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employment/job; therefore, it is

GENERAL PRINCIPLES covered by the due process guarantee.

® Equal protection clause with respect to
Constitutional Provisions discriminatory policies of employers or
• Art. II State Policies in some cases the state
1. Sec. 9: The State shall promote a just and 2. Sec. 4: No law shall be passed abridging the
dynamic social order that will ensure the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press,
prosperity and independence of the nation and or the right of the people peaceably to assemble
free the people from poverty through policies that and petition the government for redress of
provide adequate social services, promote full grievances.
employment, a rising standard of living, and an ® Workers’ concerted actions were
improved quality of life for all. considered by the court as legitimate
2. Sec. 10: The State shall promote social justice in exercise of their freedom of expression
all phases of national development. (i.e., wearing of armbands)
3. Sec. 11: The State values the dignity of every 3. Sec. 8: The right of the people, including those
human person and guarantees full respect for employed in the public and private sectors, to
human rights. form unions, associations, or societies for
® Atty. Manuel: In the hierarchy of rights purposes not contrary to law shall not be
(human rights v. property right), workers’ abridged.
rights should be considered as human right. ® Freedom to organize in general
4. Sec. 18: The State affirms labor as a primary ® The reference to unions refers to labor
social economic force. It shall protect the rights of unions.
and promote their welfare. ® Refers to workers’ rights to self-
® An affirmation of the importance given organization
by the State to the labor sector as a 4. Sec. 16: All persons shall have the right to a
primary social economic force. And speedy disposition of their cases before all
because of that importance, the labor judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies.
sector workforce, in general, to the 5. Sec. 18 (2): No involuntary servitude in any
country’s economy we see the two- form shall exist except as a punishment for a
pronged policy concerning workers – crime whereof the party shall have been duly
protection of workers’ rights and convicted.
promotion of workers’ welfare.
® 3 parts: • Sec. 3 Art. XIII Social Justice and Human Rights
a. Labor as a primary social 1. Sec. 1: The Congress shall give highest priority to
economic force the enactment of measures that protect and
b. The state is mandated to protect enhance the right of all the people to human
worker’s rights and dignity, reduce social, economic, and political
c. To promote workers’ welfare. inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by
5. Sec. 20: The State recognizes the indispensable equitably diffusing wealth and political power for
role of the private sector, encourages private the common good.
enterprise, and provides incentives to needed To this end, the State shall regulate the acquisition,
investments. ownership, use, and disposition of property and its
® Parallel provision of Sec. 18 increments.
® Talks about the perspective of the ® The mandate for Congress is to enact
employer (private sector) in a ER-EE measures thru legislation
relationship 2. Sec. 2: The promotion of social justice shall
include the commitment to create economic
• Art. III Bill of Rights opportunities based on freedom of initiative and
1. Sec. 1: No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, self-reliance.
or property without due process of law, nor shall 3. Sec. 3: The state shall afford full protection to
any person be denied the equal protection of the labor, local and overseas, organized and
laws. unorganized, and promote full employment and
® There are cases decided by the Court equality of employment opportunities for all.
referring to a person’s job as property It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-
within the meaning of Sec. 1 Art. III organization, collective bargaining and
® When we talk about deprivation of life, negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities,
liberty and property without due including the right to strike in accordance with
process of law, always bear in mind law. They shall be entitled to security of tenure,
property here includes workers’ humane conditions of work, and a living wage.


They shall also participate in policy and decision- their welfare and enable them to realize their
making processes affecting their rights and full potential in the service of the nation.
benefits as may be provided by law.
® Divisions in par. 2: 7 Basic Rights of Workers guaranteed by the
a. 1st sentence refers to Collective Constitution:
rights of workers: these are rights 1. To participate in policy and decision-making
which can be exercised only if the processes affecting their rights and benefits as
workers are organized; concerted may be provided by law (Principle of Co-
activities mean doing an act in determination)
union or collective effort to 2. To receive a living wage
engage in a particular act. (labor 3. To conduct collective bargaining or negotiation
relations) with management
b. 2nd sentence refers Individual 4. To work under humane conditions
rights: you don’t need a union to 5. Right to organize
enjoy these rights (labor 6. To enjoy security of tenure
standards) 7. To engage in peaceful concerted activities,
c. 3rd sentence talks about the right including strike in accordance with law
to participate
Labor Code Provisions
Con’t of Sec. 3: The State shall promote the • Art. 3. Declaration of basic policy. The State shall
principle of shared responsibility between workers afford protection to labor, promote full employment,
and employers and the preferential use of ensure equal work opportunities regardless of sex, race
voluntary modes in settling disputes, including or creed and regulate the relations between workers
conciliation, and shall enforce their mutual and employers. The State shall assure the rights of
compliance therewith to foster industrial peace. workers to self-organization, collective bargaining,
The State shall regulate the relations between security of tenure, and just and humane conditions of
workers and employers, recognizing the right of work.
labor to its just share in the fruits of production • Art. 4. Construction in favor of labor. All doubts in
and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns the implementation and interpretation of the
to investments, and to expansion and growth. provisions of this Code, including its implementing
® Principle of Shared responsibility – in a rules and regulations, shall be resolved in favor of labor
way this is the State taking a hands-off ® It is erroneous to state that all cases
position and letting the parties resolve involving workers shall be resolved in favor
their own disputes; the State will not of labor.
interfere in all cases and there is ® A Statutory construction principle, comes in
preference for the use of voluntary when there is doubt in the application of
modes which will allow the parties to law. Thus, construction in favor of labor will
resolve their own dispute without or only be applied when there is any doubt
with minimal state involvement ® Article 4 talks about the law and its
® 2nd sentence: The state is also mandated implementing rules
to regulate the relations between • Art. 218. Declaration of policy. A. It is the policy of
workers and employers taking into the State:
consideration workers’ rights to just a. To promote and emphasize the primacy of
share in the fruits of production and the free collective bargaining and negotiations,
employers’ right to reasonable returns including voluntary arbitration, mediation
of investments and conciliation, as modes of settling labor
or industrial disputes;
• Recognizes the role of Women workers and ® Points out that collective
Women in general bargaining is a mode of settling
1. Sec. 14, Art. II: The State recognized the labor disputes
role of women in nation-building, and shall ® Collective bargaining was
ensure the fundamental equality before the presented not only as a right of
law of women and men. workers but also as a mode of
2. Sec. 14, Art. XIII: The State shall protect settling disputes
working women by providing safe and b. To promote free trade unionism as an
healthful working conditions, taking into instrument for the enhancement of
account their maternal functions, and such democracy and the promotion of social
facilities and opportunities that will enhance justice and development;


® Free trade unionism refers to an Civil Code Provisions
employees’ right to join or form a • Art. 19 (catch-all provision)
union or collectively rights of • Art. 1700: The relations between capital and labor are
workers to organize themselves; not merely contractual. They are so impressed with
® Why free? Because it should not be public interest that labor contracts must yield to the
interfered by the employer or the common good. Therefore, such contracts are subject
State to the special laws on labor unions, collective
c. To foster the free and voluntary bargaining, strikes and lockouts, closed shop, wages,
organization of a strong and united labor working conditions, hours of labor and similar
movement; subjects.
® Talks about a labor movement; ® Employment contracts do not merely
refers to interconnection or unity concern the parties – employer and
of workers or unions employee – they are so impressed with
® It is a policy of the State to public interest that the common good is also
encourage unions to be together in involved in the relationship
federations, federations to be in • Art. 1702. In case of doubt, all labor legislation and
union with trade union centers; all labor contracts shall be construed in favor of the
and workers to be together and to safety and decent living for the laborer.
be a part of a strong and united ® Similar to Art. 4 of the labor code
labor movement. • Art. 1701
d. To promote the enlightenment of workers • Art. 1703
concerning their rights and obligations as
union members and as employees; General Rules from Dean Abad:
® Talks about workers’ education 1. Existence of an Employer-Employee
concerning their rights and Relationship is condition sine qua non for the
obligations as union members and application of labor law
employees 2. Principle of Incorporation: The minimum labor
e. To provide an adequate administrative standards and benefits in Labor Code are
machinery for the expeditious settlement of considered inherent in every employer-
labor or industrial disputes; employee relationship even absent a written
f. To ensure a stable but dynamic and just employment contract.
industrial peace; and 3. The burden of proof is always upon employer to
g. To ensure the participation of workers in show validity of its exercise of management
decision and policy-making processes prerogatives, especially as regards termination
affecting their rights, duties and welfare. of employment.
B. To encourage a truly democratic method of regulating ® However, complainant employee initially has
the relations between the employers and employees by the burden of proving the fact of hiring (Danilo
means of agreements freely entered into through collective “Bitoy” Javier v. CA, 2012) and the fact of
bargaining, no court or administrative agency or official firing (Remoticado v. Typical Construction
shall have the power to set or fix wages, rates of pay, hours Trading Corp., 2018, Leonen)
of work or other terms and conditions of employment, 4. Only substantial evidence required
except as otherwise provided under this Code. ® It is an oft-repeated rule that in labor cases, as
® The State will not interfere/intervene in other administrative and quasi-judicial
because the parties should regulate proceedings, “the quantum of proof necessary is
themselves thru collective bargaining substantial evidence, or such amount of
® What we have in the code are minimum relevant evidence which a reasonable mind
standards; labor standards should be the might accept as adequate to justify a
starting point of the negotiation conclusion.” (Valencia v. Classique Vinyl
• Art. 290. Tripartism, Tripartite Conferences, and Products Corp., 2017)
Tripartite Industrial Peace Councils. – a. Tripartism 5. No retroactive effect of labor laws except when
in labor relations is hereby declared a State policy. explicitly so provided
Towards this end, workers and employers shall, as far 6. In case of doubt or ambiguity interpret in favor
as practicable, be represented in decision and policy- of labor
making bodies of the government ® Where the contract of employment, being a
® Tripartism refers to 3 parties: government, contract of adhesion, is ambiguous, any
employers, and workers ambiguity therein should be construed strictly
® As amended by RA 10395, An Act against the party who prepared it. (Price v.
Strengthening Tripartism, March 14, 2013 Innodate Phils., 2008)


3. Prohibited practices amounting to illegal recruitment
RECRUITMENT & PLACEMENT as numerically listed, still in Sec. 6 of RA 8042
(Toston y Hular v. People, 2021)
• Refers to the document issued by the DOLE 14 Acts considered as Illegal recruitment
Secretary authorizing a person, partnership a. To charge or accept directly or indirectly any
or corporation to operate a private amount greater than that specified in the
recruitment/manning agency schedule of allowable fees prescribed by the
Sec. of Labor and Employment, or to make a
Authority worker pay or acknowledge any amount
• Refers to document issued by the DOLE greater than that actually received by him as
Secretary authorizing the officers, personnel, a loan or advance;
agents or representatives of a licensed b. To furnish or publish any false notice or
recruitment/manning agency to conduct information or document in relation to
recruitment and placement activities in a recruitment or employment;
place stated in the license or in a specified c. To give any false notice, testimony or
place document or commit any act of
misrepresentation for the purpose of
Recruitment and placement securing a license or authority under the
• Refers to any act of canvassing, enlisting, Labor Code, or for the purpose of
contracting, transporting, hiring or documenting the hired workers with the
procuring workers, and includes referrals, POEA, which include the act of reprocessing
contract services, promising or advertising workers through a job order that pertains to
for employment, locally or abroad, whether nonexistent work, work different from the
for profit or not; provided that any person or actual overseas work, or work with a
entity which, in any manner, offers or different employer whether registered or not
promises for a fee employment to two or with the POEA;
more persons shall be deemed engaged in d. To include or attempt to induce a worker
recruitment and placement. already employed to quit his employment in
order to offer him another unless the transfer
Migrant Workers Act of 1995 is designed to liberate a worker from
OFWs oppressive terms and conditions of
• Refers to a person who is to be engaged, is employment;
engaged or has been engaged in a e. To influence or attempt to influence any
remunerated activity in a state of which he person or entity not to employ any worker
or she is not a citizen or on board a vessel who has not applied for employment
navigating the foreign seas other than a through his agency or who has formed,
government ship used for military or non- joined or supported, or has contacted or is
commercial purposes or on an installation supported by any union or workers’
located offshore or on the high seas; to be organization;
used interchangeably with migrant worker f. To engage in the recruitment or placement of
workers in jobs harmful to public health or
Elements of Illegal Recruitment (criminal aspect) morality or to the dignity of the Republic of
1. The offender undertakes any of the activities the Philippines;
within the meaning of recruitment and g.
placement h. To fail to submit reports on the status of
2. The offender has no valid license or authority employment, placement vacancies,
required by law to enable him to lawfully remittance of foreign exchange earnings,
engage in recruitment and placement of worker separation from jobs, departures and such
OR other matters or information as may be
3. The offender has a license or authority but he required by the Secretary of Labor and
commits any of the acts enumerated in Sec. 6 of employment;
RA 8042, as amended (14 acts) i. To substitute or alter to the prejudice of the
worker, employment contracts approved
Three modes of committing Illegal Recruitment and verified by the DOLE from the time of
1. Illegal recruitment per se, when recruitment is done actual signing thereof by the parties up to
by a non-licensee or non-holder of authority; and including the period of the expiration of
2. Illegal recruitment practices, as listed [a to m] in the the same without the approval of the DOLE;
same provision; and


j. For an officer or agent of a recruitment or recruitment shall suffer fine of not less than 2M
placement agency to become an officer or the penalty of nor more than 5M shall
member of the Board of any corporation imprisonment of not be imposed if illegal
engaged in travel agency or to be engaged less than 12 years and 1 recruitment constitutes
directly or indirectly in the management of day but not more than economic sabotage as
travel agency; 20 years and a fine of defined therein.
k. To withhold or deny travel documents from not less than 1M nor
applicant workers before departure for more than 2M "Provided, however,
monetary or financial considerations, or for That the maximum
any other reasons, other than those penalty shall be
authorized under the Labor Code and its imposed if the person
implementing rules and regulations; illegally recruited is less
l. Failure to actually deploy a contracted than eighteen (18) years
worker without valid reason as determined of age or committed by
by the DOLE; a non-licensee or non-
m. Failure to reimburse expenses incurred by holder of authority.
the worker in connection with his
documentation and processing for purposes "In every case,
of deployment, in cases where the conviction shall cause
deployment does not actually take place and carry the automatic
without the worker’s fault; revocation of the license
n. To allow a non-Filipino citizen to head or or registration of the
manage a licensed recruitment/manning recruitment/manning
agency. agency, lending
institutions, training
4 Types of Illegal Recruitment school or medical clinic.
1. Simple or Licensed: Illegal recruitment
committed by a licensee or holder of authority Shall prescribe in 5 Shall prescribe in 20
against one or two persons only if they commit years years
any of the acts enumerated under Sec. 6 of RA
8042 Nature of the Liability of Local Recruitment Agency
2. Non-licensed: committed by a person who has and Foreign Principal
neither a license nor authority • Local agency is solidarily liable with foreign
3. Syndicated: that carried out by a group of 3 or principal.
more persons in conspiracy or confederation • Severance of relations between local agents and
with one another foreign principal does not affect liability of local
4. Large Scale or qualified: that committed recruiter.
against 3 or more persons, individually or as a
group 7 Prohibited Acts (committed by those with authority
or license to recruit):
ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT 1. Grant a loan to an overseas Filipino worker
(involving economic sabotage) with interest exceeding eight percent (8%)
a syndicate in large scale per annum, which will be used for payment
If carried out by a If committed against 3 of legal and allowable placement fees and
group of 3 or more or more persons make the migrant worker issue, either
persons conspiring or individually or as a personally or through a guarantor or
confederating with one group accommodation party, postdated checks in
another relation to the said loan;
2. Impose a compulsory and exclusive
ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT arrangement whereby an overseas Filipino
Simple Illegal Involving Economic worker is required to avail of a loan only
Recruitment Sabotage from specifically designated institutions,
If the recruitment is When committed by a entities or persons;
carried out by not more syndicate or in a large 3. Refuse to condone or renegotiate a loan
than 2 persons or scale incurred by an overseas Filipino worker after
committed against not the latter's employment contract has been
more than 2 persons prematurely terminated through no fault of
Any person found The penalty of life his or her own;
guilty of illegal imprisonment and a


4. Impose a compulsory and exclusive Sunace International v. NLRC
arrangement whereby an overseas Filipino Facts: Sunace deployed Divina as a DH in Taiwan for a
worker is required to undergo health one-year contract. After the expiration of her contract, she
examinations only from specifically continued working for the foreign principal for two more
designated medical clinics, institutions, years. When she arrived in Manila, she filed a complaint
entities or persons, except in the case of a against Sunace because she was jailed for 3 months and she
seafarer whose medical examination cost is was underpaid. Sunace denied liability because it has no
shouldered by the principal/shipowner; knowledge nor did it consent to the extension of Divina’s
5. Impose a compulsory and exclusive contract. Divina insists on Sunace’s liability based on the
arrangement whereby an overseas Filipino theory of imputed knowledge.
worker is required to undergo training, Ruling: Sunace is not liable. Theory of Imputed Knowledge
seminar, instruction or schooling of any kind is not applicable because the theory of imputed knowledge
only from specifically designated ascribes the knowledge of the agent (Sunace) to the foreign
institutions, entities or persons, except for principal not the other way around. There being no
recommendatory trainings mandated by substantial proof that Sunance knew of and consented to the
principals/shipowners where the latter bound under the 2-year extension, it cannot be said be privy
shoulder the cost of such trainings; thereto.
6. For a suspended recruitment/manning Further, there was an implied revocation of Sunance’s
agency to engage in any kind of recruitment agency relationship with the foreign principal when, after
activity including the processing of pending the termination of the original employment contract, the
workers' applications; and foreign principal direcly negotiated with Divina and entered
7. For a recruitment/manning agency or a into a new and separate contract in Taiwan.
foreign principal/employer to pass on the
overseas Filipino worker or deduct from his COURTS EXERCISING JURISDICTION ON
or her salary the payment of the cost of ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT CASES
insurance fees, premium or other insurance Criminal Action Money Claims
related charges, as provided under the RTC where the offense LA where the offended
compulsory worker's insurance coverage. was committed or party resides or the
where the offended principal place of
o Any person found guilty of any of the party actually resides at business of the agency,
prohibited acts shall suffer the penalty of the time of the at the option of the
imprisonment of not less than 6 years and 1 commission of the OFW
day but not more than 12 years and a fine of crime
not less than P500,000.00 nor more than 1M
o If the offender is an alien, he or she shall, in Sec. 10
addition to the penalties herein prescribed, LA has jurisdiction over complaints filed by OFW. The
be deported without further proceedings. liability of the principal and the placement agency for
o In every case, conviction shall cause and any and all claims of OFW is joint and several. If the
carry the automatic revocation of the license recruitment or placement agency is a juridical being,
or registration of the recruitment/manning the corporate officers and directors and partners as the
agency, lending institutions, training school case may be, shall themselves be jointly and solidarily
or medical clinic. liable with the corporation or partnership for the
aforesaid claims and damages.
NB: A person may be charged and convicted for both o In case of termination of overseas employment
illegal recruitment and estafa because they are without just, valid or authorized cause as
entirely different offenses and neither one necessarily defined by law or contract, or any unauthorized
includes or is necessarily included in the other. Illegal deductions from the migrant worker’s salary,
recruitment is malum prohibitum, while estafa is the worker shall be entitled to the full
mala in se. In the first, criminal intent of the accused is reimbursement of his placement fee and the
not necessary for conviction. In the second, such deductions made with interest at 12% per
intent is imperative. annum, plus his salaries for the unexpired
portion of his employment contract.
Theory of Imputed Knowledge ascribes knowledge of
the agent to the principal. The principal is cognizant When can a foreign law govern an overseas employment
of a circumstance of fact attributed to the agent contract?
because his position or relationship with the later. Only if the following elements are present:
1. That is expressly stipulated in the overseas
employment contract that a specific foreign
law shall govern;


2. That the foreign law invoked must be proven 2. Minimum net worth of P1M or paid-up capital
before the courts pursuant to the Philippine of P1M
rules on evidence; 3. Not otherwise disqualified by law or other
3. That the foreign law stipulated in the government rules and regulations to engage in
overseas employment contract must not be the business of recruitment and placement of
contrary to law, morals, good customs, workers for local employment.
public order or public policy; and
4. That the overseas employment contract must Who are disqualified?
be processed through POEA 1. Those who are convicted of illegal recruitment,
trafficking in persons, anti-child labor violation
Ban on Direct-Hiring or crimes involving moral turpitude;
• GR: Direct Hiring of Filipino workers overseas 2. Those against whom probable cause or prima
employment is not allowed facie finding of guilt for illegal recruitment or
• Exceptions: (DION) other related cases exist
1. Members of the Diplomatic corps; 3. Those who licenses have been previously
2. International organizations; revoked
3. Other employers as may be allowed by 4. Cooperatives whether registered or not under
DOLE; and the Cooperative Act of the Philippines
4. Name hires – individual workers who are 5. Law enforcers and any officials and employees
able to secure contracts for overseas of DOLE
employment on their own efforts and 6. Sole proprietors of duly licensed agencies are
representations without the assistance or prohibited from securing another license to
participation of any agency. Their hiring, engage in recruitment and placement
nonetheless, shall pass through the POEA 7. Sole proprietors, partnerships or corporations
for processing purposes. licensed to engage in private recruitment and
placement for local employment are prohibited
Mandatory Remittances of FOREX Earnings from engaging in job contracting or sub-
• Objective: To ensure volume of the Philippine contracting
FOREX reserves
• All Overseas Filipino Workers must remit a
portion of their FOREX earnings to their families LABOR STANDARDS
® OFW’s immediate family is residing with
him abroad Labor Standards
® Filipino servicemen working in US military • refer to the terms and conditions of
installations employment that the employers must
® Immigrants and Filipino comply with and to which employees are
professionals/workers with United entitled as a matter of legal right; it deals
Nations agencies or specialized bodies. with the minimum requirements prescribed
by existing laws, rules and regulations
• Amount of Remittance
relating to wages, hours of work, cost-of-
® 80% for Seamen/Mariners
living allowance, and other monetary and
® 70% - contractors and construction welfare benefits.
companies, doctors, engineers, teachers,
nurses, other professional workers whose Labor Relations
employment contracts provide for free
• defines the status, rights, and duties and the
board and lodging
institutional mechanisms that govern the
® 50% - other professionals without free individual and collective interactions of
board and lodging employers, employees, or their
® 50% - domestic and service and others representatives

Private Recruitment and Placement Agency (PRPA) Security of tenure is a constitutionally guaranteed
for Local Employment – DO 141-14 right. Employees may not be terminated from their
regular employment except for just or authorized
Who are qualified to open PRPA? causes under the Labor Code and other pertinent laws.
1. Filipino citizen or 75% of authorized capital (SME Bank, Inc. v. Gaspar, 2013).
stock is owned and controlled by Filipino
citizen; Just Causes Authorized Causes
Art. 297 Arts. 298 and 299


Two-Fold Due Process Requirement: • National consultative and advisory body to the
1. Substantive aspect – deals with the legality of President and Congress on matters relating to
the act of dismissal (Arts. 294, 297 to 299) wages, incomes and productivity
2. Procedural aspect – deals with the legality of the • Formulates policies and guidelines on wages,
manner of dismissal (Arts. 292 b and 298); two incomes and productivity improvement
notice rule • Does not set wage rates
• Review wage rates set by regional wage boards
WAGES • Composed of: (example of tripartism)
• Sec. 97 (f) ® Secretary of Labor
• Consequence of entering an ER-EE relationship; ® Director General of NEDA
it is the responsibility of the employer
® 2 members representing workers
® 2 members representing employers
Facilities Supplements
® Executive Director
Shall include all articles Constitute extra
or services for the remuneration or special
Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards
benefit of the employee privileges or benefits
or his family but shall given to or received by
• Determines and fixes MINIMUM WAGE RATES
not include tool of the the laborers over and
in their regions, province or industries
trade or articles or above their ordinary
services primarily for earnings or wages • Issues WAGE ORDERS
the benefit of the
Pursuant to its authority, the Regional Wage Boards may
employer or necessary
issue wage orders which set the daily minimum wage rates.
to the conduct of the
employer’s business It has no authority to grant an across-the-board wage
increase. (Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company v.
Part of the wage
NWPC, 2007)
For the benefit of the For the benefit of the
employee or his/her employer
13th Month Pay (PD 851, as amended)
• Shall not be less than 1/12 of the total basic salary
earned by an employee in a calendar year
NB: The nature of the articles or services is not the
determining factor. A service may be a facility or a • The basic salary of an employee for the purpose
of computing the 13th month pay shall include all
supplement depending on who is primarily benefitted.
remunerations or earnings paid his/her
Requirements before deducting facilities from wages: employer for services rendered. It does not
include allowances and monetary benefits which
1. Proof that the facilities are customarily furnished
are not considered or integrated as part of the
by the trade
regular or basic salary, such as the cash
2. Voluntarily accepted in writing by the employee
3. Facilities are charged at a fair and reasonable equivalent of unused vacation and sick leave
value credits, overtime, premium, night shift
differential and holiday day, and cost of living
allowance (COLA)
• NO 13th MONTH: those who are paid on purely
• It is an amount granted and paid to an employee
for his industry and loyalty which contributed to commission, boundary or task basis, and those
the success of the employer’s business and made who are paid a fixed amount for performing
possible the realization of profits specific work, irrespective of the time consumed
in the performance
• Bonus, as a GR, is not demandable as a matter of
right. It is a management prerogative, given in
addition to what is ordinarily received by or
• Shall not exceed 8 hours of work in a day (Art.
strictly due to the recipient
83); normal work hours is 8, it can be lower
1. When it was promised to be given without • GR: no worker can be compelled to work beyond
any conditions imposed for its payment in 8 hrs
which case it is deemed part of the wage; • Actual work or performance of task + waiting
2. When it has ripened into practice time + rest periods of short duration during
working hours = hours worked (Art. 84)
Wage Fixing (RA 6727)
National Wages and Productivity Commission WAITING TIME IS CONSIDERED AS HOURS WORK
• It is an integral part of his work;


• The employee is required or engaged by the • If less than 20 minutes, it becomes only a rest
employer to wait; OR period and is thus considered as work time
• When employee is required to remain on call in
the employer’s premises or so close thereto that OVERTIME PAY
he cannot use the time effectively and gainfully • Overtime work must be with the consent of the
for his own purpose. employer or the employer has to allow the
employee to work overtime
WORKING WHILE ON CALL IS COMPENSABLE: • At least 25% for ordinary days while at least 30%
• When employee is required to remain on call in if done during holiday or rest day (Art. 87)
the employer’s premises or so close thereto that • Overtime pay cannot be waived expressly or
he cannot use the time effectively and gainfully impliedly. Any contrary stipulation is null and
for his own purpose void, as it is intended to benefit laborer and
• HOWEVER, if he is not required to remain on the employees.
employer’s premises but is merely required to ® EXCEPTIONS:
leave word at his home or with company officials a. When the waiver is made in
where he may be reached, he is not considered consideration of benefits and
working while on call. privileges which may be more than
what will accrue to them in overtime
• First 20 minutes is compensable but the b. Compressed work week
succeeding minutes not compensable • Basis of overtime pay (basic pay + facilities if any)
• If despite the lapse of the 1st 20 minutes, the • How computed:
employees are required to stay in their 1. Compute hourly rate
workplaces, such time is compensable 2. Compute overtime premium: hourly rate x
• Brownout running for more than 20 minutes is 25%
not compensable if employee can use the time 3. Compute overtime pay per hour: hourly rate
effectively for their own interest + overtime premium
4. Multiply number of OT hours to the overtime
TRAVEL TIME pay per hour
• Travel from home to work – not compensable • Sample Problem: 10 hours of work rendered in
• EXCEPT: one day and the employee’s wage rate is
1. Where the worker is made to work on an P640/day
emergency call and travel is necessary in 1. Hourly rate: P640/8 hrs = P80/hr
proceeding to the workplace; 2. Overtime premium: P80 x 25% = P20
2. Travel is done through a conveyance 3. OT pay per hour: P80 + P20 = P100
provided by the employer 4. Total OT pay for 2 hrs: P200 (P100 x 2 hrs)
3. Travel is done under the supervision and
control of the employer. NIGHT SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL (NSD)
• Travel that is all in a day’s work and travel away • From 10PM to 6am
from home are compensable • 10% of his regular wage for each hour of work
• Note that night shift differential is on top of
MEAL PERIOD Overtime Premium
• May be less than 60 minutes, but should not be • Sample Problem: Employee’s wage rate is
less than 20 minutes and the shortened meal P640/day and 2 hours were rendered from 10pm-
time must be with full pay, under the following 12mn
instances: 1. Hourly rate: P640/8 hrs = P80/hr
a. Where the work is non-manual work in 2. NSD rate: P80 x 10% = P8
nature or does not involve strenuous 3. NSD for 2 hrs: P16 (P8 x 2 hours)
physical exertion;
b. Where the establishment regularly operates Problem: X works from 8am to 5pm. In June 1, he was
not then 16 hours a day; asked by his employer to work from 8am to 11pm.
c. In cases of actual or impending How much is his compensation for June 1, if he
emergencies or there is urgent work to be receives P600 per day?
performed on machineries, equipment or 1. Get the hourly wage: P600/8 hours = P75
installations to avoid serious loss which the 2. Compute the OT premium between 5-11pm
employer would otherwise suffer; (25% x wage hour) + wage/hour x no. of hrs
d. Where the work is necessary to prevent = (18.75 + 75) x 6
serious loss of perishable goods = 93.75 x 6


= 562.50 1. Be present on the
3. Compute NSD (10% of OT hourly rate) x no day immediately
of hours worked from 10pm to 5am preceding the 1st
= 93.75 x 10% x 1 hour holiday
= 9.38 2. Be on leave with pay
4. Total
= P600 + P562.50 + P9.38 New Year’s Day Chinese New Year
= P1,171.88 *Maundy Thursday EDSA Revolution
*Good Friday Anniversary
COMPRESSED WORK WEEK (DOLE Department Araw ng Kagitingan *Ninoy Aquino Day
Advisory No. 4, s. 2010) Labor Day *All Saints’ Day
• Flexible work arrangement: Independence Day *Last Day of the Year
1. Compressed work week, where the normal National Heroes Day *Feast of the
week is reduced to less than 6 days, but the Bonifacio Day Immaculate Conception
total number of work hours of 48 hours per Christmas of Mary
week shall remain. In this arrangement, the Rizal Day
normal work day is extended to more than 8 *Eid’l Fitr *Nonworking
hours, but should not exceed 12 hours, *Eid’l Adha
without corresponding overtime premium
2. Gliding or flexi-time schedule, where the *movable date
employees are required to complete the core
work hours, but are free to determine their Sample Problems:
arrival and departure time • OT Pay - Holiday: 10 hours of work rendered on
3. Flexi-holidays schedule, where the employees a holiday; Employee’s wage rate: P640/day
agree to avail the holidays at some other days, 1. Compute rate for the day: P640 x 2 = P1,280
provided there is no diminution of existing 2. Compute hourly rate: P1,280/8hrs = P160/hr
benefits as a result of such arrangement. 3. OT Premium (at 30% not 25%): P160 x 30% =
• Conditions of Compressed Work Week: 4. Total OT/hour: P160 + P48 = P208
1. It is expressly and voluntarily supported by 5. Total OT pay for 2 hrs: P416
majority of the employees affected
2. If work is hazardous, a certification is needed • OT Pay – Special/Rest Day: 10 hours of work
from an accredited safety organization of the rendered on a holiday; Employee’s wage rate:
firm’s safety committee that work beyond 8 P640/day
hours is within the limits or levels of exposure 1. Compute rate for the day: P640 x 130% = P832
set by DOLE’s occupational safety and health 2. Compute hourly rate: P832/8hrs = P104/hr
standards. 3. OT Premium (at 30% not 25%):
3. DOLE is duly notified. P104 x 30% = P31.20
4. Total OT/hour: P104 + P31.20 = P135.20
HOLIDAY SPECIAL DAY 5. Total OT pay for 2 hrs: P270.40
No work, WITH PAY Employee is not
NO WORK, NO PAY • Benefits being given to employees cannot be
taken back or reduced unilaterally by the
With work, DOUBLE With work, EXTRA pay employer because the benefit has become part of
PAY (30% premium) the employment contract written or unwritten
® 200% of the basic • The rule is applicable if:
wage if worked 1. The grant of the benefit is founded on a policy
® 100% even if said or has ripened into a practice over a long
holiday is period;
unworked 2. The practice is consistent and deliberate
® 300% if he worked 3. The practice is not due to error in the
on 2 regular construction or application of a doubtful or
holidays falling on difficult question of law; and
the same day 4. The diminution or discontinuance is done
unilaterally by the employer
To be entitled to 2
successive holiday, the
employee must:


LEAVES ® Under RA 11210, 7 days of the
maternity leave can be
Service ® 5 days leave with pay assigned to the child’s father
Incentive ® Has rendered at least 1 year of (married or unmarried)
Leave (Sec. 95) service, whether continuous ® It applies to first 4 deliveries
or broken of the employee’s lawful wife
® Shall be commutable to its with whom he is cohabiting
money equivalent if not used Leave for ® 10 days for legal and medical
or exhausted at the end of the VAWC victims concerns
year (RA 9262) ® As the need arises, at the
Expanded ® 105 days maternity leave option of the employee
Maternity WITH PAY ® Requirement: A certification
Leave (RA ® If SOLO parent: additional 15 that an action relative to the
11210, 105-Day days WITH PAY; additional matter is pending
Expanded 30 days WITHOUT PAY Special Leave ® Any female employee
Maternity (Optional) for Women regardless of age and civil
Leave Act) ® Married or unmarried (RA 9710) status shall be entitled to a
(marital status of the special leave benefit under
employee is immaterial) such terms and conditions
® Leave can be availed through provided herein
a combination of pre-natal ® 2 months WITH PAY based
and post-natal, provided on her gross monthly
post-natal shall be at least compensation
60days (new) ® For gynecological disorders
® For miscarriage or emergency requiring surgical procedure
termination of pregnancy: 60 ® Gynecological disorders refer
days only to disorders that would
® No longer limited to 4 require surgical procedures
deliveries such, but not limited to
® Employers not covered: dilatation and curettage and
a. Those operating those involving female
distressed reproductive organs such as
establishments; the vagina, cervix, uterus,
b. Those retail/service fallopian tubes, ovaries,
establishments and breast, adnexa and pelvic
other enterprises floor, as certified by a
employing not more competent physician. It shall
than 10 workers; also include hysterectomy,
c. Those considered as ovariectomy and
micro-business mastectomy.
enterprises and engaged ® Conditions for Entitlement:
in the production, 1. She has rendered at least
processing, or 6 months continuous
manufacturing of aggregate employment
products or service for the last 12
commodities including months prior to surgery;
agro-processing, 2. She has filed an
trading, and services, application for special
whose total assets are leave with her employer
not more than P3M within a reasonable
d. Those who are already period of time from the
providing similar or expected date of surgery
more than the benefits or within such period as
herein provided may be provided by
Paternity ® 7 days company rules and
Leave (RA ® Married and cohabiting with regulations or CBA
8187) the wife 3. She has undergone
surgery due to


gynecological disorders he/she will avail of it,
as certified by a within a reasonable
competent physician period of time; and
Parental (Solo ® Not more than 7 days every 3. Employee has presented
Parent) Leave year shall be granted to any to the employer a solo
RA 8972 solo parent employee who parent ID card, which
has rendered service of at may be obtained from
least 1 year the DSWD office of the
® Parent left solo/alone due to city or municipality
the ff: where he/she resides.
1. Death of spouse ® In the event that the parental
2. Detention or service of leave is not availed of, it shall
sentence of spouse for at not be convertible to cash,
least 1 year unless specifically agreed on
3. Physical and/or mental previously
incapacity of spouse
separation from spouse (RA 8042, as amended by RA 10022
for at least 1 year
5. Declaration of nullity or OFWs
annulment of marriage • a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has
as decreed by a court or been engaged in a remunerated activity in a
by a church state of which he or she is not a citizen or on
6. Abandonment of spouse board a vessel navigating the foreign seas other
for at least 1 year than a government ship used for military or
® Solo Parents non-commercial purposes or on an installation
a. Unmarried located offshore or on the high seas; to be used
mother/father who interchangeably with migrant worker
preferred to keep and ® “who is to be engaged” – no need for actual
rear her/his deployment to happen before this law shall
child/children apply
b. Any other person who ® Distinguished from overseas Filipinos,
solely provides parental OFWs are the workers
care and support to a
child or children Overseas Filipinos
c. Any family member • Dependents of migrant workers and other
who assumes the Filipino nationals abroad who are in distress as
responsibility of head of mentioned in Secs. 24 and 26
family as result of the
death, abandonment, Overseas Filipino in distress
disappearance or • An overseas Filipino who had a medical,
prolonged absence of psycho-social or legal assistance problem
the parents or solo requiring treatment, hospitalization, counselling,
parent legal representation as specified in Rule IX of
d. A woman who give these Rules or any other kind of intervention
birth as a result of rape with the authorities in the country where he or
and other crimes against she is found
chastity even without a
final conviction of the Sec. 4. Deployment of Migrant Workers. – The State shall
offender, provided, that allow the deployment of overseas Filipino workers only in
the mother keeps and countries where the rights of Filipino migrant workers are
raises the child protected. Xxx The government recognizes any of the
® Conditions for entitlement: following as a guarantee on the part of the receiving
1. Employee has rendered country for the protection of the rights of overseas Filipino
at least 1 year of service, workers:
whether continuous or a. It has existing labor and social laws protecting the
broken; rights of workers, including migrant workers;
2. Employee has notified
the employer that


b. It is a signatory to and/or bilateral agreement or any sexual favor from the other, regardless
arrangement with the government on the protection of whether the demand, request or
of the rights of overseas Filipino workers; requirement for submission is accepted by
c. It has concluded a bilateral agreement or the object of said Act.
arrangement with the government on the protection ® In a work-related or employment
of the rights of overseas Filipino workers; environment, Sexual harassment is
Provided that, the receiving country is taking committed when:
positive, concrete measures to protect the rights of 1. The sexual favor is made as a
migrant workers in furtherance of any of the condition in the hiring or in the
guarantees under subparagraphs a, b and c hereof. employment, re-employment or
EMPLOYMENT OF ALIENS continued employment of said
• Arts. 40-42 of the Labor Code individual, or in granting said
individual favorable compensation,
A foreigner who alleged illegal dismissal and sought to claim terms of conditions, promotions, or
under our labor laws is required to establish first that he was privileges; or the refusal to grant the
qualified and duly authorized to obtain employment within sexual favor results in limiting,
our jurisdiction. A requirement for foreigners who intend to segregating or classifying the
work within the country is an employment permit. xxx The employee which in any way would
failure of the foreigner to obtain an employment permit, by discriminate, deprive or diminish
itself, necessitates the dismissal of his labor complaint. employment opportunities or
(McBurnie v. Ganzon, EGI-Managers, Inc., 2013) otherwise adversely affect said
SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR WOMEN WORKERS 2. The above acts would impair the
• Art. 135 Prohibited Acts employee’s rights or privileges
• Acts of Discrimination: under existing labor laws; or
1. Payment of a lesser compensation, 3. The above acts would result in an
including wage, salary or other form of intimidating, hostile, or offensive
remuneration and fringe benefits, to a environment for the employee
female employees as against a male ® In an education or training environment,
employee, for work of equal value; and Sexual Harassment is committed:
2. Favoring a male employee over a female 1. Against one who is under the care,
employee with respect to promotion, custody or supervision of the
training opportunities, study and offender;
scholarship grants solely on account of 2. Against one whose education,
their sexes. training, apprenticeship or tutorship
• Stipulation against marriage (Art. 136) is entrusted to the offender;
• Facilities for women: 3. When the sexual favor is made a
1. Provide seats proper for women and condition to the giving of a passing
permit them to use the seats when they are grade, or the granting of honors and
free from work or during office hours scholarships, or the payment of a
provided the quality of the work will not stipend, allowance or other benefits,
be compromised; privileges, or consideration; or
2. Established separate toilet rooms and 4. When the sexual advances result in
lavatories for men and women and provide an intimidating, hostile or offensive
at least a dressing room for women; environment for the student, trainee
3. Lactation station (employer may be or apprentice
exempted if they have no female clients, ® The employer or head of office, educational
and it has no nursing or pregnant or training institution shall be solidarily
employee) liable for damages arising from the acts of
• SEXUAL HARASSMENT (RA. 7877) sexual harassment committed in the
® Work, education or training-related sexual employment, education or training
harassment is committed by an employer, environment if the employer or head of
employee, manager, supervisor, agent of office, educational or training institution is
the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, informed of such acts by the offended
coach, trainor, or any other person who, party and no immediate action is taken.
having authority, influence or moral
ascendancy over another in a work or • SAFE SPACES ACT (RA 11313)
training or education environment,
demands, request or otherwise requires


® The crime of gender-based sexual influence or moral • Perpetrator need
harassment in the workplace includes the ascendancy over not be a person
following: the offended party having authority
1. An act or series of acts involving • Domingo v. Reyala or moral
any unwelcome sexual advances, • The gravamen of the ascendancy over
requests or demand for sexual offense in sexual the victim; it may
favors or any act of sexual nature, harassment is not be committed
whether done verbally, physically the violation of the between peers or
or through the use of technology employee’s sexuality by a subordinate
such as text messaging or electronic but the abuse of against a superior
mail or through any other forms of power by the (Sec. 16)
information and communication employer. • Duties of
systems, that has or could have a Employees and
detrimental effect on the conditions Co-workers (Sec.
of an individual’s employment or 18) – not found in
education, job performance or sexual harassment
opportunities; law
2. A conduct of sexual nature and
other conduct-based on sex The purpose or policy The purpose or policy
affecting the dignity of a person, are: are:
which is unwelcome, unreasonable, o To value the o To value the
and offensive to the recipient, dignity of every dignity of every
whether done verbally, physically individual; human person and
or through the use of technology o To enhance the guarantee full
such as text messaging or electronic development of its respect for human
mail or through any other forms of human resources; rights;
information and communication o To guarantee full o To recognize the
systems; respect for human role of women in
3. A conduct that is unwelcome and rights; and nation-building
pervasive and creates an o To uphold the and ensure the
intimidating, hostile or humiliating dignity of fundamental
environment for the workers, equality before the
recipient: Provided, That the crime employees, law of women and
of gender-based sexual harassment applicants for men; and
may also be committed between employment, o To recognize that
peers and those committed to a students or those both men and
superior officer by a subordinate, or undergoing women have
to a teacher by a student, or to a training, equality, security
trainer by a trainee; and instruction or and safety not
4. Information and communication education. only in private,
system refers to a system for Towards this end, but also on the
generating, sending, receiving, all forms of sexual streets, public
storing or otherwise processing harassment in the spaces, online,
electronic data messages or employment, workplaces and
electronic documents and includes education or educational and
the computer system or other training training
similar devices by or in which data environment are institutions.
are recorded or stored and any hereby declared
procedure related to the recording unlawful.
or storage of electronic data The classification made The classification made
messages or electronic documents. in violation of Anti- in violation of Safe
Sexual Harassment Law Spaces are:
HARASSMENT ACT (Bawal Bastos Law) a. In a work-related Sexual
• There is a • Acts constituting or employment Harassment in
demand/request sexual harassment environment Streets and Public
for sexual favors are broader than sexual harassment Spaces
• Offender has the Sexual b. In an education or
authority, Harassment Act training


environment b. Gender-Based employer’s family are employed: Provided,
sexual harassment Online Sexual however, That his employment neither
Harassment endangers his life, safety, health and morals, or
c. Gender-Based impairs his normal development; Provided
Sexual further, That the parent or legal guardian shall
Harassment in the provide the said minor child with the
Workplace prescribed primary and/or secondary
d. Gender-Based education; or
Sexual 2. Where a child’s employment or
Harassment in participation in public entertainment or
Educational and information through cinema, theater,
Training radio or televisions is essential: Provided,
Institution The employment contract is concluded by the
Who may be victims? child concerned, if possible, and the approval
Any person or a. in Streets and of the DOLE; and Provided, That the following
employee who is Public Spaces requirements in all instances are strictly
subjected to a sexual ® Any person complied with:
favor made as a a. The employer shall ensure the
condition in hiring, b. Online Sexual protection, health, safety, morals and
employment, re- Harassment normal development of the child;
employment or ® Any person b. The employer shall institute measures to
continued employment c. in the Workplace prevent the child’s exploitation or
of an individual, or ® employer discrimination taking into account the
granting said individual ® employee system and level of remuneration, and
favorable the duration and arrangement of
d. in Educational and
compensations, terms working time; and
and conditions of c. The employer shall formulate and
employments, implement, subject to the approval and
® minor
promotions, privileges supervision of competent authorities, a
or the refusal to grant continuing program for training and
® principals,
sexual favor results in skills acquisition of the child.
school heads
limiting, segregating, or • Allowed Hours of Work
® teachers,
classifying in any way Below 15 years 15 year but below 18
that would years
discriminate, deprive, Not more than 4 Not more than 8
® coaches,
or diminish the hours/day hours/day
trainers; or
employment Not more than 20 In no case shall exceed
opportunities; impair ® any older
hours/week and 40 hours/week
the employees’ rights or person who
Not allowed to work Not allowed to work
privileges under the has
between 8PM and 6AM between 10PM and
labor laws; would result authority,
of the following day 6AM of the following
in an intimidating, influence or
hostile, or offensive moral
environment. ascendancy
over another
In an education or in an
Labor Code Kasambahay Law
training environment, education or
(RA 10361)
against one who is training
instittion “Domestic or household “Domestic worker or
under the care, custody service” shall mean service Kasambahay” refers to any
or supervision of the in the employer’s home person engaged in
offender which is usually necessary domestic work within an
or desirable for the employment relationship
EMPLOYMENT OF MINORS maintenance and such as, but not limited to,
• RA 7610, as amended by RA 7658 & RA 9231 enjoyment thereof and the following: general
• Children below 15 years of age shall not be includes ministering to the househelp, nursemaid or
employed EXCEPT: personal comfort and “yaya”, cook, gardener, or
1. When a child works directly under the convenience of the laundry person, but shall
sole responsibility of his parents or legal members of the employer’s exclude any person who
guardian and where only members of the performs domestic work


household, including only occasionally or b. What entity has jurisdiction over a complaint
services of family drivers. sporadically and not on an that X may file against E?
occupational basis.
*does not include family a. Yes, E is guilty of economic abuse
drivers b. DOLE Field/Provincial/Regional Office
having jurisdiction over the workplace or LA
Kasambahay Law
• Does not apply to : Procedure for Settlement/Disposition of Labor Related
1. Service providers Disputes:
2. Family drivers 1. File complaint before DOLE Regional Office
3. Children under foster arrangement having jurisdiction over the workplace and
4. Any other person who performs work undergoes 30 days SENA to settle dispute
occasionally or sporadically on an 2. If the parties settle the case, the complaint will
occupational basis be dismissed. If no settlement is reached, the
• Basic Rights of a Kasambahay: DOLE Regional/Field Office will conduct
1. Minimum Wage mandatory conference for 30 days.
2. Mandatory benfits, daily and weekly rest 3. If still no settlement, the DOLE RD will issue
periods, SIL pays, 13th month pay a compliance order.
® SIL non-cummulative 4. If the party is not satisfied with the order,
3. Freedom from interference in the disposal he/she can file an MR within 10 days with the
of wages DOLE RD
4. Coverage under SSS, Philhealth and Pagibig 5. If the party is still not satisfied, appeal to the
® Only after 1 month of service Secretary of Labor within 10 days
6. Decision of the Sec. of Labor is final and
® If not more then 5K, shouldered solely
executory but in order to file a petition for
by the employer
certiorari under Rule 65, file an MR (following
® If more than 5K, the ER-EE share table
the rules of exhaustion of administrative
shall be followed
5. Standard Treatment, Board, Lodging and
Medical Attendance
6. Right to Privacy
• Art. 78 to 81
7. Access to education
8. Join and form a labor organization • Handicapped workers are those whose earning
9. Provided with copy of employment contract capacity is impaired by age or physical or mental
and certificate of employment deficiency or injury
10. Terminate the employment • Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA 7277)
• Minimum Wage: ® Disabled Persons are those suffering from
® P2,500/month – NCR restriction of different abilities, as a result of
a mental, physical or sensory impairment,
® P2,000/month – chartered and 1st class
to perform an activity in the manner or
within the range considered normal for a
® P1,500/month – other municipalities
human being;
• Domestic worker is entitled to 13th month pay
® Impairment is any loss, diminution or
(Sec. 25)
aberration of psychological, physiological,
• Rest periods: 8 hrs/day and at least 24 hrs/week
or anatomical structure of function
• 5 day Service Incentive Leave
® Handicap refers to a disadvantage for a
® Has rendered at least 1 year of service given individual, resulting from an
® Unused portion shall not be cumulative or impairment or a disability, that limits or
carried over to the succeeding years prevents the function or activity, that is
® Unused leaves shall not be convertible to considered normal given the age and sex of
cash an individual
® Rights of a Disabled Person:
Sample Problem: X is the household helper of E. X 1. Equal Opportunity of Employment
asked E if she can go on a vacation leave on December 2. Eligible to become learners and
2015. E refused. X threatened E that if he does not allow apprentices
her to go on a vacation leave, she will run away. To 3. Right to Organize
ensure that X will not leave, E withheld the payment of 4. Right against discrimination from
X’s salaries. employment
a. Did E violate any of X’s rights? ® Sec. 5,


® Sec. 32. Discrimination on Employment 3. Decline any employment application
® Sec. 33. Employment Entrance Examination because of the individual’s age;
® Incentives of Employers: 4. Discriminate against an individual in
1. Employer employing disabled persons terms of compensation, terms and
are entitled to an additional deduction, conditions or privileges of employment
from their gross income, an amount on account of such individual’s age;
equivalent to 25% of the total amount 5. Deny any employee’s or worker’s
paid as salaries and wages to a promotion or opportunity for training
disabled person because of age;
2. Employers who modified or improved 6. Forcibly lay off an employee or worker
their physical facilities to provide because of old age; or
reasonable accommodation to 7. Impose early retirement on the basis of
disabled persons is entitled to an such employee’s or worker’s age
additional deduction, an amount • Exceptions to prohibited discrimination:
equivalent to 50% of the direct costs of 1. Age is a bona fide occupational
improvements and modifications. qualification necessary in the normal
operation of a particular business or
Labor Code RA 7277 where the differentiation is based on
Impairment of earning reasonable factors other than age;
capacity not physical 2. The intent is to observe the terms of a
disability bona fide seniority system that is not
intended to evade the purpose of this
HOMEWORKERS 3. The intent is to observe the terms of a
• Art. 155 bona fide employee retirement or a
voluntary early retirement plan
• Industrial Homework
consistent with the purpose of this Act:
® A system of production under which work
Provided, That such retirement or
for an employer or contractor is carried by a
voluntary retirement plan is in
homeworker at his home. Materials may or
accordance with the Labor Code, as
may not be furnished by the employer or
amended, and other related laws; or
4. The action is duly certified by the Sec. of
® It differs from regular factory production
Labor and Employment in accordance
principally in that it is decentralized form of
with the purpose of this Act.
production where there is ordinarily very
little supervision or regulation of methods
or work
• Telecommuting refers to a work from an
• Homeworkers are entitled to:
alternative workplace with the use of
1. SSS, Philhealth and Pagibig
telecommunications and/or computer
2. Right to self-organization
technologies (Sec. 3)
• Distinguished from Work from Home
® Essentially work from home
Arrangements (possible bar question)
• Work from home arrangement but the employee
shall be entitled to benefits that otherwise would
apply if the employee is working in the
ACT (RA 10911)
employer’s premises (Sec. 4)
• Applies to all employers, publishers, labor
• Conditions for Telecommuting:
contractors, or subcontractors, labor
1. It may be offered in a voluntary basis or
organization, whether registered or not
as a result of collective bargaining
• Prohibited discrimination by employer/
2. It should comply with the minimum
labor standards set by law, which shall
1. Print or publish, or cause to be printed or
include compensable hours work,
published, in any form of media,
minimum number of work hours,
including the internet, any notice of
overtime, rest days, leave benefits, social
advertisement relating to employment
welfare benefits, and security of tenure
suggesting preferences, limitations,
3. The employer should provide the
specifications, and discrimination based
telecommuting employee with relevant
on age;
written information on the terms and
2. Require the declaration of age or birth
conditions of employment
date during the application process;


4. Telecommuting employees should be 3. FIRING – termination of relationship
given the same treatment as employees 4. CONTROL
working at the employer’s premises • Guidelines indicative of labor law “control,”
(rates of pay, benefits, performance should not merely relate to the mutually desirable
standards, free training on the technical result intended by the contractual relationship;
equipment at their disposal, and the they must have the nature of dictating the means
characteristics and conditions of or methods to be employed in attaining the result,
telecommuting) or of fixing the methodology and of binding or
5. The employer and the employee shall restricting the party hired to the sue of these
agree on minimum standards that will means. (Tongko v. Manufacturers Life Insurance,
protect personal information and shall 2011)
utilize available technologies that ® When we say “means” we are not
promote security and privacy (The referring to tools or equipment we are
employee should commit to the referring to the process of producing the
employers data privacy policy) desired output/product
• Sec. 5 Fair Treatment. All telecommuting ® The worker is not free to do anything;
employee shall: the employer is interested not only in the
1. Receive a rate of pay, including overtime results but also in the methodology or in
and night shift differential, and other the process in producing the results
similar monetary benefits not lower than ® CONTROL Over the work v. Over the
those provided in applicable laws, and Result: Control over the work is the
collective bargaining agreements; indicative of the ER-EE relationship
2. Have the right to rest periods, regular • The contractual stipulations do not pertain to,
holiday, and special nonworking days much less dictate, how and when referees will blow
3. Have the same or equivalent workload the whistle and make calls. They merely serve as
and performance standards as those of rules of conduct or guidelines in order to maintain
comparable workers at the employer’s the integrity of the professional basketball league.
premises (Bernante v. PBA, 2011)
4. Have the same access to training and • To determine the existence of [an employer-
career development opportunities as employee relationship], a case law has consistently
those of comparable workers at the applied the four-fold test, to wit; (a) the selection
employer’s premises, and be subject to and engagement of the employee; (b) the payment
the same appraisal policies covering of wages; (c) the power of dismissal; and (d) the
these workers employer’s power to control the employee on the
5. Receive appropriate training on the mean and methods by which the work is
technical equipment at their disposal, accomplished. Of these criteria, the so called
and the characteristics and conditions of “control test” is generally regarded as the most
telecommuting crucial and determinative indicator of the presence
6. Have the same collectible rights as the or absence of an er-ee relationship. Under this test,
workers at the employer’s premises, and an er-ee relationship is said to exist where the
shall not be barred from communicating person for whom the services are performed
with worker’s representatives. reserves the right to control not only the end result
but also the manner and means utilized to achieve
POST EMPLOYMENT the same. (Paragele v. GMA Network, Inc., 2020,
Key Principles in determining ER-EE Relationship: Art. 295 is not the basis of ER-EE relationship; it is a test of
1. The main basis is the law itself meaning the regularity of employment
parties cannot define their relationship. ER-EE
relationship is determined by operation of law A position must be expressly mentioned in the By-law in
and not by any contractual agreement or order to be considered as a corporate office. Thus, the creation
stipulations between the parties. of an pursuant to or under a By-law enabling provision is
2. Compensation – mode, manner or designation – not enough to make a position a corporate office. The criteria
is immaterial in determining the existence of ER- for distinguishing between corporate officers who may be
EE relationship ousted from the office at will, on one hand, and ordinary
corporate employees who may only be terminated for just
Four-Fold Test: cause, on the other hand, do not depend on the nature of the
1. HIRING – selection, engagement services performed, but on the manner of creation of the
2. WAGES – payment of compensation office. (Matling Industrial v. Coros, 2010)


Workers who are not Employees: Labor-Only Contracting (Sec. 5, DO 174, 2017)
• Corporate officers • which is totally prohibited refers to an
• Talents (Jay Sonza case) arrangement where:
• Apprentice a. i. the contractor or subcontractor does not
• Learners have substantial capital (capacity or
qualification of contractor), or
Art. 106 a. ii. The contractor or subcontractor does not
DO 174, 2017 have investments in the form of tools,
Art. 109 equipment, machineries, supervision,
work premises, among others (nature of
Contracting the job contracted); and
• Trilateral relationship in contracting a. iii. The contractor’s or subcontractor’s
arrangement; Solidary liability employees recruited and placed are
• In legitimate contracting or subcontracting performing activities which are directly
arrangement there exists: related to the main business operation of
a. An ER-EE relationship between the the principal; OR
contractor and the employees it engaged to b. The contractor or subcontractor does not
perform the specific job, work or service exercise the right to control over the
being contracted; and performance of the work of the
b. A contractual relationship between the employee.
principal and the contractor as governed by
the provisions of the Civil Code Mere compliance with substantial capital requirement will
not suffice for a contractor to be considered as legitimate
Trilateral Relationship contractor. If the workers supplied by the contractor work
alongside the principal’s regular employees who are
• Parties:
a. Principal performing identical work such is an indicium of labor-only
b. Contractor contracting. It is the totally of the facts and the surrounding
c. Employees circumstances of the case which is determinative of the
parties’ relationship. Several factors may be considered, such
• Contracts:
1. Contract for a specific job, work or service
between the Principal and the Contractor ® Whether the contractor was carrying on an
2. Contract of employment between the independent business;
Contractor and the employees ® The nature and extent of the work;
® The skill required;
Permissible Contracting (Sec. 8, DO 174, 2017) ® The term and duration of the relationship;
• Notwithstanding Sec. 5 and 6 hereof, contracting ® The right to assign the performance of specified
or subcontracting shall only be allowed if all the pieces of work;
following circumstances concur: ® The control and supervision of the workers the power
a. The contractor or subcontractor is engaged of the employer with respect to the hiring, firing, and
in a distinct and independent business and payment of the workers of the contractor;
undertakes to perform the job or work on its ® The control of the premises;
own manner and method; ® The duty to supply premises, tool, appliances,
b. The contractor or subcontractor has materials and labor; and
substantial capital to carry out the job ® The mode, manner and terms of payment. (Coca-
farmed out by the principal on his account, Cola Bottlers v. Agito, 2009)
manner and method, investment in the form
of tools, equipment, machinery and The possession of sufficient capital is only one element.
supervision; Labor-only contracting exists when any of the two elements
c. In performing the work farmed out, the is present. Even if the contractor had more than sufficient
contractor or subcontractor is free from the capital or investment in the form of tools, equipment,
control and/or direction of the principal in machineries, work premises, still, it cannot be denied that the
all matters connected with the performance workers were performing activities which were directly
of the work except as to the results hereto; related to the principal business of such employer. Despite
and the registration with DOLE and the capitalization of
d. The Service Agreement ensures compliance 27Million and machineries and equipment worth 12M
with all the rights and benefits for all the pesos, labor-only contracting still exists. (Quintanar v.
employees of the contractor or Coca-cola Bottlers, 2016, EN BANC)
subcontractor under the labor laws.


Industries not covered by DO 174 regular or usual business of the employer company, but
• DO 174 applies only to trilateral relationship which is distinct and separate, and identifiable as such, from
which characterized contracting or the other undertakings of the company. Such job or
subcontracting arrangement. It does not undertaking begins and ends at determined or determinable
contemplate to cover information technology- times. The term “project” could also refer to, secondly, a
enabled services involving an entire or specific particular job or undertaking that is not within the regular
business process such as: business of the corporation. Such a job or undertaking must
® Business Process Outsourcing also be identifiably separate and distinct from the ordinary
® Knowledge Process Outsourcing or regular business operations of the employer. The job or
® Legal Process Outsourcing undertaking also begins and ends at determined or
® IT Infrastructure Outsourcing determinable time. (Leyte Geothermal Power Progressive
Employees Union v. PNOC, 2011)
® Application Development
If there is continuous rehiring for the same tasks or nature
® Hardware and/or Software Support
of tasks under different projects, which tasks are vital,
® Medical Transcription
necessary and indispensable to the usual business or trade of
® Animation Services the employer, an employee who was initially hired as a
® Back Office Operations/Support project employee may eventually acquire regular status.
• Construction Industry, under the licensing (Maraguinot v. NLRC, 1998)
coverage of the Philippine Construction
Accreditation Board (PCAB), governed by DO 19 A work pool may exist although the workers in the pool do
not receive salaries and are free to seek other employment
KINDS OF EMPLOYMENT during temporary breaks in the business, provided that the
1. Regular employee worker shall be available when called to report for a project.
® (Art. 295) perform activities which are Although primarily applicable to regular seasonal workers,
usually necessary or desirable in the this set-up can likewise be applied to project workers insofar
usual business or trade of the employer as the effect of temporary cessation of work is concerned.
® Atty. Manual: this is the general rule (Maraguinot v. NLRC, 1998)
2. Non-regular employee
® Exceptions: Seasonal Employment
a. Project employment (Art. 295) As with project employment, although the seasonal
b. Seasonal employment (Art. 295) employment involves work that is seasonal or periodic in
c. Probationary employment (Art. nature, the employment itself is not automatically
296) considered seasonal so as to prevent the employee from
d. Casual employment (Art. 295) attaining regular status. To exclude the asserted “seasonal”
e. Fixed-Term employment (Brent employee from those classified as regular employees, the
School v. Zamora, 1990) employer must show that: (1) the employee must be
performing work or services that are seasonal in nature; and
NB: Security of Tenure (Art. 294) is not only applicable to (2) he had been employed for the duration of the season.
regular employees When the “seasonal” workers are continuously and repeated
hired to perform the same asks or activities for several
Essentially, the Labor Code classifies 4 kinds of employees, seasons or even after the cessation of the season, this length
namely: of time may likewise serves a badge of regular employment.
a. Regular employees; Even though denominated as “seasonal workers” if these
b. Project employee; workers are called to work from time to time and are only
c. Seasonal employees; and temporarily laid off during the off-season, the law does not
d. Casual employees. (Minsola v. New City Builders, consider them separated from the service during the off-
Inc. 2018) season period. The law simply considers these seasonal
workers on leave until re-employed. (Universal Robina v.
Regular Employees Acibo, 2014)
That any employee who has rendered at least one year of
service, whether such service is continuous or broken, shall Casual Employee
be considered as regular employee with respect to the activity A casual employee is one whose work is neither regular,
in which he is employed and his employment shall continue project or seasonal. An employee is engaged to perform a job,
while such activity exists. work or service which is merely incidental to the business of
the employer and that job, work or service is for a definite
Project Employment period made known to the employee at the time of
“Project” could refer to one or the other of at least two engagement.
distinguishable types of activities. Firstly, a project could
refer to a particular job or undertaking that is within the


An employee is regarded a casual employee if he or she was employee dealt with each other on more or less equal terms
engaged to perform functions which are not necessary and with no moral dominance whatever being exercised by the
desirable to the usual business and trade of the employer. former over the latter. (Brent School v. Zamora, 1990)
(Paralege v. GMA Network, 2020, Leonen)
Probationary Employment 1. Just Causes ( Art. 297, Labor Code)
There is probationary employment where the employee upon 2. Authorized Causes (Art. 298 and 299, Labor
his engagement is made to undergo a trial period during Code)
which the employer determines his fitness to qualify for 3. Failure to qualify as a regular employee (Art. 281,
regular employment based on reasonable standards made Labor Code)
known to him at the time of engagement (Tamson’s ® Peculiar to a probationary employee
Enterprises v. CA, 2011)
It is settled that even if probationary employee do not enjoy CAUSES
permanent status, they are accorded the constitutional 1. Serious Disease
protection of security of tenure. This means they may only misconduct or Installation of Labor
be terminated for a just cause or when they otherwise fail to willful Saving Device
qualify as regular employees in accordance with reasonable disobedience by Retrenchment
standards made known to them by the employer at the time the employee Redundancy
of their engagement. (Ibid) 2. Gross and habitual Closure not due to
neglect by the Serious Losses
Double probationary period – illegal employee of his
The system of double probation a transparent scheme to duties;
circumvent the plain mandate of the law and make it easier 3. Fraud or willful
for it to dismiss its employees even after they shall have breach by the
already passed probation. (Holiday Inn Manila v. NLRC, employee of the
1993) trust reposed in
him by his
The legal requisites, for acquisition by a teacher of permanent employer;
employment, or security of tenure, are as follows: 4. Commission of a
1. The teacher is a full time teacher; crime or offense by
® whose total working day is devoted to the school the employee
® has no other regular remunerative employment against the person
® paid on a regular monthly basis regardless of the of his employer;
number of teaching hours; and and
® that in college, the nominal teaching load of a 5. Other causes
full-time instructor shall be 18 hrs a week analogous to the
2. The teacher must have rendered three consecutive foregoing
years of service;
3. such service must have been satisfactory (University
• The employee has committed some serious
Fixed-Term Employment misconduct, is guilty of some fraud against the
Since the entire purpose behind the development of employer, or has neglected his duties. Thus it can
legislation culminating in the present Article 280 of the be said that the employee himself initiated the
Labor Code clearly appears to have been, as already observed, dismissal process. (Jaka Food Processing
to prevent circumvention of the employee’s right to be secure Corporation v. Pacot, et. al. 2005).
in his tenure, the clause in said article indiscriminately and
completely ruling out all written or oral agreements 1. Serious Misconduct
conflicting with the concept of regular employment as ® To be a valid ground for termination,
defined therein should be construed to refer to the the following be present:
substantive evil that the Code itself has singled out: a. There must be misconduct
agreements entered into precisely to circumvent security of b. The misconduct must be of such
tenure. It should have no application to instances where a grave and aggravated character;
fixed period of employment was agreed upon knowingly and c. It must relate to the performance
voluntarily by the parties, without any force, duress or of the employee’s duties; and
improper pressure being brought to bear upon the employee d. There must be showing that the
and absent any other circumstances vitiating his consent, or employee becomes unfit to
where it is satisfactorily appears that the employer and


continue working for the a. There must be an act, omission or
employer concealment
® Examples: b. The act, omission or concealment
o An employee who utters obscene involves a breach of legal duty,
insulting or offensive words trust of confidence justly
against the superior; reposed;
unprovoked insolence or c. It must be committed against the
disrespect; slander by deed; employer or his/her
printing of libelous remarks representative; and
against officials d. It must be in connection with the
o Sexual harassment employee’s work
o Misappropriation of company ® Example: misappropriation of
funds or other forms of company funds
dishonesty 4. Loss of confidence
o Theft of company property ® To be a valid ground for termination,
® The misconduct to be serious within the the following be present:
meaning of the act must be of such a grave a. There must be an act, omission or
and aggravated character and not merely concealment;
trivial or unimportant. Such misconduct, b. The act, omission or concealment
however serious, must nevertheless be in justifies the loss of trust and
connection with the work of the employee confidence of the employer to the
to constitute just cause from his employee
separation. (Moreno v. San Sebastian c. The employee concerned must be
College, 2008) holding a position of trust and
® Misconduct is defined as improper or confidence
wrong conduct. It is the transgression of d. The loss of trust and confidence
some established and definite rule of should not be simulated;
action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of e. It should not be used as a
duty, willful in character and implies subterfuge for causes which are
wrongful intent and not mere error of improper, illegal or unjustified;
judgment. The use of expletives as a casual and
expression of surprise or exasperation is f. It must be genuine and not a
not serious misconduct per se that mere afterthought to justify an
warrants an employee’s dismissal. earlier action taken in bad faith
However, the employee’s subsequent acts 5. Habitual Delinquency
showing willful and wrongful intent may ® Totality of Infractions Ruling: where the
be considered in determining whether employee has been found to have repeated
there is a just cause for their employment incurred several suspensions or warnings
termination. (Adamson University on account of violations of company rules
Faculty Union v. Adamson University, and regulations, dismissal is valid (Villeno
2020) v. NLRC)
2. Will Disobedient or Insubordination ® Pattern of offense
® To be a valid ground for termination,
the following be present: 6. Abandonment
a. There must be disobedience or Abandonment is the deliberate and unjustified
insubordination; refusal of an employee to resume his
b. The disobedience or employment. It is a form of neglect of duty,
insubordination must be willful hence, a just cause for termination of
or intentional characterized by a employment by the employer. (Klaudia’s Kitchen
wrongful and perverse attitude; v. Tagnguin, 2017)
c. The order violated must be
reasonable, lawful, and made Atty. Duka: Abandonment is analogous to gross
known to the employee; and and habitual neglect of duty.
d. The order must pertain to the
duties which he has been The first element of abandonment is the failure
engaged to discharge. of the employee to report to work without a valid
3. Fraud and justifiable reason. The second element is the
® To be a valid ground for termination, existence of over acts which show that the
the following be present: employee has no intention to return to work.


(Protective Maximum Sec. Agency v. Fuentes, explanation answering the charges. After
2015, Leonen) considering the employee’s answer, the employer
must give another notice informing the employee
Abandonment of work has been construed as “a of the employer’s findings and reason for
clear and deliberate intent to discontinue one’s termination. These are the operative acts that
employment without any intention of returning terminate an employer-employee relationship.
back.” To justify the dismissal of an employee on (Datamex Rattancraft v. Leron, 2017, Leonen)
this ground, two elements must concur, namely:
a. The failure to report for work or MODIFICATION ON NOTICE
absence without valid or justifiable REQUIREMENT:
reason; and The first notice should contain a detailed
b. A clear intention to server the narration of facts and circumstances that
employer-employee relationship. will serve as basis for the charge against the
Mere failure to report to work is insufficient to employee. A general description of the
support a charge of abandonment. The employer charge will not suffice.
must adduce clear evidence of the employee’s
“deliberate, unjustified refusal…to resume his The notice should specifically mention which
or her employment,” which is manifested company rules, if any, are violated (King of
through the employee’s overt acts. (Demex Kings Transport v. Mamac, 2007); and that the
Rattancraft v. Leon, 2017, Leonen) employer seeks dismissal for the act or omission
charged against the employee; otherwise, the
For a valid finding of abandonment, these two notice does not comply with the rules. (Magro
factors should be present: Placement v. Hernandez, 2007)
1. The failure to report for work or absence
without valid or justifiable reason; and In termination based on just causes, the
2. A clear intention to sever employer- employer must comply with procedural due
employee relationship, with the second as process by furnishing the employee a written
the more determinative factor which is notice containing the specific grounds or causes
manifested by overt acts from which it may for dismissal. The notice must also direct the
be deduced that the employees has no more employee to submit his or her written
intention to work. (Agabon v. NLRC, explanation within a reasonable period from the
2004) receipt of the notice. Afterwards, the employer
must give the employee ample opportunity to be
Is it a well-settled rule that to constitute a valid heard and defend himself or herself. A hearing,
dismissal two requisites must concur: however, is not a condition sine qua non. (Bravo
1. The dismissal must be or any of the causes v. Urios College, 2017, Leonen)
express in Art. 282 of the Labor Code; and
2. The employee must have been accorded due A hearing means that a party should be given a
process, basic of which is the opportunity chance to adduce his evidence to support his side
to be heard and to defend himself (RDS of the case and that the evidence should be taken
Trucking v. NLRC, 1998) into account in the adjudication of the
controversy. “To be heard” does not mean verbal
Procedurally if the dismissal is based on a just argumentation alone inasmuch as one may be
cause under Article 282 (297) the employer must heard just as effectively through written
give the employee two written notices and a explanations, submissions or pleadings.” (Perez
hearing or opportunity to be heard if requested v. Philippine Telegraph and Telephone
by the employee before terminating the Company, 2009)
® A notice specifying the grounds for which The rule is well established that in termination
dismissal is sought; causes, the burden of proving just and valid
® A hearing or an opportunity to be heard; cause for dismissing an employee rests on the
and employer and his failure to do so shall result in a
® After hearing or opportunity to be heard, a finding that the dismissal is unjustified. The
notice of the decision to dismiss. burden to prove a just cause for dismissal must
be met by the employer. It is basic rule in
Valid termination requires the employer to send evidence that each party must prove his
an initial notice to the employee, stating the affirmative allegation. While technical rules are
specific grounds or causes for dismissal and not strictly followed in the NLRC, this does not
directing the submission of a written mean that the rules on proving allegations are


entirely dispensed with. Bare allegations are not month pay for every year of service,
enough; these must be supported by substantial whichever is higher;
evidence at the very least. (Protective Maximum 3. Good faith in abolishing the redundant
Sec. Agency v. Fuentes, 2015, Leonen) positions; and
4. Fair and reasonable criteria in
CLOSURE OF ESTABLISHMENT AND REDUCTION ascertaining what positions are to be
OF PERSONNEL declared redundant and accordingly
• Art. 298. The employer may also terminate the abolished. (Samahan ng mga
employment of any employee due to: Manggagawa sa Komunikasyon v.
1. The installation of labor-saving devices; PLDT, 2017, Leonen)
2. Redundancy;
3. Retrenchment to prevent losses; or • Separation Pay
4. The closing or cessation of operation of The amount of separation pay is based on two
the establishment or undertaking unless factors:
the closing is for the purpose of 1. The amount of monthly salary; and
circumventing the provisions of this 2. The number of years of service
Title However, Article 283 (298) and 283 (299) both
state in connection with separation pay that a
Retrenchment fraction of at least 6 months shall be
a. The losses expected should be substantial and considered one whole year. (Pax v. Northern
not merely de minimis in extent Tobacco Co., 2015, Leonen)
b. The substantial losses apprehended must be
reasonably imminent Authorized
Separation Pay
c. The retrenchment must be reasonable necessary Causes
and likely to effectively prevent the expected Installation of • At least his one month
losses; and labor-saving pay or at least one
d. The alleged losses, if already incurred and the devices or month pay for every
expected imminent losses sought to be redundancy year of service,
forestalled, must be proved by sufficient and whichever is higher
convincing evidence (San Miguel Jeepney ® 9 months service –
Services v. NLRC, 1996) 1 month salary
® 4 year service – 4
Redundancy months salary
Redundancy exists when “the services of an employee Retrenchment • Separation pay shall be
are in excess of what is reasonably demanded by the to prevent equivalent to 1 month
actual requirements of the enterprise.” While a losses and pay or at least ½ month
declaration of redundancy is ultimately a management closures or pay for every year of
decision in exercising its business judgment, and the cessation of service, whichever is
employer is not obligated to keep in its payroll more operations higher.
employees than are needed for its day-to-day
• A fraction of at least 6
operations, management must not violate the law nor
months being
declare redundancy without sufficient basis.
considered as 1 whole
(Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Komunikasyon v.
PLDT, 2017, Leonen)
® 9 months service –
1 month salary
• Due Process Requirement
® 4 year service – 2
It could be done by serving a written notice on the
months salary
workers and the DOLE at least one month before
the intended date. Retrenchment • To require the company to
due to closure continue being generous
For the implementation of a redundancy or cessation when it is no longer in a
program to be valid, the employer must comply due to serious position to do so would
with the following requisites: business certainly be unduly
1. Written notice served on both the losses or oppressive, unfair and
employees and the DOLE at least one financial most revolting to the
month prior to the intended date of reverses. conscience (Benson
retrenchment; Industries Employees
2. Payment of separation pay equivalent to Union-ALU-TUCP v.
at least one month pay or at least one


Benson Industries, Inc., • We have held that the standard for constructive
2014) dismissal is “whether a reasonable person in the
employee’s position would have felt compelled to give
CAUSE (J/A) DUE PROCESS DISMISSAL up his employment under the circumstances.” (Ibid)
!" !" Legal • When these strong words from the employer happen
#" #" Illegal without palpable reason or are expressed only for the
#" !" Illegal purpose of degrading the dignity of the employee, then
!" #" Ineffectual a hostile work environment will be created. In a sense,
the doctrine of constructive dismissal has been a
• WITH Just/Authorize Case + WITH Due Cause consistent vehicle by this Court to assert the dignity of
® Employee is NOT entitled to reinstatement labor. (Ibid)
+ full back wages + attorney’s fees +
damages (moral & exemplary) Article 297 vs. Article 298
® Employee is entitled to, depending on • The clear-cut distinction between a dismissal for just
company policy, pro-rated 13th month pay + cause under Art. 282 and a dismissal for authorized
last pay + all such leave credits he is entitled cause under Art. 283 is further reinforced by the fact
to that in the first, payment of separation pay, as a rule,
is not required, while in the second, the law requires
• WITHOUT Just/Authorize Cause + WITHOUT
payment of separation pay. (Jaka Food Processing
Due Process (ILLEGAL)
Corporation v. Pacot, et. al., 2005)
® Employee is entitled to reinstatement + full
back wages+ attorney’s fees + damages
Article 299. Disease as ground for termination
• WITHOUT Just Cause + With Due Process
• (1) An employee has been found to be suffering from
® Employee is entitled to reinstatement + full
any disease; (2) His continued employment is
back wages+ attorney’s fees + damages prohibited by law or prejudicial to his health, as well
• Ineffectual Dismissal as to the health of his co-employee; (3) A competent
® No reinstatement & No Backwages BUT shall be public health authority certifies that the disease is of
liable for nominal damages such nature or at such a stage that it cannot be cured
® Company will be penalized for (pay to employee): within a period of 6 months even with proper medical
a. P30,000 – Just cause + WITHOUT Due treatment. (Deoferio v. Intel Tech, 2014)
Process • He is paid separation pay equivalent to at least 1
b. P50,000 – Authorize cause + WITHOUT month salary or to ½ month salary for every year of
Due Process (Jaka v. NLRC) service, whichever is greater. A fraction of at least 6
months being considered as 1 whole year.
The failure to hear him before he is dismissed renders ® 9 months service – 1 month salary
the termination of his employment without legal effect
® 4 years of service – 2 months salary
and therefore be struck down as ineffectual (De Jesus
• Separation pay is required in the cases enumerated in
v. Aquino, 2013)
Art. 283 (298) and 284 (299) of the Labor Code, which
include retrenchment, and is computed at least one
Even so, in Agabon, the Court still deplored the
month salary or at the rate of ½ month salary for every
employer’s violation of the employee’s right to
month of service, whichever is higher. We have held
statutory due process by directing the payment of
that it is a statutory right designed to provide the
indemnity in the form of nominal damages, the
employee with the wherewithal during the period that
amount of which would be addressed to the sound
he is looking for another employment. (Samahan ng
discretion of the labor tribunal upon taking into
mga Manggagawa sa Komunikasyon v. PLDT, 2017,
account the relevant circumstances. Such form of
damages as a deterrent to employers from committing
• For Disease, employer must furnish employee two
in the future violations of the statutory due process
written notices on terminations due to disease
rights of employees (Ibid).
(Deoferio v. Intel Technology Philippines, Inc., 2014)
CONSTRUCTIVE DISMISSAL • In Sy v. CA (2003) and Manly Express, Inc. v.
Payong, Jr. (2005), the Court finally pronounced the
• There is constructive dismissal when an employer’s act
rule that the employer must furnish the employee two
of clear discrimination, insensibility or disdain
written notices in terminations due to disease, namely:
becomes so unbearable on the part of the employee so
1. The notice to apprise the employee of the ground
as to foreclose any choice on his part except to resign
for which his dismissal is sought; and
from such employment. It exists where there is
2. The notice informing the employee of his
involuntary resignation because of the harsh, hostile
dismissal, to be issued after the employee has
and unfavorable conditions set by the employer.
(Rodriguez v. Park and Ride, 2017, Leonen) been given reasonable opportunity to answer
and to be heard on his defense.


age, agrees to sever his or her employment with the
TERMINATION BY EMPLOYEE former. Article 287 (302) as amended, allows for
• Art. 300 optional retirement at the age of at least 60 years old.
• The unreasonably harsh conditions that compel Consequently, if the intent to retire is not clearly
resignation on the part of an employee must be way established or if the retirement is involuntary, it is to
beyond the occasional discomforts brought about by be treated as a discharge. (Paz v. Northern Tobacco
the misunderstandings between the employer and Co., 2015, Leonen)
employee. Strong words may sometimes be exchanged • An employer is free to impose a retirement age less
as the employer describes her expectations or as the than 65 for as long as it has the employees’ consent.
employee narrates the conditions of her work Stated conversely, employees are free to accept the
environment and the obstacles she encounters as she employer’s offer to lower the retirement age if they feel
accomplished her assigned tasks. As in every human they can get a better deal with the retirement plan
relationship, there are bound to be disagreements. presented by the employer. Thus, having terminated
• The general rule is that an employee who voluntarily petitioner soley on the basis of a provision of a
resigns from employment is not entitled to separation retirement plan which was not freely assented to by
pay. Unless, there is a stipulation for payment of such her, respondent was guilty of illegal dismissal. (Jaculbe
in the employment contract or CBA or payment of the v. Siliman University, 2007) – Compulsory
amount is sanctioned by established employer practice Retirement
or policy. (Travelaire & Tours Corporation vs. NLRC, • Acceptance by the employees of an early retirement age
1998) option must be explicit, voluntary, free and
uncompelled. While an employer may unilaterally
WHEN EMPLOYMENT NOT DEEMED retire an employee earlier than the legally permissible
TERMINATED ages under the Labor Code, this prerogative must be
• Art. 301 exercised pursuant to a mutually instituted early
• The practice of placing security guards on “floating retirement plan. In other words, only the
status” or “temporary off-detail” is a valid exercise of implementation and execution of the option may be
management prerogative. Jurisprudence has settled unilateral, but not the adoption and institution of the
that the period of temporary off-detail must not exceed retirement plan containing such option. For the option
6 months. Beyond this, a security guard’s floating to be valid, the retirement plan containing it must be
status shall be tantamount to constructive dismissal. voluntarily assented to by the employees or at least by
Temporary displacement or temporary off-detail of a majority of them through a bargaining
security guard is, generally, allowed in a situation representative. (Cercado v. Uniprom, Inc., 2010) –
where a security agency’s client decided not to renew Optional Retirement
their service contract with the agency and no post is • Indeed, a perusal of the retirement law does not
available for the relieved security guard. Such exclude a part time employee from enjoying retirement
situation does not normally result in a constructive benefits. (De Lasalle Araneta Univ. v. Bernando,
dismissal. (Padilla v. Airborne Security Service, 2017, 2017)
Leonen) • Article 291 (306) covers claims for overtime pay,
holiday pay, service incentive leave pay, bonuses,
RETIREMENT PAY salary differentials, and illegal deductions by an
• Art. 302 employer. It also covers money claims arising from
• It is clear in the law that the term one-half (1/2) month seafarer contracts. (Protective Maximum Sec. Agency
salary means 22.5 days: 15 days + 2.5 days v. Fuentes, 2015, Leonen)
(representing 1/12 of the 13th month pay) + 5 days SIL
(Capitol Wireless v. Confessor, 1996) MONEY CLAIMS
• The term “one-half month salary” shall include all the • Article 291 (301) covers claims for overtime pay,
following: (a) 15 days salary of the employee based on holiday pay, service incentive leave pay, bonuses,
his latest salary rate, (d) all other benefits that the salary differentials, and illegal deductions by an
employer and employee may agree upon that should be employer. It also covers money claims arising from
included in the computation of the employee’s seafarer contracts. The provision, however, does not
retirement pay. The foregoing rules are clear that the cover “money claims” consequent to an illegal
whole 5 days of SIL are included in the computation of dismissal such as backwages. It also does not cover
a retiring employees’ pay. (Enriquez Security claims for damages due to illegal dismissal. (Protective
Services, Inc. v. Cabotaje, 2006) Maximum Sec. Agency v. Fuentes, 2015, Leonen)
• Prescription: 3 years (money claims) except in case of
RETIREMENT illegal dismissal which is 4 years based on Art. 1146 of
• Retirement is the result of a bilateral act of the parties, the Civil Code
a voluntary agreement between the employer and the
employee whereby the latter, after reaching a certain


2. Backwages (Dumapis v. Lepanto Consolidated,
LABOR RELATIONS ® Full backwages are computed from the time
employee’s compensation was withheld up
Labor Relations Laws are the laws, rules and to the time of his actual reinstatement.
regulations which govern the relationship between ® Backwages are granted on grounds of equity
employee and their employers, promote the right of to workers for earnings lost due to their
the employees to self-organization and collective illegal dismissal from work. They are a
bargaining, strikes and picketing, penalize unfair labor reparation for the illegal dismissal of an
practice, and provide modes for the settlement of labor employee based on earnings which the
disputes such as conciliation, mediation, grievance employee would have obtained, either by
machinery, voluntary arbitration and compulsory virtue of a lawful decree or order, as in the
arbitration. case of a wage increase under a wage order,
• Covered by Books V-VII of the Labor Code or by rightful expectation, as in the case of
one’s salary or wage.
Social Legislations are laws, rules and regulations that • An employee who has been illegally dismissed shall be
promote the welfare of all sectors of society. Social entitled to:
legislation includes laws that provide particular kinds 1. Reinstatement;
of protection or benefits to the society, in furtherance 2. Full backwages; and
of social justice. 3. Other benefits for the entire period that he was
• All labor laws are social legislations but not all out of work until actual reinstatement
social legislations are labor laws. The Supreme Court had consistently held payment of
• Labor contracts are subject to special laws on wages, full backwages is the price or penalty that the employer
working conditions, hours of labor, and similar must pay for having illegally dismissed an employee.
subjects. In other words, labor contracts are subject to (Equitable Banking Corporation v. Sadac, 2006)
the police power of the State. (PBOAP v. DOLE, 2018, • An award of full backwages is “inclusive of allowances
J. Leonen) and other benefits or their monetary equivalent, from
the time their actual compensation was withheld up to
Exercise of Police Power: the time of their actual reinstatement. Backwages,
• Article 128 – Visitorial and enforcement power considered as actual damages, requires proof of the loss
• Article 278 (g) suffered. (Paz v. Northern Tobacco Co., 2015, J.
The policy of social justice is not intended to countenance • The period of computation of backwages commenced
wrongdoing simply because it is committed by the from the date petitioner refused to allow respondent to
underprivileged. Social justice cannot be permitted to be return to work. (Protective Maximum Sec. Agency v.
refuge of scoundrel any more than can equity be an Fuentes, 2015, Leonen)
impediment to the punishment of the guilty. Those who • The period for computing the backwages due to the
invoke social justice may do so only if their hands are clean respondents during the period of appeal should end on
and their motives blameless and not simply because they the date that a higher court reversed the labor
happen to be poor. (PLDT v. NLRC, 1988) arbitration ruling of illegal dismissal. In this case, the
• Social justice for the deserving higher court which first reversed the NLRC’s ruling
was not the SC but rather the CA. (Wenphil, v. Abing,
Security of Tenure (Art. 294, LC) 2014)
• This is the right of every employee not to be dismissed • In addition to full backwages, the Court has also
without just or authorized cause and in the absence of repeatedly ruled that in cases where reinstatement is
due process. (Imasen Phils. v. Alcon, 2014) no longer feasible due to strained relations, then
• To determine whether there is an ER-EE relationship separation pay may be awarded instead of
apply the four-fold test: reinstatement. The Court reiterated that the separation
1. Power of selection and engagement of employees; pay, as an alternative to reinstatement, should be
2. Control of the employee with respect to the equivalent to 1 month salary for every year of service.
means and methods by which work is to be (Sargasso Construction v. NLRC, 2010)
accomplished; • Under the law, an illegally dismissed employee is
3. The power to dismiss and discipline employees entitled to reinstatement and backwages, and if
• Security of tenure dictates that no worker shall be reinstatment is no longer possible, he may be given
dismissed except for just cause provided by law and separation pay in lieu of reinstatement. (Bunagan v.
after due process. An illegally dismissed employee is Sentinel Watchman & Protective Agency, Inc., 2006)
entitled to either: • Award of Separation Pay in Lieu of Reinstatement:
1. Reinstatement, if viable, or separation pay, if 1. Old Age (Espejo v. NLRC, 1996)
reinstatement is no longer viable; and


2. The position no longer exists (Tanduay whatever manner the right of an employee to self-
Distillery Labor Union, et. al. v. NLRC, 1994) organize. (Adamson University Faculty Union v.
3. The establishment is taken over by another Adamson University, 2020, Leonen).
company (Callanta v. Carnation Philippiness, • In determining whether an act of ULP was committed,
Inc. and NLRC, 1986) the totality of the circumstances must be considered. If
4. Insolvency of the employer (Electruck Asia, the unfair treatment does not relate to or affect the
Inc. v. Meris et. al, 2004) worker’s right to self-organize, it cannot be deemed
5. Closure of business (Philtread Tire & Rubber ULP. (Ibid)
Corporation v. Vicente, 2004) • Consequently, ULP are not only violations of the civil
6. Strained Relations (Cabatulan v. Buat, et. al, rights of both labor and management but are also
2005) criminal offenses against the State which shall be
® Under the doctrine of strained relations, subject to prosecution and punishment as herein
the payment of separation pay is provided. (Ibid)
considered an acceptable alternative to
reinstatement when the latter option is
no longer desirable or viable. On one
hand, such payment liberates the UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE
employee from what could be a highly Civil Aspect Criminal Aspect
oppressive work environment. On the ® Can be committed ® Can be committed by
other hand, it releases the employer from by the officers and the agents and
the grossly unpalatable obligation of agents of the officers of the
maintaining in its employ a worker it employers or officers employers who
could no longer trust. (Klaudia’s and agents of the participated,
Kitchen v. Tanguin, 2017) labor organization authorized and/or
® Strained relations must be demonstrated ® This aspect of ratified the act
as a fact. The doctrine of strained ULP is ® This ULP falls
relations should not be used recklessly or cognizable and within the
applied loosely nor be based on fall within the jurisdiction of the
impression alone. (Ibid). jurisdiction of regular trial courts
the LA and the quantum of
RIGHT TO UNIONIZE ® The quantum of proof required is
• EO 180, June 1, 1987 proof required is beyong reasonable
• xxx the Rules and Regulations implementing EO 180 only substantial doubt
explicitly provide that since the “terms and conditions evidence and the ® The prescriptive
of employment in the government, including any prescriptive period is within 1
political subdivision or instrumentality thereof and period is one year from the accrual
GOCCs with original charters are governed by law, year from the of the act of the ULP
the employees therein shall not strike for the purpose accrual of ULP
of securing changes thereof. (Arizala v. CA, 1990)
• The mass actions staged by the public schools teachers Yellow Dog Contract
from September 17 to September 19, 1990, were “to all • Article 259 (b)
intents and purposes a strike,” they constituted a • A yellow dog contract is an undertaking by the
concerted and unauthorized stoppage of, or absence employees that as a condition for employment
from, work which it was the teachers’ sworn duty to they will not join, assist, form or even attempt to
perform, undertaken for essentially economic reasons foster a union for the duration of their
it denied the petition, since the right to strike did not employment with the employer.
extend to civil service employees. (MPSTA v. Laguio, • This is a void undertaking
Jr., 1991)
A company or “yellow” union is a worker
UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE organization which dominated or influenced by
• ULP is any act of an employer, his representatives and an employer, and is therefore not an independent
agents and any labor union, its officers and members trade union. Company unions are contrary to
which affects the rights of any employee to self- international labor law.
organization (Philcom Employees Union v. Phil.
Global Communication, 2006) Run-away shop is one wherein the employer
• There should be no dispute that all the prohibited acts moves its business to another location or it
constituting ULP in essence relate to the worker’s temporarily closes its business for anti-union
right to self-organization. Thus, an employer may be purposes. A run-away shop in this sense, is a
held liable under this provision if his conduct affects in


relocation motivated by anti-union animus rather 1. Close shop
than for business reasons. An industrial plant ® A closed shop, may be defined as an
moved by its owners to escape union, labor enterprise in which, by agreement between
regulations or state laws, but the term is also used the employer and his employees or their
to describe a plant removed to a new location in representatives, no person may be employed
order to discriminate against employees at the in any or certain agreed departments of the
old plant because of their union activities. enterprise unless he or she is, becomes, and,
(Complex Electronics Employees Association v. for the duration of the agreement, remains a
NLRC, 1999) member in good standing of a union entirely
comprised of or which the employees in
UNION REGISTRATION interest are a part. (PICOP Resources, Inc
Bureau of Labor Regional Office v. Dequilla, 2011)
Relations 2. Maintenance of membership clause
® Federation (Art. ® Independent ® It does not require non-members to join the
244)/National Union – union but provides that those who do join
Union Operating in just must maintain their membership for the
® Independent one region duration of the union contract, under
Union – penalty of discharge.
operating in more ® There is maintenance of membership shop
than 1 region when employees, who are union members as
(Art. 240) of the effective date of the agreement, or who
thereafter become members as of the effective
date of the agreement, or who thereafter
Bargaining Unit (Art. 267) is a group of employees become members, must maintain union
sought to be represented by a petitioning union. Such membership as a condition for continued
employees need not be members of a union seeking the employment until they are promoted or
conduct of a certification election. (Holy Child transferred out of the bargaining unit, or the
Catholic School v. Sto. Tomas, 2013) agreement is terminated. (Ibid)
A local labor union is a separate and distinct unit 3. Union Shop agreement
primarily designed to secure and maintain and ® It is a clause in a collective bargaining
equality of bargaining power between the employer ad agreement whereby the employer enjoys
their employee-members. A local union does not owe the right to hire persons without regard to
its existence to the federation with which it is affiliated. their membership or non-membership in
It is a separate and distinct voluntary association the labor union that represents the
owing its creation to the will of its members. (National employees, with the provision that the
Union of Bank Employees v. Philnabank Employees person so hired must become a member of
Association, 2013) the union after a specified period must and
maintain his membership therein in good
UNION SECURITY CLAUSE standing for the duration of the agreement.
• A stipulation contained in the CBA whereby the 4. Agency Shop
employer undertakes to recognize the right of the ® It is an arrangement that requires an
union who negotiated the CBA to maintain and employee, as a condition of employment to
protect its membership by imposing certain terms pay the contracting union a service fee
and conditions in hiring employees and retention known as agency fee for the benefits these
of employment employees received from the CBA as a
• Purpose of Union Security Clauses: result of the efforts of the contracting
1. Protection to shield union members from union. A limited exemption to the agency
whimsical and abusive exercise of shop requirement exists for employees
management prerogatives with bona-fide religious objections to
2. Union security clauses grant benefits in the joining a labor union. It is also known as
sense that additional union membership will the anti-free rider or hitchhiker.
insure additional source of income to the 5. Preferential shop agreement
union from union dues and special ® It recognized the right of the employer to
assessment select his employees but requires him to
3. It is also a means of self-preservation because give preference to members of the
it strengthens the union through selective contracting union who are qualified.
acceptance of new members on the basis of • Valid termination of employment pursuant to
commitment and loyalty union security clause
• Common Types of Union Security Clauses


® In terminating the employment of an employee • At the expiration of the freedom period, the employer
by enforcing the union security clause, the shall continue to recognize the majority status of the
employer needs only to determine and prove incumbent bargaining agent where no petition for
that: certification election is filed. (SONEDCO v.
1. The union security clause is applicable; Universal Robina, 20016, Leonen)
2. The union is requesting for the • Automatic Renewal: A bargaining contract which
enforcement of the union security provides for automatic renewal in the absence of notice
provision in the CBA; and by one of the contracting parties to alter or terminate
3. There is sufficient evidence to support the it prior to a specified period preceding the termination
unions decision to expel the employee from date, will usually operate as a bar to a certification
the union. election. (PLDT Employees Union v. PLDT, 1955)
These requisites constitute just cause for ® Evergreen Clause: An evergreen provision is
terminating an employee based on the CBAs used in various contracts, including CBAs,
union security provision. (Alabang Town and which provides for automatic renewal of the
Country Club v. NLRC, 2008) length of the agreement after a predetermined
period, unless notice for termination is given. In
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT (CBA) practical terms, it extends the rights,
• The CBA is the law between the contracting responsibilities, and remedies under the CBA
parties – the collective bargaining representative while the parties are negotiating for a new
and the employer-company. (SONEDCO v. contract.
Universal Robina, 2016, Leonen) ® The old CBA is extended until a new one is
• Precisely, the purpose of collective bargaining is signed. The rule is that despite the lapse of the
the acquisition or attainment of the best possible formal effectivity of the CBA the law still
covenants or terms relating to economic and non- considers the same as continuing in force and
economic benefits granted by employers and due effect until a new CBA shall have been validly
the employees. The Labor Code has actually executed (Colegio de San Juan de Letran v.
imposed as a mutual obligation of both parties, Association of Employees and Faculty of Letran,
this duty to bargain collectively (Union of Filipro 2000)
Employees – Drug v. Nestle Philippines, • Automatic Retroaction of the CBA: The effectivity of
Incorporated, 2006). the CBA is dependent upon the agreement of the
• Lifetime of the CBA parties to it. Other provisions of the CBA entered into
® The representation issue or the status of the within 6 months from the date of expiry of the term of
union who entered into the CBA has a lifetime of such other provisions as fived in such CBA, shall
5 years from the time of its effectivity. retroact to the day immediately following such date. If
® While the other provisions (economic) shall be any such agreement is entered into beyond 6 months,
effective for a period of 3 years from its the parties shall agree on the duration of the
execution. retroactivity thereof.
• Freedom Period: It is the 60-day period prior to • If the CBA is a result of arbitration (arbitral award)
the end of the 5 year period the date of effectivity of the said CBA will be based on
® If the CBA was executed and made effective on the arbitral award. Therefore, in the absence of the
June 9, 2015, then the expiration date is June 9, specific provision of law prohibiting retroactivity of the
2015. Consequently, the economic provisions effectivity of the arbitral awards issued by the
expired on June 9, 2018 and the freedom period Secretary of Labor…public respondent is deemed
is from April 9, 2020 to June 9, 2020 (60 days) vested with plenary powers to determine the effectivity
• What can be done during the during the freedom thereof. (LMG Chemicals Corporation v. Sec. of
period: DOLE, 2001)
® A petition questioning the majority status of the
incumbent bargaining agent may be entertained Contract Bar Rule
and a certification election shall be conducted by ® The existence of the CBA (a contract between the
the Department of Labor and Employment employer and the union) bars the modification or
(BLR). Moreover, a labor union may disaffiliate termination of the CBA except during the freedom
from the mother union to form a local or period. The parties are mandated by law to keep the
independent union during the freedom period. status quo and to continue with full force and effect the
Any petition before or after the 60 day freedom terms and conditions of the existing CBA.
period shall be dismissed outright. [Port ® This provision prohibits the Bureau of Labor Relations
Workers Union of the Philippines (PWUP) v. and/or the Regional Director of the DOLE from
Laguesma, 1992] entertaining any petition while a valid collective
bargaining agreement is existing in an industry. The
law prohibits the holding of certification elections


during the lifetime of the CBA. (Port Worker’s Union reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under the
v. Laguesma, 1992) collective bargaining provisions of the law.
(International School Alliance of Educators v.
Blue-Sky Bargaining Quisumbing, 2000)
® The act of making exaggerated or unreasonable • Test in determining the appropriate bargaining unit:
proposal. (Standard Chartered Bank v. Confesor, 1. Will of the employees (Globe Doctrine);
2004) 2. Affinity and unit of employees’ interest, such
as substantial similarity of work and duties, or
Boulwaresim similarity of compensation and working
® In negotiation, Boulwarism is an offer or counter-offer conditions;
that is not meant to be negotiated. This is a “take it or 3. Prior collective bargaining history; and
leave it” strategy named after Lemuel Boulware a 4. Employment status, such as temporary,
former vice president of General Electric. seasonal and probationary employees.
® Due to its nature, boulwaresim is prohibited in (International School Alliance of Educators v.
Philippine Labor laws because the parties – the Quisimbing, 2000)
employer and the labor union are mandated to bargain
• The certification election is the best method of
Surface Bargaining determining the will of the workers on the crucial
® Surface bargaining is defined as “going through the question of who shall represent them in their
motions of negotiating” without any legal intent to negotiations with the management for a CBA that will
reach an agreement. It involves the question of whether best protect and promote their interests. (Port Workers
an employer’s conduct demonstrates an unwillingness Union of the Philippines v. Usec. of Labor, 1992)
to bargain in good faith or is merely hard bargaining. • It is well-settled that under the so-called “Double
(Standard Chartered Bank v. Confesor, 2004) Majority Rule” for there to be a valid certification
Good Faith Bargaining ® First majority vote: majority of the bargaining
® There is no per se test of good faith bargaining. Good unit must have voted.
faith or bad faith is an inference to be drawn from the ® Second majority vote: the winning union
facts, to be precise, the crucial question of whether or must have garnered majority of the valid
not a party has met his statutory duty to bargain in votes cast (National Union of Workers in Hotels
good faith typically turns on the facts of the individual – Manila Pavilion v. SOLE, 2009)
case. (Union of Filipro Employees v. Nestle ® Sample: 100 employees in the bargaining unit,
Philippines, Incorporated, 2006) at least 51 must have cast their votes (1st
majority, 50%+1). Union A- 15 votes, Union B
Featherbedding – 9 votes, Union C – 7 votes, No union – 20
® It is in the nature of exaction, for services which are votes. There is no winner because no one got
not performed or not to be performed, as when a union 26 votes.
demands that the employer maintains personnel in
excess of the latter’s requirements. Failure of Election
® It is an ULP of the union through coercive means for • Where the number of votes cast in a certification
exacting or attempting to exact from employers for or consent election is less than the majority of the
services not rendered or not intended to be rendered. number of eligible voters and there are no
® However, there is no featherbedding if the paid work is materially challenged votes, the election officer
performed made no matter how unnecessary or useless shall declare a failure of election in the minutes of
it may be to the employer. the election proceedings. -Sec. 17, Rule IX, D.O.
Sweetheart’s Contract • A failure of election shall not bar the filing of a
® The contract or the CBA is considered as a “sweetheart motion for immediate holding of another
contract” or sweetheart’s deal because it does not certification or consent election within 6 months
substantially improve the employees’ wages and from date of declaration of failure of election. -
benefits. Worst, the contract may even provide for Sec. 17, Rule IX, DO 40-03
benefits are far below those that are provided by law.
Run-off Election
BARGAINING UNIT • In a certification or consent election with 3 or
® A bargaining unit is a group of employees of a given more choices, where such a certified or consent
employer, comprised of all or less than all of the entire election results in none of the 3 or more choices
body of employees, consistent with equity to the receiving the majority of the valid votes cast; the
employer, indicate to the best suited to serve the labor unions receiving the 2 highest number of


votes provided that the total number of votes for holding of any certification election. – DO No. 40-
all contending unions is at least 50% of the 03, Rule VIII Sec. 21
number of votes cast. – Sec. 1(ss), Rule I, DO 40-
03 (SONEDCO v. Universal Robina, 2016) BYSTANDER RULE
• Sample: 100 employees in the bargaining unit, at • Employers are strangers to these proceedings. They are
least 51 must have cast their votes (1st majority, forbidden from influencing or hampering the
50%+1). Union A- 15 votes, Union B – 9 votes, employees’ rights under the law. They should not in
Union C – 7 votes, No union – 20 votes. any way affect, much less stay, the holding of
® 2 unions with highest votes: Union A and B certification election by the mere convenience of filing
® Since majority wants to be represented by a an appeal with the labor secretary. To allow them to do
union, therefore, in a run-off election, No Union so would do violence to the letter and spirit of welfare
is no longer a choice. The only question in the legislations intended to protect labor and to promote
run-off election will be: which union do you social justice. (Notre Dame of Greater Manila v.
want? Laguesma, 2004)
• In petitions for certification election, the employer is a
Re-run Election mere bystander and cannot oppose the petition or
• When a certification, consent or run-off election appeal the Med-Arbiter’s decision (Sta. Lucia East
results to a tie between the two choices, the Comm. Corp. v. Sec. of Labor, 2009)
election officer shall immediately notify the
parties of a re-run election. The election officer GRIEVANCE
shall cause the posting of a notice of a re-run • Grievance refers to any question by either the
election within 5 days from the certification, employer or the union regarding the:
consent or run-off election, shall be conducted 1. Interpretation or implementation of any
within 10 days after the posting of notice. – Sec. provision of the CBA; or
15, DO 40-1-15 2. Interpretation or enforcement of company
personnel policies. – DO 40-03, Rule I, Sec.
• Consent election is the process of determining • The parties to a CBA shall establish a machinery
through secret ballot the sole and exclusive for the expeditious resolution of grievances.
representative of the employees in an appropriate Unresolved grievances will be referred to
bargaining unit for purposes of collective Voluntary Arbitration. – DO No. 40-03, Rule XIX,
bargaining or negotiation. A consent election is Sec. 1
voluntarily agreed upon by the parties, with or
without the intervention by the Department. – Establishment of Grievance Committee
Sec. 19(h), Rule I, DO 40-03 • In the absence of applicable provision in the CBA,
a grievance committee shall be created within 10
SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE BARGAINING AGENT days from signing of the CBA. The committee
(SEBA) shall be composed of at least 2 representatives
• Any legitimate labor organization may file a each from the members of the bargaining unit
request for SEBA Certification in the Regional and the employer, unless otherwise agreed upon
Office which issued its certificate of registration by the parties.
or certificate of creation of chartered local. • The representative from amng the members of
Statement of the existence/non existence of other the bargaining unit shall be designated by the
labor organizations/CBA. – Sec. 1, Rule VII, DO union. – DO 40-03, Rule XIX Sec. 1
DEADLOCK BAR RULE • Refers to the mode of settling labor-management
• The deadlock bar rule simply provides that a petition disputes by which the parties select a competent,
for certification election can only be entertained if there trained and impartial third person who shall
is no pending bargaining deadlock submitted to decide on the merits of the case and whose
conciliation or arbitration or had become the subject of decision is final and executory. – NCMB Revised
a valid notice of strike or lockout. (National Congress Procedural Guidelines in the Conduct of
of Unions in the Sugar Industry of the Philippines – Voluntary Arbitration Proceedings.
TUCP v. Trajano, 1992) • Who are voluntary arbitrators? Any person
accredited by the board as such or any person
APPEAL BAR RULE named or designated in the CBA by the parties to
• The filing of the memorandum of appeal from the act as their Voluntary Arbitrators, or one chosen
order or decision of the Med-Arbiter stays the with or without the assistance of the National


Conciliation and Mediator Board (NCMB) – Art. 2. Notice of strike filed with the NCMB
212 [n] of the Labor Code a. 30 days before the intended date
thereof; or
COMPULSORY ARBITRATION b. 15 days in case of ULP
• Is the process of settlement of labor disputes by a c. In case of union busting, no need to
government agency which has the authority to notify the NCMB (Atty. Duka)
investigate and to make an award which is 3. Cooling-off Period
binding on all parties, and as a mode of a. 30 days for economic strike
arbitration where the parties are compelled to b. 15 days for ULP
accept the resolution of their dispute through c. No cooling-off period is required for
arbitration by a third party. (Ludo & Luym Corp., union busting
v. Saornido, 2003) The 15 to 30-day cooling-off period is
• Who are compulsory arbitrators? Regional designated to afford the parties the
Director, Sec. of Labor, BLR, Labor Arbiter, and opportunity to amicably resolve the dispute
NLRC with the assistance of the NCMB
conciliator/mediator. (Phimco Industries v.
• As defined under Art. 219 (o) of the Labor Code, a 4. Strike vote approved by a majority of the
strike means any temporary stoppage of work by the total union membership in the bargaining
concerted action of employees as a result of an unit concerned obtained by secret ballot in
industrial or labor dispute. (Biggs’ Inc. v. Boncacas, a meeting called for that purpose.
• Purpose: The strike is indeed a powerful weapon of the The requirement of giving notice of the
working class. But precisely, if not because of this, it conduct of a strike vote to the NCMB at least
must be handled carefully, like a sensitive explosive, 24 hours before the meeting for the said
lest it blows up in the workers’ own hands. Simply put, purpose is designed to:
a strike is recognized and protected by our labor laws a. Inform the NCMB of the intent of the
only when waged on account of a labor dispute. In the union to conduct a strike vote;
absence thereof, the employees who engage themselves b. Give the NCMB ample time to decide on
in work stoppage commit an illegal strike and should whether or not ther is a need to supervise
face the consequences thereof. (PASVIL/Pascual Liner, the conduct of the strike vote to prevent
Inc. Workers Union -NAFLU v. NLRC, 1999) any acts of violence and/or irregularities
• Procedurally, for a strike to be valid, it must comply attendant thereto.
with Art. 263 (278) of the Labor Code, which requires The failure of a union to comply with the
that a notice of strike be filed with the DOLE 30 days requirement of the giving of notice to the
before the intended date thereof, or 15 days in case of NCMB at least 24 hours prior to the holding
ULP (Phimco Industries v. PILA, 2010) of a strike vote meeting will render the
• Requisites: subsequent strike staged by the union illegal.
1. Valid Ground (Capitol Medical Center v. NLRC, 2005)
5. Strike vote report filed to the NCMB of the
® Bargaining Deadlock
results of the voting at least 7 days before
® Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) (Art. 259
the intended strike.
and 260)
6. 7 days strike ban reckoned from the time
® Union Busting – dismissal from the notice of strike is given to the DOLE
employment of any union officer (NCMB) of the results of the strike voting.
duly elected in accordance with the
union constitution and by-laws While the 7-day strike ban is intended to give
the DOLE an opportunity to verify whether
A dismissal of a union officer is not the projected strike really carries the
necessarily discriminatory, especially imprimatur of the majority of the union
when that officer committed an act of members (Phimco Industries v. PILA, 2010)
misconduct. In fact, union officers are
held to higher standards. While an act or In the event the result of the strike/lockout
decision of an employer may be unfair, ballot is filed within the cooling-off period, the
certainly not every unfair act or decision 7-day requirement shall be counted from the
constitutes ULP as defined and day following the expiration of the cooling-off
enumerated under Art. 258 of the Labor period (NFSW v. Overeja, 1982)
Code. (Adamson University Faculty
Union v. Adamson University, 2020,


It must be stressed that the requirements of of the minimum ® Compensation of
cooling-off period and 7 -day strike ban must wage not less than 75%
both be complied with although the labor union ® Possibility of no of the minimum
may take a strike vote and report the same compensation wage
within the statutory cooling-off period. ® No commitment to ® All learners must
These requirements are mandatory, and the hire the apprentice be compensated
union’s failure to comply renders the strike ® Commitment to
illegal. (Phimco Industries v. PILA, 2010). hire the learner
® If dismissed
• When a strike has already taken place at the time Lock as regular
When the Secretary exercises these powers, he is employee
granted “great breadth of discretion” in order to find a
solution to a labor dispute. The power is plenary and
discretionary in nature to enable him to effectively and
efficiently dispose of the dispute. (Philcom Employees MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVE
Union v. Philippine Global Communications, 2006)
• It is the discretionary power to decide all aspects
LOCKOUT of operations. In the aspect of employment, it
• Lockout means any temporary refusal of an employer includes everything from hiring to firing and
to furnish work as result of an industrial or labor everything in between.
dispute (Art. 212 [p]). • Examples:
• Lockout is the temporary refusal to furnish work on ® Work assignments and working methods
accont of a labor dispute. (Ilaw at Buklod ng
® Time, place and manner of work
Mangagawa (IBM) v. NLRC, 1991)
® Tools to be used, processes to be followed
® Supervision and discipline of employees
• Management is free to regulate, according to its
• Picketing or peaceful picketing is the right of workers
discretion and judgment, all aspects of employment,
to peacefully march to and fro before an establishment
involved in a labor dispute generally accompanied by including hiring, work assignments, working
methods, time, place and manner of work, processes to
the carrying and display of signs, placards and
be followed, supervision of workers, working
banners intended to inform the public about the
regulations, transfer of employees, work supervision,
dispute as well as their grievances. (Ilaw at Buklod ng
lay-off of workers, and discipline, dismissal and recall
Mangagawa (IBM) v. NLRC, 1991)
of workers. (Malcaba v. Prohealth Pharma Philippines,
Inc, 2018, Leonen citing San Miguel Brewery Sales
Force Union v. Ople)
APPRENTICE LEARNER • The free will of the management to conduct its own
affairs to achieve its purpose cannot be denied,
Apprentice as a worker Learners are persons hired
PROVIDED that the same is exercises:
who is covered by a as trainees in semi-skilled
1. In good faith
written apprenticeship and other industrial
2. For the advancement of the employer’s interest;
agreement with an occupations which are
employer. (Century non-apprenticeable and
3. Not to circumvent the rights of the employees.
Canning Corp. v. CA, which may be learned
(San Miguel Brewery and Union Carbide cases)
2007) through practical training
on the job in a relatively • An employee is entitled to prescribe reasonable work
short period of time which standards, rules, and regulations necessary for the
shall not exceed 3 months conduct of its business, to provide certain disciplinary
(Art. 73, Labor Code) measures in order to implement them, and to assure
that the same would be complied with. This
management prerogative of requiring standards may
® Apprenticeable ® Semi-skilled, non-
be availed of so long as they are exercised in good faith
occupation apprenticeable
for the advancement of the employer’s interest.
® 3 to 6 months of occupation
(Telephilippines, Inc. v. Jacolbe, 2019)
training ® Not to exceed
• As long as no arbitrary or malicious action on the part
® Deductibility of 3months
of an employer is shown, the wisdom of a business
training cost ® No experienced
judgment to implement a cost saving device is beyond
® Compensation of workers available
this court’s determination. After all, the free will of
not less than 75% management to conduct its own business affairs to


achieve its purposes cannot be denied. (citing Maya when it includes its employees with SSS
Farms Employees Org. v. NLRC, 1994) for coverage
• Manila Pavillion v. Henry Delada, 2012: 5. Temporary employees as may be
Management Prerogative being presumed initially defined by the Commission
valid until overturned by competent public authority. • Voluntary Coverage:
• Jurisprudential Guidelines regarding Transfer of ® Separated members
Employees: ® OFWs
1. Transfer is a movement from one place to ® Non-working spouses of SSS members
another. It is lateral without any break in service • Who are the Beneficiaries?
and no diminution in salary and rank. 1. PRIMARY
2. The employer has the inherent right to transfer a. Legitimate spouse of SSS member,
or reassign an employee for legitimate business living with employee at time of latter’s
purposes. death until he/she remarries
3. A transfer becomes unlawful when it is b. Dependent legitimate, legitimated,
motivated by discrimination or bad faith or is illegitimate, or legally adopted
effected as form of punishment. children; Not gainfully employed and
4. Employer has the burden of proving that such not reached 21 years of age. If over 21,
transfer is not unreasonable, inconvenient or must be incapable of supporting
prejudicial to the employee. himself, mentally or physically
® Chateau Royale case (issue on 2. SECONDARY
inconvenience of the transfer) a. Legitimate dependent parents
® Julie’s Bakeshop case (whimsical) b. In absence of parents, any other person
designated by the SSS member
• Benefits
1. Maternity
3. Retirement
• Who are covered? (Sec. 9 and Sec. 9-A) 5. Death
1. All private sector employees not over 60 6. Funeral
years of age and their employers ® Monthly Pension (Sec. 12)
2. Kasambahay who has rendered at least 1 ® Dependents’ pension (Sec. 12-A)
month service ® Retirement Benefits (Sec. 12-B)
3. Filipino Seafarer upon actual deployment ® Death Benefits (Sec. 13)
by manning agency and foreign principal
® Permanent Disability Benefits (Sec. 13-A)
® Funeral Benefits (Sec. 13-B)
4. Self-employed persons, such as:
® Sickness Benefits (Sec. 14)
a. Self-employed professionals
b. Partners and single proprietors ® Unemployment Insurance or Involuntary
c. Actors and actresses, directors, Separation Benefits (Sec. 14-B)
scriptwriters and news
correspondents who do not fall within GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE ACT OF 1997
the definition of the term employee of RA 8291
this act • Who are covered? ALL Government Personnel
d. Professional athletes, coaches, trainers whether elective or appointive, temporary,
and jockeys casual, permanent or contractual, receiving a
e. Individual farmers and fishermen basic pay or salary, and have not reached the
f. Informal sector workers (sidewalk retirement age of 65
vendors etc.) • Who are excluded?
• Who are excluded? 1. Those who are not receiving basic pay or
1. Government employees, including salary but only honoraria, allowances or per
those of GOCCs with original charters diems
2. Private employment which is purely 2. Uniformed members of the AFP and the
Casual and not for the purpose of PNP
occupation or business of the employer 3. Members of judiciary or constitutional
3. Filipino Seafarer commissions, who shall have life insurance
4. Filipinos employed by foreign govt or only
international organization EXCEPT • Who are the Beneficiaries:


a. Legitimate spouse of GSIS member, • Totalization refers to the process of adding up the
dependent for support periods of creditable services or contributions
b. Dependent legitimate, legitimated, under each of the systems for purposes of
illegitimate, or legally adopted eligibility and computation of benefits.
children not gainfully employed and ® When applicable?
not reached 21 years of age. If over 21, 1. If the worker is not qualified for any of
must be incapable of supporting the benefits from either system
themselves 2. If the worker in the public sector is not
2. SECONDARY qualified in any of the benefits in the
a. Legitimate dependent parents and GSIS
legitimate descendants subject to 3. If the worker in the private sector is
restrictions on dependent children not qualified in any of the benefits in
• Benefits: the SSS
1. Separation
2. Unemployment MIGRANT WORKERS
3. Retirement • General Principles, Compensability of Death or
4. Disability Injury
5. Death 1. Lex Loci Contractus or Lex Loci Celebratonis:
6. Funeral The law of the place where the contract is
7. Compuslory Life Insurance made shall govern
® Monthly pensions (Sec. 9) ® Employees are not striped of their
® Separation Benefits (Sec. 11) security of tenure when they move to
® Unemployment or Involuntary Separation work in a different jurisdiction. With
Benefits (Sec. 12) respect to the rights of overseas
® Retirement Benefits (Sec.13) Filipino workers, we follow the
® Disability Benefits (Sec.15 & 18) principle of lex loci contractus which
® Survivorship Benefits (Sec. 20) governs this jurisdiction. (Sameer
® Funeral Benefits (Sec. 23) Overseas Placement Agency v.
® Life Insurance Benefits (Sec. 24) Cabiles, 2014, Leonen)
® Doctrine of Processual Presumption
LIMITED PORTABILITY (RA 7699) or “Presumed Identity Approach”
• Dean Abad: Simply means The party invoking the application of
1. a person who was hired both the foreign law has the burden of proof of
government and private sector proving that foreign law. If the foreign law
2. a person who was previously a government is not pleaded, or even if pleaded, is not
employee who is now transferred to the proved, then the presumption is that the
private sector; or foreign law is the same as Philippine Law.
3. he was previously a private sector employee (Edi-staffbuilders v. NLRC, 2007)
now transferring to the government 2. Principle of Incorporation: The minimum
• Portability means that you transferred your labor standards and benefits in Labor Code
funds and benefits from one system to another. are considered inherent in every employer-
employee relationship even absent a
• Limited Portability means that you can only use
written employment contract
is once. Contributions here refer to contributions
paid to either SSS or GSIS under your name. ® By our laws, OFWs may only be
terminated for a just or authorized
® Covered? Any person who is a member of
cause and after compliance with
the SSS or GSIS transfers from one sector to
procedural due process requirements
another or is employed by both and wish to
3. Monetary claims of OFWs are governed by
retain their membership in both system.
the RA 8042, as amended by RA10022, and
® Effect? The covered worker will have his
NOT the Labor Code. Therefore,
creditable services or contributions in both
® Reliefs such as reinstatement with full
systems credited to his service in each of the
backwages or separation pay are NOT
system and it shall be totalized (aggregate)
applicable to OFWs because of the
for purposes of old age, disability,
contractual nature of their
survivorship and other benefits, in case the
covered member does not qualify for such
® Monetary claims under Sec. 10 of RA
benefits in either or both system without
8042 will be available only for illegal
termination (without just or
authorized) but not peculiarity


® In case of termination of overseas 3. The disease was contracted within a period
employment without just, valid or of exposure and under such other factors
authorized cause as defined by law or necessary to contract it; and
contract, the worker shall be entitled 4. There was no notorious negligence on the
to: part of the seafarer. (Ebuenga v. Southfield
a. The full reimbursement of his Agencies, Inc. et. al, 2018, Leonen)
placement fee with interest at • If the employment contract expires while the
12% per annum PLUS OFW is in the middle of the sea, OFW will
b. His salaries for the unexpired continue working until he/she reaches the next
portion of his employment nearest port.
contract. [Sec. 10 of RA 8042 was ® When his contract expired when he was still at
declared unconstitutional in the sea, his employment is automatically
Serrano v. Gallant Martime Ruling terminated, there being no mutually agreed
(2009) as it is discriminatory and in renewal. However, he is entitled to be paid his
violation of equal protection of the wages after the expiration of his contract until
law] the vessel’s arrival at a convenient port.
Sec. 10 of RA 8042 has already been (Antonio E. Unica v. Anscor Swire Ship
declared unconstitutional by the SC. Management Corp., 2014)
It is thus, null and void, ® If a vessel is outside the Philippines upon
notwithstanding reincorporation or the expiration of the contract, the seafarer
re-enactment by the new law (RA shall continue his service on board until the
10022). (Sameer Overseas vessel’s arrival at a convenient port and/or
Placement Agency v. Cabiles, 2014, after arrival of the replacement crew;
Leonen) provided that, in any case, the continuance
• Seafarers are contractual employees (Antonio E. Unica of such service shall not exceed three
v. Anscor Swire Ship Management Corp., 2014) months. The seafarer shall be entitled to
® Filipinos hired as seafarers are contractual earned wages and benefits as provided in
employees whose employment is governed by his contract. (Sec. 19 of the Standard Terms
their respective contracts with their employers: and Conditions Governing the
“[t]heir employment is governed by the Employment of Filipino Seafarers on-board
contracts they sign every time they are rehired Ocean Going Vessels)
and their employment is terminated when the • Three requirements that must concur for the complete
contract expires.” termination of the employment contract of seafarers:
Seafarers must be registered with the POEA. 1. Termination due to expiration or other
The POEA Standard Employment Contract reasons/causes;
(POEA-SEC) must be executed by seafarers and 2. Signing off from the vessels; and
their employers “as a condition sine qua non 3. Arrival at the point of hire
prior to the deployment for overseas work” and • The obligations and liabilities of the local agency and
is “deemed incorporated in [seafarer] its foreign principal do not end upon the expiration of
employment contract[s]. (Manansala v. Marlow the contracted period as they were duty bound to
Navigation Phils., Inc. 2017) repatriate the seaman to the point of hire to effectively
• Important Updates: terminate the contract of employment
® In resolving claims under the POEA Standard • The liability of the principal/employer and the
Employment Contract, the element of work- recruitment/placement agency for any and all claims
relatedness only demands a reasonable link under this section shall be joint and several.
between the illness and the seafarer’s work. It is • To substitute or alter employment contracts approved
not required that the seafarer’s work is the sole and verified by DOLE is a prohibited practice under
contributor or factor in the aggravation of the Art. 34 (i) of the Labor Code. Further, contract
illness. The test is only reasonable proof of work- substitution constitutes illegal recruitment under Art.
connection, and not direct causation. (Castillon 38 (l) of the code. (Princess Joy Placement and General
v. Magsaysay Mitsui Osk Marine, Inc, 2020, Services v. Binalla, 2014)
Leonen) • On referral to 3rd doctor:
® For an occupational disease and the resulting ® If issue is degree of disability or return to
disability or death to be compensable, ALL of the work to same position, then may be referred
following conditions must be satisfied: to 3rd physician
1. The seafarer’s work must involve the risk ® If issue is on “work-relatedness,” then no
described herein; need to refer to a 3rd physician. May already
2. The disease was contracted as a result of the file case with NLRC/POEA
seafarer’s exposure to the described risks;


• When is the injury, illness or death NOT ® ER-EE relationship as condition sine qua
compensable: (MEMORIZE) non for application of labor code:
1. When the injury, illness or death is not jurisdiction of labor courts
reasonably connected or linked with work ® Reasonable causal connection rule: Under
2. Self-inflicted injury or death (suicide) this rule, there is reasonable causal
3. When seafarer fails to disclose a connection between the claim asserted and
preexisting illness, constituting fraudulent the er-ee relations, then the case is within
misrepresentation the jurisdiction of our labor courts. In the
absence of such nexus, it is the regular
AGRARIAN RELATIONS courts that have jurisdiction.
• Agrarian reform – redistribution of lands
regardless of the crops or the fruits to the farmers • In determining the nature of the case, check the
or regular farm workers who are landless principal relief/prayer sought by the
regardless of tenurial agreement complainant. That is the main factor that
• Rationale: emancipation of the tiller of the soil determines jurisdiction.
from his bondage
• Founded on the right of the farmers who are CASE RELIEF JURISDICTION
landless to own directly or collectively the lands Smart v. Replevin; Return RTC
they till and to receive a just share of the fruits Astorga of the car of the
thereof manager
• Scope: all public and private agricultural lands Grandteq Illegal termination Labor Arbiter
• The landowner can retain not more than 5 v. with prayer for
hectares, however, aside from the 5 hectares he Margallo reimbursement of
can award 3 hectares to his children. Provided, downpayment for
that the child is at least 15 years old and the child car
is actually tilling or directly managing the land) Indotextile Damages for RTC
• Commercial farming (livestock and poultry) is v. company’s failure
not included in land reform Adviento to provide safe and
• Sec. 11 healthy working
• Payment by the government thru the Landbank environment
Matling v. Termination of VP Labor Arbiter
• Ensure that all Filipinos will be guaranteed Administration,
equitable access to healthcare goods and services which position is
• Every Filipino citizen shall be automatically not in Articles or
included in the Universal Healthcare Program By-laws
(Sec. 5) Cosare v. Termination of Labor Arbiter
• What Benefits can we get? Broadcom Asst. VP for Sales,
® Preventive, promotive, curative, who was also a
rehabilitative, palliative care, stockholder, AVP-
Sales not a corp
® medical, dental, mental and emergency
Malayan v. Replevin; Return RTC
• Primary Healthcare focus healthcare system,
Alibudbud of the Car of the
every Filipino will now have a trusted primary
care provider. If higher health services are
needed, the primary care provider will refer the
patient to a specialist
• How to gain access? Every Filipino shall register
with a public or private healthcare provider of
• Read: Sec. 6, 7, 8, 9

JURISDICTION *Illegal Dismissal Case Flow

SEnA (Single Entry Approach)
• Is this a labor or a civil dispute? Laborer v. Management


30 calendar days 3. The aggregate money claim of each employee
LABOR ARBITER does not exceed P5,000 (Brokenshire Memorial
30 calendar days from the time is submitted for Hospital, Inc. v. Minister of Labor and
resolution Employment, 1990)
COMMISSION • RA 10361, Sec. 37 Mechanism for Settlement of
Appeal within 10 days; post bond (cash or surety) Disputes:
MR within 10 day ® All labor-related disputes shall be elevated to
COURT OF APPEALS the DOLE Regional Office having jurisdiction
Rule 65 within 60 days over the workplace without prejudice to the
TRO under Rule 58 filing of a civil or criminal action in
NB: Execution pending appeal is allowed appropriate cases. The DOLE Regional Office
SUPREME COURT shall exhaust all conciliation and mediation
Rule 45 within 15 days efforts before a decision shall be rendered.
® Ordinary crimes or offense committed under
the Revised Penal Code and other special penal
• In labor cases, grave abuse of discretion may be laws by either party shall be filed with the
ascribed to the NLRC when its findings and regular courts
conclusions are not supported by substantial evidence, • Any decision or resolution of the regional director or
which refer to that amount of relevant evidence that a office pursuant to this provision may be appealed on
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to justify a the same grounds provided in Art. 223 (229) of this
conclusion. Thus, if the NLRC’s ruling has basis in the Code, within 5 calendar days from receipt of a copy of
evidence and the applicable law and jurisprudence, said decision or resolution, to the NLRC which shall
then no grave abuse of discretion exists and the CA resolve the appeal within 10 calendar days from
should so declare and, accordingly, dismiss the submission of the last pleading required or allowed
petition. (SLORD Dev. Corp. v. Noya, 2019) under the its rules. (Urbanes, Jr. v. Sec. of Labor, 2003)
• In labor cases, if the petitioner before this court can
show grave abuse of discretion on the part of the APPEAL
NLRC, the assailed CA ruling (in the Rule 65 Art. 128 Art. 129
proceedings) will be reversed. Labor officials commit Appeal to the Secretary of Appeal to the NLRC (5
grave abuse of discretion when their factual findings Labor (10 calendar days) calendar days only)
are arrived at arbitrarily or in disregard of the
evidence. (Protective Maximum Sec. Agency v. • Money Claims
Fuentas, 2015, Leonen) REGIONAL DIRECTOR
• The order of the Regional Director shall be final and Money Claims
executory unless appealed to the Secretary of Labor
and Employment within 10 calendar days from NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS
receipts thereof. COMMISSION
® Sec. 1, Rule IV, Rules on the Disposition of Appeal within 5 days; MR within 10 day
Labor Standards Cases in the Regional Offices COURT OF APPEALS
Rule 65 within 60 days
REGIONAL DIRECTOR TRO under Rule 58 (otherwise, there can be
execution pending appeal)
Appeal within 10 days; MR within 10 day Rule 45 within 15 days
Rule 65 within 60 days
TRO under Rule 58 • Registration/Cancellation of Labor Union
Rule 45 within 15 days 30 days

• Under Art. 129, the Regional Director has jurisdiction BUREAU LABOR RELATIONS
if the following concur: Appeal within 10 days; MR within 10 day
1. The claim must arise from employer-employee
relationship; COURT OF APPEALS
2. The claimant is no longer employed and does Rule 65 within 60 days
not seek reinstatement; TRO under Rule 58


SUPREME COURT • Migrant Issues
Rule 45 within 15 days RTC Criminal Case: Illegal recruitment (RA
8042, Sec. 9)
• Registration/Cancellation of Labor Union (BLR NLRC Illegal termination, compensation and
original jurisdiction) other claims relating to ER-EE
BUREAU LABOR RELATIONS relationship involving overseas Filipino
30 days workers
POEA • Licensing, registration and
SECRETARY OF LABOR recruitment of employment
Appeal within 10 days; MR 10 days agencies and other entities
• Disciplinary cases involving
COURT OF APPEALS employer, principals, contracting
Rule 65 within 60 days partners
TRO under Rule 58 OWWA Repatriation of workers in cases of war,
epidemic, disaster or calamities, natural
SUPREME COURT or man-made
Rule 45 within 15 days
• Unresolved grievances
• Grievance Machinery and Voluntary Arbitration • Other labor disputes referred by the parties
Laborer v. Management LABOR ARBITER
• Jurisdiction:
GRIEVANCE MACHINERY ® Termination disputes
7 days ® Money claims, if with a claim for
VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION ® Money claims exceeding P5,000
Final and Executory - 10 days ® ULP; legality of strikes and lockouts
File MR during this period ® All other claims arising from employer-
employee relationships, including
COURT OF APPEALS damages, except social security benefits
Rule 43 within 15 days ® Claim of OFWs
• Decision appealable to NLRC (not subject to
MR) within 10 days
Rule 45 within 15 days**
• If there is a finding of illegal dismissal,
reinstatement aspect immediately executory
pending appeal; employer may choose between
**Do not use Rule 65
actual or payroll reinstatement
The decisions of a voluntary arbitrator fall within the
• Employer’s appeal must be perfected by filing
exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of
an appeal bond equivalent to the monetary
Appeals. Indeed, this Court took this decision into
award (subject to rules on reduction)
consideration in approving the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure. A special civil action for certiorari under • Where the resolution of the dispute requires
expertise in the application of the general civil
Rule 65 lies only when “there is no appeal, nor plain,
speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, LA has no jurisdiction
law. (Nippon Paint Employees Union – Olalia v. CA,
2004) NLRC
• Jurisdiction:
We note that PHILEC filed before the CA a petition for ® Appellate jurisdiction over cases decided
certiorari under Rule 65 of the ROC against by LA
Voluntary Arbitrator Jimenez’ decision. This was not ® Appellate jurisdiction over decisions of
the proper remedy. Instead, the proper remedy to Regional Director/hearing officer in simple
reverse or modify a Voluntary Arbitrator’s or a panel money claims
of Voluntary Arbitrator’s decision or award is to ® Injunction/restraining order against
appeal the award or decision before the CA based on prohibited acts
Rule 43, Secs. 1 and 3 of the ROC ® Cases referred by the DOLE Secretary
through a certification order


• Decision subject to MR, becomes final after 10 PRESCRIPTION
days from resolution • Money claims – 3 years
• Decision subject to Original Action for Certiorari • ULP – 1 year
under Rule 65, within 60 days • Dismissals – 4 years
• A decision finding illegal dismissal and ordering
reinstatement is not immediately executory, it
will require a Writ of Execution

• Jurisdiction:
® Simple money claims up to P5,000 per
employee, if no claim for reinstatement
® Visitorial & enforcement powers –
inspection cases; premise on existing
employer-employee relationship
® Certification election cases
• Procedure:
® Simple money claims cases appealable to
® Inspection cases/writ of compliance
appealable to DOLE Secretary
® CE cases appealable to DOLE Secretary

• Jurisdiction:
® Assumption of jurisdiction cases (cases
subject of Certification Order will be
decided by NLRC)
® Visitorial & enforcement powers –
inspection cases; premise on existing
employer-employee relationship
® Appellate jurisdiction over CE cases &
inspection cases subject to Writ of
• Procedure:
® Decision in CE cases not subject to MR
® Decision subject to Original Action for
Certiorari under Rule 65, within 60 days


• Inter/Intra Union disputes
® BLR – original jurisdiction over cases
involving federations and appellate
jurisdiction over cases involving
independent unions and chapters
® IRD of Regional Office (Med-Arbiter) –
original jurisdiction over cases involving
independent unions and chapters
• Decision of IRD-Reg Office appealable to BLR
• Decision of BLR in federation cases appealable
to Secretary of Labor
• Decision of BLR in appealed cases decided by
the IRD Regional Office subject to Original
Action under Rule 65, Petition for Certiorari

“Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.”
That in all things God may be glorified.


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