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Chapter 3 This is interesting, Xi Ti Mimei

  The whole classroom is silent.

  Suddenly, someone exploded in deathly silence: "Fuck—"

   is like a signal, and then the whole class is not calm.

  Rao is Cui Jiaying and did not react for a while.

  Jiang Fuyue furrowed her brows even more tightly, and her heart said she never finished?

  Preparing to continue, the teacher suddenly said: "Quiet—"

  Fryer-like discussions suddenly turned into whispers.

   "Jiang, classmate answered very well, please sit down..." Teacher Cui kept smiling, but he
was a little reluctant to look at it.

Can    be bad?

   not only points out the original text and source, but also tells where it is in the book. The
last "Zizhi Tongjian·Han Ji 57" is a god-like operation.


  The abrupt dismissal bell rang, and Cui Jiaying collected the lesson plans and stepped on
high heels to leave the classroom.

  Enn...Go much faster than usual.

   "I swear, Cui Xian'er's face is stiff."

   "I originally planned to kill the chickens and scream the monkeys, but I didn't expect to be
attacked by the chickens. It's not stiff to blame..."

   "Sister Yue skr is ruthless, no, ruthless."


  Large class break, there are twenty minutes.

  Jiang Fuyue was about to go back to sleep, suddenly remembered something, turned to
the tablemate and said: "Thank you just now."

Wan Xiutong was surprised, Jiang and Jiang Fuyue said "thank you" to her? !

   "...No, you're welcome!" She was very nervous, her body stiff, and the decibels rose
sharply, as if someone was holding a knife around her neck.

  Jiang Fuyue subconsciously hooked her lips, turned her head back, rested on her arm, and
fell asleep.

  Wan Xiutong's mind was still playing back that inadvertent smile, and he was "killed"
again, huh!

  Three or four math classes, Jiang Fuyue listened for a quarter of an hour, and found that it
was not very interesting, so she went back to the table and continued to sleep.

  This time she was not called up to answer questions, but was called to the office after

   "Cough..." Xu Jing gave a light cough, put down the tea cup, and asked, "Did you sleep well
last night?"

  He is both the math teacher of Class 3 and the head teacher.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Yeah."

  Xu Jing: "?"

  There was strange silence for three seconds between the two.

  Xu Jing: "I heard that you also slept in Chinese class?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded.

   "No... even if you are sleepy, you can't sleep over! Class time is so precious, don't you
listen to it..."

   "I listened." Jiang Fuyue interrupted him.

  Xu Jing didn't believe it. He looked at the tall and thin girl in front of him. He was about to
sigh like before, and suddenly stared.


   "Your hair..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "It's cut short."

   "Oh, it's good." What kind of society is the little girl doing, how good is it to be refreshing
and refreshing like this?

  Jiang Fuyue stood straight, staring at him with dark eyes.

  Xu Jing retracted his gaze and said sternly: “Don’t sleep in class anymore.”

  She did not speak.

  Xu Jing almost laughed: "Why, there are difficulties?"


  She really dare to say.

   "What is the difficulty?"

"too boring."

  Regardless of language or mathematics, the things taught in class are too boring.

  Rao is Xu Jing who has a good temper and is well-trained. He almost turned into a
firecracker after listening to it. He drank a sip of tea and was shocked: "...Then what do you say
is not boring?! Eat, drink, play, or fight truant?!"

   Jiang Fuyue has done these.

   "I think this is quite interesting." She reached out and pointed to the desk.

  Xu Jing looked around, and was stunned for the next second.

  It was a very ordinary draft paper with a proof question he copied down by hand, and the
back was densely filled with formulas and numbers.
  Because he was in a hurry to go to class, he left it halfway and planned to come back and

  Jiang Fuyue: "There is a problem with my thinking."

   "What?" Xu Jing Nene.

  "You draw the auxiliary line like this not only can't prove it, but you may also fall into the
logical circle of circular proof."

  At this time, the class bell rang.

  Jiang Fuyue: "If it's okay, I will go back to the classroom."

   "...Okay, let's go back." Xu Jing waved his hand, looked at the back of the student leaving,
shook his head and laughed.

  Now these children, in order to cope with the teacher, they really have a lot of tricks.

  Don’t say, Jiang Fuyue was pretty bluffing just now. If she was not the last one in the class,
and if the question in front of her was not taken from the pre-test paper of this year’s Olympic
math competition, he would almost believe it.

  So far, none of the mathematics teachers who have trained for the Olympiad in the whole
district has done it...

  Xu Jing sighed, took the pen, took out a new draft paper, and started to follow the
previous ideas to continue to verify...

  After finishing the last political class, Jiang Fuyue followed the crowd into the canteen.

  Wan Xiutong followed her not far away, trying to get closer, but didn't dare to step

  Finally, after the two had finished their meal, she mustered up her courage: "Jiang Fuyue,
can I sit with you?"

  As time passed, the look in the girl's eyes gradually dimmed.

Will    still be rejected?


  Wan Xiutong suddenly raised her head, staring at Jiang Fuyue in a dazed manner, who had
already found a seat and sat down.

   "Thank you, thank you!"

  Jiang Fuyue found that the other party had a pair of cute little pears, with clear and bright
eyes, but was used to lowering his head, shy and timid, so there was no sense of presence in
the class.

   is also ignored, and her situation is different from that of the original owner.

No one answered the original owner because she was withdrawn and did not like to associate.
After a long time, everyone was reluctant to get up with hot faces and cold buttocks, but it
cannot be denied that she is a very recognizable person, such as her "Countdown to Ten
Thousand Years" The title of scumbag, I don't like to learn the "brilliant deeds" that often skip
class, and even the silly look that kills Matt non-mainstream.

   has become a "different" label on the original owner.

But Wan Xiutong was not taken care of. It was purely because she was too ordinary, looks
small, Jiabiyu, tepid personality, ordinary family background, and not top-notch grades, not
"best", nor "worst", stuck in it. The middle became the "majority" of ordinary students.

  This kind of person is most easily overlooked, not only classmates, but also teachers.

   "You are so amazing today." She bit a piece of ribs and whispered to Jiang Fuyue.

Jiang Fuyue’s first reaction was to remind her not to speak during the meal, her brows were
already frowned, only to realize that this is not the Lou’s house with strict and strict rules, and
she is not the Lou’s patron who needs to maintain his majesty all the time. .

  She hummed.

  Wan Xiutong did not care about her indifference, but was excited because of her response.

  You know, Jiang Fuyue didn’t bother to talk to her before, okay?

  To be precise, it means disdain to talk to everyone in the class.

  But just now, she actually responded to her!

   "I saw you turned over all the books, do you want to memorize it?"

  Jiang Fuyue hummed again.

  She didn't want to memorize, but she had already memorized it.

  But did not correct the opponent.

  Wan Xiutong glanced at the gold star again: "You are really amazing!"


  Should not normal people think that she is ranting and whimsical?

  In short, after a meal, Jiang Fuyue didn't say anything, she just hummed twice, and won a
little fan with no effort.

  Yue sister: "?" A little dazed.

  After eating and returning to the classroom for lunch, Jiang Fuyue just sat down, and
suddenly a voice came in from the door of the classroom—

   "Jiang Fuyue, come out! Ling Xuan look for it!"

    is currently changed every day for the time being, because it needs to be
recommended; it will be changed later according to the actual situation.

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