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2 2022 Monday,

August 15, 2022

Ironhill India: Roars Smashing the patriarchy

with an expansion A s we celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of our
independence, it is indeed a matter of great joy and
pride to see Draupadi Murmu assume office as the
Besides leading from the front as CEO of Wadia Hospi-
tals, her appointment as Director to leading companies
like Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Co Ltd and Burmah

spree across India

second woman President of the world’s largest democracy. Trading Co Ltd, speaks volumes of her dynamic leadership.
However, if you look at the statistics of women leaders in  At par with any world-class super speciality facility,
the corporate world, it leaves a lot to be desired. A recent the Wadia hospitals have been at the forefront to fight the
study has revealed that only 5 per cent of the CEOs in India COVID-19 pandemic. They have worked dedicatedly to man-
are women and only 17.1 per cent of the boardroom seats in age COVID-19 patients ensuring zero COVID – 19 deaths at
India are held by women. the hospital. The Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children
A notable exception to these rather depressing statistics (BJWHC) now has 525 beds offering 34 Pediatric services. It
has been the rapid and meteoric rise of Dr Minnie Bodhan- is a recognized centre of excellence for Paediatric Cardiolo-

wala, CEO, of Wadia Hospitals. She has smashed the patriar- gy, Paediatric Neurol- ogy, Paediatric Neurosurgery, Paedi-
ronhill India, the country’s largest chain of craft chy very early in her career, by sheer talent, vision, and te- atric Surgery, Nephrology, Hemat-Oncology, Bone Marrow
breweries is growing at a rapid pace as it establish- nacity. Inclusive leaders like Dr Minnie Bodhanwala, have Transplant and many more. With 155 NICU beds, Bai Jer-
es footprints in the interiors of the country. Under defied the statistics and offered a ray of hope to millions of bai Wadia Hospital is one of the largest Neonatal Intensive
the leadership of Teja Chekuri, the brand has already women in India and abroad. Winner of over two hundred Care Units (NICU) in the world. It is also the nodal centre
created a loyal patronage across 6 cities including Hy- national and International awards, she for Club Foot in Maharashtra and the only centre in West-
derabad, Bangalore, Vijayawada, Nellore, Rajahmun- opines, “The male and the female ern India that provides zero-day dialysis for newborns.
dry and Visakhapatnam. The brand is now inviting are two beautiful and significant With decades of experience spread over multiple sec-
proposals from franchisee prospects as they look at dimensions of life that comple- tors, she is indeed a master class in leadership. When
expanding into Bhubaneshwar, Pune and other cities ment each other very well. If questioned about the secret of her success, Dr Minnie
in Rajasthan. Set up in 2018 by Teja Chekuri, Harsha you have the right perspective Bodhanwala responds with a smile and states, “ Ambition
Vadlamudi, Vidhatha Annamaneni, Subba Raju Pen- on life, this is a very obvious when guided by the right vision, results in all inclusive
matsa, the team is focussed on making inroads in the realization and learning. De- leadership and that is the key ingredient to success. Am-
emerging cities of India. spite the stiff gender-specific bition is all around the place, but vision is rare. Second-
Commenting on the expansion, Teja Chekuri, challenges that I have faced ly, it is your subjective experience that creates your
Founder said, “The response to our homegrown craft right through my career, I objective reality. I have always believed in my inner
have consciously shifted the strengths and skill sets, irrespective of the external
brewery has been very encouraging in every city we
focus from being gender-spe- circumstances.”
have entered. The new brews and indigenous ingre- cific to being growth- spe- We well and truly hope that many
dients used along with the knowledge of our expert cific and more women smash the patriarchy,
brew-masters, who have travelled around the world life-spe- the Minnie Bodhanwala way. Wom-
unearthing some of the most supreme flavours for In- cific.” ankind is indeed waiting for more
dia to savour – culminates in exciting flavors of beers such women to come forward and
on tap, all brewed with the highest quality raw mate- show the way so that gender parity
rials imported from their source countries and and gender equality become
locally sourced. In 2022, we intend to expand part of our existen-
to 10 locations by across Maharashtra, Orissa, tial reality.
Goa, Chandigarh and more.” 
As an asset light franchisee model, the brand
looks for the right partner to tie up with and
provide the know-how, set up, brand design, team
hires, brews, food menu, chef training, raw materi-
als and cost management on the ground level and
take up branding and marketing on an overall
level. The franchise owner looks at outlet man-
agement and day to day operations.
Ironhill also invests heavily on training
the franchise owners on a regular basis
on how to run their business more
efficiently while imbibing the brand
values to help them gain more out
of the association. Together
they work towards creating
a brand outlet they are
both proud of.
The team is
known for
its unique
blends of
brews and
excellent food.
After the roller coaster ride of the last two years, 2022
has a resounding sentiment of positive uptick in busi-
ness across the hospitality business. The post pan-
demic world also meant un-learning and re-learning
set patterns and standards. Being proactive on safety
and hygiene; empathetic towards staff and customers;
Teja Chekuri, Managing Partner, cash flow management; longer financial stability;
Ironhill India community building and a deeper look at the supply Dr. Minnie Bodhanwala,
change management changed things for the better. CEO, Wadia Hospitals
With the new changes firmly in place, we are now tar-
geting at INR 250 cr this fiscal year.

Why the new investing app, Pre school for Aspiring Indian Parents Little Elly is a 17 years old pre-school chain, its loved by parents who want best of both

Elever, is a game-changer worlds, great curriculum and affordable price. Little Elly has won more the 25 awards
for their curriculum and practices.

for retail investors B

ack in the year 2005, young par-
ents named Vittal Bhandary
(Founder & MD) & Preeti Bhan-
dary(Co-founder & Head, Curriculum)
believed that the quality of education

t is no secret that investing in the child receives in the first five years
stock market is not a level playing of life matters the most and wanted
field. The HNIs and the UHNIs have to enrol their daughter in the best
always had the edge, thanks to their preschool or nursery. They short-
ability to access tools and services, listed a few preschools, though these
which allows them to invest in a high- preschools had good curriculum but
ly personalized manner, managed by none was to their satisfaction. Just
professional expertise. And this dispar- like most middle class Indian parents,
ity is exactly what Elever, a recently they wanted a preschool that offered
launched investing app aims to cor- a well-rounded curriculum for an
rect. Founded by Anshul Sharan, San- overall development of the child with
tosh R, and Ram Subramanian, Elever good infrastructure and well trained
was born out of each founder facing teachers, all of this at a price that was
this problem first-hand. Speaking to cost-effective. And that’s where, “ Lit-
ET, Elever's Co-founder & CEO, Ans- tle Elly” was born, as an entity
hul Sharan says "we were driven by synonymous with education
the idea that every investor, whether in Bangalore.
their portfolio size is Rs 10,000 or 10Cr, With a great passion
should have the same opportunity to of giving her child the of values and a philosophy of to franchise. For Little Elly expansion
grow their money - and that is precisely best, Preeti, a kin- making teaching a joy and we followed cluster approach, so that
how we have built Elever". dergarten teacher learning a pleasure. we could give 100% support to our
Elever follows a unique "Custom- herself, convinced l Little Elly has set franchisees to succeed. Now, we have
er-first" approach to investing, just her husband Vittal standards of excellence that started to expand in Delhi NCR, and
like the HNIs do. They begin with their and decided to build has led to being the most pre- expect to inaugurate at least 15 schools
proprietary risk profiling algorithm their first Little Elly ferred preschool, especially in this financial year.”
that marries a customer's risk-taking pre-school in 2005. among parents who want the Vittal Bhandary comes with more
nature with her financial capacity to Preeti Bhandary is a best of both worlds, good cur- than 27 years of experience and exper-
withstand it. This highly incisive risk post graduate in Child riculum with fees that doesn’t tise in fostering learning and develop-
profile then becomes the basis of the in- Psychology and Educa- become a burden. ment amongst children. He has led
vestment advisory that Elever provides tion. She has a wealth of l Their program builds effec- the preschool’s efforts in developing
them. Next, they help the customer experience of 22 years & a tive partnership between home children publications, learning aids,
create a personalised investment goal career exposed to a variety and school in involving parents pedagogy support, early schooling
according to their present financial of aptitudes and skills to create as an important companion in the and day-care.
reality and future requirements. This effective teaching methods and an ap- child's education, thus ensuring a Preeti and Vittal are among very
is followed by a precisely constructed propriate learning environment. great reputation and driving admis- few edupreneur couples who have
portfolio that will help them achieve Preeti says, ”Children can sense sions, making a globally acclaimed worked extremely hard in chang-
the goal in the stated time. Finally, they their environment and if their sur- name in education. ing the preschool landscape of India.
continuously track and adjust the goal, rounding makes them feel happy, l They are known for its developmen- Their approach to life is, “ A happy life
managing market risks and risks em- then learning becomes much easi- tally enriching & fun learning spac- is a successful life” and they carry the
anating from their own personal lives er. A child that is happy to attend es for toddlers and early learners same philosophy to their preschool,
that have a financial impact - until the school retains much more in terms getting ready for K12 school, with that a “Happy child means happy
goal is achieved. Moreover, to make of academics and participates in both over 140+ centres all over India, families”, stating the families of their
the product more transparent and give cognitive and physical activities. Ho- with overseas footprints in Kath- students, the teachers, the franchisees
customers more control over their in- listic early education program that mandu (Nepal) & Seattle (USA). and finally the Little Elly Family.
vestments, Elever, unlike MFs, does every child needs should help the kid l Every year, about 7000+ happy They measure success of their pre-
not take or hold their clients' money. From L to R Santosh Aiyar, Co-Founder & CMO, discover a natural love for learning pre-schoolers qualify out of Little school by the happiness level of their
Instead, they implement their advi- Anshul Sharan, Co-Founder & CEO, and to spark off overall personality Elly, that is a testimony of confi- students.
sory via the client's Demat account. Ram Subramaniam, Co-Founder & CTO development.” dence, credence and conviction of
To achieve this seamlessly they have With 18+ years of educating and Little Elly philosophy. Little Elly follows a holistic and
integrated with all of India's leading Elever uses the latest in technology to analyze more than shaping young minds for a brighter Speaking about his vision for the balanced approach to education
brokerage houses. 200 data points across 15 years to provide a more relevant future, they are proud of how Little preschool Vittal addresses, “When we by blending Montessori and
and accurate investment advisory. Further, it leverages Elly has fostered strong skills and started the preschool it was frankly Waldorf methodologies.
the power of passive investing to not only improve the reli- an everlasting passion for learning, just for the local community, but with- Highlights of the curriculum;
ability of achieving desired goals but also in a low-cost and ready to take on the challenges of in a year many like- minded parents l Research based in house
low-risk manner. And true to their vision of bringing all of grade school. With the optimal blend wanted to work with us and we started developed course curriculum
this to retail investors, they charge a simple & straightfor- l Explore new concepts by engaging
ward subscription fee (without commissions or exit loads), in fun activities
starting at just Rs 99/- per month. This is one product that l Study in an Interactive and
truly earns our recommendation of worth checking out. conceptual environments
The founding team is currently in the process of raising l Let students freely express
another USD 1.5 mn from existing and new investors. Ear- themselves
lier this year, the team has raised funds of USD 750k from l Reach academic excellence
a group of 19 Angel Investors, including Massimo Vita l Grasp worldly notions
(Executive Director - Asia Impact SG), Udaya Kumar (MD
& CEO – CreditAccess Grameen), and Seetharaman Babu To know more about
(Regional Engineering Director in a Multinational OEM in Little Elly preschool and
Automation Industry). franchise opportunities,
To know more visit: please visit us on, www.

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