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Volume 66 | Issue 04, 2022

n Adoption of Electric

n IGCC’s 66th AGM
n CEO Roundtable
The business magazine of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce n Connect 2022
MAKING IN INDIA FOR THE WORLD Volume 66 | Issue 04, 2022

n The Power &

Electricity Industry
n Transcend & Rise
n Fasal Ki Raksha,

The business magazine of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce Bhavishya Ki Suraksha

India &
Germany: Accelerating Adoption of
Electric Vehicles
India’s and Germany’s e-mobility markets continue to
grow, aided by supply and government subsidies

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Dear Members and Friends of IGCC,

This year was supposed to bring us the “new normal” after is growing rapidly, yet with an expanding trade deficit. The
the end of the COVID pandemic. However, looking at where deficit needs to be reduced for trade to contribute positively
the world stands today, I sincerely hope we do not have to to economic growth, preferably through increasing exports.
get used to this as “normality”. In place of accepting that This underlines the importance of two topics we keep
global collaboration is crucial to combating the causes mentioning at every given opportunity; the importance of
and consequences of dramatic climate change and to start investing in infrastructure to improve the competitiveness of
taking action, we are instead discussing the decoupling of the Indian industry and the importance of trade agreements.
economies and countries and building political blockades
and who we should support. In summary, there is no automatism that a significant share
of additional investments of German companies in Asia will
Triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the following end up in India. But, if politics and business will both do
energy crises and record-high inflation, the German their homework, jointly creating the right framework and
government and business leaders have entered into a momentum of implementation, Indo-German business can
discussion on reducing dependencies. China is Germany’s grow into new dimensions.
most important trade partner. This is critical in more than
one way. First, we depend on the supply of certain raw The positive business sentiment in India allowed us at IGCC
materials and components for industrial production in – to a large degree – to return to normality. In addition to
Germany. Second, a number of our MNCs depend on the providing our services and training to our member companies,
Chinese market. And third, due to the political polarization, that also meant that in recent weeks we were able to organize
companies (similar to states) may, at a certain point in time, larger events to reach out to hundreds of our members. We
be forced to decide whether they want to continue their had regional events in Pune, Bangalore and Chennai and our
business with China or their business with the USA. AGM in Mumbai. Kolkata will follow on December 2, and on
December 10 and 11, we will conclude our event year with the
IGCC President, Anupam Chaturvedi, and I had the pleasure of Christmas Market in Delhi.
attending the Asia-Pacific Conference of the German Industry
in Singapore on November 13 and 14. The speakers of the At the Committee Meeting following the AGM on September
event included German Chancellor Olaf Scholz as well as 23, the new Office Bearers for 2022/2023 were elected. Former
the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Action and Vice- Vice President Anupam Chaturvedi, Chief Representative of DZ
Chancellor Robert Habeck. For two full days, business leaders Bank India, was elected President, and George Ettiyil, Senior
from Germany and Asia discussed reducing the dependence Director, South Asia Lufthansa Group, was elected as Vice
on China, the largest trading partner for most Asian countries President. I want to take the opportunity to thank both of them
and the second largest for India. Diversification and resilience for their engagement. Kaushik Shaparia, CEO of Deutsche
were the most used expression in that context. Bank India, was reelected as Treasurer. My special thanks to
him for being ready for a second term. I am very much looking
During a special India Session, Mr. Chaturvedi, together with forward to collaborating with all three in the future.
the German Ambassador to India, Dr. Philipp Ackermann,
Dr. Volker Treier, Chief Economist of DIHK, and Vivek Bhatia, A new President necessarily means bidding farewell to the old
MD and CEO of ThyssenKrupp Industries India, and I had the President, Puneet Chhatwal, CEO of Indian Hotels Company
opportunity to discuss with around 80 guests, which role Ltd. The whole Committee and the members present at
India can play in the diversification efforts of the industry. the AGM thanked Mr. Chhatwal for his dedication and
There was a common understanding throughout the APK contributions to the success of IGCC during his Presidency.
and specifically in the India Session that India could be one
of the key beneficiaries of these efforts. On that positive note, I thank all our members for their
patronage during 2022. Even more so, I want to thank our
Business surveys in Europe and Germany indicate that Premium Partners and Sponsors for their support. The
business sentiments are currently on very different IGCC team looks forward to working with all our members,
trajectories. While Germany is preparing for a recession partners, and sponsors in 2023. Finally, I wish all of you, your
with record inflation, India reports and expects solid families, and your colleagues a happy holiday season.
economic growth with more moderate inflation rates. Private Stefan Halusa, Director General
consumption is robust, and investment is solid. Foreign trade Enjoy the read of this edition of the IGE! Indo-German Chamber of Commerce

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2 September 2022 Indo-German economy Indo-German economy September 2022 3

Expert for Projects
Networker for Solutions

n India & Germany: Accelerating Adoption of Electric Vehicles 50
n Indo-German Trade 65

COOPERATION 9 n Successful Buyer’s mission for Machine tools

n Sourcing Opportunities & Challenges in India
n IGCC Welcomes Its New President - Anupam Chaturvedi
n IGCC, GIZ and MEPSC conclude Training of Master Trainers


n Hamburg Representation Mumbai elects its new Representative
n The Power & Electricity Industry


n 14th IAA India Day at IAA Transportation, Hannover, Germany
n Transcend: Rise to the next level!
n InnoTrans 2022: Industry summit for rail transport and mobility
n WindEnergy Hamburg and H2EXPO & CONFERENCE
CHAMBER’S NEWS 24-47 n IGCC launches “Fasal Ki Raksha, Bhavishya Ki Suraksha”
n The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
n IGCC’s 66th Annual General Meeting concludes successfully
n IGCC’s Committee Members
n Work Anniversaries
n Intercultural Training and Team Building in Blue-Collar Workers
n World Hydrogen Summit and Intersolar Europe 2022
n CEO Roundtable Conference
n The Fight Against COVID – Overcoming the Odds CONNECT 2022 88
n GHH-India Training Academy
n DUALpro conducts its first Potential Analysis Workshop BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 94

CURRENT PROJECTS - Protection Systems
Renewable Energies - Buyers
LNG - Buyers
12 24 83
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IGCC Welcomes Its

New President
e congratulate and thank
Anupam Chaturvedi, Chief
Representative of DZ BANK, as
the Indo-German Chamber of
Commerce President for the year 2022-2023.
He has held several roles with IGCC in the

What is your experience as a Chief

Representative with DZ BANK?
I started as an Advisor to the then DG BANK
AG in July 1995 and thereafter facilitated
the Bank’s presentation to the authorities
for setting up a Representative Office in
Mumbai. The approval for DG BANK AG
India Representative Office was received
from RBI in February 1996. The Bank had
planned to expand itself in India soon after,
but the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and
the subsequent withdrawal of a number
of European/global banks from the Asian Bank was coordinated through the IGCC
market altered the earlier plans. The Asian and the then Director General, Dr. Günter
Financial Crisis also resulted in some Krüger along with Anil Srivastava, were
internal reorganisation within the DG BANK personally involved in the process. I have
group in Germany, and after adjustments, the been involved with the IGCC ever since,
new entity DZ BANK AG came into existence also participating in all their major events,
in the year 2001. Therefore, while the office including the Annual Delegation to Germany
has existed for more than 26 years in India, since 1996 though initially, I was not part of
the strong business impetus was initiated the Managing Committee. After my initial
after the settlement of the initial setbacks in induction into the Managing Committee,
global financial markets. I quickly took over the role of Treasurer
DZ BANK has been exceptional as an in the year 2020 and thereafter, the Vice
employer both in terms of attitude towards President in 2021. As a result of my long
business as well as human resources. As association of about 26 years with IGCC, I
both a professional approach to exploring have closely witnessed the growth of IGCC
business opportunities and a personal level, in the enhancement and appropriateness of
there has been exceptional support. I have the services provided by the Chamber to its
continued with the Bank for more than 27 members as well as its connection with the
years in the position of Chief Representative. entire enabling environment, including the
German Consulate, German Embassy, GIZ,
You have been associated with the Chamber DAAD, Goethe Institute, etc.
for a long time in different roles. As the As India is likely to be the major
President, what changes would you like to beneficiary of the China Plus One initiative
bring to IGCC? of global businesses, in my expectation,
As a coincidence, my appointment to the Germany should be a front-running

InDo-German economy December 2022 9


contributor to this attention to India. For business community, including that from
me personally, therefore, the main areas Germany. It is also likely that the Indo-
of interest would be the promotion of the German trade would substantially benefit
Make in India Mittlestand (MIIM) program from the recently announced Euro 10
of the Government of India, increased B2B Billion Green Projects by 2030 commitment
contacts, facilitating larger FDI into the of Germany. The existing institutional
country from Germany, further sharpening framework would facilitate greater trade
of dual education and other services already in conventional and non-conventional
provided by IGCC. products like SaaS, technology transfer
and other goods/services. The restart of
Where do you see IGCC in one year? Free Trade Agreement (FTA) discussions
IGCC has always played a pivotal role between India and the European Union
in the Indo-German partnership for the provides a positive impetus to the business
last 66 years, and it has been fortunate environment between India and Germany.
that the leadership in the IGCC has been
constantly committed to enhancing both As India’s GDP has gone up and down during
ways of communication between India and the pandemic, how do you see it developing
Germany. In my understanding, the role of in the future?
IGCC would further expand into providing After an initial setback to the high growth
services on the DACH region’s businesses of GDP in India in the years 2020 and 2021,
as well as facilitating the European Union’s the recovery has been relatively robust,
role in India. With the increased attention of neutralising the negative impacts. India can
global business to India and likewise Indian look forward to high GDP growth this year
business looking to expand in Germany/ as well as in the coming years. The main
Europe/globally, the nature of services reasons for an almost V-shaped recovery
provided by the IGCC would have to quickly for India have been the relative alertness
adapt itself to the changed circumstances of the Government of India as well as the
and expectations of its members. Therefore, confidence of the Indian industry to avoid
the efforts of IGCC to include more major mishaps. The financial sector has
businesses in the membership of IGCC waded through the pandemic phase with
would be pursued with greater vigour. relative ease, and the Central Bank has
played its role with aplomb in keeping
How do you see the Indo-German trade’s inflation at bay as well as not allowing the
future in this post-pandemic recovery stage? currency fluctuations to be out of control.
India and Germany have been business The main challenge presently is the high
partners for over a few centuries. A number deficit Balance of Payment situation
of companies, as well as financial institutions though the relatively comfortable Foreign
having their presence in India for almost Exchange Reserve provides some solace. It
more than a century in India, which augurs is expected that India’s GDP will continue to
well for this new phase of focus on India as grow consistently and be the front-runner
a business partner. The last more than three economy in the coming years reaching USD
decades’ effort of India at economic reforms 10 Trillion mark in the next decade or so.
has resulted in India’s position in the Ease
of Doing Business ranking growing rapidly; What are your hobbies? What do you like to
therefore, trade and investment from do in your free time?
Germany is a natural fallout. In addition, As I follow life passionately, I have a fairly
the fact that India has escaped almost diverse bag of hobbies, including sports,
unscathed the substantial negative impact reading, theatre, cinema and music, apart
of the last three years’ pandemic situation, from meeting people at every opportunity.
both in terms of expected recession and Naturally, each hobby gets a different
currency fluctuations, it is expected to weightage at different points, but I try to
gain the confidence of the international keep an adequate balance.

InDo-German economy December 2022 11


Hamburg Representation Mumbai elects its new

Representative for India and Mumbai region
“The end of one journey is the beginning of
the next”
- Joseph M. Marshall III

ust more than ten years back, the
IGCC welcomed the Hamburg
Representation in Mumbai. Since then,
the long association has led to fruitful
collaborations and been instrumental
support for many Indian and Hamburg-based
Four years back, Lea Miram joined the
Hamburg Representation Mumbai and,
thus, also became a part of the Indo-German
Chamber of Commerce. Throughout her
tenure, she strengthened the link between
the City of Hamburg and Mumbai. Of
course, India and Germany are two distinct
cultures, but the transition was seamless and
Ms. Lea said, “Over the years, many great
memories came together and overall, it was
a pleasure to represent my favourite city in India since 2020.
the world in my favourite country. Moreover,
working at this interface with a wide range
“I love the conjunction of cultures, and
through my activities in Mumbai, I am 14th IAA India Day at IAA Transportation,
of stakeholders from business, culture, and
politics has provided me with a vivid picture of
constantly working towards promoting an
enriching experience on both sides. India Hannover, Germany

the great potential of multilevel cooperation is a large, heterogeneous and sometimes
and the benefits of a strong partnership extremely complex country. Therefore, I am n 21st September 2022, the Indo- about the resumption of negotiations on
between Hamburg and India. very pleased that we, as HRM, can support German Chamber of Commerce a free trade agreement between India and
Of course, it’s not easy to leave. However, companies in their activities and strengthen (IGCC), together with the German the EU, and emphasized the benefits of this
Hamburg is not only home to me but also to relations with such a fascinating country and Association of the Automotive agreement for both sides.
many Indians. The sharp increase of Indian globally significant market. I am delighted Industry (VDA), the Automotive Component Dirk Matter, Director of IGCC in Duesseldorf,
businesses and students deciding to come to and thankful for this opportunity. Lea was a Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA) presented an Overview of German Business
Hamburg to create a future, contributing to great mentor, and I hope that I will be able to and the Society of Indian Automobile in India.
Hamburg’s multifaceted, vibrant cultural life, effectively walk in her footsteps and do more Manufacturers (SIAM) celebrated the 14th At this IAA TRANSPORTATION, VDA
will keep the Indian connection close by. I for the Indo-Hamburg Business Community,” traditional IAA-India Day. welcomed many guests from India, including
am confident with Sameeha Sule as the new added Ms. Sule. High-ranking speakers and guests met at the presidents and managing directors of
Hamburg representative and her extensive The Hamburg Representation Mumbai the new IAA TRANSPORTATION, Hannover, ACMA and SIAM, representatives from
The full event can be
experience in strengthening the various office, since its establishment in November to talk about the cooperation between the the Ministry of Heavy Industries, and watched as a video here:
Indo-German relations. We will see a fresh 2011, has been involved in bridging the two countries in the commercial vehicle representatives of the Indian automotive 14th IAA India Day -
You can find more information approach to promoting and facilitating the gap between India and Germany by aiding sector and to emphasize the importance of industry. In addition, the Indian supplier YouTube
about the Hamburg
focus sectors of Hamburg in India and vice various economic, cultural, and academic Indo-German relations. association ACMA, with its 180 square meter watch?v=Vh_P55XZd6k
representation office in
Mumbai on their website versa”. institutions. In addition, we actively support New trends and developments in the Indo- pavilion, represented 15 companies from Sameeha Pradeep Sule has been selected as private business firms and organizations from German commercial vehicle sector were the Indian automotive supply industry. For further information,
the new Hamburg representative in Mumbai both India and Germany to improve business presented. During her welcome address to The Indo-German Cooperation has a long please contact Marius
Connect with Sameeha Ochel at marius.ochel@vda.
and will be taking after Lea Miram. She has ties between the two countries. Our expertise the participants, VDA-President Hildegard history; India and Germany celebrated 70 de or Shivani Chaturvedi
Pradeep Sule at +91 22 6665
215 or email her at been supporting Hamburg-based companies lies in the fields of Trade, Politics, Culture, Müller pointed out the importance of India years of diplomatic relations last year. For at shivani.chaturvedi@indo- and institutions with their queries concerning Education, Tourism and Liaison. for the German vehicle industry, spoke Germany, India is an important and reliable

12 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 13




partner that is gaining more and more significance. Today InnoTrans 2022:
German manufacturers and suppliers are represented in
India with more than 130 locations and production plants. Successful conclusion to the industry summit
The Indian passenger car market continues to gain
importance. After more new cars were registered in India for rail transport and mobility

than in Germany for the first time last year, the Indian
passenger car market was one of the few growth markets nnoTrans is the world’s leading trade the mobility sector’s entire range of products
worldwide in the first half of 2022. In 2021, the market fair for transport technology and and services on the Berlin Exhibition
volume in India was 3.1 million passenger cars; for 2022, takes place every two years in Berlin. Grounds, which were fully booked. Among
the forecast is 3.6 million new cars. This would make The five segments at InnoTrans are the exhibits were 250 world innovations, 128
India the third-largest passenger car market worldwide, Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, vehicles and 14 buses. The main topics at
behind China and the USA. Public Transport, Interiors and Tunnel the trade fair were alternative drive systems,
The Indian economy is currently experiencing a strong Construction. InnoTrans is organised by battery-electric and fuel cell-powered buses
recovery from the effects of the Corona pandemic. We Messe Berlin and represented in India by and trains.
also see this in the sales figures for commercial vehicles. the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce. This year the trade show had its largest-ever
ISO 45001:2018 | ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 14001:2015 In the first half of the year, 474,000 commercial vehicles The 13th edition of InnoTrans took place on Indian participation, with the presence of
were sold in India, 50% more than the previous year, the Berlin Exhibition Grounds from 20 to 23 52 exhibitors and many more trade visitors,
almost at the same level as before the Corona pandemic. September 2022. all of whom were highly satisfied with their
As a result, the Indian market for commercial vehicles is Sustainable mobility is the dominant theme participation. They see InnoTrans as the most
one of the largest in the world. in the industry – InnoTrans 2022 clearly important gathering for the industry, where
GLOBAL FOOTPRINT CUSTOMIZED PACKAGING PRIVATE LABELLING Interesting and fruitful discussions, moderated by confirmed that. Exhibitors and visitors drew they can meet customers and make new
Angela Mans, Head of Foreign Trade, VDA, rounded off the a positive conclusion after the four-day event. business contacts on one platform. It is also
successful event. 2,834 exhibitors from 56 countries presented a fantastic platform for exchanging industry |

Indo-German economy Indo-German economy September 2022 15


news, and after a four-year gap, the exhibitors

and visitors were delighted to meet in person
again finally.
Overall, 137,394 international visitors from
131 countries came to the German capital to
learn about this wide-ranging overview of the
industry’s products and services.

InnoTrans unites markets across borders

This year’s InnoTrans once again lived up to
its reputation as an international forum and
driving force of the industry.
At InnoTrans, Dr. Richard Lutz, CEO
of Deutsche Bahn, and Oleksander
Kamyshin, CEO of Ukrsalisnyzja (UZ), the
state-run Ukrainian rail network, signed
a memorandum of understanding. The
agreement guarantees UZ support for
reconstruction after the war. In addition, it
includes collaboration on expanding goods
supply corridors and terminal capacity as
well as wide-ranging consultation services
for introducing European rail operation and
management standards.
Poland’s rail vehicle manufacturer Pesa
and the mineral oil company and fuel station
operator PKN Orlen agreed to collaborate on
hydrogen-powered rail vehicles. As a group,
the two companies will put together an offer
for rail transport companies that will include
supplying rolling stock as well as hydrogen
and refuelling solutions.
Saudi Arabia was able to move forward with
ambitious plans for expanding its rail network.
The country had already signed agreements
with Deutsche Bahn and Siemens, said Dr.
Bashar Khalid Al Malik, CEO of the Saudi
Arabian Railway Company, at the trade fair.
With Deutsche Bahn, the project included a
knowledge transfer, while he said the topic
was also ticketing with Siemens.

Positive results ensure a good mood among

According to a representative survey,
exhibitors and trade visitors positively
assessed their attendance at the trade fair.
90% of trade visitors were highly satisfied
with their visit. 94% of exhibitors had a
positive overall impression of the trade fair.
At 91%, respectively, both groups said they
would readily recommend InnoTrans to
others. A high percentage of trade visitors
attended in a decision-making capacity, with
almost 50% occupying a senior position in

Indo-German economy September 2022 17


their company. 57.3% of trade visitors came

from abroad. Trade visitors from Europe
showed particularly keen interest in the trade

fair. Almost two-thirds came from the EU. A
high proportion of exhibitors (around 18%)
reported successful business deals. Nine out
of ten exhibitors expected good follow-up

Sustainable mobility and comfort for

As an integrated professional services firm, Rödl & Partner is active at 107 wholly-owned loca- Numerous exhibitors made use of the rail
tions in 50 countries. Our clients trust 5,260 colleagues and entrepreneurial minded partners in track and outdoor display area at InnoTrans
the globally provided service lines. to draw maximum attention to their world
innovations. Among manufacturers,
sustainable mobility was the dominant
Offering professional services in India means building bridges between the specific Indian and
theme. On the rail track and outdoor display
European business requirements, helping organisations from both regions to invest successful- area, Siemens Mobility presented the Mireo
ly abroad. Plus H, the next generation of hydrogen-
powered trains, as well as the Mireo Plus B,
which features a modular high-performance
battery system. Stadler displayed its
hydrogen-powered FLIRT H2 multiple-unit
train for the American passenger rail market
for the first time. Visitors could even witness
Alstom’s Coradia iLint hydrogen-powered
passenger train live, which is currently
operating twice daily from Berlin-Spandau
About MIIM Programme Offering Knowledge Partner to Berlin-Ostbahnhof. Hitachi presented
its Blues Train, which combines diesel,
MIIM is a platform that integrates a The MIIM programme offers all support Rödl & Partner is the Knowledge electric and battery-electric drive systems.
wide range of support services which services like strategy consulting, M&A, Partner for the MIIM program for Finally, Vossloh exhibited its DM 20 hybrid
German Mittelstand companies and operational market entry support, tax & year 2022 – 2023. As Knowledge locomotive, which can also rapidly switch
Family-Owned Enterprises can avail legal support, financial services, project Partner we are entrusted with the operating modes and energy systems.
for entering the Indian market. MIIM, financing, location services, technology responsibility of bringing together Deutsche Bahn was represented with
a part of the Make in India initiative, is collaboration, facilitation of approvals all the partners under this program several innovative trains (Ideenzug). The
a programme designed to facilitate from Central & State Government agen- and work with the government in City version was incorporated in the middle
investment, foster innovation, cies under a single umbrella. The bringing or nurturing more and carriage of Hamburg’s digital S-Bahn. That
enhance skill development, protect program is supported by Department particular innovative train is still a future presented its all-electric city bus 3.0 on
more German companies in India.
intellectual property and build best- for Promotion of Industry and Internal concept. However, the one operated by the Bus Display. Also being shown was the
in-class manufacturing infrastructure. Trade (DPIIT) and Embassy of India Südostbayernbahn, a double-decker carriage, Modell 2.2, the new electric bus for Berliner
(EOI) in Berlin. is real and was exhibited by DB Regio in the Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG).
outdoor display area.
Supporting programme with all the latest
New drive systems on the Bus Display information
Once again, one of this year’s highlights was An outstanding supporting programme
Your contact persons the Bus Display, featuring 14 buses being
driven on the 500-metre-long demonstration
featuring wide-ranging discussion rounds,
lectures and events allowed visitors to
The next edition of the
fair is scheduled from
course in the Summer Garden. For the first learn about all the latest topics and trends 24 – 27 September 2024.

Germany India time, Solaris presented its Solaris Urbino

18 hydrogen, an 18-metre-long bus with
in the mobility sector, including driverless
rail vehicles, tunnel construction, smart
Registrations are already
open. To book your stand or
receive more information,
Nuremberg Delhi / Ahmedabad Mumbai / Pune / hydrogen as its main energy source. The public transport and innovative passenger please contact the Messe
Chennai / Bangalore ŠKODA H’CITY also uses hydrogen as a experiences. New: recordings of the live- Berlin Representative:
sustainable drive system. Van Hool was streamed events are available after the trade com or norma.remedios@indo-
represented with its A12 electric bus. Ebusco fair on the InnoTrans Plus online portal.
Martin Wörlein Gaurav Makhijani Rahul Oza
T + 49 911 9193 3010 T +91 124 6749 701 T + 91 20 6625 7100 Indo-German economy September 2022 19

of international exhibitors, hailing from 37 processes with a multifaceted presentation

different countries, was as high as 55%. programme in a separate hall was met with
much interest.
The conference programme drew visitors in “The conference stage was attended very well
droves and appreciated very much on all days. The
For the first time, participation in the attendees showed enormous interest in the
conference programme, which took place discussions and speeches of representatives
on four open stages right in the middle of from business and politics about the latest
the exhibition halls, was free of charge for trends and the future of the international
all fair visitors. 78% of visitors said they had hydrogen economy,” summarised Hamburg
taken advantage of the varied conference Messe und Congress CEO Bernd Aufderheide.
programme. These forums, designed for The numbers support his assessment: 88% of
intense knowledge transfer, were organised visitors praised the conference programme
jointly by WindEnergy Hamburg and its enthusiastically.
national and international partners, Global On the second day of the fair, a cooperation
Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the European agreement was signed between the northern
industry association WindEurope, the federal German hydrogen networks, in which the
organisation Bundesverband WindEnergie partners committed to cooperating on
e.V. (BWE), and the German engineering hydrogen projects closely and regularly
industry association VDMA Power Systems. and providing joint support to stakeholders
The wide-ranging topics presented on the of the hydrogen industry. Furthermore, to
stages prompted animated conversations support the international, cross-sector ramp-
and encouraged the audience to share their up of the hydrogen market, the H2EXPO
thoughts and ideas both during and after the & CONFERENCE will take place annually,
panel discussions. offering a platform for innovation drivers
from politics and business in Hamburg.
H2EXPO & CONFERENCE to take place
annually Positive responses from associations

WindEnergy Hamburg and H2EXPO & CONFERENCE

With 60 exhibiting companies, the hydrogen The participating national and international
sector was represented prominently at industry organisations were unanimous

give renewable energy a powerful boost

the H2EXPO & CONFERENCE, a game in drawing a positive conclusion about the
changer for the turn away from fossil fuels. four-day fair. Sven Utermöhlen, Chairman

The extraordinary combination of highly of WindEurope and CEO of the Offshore Wind
his year’s WindEnergy Hamburg Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO innovative, state-of-the-art technologies and division of RWE Renewables, said: “In these
ended with the entire wind energy Hamburg Messe und Congress, likewise
and hydrogen industry signalling emphasised how urgently this event was
a strong sense of optimism and needed: “After four years without WindEnergy
anticipation. Counting around 30,000 visitors Hamburg, we are excited to see well-filled
from 92 countries, WindEnergy Hamburg, exhibition halls again and experience an
the world’s flagship fair of the wind industry, unreservedly positive mood. The global wind
demonstrated its leading role in driving the energy industry was in urgent need of an
expansion of renewable energy internationally. opportunity to meet in person and discuss the
In his keynote speech during the opening pressing issues in these times of an energy and
event, Dr Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for climate crisis. Once again, it became clear that
Economic Affairs and Climate Action, stressed renewable energy can be one of the keys to
the importance of the event, saying, “It is a overcoming our challenges, and the H2EXPO
great pleasure to open the world’s leading & CONFERENCE is a perfect match for what
trade fair for onshore and offshore wind WindEnergy Hamburg stands for.”
energy here in Hamburg. The roll-out of The digitalisation of permitting processes
wind energy and the expansion of renewable and the accelerated upgrading of electricity
energy, in general, has become more urgently grids were among the key topics addressed
needed and more important than ever. An by the flagship fair, as were wind turbine
accelerated energy transition is the key to a upscaling and floating offshore wind
secure and sustainable energy supply, not only turbines. This year’s WindEnergy Hamburg
in Germany but right across Europe.” was more international than ever: The share

20 September 2022 Indo-German economy Indo-German economy September 2022 21


times of massive economic challenges, we

must not lose sights of our main goals: To
ensure energy security for our industries and
people and at the same time to reduce the
impacts of climate change. Therefore, we need
more renewables and we need more Wind
Power – and WindEnergy Hamburg is exactly
the right place to bring the people together
who effects the necessary developments as
fast as possible.”
Ben Backwell, CEO of the Global Wind Energy
Council (GWEC), summed up his impressions:
“The success of this week’s fair has surpassed
all expectations. The appetite of governments
and industry to take advantage of the huge
opportunities in the wind industry’s major and
emerging markets was evident. From the huge
crowds at GWEC’s Global Markets Theatre
all the way through to busy stands up, and
down the conference centre, the industry’s
readiness to rapidly scale up and deliver on
the ambitious targets set by countries across
the globe was clear.”
Björn Spiegel, Vice President of Bundesverband
Windenergie e.V. (BWE), similarly expressed
strong satisfaction: “Gathering for
WindEnergy Hamburg again for the first time
in four years really feels good, especially in a
year that is so important for our industry. We
can see that the industry clearly understands
the political decisions made in Berlin as what
they are: the confirmation that wind energy is
the powerful and reliable future source of the
bulk of our energy. No wonder the mood at
this international industry show was decidedly
optimistic in a way we haven’t experienced for
many years.”
Dr Dennis Rendschmidt, Managing Director new business ties and renew existing ones.
of VDMA Power Systems, added: “Wind energy More than 1,400 international exhibitors
is the key to resilience, security of supply and showcased the full range of innovations
climate neutrality in the energy system. I am and solutions the onshore and offshore
thrilled by the spirit of optimism, dynamism wind industry has to offer. Participating
and agility that could be felt here on every companies from India included Gala Precision
square metre of the trade fair. The political will Engineering Private Limited, Rajeshwari
for the ambitious expansion targets is a great Lalit Industries, Shore Auto Rubber Exports
opportunity for the industry and must now be Pvt. Ltd., and Tritorc Equipments Pvt Ltd.
supported with concrete political measures.” This year, two Indian delegations were also
The industry visitors likewise gave top marks organised at the event - one comprising private
to the event: 97% said their expectations in sector representatives and the other a high-
WindEnergy Hamburg had been fully met. level political delegation on green hydrogen
The most important reasons for attending this and offshore wind. For participation, please
fair included a strong need for information The next H2EXPO & CONFERENCE takes contact the Hamburg
about new products and trends, a better place on 26 and 27 September 2023. The next Messe Representative
in India: tanu.ailawadi@
general understanding of the market, and WindEnergy Hamburg will take place from 24 or norma.
seizing the opportunities to network, establish to 27 September 2024.

Indo-German economy September 2022 23


Minister of Economy, Science, and the Digital

Society- Government of Thuringia, as our Chief
The event started with a ribbon cutting
and opening remarks by Stefan Halusa,
Director General, IGCC, followed by an
address by Puneet Chhatwal, outgoing
President, IGCC and MD & CEO of IHCL, Achim
Fabig, German Consul General, Mumbai,
and Wolfgang Tiefensee, State Minister of
Economy, Science, and the Digital Society-
Government of Thuringia.
After the ribbon cutting Mr. Halusa, along

with Mr. Tiefensee and Mr. Fabig visited all

IGCC’s 66th Annual General

he 66th AGM of the Indo-German the stalls and interacted with all the member
Chamber of Commerce was held companies at the stalls. This year, there were
successfully on 23rd September 2022 13 select stalls of IGCC member companies

Meeting concludes successfully

at President hotel, Cuffe Parade, at the AGM venue. After interacting with
Mumbai. Close to 400 members were present companies at the booths, all the dignitaries
physically for the event. proceeded towards the Presidential Ballroom,
This year we had Wolfgang Tiefensee, State where the actual event was held.

24 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 25


Mr. Tiefensee, in his address, highlighted

various problems that the world is currently
facing, like water shortage, decarbonization,
digitization, refugee challenges, etc. He
recalled the time when the world came
down, and reunification took place. During
that time, the number of industrial jobs in
Thuringia and Saxony reduced by almost
90%, and many were jobless. But with the
help of the western part of Germany and
European and with their own strength, they
solved these problems. Thuringia is now a
robust and excellent place to invest because
of the number of industrial jobs, among
many other reasons. He also said that we
need to find a balance between cooperation
and competition as there is a need to find
concrete projects and capable people willing
to work together. The state of Thuringia has a
strong growth-paced economy in the field of

in Maharashtra and India. Almost 1/3rd

of FDI comes to Maharashtra, and many
German companies are very successful
here on their own as they come here to
do business, to partner up and conquer
the markets. Additionally, he spoke about
how time changes, i.e. how several global
developments taking place right now are
shaping the world differently. As a result
of these changes in Germany, we must
look beyond, into different directions, and
understand different perspectives. India is
a good country for Germany to do business
with and is becoming a stronger economic
powerhouse in the world as well.
During his address, Mr. Chhatwal spoke
about the relationship between IGCC and
In his welcome address, Mr. Halusa Taj that formed in the Taj 66 years ago, in
welcomed all the chief guests, members and 1956. In addition, he highlighted Frankfurt’s
guests and introduced new office bearers importance to him and all other office
elected during the committee meeting that bearers. While talking about his experiences
was held before the AGM. This year we are with Germany, he stated that his first large
happy to welcome Anupam Chaturvedi, project in Germany was in Leipzig. Despite
Chief Representative DZ BANK AG, as incoming going through a number of difficulties, at
President of IGCC, George Ettiyil, Senior the end it was a very successful project. This
Director - South Asia at Lufthansa Group as experience was useful for his MBA thesis on
incoming Vice-President of IGCC and Kaushik the topic of ‘Development of Hotel Business
Shaparia, Chief Country Officer, Deutsche Bank in 5 new states of Germany’.
India as the Honorary Treasurer of IGCC. We Mr. Fabig, in his address during the AGM,
would also like to thank Puneet Chhatwal, recalled his journey 30 years ago as an intern
the outgoing President of IGCC, MD & CEO of of IGCC and highlighted India’s growth over
IHCL, for his valuable contribution during his the years. He also stated that Indo-German
tenure as President of IGCC. cooperation had become a powerhouse

26 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 27


optical industry and automotive industries.

He also stated that India is on its way to
becoming the largest market in the world,
not only in terms of population alone but
also in terms of the enormous power that the
country now has gained.
Kersi Hilloo, CEO and Managing Director, members are in the process of enhancing
Fuchs Lubricants India Pvt Ltd and former the manufacturing capacity of their business
president of IGCC, briefed the audience in India, targeting both domestic and export
about the history of Dr. Günter Krüger Award markets. He also mentioned that now as the
for excellence and remembered Dr. Mrs. Inge President of IGCC, he has targeted a few
Krüger, wife of the late Dr. Krüger and former enhancers during his tenure. One of them
Deputy Director General IGCC. In addition, is the further sharpening of services of the
he reminisced cherished memories of Dr. Chamber to make it more effective and
Mrs. Krüger with IGCC as she passed away a purposeful for its members. Another one is
year ago. to aim for the larger business community
Anupam Chaturvedi, Chief Representative and associate them with the Indo-German
DZ BANK AG and incoming President of IGCC, Chamber of Commerce, as it is the largest
in his address, thanked all the members of bilateral Chamber of Commerce globally.
the managing committee for reposing faith
in him for the position of President of IGCC AGM Awards
and expressed his pleasure to take charge Like every year, we also presented IGCC
in a phase where the world is opening and Awards and the Dr. Günter Krüger Award
the pandemic is subsiding. India is going for excellence. Victor Forgings and Norex
to become the biggest beneficiary of the Flavours Private Limited won the IGCC
China ‘Plus one strategy’ of the companies award, and Hitarthi Somaiya bagged the Dr.
globally. He also threw some highlights on Günter Krüger Award for excellence. Apart
the strengthening Indo-German Trade. In from this, two lucky guests from Arka and
the last 18 months, Indo-German bilateral Enercon won the Lufthansa lucky draw and
trade has grown more than 20%, which is the got two tickets to fly to Europe. Our heartiest
highest that has been recorded in the near congratulations to all the winners.
period. As the negotiations for FTA have All in all, it was an incredible event that
resumed with the European Union after a concluded with networking opportunities,
long gap, a large number of Indo-German drinks and dinner with DJ night.

InDo-German economy December 2022 29


IGCC’s Committee Members Mr. LASZLO POSSET

Vice President Global Delivery
CEO, Managing Partner

ngaged in the promotion of Indo-German Business since 1956, the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) is T-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL GMBH LIMITED
the first bi-national Chamber in India and one of the largest business organisations in the country.
The Indo-German Chamber of Commerce is constituted with the view to maintain strict neutrality in all Mrs. HARSHBEENA SAHNEY ZAVERI
matters connected with Indo-German economic relations. The committee’s equal representation of German and Indian Mr. RANJIT PRATAP Mr. R. A. SHAH Vice Chairman & Managing Director
Chairman & Managing Director Senior Partner NRB BEARINGS LIMITED
nationals guarantees this neutrality. The Indo-German Chamber is a non-profit organisation established under the
‘Indian Companies Act VII’ of 1913, incorporated in Mumbai on 14th January 1956.
During the 66th AGM held on 23rd September 2022, the new Office Bearers for the year 2022-2023 are as follows: Mr. STEFAN HALUSA
Vice President – Special Projects
Country Manager – India
India Representative Office
Managing Director - BOSCH LTD. Managing Director
Lufthansa Group Mr. NIRMAL BHOGILAL Dr. S.K. KAPUR Mr. V.K. VISWANATHAN Managing Director
Executive Chairman Managing Director & CEO Mr. PRASAD CHANDRAN METRO CASH & CARRY INDIA
Treasurer CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Vice Chairman & Managing Director
CEO - Deutsche Bank India Mr. PUNEET CHHATWAL Partner
Deutsche Bank AG Managing Director & Chief Executive Mr. STEFAN LESER HON. MEMBER
Officer Managing Director Mr. HARSHA KADAM
Deputy Chairman/Managing Director
Chairman MOHINDER PURI & COMPANY Chairman & Managing Director
Head South Asia, Managing Director
SVP & Managing Director SIEMENS LTD. Country Representative –
Regional Platform Asia Pacific Africa Chairman
CORPORATE CENTER Regional President, India Cluster
Vice Chairman & Managing Director Chairman & Director
Managing Director

30 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 31



Designation: Manager - Finance and Taxation

“What’s on 1st September, Suvarna?”
Suvarna, looking confused, asks, “What’s on 1st September?”
SHARON MOGOSE “Your work anniversary!!”
A smile erupts underneath her mask. “Oh yeah!”
Sharon Mogose joined the Chamber in 1987 and was with us for seven years. After taking a break to
take care of her young son, she rejoined the Chamber in 1998. Sharon retires this year after being Suvarna Ghosalkar has been defined as a supportive, kind, and very hard-working individual by
with the Chamber for 31 years. her colleagues.

Our colleague Sharon is always calm and cool -like a cucumber, patient and a good listener. Her contribution as the Manager of Finance and Taxation throughout these past 5 years has been
Everyone loved her cooking and could not wait for her to open her food containers at lunch. Sharon appreciated and noticed.
plans to go into starting a business making pickles and jams, and we wish her all success. We, at IGCC, congratulate you, Suvarna, for completing 5 years at the organisation, and we thank
you for all the hard work and smiles you bring into the Chamber.
IGCC members of the Kolkata region know Sharon as a master of organising great events. She made
all our members and guests feel special and made our IGCC Regional Members’ Meet into a brand in All the best for all that is to come!
itself. The fun and excitement of organising our first football event in the region remain unmatched.
We will miss her and wish her a happy retired life and success in her new ventures!

APOORVA VYAS ANNIVERSARY Designation: Senior Executive - Vocational Education and ProRecognition
Sapna has been an integral part of the Pune office since the day she joined. Her dedication
towards her work and the warmth she brings to her friends makes her a “wonderful colleague”
Apoorva Vyas is smart, enthusiastic, and compassionate. Her contribution to IGTC and,
and a “dear friend”.
currently, to the membership department has been greatly appreciated. Those who have
worked with her say it’s a pleasure to do so. Sapna started off at the reception but quickly made her way to the ProRec Team, given her
skillsets and her habit of always going the extra mile for the Chamber family.
The new mom is currently on maternity leave. We wish her a happy “motherhood”.
Furthermore, we wish her all the best for completing five years and many more years at IGCC. Sapna has the sweetest of smiles and the sweetest of personalities. “The more you get to know
her, the more she grows on you!”
Sapna, your contribution to the Pune office and the ProRec team for these past 5 years has been
commendable and memorable.
We, at IGCC, congratulate you, for completing 5 years at the organisation, and we thank you for
all the hard work and smiles you bring into the Chamber.
If you could define Madhura in one word, what would it be? It’s quite simple; you All the best for all that is to come!
just can’t.
Madhura is full of life and has the warmest of hearts. She’s been with the Kolkata
office for the last five years and is our communications, publications and social
media wizard, technical expert and upcoming German language scholar.
Madhura can remember even the most complicated name of any person who has
ever visited us. She is not only dedicated to her work but is also the declared foodie
of the team and our valuable advisor in all culinary matters!
We at IGCC congratulate you, Madhura, for completing five years at the
organisation, and we thank you for all the smiles and laughs you share everywhere
around you.

32 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 33


Indo-German Chamber
of Commerce organizes
CEO Roundtable

Delegation to World Hydrogen Summit in

Rotterdam and Intersolar Europe 2022 in Munich

ogether with the Indo-German
Chamber of Commerce, the Indo-
German Energy Forum Support
Office (IGEF-SO) organised an Indian

delegation to Germany and the Netherlands
from the 7-14th May 2022 on the topics of eaded by Dr. Andreas Nicolin, Director for
green hydrogen and agriphotovoltaic. The tour Eastern Europe and the Asia Pacific, a Federal
featured a visit to the World Hydrogen Summit Ministry of Economics delegation visited India
in Rotterdam and Intersolar Europe, which took in Delhi on the 28th and 29th of September BRANOpac GmbH, Germany is a world leader in
place as part of The smarter E 2022 in Munich. 2022 and in Mumbai on the 30th September 2022. He was corrosion protection solutions since 1987. We,
Besides the visits to the trade fairs, the 12 also accompanied by Tobias Pierlings, Head of South- and BRANOpac India Pvt Ltd are a 100% subsidiary of
BRANOpac GmbH having our operations in India since
participants also had the chance to experience South-East Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. 2002, with state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in the
first-hand how agriculture and energy The IGCC Mumbai, along with the support of the German historical city of Panipat, Haryana. We are catering to the
production can be combined in the context Consulate General, organized a CEO Roundtable in which corrosion protection needs of Indian companies and
of agriphotovoltaic facilities near Leuven and very insightful topics like energy transformation, skilled ev
evolving swiftly in the Asian markets as well, across
automobile sector, metal manufacturers, aerospace
Munich. A visit to the European Commission migration, and current issues of German companies industry, medical applications and electrical and
focused on certification criteria of sustainable operating in India were discussed. In addition, with the electronic industry.
or “green” hydrogen, especially regarding the support of IGCC Delhi, the German Embassy organized a
export of hydrogen from India to the EU. special program for them on the occasion of this visit. Our philosophy is to provide complete solutions to our
customers with innovative consulting and worldwide
Another highlight was a boat tour through Round Table Conference witnessed participation from support. Our solutions are tailor made to ensure
the Port of Rotterdam, during which the companies like Siemens, BASF, Thyssenkrupp, DHL, reliability and responsiveness with highest levels of
infrastructure development for green transport sector. After a presentation on the Enercon, GTAI, etc. Other participants included the German integrity and quality. We offer a wide range of corrosion
hydrogen became tangible. The topic of technical data and the site’s development, the Embassy and Marja-Sirkka Einig, Deputy Consul General, protection solutions viz.  VCI Papers, VCI Films, Rust
Preventive Oils, Aluminium Barrier Foils, VCI Stretch
green hydrogen was also addressed during participants had the opportunity to inspect the German Consulate Mumbai Films
Films, desiccants etc. for variety of applications and for
a visit to the Energiepark Mainz. The plant is different hydrogen processing stations closely. The visit was wrapped with a discussion on the financial the most challenging environments. We also cater to the
operated by Mainzer Stadtwerke AG and the Overall, the tour offered participants the sector with bankers and CFOs of German companies in packaging requirements of food sector and various
Linde Group. It uses the company’s four wind opportunity to take a detailed look at various which the Banking and Insurance sectors such as KfW Bank, other sectors with our LDPE Films, Shrink Film,
Anti-Static Film, Lamination films and other speciality
turbines to generate the necessary energy to projects on agriphotovoltaic and green DZ Bank, Bundesbank in Indien, B.Braun India, Fuchs, films and serving customised solutions as well.
produce green hydrogen. Part of the hydrogen hydrogen in Europe. The trade fairs also Brose, Schaeffler participated.
is fed into the natural gas grid. In addition, it allowed participants to network and explore
+91 9817251003
is filled in trailers used by industry or for the new opportunities for cooperation. Know more: /BranopacIndia

Khasra No. 108, Kila No. 21 - 25 Vill. Kurar,

34 December 2022 InDo-German economy Indo-German economy Sanoli Rd, Panipat, Haryana 132103

The Fight Against


– Overcoming the Odds C


e are only as strong as E
we are united, as weak
as we are divided.” ~ J.K.
If there is anything we learned in 2020-22, it
is that strength lies in numbers: be it for the
virus or us. Only when a sentiment of shared
purpose flows through the masses can we
truly drive change. For the first time in a long
time, nations across the world set aside their
differences to work together in tandem to directly, IGCC created a communication
achieve one single goal. platform, “The Indo-German COVID Support
India and Germany have shared strong Platform”, with the support of the SAP
bilateral relations since Germany parted team in Bangalore. The forum acted as a
ways with the European Union. Last year, great channel for communication between
2021, marked the 70th anniversary of concerned parties directly, especially during
the partnership shared between the two the second wave.
countries. At this juncture, one of the The arrival of vaccinations in the Indian
significant discussions centred around the markets brought relief to the citizens after
pandemic was on how the countries could they had witnessed the horrors of the second
assist each other in times of need. The Indo- wave. Government bodies and private
German Chamber of Commerce followed organisations organised vaccination drives.
the cue. Between 2020 and 2021, IGCC took On 16th June 2021, the Goethe-Institut/Max
several initiatives, some in collaboration with Mueller Bhavan Kolkata, together with the
Indian and German companies, to provide Consulate General of the Federal Republic
any form of support that they could to the of Germany, Kolkata, the Indo-German
people in dire need. Chamber of Commerce, and Harbauer India
In April 2021, when the second wave had Pvt. Ltd., organised a vaccination drive in
cast a ghastly shadow upon Indian citizens, collaboration with AMRI Hospital Kolkata.
the IGCC, along with the German Consulate Commending the initiative, Consul-General
in Mumbai, supported “Mission Vayu”, an Manfred Auster, Kolkata, said, “Vaccination
initiative taken by the Mahratta Chamber is the best protection against the virus.
of Commerce Industries and Agriculture I congratulate the IGCC and Max Muller
(MCCIA) to bridge the demand-supply gap for Bhavan for this excellent initiative, and I
medicines, oxygen cylinders, etc. IGCC and am grateful to Harbauer India and AMRI-
the German Consulate helped in raising funds Hospitals for their generous support. United,
by tapping into the German industry. The we will win the fight against the disease.”
response from the industry was extremely “United, we will win the fight against the
gratifying and heart-warming to witness. disease”, the Consul-General said it right.
Moreover, to expedite communication COVID-19 took a lot from us, but it taught us
and enable companies to talk to each other a lot, too.

InDo-German economy December 2022 37


GHH and ATT are using for the training four

different training methods:
• E-Learning
• Blended Learning
• Classroom training (with hardware for
Hydraulic and CAN-Bus applications)
• On the Job training (with LHD and dump

With the support of ATT, GHH Fahrzeuge

GmbH carried out an on-site “training needs
analysis” as a first step and was thus able
to define where the requirements are and
how high the actual level of knowledge of
the employees is. As a result, the deviation
from the required level of knowledge was 250 employees supplying local companies
identified, which must now be compensated and 320 ITI apprentices will benefit from the
for by suitable training measures. additional training as service technicians, of
which 90% will be certified by AHK. Further
In the training concept, GHH has defined education will lead to a measurable reduction
two different Levels: in accidents in the mines.
1. Imparting basic knowledge through After successfully conducting the project,
numerous interactive e-learning modules GHH will be able to offer a C-Qualified training
2. Extended basics and practical exercises concept with qualified trainers in different
using e-learning, blended learning and face- locations to provide professional training to

GHH-India Training Academy

to-face classes the broader Indian market.

HH Fahrzeuge GmbH and DEG and other contractors and for the possibility
Impulse gGmbH, a subsidiary of of benefiting from first-hand on-the-job
DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und experience during the course of the training.
Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, In 2022, GHH set up a second training location
have come together to ensure quality and in its workshop in Udaipur, making it easier
occupational safety in the Indian mining for students and customers from Udaipur
industry through the development and to attend the training. The Indo-German-
implementation of accredited and AHK- Chamber of Commerce audited and certified
certified training and further education. The both training locations in 2022.
project is being carried out as part of develoPPP, The aim of this training program is to
a funding program of the Federal Ministry bring participants to a unified knowledge
for Economic Cooperation and Development level where they understand the technology
(BMZ). For this project, Advanced Training of heavy mobile machinery and can apply
Technologies GmbH (ATT), as a service provider their knowledge to safely maintain different
for GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH, developed its own kinds of mobile hydraulic machines and
“train-the-trainer” concept. ATT is a company solve the majority of hydraulic, electrical and
specializing in professional development with mechanical problems through proper analysis
its roots in face-to-face training. It has also and troubleshooting.
relied on digital learning concepts on a large
scale for several years. Target group:
The training location was set up in 2020 in • Technical maintenance personnel
the already existing GHH India tech centre • Operators
near Zawar mines, approximately 40 km • Warehouse staff
south of Udaipur. The location was chosen • Safety officers
for its proximity to the mines and to create • Students of electrical, mechanical and
awareness amongst customers, employees mining engineering

38 December 2022 InDo-German economy


of Potential Analysis, its implementation,

challenges, and solutions. The workshop also
included discussions on experiences and
opinions regarding the students, the path
to their chosen professions, and the lack of

DUALpro conducts its first Potential awareness in this field. These discussions
provided good insight to the participants to

Analysis Workshop in New Delhi

overcome the challenges in this direction.
Additionally, all participants were provided
with handouts on core concepts and a

comprehensive handbook of games and
UALpro conducted its first Potential give feedback and discuss students’ ideas activities, which can be used to carry out
Analysis Workshop in New Delhi regarding their competencies and interests. the potential analysis and assess students’
from 26th Sept to 29th Sept 2022. The Thus, the potential analysis is an instrument competencies.
four-day workshop was conducted to build students’ confidence and support At the end of the workshop, the participants
for eleven school counsellors from Jawahar them in finding ideas for further vocational received a Certificate of Participation from
Navodaya Samiti and the Delhi Board of orientation. IGCC and Goethe-Institut, New Delhi. The
Secondary Education to use potential analysis In order to qualify potential analysts for concluding ceremony was attended by orientation among students. Several other
as a professional orientation tool for students their important role, IGCC’s Vocational Alexandra Mittler, Director of Language training concepts are in the pipeline
in their schools. Education and Training experts (DUALpro) Programmes, South Asia and Deputy to capacitate school management and
Professional Orientation is a system of have developed an application-based Executive Director, Goethe-Institut / Max familiarize students with other vocational
activities aimed at preparing young people workshop. The workshop consists of four Mueller Bhavan, New Delhi; Puneet Kaur, tools and jobs in India and Germany. The
to choose their profession and assisting modules and aims to train the participants Project Head, Goethe-Institut, New Delhi; National Education Policy 2020 emphasizes
them in professional self-determination and to assess different forms of competencies and Meike Jäger, Consul for Labour and compulsory vocational education for school
employment. The Potential Analysis forms – methodological, individual and social. Social Affairs, New Delhi. students, thereby targeting the holistic
the beginning of this path. The intention Teamwork, perseverance, self-organization, While sharing their feedback, the development of students. IGCC is developing
is to support students in discovering and communication skills, concentration, participants informed that they found the novel concepts and training for school
developing their individual competencies listening skills, and empathy are just a few workshop extremely beneficial. They believed management and counsellors and workshops
and skills and to be aware of their personal of these competencies, which are important they were empowered with knowledge of for students and supporting this objective of
interests through a series of gamified for students in their professional orientation new concepts, and their prior knowledge was NEP by keeping students’ comprehensive and
exercises. During this gamified workshop, path. The assessment of these competencies also refreshed. integrated development at the centre.
trained potential analysts guide the young aims to provide insightful guidance for their IGCC has been the pioneer in implementing
people and observe them as they solve the future. training, advisory and concepts for
tasks. After the conclusion of the game The classroom atmosphere was simulated companies. The Potential Analysis training Point of contact:
Ms. Vidhi Daryanani
phase, the potential analysts conduct in the workshop, and the participants could sets a stepping stone for more such concepts Project Manager – Professional Orientation
interviews with each participating student actively participate in all the activities, which and training with regard to schools and
to reflect with them on their experiences, in turn gave them an overview of the process educational institutions and vocational +91-20-41047 112

40 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 41


22+ years
helping German firms
in India to

Speak to us today to see how we can help you

Successful Buyer’s mission for Machine
tools made in Baden-Württemberg

he delegation trip of Indian fair for machine tools in Stuttgart, around companies to Baden-Württemberg 50 B2B talks with Baden-Württemberg
+91 98211 14504 +49 221 880 4080 was a huge success which ended manufacturers of machine tools were on the
with three company visits to agenda. The meeting partners were precisely
TRUMPF, Gebr Heller Maschinenfabrik and individually selected in advance, taking
GmbH and Bosch Rexroth and around 50 into account the needs of the Indian and
B2B matchmaking discussions at the AMB Baden-Württemberg companies. In this way,
(international exhibition for metal working). targeted and intensive discussions could be
The IGCC launched this joint project with held with the right contact persons at the
the Chambers of Commerce and Industry trade fair booths of the Baden-Württemberg
in Baden-Württemberg for the first time companies. Follow-ups were often
in September 2022. During four days, the arranged with the Indian subsidiaries of
participating Indian industrial companies the Baden-Württemberg parent companies.
were offered a very elaborate mission to Furthermore, the Indian buyers were
Baden-Württemberg – the heart of the individually supported by the IGCC and the
machine tool industry in Germany. Starting IHK Rhein-Neckar and Ulm.
Market Entry with a special lecture by the head of the The success of the tailor-made matchmaking
Market Info leading research institute at the University was highlighted by a signed purchase contract
Partner Search
of Darmstadt, the delegates got a deep for a machine tool between an Indian and a
Executive Search
insight into future trends in the machine Baden-Württemberg company right at the
Site Search
tool industry. During their visits to three company’s booth at AMB.
production sites, the participants learned Due to the extraordinary success, the
Accounting, Tax, Payroll, Legal & Compliance how German machine tool manufacturers project team aims to continue the program
Supply Chain & Distribution are already working in IoT and smart factory during AMB 2024. This project was sponsored
BIS Registration fields. In addition, they learned where by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of
Sourcing future developments would take place and Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism. The
the optimization opportunities associated project management on the German side was
Troubleshooting with them. carried out by the Chambers of Commerce
Human Resources At AMB, the leading European trade and Industry Rhine-Neckar and Ulm.
Corporate Restructuring

Interim Management
InDo-German economy December 2022

Sourcing Opportunities &

Challenges in India
n 2nd September 2022, the Indo- be a fulcrum for global sourcing. However,
German Chamber of Commerce developing a supply chain requires and
(IGCC) hosted its second Regional demands time. Choosing the right partner
Meeting in Pune at Taj Blue is paramount since it determines an
Diamond, along with partner firms M+V organization’s long-term sustainability and
Altios, Nexdigm SKP and Hoffmann Quality brings along cost savings benefits, perfecting
Tools India Private Limited. The theme the ideal suppliers and developing a long-term
of the evening was the crucial topic of relationship with them. Our event partners
“Sourcing Opportunities & Challenges discussed sourcing and its importance from
in India”. The event brought Indian and multiple viewpoints and touched on different
German businesses together to interact and aspects of sourcing.
discuss opportunities and challenges in the Marja-Sirkka Einig, Deputy Consul
Indian market. General, German Consulate, Mumbai,
Over 70 company representatives of IGCC’s opened the evening with her welcome
member companies from various sectors address by covering a wide variety of topics
participated in the event. IGCC’s commitment of interest: from the political scenario in
to sustainability and effort to execute zero Germany, bilateral relations between the two
waste events was visible due to a plastic-free countries, the performance of the German
event. Guests were served water in reusable industry in India, sustainability efforts and
glass bottles. projects, skilling, and education etc
With its robust economy and significant The presentations started with a keynote
GDP potential, India has the capability to address by Ruediger Schroeder, Senior Vice

InDo-German economy December 2022 45


IGCC, GIZ and MEPSC conclude

Training of Master Trainers

n 13th Oct 2022, IGCC celebrated
the closing ceremony of the
Training of Master Trainers
programme with the German
Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ),
the Management & Entrepreneurship and
Professional Skills Council (MEPSC), National
Skill Development Council (NSDC), and the
participants and trainers of the programme.
President, Project, M+VPresident,
Altios, wherein
Project,heM+V Altios, wherein
The last he
presentation for
was for the evening was The dual certification project, conducted
spoke about the sourcingspoke
about thefaced
sourcing by Manav
made Goel, made
faced Managing
by Manav
Goel, Managing Director, jointly by IGCC, GIZ, MEPSC and NSDC,
by Indian and German by businesses
Indian and German Hoffmann
in India. businesses inQuality
India. Tools
India Quality
Private Tools India Private aimed to enhance the pedagogical quality
He highlighted variousHepointshighlighted variousLimited,
on India’s points who shared hisLimited,
on India’s experience
who onshared
the his experience on the of in-company training in dual, cooperative,
development as a sourcing
hub and how as M&V
a sourcing hubofand
topic how M&V
sourcing as a subsidiary
topic of sourcing
of a German
as a subsidiary of a German and workplace-based training programmes
can strategically and systematically
can strategically
and systematically
company in support
India. His experience
company infrom India.
theHis experience from the across different sectors and trades pan India.
companies to set up their
sourcingto supply
set up their sourcing
industry supply sought
perspective industry
from sought resonance from Between June and September 2022, Master
chains in India. chains in India. several guests in the audience.
several guests in the audience. Trainers from 30+ Sector Skill Councils
The next presenter was The Nagarajan,
next Kartik Nagarajan,
presenter was Following the presentations,
the and
presentations, drinks and participated in the programme.
Managing Director, Business
Managing Consulting
Director,& Business Consulting
a networking &
dinner awere
served. dinner
The were served. The In order to ensure the relevancy of the
Global Business ServicesGlobal
Nexdigm Services Sales,
event Nexdigm
was quite insightful
the quite
insightful for the industry programme, the course was designed and
(erstwhile SKP). He shared
his viewsSKP).
on He
theshared his views ongarnering
representatives, the representatives,
positive feedback.
garnering positive feedback. developed by IGCC and MEPSC based on a
Evolving Landscape of Evolving
in India. of IGCCSourcing
seeksin to
the seeks
to engage the Indo-German skill gap analysis and profile skill mapping
The synergy between The the presenters
synergy between
was the presenters
business communitywas and business
promote community
business and promote business conducted within the Sector Skills Council
delightful to watch. delightful to watch. opportunities between both opportunities
countries. between both countries. and NSDC. Based on this, seven learning
areas were identified and designed into space, consisting of live online sessions
learning modules. complemented by self-learning content made
To enhance the participant’s understanding available on the Atingi platform.
of vocational pedagogy and the organizational The 120-hour program concluded with
- processes associated with in-company a dual system of evaluation. Participants
training, the Ausbildung der Ausbilder appeared for IGCC’s Trainer Aptitude Test as
(AdA) – International (Basic Version) formed per AdA – International (Basic Version) as
the first module of the training. Based on well as MEPSC’s Master Trainer exam. Upon
the best practice principles of the German the successful completion of the programme,
dual vocational education system, this the Master trainers are now expected to pass
flagship qualification concept of the German on their new expertise in their respective
Chambers of Commerce and Industry sectors, thus generating a multiplying effect.
worldwide enables in-company trainers to Furthermore, GIZ and MEPSC will follow up
check the prerequisites for dual training on the impact created by this training and
within a business, plan dual training in will ensure that the project evolves further
VdS SCHADENVERHÜTUNG CO2-Calcual�onprogramm Version 8.5
cooperation with partners, conduct effective to deliver maximum benefit from this
File: C:\1. AGNI CONTROLS\VdS 2018\Projects\Example CO2.prj – Results on-job training sessions, and ensuring programme.
training success. IGCC has been promoting vocational
Afterwards, the participants were further pedagogy through many of its training
qualified through modules in communication, concepts: Ausbildung der Ausbilder (ADA),
time management, conflict management, examiner training, and training for on-job Contact:
problem-solving, training organization and instructors, to name a few. Through these Christine Hazel Raj
giving and taking feedback – all of which training concepts, IGCC strives to set up Project Manager –
Vocational Education and
are essential for master trainers. For ease of meaningful and impactful high-quality Training
participation, the Training of Master trainers training while partnering with companies
was designed to take place in a virtual and government bodies to benefit employees. +91-20-41047 118

InDo-German economy December 2022 47


India & Germany: Accelerating Adoption of

Electric Vehicles
While Germany’s e-Mobility market continues to expand
rapidly, the demand for e-vehicles in India has been
gaining momentum, favoured by supply and government
subsidies. With Germany’s cutting-edge technologies and
India’s economies of scale, these two economies have
the potential to reduce costs and accelerate the rapid
adoption of EVs, not just in their domestic markets but
globally. This report has been researched by Germany
Trade & Invest (GTAI).

50 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 51


Key Statistics for Auto Industry

Vehicle sales in 2021
Vehicle sales in 2021

Production globally in 2021
Production globally in 2021

Contribution to GDP
Contribution to GDP

USD 428.1 million USD 348.3 million

Imports from India for 2021 Imports from Germany for 2021

USD 348.3 billion USD 118 billion

Overall sales, 9% increase over 2020 turnover Overall domestic sales across all vehicle categories in FY2022

15.6 million vehicles

The German Auto industry produced in 2021
22.93 million vehicles
The Indian Auto industry produced in 2021

USD 33 billion
Equivalent to 35% of total R&D expenditure in Germany
USD 31 billion
Equivalent to 8% of total R&D expenditure in India

Of cars produced in Germany in 2021 were for exports
USD 307.65 billion
Under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan (Self Reliant India) stimulus
package allocated towards promoting manufacturing

Employed in the industry in 2021
37 million
Workers employed directly & indirectly

Sources for the entire report: Germany Trade & Invest; The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA); International Organization
of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA); Grant Thornton; FICCI; Invest India, Press Information Bureau of Govt. of India, Autocar Professional,
Business Standard

InDo-German economy December 2022 53


The German Auto Industry The Indian Auto Industry

Germany is renowned for its outstanding Automotive The Automotive sector is one of the core sectors of the
industry and its excellence in engineering. German Indian economy and is of great importance to the country’s
cars are recognized across the globe for their high- manufacturing sector. India is expected to be the world’s third-

end innovation, reliability, safety, and design. largest automotive market in terms of volume by 2030.

- Euro 3,000 subsidy for

plug-in hybrid EVs
Of the world’s
75 top automotive
- First Automotive
Mission Plan 2006-
16 launched
MNRE incentive
76%Is the two-wheeler
- Euro 4,000 subsidy for suppliers are scheme for EVs National Electric market share
German companies - Pushing “MAKE in withdrawn in March Mobility Mission in India
battery only
INDIA” for quality 2012; introduced (NEMMP 2020)
- EVs 10-year exemption auto components as NEMMP 2012 (no launched with a
from ownership tax
- Be a global hub in incentives till FAME significant policy
- Free or reduced-price small cars introduced) boost for EVs industry
Integrated energy
- Purchase bonus
and climate
scheme approved
programme to - EV plug-ins exempt 2005 2010 2012
phase out nuclear from the annual
circulation tax for five NEMMP laid
energy by 2022 and out a roadmap
ensure at least 80% years 1300,000 EV for EV adoption
renewable energy
until 2050
- Realisation that sales
are behind the targets
cars on
the road
NITI Aayog roadmap
Transformative mobility
2013 and domestic
solutions for all launched by

2017 2015

FAME Phase-II - Automotive Mission Plan-II 2016-26 launched

was launched
- National Platform E-licence plate for - Recovery plan (Euro (USD 1.40 2019 - FAME Policy for clean mobility -Phase-I
launched (USD 75) million outlay
for Electric Mobility priority parking 8 billion) for EVs, billion) for three
(Nationale Plattform spaces ear deploying charging years
Elektomobilität) to charging stations infrastructure and
deploy one million - Electric Mobility mitigating the impact of
EVs by 2020 Act Covid-19 2020 2021
- Tasks to push - Purchase Bonus
on the National for Fully EVs (<Euro
Development 40,000) inclusive of new
plan for Electric cars raised from Euro - 35% total input local production for EVs
Mobility (Nationaler 6,000 to Euro 9,000 and - PLI scheme under Aatmanirbhar program - 433,911 EVs were sold in India,
Entwicklungsplan Euro 4,500 to Euro 6,750 launched for automobile and auto components representing a 225% increase over
Elektomobilität) for plug-in hybrids (until (worth $3.5 Bn) & manufacturing of (ACC) last year’s sales of 133,500 units
2025) Advanced Chemistry Cell (worth $2.5 Bn) - Set up of India Semiconductor
- Deduction on interest on EV loans Mission & approval of PLI Scheme
for the Semiconductor sector
- Tax on Li-ion batteries reduced to 18%

EV adoption EV adoption Heavy vehicles

Germany has been witnessing a significant increase in EV In 2012, India unveiled the National Electric Mobility Mission India holds a strong position in the international heavy
adoption with a robust push towards electrification, Germany Plan (NEMMP) 2020 to address issues of national energy vehicles arena as it is the largest tractor manufacturer,
introduced a bonus scheme in 2016 that encouraged German security, vehicular pollution and the growth of domestic second-largest bus manufacturer, and third-largest
citizens to buy EVs. manufacturing capabilities. heavy truck manufacturer in the world.

54 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 55


EV ecosystem in Germany & India

Indicators Germany India
Projected CAGR (2020-27) 32% 44%
EV cars on road 1300,000 (2021) 133,500 (FY20-21)
Potential to grow by 2025 30% 5%
Number of passenger cars per 1,000 people ~583 ~33
EV adoption rate 16% 2%
EV registrations 308,254 (Registrations 500,688 (Registrations from
till October 2022) April to Sept 2022)
Penetration of EV sales 13.5% Battery-electric vehicles (BEV); ~1%
6.7% plug-in hybrids (PHEV)
Public charging infrastructure DC Charging >9,100; 1,742 public charging
AC Charging >51,200 stations
Private charging infrastructure Wallboxes ~900,000 -
Source: Grant Thornton & FICCI report 2021;
Germany Trade & Invest research 2022

Demand for electric vehicles is rising as autonomous drive technology patents, a new
range and performance improvements drive market of 58 million units is forecast for 2030.
uptake levels while battery costs continue to India is ~85% reliant on imports to meet
fall. As of 2021, Germany officially has more its crude-oil requirements. Being a large oil-
than 1.3 million electric vehicles on its roads, importing nation, its oil imports stood at USD
and the government expects more than two 119.2 billion in FY22, up from USD 62.2 billion
million electric vehicles by 2023. This is in FY21, which resulted in the current account
supported by an infrastructure of around deficit hitting a 3-year high of 1.8% (USD 43.81
51,200 AC and more than 9,100 DC charging billion) in FY22. According to a CEEW Centre
stations. The German Federal Ministry for for Energy Finance study, if the share of EVs
Digital and Transport (BMDV) is investing a increases to 30% by 2030, India could save up
further EUR 20 million in the procurement to USD 14 billion on its oil import bill.
of vehicles for fleets and the development Currently, India adds about 2.5 billion
of charging infrastructure as part of its metric tons of carbon or ~7% of the global
electromobility funding guideline. The BMDV emission. Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
is pursuing an overall strategy for the market vehicular pollution contributes to ~40% of the
ramp-up of electromobility, which includes total pollution in India. With this, it is essential
encouraging the electrification of all modes to usher a strong push towards EV adoption to
of transport as well as the development of curtail the increasing pollution.
charging infrastructure, research funding In 2021-22, EV registrations amounted to
and the specification of the right framework 433.900 units, a jump of 225% from 2020-21
conditions. Germany also delivers a USD registrations of 133,500 units. The sales were
11,420 (EUR 9,480) subsidy for EVs, with USD led by two and three-wheelers with 464% and
Hall 7 | Booth # H7N7P6 4,192 (EUR 3,480) of that chipped in by OEMs. 107%, respectively – followed by passenger
Hall 11 | Booth # H11B17 & H11B19 With German companies leading the way in vehicles with a 332% growth.

InDo-German economy December 2022 57


Current and Expected EV penetration in India

EV penetration %
Segment Sub-segment FY 20-21 FY 21-22 % Change FY 22-23*
2025 2030

Scooters &
2W 41,000 231,420 464 305,820 7-10 25-35

E-3W (Cargo) 10,000 21,464 115 16,990

3W 35-45 65-75
77,000 158,242 106 153,361

Personal & 1-3 10-15

4W-PV 5,000 21,596 332 23,413
Commercial 5-10 20-30

State transport
Buses undertakings 500 1,189 138 1,104 15-25 25-40

Total 133,500 433,911 225 500,688 5 30

* Data from April to September 2022
Source: Vahan Dashboard, JMK Research, Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles, Grant Thornton, FICCI,
Ernst & Young 2022; Arthur D. Little (ADL) analysis 2022

Electric 2-wheelers (e2W) have gained 2022, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil
momentum in the last 2 years going from Nadu contributed to 48% of all high-speed
41,000 to over 231,420, a growth of 464% e-2Ws sales. Of all the electric vehicles sold in
over 2020-21. The spike can be attributed Bangalore, 90% (18,090 units) are 2Ws
to the rising demand for personal and Electric four-wheelers (e4W) sales gained
shared mobility, rise in gasoline prices and traction in 2021 (after the pandemic) due to
increased environmental awareness. The higher gas prices and the increasing need for
second phase of FAME II (Faster Adoption personal mobility. The segment recorded a
and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric growth of 332% in FY 2021-22 over FY2021-
vehicles) has fast-tracked the adoption 22. However, it is still in the early stages of
of electric 2-wheelers, which witnessed development, and ICE cars still dominate
registrations close to 110,000 units in Q1 CY the market as there is significant price gap
2022. between the two. In addition to the price
Maharashtra accounts for the highest gap, there are only a few models available in
number of 2W EV presence among other the market and e4W do not have the range
Indian states. Thirteen states in the required for inter-city commute.
country account for 95% of all India 2W EV E-buses also showed a growth of 135%
population. For the period January to May from 2020-21 levels. However, there are fewer

InDo-German economy December 2022 59


e-buses than ICE ones as the penetration is

relatively low. The growth in this segment
is inhibited due to limited models from Potential Opportunity areas in the Indo-German
OEMs, the initial procurement costs are symbiotic relationship
high, varying duty cycles and range anxiety. • Increase in e-mobility in both countries’ sale and production
But several state governments are working volumes
towards decarbonizing public transport
and retiring over-aged buses. Over the next • Higher bilateral trade in electric machinery, auto components and
five years, more traction is expected in this raw materials used in EV production
segment to reach ~16% penetration by 2027.
• Surge in German original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
NITI Aayog, the government think tank
entering the Indian electric vehicle market
is said to be keen on achieving 50,000
e-buses on roads as early as possible. The
• Manifold increase in revenues with e-mobility uptick in both
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
on the other hand, are already working on
possibilities of replacing buses older than
• Participation of German companies in the Indian government
ten years with e-buses, owned by State
schemes like production linked schemes for Production-Linked
Transport Undertaking. Based on sales trend,
Incentive Scheme (PLI) for Automotives, ACC Battery Storage
Maharashtra, West Bengal, and Himachal
Manufacturing and Semiconductors
Pradesh could be identified as the early
adopters of e-buses. Delhi targets to have
2000 by 2023 from the current 152 number of
E-Buses as of May 2022.
The nine electric bus manufacturers
in the country are Ashok Leyland, Tata
Motors, VolvoEicher, BYD Company, Olectra
Greentech, JBM Auto, Solaris Bus & Coach,
Deccan Auto and Zhongtong Bus and Holding
Company. All these put together today have
a production capacity of not more than 1,500
India’s electric vehicle (EV) market is
projected to witness sales to the tune of 9
million units mark per annum by 2027, says
a report by Indian Venture and Alternate Another report by India Energy Storage
Capital Association (IVCA) in collaboration Alliance (IESA) estimates that the EV market
with Ernst & Young and Indus Law while in India will grow at a CAGR of 36% till 2026.
CEEW Centre for Energy Finance states that In addition, the EV battery market is also
the total EVs sales expected by FY30 would be expected to expand at a CAGR of 30% during
14.8 million units. In an optimistic scenario, the same period. Overall, by 2030, the EV
penetration of EVs is projected to reach industry is set to create 10 million direct jobs
15% by 2025 while other agencies project and 50 million indirect jobs. India is also
a penetration of 5% by 2025. The Indian witnessing the rise of a sizeable EV financing
Government has targeted 30% EV penetration industry, according to NITI Aayog and the
by 2030. However, at present the EV market is Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI, the market
fragmented and there are only about 468 EV is likely to reach Rs. 3.7 lakh crore (USD 50
manufacturers in the country. billion) by 2030.
A study by CEEW Centre for Energy Finance India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh
has recognised a USD 206 billion opportunity tops EV registrations with 20% share of all
for electric vehicles in India if India maintains EV registrations in the country, followed
steady progress to meet its ambitious 2030 by Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Of the
target. This will necessitate a USD 180 billion overall 2-wheeler registrations, Karnataka,
investment in vehicle manufacturing and Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Telangana,
charging infrastructure. and Rajasthan account for close to 67% of

InDo-German economy December 2022 61


electric 2-wheeler registrations, while most through demand incentives amounting to

of the 3-wheeler registrations are in Uttar about INR 18.69 billion. Approvals have been
Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, and Delhi, which granted to 6,315 electrical buses and 2,877
collectively account for around 75% of total EV charging stations sanctioned in 68 cities
sales. Around 20 Indian states have already across 25 States/Union Territories. 50 original
released either a draft or final state EV equipment manufacturers (OEMs), both
policy, which overall aim to promote India’s start-ups and established manufacturers,

transition from ICE to EVs. have registered and revalidated their 106 EV
The government has taken numerous steps, models. There are 1,576 charging stations
both for consumers as well as manufacturers, sanctioned for set-up across nine expressways
to ease the adoption of EVs. Several fiscal and and 16 highways. Growth of e-buses
non-fiscal measures have been put in place In 2021, the government rolled out a from 2020-21
to facilitate the adoption of electric mobility. Production-Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI)
Initiatives taken by government to make EVs for Auto Industry (Rs. 25,938 crore) and
affordable and accessible began with the ACC Battery Storage Manufacturing (Rs.
launch of National Electric Mobility Mission 18,100 crore), which incentivizes domestic
Plan (NEMMP) in 2013, followed by a strong production of auto components, boost
government push launching Faster Adoption local battery cell production and reduce
and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric the dependence on imports. This will
Vehicles in India (FAME) phase 1 in 2015 and enable India to leapfrog from traditional
later FAME phase II in 2019, was released with fossil fuel-based automobile transportation
a total budget outlay of USD 1.36 billion over a system to environmentally cleaner,

period of five years. Another welcoming step sustainable, advanced, and cost-effective
was a reduction of goods and service tax (GST) Electric Vehicles (EV) based system with
rates for EVs from 12% to 5% and on chargers the requisite infrastructure. Shortage of
or charging stations from 18% to 5%. semiconductors led to closure or lowering
The central government made amendments of production volumes by several firms from Charging stations
sanctioned for set-up
to the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of diverse industries including the automobile
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in India (FAME) sector after which the government released
II scheme to make electric two-wheelers more a Production-Linked Incentive Scheme
affordable with a priority to shift towards (PLI) exclusively for semiconductor with a
clean mobility. Under the phase two of the budgetary outlay USD 10.28 billion (Rs. 76,000
FAME scheme, as on July 11, 2022, about crore) providing the right impetus to the
469,315 electric vehicles were supported manufacturing sector.

InDo-German economy December 2022 63




Indo-German Trade
India and Germany’s bilateral relations were Germany primarily imported chemicals and
instituted on common democratic principles textiles from India.
and engaging in a strong economic and According to Destatis, Germany exported
developmental partnership. As the world’s goods and services worth USD 14.7 billion
4th and 6th largest economies, sharing a to India in 2021. India ranks 23rd in terms

Website :
trade history of over 500 years, economic of German export markets and 26th in terms
and political interaction between the two of imports . Imports from India totalled USD
countries have increased and are marked by 12.9 billion, ranking Germany sixth on the list
a high level of trust and mutual respect. of Indian trade partners.
Today, Germany is one of the most important As far as direct investment is concerned,
trading partners and the largest trading Germany’s Foreign direct investments in India
partner in Europe for India. The two countries from 2000 to June 2022 totalled around USD 13.7


Reg. Off : F71/72 SIPCOT Industrial Estate, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Kanchipuram District - 602117, Tamil Nadu, India.
are committed to intensifying bilateral and billion, putting it in ninth place . India ranks
multilateral cooperation with a focus on 31st with respect to FDI Stocks in Germany
strategic cooperation in the fields of cutting- (2020), and in terms of FDI projects in Germany
edge technology with a higher exchange of for 2021, India was 15th with 132 projects.

intelligence and knowledge. In terms of trade, According to the latest numbers sourced

*Year-on-year change
investment, knowledge and innovation, the from OICA, the Organisation Internationale (2021-22/ 2020-21)
economic relations between the two nations des Constructeurs d’Automobiles India was

Toll Free : 1800 123 1479 Email :

Note: Major Indian
have grown and can be intensified further. ranked as the world’s fourth largest car maker. imports from Germany
Not only has the bilateral trade increased India saw 3,759,398 vehicles sold in 2021, are chemicals, auto
over the years, but German companies have compared to 2,973,319 vehicles in Germany, components, measurement
and control equipment,
discovered new investment and business translating to a difference of almost 26%. India machinery, electro
opportunities in India, and likewise Indian overtook Germany to become the 4th largest technology, metal and


firms in Germany. vehicle market and was the only country to metal products, plastics,
Germany supplies machines, chemical report a double-digit growth among the top 5 pharmaceuticals, paper
and printing materials, and
products, aircraft, and electronics. Exports global markets. However, only around 3% of medical technology.

SCHWING Stetter (India) Private Limited

of road vehicles and vehicle components the Indian population currently owns a car.
saw the most rapid growth in 2021. India’s According to a recent analysis by Grant Source: Ministry of
leading exports to Germany are chemical Thornton Bharat-FICCI report, the rise Commerce & Industry,
Government of India, Grant
products, including pharmaceuticals, as in the use of electric vehicles will fuel an Thornton Bharat-FICCI
well as clothing and machines. Iron and increase in imports to India from Germany. report 2022, Germany Trade

steel exports increased the quickest. In 2021, India also stands to benefit from a targeted & Invest research

Raw materials used in EV production - German exports to India (USD Million)


HS Code Commodity Description 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Y-o-Y growth * (%)

72 Iron and steel 252.7 212.3 311.8 46.9
73 Articles of iron or steel 255.7 229.9 289.7 26.0
74 Copper and articles thereof 138.3 152.7 384.9 152.1
Contact/Whatsapp- +91 91766 01882

75 Nickel and articles thereof 29.1 30.2 32.3 6.9

76 Aluminium and articles thereof 106.4 118.0 136.6 15.8
78 Lead and articles thereof 6.5 2.9 6.0 104.5
79 Zinc and articles thereof 7.2 5.9 20.2 239.2
85 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; 1,524.8 1,229.7 1,535.8 24.9
sound recorders and reproducers, television image

and sound recorders and re-producers, and parts

Total German exports to India 13,691 13,643 14,968 9.7
% Share of selected HS code categories in total 17.0 14.5 18.2
German exports to India

InDo-German economy December 2022 65


export expansion and import substitution

programme when trade volumes increase.
The nation has the potential to increase
its share in the global auto components
market to 4-5% by 2026, riding on the export
growth and import substitution initiatives
being taken by the industry as part of the
‘Atmanirbhar’ initiative.
In CY 2021, Germany imported goods worth
USD 428.1 million (EUR 505 million) within
the Auto sector from India. Despite this,
India’s overall contribution to Germany’s auto
component market is marginal.
However, German exports to India are set
to go higher in the future due to the increased
use of electronics and enhanced design and
engineering in vehicles and components. compared to a share of 16.7% in FY2019-20
According to the analysis, automotive and 14.5% in FY2020-21 respectively.
electronics may be considered the priority At present, India and Germany aim
segment of the value chain, followed to partner by leveraging advantages on
by lightweight materials, machinery, each side and intensifying cooperation on *Year-on-year change
(2021-22/ 2020-21)
moulds and dies. From the below table, an next-generation technologies, including
exponential increase is visible in the share the Internet of Things (IoT). Industries Note: Major Indian exports
of selected HS code categories (i.e., the share such as industrial automation, robotics to Germany include food
of raw materials used in EV products) in and automotive are likely to provide good and beverages, machinery,
pharmaceuticals, textiles,
total exports from Germany to India when opportunities for German companies in metal and metal products,
compared to previous years. The export share India. Growing demand for EVs equipped electro technology, leather
of raw materials used in EV products was 17% with smart and automated technologies is and leather goods, gems
in 2019-20, 14.5% in FY 2020-21 and increased driving the electric mobility market in both and jewellery, rubber
products, auto components,
to 18.2% in FY201-22 which indicates growth countries. Raw materials deemed critical and chemicals.
over the past three years. for both economies also hold significant
A similar trend is observed for raw materials opportunities in the EV space. Companies Source: Ministry of
used in EV products that were imported from are investing in the development of vehicle Commerce & Industry,
Government of India, Grant
India by Germany, accounting for a 19% networking, infotainment systems, head-up Thornton Bharat-FICCI
share in the Total volume of German imports displays, etc., to enhance vehicle operability. report 2022, Germany Trade
from India in FY2021-22, an increase when Germany has persistently been a strong ally & Invest research

Raw materials used in EV production - German imports from India (USD Million)
HS Code Commodity Description 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Y-o-Y growth * (%)
72 Iron and steel 135.9 123.8 265.6 114.6
73 Articles of iron or steel 377.8 323.4 463.4 43.3
74 Copper and articles thereof 25.8 21.8 42.8 96.5
75 Nickel and articles thereof 2.1 1.3 3.0 137.0
76 Aluminium and articles thereof 58.1 73.9 177.7 140.3
78 Lead and articles thereof - 0.0 0.0 50.0
79 Zinc and articles thereof 0.3 0.6 1.0 66.7
85 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; 617.4 860.7 931.6 8.2
sound recorders and reproducers, television image
and sound recorders and re-producers, and parts
Total Indian exports to Germany 8,291 8,125 9,883 21.6
% Share of selected HS code categories in total Indian 14.7 17.3 19.1
exports to Germany

InDo-German economy December 2022 67


to the Indian economy. Hence, exploring the era that can help India in overcoming its
potential to foster synergies between the two existing infrastructural gaps in this evolving
automotive powerhouses in the e-mobility EV ecosystem. Collaboration among leading
ecosystem is likely to accelerate the adoption OEMs and auto component manufacturers is
of Electric vehicles in both countries. The a healthy industrywide phenomenon, such as
German automotive industry sees India as a Tata’s and Hyundai’s recent collaboration to
reliable and important partner. As a result, boost India’s charging infrastructure.
German manufacturers and suppliers are There is an upsurge in German original
present at over 100 locations and production equipment manufacturers (OEMs) entering
sites in India. Thereby, India, as one of the the Indian electric vehicle market. For
fastest-growing economies in the world, offers the integration of EV manufacturing,
various opportunities for German companies. infrastructure and supply chain between India
Germany is sturdily advancing towards and Germany, uncertainty is an overarching
electrification, but the Indian EV industry theme considering the burgeoning state
is a developing industry, and the move to of e-mobility uptake in India, where the
e-mobility is a priority for the Government disruptive transitions in Germany and overall,
of India (GOI). India has promised to cut globally may credibly support the continued

its emissions to net zero by 2070 at the 26th advancement of India’s e-mobility solutions
Conference of the Parties (COP26) in November India offers the largest untapped market
USD billion 2021, which would also require decarbonising worldwide for foreign direct investment start-ups are investing heavily in setting Future Outlook
India’s EV industry high greenhouse gas (GHG) intensive sectors (FDI), specifically in electric mobility, where up new manufacturing lines for EVs and The Government has been primarily focused
attracted investments such as transport and energy. The country’s 100% FDI is approved. In 2021, India’s EV charging equipment, Indian EV tech start- on reducing India’s reliance on fossil fuels,
worth in 2021 present demand for energy is growing at a industry attracted investments worth USD ups alone secured funding of USD 444 million and other traditional non-renewable forms
significant pace as the economy develops. To 6 billion and is becoming steadily more across more than 25 deals in 2021, according of energy and henceforth, the Ministry of
achieve its pledge, the composition of India’s attractive to private equity/venture capital to ET Auto research. Road Transport and Highways aspires that
energy demand will likely have to shift more investors, with investments increasing from The lack of charging infrastructure is India reaches aggressive targets of EV sales
towards cleaner energy. USD 181 million (2020) to USD 1,718 million one of the biggest challenges for the EV penetration of 30% for private cars, 70% for
Looking at the road ahead, the world’s (2021) (recording an annual growth rate of sector in India. Currently, there are only commercial vehicles, 40% for buses, 80% for
largest populated country is in need of 849%). Substantial investments in the EV 1,742 charging stations in the country. This two and three-wheelers by 2030. Undoubtedly,
external support and innovation to achieve segment can help boost operations in the last- number is expected to increase to 100,000 factors such as attractive government subsidies
this dream. By having broader cooperation mile delivery, which, if implemented across units by 2027 to accommodate the increasing like the FAME policy, PLI schemes, decreasing

in Technology and Research & Development scale, can generate operational savings for demand of about 1.4 million expected Electric cost of technology, and distressing pollution
and collaborating with Germany, India could the fleet operators. According to Automotive Vehicles expected to be on the roads by then. levels, will accelerate India’s transition to EVs
benefit from Germany’s robust automotive Component Manufacturers of India (ACMA), According to Research and Markets, the and enable the government to near its vision,
Charging stations industry and excellence in engineering. automakers need to explore new technologies charging infrastructure in India is currently but there is still a long way to go.
units by 2027
Germany, with its outstanding EV ecosystem, and focus on start-ups as the industry needs under-developed with as many as 26 EVs per The demand seems to be rising every day,
in India
remains the world’s automotive innovation to learn to take risks. While traditional ICE charger available in the country, compared to and India’s progress on electric mobility has
hub, leading the way forward to a new mobility vehicle manufacturers as well as new EV 8 in China or 17 in the United States. been commendable, but the transition will
Recent reports of battery explosions certainly take place at a steady pace.
in several parts of India have alarmed Moreover, German manufacturers and
consumers. Two-wheeler manufacturers like suppliers are convinced that there is no long-
Ola, Okinawa, and Pure EV have recalled more term alternative to clean and climate-friendly
than 7,000 electric scooters voluntarily in the mobility and hence the objective is to achieve
wake of dozens of incidents of electric two- carbon-neutral mobility by 2050 is already
wheelers catching fire. Reports of EV battery underway for which the German automotive
explosions have also made consumers wary industry is working towards its contribution in
and slowed the pace of EV adoption in India. achieving climate protection targets.
India is currently working on a Draft Battery Sustainable innovation between India and
Swapping Policy which presents significant Germany is the way forward to tackle global
opportunities for German companies and challenges and accelerate the adoption of
the Indian automotive sector in providing Electric Vehicles. The solutions are evident, Cleona James
Trade and Investment
technical assistance to India as it seeks and the environment is conducive. All that Manager
to increase domestic energy capacity and remains to be seen is how swiftly the EV Germany Trade & Invest
generate battery storage solutions. ecosystem develops in India & Germany. Tel.: +91-22-66652 121

68 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 69

‘Advancing the world of production
with the power of precision’
that offers a comprehensive online KEY FACTS
customer platform, including a Producing in India since
product catalogue, order history
and flexible online ordering from 1960
smartphone, tablet, or PC. The Sales
Tool supports our sales activities Offering more than
with a wide range of content, e.g.
presentations, videos, product 70,000
catalogues, forms and many more, different high precision tools
facilitating digitally supported
Sales Offices in
customer conversations. These
digital solutions played a key role in Gurgaon, Ludhiana,
overcoming the challenges posed by
the pandemic.
Tirupur and Thane
Our digital solutions also
include the OneGB app for our strategies in many ways. Even
What are the various services or employees. Employees can under the current challenging
range of products you offer in check the latest information and circumstances, we can supply our
India? company announcements on their customers from our warehouses in
With over 70,000 precision smartphones, tablets or PC – any the shortest possible time.
components, product types and place, any time. It keeps employees
industrial machine needles, Groz- up-to-date on what is new and What are your plans for the future
Beckert offers systems and services important at Groz-Beckert. What in India?
for textile-production and joining are the key challenges you face as a Well-qualified and highly trained
processes of knitting, weaving, company in India? Especially after professionals are a key factor for
felting, tufting, carding and sewing the pandemic? While we struggled Groz-Beckert’s success. With the
– and thus covers the requirements with the disruption of supply chains increasing complexity of production
of textile machine builders and during the pandemic, the effects of technology, the requirement for
textile manufacturers all over the the Russia-Ukraine war are gradually sophisticated training of employees
world. As a leading partner in the making themselves felt. Above all, is also rising. We will therefore
textile industry, Groz-Beckert also the drastic increase in raw material massively upscale and expand
offers a wide range of services, from prices is causing us problems, and our training centre. Also, today, it
Hub of the textile world specific application advice, tests and
laboratory services to the production
some suppliers now have unusual
long delivery times. We have to learn
offers vocational training based on
the German model and adapted to
of small and customised series. that the just-in-time and just-in- meet local needs. The emphasis
Groz-Beckert is the world’s leading provider of industrial machine needles, precision parts and fine With the Groz-Beckert Academy sequence models have their limits. is on theory and practice with
tools for knitting, weaving, felting, tufting, carding and sewing. in Germany, the company has also Fortunately, we have recognised training that covers workshop
created an extensive training program this early enough and have adapted technology, material science,
As a globally active family-run company, we currently employ around 8,700 employees – more than on the basics and applications of workshop calculations, physics,
2,200 of whom work at our headquarters in Albstadt, Germany.
Groz-Beckert products. technical drawing, general and soft
skills training, followed by on-the-
What are the digitalisation job training. In addition, we are
We maintain long-term partnerships and open dialog with our employees and customers, initiatives at Groz-Beckert? working intensively and increasingly
because we know: we can only move forward together. Digitisation at Groz-Beckert means to make our contribution to
being present online worldwide and climate protection. This includes
taking the lead in this area of the process optimisation to reduce CO2
textile industry as well. We provide emissions and to use new, energy-
customers with a Customer Portal saving production technologies.

Address: Groz-Beckert Asia Pvt. Ltd. 133-135, Industrial Area, Phase 1, Chandigarh – 160 002

InDo-German economy December 2022 71


The German Power Industry

Power& T
he German electricity system is interconnected throughout Europe. Due to its
central geographical location within Europe, Germany is a significant player in the

European electricity market and a hub for international power flows. Moreover,
Germany also exports an increasing amount of electricity to its neighbouring countries.
In general, import and export flows are determined by wholesale electricity prices 49%

on national electricity exchanges, which in turn are determined by the demand for Renewables
electricity, the amount of electricity generated by renewable energy, and the fuel costs powered
for conventional power plants. Germany in the
first half of 2022
Power generation in Europe
The country exchanges electricity physically with nine direct neighbouring countries Source: Reuters

- Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech
Republic, Poland, and Sweden (via submarine cables). In 2018, Germany exported around
82.7 billion kWh of electricity to its neighbours, whereas it imported 31.5 billion kWh.

In addition to having the largest installed power capacity in Europe, Germany also
generates the most electricity and consumes the most electricity. Additional information
he following report briefly showcases the on the energy data of the countries of Europe can be found on the website of Eurostat, the
power situation in Germany and India and European Union’s statistical office.
the industry’s future. The information has
been gathered from several sources such as Carbon neutrality and the future
IBEF, IEA, Invest India, GTAI and the Federal In order to achieve its ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by 2045, Germany’s new
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate government has set itself an ambitious goal. By 2030, greenhouse gas emissions will be
Action, among others. reduced by 65% from 1990 levels. In addition, the previous administration had planned to
phase out coal as quickly as possible by 2038. In light of the current war against Ukraine,
energy independence and the expansion of locally available energy sources have become
increasingly important.
In order to free Germany from foreign oil, gas, and coal dependence, renewable energy
is the only viable option. There have been some ups and downs in the energy transition
in Germany, but overall it has been an overall success story. There will be 41.1% of
power consumption in 2021 from wind, solar, biomass, hydro and geothermal energy.
By 2030, it is hoped that 80% will be achieved. This will present a major opportunity for
Germany to modernize its economy. Progress, innovation, and jobs are all driven by the
transformation of the energy system.

The new
electricity market
platform provides
information on
the electricity
market in a
understand and

72 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 73


Of the Power
generated in
India is from
Source: Government of
India, Ministry of Power

Intelligent Valve Engineering for Your Process ssecorP ruoY rof gnireenignE evlaV tnegilletnI
from a Single Source
SAMSON CONTROLS PVT. LTD., a wholly owned subsidiary The Indian Power Industry ecruoS elgniS a morf
y raidisbus denwo yllohw a ,.DTL .T VP SLORTNOC NOSM AS
OSMnd 2
of SAMSON AG, Germany, manufactures and supplies control lortnoc seilppus dna serutcafunam ,ynamreG India ,GA Nis AS fo
n order for the Indian economy to grow and prosper, power infrastructure has been
equipment, such as automated and non-automated control and on/ /no dna lortnoc detamotua-non dna detamotua sa hcus ,tnempiuqe
sserp detarepo-fles ,)trams dna lanoitnevnoc( srelargest
noitisop ,coal
off valves, positioners (conventional and smart), self-operated pressure
critically important, and its development and existenceeruis essential. For Indian sevlav ffo
and temperature regulators, differential-pressure-type level gauges. .seguag level epy t-erusserp-laitnereffid ,srotaluger erutarepin
economic growth to be sustained, adequate power infrastructure must be developed. producer methe
t dna
Therefore, the fundamental principle of India’s power industry has been to provide world
In addition, SAMSON CONTROLS provides engineering expertise esitrepxe ganirsingle
universal access to affordable power sustainably. By establishing eenigne national
sedivorp SLORTNOC NOSM A S ,noitidda nI
for special engineered valves by SAMSON’s associated companies seinapmoc detaicossa s’NOSM AS yb sevlav dereenigne laiceps rof
grid, strengthening the distribution network, and achieving universal household
as well as by other companies. .seinapmoc rehto yb sa llew sa
electrification, the Ministry of Power has made significant efforts to turn the country
from one that suffers from a power shortage to one with a surplus of power.
One of the most diversified sectors of the Indian power industry is its power sector.
Power generation is mainly accomplished by conventional methods, including coal,
lignite, natural gas, oil, hydroelectricity, and nuclear power, but also by viable non-
conventional methods, including wind, solar power, agricultural and household waste.
There has been a rapid increase in electricity demand in the country over the past few
SAMSON is pleased to introduce ‘SAMGUARD’ years, and it is expected to continue in the future. The country’s’DRgrowing
AUGMAdemand S‘ ecudfor ortni ot desnumber
aelp si N ofOnuclear
powered by Precognize electricity will require a massive expansion of the installed generating capacity. e z in g oc e rP y b
reactors d e r ewop
SAM GUARD is used for predictive maintenance on several thousand India is the 3rd largest producer of electricity in the worlddnaassuoof
ht lDecember
areves no ecn2021.
anetniaAm evitciderp rof installed
desu si DRAinUGthe
valves and other field devices in industrial plant operation and country like India has ranked fourth when it comes to wind power,
dna nfifth
po tnait
ni ni secived dlefi rehworld
to dna sevlav
complements the SAM DIGITAL solutions portfolio. solar power, and fourth when it comes to installed renewable energy capacity.oas ilofof
p snoitulos LATIGID M AS eht stnemelpmoc
SAM stands for “SAMSON ASSET MANAGEMENT”. The SAM India is currently the only country in the G20 to be on track toMachieve
the goals found
DIGITAL solutions combine decades of experience and SAMSON’s the Paris Agreement. s’NOSM AS dna ecneirepxe fo sedaced enibmoc snoitulos LATIGID
in-depth understanding of processes with the latest technologies and dna seigolonhcet tsetal eht htiw sessecorp fo gnidnatsrednu htped-ni
smart information. Customers are offered true added value by the FDI Investments eht yb eulav dedda eurt dereffo era sremotsuC .noitamrofni trams
resulting optimization of their processes. As per Invest India, the energy sector projects accounted for the highest share (24 %).in sessecorp rieht fo noitazimitpo gnitluser
the National Infrastructure Pipeline 2019-25. Total FDI inflow in the power sector reached
US$16.39 bn between April 2000 and June 2022. 3 rd
Electricity generation increased by 11.0 % in September 2022 over September 2021. As
a result, its cumulative index
.DTL .TVP SLORTNOC NOSMAS producer and 3 rd
Factory: D-281, MIDC Ranjangaon, Taluka Shirur, District Pune 412220, Maharashtra, India aidincreased by,010.7
nI ,arthsarahaM 2221% 4 efrom
nuP tcirApril
tsiD ,rurto
akulaT ,noagna2022-23
jnaR CDIMover
,182-D :yrotcaF largest consumer
Phone: +91 2138 665600 · Fax: +91 2138 665666 the corresponding period of the previous year. 666566 8312 19+ :xaF · 006566 8312 19+ :enohP
100%aiFDI of electricity in the
Corporate Office (PUNE): 604, P-3, Pentagon Building, Magarpatta City, Hadapsar, Pune 411028, Maharashtra, India dnI ,ain
aM ,820sector
114 enuin
P ,rIndia
H allowed
,ytiC attaprfor
,gnidliuB nogfrom
atneP ,all
3-P sources
,406 :)EN(except
UP( ecfifO etaroproC
Phone: +91 20 67246600 · Fax: +91 20 67246666 atomic energy), transmission and distribution of electric 66664energy,
276 02 19 and
+ :xaPower
F · 00664 Trading
276 02 19+ :enohP world


E-mail:, · Internet: under the automatic route.ten.slortnocnosmas.www :tenretnI · ten.slortnocnosmas@selas ,ten.slortnocnosmas@ofni :liam-E


InDo-German economy
December 2022 75

Power Portal
shows India’s
regards to
and distribution
of Power across

Source: IBEF Power Infographic August 2022

The Future
The International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that India has made remarkable progress in
its energy development, yet many challenges remain, and the Covid-19 pandemic has caused
significant disruption to the Indian energy sector. As a result of the introduction of electricity
in India, hundreds of millions of citizens have become connected to the electrical grid,
households have installed highly efficient LED lighting, and renewable energy sources have
been dramatically expanded, particularly solar power. Indian citizens have experienced tangible
gains in their quality of life. However, the Covid-19 crisis has complicated efforts to resolve other
pressing issues. As a result, there is a lack of reliable electricity supply for many consumers,
660 million people are still relying on solid biomass, primarily firewood, for cooking fuel; there
are financial difficulties for the electricity distribution companies, as well as poor air quality in
Indian cities that is among the world’s worst.
A growing income and improving living standards have led to India becoming the world’s
third-largest energy consumer. Energy consumption has doubled since 2000, with coal, oil, and
solid biomass still providing 80% of the country’s energy needs. A key indicator of India’s energy
use and emissions per capita is vehicle ownership, steel production, and cement production,
all of which are less than half of the world average. It is expected that Indian households will
purchase new appliances, air conditioning units and vehicles over the next few years as they
recover from a Covid-induced slump in 2020. As India’s population increases at the same rate
as a city the size of Los Angeles annually, it is expected that the country will soon become the
world’s largest. During the next twenty years, India will need to develop a power system as large
as that of the European Union to meet the rapid growth in electricity demand.

Read more at:

InDo-German economy December 2022 77


insights gained at IGTC in all domains - what is expected from them. This enterprising
Marketing, Operations, HR and Finance – to attitude will surely help them grow leaps and
a live business project. bounds in their journey ahead.”- Ashwini
As soon as the project was announced, it Mishra, Manager, Armstrong Dematic,
was a delight to see IGTCians across the past PGPBA Alumnus 2016.
three decades volunteering their time and “Some great collective and interactive
keen interest to participate in the programme. sessions are going on. I liked the
One month into the programme here is some responsiveness of the team during the
candid feedback from the mentors: project preparations. It is very visible that
“My team is on track with their project. We the students are getting well-developed
have a weekly meeting and share updates on academically as well as on professional front.
the status regularly. All the students are sharp, Indeed, the esteemed faculties are honing
hardworking and keen learners. I think we them well, and the outcome can be very well
need to take the mentoring program beyond seen. It is great learning for me and also for
the project too.” - Rayomand Karkaria, Finance recollecting knowledge. Thanks for all the
Head, Siemens Ltd., PGPBA Alumnus 1994. IGTC team are doing!!!” - Rahul Deshak,
“A month ago, we started this program, and Director Operations, Collins Aerospace,
it is truly going in line with your dreams. These EBMP Alumnus 2018.
young turks are really commendable in terms Here is what some of the mentees from
of their commitment, interest, and eagerness PGPBA Batch 2021 – 2023 had to say:
to learn new things. Working with such young “We had our 1st meeting with Aakanksha
people has really made me learn more new Varude. It was great getting introduced to
things.” - Vishwanath Kittur, Senior Manager, an inspiring personality like her. Thank you
JSW Infrastructure, PGPBA Alumnus 2010. so much for the mentor-mentee program!” -
“It’s been a great experience mentoring the Awdoot Kamble
batch. They are mature and well-prepared for “The conversation with Mahesh sir gave

Transcend: Rise to the next level!

“A mentor is a torch bearer. One who shows Alumni bring years of experience, expertise,
you the way and how to navigate. Someone and learnings to groom the rookies. In
who sees more talent and ability within you contrast, the rookies bring in a lot of energy,
than you see in yourself and helps bring it out enthusiasm and new ideas to the table to
of you.” With this belief, the Indo-German stimulate conversations and challenge the
Training Centre and its Alumni Catalyst team status quo.
are proud to launch “Transcend”, a mentoring To ensure a solid basis for the mentorship
initiative by the IGTCians for the IGTCians! programme, one of the key responsibilities
of the mentor is to adopt a group of PGPBA
The idea is to facilitate a detailed 5-month students and help them plan and execute
programme starting from September 2022 – their final Integrated Business Project. The
January 2023 between the full-time PGPBA learning outcomes of this project are centred
students and the seasoned IGTC Alumni, around the ability of the students to apply the
who are industry professionals. The IGTC theoretical concepts learnt and the critical

78 December 2022 InDo-German economy


Vector Informatik GmbH

“Putting Engineers in
the Fast Lane”
Mr. Brahmanand Patil
Managing Director

WHAT ARE VECTOR’S IN VECTOR’S GLOBAL and technologies like in the past 13 years, has
SOLUTIONS IN INDIA BUSINESS? connected vehicles, grown with a strong
AND THE GLOBE? Vector Informatik India autonomous driving focus on the Indian
At Vector Informatik, Private Limited is a 100% and Electrification. With Market, working with
over 3500 employees subsidiary of Vector software playing a key global captives, service
across 31 locations Informatik GmbH offices role, today, we look at companies, as well as
worldwide support in Bengaluru and Pune, our vehicles as part of local OEM, Tier1 and
manufacturers and with 140 engineers and the whole ecosystem recent years with quite a
suppliers of the several of them subject and overall experience. lot of start-ups especially
us good food for thought on our project. His clearer understanding of what their offering automotive industry matter experts and Thus, one of the in the EV space.
experience really gives us a path. Despite was to the customer and market. The PESTLE with a professional technical specialists main challenges to the Vector Informatik
the USA – India distance, there was no Analysis & Five Forces Analysis, in most platform of tools, supporting customers automotive ecosystem foresees India as a
awkwardness in the meeting and no barriers cases, were well done, but in some cases, software components in the local automotive is developing secure signification region
in the exchange of knowledge and thought. the SWOT Analysis had conceptual errors of and. Our solutions are ecosystem with their and safe vehicles while as it is a destination
We will surely get the most out of this mentor- whether a particular fact could be a strength from the last 34 years challenges and providing connected. Therefore, for global Automotive
mentee initiative.” - Saniya Mansuri or an opportunity or whether there was an used by engineers of customised solutions as it is paramount to players to leverage the
“Manish sir really liked our idea and interchange between weakness and threat. automotive OEMs, Tier- per their development consider the abuse large talent pool and IT
shared his experience and knowledge on Kudos to the Alumni Mentors and the Alumni 1 suppliers, and other and testing needs. and use cases during knowledge in India. And
approaching the Capstone Project in a Catalysts for launching this initiative.” - Sagar software organisations Vector India has development, which will in the last half a decade,
methodical way. He encouraged us to explore Narsian, Marketing Faculty, IGTC undertaking the established project ensure that the vehicles there has been increased
various data sources and interpret them in The entire credit for this initiative goes to development of teams in the area of on the road continue to software content at local
relevance to the project. The programme the four extremely focused Alumni Catalysts automotive electronics. Embedded Software be reliable and secure. OEMs and Tier1s due
has definitely helped us to find a direction.” – Abhishek Gupta, Ashutosh Tewari, Gary Vector products Consulting, Test On the development to new developments
Sanika Phatak Chandy and Urvil Matalia, who shouldered cover the entire range Automation Framework side, standardisation triggered by new global
“Our mentor Prasad Nawathe gave us the the responsibility of conceptualizing, of activities at OEM, and Hardware-in-Loop at the E/E Architecture platform launches,
much-needed reality check and direction connecting to the mentors and executing this Tier1 and Software systems to enable level is the need of Electric Vehicles with
to the project. We spent time planning the initiative along with Radhieka R Mehta. Services companies customers to leverage the hour, allowing for advanced features
work and preparing a task list for the same. IGTC plans to step up this mentoring towards system & the knowledge of Vector effective implementation like connectivity,
We feel that as a team, the mentor and us are initiative to the next level by engaging E/E Architecture with complex solutions. of use cases like Autonomous features.
a perfect match, and we can make good use mentors for different levels of alumni – design, Embedded customisations, future Vector Informatik
of his valuable time and experience. Excited e.g. if somebody is moving from individual Software development, WHAT ARE THE KEY updates and others. India has plans to
to see this collaboration unfold!” - Nikhil contributor to a team management role, if Specification tools, CHALLENGES IN THE increase competency
Anandsekhar somebody is entering into a mid-management software testing, XiL INDIAN AUTOMOTIVE WHAT ARE VECTOR’S and capacity to meet
“It is great to see some of you take time out role and if someone is moving from mid- Validation, Measurement INDUSTRY? PLANS FOR THE the growing needs and
of your busy schedules to mentor the IGTC management to senior management roles. & Calibration. Automotive Electronics FUTURE/AREAS THAT bring the know-how
students on their Business Plans. When I did Because, after all, “today, the lines between has come a long way ARE OF FOCUS FOR and apt support to the
my interim review, I found that the groups mentoring and networking are blurring. WHAT IS THE ROLE OF and continues to VECTOR? products used by our
were more logical in their understanding of Welcome to the world of mentworking” Julie THE INDIAN ENTITY evolve with trends Vector Informatik India, Customers in the region.
the market compared to the past. They had a Winkle Giulioni

80 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 81


IGCC launches “Fasal Ki Raksha, Bhavishya Ki Suraksha”

rom 4 – 7 November 2022, the Indo- The launch of the Pavilion during the
German Chamber of Commerce, in CII Agro Tech India 2022 marked several
cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft important milestones for the initiative:
für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
GmbH, launched the Indo-German Innovation Indo-German Innovation Pavilion for Post-
for Post-Harvest Management within the Harvest Management
CII Agro Tech India 2022. The pavilion was a We brought together 15 Indian Start-Ups to
combination of a physical platform in a trade showcase their innovative solution to tackle
fair format combined with the digital platform post-harvest loss. The Pavilion included an
AgriIndia.Net creating hybrid solutions to solve interactive art design to share knowledge
the challenges of post-harvest loss in India. on the causes of post-harvest loss and better
Approximately 40% of crops harvested post-harvest management.
in India are lost due to post-harvest loss. This event was held in person at the Parade
The issue affects all farmers, 80% of whom Ground, Chandigarh, India, and featured

Faster. Stronger.
are small farmers. Furthermore, the issue conferences and sessions around the theme
creates a compounding impact on food loss, “Digital Transformation for Sustainable
leading to scarcity of food, reducing farmers’ Agriculture and Food Security”. All sessions
income, and making food more expensive for were live-streamed at www.AgriIndia.Net

Better for your Engine. everyone.

Together with 15 start-ups and the Green
Innovation Centre project, the IGCC
The Launch of AgriIndia.Net
AgriIndia.Net is India’s first community-
launched “Fasal Ki Raksha, Bhavishya Ki driven digital platform dedicated to solving
Suraksha”. The initiative seeks to bring post-harvest loss. The platform focuses
together 15 Indian start-ups, government on dialogues, the exchange of ideas and
representatives, experts, and other information, and collaborative partnerships
agriculture stakeholders to solve post- to tackle post-harvest loss in tomatoes,
harvest loss in India using innovations and onions, potatoes, and apples.
digitalisation. Users of www.AgriIndia.Net benefit from
The initiative is funded by the German finding the right information as well as
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation capability to live-streamed physical events,
and Development (BMZ) and carried out by find organisations and members to connect,
the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce set up meetings, and promote their products
on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für digitally on the platform and its accompanied
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). android app.

Phone +91 22 6625 5900 | Email: |

InDo-German economy December 2022 83

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

oth states and businesses have an their supply chain will be free of all human
obligation to respect and protect rights or environmental violations, and as
human rights. Businesses globally such, the appropriateness of their actions is
have a tremendous potential to create a key factor. The individual context and the
economic prosperity along the supply chain. appropriateness defined by the Act include
At the same time, they can also contribute the scope of the business operations, the
significantly toward the protection of human likelihood of violations, their severity, and
rights and the environment. the business’ own scope of influence to
To facilitate the practical application of effect.
these business human rights obligations and
to create clear-cut guidelines for companies To support companies with the Act’s implementation, the German Federal Office
in Germany, the German Government has for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA), the government entity overseeing
adopted the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. the enforcement of the Act, published a handout for determining, weighting
The Act will come into force in January 2023. and prioritising risks in the supply chain. The handout is available in German
The Act will also require German companies’ Language and can be downloaded here: Risiken ermitteln, gewichten und
subsidiaries abroad to prepare their supply priorisieren.
chain due diligence.
Beyond this Act, the EU is currently planning pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=6
regulations on human rights due diligence.
All companies falling within the scope of the Act must regularly publish a
The Act mandates companies operating
report on compliance with legal due diligence measures. The momentum of
in Germany having a certain number of
implementing the German Supply Chain Due Diligence continues to grow with
employees to take the necessary steps to
the publication of reporting questionnaire. Report is to be generated from the
prevent, minimise or end adverse impacts
answers to the questionnaires. From January, an electronic portal for the reports
on people and the environment. Companies will be available at BAFA.
need to set up a mechanism to identify areas
of their business where their operations can pdf;jsessionid=6C321FBE8307C7027787D585F73F69AE.2_cid381?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
potentially contribute to or cause human
rights abuses or environmental damage. The To understand more about your business’s obligations under the Supply Chain
Act also identifies which components of this Due Diligence Act: The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains
mechanism be required to include.
The due diligence requirement of the diligence-in-supply-chains
Act is not an obligation to succeed. Rather
companies need to prove that they have For further perspective and support on the implementation of supply chain
adequate due diligence processes in place due diligence in India, please refer to our publication here: Practical Insights on
to fulfil the obligation provisions in the Act, Supply Chain Due Diligence Implementation from Industry Professionals
taking into consideration their individual
context. Businesses cannot guarantee that

InDo-German economy December 2022 85


(A major German steel manufacturer and a coordination and collaboration between the
press manufacturer) had come to Pune for parties involved considering the language
three months to assemble and commission a and cultural barrier. On-time installation and
hot press to produce steel components for the commissioning of this press were of utmost
automotive industry. This team would have to importance to ensure early capacity planning
collaborate with the local team of engineers and avoid unnecessary downtime between
and mechanics of Hirschvogel Components the installation and the start of production.
India Pvt Ltd. to achieve an implementation The team had to incorporate all mechanical
date of October 1st. With capacity expansion and electrical systems to prepare it for
planned at the Hirschvogel Components production and ensure smooth day-to- day
India facility, the press that was being activities. The erection and commissioning
installed and commissioned was extremely of the press were carried out within a short
crucial for its operations. It was shipped from time with diligent planning and efforts
Germany with its machine parts in more with great success despite the enormous
than 40 containers. These machine parts size of the machine and its heavy weight
had to be assembled piece by piece, which while adhering to all required protocols
was mammoth of a task. For the assembly of and stringent safety & quality standards.

The Importance of Intercultural Training

these parts, Hirschvogel had to invest heavily The press was made operational before the
in assembly tools. On May 12th, during the anticipated time with the German team’s
first month of the planned 3-month assembly know-how and the flexibility of the Indian

and Team Building for Blue-Collar Workers project, a workshop with the following
content was conducted:
team. Considering an overall project value
of multiple million Euros, the investment

1. Get to know each other better for the into half a day of training and interaction
hen it comes to blue-collar that. Hence, improving teamwork within an German mechanics over lunch guided by a resulted in immediate, measurable returns.
workers, intercultural training assembly team and their local counterparts number of fun questions (1 hour) Furthermore, considering the daily charges
and teambuilding workshops will generate immediate returns if intercultural 2. Introduction to Indian culture for the for the assembly team, the training ROI
are somewhat unusual, and roadblocks can be reduced if not avoided. It German mechanics (2.5 hours) could easily lie in the 4–5-digit range.
many of them will never have had the results in a higher-performing team which 3.Three team building activities for both Overall, the intercultural team building
possibility to experience one. Usually, saves time and produces better results. This theGerman and the local Indian team (2 event was a fun filled and enriching experience
the white-collar or even middle to senior is quite different from the above- mentioned hours) for all participants at an individual level.
management population of companies gets to white-collar teams, where measuring the Six weeks after the event, Mr. Jain informed
attend this type of training. On the other hand, impact of such training is more difficult and that the collaboration between the German
if you look at complex and expensive assembly often only possible long term. and the Indian team had improved so much
and commissioning projects, these are often that the assembly and commissioning of Co-authored by
Antje Bauer,
delivered by multinational, multi-company Hirschvogel India’s business case the press were almost complete now – 1.5 Managing Director of StrengthMiner
blue-collar teams in a foreign environment. In April 2022, Sahil Jain, Managing Director months ahead of time, and the mechanics Consulting LLP/Coach
These projects are often subject to significant of Hirschvogel Components India Pvt could return to their home bases in Germany.
penalties for delays or non-performance. Ltd., an Indian subsidiary of Hirschvogel During the installation and commissioning
Pradnya Tupe,
The day rate charged for a single blue-collar Group, commissioned intercultural training of the machine, various challenges were Human Resources,
assembly worker easily exceeds 700 USD; combined with teambuilding activities. A encountered, like the weather conditions HirschvogelIndia Pvt. Ltd.
a team of assembly workers multiples of team of 6 mechanics from two companies in India (since it was peak summer time),

86 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 87



Expert for projects - networker Tooling a Sustainable Future We Digitalize the Mittelstand We Energize Business
Inspired by Future Mobility Smart Solutions Superior Support
for solutions

Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director
CEO President & COO Managing Director

As an internationally leading manufacturer CERATIZIT with passion and a pioneering spirit for Havara Technologies is an Indo-German IT and Koelnmesse YA Tradefair Pvt. Ltd. is the fully
ATA | Projects + Solutions - as a long- BlueBinaries, a leader in delivering mobility
of innovative hydraulic drive and control hard materials. Digital transformation company incorporated owned subsidiary of Koelnmesse GmbH,
standing, internationally active service solutions, caters to demands of next-gen
technologies for mobile and industrial For over 100 years, CERATIZIT has been a pioneer in in 2019. Havara was founded with the vision established in 2008 to cater the needs of rising
company, our corporate values are mobility such as software-driven vehicles,
hydraulic applications. Bucher Hydraulics developing exceptional hard material solutions for of providing high quality IT and digital Indian market. The hallmark of a successful
anchored in our DNA. We successfully live zonal architectures, electrification, shared
contributes a high level of technical machining and wear protection. The private company, transformation services in Germany. The trade fair is its ability to bring markets and
traditional behaviours in a modern business mobility etc. We engineer futuristic with registered offices in Mamer, Luxembourg,
expertise in supporting our customer’s mission of the company is to provide the best people together in an efficient and highly
environment. technologies and solutions that accelerate develops and produces highly specialised cutting
“product development” activities from the quality services and be a technology partner. professional manner.
the transformation in the vehicle ecosystem initial project phase to the finished machine tools, indexable inserts, and rods made from hard
We are pleased to combine our strengths Havara’s team is led by industry experts with
with our partners and customers to with the spirit of innovation all around the serial production. We can provide valuable materials and worn parts. The CERATIZIT Group is the over 25+ years of experience across various With a legacy of over 15 years Koelnmesse in
actively and positively shape our common talent contributing to the future roadmap. help in creating advanced machinery that global market leader in various application segments domains. India has a strong foot hold in Food & Beverage
future. It fills us with pride to open up new Led by a powerful core team of leaders who features stringent technical demands and and successfully develops new carbide, cermet and industry with its leading trade shows like
have decades of experience in the automotive ceramic grades, such as for wood and stone working. Havara specializes in transforming the Anufood India, Anutec International FoodTec
professional opportunities, interesting exacting quality standards.
space, BlueBinaries has carved a niche for itself companies by building and maintaining
relationships and unimagined project With more than 7,000 employees at more than 25 India, PackEx India & India International Dairy
as the most trusted partner for top mobility We ensure proximity to customers with software applications - from ecommerce
solutions for our international customers production facilities and a sales network with over 50 Expo. “International Hardware Fair India” is
manufacturers in E/E architecture, Digital production facilities and sales centres in portals to enterprise solutions. The range of
through cooperation. branches, CERATIZIT is a global player in the carbide a new addition to the bouquet of B2B trade
cockpit, Electrification, ADAS/ Autonomous Europe, USA, India, China, and Brazil. We services include Application development,
industry. The company’s international network fairs being organised by Koelnmesse in India.
We offer: belong to an International technology Software Maintenance, Ecommerce
Driving systems, Diagnostics & EOL, Lighting includes subsidiary Stadler Metalle and joint venture Events “made by Koelnmesse” are a promise
• Investment / Investor search Group “Bucher Industries AG” founded in portals, ERP Implementation and Digital
Systems and Digital Mobility segments. CB-CERATIZIT. The technology leader continually of top quality.
1807. We specialise in Hydraulic solutions for invests in research and development and holds over transformation.
• Search for Customers / Buyers BlueBinaries became a powerhouse of
passionate, young, and dynamic automotive various applications, such as Construction 1,000 patents. Havara also specializes in helping the
Having its headquarters in Mumbai,
• Search for Companies / Suppliers
enthusiasts who work together as a single Machines, Material handling Machines, organizations to augment the talent at onsite Koelnmesse YA Trade Fair Pvt. Ltd. also
• Product development CERATIZIT is committed to sustainable goals. The
process-oriented team to drive the strong Municipal Equipment, Renewable Energy, or at offshore locations at competitive prices. caters to neighbouring markets viz. Sri Lanka,
• Market analysis vision is to be the leader in sustainability for the
value system wherein the rhythm of ‘Initiate. Agricultural Technology. Havara has deep expertise in industry leading Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan and
hard metal and cutting tool industry by 2025. Taking
Our main areas of activity range from Inspire. Innovate’ resonates at every stage responsibility of the climate serious every effort technologies like NopCommerce, ERPNext, also facilitates its services for manufacturers
In India, Bucher Hydraulics started its
company sales to hotel projects and land of project delivery. Our commitment to is being made to minimize our Carbon footprint. Microsoft dynamics 365, Azure Cloud, AWS & exporters from this region to participate
operations in 2006. Since then continuously,
development projects. continuous learning and development CERATIZIT has set goal to achieve the target as early Cloud to name a few. in its leading global fairs such ANUGA,
Company is investing in capacity and
empowers us to build the future at our state- as 2040. Eisenwarenmesse etc.
Honesty is one of our most important capabilities towards Product design, Connect with us to explore the opportunities
corporate principles. There must always of-the-art labs and test centres. development, validation, manufacturing In India, CERATIZIT operates three production sites in to work together on your digital
be a “win-win situation” for the project that meet customers expectations not only Bengaluru and Uluberia, two service sites in Bengaluru transformation, IT and resourcing needs. Contact Details:
partners. Contact Details:
in India but also around the world. and Pune, and four regional offices in Bengaluru, Mr. Milind Dixit – Managing Director
Gurugram, Kolkata, and Pune. All the sites are certified Contact Details: Email:-
BlueBinaries Engineering and Solutions
Pvt Ltd
with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and AS 9100. Havara Technologies Mr. Sameer Mithia – Group Director
Contact Details: Contact Details:
Address: Flora GF02, Rajapushpa Atria, Email:-
ATA | Projects + Solutions INDIA: 1st Floor, Gamma Block, SSPDL Alpha City, Bucher Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Details:
OMR, Navalur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 603103. India Golden Mile Road, Kokapet,
Herbststr. 14 Address: Plot No. 6, Sector 5, IMT Manesar
CERATIZIT India Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad 500075 Telangana, India Koelnmesse YA Tradefair Pvt. Ltd.
87439 Kempten GERMANY: 4th Floor, Ingolstädter Strasse 22, Gurgaon 122050. Haryana. India Address: 16J, Attibele Industrial Area, Anekal Taluk, Mobile: +91 7893739458 Address: 203, Inizio, Cardinal Gracious Road,
Germany 80807 München, Germany. Tel: +91 124 47 00 100 Bengaluru 562 107. India. Vani Rao - Chakala, Andheri (East),
Tel: +49 831 570 1400 Tel: +91 44 4001 5858 (India) Fax: +91 124 47 00 125 Tel: +91 80 67728 000 Ralf Schwarzkopf - ralf.schwarzkopf@ Mumbai – 400099, Maharashtra, India.
Email: Email: Email: Email: Tel: +91-22-62044805
Website: Website: Website: Website: Website: Website:

88 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 89


A Reliable Partner for Thinking of the Bottomline, Filtration Products
Results, Delivered! Software Development Center Customize.. Deliver.. Delight
RAILWAY & METRO Infrastructure think of Us - Liquid, Air & Gas

CEO Managing Director CEO Managing Director Managing Partner & CEO Chief Executive Officer

We have done a Digital Campaign for our maracana and orquidea bring next-generation and Parekh Integrated Services Pvt. Established in 1996, RENMAKCH is an Indian RNM India was established in 1946 as a S & C Invotek is a leading Designer and
IGCC Member company and Boosted their world-class software development, research & Ltd. is a Third Party Logistics service Company based in Thane (Mumbai) and is well Consultancy firm by our Founder Late Mr. R.N. Manufacturer of Simplex and Duplex
Revenue by 200% development, data centre, virtualization and project provider offering Customized Supply known as a Comprehensive Solution Provider Marwah catering to the bespoke accounting Filtration products for Liquid, Air & Gas
management solutions to organizations of all sizes. Chain Solutions to Indian as well as Company, providing dedicated support to needs of our demanding clients. Our firm has
We have been a member of Indo German applications for Engineering & Process
Organizations large and small can benefit from the various segments like; Railways, Metros,
Chamber of Commerce Since the Year 2010, Multinational Companies (including been headquartered in Janpath, New Delhi, industries for more than two decades.
wide range of IT services from maracana and orquidea. Infrastructure and others.
and we help our Member Companies to German, French, Japanese & American) since 1947, with branch offices in Gurugram, We provide Customers with best-in-class
maracana has been serving its clients with the best since 1981. We provide Warehousing, Bengaluru, Raipur and London.
Go Digital and Increase Business in India + RENMAKCH specialises in providing; high- Filtration products offering the longest life
expertise in the business. We provide cost-effective
Europe. Transportation, Freight Forwarding, end technology solutions for Maintenance & We are a one-stop solution provider, advising and the lowest operating and maintenance
and high-quality software solutions to our clientele.
KP Infotech was established in the year We retain our parent firm’s ethos and work ethic,
Customs Clearance, Customs Bonded Testing Infrastructure with Premium Quality and guiding our clients in Investment Banking, costs.
“orquidea”, while incorporating our regional staff’s services, Customer Service, ERP, Reverse Machinery & Plants, Innovative & Reliable Consultancy and Outsourcing services, thus We have a full line, including Filter
Content Studio, Digital Marketing Agency, skills and creative solutions. Logistics, Payment Collection and all Shop Floor Solutions for Maintenance offering them healthy growth options. We Cartridges, Filter Bags and Filter Housing
and Skill Development Centre. Meticulous curation led us to form the state-of-the-
other supply chain-related services, (Dismantling, Assembly, Material Handling) are a member firm of the Geneva Group
& Inspection (Wheel & Rail Profile
in Carbon Steel, SS 304, 316, etc. Our
art centre with the latest equipment and facilities. including a wide range of value adds. International (GGI) which is ranked #1 as
For the last 2 Decades, we are Promoting Measurements), After Sales Services, Industrial Filters benefit almost all Food
Businesses of Engineering, Pharma, maracana SDC is driven by the enthusiasm and Multidisciplinary Association worldwide and & Beverage manufacturing processes,
Currently, Parekh manages 130+ Comprehensive Maintenance Solutions, etc.
Architects, Furniture, FMCG, Food energy of its young team, striving to leave its mark #2 in Associations & Alliances, and is present like the confectionery industry edible
Companies spread across more than
on the global map. This gives it an edge and is RENMAKCH provides “Make in India” support in 126+ countries. oils, hot fry oil, wine filtration, fruit juice
Processing, F&B, Jewellery, Logistics, 75 cities in India, primarily covering
the very spirit we have been looking to establish to Foreign Companies and has successfully
Consultancy Firms, and Tourism. Healthcare (Medical Device, Pharma, RNM India received the Award for GGI flavours and extracts, etc. Our products
globally, rather than outsourcing our work to third started manufacturing European Technology
We are a Strong Team of 38 Experts in parties. We strive for excellence in the company and Veterinary), Chemicals & Paints Member firm of the year 2019 during the GGI line supports the Food & Beverage
Equipment like; Mobile Lifting Jacks, Bogie industry with a full array of Products for
Google, YouTube, Social Media, Content provide the best products and services. Our teams (Construction, Adhesives, Lubricants, World Conference in Morocco.
Turn Tables, Multi-Purpose Work Stations, Filtration. No Matter What Your Filtration
Development, E-Commerce, Mobile Apps, consist of engineers, designers, and researchers, Industrial Cleaning, Specialty paints, Roof Working Platforms, Battery Operated We provide a wide range of professional
and Websites Development. which provides us with different perspectives and Coatings, Dyes), Agri & Agro Chemicals Requirements are, we have a Product to
Rail Cum Road Shunters and other special services, including Assurance & Business
helps us choose the best solution for our client’s (Crop Protection, Plant Growth Suit your Needs.
Business Connect Recently awarded us the purpose customised equipment in India, as Advisory Services, Taxation & Regulatory
requirements. Regulators, Field Crops, Vegetable
“Top 10 Digital Marketing Agency in per European Design & Quality Standards Services and Corporate & Legal Services. We Deliver Innovative, Efficient, & Value-
India” in recognition of our hard work, Give your business the maracana advantage with: Seeds). With over 300 distribution under Joint Ventures involving Transfer of We have served several organizations, driven Filtration Solutions for Customers
• Web Applications centres across India, covering 250,000 Technology. irrespective of their size and type, including in Automobiles, Chemicals, Food &
dedication, and professionalism.
• Mobile Applications square meters of warehousing space Large Corporates, PSUs, Startups, MSMEs,
Feel Free to Call us anytime, we are always We are open for Make in India associations, Beverages, Bio & Pharma, Edible oil, Ink,
• Custom Software Development
ready to work with IGCC Members :) for the Indian Market as well as for Exports Charities, Trusts, Partnerships, or Sole Traders. Paint etc.
• Dedicated Development Teams
from India to the other parts of the world. However, our focus remains on the Mid
• Staff Augmentation
Contact Details:
Contact Details: Contact Details:
KP Infotech
Address: 10, 1st Floor,
Vyas Mansion,
Contact Details: Parekh Integrated Services Pvt. Ltd. Contact Details: Contact Details: S & C Invotek
Opp. Ghare Jewellers, Bajaj Cross Road, maracana SDC Private Limited Address: Parekh Prints, Italian Textile RENMAKCH India Pvt. Ltd. RNM India Address: # 3776, 13th Cross, 30th Main, BSK 2nd
Kandivali (West), Mumbai 400067, Address: Zone-C, 2nd Floor, Quark SEZ, Compound (1st Floor) Address: 403-404, Odyssey IT Park, Address: 4/80 Janpath, Stage, Bangalore 560070, Karnataka, India.
Maharashtra, India. Industrial Area Extension, Phase 8, Goregaon-Mukund Link Road, Road No. 9, Wagle Estate, New Delhi 110001 India. Tel: +91-080-26665676/26697112/26797001
Phone: +91 9594941044 Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, 160059, Punjab Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400063. India Thane 400604 (Mumbai), India Tel: +91-11-43192000 Mobile: +91 9844035677/9980775677
+91 8291610104 Tel: +91 8699998986. Tel: +91 22 6103 3600/3700 Mobile: +91 9819585511 Fax: +91-11-43192021 Email:;
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
Website: Website: Website: Website: Website: Website:

90 December 2022 II nDo

NDO-German E conomy
ERMAN e CONOMY InDo-German economy December 2022 91

Achieving milestones in defining, Toolroom & Plastic Moulding
Hand in hand for tomorrow Your Satisfaction Is Our Motto
measuring & innovating healthcare.

Founding & Managing Partner with the
Business Community
CEO Veritas Legal is an Indian law firm founded
in 2015 by Abhijit Joshi, a leading Corporate
Managing Director Jt. Managing Director Managing Director and M&A lawyer. The core team is highly
experienced, comprising of senior lawyers, ADVERTISING
We are a German-owned plastic injection who have previously worked with India’s in our
mould manufacturer and injection moulding leading law firms. The firm is recognized for
The family-owned company SCHUNK is a world
leader in equipping modern production lines
Srishty Medical Pvt. Ltd. is a member of Sun
Narula Group (SNG India) that has been in the
System Tools & Engineering Products (STEP)
was established in 1995 and is an ISO 9001: company with global footprints in Bulgaria, its end-to-end services in relation to 3 core INDO-GERMAN ECONOMY
and robot systems. SCHUNK is the international China, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, and Thailand. practice areas: Corporate and Commercial,
healthcare business since its inception. 2015 TUV-SUD certified organization. We are Quarterly Business Magazine
technology leader in tool holding and work including Mergers and Acquisitions and
Healthcare infrastructure solutions and highly Committed to Customer Satisfaction by Having diversified customer portfolios Private Equity and Venture Capital, Litigation

holding, gripping technology and automation providing the Best Quality Products on Time
products offered by SNG in South Asia region belonging to various categories like and Dispute Resolution, and Real Estate.
technology. Approx. 3,500 employees in 9 Delivery and within the budget.
are Pneumatic Tube Systems, Automated automotive, medical, electrical & electronics, Other prominent practice areas include White-
plants and 34 directly owned subsidiaries and
distribution partners in more than 50 countries Waste & Laundry Tube Systems, Central We have the latest world-class Machine Tools, FMCG, packaging, etc. Collar Crime, Private Client, Pharmaceutical
worldwide ensure an intensive market presence. Medical Gas Pipeline Systems, Modular including CNC and VMC Setups and a robust Our product range includes plastic injection and Healthcare, Banking and Finance,
Operating Theatres & Packaged Turn-Key in-house Quality Control cell to support our moulds with clamping forces ranging from Infrastructure and Projects, Anti-trust and
Friedrich Schunk founded the company Package Solutions for ICUs, ERs and other Machining and manufacturing processes. We 50 T to 550 T. We are fully equipped with the Competition, and Labour and Employment.
in Lauffen/Neckar in 1945 as a mechanical hospitals spaces. manufacture various components, including
workshop. Under the management of his son latest CAD/CAM and analytical technology,
Automotive parts, Tractor parts, Agriculture Veritas Legal strives to provide incisive client-
Heinz-Dieter Schunk, SCHUNK evolved into a SNG has been awarded several accolades, allowing us to utilize current engineering to
Machine parts, JCB parts, Machine Tool parts focused legal solutions based on an in-depth
global player and the world’s leading technology including “Top 10 Best Healthcare Infra help our customers minimize their lead time to
and other Engineering Components. knowledge of India’s legal, regulatory and
supplier for robots and production systems. Companies in India 2022” & “Top 100 hit the market. In addition, we have rigorous
commercial environment. The firm brings
Today, the company is run by third-generation Healthcare Companies in India 2022”. We have a dedicated team of hardworking & quality control in our manufacturing, which
significant expertise with its wide-ranging
siblings Kristina I. Schunk and Henrik A. Schunk, Self-motivated Engineers & technicians who guarantees high consistency in the quality of
Srishty Medical Pvt. Ltd. is supported by experience from having advised domestic
the founder’s grandchildren. SCHUNK is firmly are always ready to take on challenging/critical each tool we supply.
world-renowned manufacturers and OEMs, and international companies across various
anchored in its home region as a socially components for development. The company has
experts, strong R&D, complete in-house Our in-house design and development team industries. Clients benefit from this vast
committed and responsible employer. about 100 customers within India & Overseas.
design, pre-sales and post-sales teams in helps generate new designs and develop experience, blended with personal attention
SCHUNK Intec India, a 100% subsidiary of place, and capabilities to adapt and cope We are manufacturing and supplying these profiles faster. and streamlined advice.
SCHUNK GmbH co KG with its registered office in with the dynamic, continuous improvements components to principal Vendors/OEMs, We proactively invested in a 3D metal printing Veritas Legal has been consistently recognized
Bangalore, was established in 2001. Two decades and introduction of new technologies and Exporters, and in the Global Markets, as per the
of success in India enables us to support our
machine to help the tooling industry with nationally and internationally for quality legal
solutions. customer’s “Drawings or Samples”. advanced development, reducing moulding
customers PAN India through a strong direct sales services. The firm has won several awards
network and distribution channels. Our in-house With over 700 leading hospitals and healthcare Please contact us if you are looking for Cost- cycle time and shortening lead time for tool and accolades, including ‘Rising Star Firm of
design, customisation capabilities and strong providers as its customers (as of November effective, Customized Engineering Products. development.” the Year’ by IFLR1000 India Awards 2020 and
inventory further enhance our market shares and 2022), SNG’s healthcare solutions are the most Ranked 15 in the Top 50 India Ranking 2019 by
success in the Indian industry. preferred ones. Contact Details: RSG India Report.
Contact Details:
Mr. Gopal Kabra – Director For further details, contact:
System Tools & Engineering Products Email id:
Contact Details:
Contact Details:
Address: K-98, Phase -7, Focal Point, Mr. Vinayak Jadhav – Sales Manager Contact Details:
SCHUNK Intec India Private Limited Ludhiana 141010 (Pb) INDIA Email id:
Address: No 80 A & 80 C-1, Yeshwanthpur Srishty Medical Pvt. Ltd. Mobile: India : +91-84275-00360 Veritas Legal Tel: 91 22 66652156/9833679414
Industrial Suburbs, Bangalore 560022 Address: A219, Road No 6, Germany : +49-15129486361 VEM Tooling (I) Pvt. Ltd. Forbes Building, 1st Floor, Charanjit Rai Marg, Fort,
Karnataka India. Mahipalpur NH8, New Delhi 110037, INDIA. Email:, Address: Gat No. 125, Hissa No. B, A/P - Village Mumbai - 400 001, India Website:
Mobile: 91 7829304444 (Mr. Satish Sadasivan) Toll Free No: 1800 309 7909 Mouje Kadamwakwasti (Loni Kalbhor), Taluka - Tel: +91 22 4368 6700
Email: Email:, Website: Haveli, District - Pune. Maharashtra. India. 412201. Email:
Website: Website: Website: Website:

92 December 2022 InDo-German economy InDo-German economy December 2022 93



German company producing industrial packaging for the cable

industry is looking for suppliers of plywood parts in India
A 150 years old German company manufacturing customized wooden, plastic, and metal Published by the Branch Offices
industrial packaging for the cable industry is looking to import plywood parts such as flanges Indo-German Chamber of Commerce Bengaluru
from suppliers in India. 403, Shah Sultan, 4th Floor,
They are interested in a long-term partnership with an Indian company that can produce the Publisher Stefan Halusa Cunningham Road, Bengaluru – 560052.
Tel.: +91-80-22265 650 Fax: +91-80-22203 797
parts as per their requirements and ship them to Hamburg. The Indian business partner should Editor Nikhil Rastogi E-mail:
be a producer of “plywood plates” and /or “plywood parts” for industrial packaging (cable reels) Regional Director: Sumit Sharma
and ideally be located closer to a port. They should be able to supply large quantities of plywood Advertisements Jennifer D’Lima
flanges and parts as per the technical drawings provided for the European market. Genelle Fernandes
German Centre, No.32 (Old No.117), G. N. Chetty Road,
T. Nagar, Chennai – 600017.
Visualizer Vinod Shinde
Tel.: +91-44-28340 835/ 836 Fax: +91-44-28341 837
Sanjay Dalvi E-mail:
If you are interested in the German company’s Regional Director: Mallikarjuna
enquiry, please write to anupama.narayan@indo- Printed at Silverpoint Press Pvt. Limited with a short profile of your company. Delhi
Head Office Indo-German Chamber of Commerce,
Deutsch-Indische Handelskammer,
Mumbai 21 Jor Bagh, New Delhi – 110 003.
Maker Tower ‘E’, 1st Floor, Tel.: +91-11-47168 888 / 801 Fax: +91-11-26873 221
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400005.
OPPORTUNITY IN GERMANY Dy. Director General: Sonia Prashar
Tel.: +91-22-66652 121 Fax: +91-22-66652 120
Indisches Unternehmen aus dem Bereich E-mail:
3A, Gurusaday Road, Kolkata – 700019.

Fahrzeug- und Eisenbahnkomponenten sucht Tel.: +91-33-22837 962 / 970, +91-33-22802 236
Fax: +91-33-22837 963

deutschen Kooperationspartner Our Services

Regional Director: Sabina Pandey

Events Pune
Baynee Industries ist ein 57 Jahre altes IATF
Trade Fairs 710, Nucleus Mall, 1, Church Road,
16049 zertifiziertes Unternehmen aus Kalkutta, Opp. Police Commissioner’s Office, Pune – 411001.
West Bengalen. Wir suchen einen Partner für Tel.: +91-20-41047 100 Fax: +91-20-41047 117
Joint Venture, technische Kollaboration oder Business Partner Search E-mail:
Business Delegations Regional Director: Mira Dalvi Sahni
Beratungsdienstleistungen zur Errichtung
einer Aluminiumdruckguss Anlage in den Sustainability Liaison Office Düsseldorf
folgenden Bereichen: Translation Citadellstraße 12, 40213, Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49-211-360 597 / 360 598 / 362 749
• Automobilteile (Pumpen- und Office-in-office
Fax: +49-211-350 287
Getriebegehäuse) E-mail:
• Eisenbahnkomponenten (Gehäuse) Regional Director: Dirk Matter
• Komponenten für Elektrofahrzeuge
Representative Offices
Unsere Firma stellt derzeit auf Grauguss Indo-German Training Centres (IGTC) • Ahmedabad • Aurangabad • Bhubaneswar • Cochin
basierende mechanische Baugruppen wie 2B Vulcan Insurance Building, • Coimbatore • Chandigarh • Goa • Hyderabad
z.B. Ölpumpen, Motorbremseinheiten, Veer Nariman Road, • Indore • Jalandhar • Mysore • Nashik • Patna • Ranchi
• Srinagar • Trivandrum • Vadodara
Getriebeeinheiten und Achsaggregate Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020.
her. Wir suchen Partner für dauerhafte Tel: +91-22-22846830 India Desks Abroad
Geschäftsbeziehungen. Unser kostengünstiger Email:
• Bangkok • Colombo • Hong Kong • Houghton
• Kuala Lumpur • Riyadh • Singapore • Sydney
Standort kann auch zum Export genutzt
Director: Radhieka R Mehta
werden. India Desks in Germany
• Berlin • Bremen • Dresden • Düsseldorf
IGTC Website: • Frankfurt • Freiburg • Halle/Saale • Hamburg
• Hannover • Mannheim • München
Wenn Sie an der Anfrage des indischen • Nürnberg • Osnabrück-Emsland
Unternehmens interessiert sind, schreiben Sie bitte • Saarbrücken • Stuttgart • Würzburg
an; sabina. Follow Indo-German Chamber of Commerce IndoGermanChamberofCommerce
Representative in Brussels (Belgium)
us on IndoGerman IndoGermanChamberofCommerce
For details:

94 December 2022 InDo-German economy

Indo-German Joint Venture
for Vocational Training

Your Partner for Technical Education

Christiani Sharpline is a 50:50 Indo-German joint venture which has set itself the
objective to improve the employable skills and help persons to get qualified for
industry. As a single-source provider for hands-on technical training our portfolio
covers both the hardware for the training labs and the teaching materials prepared
for the lessons. For more information please see

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Automotive Renewable Energy Training Lab Concepts

Christiani Sharpline Technical Training Private Limited

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Phone: +91 - 22 - 6835 8918 • E-mail:

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