can be PV array parameters like VOC and ISC, atmospheric data like irradiance a
temperature, or any combination of these. The output is usually one or several reference
signals like a duty cycle signal used to drive the power converter to operate at or close to the

MPPT technique Convergence Implementatio Periodic Sensed

speed n complexity tuning parameters

Perturb & observe Varies Low No Voltage

Incremental Varies Medium No Voltage, current


Fractional Voc Medium Low Yes Voltage

Fractional Isc Medium Medium Yes Current

Fuzzy logic Fast High Yes Varies

Neural network Fast High Yes Varies

Table 2.1 Characteristics of different MPPT technique


3.1 Conventional Methodology

Perturb and Observe (P&O)

1000 W/m2 800 W/m2 50

Incremental Conductance (IncCond)

Z 50
Constant Volta e (CV)
Open Circuit Voltage (OCV).

•z 50
Short Circuit Current (SCC)

2 3 4 5

Figure3.1 The PV Module Output Power (w) Simulated with the MATLAB Model at
Rapidly Changing Solar Radiation, 250C.

Figure 3.1 shows the PV module output power under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions.
The results highlight that the systems with OCV and SCC methods had large volumes of power
losses. The simulation results of the MPPT algorithms at rapidly changing radiation of
200W/m2, 600 W/m2, 1000 W/m2, 800 W/m2 and 400 W/m2 show clearly the tracking efficiency
of MPP.
Despite the fact that the IncCond method offers a good performance under different
atmospheric conditions, it may not operate the PV model at the MPP. Although it has better
tracking efficiency than the P&O method, it requires more sensor devices for the relevant
computing which means its response time for conversion is slower, leading to greater power

The CV method is the simplest MPPT algorithm which keeps the operating point of the PV
module near to its MPP, but this method ignores the impact of temperature and solar radiation
as it assumes the reference voltage is equal to the real MPP. Hence, the operating point of the
module cannot be the true MPP, and different data needs to be installed for different
geographical regions as it cannot track the MPP correctly under rapidly changing atmospheric
The SCC method performance was less efficient than other techniques under rapidly changing
weather condition, as it failed to operate the PV module at its MPP when the solar radiation
was changed at t=2000ms the irradiance was 1000 W/m 2 and t=3000ms the irradiance level
dropped to 800 W/m2 and then went down to 400 W/m 2 at t=4000ms. This is because it shifted
the duty cycle in the wrong direction until the new measurement of the SCC was taken, which
refreshed the value of the reference current. Therefore, low regulation speed can be better
than high speed especially in fast changing weather conditions.

In OCV the maximum voltage is not constant with the ambient temperature, therefore, this
technique can only optimize the power at a single temperature. Therefore, this technique does
not provide the high efficiency of the P&O and IncCond techniques, but it is generally better
than the SCC method.
Because of all the above reasons we preferred to use MPPT with P&O algorithm, as it is easy to
implement and less complex.

3.2 Proposed Methodology

We will be dealing with a Solar energy source which is a sustainable and renewable
energy resource. The solar source will be simulated with constant irradiance. It will be a
MPPT based simulation followed by a boost converter and inverter. The solar source will
be simulated using ideal values of radiations of any particular area to produce energy.
DC form current will be boosted using a boost converter followed by an inverter which
will convert the DC current to AC which can be supplied to the grid system.

Design of the Proposed System

A solar panel P&O MPPT based boost converter dq controller and voltage source inverter
are the components of the proposed system.

3.2.1 Solar PV Array

Maximum Power (W)

Cells per module (Ncell) 60

Open Circuit Voltage Voc (V) 36.3
Short Circuit Current Isc (A) 7.84

Voltage at maximum power point Vmp (V) 29

Current at maximum point Imp (A) 7.35

Parallel Strings 47

Series-connected module per string 10

Table 3.1 Module Data & Array Data Impact of Solar Irradiation on I-V Characteristic of a Solar Panel

Highest solar irradiance on the earth ground level is 1000 W. If the solar irradiance is
decreases due to cloud, the earth movement or any other reason will reduce the output
current of the solar panel because of the is directly proportional to the sun irradiance
while the variation on voltage is much smaller as shown in Figure 3.2.

Module type: User-defined

o 10 20 25 30
Voltage (V)

Figure 3.2 1-V Characteristic of a Solar Panel for different Irradiance Impact of Temperature on I-V Characteristic of a Solar Panel:

Temperature affects the saturation current of solar cell and small effect on so has negative
(-) temperature coefficient (for silicon —2.3mV/ 0 C), figure 3.3 showing the I-V curve for
different temperature variation.

Array type: User-defined;

10 series modules; 47 parallel strings

o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Voltage (V)
Figure 3.3 1-V Characteristic of a Solar Panel for different temperature

3.2.2 DC-DC Boost Converter with MPPT

When the voltage at the input side is not sufficient then the value of output voltage is increased
to the certain required level. For this purpose, boost converters are used has an inductor, a
switch (usually IGBT or MOSFET), diode and a capacitor. The below figure shows the block
diagram of dc-to-dc boost converter. DC boost converter has a conversion efficiency of 92.8 0 0.

Figure 3.4 Block Diagram of Boost Converter with MPPT

Parameter Value
Input Voltage (Vin) 362 v

Output Voltage (v out) 600 v

Duty Cycle

Switching Frequency (fsw) 10 KHz

Inductance (L) 1.45 mH

Capacitance (C) 3227

Table 3.2 Parameters of Boost Converter

OK Help
Figure 3.5 Block Parameter of Capacitance used in boost converter

Series RLC Branch

(mask) (link)
Implements a series branch of RLC elements.
Use the 'Branch type' parameter to add or remove elements from
the branch.

Figure 3.6 Block Parameter of Inductance used in boost converter

The voltage obtained at the output of the boost converter is calculated by using

out 3.1
where D is duty cycle of Boost Converter. D value varies from 30% to 90% of the pulse width
modulation (PWM). D is controlled by the P&O and a PWM generator.
1. Calculation for Inductance:

2. Calculation Capacitance:

3227 3.3
The entire simulation is performed considering these values of inductor and capacitor.

3.2.3 Perturb & Observe Algorithm

The MPPT technique used in the proposed system is P&O.

The P&O MPPT algorithm is used, due to its ease of implementation. It is based on the
following criterion: if the operating voltage of the PV array is perturbed in a given direction and
if the power drawn from the PV array increases, this means that the operating point has moved
toward the MPP and, therefore, the operating voltage must be further perturbed in the same
direction. Otherwise, if the power drawn from the PV array decreases, the operating point has
moved away from the MPP and, therefore, the direction of the operating voltage perturbation
must be reversed.

The Perturb & Observe algorithm states that when the operating voltage of the PV panel is
perturbed by a small increment, if the resulting change in power P is positive, then we are
going in the direction of MPP and we keep on perturbing in the same direction. If P is
negative, we are gomg away from the direction of MPP and the sign of perturbation
supplied has to be changed.

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Module Voltage (V)

Figure 3.7: Solar panel characteristics showing MP P and operating points A and B

Figure 3.7 shows the plot of module output power versus module voltage for a solar panel at
a given irradiation. The point marked as MPP is the Maximum Power Point, the theoretical
maximum output obtainable from the PV panel. Consider A and B as two operating points.
As shown in the figure above, the point A is on the left-hand side of the MPP. Therefore, we
can move towards the MPP by providing a positive perturbation to the voltage. On the other
hand, point Bison the right-hand side of the MPP. When we give a positive perturbation, the
value of P becomes negative, thus it is imperative to change the direction of perturbation to
achieve MPP. The flowchart for the P&O algorithm is in Figure 3.7.
Figure 3.8 Flowchart of Perturb and Observe (P&O) MPPT Technique DC-DC Boost Converter with MPPT (P&O) Coding:

function V ref = RefGen(V, I)

Vrefmax = 363;
Vrefmin = 0; Vrefinit = 300;
deltaVref = 5; persistent Vold
Pold V refold; datatype =
'double'; if isempty(Vold)
Void = O;
V refold = Vrefinit;

dV =V - void; dP
= P - Pold•,

ifdV < o
V ref = V refold + deltaVref;

V ref = V refold - deltaVref;


ifdV < o
V ref = V refold - deltaVref;

V ref = V refold +
deltaVref; end end

V ref = V refold; end if V ref >=

Vrefmax Vref <= Vrefmin

V ref = V refold;


Vrefold = Vref;
Void = V;
Pold = P;

3.2.4 Inverter Controlling Scheme abc to dq Transform

In abc- frame and uß-frame, the reference, feedback, and feed-forward signals are sinusoidal
functions of time. In dq-frame sinusoidal signals are transformed to equivalent DC signals which
are independent of time variation. Consequently, the compensator can be designed with better
dynamics and is capable of having zero steady-state error by applying an integral term. The
smart PV inverter controller is modelled in a synchronously rotating d-q reference frame to
achieve better transient and steady state performances. Figure 3.9 shows the phase diagram of a
vector in abc- frame and dq-frame. In Figure 3.9, the vector f(t) rotates with time-variant
frequency o(t) in abc-frame. The phase difference between the rotating vector f(t) and stationary
axes in abc-frame is defined by 0 (t) whereas 00 indicates the initial phase angle. To achieve
nontime- variant parameters, dq-frame needs to rotate with same frequency o(t) . In Figure 3.9,
(b (t) is phase difference between abc-frame and dq- frame whereas p (t) is phase difference
between rotating vector and rotating dq-frame.




C axis

Figure 3.9 Phase Diagram of a Vector in abc- frame and dq-frame

Figure 3.10 abc to dq transformation

Block Parameters: Alpha-Beta-Zero to dql

Alpha-Beta-Zero to dq0 Transformation (mask) (link)
Perform a transformation from a alpha-beta-zero stationary reference frame to a dq0
rotating reference frame. Angular position of the rotating frame is given by input wt (rad).

Rotating frame alignment at wt=0: 90 degrees behind phase A axis


Figure 3.11 Block Parameter alpha-beta-zero to dql

Figure 3.12 Block Parameterof PID Controller PWM based dq controller

Synchronous reference frame controller or dq controller is used to convert generated three

phase voltage and current into a synchronous frame to grid voltage and current. So that the
three phase signals are transformed into DC signals. A phase locked loop (PLL) is used widely
for the purpose. PI controllers are widely used because of the ability to minimize the steady
state error.

Figure 3.13 PWM based dq controller

The power ratings are expressed as follows:

2(vd id + vq iq)

= — (vq id — vd iq)

P: Active power
Q: Reactive power

vd = vd x (—0 iq Lf) + vd vq
= vq x (+0 id Lf) + vq
in which, (D = 21tf sin (Dt cos ot
— 120) — 120) 1
+ 120) + 120) 1
Figure 3.14 Waveform of Switching Pulse Generated by the dq- Controller
Block Parameters: PIO Controller 1
PID Idof (mask) (link) Fig. 3.15 Block Parameter PID 1
This block implements continuous- and discrete-time PID control algorithms and includes advanced features
st windup, external reset, and signal tracking. you can tune the PID gains automatically using the Tune...'
butto Smulink Control Design).

Controller: PI Form: parallel

Time domain: Discrete-tinte settings
O Continuous-time
Sample time (-1 for inherited): o
Compensator formula

Main Initialization Output Saturation Data Types State Attributes

Cmtroller parameters
Proportional 0.25
Integral 300
Autornated tuning
Select tuning method: Transfer Function Based (PID Tuner App)
Enable zero-crossing detection

3.17 Block Parameter Gain
glock Parameters: PID Conuoller2
PID Idot (mask) (link)
This block implernents continuous- and discrete-time PID control algorithms and includes advanced fei
wtndup, external reset, and Signal tracking. you can tune the PID gains automatically using the Tune.
Smulink Control Design).

Controller: PI • Form: Parallel Time domain: Discrete-time settings

O Continuous-time
Sample time (-1 for inherited):

Compensator formula
Main Initialization Output Saturation Data Types State Attributes
Controller parameters
Source: internal
Proportional (P): 10
Integral (1): 20
Automated tuning
Select tuning method: Transfer Function Based (PID Tuner App)
Enable zero-crossing detection
CTéOZJ Help Apply
Fig. 3.16 Block Parameter PID 2

Fig. 3.18 Block Parameter

Repeating Sequence

3.2.5 Complete Block Diagram of Solar PV Grid Connected System

Figure 3.19 Block Diagram of Solar PV Grid Connected System

4.1 Result

The simulation is performed in order to analyse the behaviour of the solar PV system having
changes at its input and output side. The entire simulation is performed in the MATLAB
Simulink software and the results are shown below.

A 100 KW system is developed and verified by MATLAB/Simulink. The solar panel is used as
the voltage source even though the solar panel is a current source. The frequency selected for
P&O, MPPT, dq controller are 5KHz.

Figure 4.1 shows the waveform of output voltage of boost converter without MPPT and Figure
4.2 shows the waveform of output voltage of boost converter with MPPT. Both figures were
used to study and conclude regarding the DC-DC boost converter that we get more efficiency
with MPPT than without-MPPT. For study of DC-DC boost converter, resistor of
1000 is used as load.

Parameter Value
Input Voltage (Vin) 362 v

Output Voltage (V out) 600 v

Duty Cycle

Switching Frequency (fsw) 10 KHz

Inductance (L) 1.45 mH

Capacitance (C) 3227

Table 4.1 Parameter without MPPT
Parameter Value
Input Voltage (Vin) 325 v

Output Voltage (V out) 2711 v

Duty Cycle 88% (Calculated)

Inductance (L) 1.45 mH

Capacitance (C) 3227
Table 4.2 Parameter with MPPT

Figure 4.1 Output voltage of Figure 4.2 Output voltage of

Boost converter Converter without MPPT
Figure 4.3 shows the waveform of output voltage of inverter used in system with constant load
of IQ with 600V. Pulses generated using three different sinusoidal waves displaced by
1200 in phase.


Figure 4.3 Output voltage of inverter with constant

Figure 4.4 and figure 4.5 shows the waveform of output voltage (vabc) scoped from V -I
Measurement block 2 (phase to ground) and output current (labc) scoped from V-I measurement
block I at load side of inverter (grid part side) which is then converted into VD, V Q and ID, IQ
with the help of abc to dq transformation by performing a transformation from a alpha -beta-
zero stationary reference frame to a dq0 rotating reference frame . Angular Position of the
rotating frame is given by input (Dt (rad) which is calculated separately.

Synchronous reference frame controller or dq controller is used to convert generated three phase
voltage and current into a synchronous frame to grid voltage and current. So that the three phase
signals are transformed into DC signals which are finally then used in PWM for providing
pulses to the inverter. And figure 4.6 shows the waveform of VDC (per cell).

Figure 4.4 The Waveform of Output Voltage (Vabc- Phase to Ground mot)

0 026 0.028 0 030 0.032 0.034 0 036 0.038 0.040 0 042 0 044 0.046 0.048 0.050 0 052 0.054

Figure 4.5 The Waveform of Output Current (labc)

Figure 4.6 The waveform of VDC (per cell)

5.1 Conclusion

The dependence and interaction of solar PV system over the grid is considerably high due to the
development of renewable energy resources. In this proposed system a 100kW solar PV grid
connected system is developed and verified by MATLAB Simulink.

The different inverter components and controller parameters are designed for a 100kW PV
system. The results show that the efficiency at the system is high when compared to the
conventional system. The controller includes PLL, abc-dq transformation block, dq current
controller, DC voltage controller and PWM unit. The design procedure of each component is
described for the study.

In all DC-DC converters boost has the additional advantage that if suppose MPPT circuit fails
then IGBT will not switch in that condition, also load is directly connected to the panel and
panel still supplies the load at less efficiency, other DC-DC converters can't do that.

The block parameters obtained from different components have been shown in Chapter 3. The
waveform of output voltage and current have been displayed in Chapter 4. At last we can also
conclude that the conversion efficiency of the system is more with MPPT as compared to
without MPPT.

MPPT method can extract maximum available power from the PV module. This can increase the
tracking efficiency.

Increase in the use of solar energy will decrease the burden on fossil fuels which are rapidly
exhausting. P&O algorithm holds better performance than some other methods under normal
and varying atmospheric conditions. P&O method is simple and has easy implementation.

5.2 Future scope

Further work in this area may use different MPPT methods and modified algorithms for
increasing efficiency in fast changing environmental conditions. Improvement of this project can
be made by tracking the maximum power point in changing environmental conditions also to
design such a model for a solar PV system which should be compact in size and cheaper and
also its maintenance and operating cost should be less so that people are attracted to use in
behaviour and don't go for conventional sources even for isolated systems.
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