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pea SIT YY ply 92 laa Faslg Mele sah NeW za stall 498 ‘leslie inka ( :ciahall ae (abel! aassan Ft vw +Read the following passage and then answer the que: in iPhone as Inc plans to use a larger screen on the next-gener begun to place orders for the new displays from suppliers in South Kefea and Japan, people familiar with the situation said pn Wednesday. The new iPhone screens will measure 4 inches from corn er, one source said. That would represent a roughly 30 percent increase in viewing area, assuming Apple keeps other dimensions proportional, pple has used a 3.5-inch screen since introducing the iPhone in 2007, Display Co Ltd, Sharp Corp and Japan Display, a Japanese government- Early production of the new screens has begun at three suppliers: Korea's LG brokered merger combining the screen oe of three companies. Itis likely all three of the screen sup) will get production orders from Apple, which could begin as soon as J would allow the new iPhone to go into production as soon as August, i mpany follows its own precedent in moving from orders for prototypes Rey Companants to launch, Apple's decision to equip,the next iPhone with a larger'screen represents part of a competitive response toeSamsung Electronics Co Ltd. . Samsung unveiledyts top-of-the line Galaxy smartphone with a 4.8:inch touch- screen anda fay ter processor earlier this month. With c¢ snhes becoming more and more comntort be using smartphones for tasks, ny once performed on laptops, like watching video, other smartphone m ees have also moved toward bigger displays. 4-Hw many different suppliers will most likely be involved in the production of (*) ghee LUM CUTUILET = eye a--Nokia b-- LG fy m~ re companies making bigger display screens? \ b a--Because big screens are fashionable 2. According to the article, who is AppIEompeting against? . 2 c- -Because bigger screens makes dialing easier. ‘ill Apple's new screen be, compared t v -b- -4 inches -¢- 3.5 inches 5-What_ b- are you going to do _c- did vou do a-am not c- am not like 7-When a- will you start _b- have you start b- did not re c- has not regeived 9-Have you booked your flight yet? a ..(do) it later once | have checked prices. \ im do have been do. 4s) Seen en een ea ga Y dake (Meus Camscanner = Ws 6 ~ 10-Toremain ., we need to reduce our ir prices and deliver quickly. | 5 - competitive . $y - security pass oN c- predict 11-ffojgainjaceess'ts the company premises, you need to show your x= at the gate.- ¥ a- competitive c- predict 12-Prices have plummeted.Itisidifficuleto. again soon or not. — a- competitive b- security pass 13-Offering training tolemployess means.aae.. whether they will pick up b- drop 14-Following the takeover, / Prices dropped dramatically. b- Drop c- Security Pass *- Put the verb into c- have liv fe (you - to théleinema last night?" 'Yes, but it —- (oe) amistake, The (be) awful. je YOU gone/was/was ‘ jid you go to the cinema last night?/was/ were 0 years ago.lIP-- (fieVer/meet) him. 17.My grandfather ~ a- died/ has never met ¢- dies/ have never met pat debe ——————— ee tot CamScanner = 4940 b> a- did Martin come 18-'Where --- (Martin/come) from?" ‘He's Scottish.’ 2 c- do Martin come “fy 19- 'What --- ?" ‘I'm an electrical engineer.’ - mn b- did you do c- does you do Y 20- It --- (faké)me an hour to get to work. How long --- (it/take) you? — a- take, does it take c-took, does it take U 21-The TVSiin this shop cost) very much. Ab- does not cost . c- have not cost ‘ 22400. Z b- worked c- work 23 = My DOSS sersssssensneeve b- give ~ c- given 24.1 don't know (work) with mal a project $ifi¢éllanuary. speech last week on business development. (you/see) her? b-Did you séeher? c- Do you sé@her? 25. 1oks very clean --- (you/wash) it? sax did you wash it? one you washed t gat debe (N) gd LUT CUTUILET = eye

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