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Correlation Analysis on the Relationship between the Personality of Employees and their Work
Performance: Towards Better Organizational Management


This study aims to assess the relationship between the personality traits of employees and their work
performance. The personality test will be based on Lewis Goldberg's Big Five Personality Types
Model, namely: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the personality traits of the employees based on Goldberg's Big Five Personality test in
terms of:
1.1. Openness;
1.2. Conscientiousness;
1.3. Extraversion;
1.4. Agreeableness;
1.5. Neuroticism

2. What is the degree of work performance of the employees?

3. What is the relationship between the personality and the work performance of the employees?


Name (Optional): _______________________________________________________

Sex: Male Female

Age: 21-30 31-40 41-50 51 and above

Personality Test
Instructions: In the table below, for each item 1-50, indicate how much you agree with it
on a scale of 1-5. Check (✓) the corresponding box of your choice.

Items Disa Slightly Slightly

gree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
I… (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Am the life of the party.
2. Feel little concern for others.
3. Am always prepared.
4. Get stressed out easily.
5. Have a rich vocabulary.
6. Don't talk a lot.
7. Am interested in people
8. Leave my belongings around.
9. Am relaxed most of the time.
10. Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas
11. Feel comfortable around people.
12. Insult people.
13. Pay attention to details.
14. Worry about things.
15. Have a vivid imagination.
16. Keep in the background.
17. Sympathize with others' feeling
18. Make a mess of things.
19. Seldom feel blue.
20. Am not interested in abstract ideas.
21. Start conversations.
22. Am not interested in other people's problems.
23. Get chores done right away.
24. Am easily disturbed.
25. Have excellent ideas.
26. Have little to say.
27. Have a soft heart.
28. Often forget to put things back in their proper
29. Get upset easily.
30. Do not have a good imagination.
31. Talk to a lot of different people at parties.
32. Am not really interested in others.
33. Like order.
34. Change my mood a lot.
35. Am quick to understand things
36. Don't like to draw attention to myself.
37. Take time out for others.
38. Shirk my duties.
39. Have frequent mood swings.
40. Use difficult words.
41. Don't mind being the center of attention.
42. Feel others' emotions.
43. Follow a schedule.
44. Get irritated easily.
45. Spend time reflecting on things.
46. Am quiet around strangers.
47. Make people feel at ease.
48. Am exacting in my work.
49. Often feel blue.
50. Am full of ideas.

Individual Work Performance Questionnaire

Instructions: The questions in this scale ask you about your perceptions on your work
performance within the last three months. Check (✓) the corresponding box of your

Questions Almost Some- Fairly

Never Never times Often Often
In the past 3 months… (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
Task Performance Scale
1. I managed to plan my work so that it was done
on time
2. My planning was optimal
3. I kept in mind the results that I had to achieve
in my work
4. I was able to separate main issues from side
issues at work.
5. I knew how to set the right priorities.
6. I was able to perform my work well with
minimal time and effort
7. Collaboration with others was very productive.
Contextual Performance Scale
1. I took on extra responsibilities.
2. I started new tasks myself, when my old ones
were finished.
3. I took on challenging work tasks, when
4. I worked at keeping my job knowledge up-to-
5. I worked at keeping my job skills up-to-date.
6. I came up with creative solutions to new
7. I kept looking for new challenges in my job.
8. I did more than was expected of me
9. I actively participated in work meetings.
10. I actively looked for ways to improve my
performance at work.
11. I grasped opportunities when they presented
12. I knew how to solve difficult situations and
setbacks quickly.
Counterproductive Work Behavior Scale
1. I complained about unimportant matters at
2. I made problems greater than they were at
3. I focused on the negative aspects of a work
situation, instead of on the positive aspects.
4. I spoke with colleagues about the negative
aspects of my work.
5. I spoke with people from outside the
organization about the negative aspects of my
6. I did less than was expected of me.
7. I managed to get off from a work task easily.
8. I sometimes did nothing, while I should have
been working.

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