2019 Plan Updates

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Orange County Fire Mutual Aid Plan 2019 Revision

The following is a comprehensive list of changes that were made to the previous
approved Orange County Mutual Aid Plan and are represented in the 2019 revision.

Additions/Deletions and Changes:

Annual Review subsection - Removed
Entering and Participating in this Plan subsection - Moved to under Participation section
Added to Extent and Limit of Participation Out of State (with Adjacent Counties in State
of New Jersey and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania subsection:
Changed subsection name to “Out of State”
Added: Departments who are unwilling or are unable to provide services to fire departments
across state lines must notify the Fire Coordinator of such in writing.

Request for Mutual Aid subsection:

Removed: The requesting fire chief or office in charge will take due care in requesting any
special equipment that is assigned to the mutual aid department or district.
Obligation to Respond subsection, paragraph 2:
Added: appropriately trained personnel and equipment made pursuant to the provisions of this
Plan and the Orange County Mutual Aid Staffing and Response policy (Appendix V).
Obligation to Respond subsection, paragraph 5:
Added: The Officer in Charge of the requesting department will make every effort to release
mutual aid, both on scene and on standby, as soon as it is feasible to do so to allow resources
to return to service in their own jurisdiction.
Obligation to Respond subsection, end of subsection:
Added: Departments requesting standby units from other agencies must provide reasonable
accommodations for the standby company’s apparatus and crew. The requesting departments
Officer in Charge should consider rotating standby units or crews for extended operations. Any
department that may need to vacate a standby must receive approval from the Officer in Charge
of the requesting department. A Deputy Fire Coordinator can be utilized as a point of contact.
Obligation to Respond subsection, end of subsection:
Added: For any apparatus responding mutual aid or whose equipment may be utilized by mutual
aid personnel, Fire Departments participating in this plan agree to complete annual aerial, hose,
ladder and pump testing as listed:

• Performance Testing of Aerial Devices per NFPA 1911 (Current Edition), Chapter 19
• Performance Testing of Fire Pumps per NFPA 1911 (Current Edition), Chapter 18
• Service Testing of Ground Ladders per NFPA 1932 (Current Edition), Chapter 7
• Service Testing of Fire Hose per NFPA 1962 (Current Edition), Chapter 4
Withdrawal from this Plan subsection, paragraph 2:
Added: “and has been approved to do so by the Fire Coordinator”
Use and Abuse of Mutual Aid subsection:
Removed: In addition, if the automatic response is to extend beyond thirty (30) calendar days,
the request must be filed in writing with the Fire Coordinator and signed by the chiefs of all
departments involved
Under generally accepted standards (ISO Municipal Grading Schedule), a fire department is
expected to have appropriately trained manpower and equipment to handle two emergencies of
moderate proportion. In essence a fire department would be expected to be able to at least fill a
first alarm assignment and still have available resources to provide a minimal level of protection
to its jurisdiction.
Use and Abuse of Mutual Aid subsection, paragraph 6:
Added: Should any fire department deem another fire department is abusing mutual aid, the Chief
of the department reporting the abuse will notify, in writing, the Fire Coordinator with specifics
detailing the alleged abuse. The Chief of the fire department being accused of abusing mutual aid
and one or more members of the governing body (fire commissioners, village board, town board
or member of the Board of Directors) shall, upon notification from the County Fire Coordinator,
appear before the Fire Advisory Board. Notice of time and place of the hearing shall be given by
the County Fire Coordinator or by registered mail, not less than ten (10) calendar days prior to
the day of the hearing.
The notice must specify the details of the alleged abuse of Mutual Aid. The Fire Advisory Board
must forward to the County Fire Coordinator its written findings and recommendations. The
County Fire Coordinator, upon receipt of such findings and recommendations, must take
appropriate action, including, but not limited to suspension or ejection from this Plan provided that
no area of the County shall be left unprotected. The Fire Coordinator does not possess the power
to take disciplinary action against a fire company officer. Notification of the action taken will be
sent to the fire department/fire company insurance carriers and ISO commercial risk services.
Added to Extent and limit of authority of the County Fire Coordinator Subsection:
Note: The chief of each fire department will be the primary point of contact for the County Fire
Coordinator. The chief of fire department is responsible to notify his/her respective fire district or
municipal boards and his/her subordinate officers and members of any matters or policies that
warrant their awareness.
Added to Deputy Fire Coordinators subsection:
The Fire Coordinator shall appoint and supervise all Deputy Fire Coordinators, and assign them
to a Battalion or other assignment, to assist with the implementation of the Plan. Deputy Fire
Coordinators shall serve at the pleasure of the Fire Coordinator for a term of five (5) years and
may be removed at any time. Deputy Fire Coordinators may be re-appointed at the
conclusion of their five (5) year term at the discretion of the Fire Coordinator.
Authority of “requesting” fire chief or officer in Charge subsection, paragraph 4:
Changed to: A department requesting a standby company shall leave personnel at their station
to act as guides for the mutual aid company when possible.
Authority of “requesting” fire chief or officer in Charge subsection, paragraph 6:
Changed to: Any firefighter having responded to an incident, shall not make statements, provide
photos or other images to the news media, or engage in social media regarding the incident,
unless authorized to do so by the Incident Commander of the incident and through any internal
approvals of their department. Any request for information regarding an incident is to be directed
to the Incident Commander of the incident.

Added to Federal Institutions subsection

Fire Agencies that engage in fighting a fire on a property under the jurisdiction of the United
States may file a claim for reimbursement for the amount of direct expenses and losses
incurred by such fire service under 15 U.S.C.§2210.
Coordination and Dispatching Service subsection:
Added: All requests for mutual aid must be requested through the County Emergency
Communications Center.

Method of Determining Status of Equipment, Apparatus, and Manpower subsection:

Added: Note: Assignment of apparatus numbers will be dictated by the Fire Coordinator.
Training section:
Added "or his/her designee"
Removed "maintain records indicating manpower in the County including the type and extent of
training in each department."
Added " subject to appropriations maintain the Fire Training Center facilities and training props;"
Arson Control Program section:
Added: "The Orange County Joint Accelerant Detection Canine Program, established in 2017, is
a joint program between the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Orange County Fire Services, and
the Orange County District Attorney’s Office to provide an Arson Detection Canine resource
(staffed by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office) to Orange County."
Added Regional Teams section
Added Accountability System section
Added MAYDAY/URGENT section
Added Hudson River Plan section
Coordination of Disaster Plans for First Responders section: Removed
Appendix I - New - list of departments
Appendix V - New – Staffing and Response Policy
Appendix VI - New – Mayday/Urgent Policy
Appendix VII - New – Fire Coordinator Notification Plan
Appendix VIII - New – Hudson River Response Plan
Grammatical changes, minor word changes, or structural changes
Global (made throughout document):
• Changed “Fire Department” or “Fire Company” to “Fire Agency”
• Changed “Fire Coordinator” to “County Fire Coordinator”
• Capitalized “Mutual Aid” and “Plan”
• Changed OFPC to “Office of Fire Prevention and Control” throughout document

Title Page
Change Logo, Change County Exec name, Change Commissioner Name, updated revision
Purpose section:
Changed “the” to “this”

Statement section:
Changed wording
Definition section:
• Moved Fire Coordinator definition to under Office of the Fire Coordinator Section.
• Changed State “Sate Division of Fire and Safety (now OFPC)” to New York State Office
of Fire Prevention and Control
• Changed "This office acts as a liaison between the County Legislature, the Fire Advisory
Board," to "The Fire Coordinator acts as a liaison between the County Executive, County
Legislature, the Fire Advisory Board,"
• Added NFPA
• Re-ordered alphabetically

Amendments section:
• Changed structure to move amendments steps under a line
• Changed wording to “Amendments to this Plan shall be made whenever deemed
necessary by the County Fire Advisory Board and/or the County Fire Coordinator, but at
minimum every five (5) years.”
• Item 3: Changed wording to “The approved Plan will be submitted to the OFPC”

Mutual Aid Overview

• Changed “state plan” to “OFPC State Fire Mobilization and Mutual Aid Plan”
• Changed “may” to “are expected to”
Entering and Participating in this Plan subsection, sentence 1:
Added “The Fire Agencies eligible for participation in this Plan at the time of its adoption are set
forth in Appendix I. “
Extent and Limit of Participation with Adjacent Counties in the State subsection:
Changed wording “Mutual aid from other counties within the State, but not adjacent to Orange
County, shall be provided under the provisions of the State Plan.”
Incidents Deemed to be in Another Jurisdiction subsection, item:
Changed "Notify the County’s Emergency Communications Center to respond the proper fire
department." to "Notify the County’s Emergency Communications Center to either dispatch or
notify the duty officer of the proper fire department."
Obligation to Respond subsection, paragraph 1:
Moved first sentence "under this plan…" to beginning of Obligation to Respond
Change wording for “There are certain situations in which a fire department would not be
expected to respond on a mutual aid call, such as, when equipment is temporarily out of service
due to maintenance, when a department is operating at its own emergency, or when a
department is unable to provide adequate staffing.”
Changed wording for “equipment for which ordinary structural fire equipment would not be an
adequate substitute for, equipment that is not adaptable for highways, or distance limitations”
Removed "nor more than fifteen (15) calendar days"
Obligation to Respond subsection, paragraph 2:
Changed "such" to "the" and "Once a fire department responds to a mutual aid request"
Obligation to respond subsection, paragraph 5:
Changed shall to will in “The Officer in Charge of the requesting department will”

Obligation to respond subsection, paragraph 6:

• Changed shall to will in “Officer in Charge will consider rotating standby units”
• Changed “can” to “may” in “A Deputy County Fire Coordinator may be utilized as a point
of contact.”

Withdrawal from the plan subsection

Any fire company, fire department, or governing body may elect to withdraw from this Plan by
adopting a resolution to such effect. Withdrawal shall become effective thirty (30) calendar days
after receipt by the County Fire Coordinator.
Use and Abuse of Mutual Aid paragraph 1:
Changed “firemen” to “firefighters”

Use and Abuse of Mutual Aid paragraph 4:

• Changed “In instances where the use of mutual aid or automatic responses becomes
excessive or abusive, the department will investigate ways to overcome the burden. “
and “For example, attempts should be made to recruit additional volunteers,”
• Changed “cope with the situation” to “mitigate the incident”
• Changed to “pay-per-call or contracted”

Office of the Fire Coordinator paragraph 1:

Changed “firemen” to “firefighters”

Extent and limit of authority of the County Fire Coordinator subsection

Second Bullet, added “The notification policy for the Fire Coordinator and Deputy Fire
Coordinators appears in Appendix VII”
First NOTE, changed wording to “When equipment is relocated as a precautionary measure, by
the Fire Coordinator or his representative, responsibility for damage or loss of such equipment
remains the obligation of the individual department”.
Vacancy in the Position of County Fire Coordinator subsection:
Changed wording to: The Orange County Commissioner of Emergency Services shall designate
an acting Fire Coordinator to perform the duties of Commissioner until a permanent successor
is appointed by the County Executive and approved by the Orange County Legislature.
Authority of “requesting” fire chief or officer in charge subsection, paragraph 2
Changed wording to “in which services of firefighters and officers are utilized under mutual aid”
Authority of “requesting” fire chief or officer in charge subsection, paragraph 3
Changed wording to “The fire chief or Incident Commander will work with the County Fire
Coordinator and/or Deputy County Fire Coordinators and chiefs, line officers, or acting officers
of the departments providing Mutual Aid.”
Coordination and Dispatching Services subsection
Change wording for "Specifications of the system can be found in the current version of the
Orange County Radio Field Guide (Appendix IV)."
Radio and telephone Communications Regulations subsection
Changed "County Radio Procedures" to " then in effect County Radio Field Guide"
Method of Determining Status of Equipment, Apparatus, and Manpower subsection:
Changed to "Each fire chief, upon taking office or upon the request of the County Fire
Coordinator, shall update his/her respective fire department’s inventory list, officer contact list
and review box alarms to ensure that information maintained at the County Division of
Emergency Communications is up to date and correct. From these records, the County Fire
Coordinator and/or his/her Deputies will notify OFPC of updated inventories on an annual basis.
These inventory records shall be consistent with the National Incident Management System of
typing and kinding."

Retirement Provisions Relating to the Position of Regional Fire Administrator

Changed “retired” to “separated”
Inter-service Coordination subsection:
Added “as appropriate” to last sentence

Collecting and Analyzing Reports on Fires subsection

Changed wording to “Each chief, or his/her designee, of a fire department”
Arson Control Program section:
Added "Fire Coordinator, in conjunction with the Deputy Fire Coordinator…. "
Emergency Hazardous Materials Control Program section:
Added "Fire Coordinator, in conjunction with the Deputy Fire Coordinator…. "
Added "Fire Coordinator, in conjunction with" and "The Orange County Hazardous Materials
Emergency Response Team may respond partner agencies as necessary."
Added ““The Orange County HAZMAT team will participate in a regional partnership with
Rockland County, Sullivan County and Ulster County.”

Technical Urban Search and Rescue Program section

Added: The County Technical Rescue Team is comprised of several individual fire departments,
located in Orange and Sullivan Counties together with individual members who reside in the
County. Equipment may respond from partner agencies as necessary.
Removed: The public interest in the special operations area is to provide training, technical
assistance, mitigation of any effort undertaken by the fire service, law enforcement, or
emergency medical agencies in the County.
Appendix IV
Fixed Low-band Frequency List

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