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Ujian Praktek B.

1. Expressing Introduction

Alvih : Hello ! Did You Just Move In?

Dewi : Welcome ! I’m Dewi , i Live next door.
Alvih : Do You come here often? How do you find it here? I’m Alvih By The Way
Dewi : How Long Have You lived Here?
Alvih : I Have lived here For 6 months and I plan to die here

2. Likes And Dislikes

Dewi : Do you like KPop?
Alvih : Yes , I’m A Fan of BTS And twice
Dewi : Really? I like them too

3. Inviting Someone
Alvih : By The Way I’m Having A Dinner Party Tonight and

I would love for you to come

Dewi : That Sounds Great , I’m Free Tonight
4. Asking And Giving Advice
Dewi : I feel this night is very Cold. Do you know what should I do ?

Alvih : i suggest you to wear a thick jacket

Dewi : That’s a Good Idea , Thank You
5.Agreement And Disagreement
Alvih : Dewi, What Will We eat For Dinner ?

Dewi : Anything , but I don’t think I want to eat rice

Alvih : Then How About Eating Fried Noodle With Meat For dinner?
Dewi : i Agree With That , Alvih . That will be delicious

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