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More Ideas

Here are some of the aspects of the products which can also be explored.
Adding integrations from APIs - Various APIs can be used to include financial transactions within the
product to initiate refunds like Razorpay API and other APIs to port over data from the previous business
management product that Arun was using to save him a lot of time.

Using Machine Learning - Artificial Intelligence can be used to give Arun suggestions on what
decisions he should take using all the business metrics that the product has.

Detecting hotspots in the shops - Shop aisles can be easily monitored to find basic heatmaps of the
shop and where users are spending most of their time to strategically place items.This information can
be potrayed in the product itself so that Arun can take the next decision. Coupled with ML this feature
will help Arun gain a lot of Profits

Generating bills - Curating bills in the customer portal of the web application.

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