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in the
modern world
This week in our subject, "Math in the Modern World,"
honestly, I did not expect it to be this fun. Honestly, before
the second semester starts, I overthink what will happen in
this subject. And now that it starts, I met my professor, who
oriented us to the lessons and topics that we will be
covering this week. And honestly, the lesson is very helpful.
It helps me become enlightened about how Fibonacci
works, and with this I get to understand more about the use
of the Golden Ratio and how I should get the golden ratio of
things. Along with that, if we learn this lesson again, I don’t
think my professor needs to change the way she teaches us
because her teaching techniques apply to all the different
learning styles of the students. She made us understand,
she made us experience it, and she made us visualize the
process of the lesson. And that is what makes her teaching
style perfect for me—I got to enjoy it and also understand it
better given that I am a visual learner. So I'm grateful for
that because I'm not very good at math and this is the first
time I've met a professor who can make the class more
enjoyable and understandable.

Therefore, the activity became successful because the

goal was reached. It seems like my classmates also enjoyed
the activity, even though at first it was confusing, but
fortunately we got it, and I can see through their eyes and
laughter that they actually appreciated the lesson by having
the activity our professor prepared. The part about the
golden ratio is the one that caught my interest. I became
amused by how it worked. I like the idea that almost
everything in this world is a thing: a face, a famous painting,
something in nature, etc. We can tell that they have a
Golden Ratio. I like this lesson because it made me realize
how magical and full of surprises our world is. It is true that
we cannot know everything unless we study it and
appreciate it. To be honest, there is no part of my brain that
dislikes this lesson because I truly understand it, because
how my professor executes the lesson, of course, allows us
to acknowledge the beauty of mathematics, and for that, I
commend my professor.

Submitted by: Muring, Vianca Joy M.
Submitted to: Prof. Josephine Uy

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