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英语专八辅导微信公号 TEM8APP


2003 年 4 月考题(即 2003 届)

Task One: Interpreting from English into Chinese

Directions: Please do not do interpreting when you listen to the speech this time.

The Speech by a World Bank Group Official at the 2002 Western China International
Economy and Trade Fair

Governor Zhang, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to be here this morning to open the Western China International Economy and Trade
Fair. I would like to thank the Peoples Government of Sichuan for inviting us to attend this important
event where government leaders from Beijing and twelve other provinces meet to discuss strategies
for developing China’s Western Region.

This event reflects the strong commitment of the Government and the people of China to develop
its Western Regions. I am very impressed with the enthusiasm and determination demonstrated not
only by the public sector but also by the increasing level of private sector interest in supporting the
Western development goals set forth by the government.

The purpose of my current visit to China is to assess recent economic developments in China and
to discuss with senior leaders of the Government the World Bank Groups assistance strategy for
China after its accession to the WTO. 1 started my visit two days ago in the western province of
Yunnan and have now come to Sichuan. I have seen good examples of how the World Bank Grow
up can offer assistance to the Government and the private sector to develop China’s West. There are
11 provinces, autonomous regions and one municipality in west China, with a total area of about
6.8 million square kilometers and a population of 364 million. The government’s desire to accelerate
the development of the western provinces is vital to the success of achieving a sustained growth for
China in the long run. There are also challenges, however, that should not be overlooked. These
include continue efforts to create and improve the business environment. But 1 am confident that
these challenges will be met.

In closing, I would like to thank the Government of Sichuan for its support to the World Bank and
IFC operations in Sichuan. We look forward to working with all of you to contribute to the
development of China’s West and to improve people’s lives in this important part of the country.

Thank you!

Directions: Now listen again. Please begin interpreting when you hear a beep.

1. The purpose of my current visit to China is to evaluate recent economic developments in China,

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and discuss with Chinese leaders the World Bank Group’s assistance strategy for China after its
entry into the WTO.

2. I started my visit two days ago in the western province of Yunnan and have now come to Sichuan.
1 have seen good examples of how the World Bank Group can offer assistance to the Government
and the private sectors to develop China’s West.

3. There are 11 provinces, autonomous regions and one municipality in west China, with a total area
of about 6.8 million square kilometers and a population of 364 million.

4. The Government's desire to accelerate the development of the western provinces is vital to the
success of achieving a sustained growth for China in the long run.

5. There are also challenges, however, that should not be overlooked. These include continued
efforts to create and improve the business environment. But I am confident that these challenges
will be met.

Task Two: Interpreting from Chinese into English

Directions: Please do not do interpreting when you listen to the speech this time.

2002 年中国(阳光)国际乐器展览新闻发布会上的讲话


国际乐器业界的盛人聚会——MUSIC CHINA 中国(阳光)国际乐器展览会将于 2002 年 10
月 16 日-19 日在阳光国际展览中心隆重开幕。
购所需产品和服务的契机。截至目前,本届展览会已有 270 多家中外企业报名参展,展出总
面积 15000 平方米,是目前国内同类乐器展览会中规模最大的。

Directions: Now listen again. Please begin interpreting when you hear a beep.

1. 我们举办这个展览会的目的是加强在这一领域的国际交流与合作。
2. 我们希望借鉴和学习国外的先进技术和经验,为国内广大生产厂家、经销商提供一个交
3. 同时也为广大热爱音乐的朋友们提供一个咨询、选购所需产品和服务的契机。
4. 本届展览会已有 270 多家中外企业报名参展,展出总面积 15 000 平方米,是目前国内同

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Task Three: Making a comment on a given topic.

Directions: Please read the following passage carefully and then express your views on the given
event. You will have four minutes for preparation. The time limit for your comment is four minutes.

Spaceship Columbia: A Final Journey

On February 1,2003, the spaceship Columbia was returning from space The crew of seven
never made it back to Earth. Upon reentry to the Earth’s atmosphere, the shuttle was tom apart. The
seven crew members did not die in vain, they died exploring the heavens, not for personal benefit,
but to benefit mankind Because of them, we are one step closer to discovering the mysteries of our

2003 年 4 月参考答案(即 2003 届)

任务 1:英译中
2002 年世界银行官员在中国西部国际经贸会上的讲话


会在这里来自北京和其他 12 个省的政府领导将共同探讨中国西部地区的开发策略。


1. 这是为了评估贵国最近的经济发展状况,并与贵国领导人一起讨论中国加入世贸组织之
2. 两天前我就在云南省开始了我的评估,现在又到了四川。我已经看到世界银行向政府和
3. 中国西部。包括 11 个省、自治区和一个直辖市,占地 680 万平方公里,拥有人口 3 亿
6400 万。
4. 中国政府决心加快西部省份的开发对中国成功实现可持续发展计划至关重要。
5. 然而,这其中也存在看不可忽略的挑战。它们包括继续努力创造和改善商业环境。但是


任务 2:中译英

The Speech by the Deputy General Manager of Sunshine International Exhibition Center at
2002 on the Press Conference of China International Musical Instrument Exhibition

Distinguished guests and friends from the media,

First, on behalf of Sunshine International Exhibition Center Co. Ltd, please allow me to express

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our warm welcome and sincere gratitude to all the guests present at the news conference today
Music China International Musical Instruments Exhibition, a great occasion for the
international industry circle of musical instruments, 16will be held from 16-19 October 2005 at
Sunshine China International Exhibition Centre.
1. The purpose of this exhibition is to enhance the international exchange and cooperation in
this field.
2. We hope to learn from the advanced technology and experience from abroad. At the same
time it will serve as a window and bridge for the producers and dealers home and abroad
to exchange technology, display products.
3. It can also provide music enthusiasts an opportunity to consult and buy the products and
service programs they need.
4. So far, more than 270 domestic and foreign companies have signed up at the exhibition
with a total exhibition area of 15, 000 square meters. It is the largest exhibition of that kind
in China.


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