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Love is love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Underage
Category: F/M
Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon)
Relationship: Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House)/Reader
Character: Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Reader, Philip Wittebane
| Emperor Belos
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Forbidden Love, Hunter | The Golden Guard Needs a Hug
(The Owl House), Secret Relationship, Relationship Issues, Abusive
Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos, Fluff and Smut, Blood and Injury,
Abusive Parents, Dark, Bad Ending, Self-Insert, before luz is in demon
realm, Past
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-12-04 Updated: 2023-01-05 Chapters: 10/? Words:

Love is love
by Pugpugwelp


Y/N and hunter have a secret fluffy relationship, hopefully, the Emporer's coven won't find
Chapter 1

It was dead of night, darkness swarmed outside of the windows, only lit by the moon and stars. Y/n
got her palismen and opened the window and took off. She wanted to visit her charming, sarcastic,
princely boy, Hunter. The journey to the emperor's castle was a short 10-minute ride on her staff.
She gazed at the stars wondering if their relationship would last and work out.

She was a normal witch at Hexside. He was Emperor Belo's right hand. Hunter had always
managed a way to make time for her, but if the rest of his coven found out, surely they would
disapprove. That's, why she had to resort sometimes to these nightly visits or somehow coincidently
be in the same place as Hunter.

Y/n saw the castle in view and shuddered. Whenever she snuck into the castle, she always felt
an eerie aura of something. Probably the intimidating spikes on the ground if they fell off the
bridge leading to the entrance were spooking her, after her first time sneaking to her prince.

While approaching the castle she slowed down and avoided the guards patrolling around and
was zoning out thinking about how they met and the first time she visited.

"Tell me what you know about the wild witches' plans, I know you are related to one!" he said
aggressively the first time they met.

Sadly, it wasn't very romantic. Y/N's Mother was a wild witch and had disappeared when they
swarmed their old home. Her mother had left her. It was never like mother paid attention to Y/N
anyway. Her mother never told her anything. The coven scouts rushed the house and kept Y/N as a

"I told you goldie, I don't know anything, my mother kept secrets even from me!" Y/N hissed at the
mention of her mother.

After that integration, hunter slightly was fond of Y/N and told her to "stay clear of him" and
promptly told her that he was going to Latissa for an event. Hunter was secretly hoping she would
be there, to be honest. Y/N wanted to show to annoy him because come on, she was a prisoner by

Followed after many meet-ups, Y/N had the courage to fly to the castle for the first time and-

She was at the castle now. She came back to reality and tried to remember which window
belonged to Hunter's room. Y/N recognized it and the window was slightly open, she reached the
window sill and slid the window open, and there he was.

But he was arguing with someone. She peered closer inside the window and saw a short figure.
Kikimora, she realized. She let a squeak out.

"I heard something." Kikimora demanded and stepped closer to the window.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat and she held her breath and got her palismen and edged away from
the window. Kikimora rushed to the window and glanced out, luckily not seeing her.

"It was probably nothing, Kikimora I told you I did nothing." Hunter retorted and they were back to

Y/N waited impatiently until the argument died down and felt like Kikimora had left by then.
She glanced into the window and hunter was alone and sat at his desk and seemed to be studying
or something. She opened the window and crept in and her plan was to scare him.

"Boo, my prince!" she hugged attacked him and he spun around in surprise.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?!" Hunter said slightly irritated and mostly worried.

Y/N gave him a peck on the cheek and was content when he turned into a tomato, "I just want to
see you again."

"Y/N but I'm busy.." Hunter scoffed seeming a little annoyed.

She made a face and took a step back, Y/N was somewhat put off by that. Seemed like he was
actually busy, "Well, alright. I guess I'll see you some other time." She gripped her palismen and
was about to book it out the window.

"Wait- sorry." he said sheepishly, "I'm just stressed about Kikimora, she keeps accusing me."

Y/N affectionately and gently combed his hair with her hand. "It's alright, my prince charming,
maybe you should take a cuddle break." She suggested.

Hunter seemed very tempted, and let in. "Fine, it's only cuz I love you, and I'm not your prince"
he admitted quietly.

"Of course you do and you are." Y/N insisted, kissing him again.

Y/N grabbed his hand and tugged him onto the bed together.

Hunter sighed gratefully, "I missed you Y/N." Hunter hugged a little tight Y/N while she sank
into a blushing pile and wrapped her arms around his chest and slipped off his cold armor binder.

"That's more better.." Y/N said and embraced the hug, laying next to his warm chest

They rested like that for some time, and before they knew it, both of them had dozed off next to
each other peacefully.
A issue.
Chapter Summary

The coven guards came. Heck.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Hunter opened his eyes and felt relaxed, he slept well. He felt something on him- or someone. He
rolled around and saw his girlfriend, Y/N one arm resting on him. He blushed and took one look at
his clock and the romantic moment he was hoping for was gone. It was six in the morning.

Almost time for the coven scouts to enter his room and review the signatures he made last night
and serve his breakfast- Wait.

He only made halfway progress that night, since Y/N and they fell asleep. A knock on his door

Hunter grabbed Y/N's arm and shook it gently, "Y/N! Get out of here, coven scouts are
coming!" he whisper shouted.

"Five more mi- huh?" She said drowsily and apparently not caring. "Wait.. urgh, oh!", and she
got straight up and was going to grab her palismen staff but by then the doorknob turned.

A quiet voice came from the door, "Hunter, Emperor Belos has sent us to collect your
signatures and to send you breakfast. Kikimora has also asked us to check on you since she believes
there may be an intruder."

Sadly, there wasn't enough time. "Wa-" Hunter attempted to say and the knob turned while Y/N
crammed herself into hunter's wardrobe closet.

It was difficult to breathe, stuffed into the small space. Y/N attempted to breathe a little and as
quietly as possible. She circled her finger and cast an illusion spell to look like a small harmless
little child in case they checked in there.

Hunter grabbed some of his paperwork and worriedly gave it to the coven scouts. They served
him pancakes as well as finely produced apple blood.

"Tell Belos... I haven't finished all the paperwork because... uh.. me and kikimora were busy
checking to make sure there wasn't an intruder last night," he said in that panicky tone that Y/N
knew that something was not good.

"Yes, we will do so immediately, after checking your room." the coven scouts insisted.

"No- No need! I will check right now-" he stuttered.

"Belos insisted on it after hearing from Kikimora, they both agree something is either
distracting you or worrying you. We suspect perhaps someone is hiding in the castle."
Y/N let out a gasp of worry. Regret tinged her immediately.

"I heard something this way!" a coven scout said gruffly and opened the wardrobe.

She attempted to mimic her voice like a child, "Ack! Wow, your tall and look cool, who are

The scouts pointed spears at her.

She burst out a pretend sob and hid behind clothes, attempting to make this act look real.

"Stop," Hunter ordered. Hunter looked straight at her in the eyes and smiled with his cute tooth
gap, but the scouts couldn't see. "What are you doing here, go back home little child!" he said
mostly agitated. Hunter was a good actor.

Except Kikimora had entered at that moment.

Y/N felt like time to go. If the guards tried to escort her out, she might risk her illusion spell
breaking, and kikimora being really suspicious, also she wasn't good at illusions and her palismen
was in the corner of Hunter's room. So- she sprinted to her palismen and flew out the window as
fast as she could.

Spears were thrown and there was a lot of yelling in the distance and words like "hunter
something blah blah wrong."

When she was out of sight, she relieved herself and stopped the illusion spell.

She felt a truckload of guilt for Hunter. She left him without telling anything or doing that bold
move, what if there were guards posted near Hunter's room more often and would check up and it
was all her fault.

She sighed. What if Hunter was in trouble? She knew it wouldn't work out. Y/N blamed herself
for that cuddling session last night. Perhaps it would be better for them if they didn't see each
other. But the thought made her stomach churn. Leaving Hunter.

Worst of all, she kind of even felt like her mother. Who had left her. She had left Hunter.

No. She wasn't like her. Maybe tomorrow she could apologize to him, she knew hunter was
going to Bonesborough to buy potions from the night market at dusk tomorrow.

What if he was mad- he probably was. But she was going to try- what if he didn't want her?

No, this is hunter, her favorite basically prince. Hopefully, he wasn't too upset.

But what if he was?

Chapter End Notes

Iv only written a couple times before so sorry if it sucked-

Upload schedule news.
Chapter Summary

basically clarifying a upload sched

alrighty. From now on the upload schedule is posting on Friday one week and the next week
posting on Wednesday.

For example, this will be uploaded on Thursday but pretend its Friday like 12/9/22
next chapter will be done on 12/14/22

I have a life (very super surprising woahhhh) and school and I cant always write sum fanfictions
and I have another house to visit sometimes due to divorced parents that I don't have access to AO3
or wattpad.

soooo this is the schedule.

Patching (SOME) cracks
Chapter Summary

Hunter faces belos. Y/N and Hunter reunite.

Hunter's Point of View:

He had been called to see Belos. Right after the "intruder" incident occurred.

Hunter felt a little betrayed but understood Y/N's view. If she went with the scouts, she would
have to leave her palismen. Y/N would never forgive him if her palismen was found and given to
Belos. He could imagine the sickening snap of the staff and the savage animal noises Belos
produced as he sucked up the magic? Syrup? Well, the essence inside of the palismen. Besides,
Kikimora was there.

He bit his tongue as he walked inside his uncle's throne room. Chances were that this interaction
would be terrible. As most were. He pledged himself to Belos at a young age, and he was desperate
to not disappoint.

But Belos, would be outraged if he found out about Y/N. Belos disliked the idea of Hunter
having interests in witches. He made him swear an everlasting oath about marriage all those years
ago, when he was just a child, for the "titans will for him".

"Hello, Hunter, would you like to tell me what had happened?" Belos spoke in that cold but
seemingly 'gentle' voice that hunter sometimes was comforted by or creeped out by it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall behind on my work and I was focused if there was an intruder-"
he began.

Belos slipped his mask off, revealing a streak of green wood on his face, "Tut tut, Hunter I only
want what's best for you, and I feel like you have been getting distracted too often, and you don't
finish your work. We have to do something of course."

Hunter did not like this, or what might happen next.

"For now, and I promise this is only for your best interests, I want you to stay in your room and
only leave when absolutely necessary, you may be assigned to a mission possibly a week later. As
well more guards to protect the castle and scouts will check on you in the morning to nighttime
every 2 hours." His tone slowly becoming more cold and cold.

Hunter wanted to serve his uncle the best he could but he never wanted to let go of Y/N, so in
his best loyal voice, he lied "I understand Emporer Belos, I promise I will catch up and follow your
directions," and bowed.

Time skip to tomorrow night and Y/N's Point of View:

Y/N took a deep breath. Her palismen lay on her shoulder comforting her nervous self. She pet
them and was ready to leave for the night market. Her palismen turned into staff form and she
clamped her sweaty hands on them.

And she took off. The flight would be long probably an hour. But by then, it would be a little
less than midnight, when the night market always appeared. She flew past forests and thought
about Hunter.

She assured herself that Hunter wasn't going to be as mad as she first thought when she left him
at the castle. Maybe a lot. She was just going to hope it was going to be okay. She was trying to
figure out all the conversations that might happen with Hunter so she could prepare herself. Many
scenarios were in her mind.

Eventually, her mind went to the first time she snuck in, around a year ago.

This was way before she had her adorable palismen, she waited until the guards were going to
switch shifts. Now when that happened, she swirled her finger and made a vine grow highish, but
not very high.

She wasn't really good at anything except healing, but in Hexside she was in the detention

She climbed the vine halfway to what she thought might be Hunter's window. After all his staff
was seen through his window, though he didn't have a palismen just a staff.

She began climbing the tower and gripping the cracks and extra holds she could find until she
hoisted herself onto the window sill. She slid the window open and walked in.

Hunter turned immediately at the sound of the window opening and had a shocked face but then
his face brightened and gave her a crooked smile. But then an anxious look.

"Y/N, I didn't expect you to come here, it's not safe!" he exclaimed.

She smiled and gave him a hug, "Well too late, I'm here," she remarked.

"Ughhh Y/N, I can never focus when your here," he said elbowing her.

She didn't expect a comment like that and blushed a little, "Hm.. Seems like your focused on

"Of course not, who would focus on you?" he joked pointing at her face.

Y/N noticed on Hunter's underarm there was a wound, "Woah, what happened there-" she asked
surprised and concerned.

"Just a mission," he said and acted like no biggie.

Y/N wondered if this was normal for him, and noticed a series of scars scattered on his arms
and some on his neck. That was really worrying. Were his missions that dangerous?

"Let me heal that, and also did you just go on a mission?" she said and grasped his arm to take a
closer look.

"Ouch, Y/N! and also I was missioned to slay a Stonesleeper and harvest its organs," he said.

Y/N cast her healing spell and the wound quickly faded leaving the slightest scar, "Whats a
stone sleeper?" she'd never heard of one.
"That's cause there endangered, they were hunted a lot in the savage ages in fact, their lungs of
them were used to boost magic, and even rumors about cloning witches with the right ingredients!"
he rambled.

She adored the dorky side of Hunter. Y/N felt like Hunter was precious and cute- Wait. This was
her friend, why was she acting like they liked each other or something?

Maybe because perhaps she did.

Y/N shook herself out of the flashback. She was here.

She checked her watch and it was time, demons and witches rushed in as the night market
appeared in thin air. Something caught her eye though.

Hunter. She rushed toward him and prepared her really long apology. She caught his hand and
faced him. But something unexpected happened- Y/N just started crying.

She wasn't sure why she was.

Her palismen turned to animal and tried to help her while Hunter's eyes widened and stared at
her before comforting her, "It's alright Y/N what happened?" he said and hugged her.

"I happened, I'm sorry Hunter-"

"No no no, It was my fault- it's alright Y/N!" he said and kneeled down and put his hand on her
jaw, "It was never your fault, I understand."

"I-I just need a moment." she stammered while her palismen perched on her shoulder and
rubbed on her face affectionately.

Sonn, Hunter helped Y/N as she put herself together and Hunter quickly slipped off his mask for
just a moment to kiss her. He tried to carry her bridal style but it certainly was a struggle.

Y/N gave a small smile and rubbed her tears off and got off him.

"Thank you," she said quietly then broke into a large mischievous grin before saying, "Let me
give you a favor since you helped me."

"I don't need a favor Y/N but th-Ack! Y/N Stopppp!" he whined when she successfully carried

She didn't need him to take off his mask to know he was a bright red by now.

Hunter finally accepted his fate as he was carried, "Arghh Y/N....Fine, to the potions shop," he
said quietly probably a little embarrassed.

30 minutes later..:

Y/N finally let him down after they left the night market, and her arms were very sore-

"Y/N, I officially hate you," he said.

"Sure you do." and she gave him an extra tight hug, "And then 10 years later you still "hate me"
when we're married-"
Hunter stayed silent. The oath.

He could never marry Y/N, or in fact anyone. Why? Why did Belos make the oath? Hunter took
a breath.

Maybe Hunter didn't like her that much, maybe their relationship was temporary, of course, it
was, they weren't even allowed and would be disapproved, she was not in coven yet and It
probably would have to be the emperor's coven- Clearly Hunter would not want to get married to
her, it would cause a cascade of problems. Y/N was shaking.

"It's alright, I'm sorry for pressuring you about marrying me- pff, marry me- who would ever
think.." she stammered and backed away from him.

"No- uhm of course I would marry you!" he lied, "You're my favorite person in the world, and I
was thinking about how our wedding would be," he half told the truth.

Y/N eased, wondering if she was just too overdramatic.

"Let's go to the castle, they just added more guards, and now its nighttime so they won't check
in." hunter said hastily to change the topic.

The castle unsurprisingly was far away. Y/N hopped onto her staff and Hunter did the same.

"Do you, uh- ever wonder what the future is like for us?" he asked her as they flew across the

She nodded, "I wonder if we'll be together when we are older," almost a hint of sadness in her

It took a small moment for Hunter to reply, a moment that he hoped Y/N didn't notice, "I hope
so," he said honestly.

Y/N thought maybe he was hiding something.

They rode mostly chatting until they arrived.

"We're here," he announced, "Um, I forgot to tell you, Belos grounded me so this was a sneak
mission-" then he randomly flew to his window.

It was a miracle the guards outside didn't see him. Y/N planned her move, when some of them
looked away in another direction, or got distracted by something. She bolted in, ready to scold him
about how they could been caught.

"Wow, that was easier than expected," he said putting his staff down.

She looked at him dumbstruck, "It shocking you didn't get caught hunter- and you have to wait
until they aren't looking," her lecture began.

"Oh, alright, alright." he said and rolled his eyes.

Couldn't he see she just wanted him safe? "I just want to protect you hunter, cause I love you."
she said gently.

Hunter stood in terror as he got deja vu from her and Belos. They were very different, but he
kept being reminded. He blinked and saw him.


He blinked again.


He stared into her eyes for a second and remembered this was not Belos but his girlfriend. She
actually seemed to look really nervous and was talking but he didn't hear her.

"Hunter!" she said shaking him and he snapped out of his trance.

"Hunter, are you alright?" Y/N said with fear in her eyes almost radiating.

He blinked multiple times, just to make sure, "Sorry- I didn't mean to worry you I just was lost

He kissed her reassuringly, "Sorry, again."

In return, she pulled him to her and pressed her lips against his, "I don't ever want to lose you,

When they parted from the kiss, Hunter said "Neither do I Y/N."

"Your my favorite prince"

"I'm not your prince!" he demanded.

Y/N giggled, "Thats up for debate, Goldie."

"I haven't heard you call me that since I captured you," he said thinking about it.

She grabbed his hands and held them, "I was feeling a little nostalgic."

She checked her watch, it was getting late, and she had to go to Hexside tomorrow, "I have to go-
" she stated sadly.

He gave her the puppy dog eyes, she pulled their intertwined hands away.

"When can we see each other again?" he asked eagerly.

Y/N had an idea, "Welll- we don't have really a form of contact, what if I gave you

"Whats that?"

Y/N knew that he wasn't super in touch with the island, but come on.. Penstagram? She
explained it him and handed him one.

Hunter clenched the device tightly, "Are you sure?"

"Yep, I can stay in contact, I already added my user," she confirmed and held her palismen
ready to depart.

"Bye Y/N, Il miss you," he said giving her a glance.

"I'l miss you too prince." she said before checking for guards and flying out the window.
Heating it up
Chapter Summary

Its their anniversary :)

Chapter Notes

like the smalllllllessst hint of smut at the end, next chapter will be smut just warning if
yall ok with that

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Time skip: a week later

Y/N eagerly typed a quick "Yep <3" to Hunter on Penstagram. She smiled to her excited self,
ready to visit him on this special night.

She had shoved all her worries out of her way, today was their year anniversary for meeting
each other. They couldn't really do a relationship anniversary since they had only been together for
ten months. Y/N wanted to get something for Hunter, something simple but sweet. Possibly
chocolate? Seemed too basic.

Finally. A good idea. She was decent at carving. She could carve him something cute. A heart
was overused, maybe she could use another symbol of love?

She knew what she could do. A really cute animal, Loveowls. Loveowls were grey to black and
had small patterns on their wings, the standard type had hearts. They were also known for the way
they mate, they would stay with that bird for the rest of their lifespan after mating and they were
known for flying together often.

She grabbed her carving knife and went into her storage room, looking for a large piece of
wood to carve two Loveowls snuggling. She found a dark oak log and she got to work carving all
of its details.

Eventually, it was done. Her best work yet. Y/N stared happily and proudly after her hours of
work. It took her a long two and a half hours and the sun began to set slowly. She took a deep
breath, and walked out of her house to see the moon go up.

Oh man, she would kill for Hunter to sit next to her while they gazed at the sky.

"Hunter?" she asked nervously, fiddling with her fingers. She regretted this already. Did she
really have feelings for him? Or was she just being dramatic?

"Yeah Y/N, are you okay?" he noticed her shaking and fidgeting.
She stood her ground, "I-uh- can we- uhm maybe- I-Hunter do you wanna go out with me?" she
stammered at last then turned her red face away to face his room walls. It was better than him
seeing her like this.

His eyes widened in surprise, Y/N expected a rejection, "I-Uhm, sure!" he said turning a shade
of strawberry.

Y/N jumped and hugged him right then. Hunter enjoyed the hug, giving a kiss on the cheek
awkwardly, he had never been in a relationship.

She opened her eyes, which greeted her with the purple night sky. Alarmed Y/N had been late,
she checked her watch but it was only eight, she was supposed to hang out with him at 8:40. She
planned to get ready. She took a ten minute shower, blow dryed and brushed her hair,and put her
best clothes on, she was ready.

She clutched her staff and took off and enjoyed this clear night with the moon shining brightly.

Timeskip 10 mins ( I'm sorry I'm lazy and losing motivation send help)

Hunter's ground was over, and slightly less guards patrolled then when he was grounded.
Hunter stared at a photo of him and Y/N he kept in his drawer. He grinned, hoping Y/N would be
here soon.

He had been assigned a mission to do tomorrow, to get a large stock of palistrom wood.
Palistrom wood was hard to find due to overharvesting.

His mind turned back to Y/N. He wondered what school was like, surely there would be kids
like him, who liked authority and rules. But when Y/N hung out with him all that time ago, she just
laughed when he said he liked that and she said that he was funny.

A knock came on his window, Y/N! He forgot to open it since the cold weather season was
coming. He opened the window and couldn't help but smiling.

He yanked her through the window excitedly and hugged her. Y/N hugged back, really strong.
Y/N was slightly taller than him, and stronger than him which was embarrassing whenever she
carried him.

He was wearing jeans (surprisingly since he didn't like the texture appppparenntllyy) and a
black t-shirt, which was a nice change from the cold armor and mask he normally wore.

"Hey prince!" she said picking him up and twirling around and "accidentally" gave him a french
kiss but then almost dropping him when she just figured out what she did, "Uh- sorry," she said.

His eyes seemed to sparkle and turned his face was red, "Happy anniversary I guess," he
murmured embarrassedly.

"I got something for you," she said smiling and handed him the carving.

Hunter gently pressed his fingers on the beautiful carving, "Y/N- you did this?" he asked in awe.
"This looks like the carving coven leader did this!"

"One more thing," she said and took her knife out.

His eyes watched as she etched their initials together Y/I x H carved as a heart on the bottom of
the carving of the owls. He grasped the carving and stared at the smallest details that Y/N poured
her soul into for him. He felt guilty, she did all of this for him, and he was gonna give her such a
small gift.

He placed the carving at his desk, and took out a small present, his eyes flicking to the
masterpiece she gave him and his small gift, "Sorry it isn't that much."

Y/N took the gift and said honestly, "Whatever you give me I will always love," and unwrapped
it revealing a box of caramel candies. Her favorite. It didn't matter if it was small, but the sentiment
mattered to her.

"Thanks, my cute dork," she said affectionately.

Hunter shoved her, "I'm not a dorkkkk!" he insisted.

Y/N took his hand and pulled him to her, "You'll forever be my favorite prince if you can't be a
dork I guess that's wayyyyy better," she said in a sarcastic tone.

He stared off into space for a moment, thinking about what she said, "Forever," he repeated.

She gazed into his magenta eyes, smiling, and said, "We're always gonna stay together."

"O-of course we will, I love you Y/N"

"Me too Hunter," said and clamped her hands around his, stronger.

Hunter, still holding hands with Y/N walked over to his bed and laid next to her.

Y/N felt peaceful, this was a perfect day, "Can we cuddle, I'm colddd," she whined, but not
really she just wanted to get close to him.

"I know that's a lie Y/N, the castle's heater works really warm it's like 80 degrees here. Fine..."
he rolled his eyes, flopped his way to Y/N, then folded his hands over her torso, wrapping her in a
cozy hug.

"You know me to well, goldie," she said while she sunk deeper into the hug, remembering the
time they met.

Hunter agreed and faced the same direction as her, and spooned her, though it was difficult
since he was a tad bit smaller than her. He pressed his arms around her chest and the back of her
thighs were pressed against his front legs.

Y/N enjoyed this infinitely, their warm bodies pressed on one another in silence.

Hunter froze, embarrassed, his length, suddenly stiff.

Chapter End Notes

thank yall for reading, im losing motivation so ehh

Actually heated
Chapter Summary

Y/N and hunter have sex both for first time

Chapter Notes

This chapter has smut, sorry if it sucks and if u r uncomfortable with sex i suggest
click off

Y/N noticed Hunter had gotten hard, she didn't know how to react, she turned her face around and
he awkwardly avoided her eyes.

"Sorry sorry- I know its probably gross for you but-" he trailed off feeling self-conscious.

She flipped herself to face him, "You could never be gross, uh- I-well, to be honest, I guess
that's normal so I don't mind."

His eyes darted around uneasily, as if he felt she was lying, "wait. really?" he asked in a quiet

"Of course Hunter," she said truthfully and continued snuggling.

Meanwhile Hunter, still liking the snuggling and it was cute and all, cause him some...
discomfort there. It almost just...hurt a bit? He felt this small need, tugging at him to do something,
but what?

The need tugged at him again, he pushed it back, but only if Y/N would be okay with it-
probably not.

Finally, he collected enough courage to sit up in bed and ask her in a small tone, "Hey, uh Y/N,
would you... willing to do the "thing" with me?

"What thing? Oh-" she asked then figured it out.

She didn't talk for a moment. They haven't been together in a relationship for more then a year,
and she wasn't even sure what to do, but if Hunter wanted it, maybe. She always wondered what it
would feel like- so yes?

"Only if your okay with it thought, I'm not pressuring you." he insisted, what if he accidentally
forced her and she really didn't want to?

"Hunter, sure-yeah, I think we should do it," she answered looking at him, barely visible by the
dim light of the moon, "but- I haven't done it before."

"Me neither, but are you really okay with it Y/N?" he pressed.
"Yes, I'm sure, wait do we have condoms, I think we need them-" she replied remembering
something during sex ed at hexside like protection?

"I-no- I mean I haven't done this before so no, maybe I'll just pull out."

"I just started my period a couple days ago anyway, so there's less risk."

Y/N slipped off her top nervously, revealing a bra. She wasn't sure what to expect next.

"Should we- take off everything or just the bottom stuff.?" she asked him expectantly.

He glanced at her and then himself, "everything if you want-" then he slipped off his t-shirt
showing slight muscle but he was still scrawny.

Adorkable, she thought.

She hesitantly took her bra off, then stripped the rest of herself, while he did the same.

They stared at each other for a moment naked, and then Y/N noticed how big a dick normally

Well, how big his was. Maybe his was small or medium but ya know, like Y/N had never
actually seen one- only like diagrams that are a drawing in sex ed or whatever. Was that really
gonna fit?

"Woah." they both said practically at the same time.

Hunter seemed to be looking at her chest area- which was like decently developed while she
wondered what to do first.

"Maybe we can start- I think you put it in me?" she asked him, she wasn't paying attention in
that class then, plus its what they did in the smutty lemony fanfiction she read off
Fanfictionofourown (probably inaccurate)

"I think that would hurt dry" he answered, but he wasn't a girl so what would he know.

Aha- Y/N forgot that in some fanfictions the character normally sucked them off or used lube to
avoid pain apparently.

With no warning, she bobbed her head down and attempted to put his dick in her mouth, Hunter
made a high pitched adorable squeak, which drived her in a "certain feeling" to try and make him
make that noise again, but she couldn't fit his thing in her mouth, she gagged and spit it out.

"Y/N you gave me no warning, but also that was actually really good!"

"I literally felt like I was choking to death but it was really cute when you squeaked so-" she
said smugly and went down again.

"I-am not!", another couple squeaks," cute-ah!"

Those noises were music to her ears but she could barely breathe and stopped.

She took a large gulp of air, "I think that enough tasting- before I faint or something," and she
flopped herself down.

Hunter, concerned, made sure she was fine, "Are you okay, can you breathe?" he asked

"Yeah yeah, I just need a moment, what should we do now?"

"I think, we should.. do the actual like sex part," he said hopefully.

Hunter and Y/N aligned with each other and he tried to thrust into her, but missed, she giggled
and the next try was successful.

At first, it hurt a lot, and she tensed up tightly, it burned and ached, "Hunter- please stop, it
hurts," her voice barely a whisper.

He pulled out right away, it felt slightly good, put all pleasure drained away when she said she
was in pain, "I'm so sorry-" he said guiltily.

"It's alright- I guess, It just hurt a lot.. Its not your fault."

"I'll be back, maybe some lube will help." hunter said slipping on a robe and creeped out of his

He came back minutes later with a lube bottle, she questioned where he had gotten it, but she
could ask later.

"Can we try again, if its okay with you?" he asked.

"Uhm..Yeah, please slow though."

He put lube on his hands and rubbed his dick quickly, "I'm gonna start."

This time, she was ready. He entered slowly, but way less painful as earlier, and eventually he
was around a good length in her, it wasn't that bad, slightly pleasurable, when she asked, "Can you
go in and out again?"

He thrusted slowly in and out a few times and she shuddered and made some sounds, "go faster
please," she barely mumbled.

He felt like their warm fleshy cushion wrapped all around his cock, it felt nice, and he followed
her orders, gradually speeding up.

"Argh!" she moaned and he went harder.

She enjoyed being filled and when he went deeper into her she also began to make squeaks and
they both panted.

"I-I'm gonna pull out!" he said and quickly took himself out of her, ending the pleasure, he felt
like he might cum and didn't want to risk it.

She sighed then burst, "That. was. amazing!"

"I know!"

They panted heavily for the next ten minutes next to each other then her saying, "I feel like we
should try this again sometime."

"Definitely, also I think we should clean up."

He picked up the lube and hid it in his drawer, then they both put their clothes back on.

He was happy, tomorrow was the one day off he got a year, one day he could hang out maybe at
her house? She always hoped for him to see be with her at her home. And he could sleep in. No
coven scouts checking in.

"I have no stuff tomorrow-" he announced exhausted.

"Bleh." Y/N responded dozing off.

"Good night Y/N too." and closed his eyes and rested.
fuck the upload schedule
Chapter Summary


i post when i want to post :) posting smut next chap

spoiler for s3: hunter digital drawing
Chapter Summary

sorry its not a chapter im working on it:possessed hunter spoiler warning s3

it took me 2hr and 12 minutes idk and pugs_ofwind and 0wlhouser are my reddit and wattpad accs
Lets take a moment
Chapter Notes

hey guys, ty for reading so far! im losing motivation but hopefully i can finish this fic
before I don't have enough energy, ty for reading

Y/N awakened, feeling well rested, she stretched, accidentally bumping into someone. She turned,
facing Hunter's face, then looked at the walls, floor, and room.

This wasn't her room, wait, oh, she remembered she hung out with Hunter the night before.

Memories of the night flashed through her head, then suddenly remembering what had last
happened. They- they had sex! It was grea-

They had sex. Unprotected. Panic rushed through her, she thought he pulled out and she was on
her period but it was still possible. She sat up, she knew there was potions to make sure any chance
of a witchlet are gone.

She didn't want to disturb Hunter's sleep, but she had to ask him if he actually pulled out.

"Uncle, please don't take them!" he begged him while Belos snatched the palismen he had
hidden away.

"Hunter, please, are you trying to cause me harm?" he asked in a surprised but not loud tone, he
tore them away, and Y/N's palismen stood there with the others as he was about to devour them.

"Not those!" he kneeled down pityfully, "Please!" He gathered the courage to attempt to snatch
them back.

"Traitor, just like all of them, Caleb!" Belos hissed turning into his cursed other form.

"Uncle, No-" he stammered running out of his way before Belos slammed a wave of goo.

"Hunter!" somebody yelled.

"Hunter, wake up." she said shaking him, and he took a breathe of relief, it was just Y/N..

Y/N looked immensely worried.


"He's not here, don't worry." she gently said, then with a tone of concern, "Also, did you pull
out last night?"

What did they do last night again? Oh. Hunter forgot about that sex thing. Hunter sat up. He
attempted to remember and slammed his head on his pillow a couple of times in an attempt to jog
his memory. Yep, He did.
"I did."

time skip like 20 mins:

"Ready to go?" she questioned him while clutching her staff.

He glanced at the photo frame of little him and Belos standing next to him, before stating
"Yeah, come on, I'll go the main entrance and you fly out."

He shoved a large handful of snails into his pocket, slipped Y/N a messy kiss, decided to not
wear his mask today, then walked out of his room.

He stepped down the seemingly forever-long stairs as Y/N waved to him then she flew out.
Technically, Y/N was infinitely more powerful than him magic-wise, without his staff.

Hunter used to be half-a-witch-hunter before he inherited his staff, they mocked him. Everyone
did, but when little Hunter began tattling to Belos, they seemed to disappear and the teasing quickly
faded. That was one thing he regretted a lot.

Terra was close, he hated Terra Snapdragon. She constantly mocked him, and he told Belos, the
next time he saw Terra, she didn't say a word to him, she was covered in large bruises and wounds,
and from then she always ignored him.

When he hung out with Y/N for the first couple of times they met, she joked around him and
even mocked high ranks, sometimes him, but he never actually felt offended. She was likable. That
evolved into crushable.

He doubted that she liked him back, but he was going to try convincing her and would let her
join the emperor's coven if they dated. It took him by surprise when she awkwardly stammered her
crush on him.

It also took him extra surprise when he found out that, bribery to date someone was bad, and that
she didn't want to be in the coven, it was the best coven, so he was puzzled.

At last, he stepped down the stairs and opened the castle door, a few scouts welcoming him.

They respected him. They feared him sometimes, they never mocked him again.

"Whos the scrawny kid?" a scout muttered, an alarmed scout whispered, "Shush, that's the
golden guard!"

He whipped his head to the scouts and gave a side glance before running off, right outside of the
bridge to the castle was Y/N staring into space boredly.

"Where should we go first?" he asked popping her thoughts.

"I dunno, wanna get some sweets?"


Hunter climbed ontop of her palismen staff with her, and they flew off.

"Do you think you and me- yknow will always be together?" he asked thinking about Belos.
"I want to, your my favorite person in the whole world." she answered.

He wanted to too. He really really did.

They were here, Y/N and Hunter got off her staff, and they walked into the candy store.

He never actually had candy before, Y/N wanted to have him try it, and the walls were covered
with jars filled with sweets, edible eyes dipped in sugar, chocolate made of cicada powder, sour
chewy snakes, and many more labeled jars.

"Which one do you want to try?" she said to him holding his hand.

He glanced around and his indecisiveness kicked in, so many options... "U-Uhm, the chocolate I

She walked over and grabbed a small bag, and got a scoop of the chocolates, and a large scoop
of sweetened caramel flakes, "these are my favoriteeeeee," she admitted.

"So whos paying again, I tottttallyyyy forgottt to bringgg some snails," she said smiling evilly.

"You are pure evil Y/N, luckily I brought money," Hunter said to the rescue and they headed
toward the cashier line.

He tossed a large handful of snails down and walked out, while Y/N stood there in shock.

"Hunter, y-you just gave that witch an absurd amount of money for these cheap candy!"

"I thought candy would be pricey, and plus I have tons of snails!" he said opening the bag and
slipping a candy in his mouth, "M-mph, deesh are god, why are they sho ceep?" he murmured
while still shoving more in his mouth.

"Jeez, I thought you knew manners prince!" she teased

Hunter finished swallowing, "Well 'princess', today is my one break day of the year, plus I want
to relax I have a mission to do tomorrow."


"If I'm your 'prince' you'll be my princess," he answered, simple logic.

"Fine," she muttered accepting defeat, whats your mission?"

Hunter winced, it would be pretty boring, "I have to get a large supply of Palistrom wood or
collect more palismen, the palismen stock ran out for Be-" he sealed his lips, only he and possibly
Kikimora knew what happened to the Palismen Scouts had to give Belos when they began.

"What? What does he do with them?" she asked her eyes widening, guessing Belos.


"Tellll meeee, I promise I won't tell!" she answered.

He took a breath, " If you promise, he- he um absorbs, well maybe eat the magic out of the

"What happens to the palismen?" she murmured quietly.

"They kind of, this sounds bad- but they kinda stop working, and die," he said that last word

Y/N stepped away, "What, and you help him?"

"Yes-" then he remembered he probably shouldn't have said that.

She was quiet, "Don't do it."

"It's my job, I'm sorry Y/N."

She grabbed her palismen tightly, "H-how could you do that, they are just animals!" her voice
turned into rage.

"I have to go warn some of my friends."

Hunter stepped toward her, "You promised!" he said bitterly.

She growled, "I'm not going to lead my friend's palismen to their death, so they can join the
stupid emperor's coven!"

And she flew off.

Why were palismen so important? He felt hurt, and on top of that he remembered he didn't bring
his staff so he would have to walk back to the castle, were palismen that great?
A Large Issue..
Chapter Summary

uh o

Chapter Notes

sorry i didn't make a new chap for a while, i lost a lot of motivation!!! though after
watching more owl house and reading nice comments i finally gave the fic another try-
ty for reading sorry if its bad

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Y/N glanced at Penstagram feeling hollow. She had warned her friends, most doubting her and
asking for a full story on why they shouldn't join the Emperor's Coven.

She didn't tell them the full story, because she still cared for Hunter.

Even if she felt immensely betrayed by Hunter, she was slightly glad she knew. Because if she
didn't, at least those who believed her would have their palismen saved.

If the full story was told and rumors spread, supposedly Hunter was the only one who knew of
what Belos did, killing those innocent palismen, then surely, Belos would punish Hunter.

Y/N scrolled through the messages Hunter had sent her, most of them yesterday. In reply to
him, well she hadn't replied.

She had completely ghosted him.

Her temper had barely cooled, still upset, but she wondered how the mission had gone. How
many palismen were slaughtered?

She wanted to know, it wouldn't make her feel better, but she wanted to know.

Hunter wasn't cruel. Did he really..

She decided she wanted to find out, she tensed up thinking of arguing with him again, gripped
her palismen and took off in the freezing winter night.

Hunter pov:

He took several quick breaths nervously, lugging the heavy bag of palistrom wood to Belos,
only palistrom wood.

He thought about what she said, he didn't understand some things, firstly they were made of
wild magic. He felt tinges of regret slipping into him for both sides, Belos would be fairly
disappointed in him but he didn't want to upset Y/N more.

Hunter hadn't touched a single palismen, though he saw a few to snatch, he did it for her, surely
she would forgive him. Maybe.

Maybe. That thought echoed in his head.

What if she didn't care, he hadn't ignored those palismen for nothing, right? Right? He hadn't
just risked his entire job, right?

He began to panic, he took more breaths quickly, and he reached the giant doors leading to
Belo's room.

"Hello uncle," he crowed meekly stepping into the cold room.

Belos stood facing the wall, then turned, mask off, "Hello Hunter, have you collected the
palisman and wood from your mission?"

Hunter flinched, "W-well, I um didn't see any palismen and found some wood- I promise I'll do
better next ti-"

"No- none?" his uncle said in a painted calm tone, though Hunter could tell there were some
emotions hidden.

"None?" he repeated again, a streak spreading across his face.

"I'm sorry emperor," he knelt down.

More streaks grew across his face, his form slowly shifting into else, "Sorry isn't. Enough!"

He turned into something else. A beast. Eyes were scattered everywhere on him.

"U-uncle?" hunter stood with panic in his eyes, treading backward, accidentally dropping the bag
of wood.

The contents spilled out, a measle couple of logs, this made him madder, it hissed angrily,
"Caleb! Disappointing!", it screeched loudly and leaped toward him.

Hunter just barely scrambled out of his way, holding his staff pointed toward him, shaking

The beast cocked its head at him angrily and sliced his cheek open,"Get out!" it bellowed.

Blood dribbled down, he let out a scream and dashed out to his room, all he felt was a burning
pain, taking quick breaths he opened his room doors and crashed onto his bed, which became wet
and stained with blood.

He became a small curled lump under his comforting blankets, his cheek feeling like it was
caught on fire with pain flooding through him. He restrained from crying for a few moments,
though eventually he couldn't hold back, and began sobbing.

Hunter knew he shouldn't have been crying. He deserved this. Of course he did. He had
disappointed his uncle.

He gently slid his hand over his bloody cheek feeling waves of pain, this was his entire fault, and


Y/N had made him feel like it was the right thing to do. It felt like it was. But Belos wanted it?
He was so confused, he wasn't sure if it was from the pain?

Y/N pov:

She braced herself, for the absolute worst of the worst, thinking of how many numbers of
palismen were probably slaughtered ruthlessly by Belos.

Y/N had once admired the emperor's coven and was fine with it, she even planned to become a
wild witch. Of course, she wouldn't tell Hun-

His name brought her feelings back to a boil.

Well, she was here now almost at the castle, planning what to say and a good argument-but after
all, Hunter was loyal. Very loyal. She wondered if Belos told him to kill himself if he would do it.
Almost like a sickening loyal. He probably did terrible things for him often.

Was that the Hunter she knew? She debated on what to say to him, while checking the guards
often and reaching his window.

His window. Anxiety pricked at her, spreading throughout her entire body. She wondered why
she was so- nervous.

It was closed, unsurprisingly. The cold frost of winter had arrived in the Boiling Isles. She
wobbled carefully, flying on level with his window, one hand trying to pry open the icy window

Her hands felt numb and they were red after tussling with the frozen-shut window for a few

It would not open. She decided that she would have to use two hands. She had a risky really
dangerous idea..But she was Y/N, ready to take risks.

She took a big breath and positioned her legs in a way.. that she hung on the ledge, she almost
screamed when she dangled from her palismen from her legs, and she called her palismen's name to
go a little higher.

Perfect, now with both hands she chipped away at the ice with her practically frost bitten hands,
wishing she had mittens. At last she lifted the window, expecting to see Hunter.. She didn't see
anyone? It was the weekday- he always stayed in his room at night..Until she heard a muffled

Y/N wasn't sure what it was.. She swung herself into the window, and while grabbing her
palismen, she landed on the floor.

The sound was louder, almost like- crying? She listened and took a step toward the bed, sensing
that's where the noise came from.

She stepped on something wet, it caught her by surprise and looked down. Blood. There was a
blood trail from the door.

She didn't like this, "Hunter?" she called a little worried, if something else was here....
A choking noise, perhaps Hunter, but it sounded so terrified screeched out from a lump on the
bed, "Uncle, please I'm sorry!"

Hunter? She hurried to the bed and attempted to lift the blanket, but he tugged harder, she used
all her strength ripping it off.

She dropped her staff in shock. Blood-stained sheets were revealed, along with Hunter, his face
drenched in blood. She reaches toward him, anger gone, replaced with fear and care. She leans over
him when he rolled and thrashed around, kicking her.

In his eyes, Y/N was not there. Belos stood there trying to grab him while he skitted away from
him. Belos had caught Hunter...

Y/N finally got ahold of him, "Hunter!" she yelled, reminding him that Belos.. Wasn't here?

"Y/N?" he blinked, and his terrifying uncle was gone.

Y/N cupped his cheek, getting Hunter's blood on her arm, he whimpered from pain.

She had a feeling, a really bad one, on who did this, "Who did this, are you okay?!"


"Who did this? Who did this?" she echoed loudly multiple times.

More silence...

Why couldn't he let her help him, just tell her who did it! Y/N felt angry and unhappy, she felt
like slapping him.

On second thought- that would not be a good idea, "Spit it out, just- please, let me help you!"

"It's my fault, really," he said at last, turning away from her.

That was not enough information- She sighed, casting a healing spell on his cheek, "It isn't. Just
tell me who did this and what happened."

"Y-yknow how we argued about the palismen.." he began, then continuing, "Well, I um, didn't
capture any," with a pained smile.

"And- well- someone got a little mad.." he trailed off.

She stopped the healing spell for a moment, then hugged him full force, feeling chock-full of
guilt but happiness. Really guilty for feeling happy, and feeling guilty that this was her fault.

He winced and made some choking noises.

She may have hugged too hard, letting go then continuing the healing spell, "Its my fault I didn't
mean it - I did well- and who was this.. mad someone?" Though she had a guess.


"It was Belos, wasn't it?" she said quietly.

Their eye contact broke.

"I don't think he meant it- it was probably by accident, right?" he muttered, shrugging, acting
like it wasn't wrong.

"Even if was on accident! That's just-just so wrong! Hunter, why do you listen to him?" she
roared, outraged.

His eyes widened, "Its okay, I just have too.."

She stared down, mute for a moment, "No its not, please, stop following him- for me.." staring
back up at him, revealing a couple tears dripping down her face. She wondered just- how terrible
was Belos..

"Its alright, its alright, he repeated to her, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Hunter, Belos has called for you-" Kikimora swung open the door, "Who is this?" she grinned

Chapter End Notes

not sorry for cliffhanger tho story will be turning darker

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