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RE 802


(注)解答方法: 選択肢の中から最も適切な答えを一つ選び、その番号に対応する答案用紙のマーク欄を黒く

QUESTION 1 Hokkai Maru, this is Kushiro Maru. You are proceeding slowly through ice. How thick
is the ice?
1. A 200-meter depth of water
2. Around 20 centimeters
3. Around minus 20 degrees Celsius
4. A wind strength of 20 meters

QUESTION 2 I understand that your new passenger liner was launched last week. When does the
ship sail on its maiden voyage?
1. It will be built in Japan.
2. It will finish loading fuel today.
3. It was due to arrive here yesterday.
4. It is scheduled to make the voyage in August.

QUESTION 3 Yokohama Maru, this is the Rescue Coordination Center. Please rush to help the ship
which sent the distress signal.
1. I am keeping watch on channel 13.
2. The rescue operation was very difficult.
3. I am going to rescue the ship at full speed.
4. I require you to send me a helicopter immediately.

QUESTION 4 Tokyo Maru, this is the coast guard. I understand you have returned from searching
for the missing fishermen. Did you have any success?
1. All I could find was the ship’s debris.
2. I met high waves all day long.
3. There were no winds at sea.
4. The navigation was dangerous due to icebergs.

QUESTION 5 Osakawan Pilots’ Association, this is the shipping agent. As we informed you
previously, we need a pilot to take a 100,000-ton tanker to the anchorage.
1. Our association has 180 pilots.
2. All of the pilots used to be ship captains.
3. We will send a pilot to lead the ship to the nearest anchorage.
4. Tell us the exact time when the tanker came into the anchorage.

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