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Current Electricity 3.2 Electric Current 3.9 Electrical Energy, Power 3.3 Electric Currents in Conductors 3.10 Combination of Resistors-Series and Parallel 3.4 Ohms Law 3.11 Cells, emf, Internal Resistance 35 Drift of Electrons and the Origin of 3.12 CellsinSeries and in Parallel Resistivity 3.13 Kirchhoff’s Rules 3.6 Limitations of Ohm's Law 3.14 Wheatstone Bridge 3.7 Resistivity of Various Materials 3.15 Meter Bridge 3.8 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity 3.16 Potentiometer Topicwise Analysis of Last 10 Years’ CBSE Board Question (2018-2008) Mvsa Bsar sau veg Ou 32°33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Blo 3I1 al2 313 314 315 316 Topic —> >» Maximum weightage is of Drift of Electrons and Maximum SA Il and LA type questions were the Origin of Resistivity. asked from Drift of Electrons and the Ongin of >» Maximum VSA type questions were asked from SSE ee Temperature Dependence of Resistivity. >» NoVBQ type questions were asked till now. © Hectriccurrent: tis defined as the rate offiow of electric charge through a cross-section ofthe conductor. J = EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 If the current is steady i. it does not change with time, then 1st t ‘where q isthe charge that flows across the eross- sectional area in time t Carrent is a scalar quantity, It is not a vector quantity as it does not follow the laws of vector addition Sl unit and Dimension = The dimensional formula of current is ([M'L’T*A]. = The SI unit of current is ampere. It is denoted by symbol A. It is also a practical unit of current 1c. 1A= 25x10" electrons/s, Is Conventionally, the direction of current is taken to be the direction of flow of positive charges. Since electrons are negatively charged, hence their direction will be opposite to that of the conventional current flow. If m particles, each having a charge q cross through a given area in time f, then nq t ‘The currentis the same forall cross-section of a conductor of non-uniform cross-section. ‘Current in different situations is due to motion of different charge caries, ~ Current in conductors and vacuum tubes is due to motion of electrons. = Inelectrolytes dueto motion ofboth positive and negative ions. = In semiconductors due to motion of clectrons and holes ~ In discharge tube (containing atomic gases) due to motion of positive ions and negative electrons. 1 Current density : Current density at a point inside the conductor is defined as the amount of ‘current flowing per unit area around that point of the conductor, provided the area is held in @ direction normal to the current. Itis denoted by symbol j L feo Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl > oO Ifarea A is not normal to the current but makes an angle 8 with the direction of current, then 1 = or 1= 5A cox0=}-A I Keo y 4 Current density isa vector quantity Stunitis A mr Dimensional formula is [M°LT°A). Drift velocity : It is defined as the average velocity with which free electrons got drifted towards the postive end ofthe conductor under the influence ofan external electric field Drift velocity of electrons i given by where e is the charge on electron, mis the mass of the electron, £ is the electric field applied and tis the time of relaxation. ve sign shows that drift velocity of electrons is ina direction opposite to that of the external electric field Drift velocity depends on electric field as vgo* E,So greater the clectric field, larger will be the drift velocity Unit of drift velocity ism sand its dimensions is [M°LT" Relationship between current and drift velocity nde vg ‘where 1 is the number density of electrons or hnumber of electrons per unit volume of the conductor and A is the area of cross-section of the conductor. Relationship between current density and drift velocity ‘where symbols have their usual meaning. “Mobility : It is defined as the magnitude of drift velocity per unit electric field. It is denoted by symbol. where q, t and m ate charge, relaxation time and mass of a charge carrier respectively. The SI unit of mobility is m? V's! and its dimensional formula is [M"L°T?A] ‘Ohm's law : It states that the current (2) flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (V) across the ends of EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 the conductor, provided physical conditions of the conductor such as temperature, mechanical strain ete. are kept constant Vel or V=RI \here the constant ofproportionality Ris called resistance of the conductor. ‘The graph between potential difference (V) and current (J through a metallic conductor is a straight line passing through the origin as shown in figure. ‘The reciprocal of slope of lin gives resistance. v 1 R= Gang (lope of -V) “ope tard @ 0 v ‘The resistance of a conductor is obstruction posed by the conductor to the flow of current through it, ‘The SI unit of resistance is ohm (®) and its dimensional formula is (ML?T?°A°} The resistance of a conductor is mitt m Rang where here mis the mass of electron, e is charge of electron, 1 is the number density of electrons, t istherelaxation time, isthelength of conductor and A ists area ofeross section, pis the specific resistance or resistivity of the conductor Resistivity : The specific resistance offered by the conductor of unit length and unit cross- section area, Its denoted by . ~The SI unit of resistivity is @ m and its dimensional formula is [ML°T 47} Ifthe conductor isin the form of wire of length Tand a radius r then its resistance is pat If a conductor has mass m, volume V and density then its resistance R is paSloh oF oa “AD ADV om If length of a given metallic wire of resistance Ris stretched to times, its resistance becomes 1° but its resistivity remains unchanged Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl » If radius ofthe given metallic wire of resistance R becomes 1 times, its resistance becomes in 9R. If the area of cross-section of the given metallic wire of resistance R becomes n times, then its resistance becomes (I/1?)R. Conductivity : The reciprocal of resistivity is known as conductivity or specific conductance. Itis denoted by symbol a. §] = TheSTunitofconductivityis'm-torS mt ‘or mho mand its dimensional formula is (Da) Relationship between, cand E 17 It isa microscopic form of Ohm’ law. ‘Ohmic and non-ohmic conductors a [asani ‘Ohmic conductors : Those conductors which obey Ohmislaw are nownasohmic conductors, eg. metals. For ohmic conductors, the graph between current and potential difference is a straight ine passing through the origin. Non-ohmic conductors : Those conductors Which do not obey Ohms law are known as non-ohmic conductors eg. diode valve, junction diode. For non-ohmic conductors, the graph between the current (1) and potential diflerence (V) has ‘one or more ofthe following characteristics: = The relation between Vand 1's non-linear 1 v ~The relation between V and I depends on the sign of V. Lima) vi v HWA) ~The relation between V and J is not unique, i.e, there is more than one value of V for the same current I EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Hay v © Colour code of carbon resistors : A colour code is used to indicate the resistance value and its percentage accuracy. Every resistor has a set of coloured rings on it. The first two coloured tings from the left end indicate the first two significant figures of the resistance in ohms. ‘The third colour ring indicates the decimal rmultiplierand thelast colour ring stands for the tolerence in percent. > The colour code ofa resistor is as shown in the table Colour | Number | Muttpier [Tolerance ()| Blck 0 | ‘Brown 1 10! Red 2 Orange 3 10° halow [4 | 10" Green 3 a | Be 6 Violet 7 | cy | s [ow White 9 10° tf Te LP Silver 10 a Nocolur| | | 0 | > Suppose a resistor has yellow, violet, brown and gold rings as shown in the figure below. The resistance of the resistor is (47 10 Q) + 5%, Violet Brown Yellow Gola Effect of temperature on resistance and restistivity > Theresistance ofa metallic conductor increases ‘with increase in temperature. Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil > ‘The resistance of a conductor at temperature Cis given by R=R (14a) where R, is the resistance at ¢ °C, Ro is the resistance at O°C and ot is the characteristics constants of the material of the conductor. = Over a limited range of temperatures, that is not too large. The resistivity of a metallic conductor is approximately given by P,= poll + xt). where is the temperature coefficient of resistivity Its unit is K-! or °C“ = Inthe temperature range in which resistivity increases linearly with temperature, the temperature coaficient of resistivity ct is defined as the fractional increase in resistivity per unit increase in temperature. For metals, cis positive ie. resistance increases ‘with rise in temperature For insulators and semiconductors, a is negative i., resistance decreases with rise in temperature. Resistors in series and parallel Resistors in series : ‘The various resistors are said to be connected in series if they are ‘connected as shown in the figure. AH-———— ‘The equivalent resistance ofthe combination of resistors is RER + RR = The current through each resistor is the Resistors in parallel : The various resistors are said to be connected in parallel if they are connected as shown in figure. & DS Re I 2 Ry o uh yr {Hk = Theequivalentresistance of the combination of resistors is EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl 1 R ~The potential difference is same across each resistor = Ifa wire of resistance R is cut into n equal parts, then resistance of each part = R/n. © Cells, emf, internal resistance > Electrochemical cell : It is a device which, converts chemical energy into electrical energy, maintains the flow of charge in a circuit. > Flectromotive force (emf) of a cell = It is defined as the potential difference between the two terminals of a cell in an ‘open circuit ie, when no current flows through the cell It is denoted by symbol = The SI unit of emf is joule/coulomb for volt and its dimensional formula is [METSA-] ~The emf of a cell depends upon the nature of electrodes, nature and the concentration of electrolyte used in the cell and. its temperature > Terminal potential difference : It is defined as, the potential difference between two terminals of a cell im a closed circuit ie, when current is flowing through the cell. > Internal resistance ofa cell = Itis defined as the resistance offered by the electrolyte and electrodes of a cell when the current flows through it. = Internal resistance of a cell depends upon the following factors: Distance between the electrodes ‘The nature of the electrolyte ‘The nature of electrodes Area of the electrodes, immersed in the electrolyte > Relationship between e, Vand When a cell of emf ¢ and internal resistance r is connected to an external resistance Ras shown in the figure. “The voltage across Ris or I hi » Daring discharging ofa cell, terminal potential difference = emf of a cell - voltage drop across the internal resistance of a cell. Ze. terminal potential difference across it is less than emf of the cell. The direction of current inside the cell {s from negative terminal to positive terminal During charging of a cell, terminal potential difference = emf of a cell + voltage drop across internal resistance of a cell ie, terminal potential difference becomes greater than the emf of the cell. The ditection of current inside the cell is from positive terminal to negative terminal Grouping of cells: Cells can be grouped in the following three ways: Series grouping, Parallel grouping Mixed grouping Series grouping :Ifn identical cells cach of emf € and internal resistance rare connected to the external resistor of resistance R as shown in the figure, they are said to be connected in series a ly gene and ty =nr Current inthe circuit, 1= Special cases : = IER<> nv, then =, R Parallel grouping :If ‘m identical cells each of emf € and internal fe resistance rare connected "| to the external resistor of resistance R as shown in figure, they are said to be connected in parallel " grouping Eq and ty =F ‘The current inthe circuit, I= EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | www. | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil » Special cases : = WE Melita eH ites iH ne =] In case of mixed grouping of cells, current in the cireut will be maximum, when pet ie, external resistan of llcells Kirchhoff’s laws : Kirchhoff in 1942. put forward the following two laws to solve the complicated circuits, These two laws are stated as follows Kirchhoff’s first law or Kirchhof’s junction rule o Kirchhoff’ current law : It states that the algebraic sum of the currents meeting at a jjunetion is zero. = Kirchhoff’ first law supports the law of ‘conservation of charge. = According to sign convention the current flowing towards a junction is taken as positive and the current flowing away from the junetion is taken as negative, Kirchhof’s second law or Kirchhof’s loop law ‘or Kirchhoff’s voltage law : It states that in a closed loop, the algebraic sum of the emfs is ‘equal tothe algebraic sum of the products ofthe resistance and the respective currents flowing through them, Ye=DiR = total internal resistance © Wheatstone’s bridge : » ~ Kirchhoff’s second law supports the law of conservation of energy. = According to sign convention while traversing a closed loop (in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction), if negative pole of the cell is encountered first then its emf is positive, otherwise negative, The product of resistance and current in an arm of the circuit is taken positive if the direction of current in that arm is in the same sense as one moves in a closed loop and is taken negative if the direction of current in that arm is opposite to the sense as one moves in the closed loop. It is an arrangement ‘of four resistances P, Q, R and § connected as shown in the figure. ‘Theirvaluesaresoadjustedthatthegalvanometer G shows no deflection. The bridge is then said to be balanced, When this happens, the points Band D are at the same potential and it ean be shown that PR Qs ‘This is called the balancing condition. If any three resistances are known, the fourth can be found. Metre bridge or slide wire bridge It is based on the principle of Wheatstone’s bridge. k s 4 Neeweale 1}—Og Wir AC ming Risa rssincots mes EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl » oe SL ‘The unknown resistance, R= where lis, 100 the balancing length of metre bridge. Potentiometer Principle of potentiometer: It is based on the fact that the fall of potential across any portion of the wires directly proportional to the length of that portion provided the wire is of uniform area of cross-section and a constant current is flowing through it ie, Vee (IfTand A are constant) or V=KI where K is known as potential gradient ie, fall of potential per unit length of the given wire, Comparison of emfs of two cells by using potentiometer galvanometer and Ry it ‘heosta. 1, 2,3, ae terminals of atwoway key eh where |, 1 are the balancing lengths of potentiometer wire for the emfs €, and &; of tuo cells respectively Determination of internal resistance of a cell by potentiometer where |, = balancing length of potentiometer wire corresponding to emf of the cell, balancing length of potentiometer wire corresponding to terminal potential difference of the cell when a resistance R is connected in series with the cell whose internal resistance is to be determined Joule’s Law of Heating : According to Joules heating effect of current, the amount of heat produced (H) in a conductor of resistance R, carrying current I for time tis H=PR¢ (in joule) PRE or H=LE (in calorie) T where Ji Joules mechanical equivalent of heat (© 42 eal. Electric power : It is defined as the rate at which work is done by the source of emf in ‘maintaining the current in the electric circuit. electric work done Electric power P = SARE MORK fone P=VI=PR= ST unit and Dimensions = The Sl unit of power is watt (W). = The practical unit of power is kilowatt (kW) and horse power (hp). = Dimension of power [ML? TA?) Power dissipated in connecting wires, which is wasted is P, given by PPR, P= LR= — Res a If Py, Ps, Py are the powers of electric appliances in series with source of rated voltage V, the effective power consumed is ott, 1 RP IFP,, Py. Ps are the powers of electric appliances in parallel with a source of rated voltage V, the effective power consumed is Pr=Pi+Pia Pye Blectric energy : tis defined as the total electric ‘workdone or energy supplied by the source of emf in maintaining the current in an electric circuit fora given time. Blectric energy = electric power x tim ‘The SI unit of electrical energy is joule (). ‘The commercial unit of electric energy is kilowatt-hour (kWh), 1 kWh = 1000 Wh = 3.6 x 10°] = one unit of electricity consumed. ‘The number of units of electricity consumed is ‘n= (total wattage X time in hour)/1000. Pxt. EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 3.3. Electric Currents in Conductors (1 mark) 2) How does the random motion of free electrons ) in a conductor get affected when a potential difference is applied across its ends ? (Delhi 20140) 3.4 Ohm's Law (2 marks) 2, / metal rod of square cross-sectional area A having length I has current I flowing through it ‘when a potential difference of V volt is applied across its ends (figure 1). Now the rod is cut parallel to its length into two identical pieces and joined as shown in figure Il. What potential difference must be maintained across the length ‘of 21 so thatthe current in the rod is still? + - +o 0 an (Foreign 2016) (3 marks) in the two electric circuits shown in the figure, letermine the readings of ideal ammeter (A) ‘and the ideal voltmeter (V). a) (Delhi 20150) 3.5. Drift of Electrons and the Origin of Resistivity (1mark) efine the term ‘electrical conductivity’ of a tallic wire, Write its SL unit. (Delhi 2014) vious Years’ CBSE Board Ques’ &) Define the term drift velocity of charge carriers in a conductor and write its relationship with (Delhi 2014) 6.) Write the expression for the drift velocity of charge cartiersin a conductor oflength 7 across which a potential difference ‘Vis applied. (alzo14c) When electrons drift in a metal from lower to higher potential, does it mean that all the free clectrons of the metal are moving in the same direction? (Delhi 2012) ‘Two conducting wires X and Y of same diameter but different materials are joined in series across a battery. Ifthe number density of electrons in X is twice that in Y, find the ratio of drift velocity of electrons in the two wires (Ar2010) the current flowing through it BENE 0 marks) 9. Using the concept of drift velocity of charge carriers in a conductor, deduce the relationship between current density and resistivity of the conductor. (Delhi 2015C) 10, Estimate the average drift speed of conduction electrons in a copper wire of cross-sectional area 1.0 x 10°? m’ carrying a current of 1.5 A. “Assume the density of conduction electrons to be9x 10% m°. (alz014) 11, Explain the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in 1 conductor. Hence obtain the expression for the current through a conductor in terms of ‘drift velocity’ (12013) velocity of electrons in a conductor. Use this relation to explain how the resistance of a conductor changes with the rise in temperatute, (Delhi 2013C) relaxation time. Give its Slunit. (AI2013C) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl . A conductor of length ‘P is connected to a dc source of potential ‘V” Ifthe length of the conductor is tripled by gradually stretching it keeping ‘V’ constant, how will (i) drift speed of electrons and (ii) resistance of the conductor be fected. Justify your answer. (Foreign 2012) fine drift velocity. Write its relationship with relaxation time in terms of the electric field E applied ta conductor. ‘A potential diference V is applied to a conductor of length I How is the drift velocity affected when Vis doubled and lishalved ? (Foreign 2010) (2 Derive an expression for drift velocity of free electrons ina conductor in terms of relaxation ie (Delhi 2009) 17. Jwo metalic wites of the same material have Ahe same length but cross-sectional area is in the ratio 1:2. They are connected (i) in series and (i) in parallel. Compare the dif velocities of electrons in the two wires in both the cases (and (Delhi 2008) 18, Derive an expression for the resistivity of a good conductor, in terms ofthe relaxation time of electrons. (412008) (3 marks) 19. h) Find the relation between drift velocity ‘and relaxation time of charge carriers in a conductor (©) A conductor of length L is connected to a de, source of emf. V. If the length of the conductors tripled by stretching it, keeping V constant. Explain how drift velocity would be atfected. (A12015) 20.) steady current flows in a metallic conductor of non-uniform cross-section. Which of these quantities is constant along the conductor current, current density, electric field, drift speed? (3, Delhi 2015C) 21, (a) Deduce the relation between current I flowing through a conductor and drift velocity ¥4_of the electrons, (©) Figure shows a plot of current ‘T’ flowing through the cross-section of a wire versus the time ¢, Use the plot to find the charge flowing in 10 sec through the wire. 1) * wo. 6) (120150) 2, Pefine relaxation time of the free electrons drifting in a conductor. How is it related to the drift velocity of free electrons? Use this relation to deduce the expression for the electrical resistivity of the material (412012) 23, A conductor of length L is connected to a de source of emf. Ifthis conductor is replaced by another conductor of same material and same area of cross-section but of length 3L, how will the drift velocity change? (1/3, Delhi 2011) (5 marks) 24, Define the term rift velocity’ of charge earriers in a conductor. Obtain the expression for the current density in terms of relaxation time. (215, Foreign 2014) » 5 0 25, (a) Derive the relation between current density ‘7’ and potential difference 'V’ across current carrying conductor of length ‘T, area of cross- section ‘A’ and the number density ‘n’ of free electrons. (b) Estimate the average drift speed of conduction electrons in a copper wire of cross sectional area 1.0 x 10°7 m? carrying a current of 15 A. [Assume that the number density of conduction electrons is 9 x 10" m”’,] (Delhi 20126) 3.6 Limitations of Ohm's Law REM (1 mark) Graph showing the variation of current versus voluge fora E| OR material GaAs is shown in the | figure. Identify the region of 4SciugeV=> negative resistance (Gi) where Ohm’ law is obeyed. (Delhi 2015) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl 3.7. Resistivity of Various Materials (1 mark) /27)\ Two wires of equal length, one of copper and the other of manganin have the same resistance, Which wire is thicker ? (al2012) 28, |Carbon and both have four valence electrons each. How then are they (Delhi 20110) silicon (ar20110) (2 marks) t) Youare required to select a carbon resistor of resistance 47 K+ 10% from a large collection. ‘What should be the sequence of colour bands used to code it? (b) Write the characteristics of manganin which make it suitable for making standard resistance. (Foreign 2011) AA.) Define ionic mobility. Write its relationship with relaxation time. How does one understand the temperature dependence of resistivity of a (Foreign 2010) Fhe sequence of coloured bands in two carbon sistors R, and R, is (i) brown, green, blue (ii)_orange, black, green Find the ratio oftheir resistances. semiconductor? (Ar20100) 33/ A voltage of 30 V is applied across a carbon oa blue, black and yellow colours. respectively. Calculate the value of current, in mA, through the resistor. (A12007) A cylindrical metallic wire is stretched to increase its length by 5%. Calculate the percentage change in its resistance. (Delhi 2007) 3.8 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity (1 mark) 35,) -V graph for a metallic wite at two different temperatures, Ty and T, is as shown in the figure. Which of the two temperatures is lower and why? resistor with first, second and third rings of (Ar2015) fot a graph showing the variation of resistivity Afa conductor with temperature. (Foreign 2015) 37.)Show variation of resistivity of copper as a function of temperature ina graph, 39) How does one explain increase in resistivity of metal with increase of temperature ? (AI 2014C) radius. Keeping the length of the wire and its temperature as constant. (Foreign 2013) \Iwo materials Si and Cu, are cooled from 300 K to 60 K. What will be the effect on their resistivity? (Foreign 2013) how on a graph, the variation of resistivity ‘with temperature for a typical semiconductor. (Delhi 2012) (Delhi 2014) ota graph showing variation of current versus voltage for the material GaAs. (Delhi 2014) 2. Draw a graph showing variation of resistivity with temperature or nichrome. Which property ‘ofnichromeis used to make standard resistance coils? (4120130) 44, )Plot a graph showing temperature dependence ‘of resistivity for @ typical semiconductor. How isthis behaviour explained? (Foreign 2011) EENIN (3 marks) 45. Write the mathematical relation for the resistivity of a material in terms of relaxation time, number density and mass and charge of charge carriers in it. Explain, using this relation, why the resistivity of a metal increases and that ofa semiconductor decreases with rise in temperature. (Delhi 2007) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 3.10 Combination of Series and Parallel (1 mark) 46, A wire of resistance 82 is bent in the form of a circle. What is the effective resistance between the ends of a diameter AB? Resistors- (Delhi 2010) 47. together, in two different ways, as shown in wo identical slabs, ofa given metal, are joined figures (i) and (i). What is the ratio of the resistances ofthese two combinations ? we Z em ee o ® (Delhi 2010) ERY (2 marks) Given the resistances of 1 9, 2 @ and 3 & how will you combine them to get an equivalent resistance of () 4 @ and (i) 207 3S ‘Foreign 2015) (9. JA wire of 15 @ resistance is gradually stretched to double its original length, It is then cut into tho equal parts: These part are then connected in parallel across a 3.0 volt battery. Find the current drawn from the battery. (AI 2009) EUNIN (3 marks) 50, In the circuit shown in the figure, find the current through each resistor. AV AV 100 my aoa 51, Calculate the value of the resistance R in the circuit shown in the figure so that the current in the circuit is 0.2 A. What would be the potential difference between points B and E? oan ° (412012) 52, In the circuit shown, Ry = 4.8, Ry = R= 15.2, R,=30.Qand E= 10V. Calelate the equivalent resistance ofthe circuit and the current in each resistor. (Dethi 2011) 53. A network of resistors is connected to a 16 V battery of internal resistance of 1 @as shown in the figure, ao 29 4 218.6 » 3 oo o uy (@) Compute the equivalent resistance of the network (b). Obtain the voltage drops Vag and Vep. (Foreign 2010) (Smarks) 54. A 100 V battery is connected to the electric network as shown. If the power consumed in the 2.Q resistor is 200 W, determine the power dissipated in the 5 @ resistor. SF iT (Delhi 20150) tov (215, Foreign 2014) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 3.11 Cells, emf, Internal Resistance (mark) 35) ‘The plot of the variation of potential difference across a combination of three identical cells in series versus current is shown below. What is the emf and internal resistance of each cell? oy | W ° TAT (a1 2016, Delhi 2008) 56) ‘The emf of a cell is always greater than its terminal voltage. Why? Give reason. (Delhi 2013) (2) ‘Why is the terminal voltage ofa cell ess than ts opt (A12013C) fnree cells of emi e, 2e and Se having internal resistances r, 2r and 3r respectively are connected across a variable resistance R as shown in the figure. Find the expression for the current. Plot a graph for variation of current with R. © me se (Ar20100) (2 marks) 39) A cell of emf E’ and internal resistance ‘ris connected across a variable resistor ‘R: Plot a {graph showing variation of terminal voltage‘ of the cell versus the current ‘7. Using the plot, show how the emf of the cell and its internal resistance can be determined, (Al2014) 60) (a) Distinguish between emf (e) and terminal voltage (V) of a cell having internal resistance. (b) Draw a plot showing the variation of terminal voltage (V) vs the current (2) drawn from the cell. Using this plot, how does one determine the internal resistance of the cell ? (120140) 61, A battery of emf E and internal resistance r when connected across an external resistance of 12 Q produces a current of 0.5 A. When connected across a resistance of 25 Q it produces a current of 0.25 A. Determine (i) the ‘emf and (i) the internal resistance of the cell. (4120130) 62, JA cell of emf E and internal resistance r is ‘connected to two external resistances Ry and Ry and a perfect ammeter. The current in the circuit is measured in four different situations (without any external resistance in the circuit (ii)_-with resistance R, only (iii) with R, and R; in series combination (iv) with R, and Ry in parallel combination ‘The currents measured in the four cases are 042 A, 105 A, 14 A and 42 A, but not necessarily in that order. Identify the currents corresponding to the four cases mentioned bove. (Delhi 2012) 63, JA battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 3. is connected to a resistor Ifthe current in the circuit is 05 A, find (i) The resistance of the resistor; (ii) The terminal voltage ofthe battery (Delhi 20120) 64,) A straight line plot showing the terminal potential difference (V) ofa cell asa function of ‘current (J) drawn from itis shown in the figure. Using this plot, determine (i) the emf and (Gi) internal resistance ofthe cel. > Caren arpere) (Delhi 2011¢) 65.) A cell of emf ‘E’ and internal resistance ‘ris connected across a variable resistor ‘R’ Plot a graph showing the variation of terminal potential 'V’ with resistance R Predict from the graph the condition under which ‘V’ becomes equal to“E. (Delhi 2009) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 66. )V-I graphs for parallel and series combination of two metallic resistors are shown below. Which graph represents parallel combination ? 2 — (Delhi 2009) HAMIN 6s marks) 67. A cell of emf E’ and internal resistance 'Y' is connected across a variable load resistor R. Draw the plots of the terminal voltage V versus (i) Rand (i) the current Its found that when R = 4 Q, the current is 1 Aand when Ris increased to 9 Q, the current reduces to 0.5 A. Find the values of the emf E and internal resistance r (Delhi 2015) 68. Writeany two factors onwhich internal resistance ofa cell depends. The readingon a high resistance ‘voltmeter, when a cell is connected across it, is 2.2 V. When the terminals of the cell are also connected to a resistance of 5 @ as shown in the circuit, the voltmeter reading drops to 1.8 V. ind the internal resistance ofthe cell. ie (Ar2010) Res K (S marks) 69. A cell, with a finite internal resistance r, is connected across two external resistances Ry and R; (R > R,), one by one. In which case would the terminal potential difference of the cell be more ? (215, Delhi 20100) 3.12 Cells in Series and in Parallel SW (1 mark) Avegligible internal resistance, are connected in parallel with each other across an external resistance R. What is the current through this resistance? (T2013) 1. Awo cells,ofemf2eandz,andinternal resistance 2rand r respectively, are connected in parallel Obtain the expression for the equivalent emf and the internal resistance of the combination. (4120100) (2 marks) yo cells of emfs 1.5 V and 2.0 V having fernal resistances 0.22 and 0.3 2 respectively fe connected in parallel. Calculate the emf and {internal resistance ofthe equivalent cell, (Delhi 2016) (3 marks) 73. ‘Two cells of emf Ey, By and internal resistance 1 and ry respectively are connected in parallel as shown in the figure. ein Deduct the expression for ()_ The equivalent emt of the combination (ii) The equivalent resistance of the combination (ai) The potential difference between the points Aand B. (Foreign 2012) 74. ‘Two cells of emfs E and Fy and internal resistance r, and r, are connected in parallel. Obtain the expression for the emf and internal resistance of a single equivalent cell that can replace this combination ? (2/5, Foreign 2016) 75. Two cells of emf €; and ey having internal resistances 7, and ry respectively are connected in parallel as shown. Deduce the expressions of the equivalent emf a cell which can replace the combination between the points B, and B, (arz011C) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics XIl 3.13 Kirchhoff’s Laws (1 marly 76. A 10V battery of negligible internal resistance is connected across a 200 V battery and a resistance of 38 @ as shown in the figure. Find the value of the current in circuit, Iv i ay I watwansy (2 marks) 77. Use Kirchhoff’ rules to determine the potential difference between the points A and D when no current flows in the BE of the electric network. shown in the figure. z Fy > 30 iv 7 R 20 a (arzois) 78,] State Kirchhotf’s rules. Explains briefly how these rules are justified. (Delhi 2014) 79. In the electric network shown in the figure, use Kirchhoff rules to calculate the power consumed by the resistance R = 4.2. vo yer re =a + bBo (Delhi 20140) ).| An ammeter of resistance 0,80 @ can measure ‘current up to 1.0 A. (What must be the value of shunt resistance to enable the ammeter to measure current up to 50a? ii) What is the combined resistance of the ammeter and the shunt? (Delhi 2013) Ly sie 6 wo aA hth {Using Kirchhof’s rules in the given circuit, ise Kirchhoff’ rules to determine the value of the current I, flowing in the circuit shown in the figure. etd (Delhi 20130) ‘The network PORS, shown in the circuit fiagram, has the batteries of 4 V and 5 V and negligible internal resistance. A milliammeter ‘of 20 0 resistance is connected between P and R Calculate the reading inthe milliammeter 20.0 spn nr Fen 24, la (a120120) in the given circuit, assuming point A to be it zero potential, use Kirchhoff’ rules to ‘determine the potential at point B. ua 2A 2Y pA if (alzo11) determine (i) the voltage drop across the unknown resistor R and (i) the current Fin the arm EF, i (alz0110) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl EEE 63 marks) 3.14 Wheatstone Bridge 85. Using Kirchhott’s (marks) rulesdetermine the Fay E Dp se Kirchhof’s rules to obtain conditions for {the balance condition in a Wheatstone bridge. (Delhi 2015) value of unknown resistance Rin the circuit so that no current flows through 91, Aalculate the current drawn from the battery 4 resistance. Also Ay ay by the network of resistors shown in the figure. find the potential difference between A and D. 22 (Delhi 2012) oe La A {a) State Kirchhof’ rules. ; t (©). Use these rules to write the expressions for ae the currents J, 1, and J in the circuit diagram wy shown, : L___, f=2V yaa ty (Al20150) “4 — : 92. [Calculate the value of current drawn form a5 V h BV y=30 ‘battery in the circuit as shown, ean» | 10a Es-4V nara Y 4 Br4aV y20 faa al sop wa |e 20 87, (a) State Kirchhoff’s rules. wo ()_ A battery of 10 V and negligible internal resistance is connected across the diagonally ie oppositecorners of acubical network consisting 46 of 12 resistors each of 1 2 resistance, Use (Foreign 2013) Kirchhoff's rules to determine (i) the equivalent resistance of the network, and (i) the total °% Calculate the current drawn from the batery current in the network, (al20100) the given network. Ka20 a) State Kirchhof’srulesofcurrent distribution {nan electrical network (©) Using these rules determine the value of the current J, in the electric circuit given below. (Ar2009) iv (S marks) ise Krichhoff’s rules to obtain the balance Jr condition in a Wheatstone bridge. _ 3 (Delhi 2007) Calculate the value of R in the balance 89, } the given figure shows ® conditionof the Wheatstone bridge, if the ‘a network of i fs carbon resistor connected across the arm CD resistances Ry, Ri Rs be has the colour sequence red, red and orange, as and Ry is shown in the figure Using Kirchhof’s “a, fnow the resistances of the arms BCand CD are laws, establish the ¥ interchanged, to obtain the balance condition, balance condition for 7 another carbon resistor is connected in place of the network. te , What would now be the sequence of colour (Ar 2007) bands of the carbon resistor? EduSuccess Smart Learning Ceriters | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 2 2 aR ak 7 ® RRO v | v (Dethi 20120) 95. fa) State Kirchhoff’s rules for an electric network, (b) Using Kirchhoff’ rules, obtain the balance condition in terms of the resistances of four arms of Wheastone bridge. (3/5, Delhi 2013, 2010C) 3.15 Meter Bridge (1 mar) be ian ‘apesben oo acta bape i Balancing length AC ie what would be alse Wechsler eee Bi doubled? ny your sme | & & p = B (arzo11c) 97. In a meter bridge, two unknown resistances Rand S when connected in the two gaps, givea null point at 40 cm from one end. What is the ratio of Rand S? (Delhi 20100) HOMIE Gs marks) 98. With the help of the circuit diagram, explain the working principle of meter bridge. How isit used to determine the unknown resistance of a given wire ? Write the necessary precautions to ‘minimize toerror inthe result. (AI 2015C) 99, Answer the following: (a) Why are the connections between the resistorsin a meter bridge made of thick copper strips? (b) Why is it generally preferred to obtain the balance point in the middle of the metre bridge Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 100. 101. 102, (©) Which material is used for the meter bridge wire and why? (Al2014) ‘Write the principle on which the working of a meter bridge isbased. Inan experiment of meter bbrdge, a student obtains the balance point at the point /such that AJ = as shown inthe figure. The values of'R’and"X"are both doubled and then interchanged. Find the new position of the balance point. If the galvanometer and battery are also interchanged, how will the position of balance point be affected? a (AI20120) In the meter bridge experiment, balance point was observed at J with AT (0). The value of R and X were doubled and then interchanged. What would be the new postion of balance point ? If the galvanometer and battery are interchanged at the balance position, how ‘will the balance point get affected? & x (i) al ¥ f NGSsE | noc baseesanianae? (Al2011) In a meter bridge, the null points is found at a distance of 40 em from A. If a resistance of 12 Q is connected in parallel with S, the null point occurs at 50,0 cm from A. Determine the values of R and S, Be cry ¥ 4 le A Wj, (Delhi 2010) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl 103. x y a a D i ‘The figure shows experimental set up of'a meter bridge. When the two unknown resistances X and ¥ are inserted, the null point D is obtained 40 cm from the end A, When @ resistance of 10 isconnected in series with X, the null point shifis by 10 cm. Find the position of the null point when the 10 © resistance is connected in series with resistance ‘Y. Determine the valu of the resistance X and ¥. (Delhi 2009) 104. (i) State the principle of working of a meter bridge (ii) Ina meter bridge balance point is found at a distance I, with resistances R and S as shown in the figure. x R ‘When an unknown resistance X is connected in parallel with the resistance S, the balance point shifts to a distance l, Find the expression for X in terms of fy I and 8. (AI 2009) (Smarks) 105. In the meter bridge experimental set up, shown in the figure, the null point ‘D’ is obtained at a distance of 40 cm from end A of the meter bridge wire, pe jane Re Seti sale Ifa resistance of 10 @ is connected in series with R,, null point is obtained at AD = 60 cm, Calculate the values of R, and R,, (215, Delhi 2013) 106, (a) State, wth the help ofa circuit diagram, the ‘working principle ofa meter bridge. Obtain the expression used for determining the unknown resistance (©) What happens if the galvanometer and cell are interchanged atthe balance point of the bridge? (©) Why is it considered important to obtain the balance point near the mid-point of the wire? (Delhi 20110) 107. Draw a circuit diagram for determining the unknown resistance R using meter bridge. Explain briefly its working giving the necessary formula used. (2/5, Delhi 20100) 3.16 Potentiometer (1 mark) 108. State the underlying potentiometer. principle of a (Delhi 20140) 109. A resistance Ris connected acrossa cell ofemfe and internal resistance r. A potentiometer now ‘measures the potential difference between the terminals ofthe cell as V. Write the expression forrinterms ofe,VandR (Delhi 2011) (2 marks) 110.(i) State the principle of working of a potentiometer. (Gi) In the following potentiometer circuit AB isa uniform wire of length 1_m and resistance 10. Calculate the potential gradient along the wire and balance length AO (= 1). (Delhi 2016) 111, Describe briefly, with the help of a circuit diagram, how a potentiometer is used to determine the internal resistance of a cell (Ar2013) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 112, Two students ‘X’ and "Y’ preform an experiment ‘on potentiometer separately using the circuit given : Keeping other parameters unchanged, how will the position of the null point be affected if A e ( °X increases the value of resistance R in the set-up by keeping the key K, closed and the key K open ? (ii) “Y decreases the value of resistance $ in the set-up, while the key Ky remains open and thekey K, closed? (Foreign 2012) EININ (3 marks) 113, Draw a circuit diageam of a potentiometer. State its working principle, Drive the necessary formula to describe how it is used to compare the emis of the two cells. (20120) A potentiometer wire of length 1m has a resistance of 10 © It is connected to a 6 V battery in series with a resistance of 5 Determine the emf of the primary cell which sivesa balance point at 40.em, (Delhi 2014) ‘A potentiometer wire of length 1.0 m has a resistance of 15 ©. It is connected to a § V battery in series with a resistance of 5 Determine the emf of the primary cell which givesa balance point at 60cm. (Delhi 2014) 116.(a) State the underlying principle of a potentiometer. Why is it necessary to (i) use 4 Tong wie, (ii) have uniform area of cross- section of the wire and (il) use a deiving cell ‘whose emf is taken tobe greater than the emis of the primary cells? (6) In a potentiometer experiment, if the area of the cross-section of the wire increases uniformly from one end to the other, draw a ‘graph showing how potential gradient would vary as the length of the wire increases from one end (A 20140) 14, us, Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 47, us, 119, 120. 121. State the underlying principle of a potentiometer. Write two factors on which the sensitivity ofa potentiometer depends. “Be | | La ce Inthe potentiometer circuit shown in the figure, the balance point is at X. State giving reason, how the balance point is shifled when Resistance Ris increased ? (ii) Resistance § is increased, keeping R constant ? (213, Delhi 20130) In the figure a long uniform potentiometer ‘wire AB is having a constant potential gradient along its length. The null points for the two primary cells of emfs €, and €) connected in the manner shown are obtained at a distance ‘of 120 em and 300 em from the end A. Find (@ fe, and (ji) position of null point for the celle, How is the sensitivity ofa potentiometer increased? {i} 200m am ~ 1 & (Delhi 2012) {@) State the underlying principal of potentiometer (b) Describe briefly, giving the necessary circuit diagram, how a potentiometer is used 10 measure the internal resistance ofa given cell. (Foreign 2011) Write the principle of working of a potentiometer. Describe briefly, withthe help of a cireuit diagram, how a potentiometer is used to determine the internal resistance of a given cel. (Delhi 2010) |For the potentiometer circuit shown in the sgiven figure, points X and Y represent the two terminals of an unknown emf E’, A student EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl observed that when the jockey is moved form the end A to the end B of the potentiometer wire, the deflection in the galvanometer remains in the same direction, What may be the two possible faults in the circuit that could result in this observation ? it x OF If the galvanometer deflection at the end B is (@) more, (it) less, than that at the end A, which of the two faults, listed above, would be there in the circuit ? Give reasons in support of your answer in each case. (Al 2007) (S marks) 122, (a) State the principle of a potentiometer. Define potential gradient. Obtain an expression of potential gradient in terms of resistivity of the potentiometer wire. (&) Figure shows a long potentiometer wire AB having a constant potential gradient. The null points for the two primary cells of emfs and ¢, connected in the manner shown are obtained at a distance off, = 120 em and |, = 300 cm from the end A. Determine (i) ¢,/e, and (i) position of null point for the cell only 1-9 (Foreign 2014) 123. (a) Statetheworkingprincipleofapotentiometer. With the help of the circuit diagram, explain how a potentiometer is used to compare the emf’ of two primary cells. Obtain the required expression used for comparing the emf (b). Write two possible causes for one sided deflection in a potentiometer experiment (Delhi 2013) 124, (a) State the working principle of a potentiometer. Draw a circuit diagram to compare emf of two primary cells. Drive the formula used. (b) Which material is used for potentiometer wire and why ? (©) How can the sensitivity ofa potentiometer be increased ? (Delhi 20110) 125.(a) Write the underlying principle of potentiometer. (b) Draw the circuit diagram of the experimental set-up used for determining the internal resistance of a cell by potentiometer Write the necessary formula used. (3/5, Delhi 20100) 126, (i) In the circuit diagram given below, AB is 4 uniform wire of resistance 15 Q and length 1m. Itis connected to a cell E, of emf 2V and negligible internal resistance and a resistance R The balance point with another cell £, of emf 75 mV is found at 30 cm from end A. Calculate the value of R. 4 a % Ly), (i) Why is potentiometer preferred over a voltmeter for comparison of emf of cells? (iii) Draw a circuit diagram to determine internal resistance ofa cell in the laboratory. (Foreign 2016) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl brie 1. Conductors contain free electrons. In the absenceof any external electric field, the free electrons are in random motion just like the molecules of gas in acontainer and the net current through wires zero, If the ends of the wire are connected to a battery, an electric field (£) will setup at every point within the wire, Due to electric effect of the battery, the lectrons will experience a force in the direction ‘opposite to E, 2. From Ohmi law, we have V-R 1 my i) ‘When the rod is cut parallel, and rejoined by length, the length of the conductor becomes 21, whereas the =v area decrease to 4. I the current remains the same 2 the potential changes as, Ve PF The new potential applied across the metal rod will be four times the original potential (V) 1 4xIpi=4V [Using (i) On [Using (01 3. In First Circuit Reading of ideal voltmete ‘Net potential differenc Total resistance = 1 + 1 Current in ammeter =¥ R In Second Circuit Reading of ideal volt meter = 6 V Net potential difference = 9 - Total resistance = 1 + 1=2 Current in ammeter = =2=15.4 R 4. The electrical conductivity of a metallic wire is defined as the ratio of the current density to the clectrc field it creates. Itis reciprocal of resistivity (p). Electrical conductivity, (9 pe (or (ohm m)" or $m" S.Lunit = mho mr" 5. When an clectric field is applied across a conductor then the charge carriers inside the conductor move with an average velocity which is led Solutions independent of time. This velocity is known as drift velocity () Relationship between current (I) and drift velocity (v2) Tandy, where ne A amount of charge inside the conductor ea of cross-section of conductor 6 T=neAy, v rept 7. Yes,alltheelectrons will movein same direction during drift due to external electric field. 8. Since the wires are connected in series, current T through both is same. Therefore ratio of drift velocities vy _Lmgedy vy Tnyedy where, ny my = respective electron densities Ay, Ay-= cross-sectional areas my 2 (Given Ay=Ay my=2m) 2 > veivys Ld 9. Aswe know that T= nedyy ‘Also current density jis given by ete ae jj taal ye j ‘spanllelto B. ne? j-MaE 10, I= neAyg 1 15 “1 v= -—_8 ___ns eA 9x10 x1.6x10” x1.0%10 = 1.08210 ms EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics XIl LL. Refer to answer 5. Total number of free electrons in a conductor PQ of length 1, cross-sectional area A having m free electrons per unit volume is N= volume of conductor PQ or N=ndl Vay aS Time ? in which an electron moves from P to Q, all N free electrons pass through cross section Q. 1 % where 14 is the drift velocity of electrons in the conductor. So electric current flowing through conductor is given by Ne _ nAle oe 1 neavy ty 1 This gives the relation between electric current and Adrift velocity 12, Dat ven vf sl oe ficld strength. And the relation between current and drift velocity is = ney Inet co Lat EE = jaoak Am J oe 0 te e net With rise of temperature, the rate of collision of electrons with ions of lattice increases, so relaxation time decreases. As a result resistivity of the material increases with the rise of temperature, hence the resistance. 13, Mobility ofa charge carrier is defined as the drift velocity of the charge carrier per unit electric field, Iis generally denote by ate une The SI. unit of mobility is m? V7 s Mobility in term of relaxation time = ee uate In magnitude, Pe ere ae a a Gg ve, od 14, (i) Weknow that 4g=—SPE yg 04 When length is tripled, the drift velocity becomes one-third, W=9R Hence, the new resistance will be 9 times the original 15, Drift velocity is defined as the average velocity with which the free electrons get drifted towards the positive end ofthe conductor under the influence of an external electric field applied. tis given by ev + mx ml Becomes 4 times. 16. Expression for drift velocity : Let V be the potential difference applied across the ends of the conductor of length |, then magnitude of electric field Bis F=-0E \ 1k 7 If'm be the mass of an electron, the acceleration of cach electron is EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil ne Due to this acceleration, the free electron apart from this thermal velocity, acquires additional velocity component in a direction opposite to the direction of electric field. At any instant of time, the velocity acquired by electron having thermal velocity i is tat, [es F=mal where tis the time elapsed. Similarly, the velocities acquired by other electrons in the conductor is ip +t, and so on i, +a, ‘The average velocity of all the free electrons in the conductor is the drift velocity ¥, of free electrons. GA AAD Gy FAT) + oor Uy Fy) 4) «(tht +4 =0+at=at [since average thermal velocity of electrons is zero] tenet Ty is called relaxation time. Its value is of the order of. 10" seconds. Putting the value of ain (3), we get cE Hence average dif peed vy =x 17, Wehave given Ay: Az (i__When two wires are connected in series, the current in both wires A and B will be same, Waly me Ay Vg, = Me Aa Mg, “4 vat ‘a, 942mg, =2:1 (i) When two wires are connected in parallel, then the potential difference across the wire A and B vill besame; Va 2 VaR t V=neAvsp 12. V=neplyy uP pling 18, Relation between the resistivity and relaxation time ‘We know that drift velocity of electron is given by According to ohms law eV vamnller _yamblex T Ja ely vam om mt @ etneAvg nee A But the resistivity is given by L ae (i) Rep ‘Compacing (1) and (i), we get Tne whichis the required relationship between resistivity and relaxation time of electrons 19. (a) Refer to answer 16 wv. (©) In tems of potential difference, vg => So, tripling the length of the conductor = 31 and keeping V constant, the drift velocity will reduce to cone third of initial value 20, Current is constant in non-uniform cross section. 21. (a). Refer to answer 1 (©) Area under /-t curve on t-axis is charge flowing through the conductor Q=5x5x5+ (104 5)x5=375C EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 22, The average time interval between two successive collisions. For the free electrons drifting within a conductor due to the action of the applied electri field is called relaxation time. Relation between relaxation time and drift velocity, f=) Since i =ne Avg (ne?) 23, Refer to.answer 19(b) 24, Drift velocity : It isthe velocity with which free electrons get drifted towards the positive terminal under the effect of the applied electric field. Free electrons are in continuous random motion. They undergo change in direction at each collision and the thermal velocities are randomly distributed in all, directions, “Average thermal velocity, Witty 5G 1H The electric field F exerts an electrostatics force -Be Acederation ofeach electron, a= == «i. where, y ‘m= mass of an electron. ¢ = chargeon an electron +i, +) where iy idy —> thermal velocities of the electrons ye) — velocities acquired by electrons, Ty, Ty time elapsed after the collision (i tig +i) at, +4 ttt) wwe get tT HT twat Ty a, where, + , Ai isthe average time elapsed, Substituting the value of a in equation (ii) from equation (i), we have i a (iv) 25, (@)_Considera conductor oflength land eross- sectional area A. When a potential difference V is applied across its ends, the current produced is I. If ris the number of electron per unit volume in the conductor and v, the drift velocity of electrons then the relation between current and drift velocity is ne Avg Ai) ‘Where -e isthe charge on electron (c= 1.6 10""C) Eleciric field produced at each point of wire, (i) If tis relaxation time and i is electric field strength, then drift velocity ii) a= Putting this value of vin eqn (1) wv) (b). Refer to answer 10, EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl 26. (i) Region DEhasnegative resistance property because current decreases with increase in voltage or slope of DE is negative. (i). Region BC obeys Ohms law because current varies linearly with the voltage. 27. Roy= Roy Jew Peuae Here fey = hn 5 Pn> Pew Pow _ Pm _, Pm An Acu Am Pew cw AS. Pm > Pow So, Ay > Acy ‘Manganin wire is thicker than copper wire, 28. For both, valence electronsare same. The energy gap of Sis 1.leV while Cis 5.44 eV, Carbon behaves, as an insulator while si is as Semi-conductor. 29, The specific resistance of a conductor of unit length and unit cros-sectional areaiscalled resistivity of the conductor, R= For!=1m, A= 1m? R=p Its Sl unit is @ m, 30. (a) Resistance = 47 KQ+ 10% = 47 x 10° 24 10% Sequence of colour should be Yellow, Violet, Orange and Silver (©) (Very low temperature coetiicient of resistance i) High resistivity. 31. Mobility ofan ion is defined asthe drift velocity per unit electric field ie., ara) BoE m Its unit is m"/Vs, When temperature increases, covalent bonds of neighbouring atoms break and charge carriers become free to cause conductive, so resistivity of semi-conductor decreases with rise of temperature. 32. (i) We know that the numbers for brown, sgreen and blue are 1, 5 and 6 respectively R,=15x10°O (i) We know that the numbers for orange, black and green are 3, O and 5 respectively. R= 30% 1 a Ratio of their resistances is 10 5 Ry _15x10® R 30x10) 2 7 33. We know that the numbers for blue, black and yellow are 6, Qand 4 respectively. R=60x10'O; V=30V 30 6ox108 Si 05 mA 1 34. Resistance, Rep A va i (On stretching volume remains same ie. fr An Ay 4 te 1, Ay 1 From the relation R= p-~, we have a By, & a sh SP Ry-R ( a j é R (20 “Thus change in resistance is 10.25%, av al = 0.1025 35, As 1 s0in FV graph, Ree ————)__ oO ES lope of TV erpah) R 37. The variation of resistivity of copper with temperature as shown in figure. plto-*2m) $010 180 1h) 38, Variation of current versus voltage for GaAs. = Current ond) Votes VW) 39, Increasing temperature causes greater electron scattering ducto increased thermal vibrations of atoms and hence, resistivity p (reciprocal of conductivity) of. metals incteases linearly with temperature. gta =p = a 43, Variation of resistivity with temperature for nichrome i to — Nichrome is used to make standard resistance coils because the temperature coefficient of resistivity of nichrome is negligible. 44, Variation of resistivity (p) with temperature (7) is shown below : PA os r In semiconductor the number density of free electrons (ni) increases with increase in temperature (Tand consequently the relaxation period decreases But the effect of increase in n has higher impact than decrease oft. So, resistivity decreases with increase in temperature 45. p= et Resistivity of a metal increases with rise in temperature. With the rise in temperature, relaxation time decreases as number of collisions increases. Although ‘number density of electrons also increases, it further reduces the relaxation time because probability of collisions further increases. In case of semiconductors with increase in number density of electrons, probability of collisions does rot increases as this density is too low to effect it On the other hand, it increases the conductivity ie., resistivity is reduced. 46. Resistance of each se i-circular part of circle is Ri=R.=AR Since two resistors are in parallel, Effective resistance (R,) is fires aie Peet aR 2R EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl 47, Let R be the resistance of one slab, Total resistance in figure (i) is Ri=2R ‘Total resistance in figure (i) is Ry=RI2 Requited rato ofthe resistances = Ry: R; 2 480 Topi qinen isan ot 2a, 4a the resistance of 1 and 2 must be in parallel and resistance of 3.9 should be connected in series with the resulting resistance, bo. 20 2 Equivalent resistance of the parallel combination of 1 Qand 2.Qs given by as eee ca tee R12 R2 Now, resistance 3 Q is connected in series to the resultant resistance, Here, the equivalent resistance is given by R=R+35 Ya ct equa vale of sual =k resistance) a (i) To get the equivalent resistance of <9, the resistance of 2 © and 3 Q must be in parallel and resistance of 1.9 should be connected in series with ‘he resulting ceistance 1a 2 oe Equivalent resistance of the parallel combination of 2Qand3.Qis Now, resistance 1 Q is connected in series to the resultant resistance, Here, the equivalent resistance is given by (The required value of equivalent resistance). 49, When the wire of 15 Q resistance is stretched to double its original length, then its resistance becomes Bean x15=2 «15-600 ‘When it cut into two equal parts, then resistance of each part becomes wr -E 890 22 ‘These parts are connected in parallel, then net resistance of their combination is 5Q So, the current drawn from the battery via RoIs"s 50. 8, Teal eitance=05-+1 445+ 23 90 7 on r=4a058 5 Caren hgh 30 reson = 8X05 Loa Ge Current through 6 Q resistor 285 1 cota 639 51. The given ceitcan be simplicd ev For BCD, equivalent resistance Ri =5Q45Q=100 EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil Across BE equivalent resistance Ry Alda a 3eie2 61 R W315 3005 = RB. Potential difference Vp =I 8; =0.2 x5 = Var From figure, Ry, Ry and R, are connected in parallel Effective resistance R,, AE tne eT BTR 18183030 Now, equivalent resistance of circuit, R=R,+R,=4+6= 109 Curent 1, =! 1 Potential drop across R, = WR) = 1x4=4V Potential drop across all other resistances = 10 - 4=6V Current through R; or Rs 6 hata na® Aol 15 Current through Ry, 53. (a) R © Raa 1x6 Ryc =19, Rey =o Equivalent resistance of network Ran = Ran+ Rac Rep=2+1+4=70 E16 Wp CurentiBeient 7a 16 C we R+r 741 2a Rygl=2x2=4V Ven = Rep I= 4x 54, Here simplified circuit is given as a n ma wo 2 Current delivered by the battery is (C+ Given power dissipated across 2 Q is 200 W) 200 00 = 1= 104 2 Current in branch AB is 40x10 = DX Lea AB 40+10 Power dissipated across 5 willbe fax 3 Q=88x 5 P=320W 55. Potential difference across a cell with internal resistance, ris V=e~ Ir As three cells are in series, so emf'= 3e and internal resistance = 3r V=3e-3rl When I= 0 then V=6 ¥,80 6 = 3¢-Dore=2V When V=Othen I= 1 A, s00=6~1%3r or 3r=6 or 1=20 56, We know the relation V = € ~ Ir. The emf of a cell is greater than its terminal voltage because there ‘may be some potential drop within the eell due tots, small internal resistance offered by the electrolyte. 57. Refer to answer 56. Note: When cells charged the current goes into the positive terminal as shown in the figure. So potential difference across a cell, 58. Heree, Equivalent emf ofthe cells =e +e +e e-2e +5 Equivalent resistance =r, +1 +1%+R =re2re3r¢R=OreR 4e oak The graph for variation of current I with resistance Ris shown below rer Current [= ramp) Oem EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl 59. Terminal voltage‘V' of thecellis V=E-Ir Eis the emf of the cell, ris the internal resistance of the cell and I is the current through the circuit. So, Comparing with the equation of straight line Irs Graph variation of terminal voltage "V’ of the cell versus the current ‘P showing (Cermina vole) eae Emf of the cell = Intercept on V axis Internal resistance = slope of line. 60, (a) Electromotive force of emf'e’ of a cell is the potential difference across its terminals when no electric current is flowing through it or itis in an open circuit ia R a Kort é ‘Terminal voltage V of acellis the potential difference across its terminals when some electric current is lowing through it o itis ina closed circuit. oa Kon (0). Refer to answer 59. 250 61. R=129, Ry h=05A, I, For the Ist case “ Now, for the 2nd case € 8-625 r= 55g 25a (ii) ‘Compare the equation (i) and (fi), we get ©6665 05025 025-15 =05 e~3.125 = 0.25 € =~ 1.625 185 cosy Putting the value of e,r-=S2=6 = 95 ra19 62. Thecurentlaingtocorerponding sons sresftows not fowelne 2 {iy wi eae Rony a: aR than situations (i) and (iv) but less than (iii). So Gi) Win and in sers combination a _ 1 2 ie In this case, effective resistance of circuit is maximum socurrent is minimum, Hence I, 042A. oy 1,- eS + Fike Rr In this cas, the effective resistance is more than (i) butless than (i) and (i). $0 f= 14 A 63. Given E=10V, r=39, 1=05A ‘Total resistance of circuit Rir= == -200 10S (External resistance R= 20 ~ r= 20-3= 170 (i) Terminal voltage V 5x17=85V 64, () The value of potential difference corresponding to zero current gives the emf of cell This value is 1.4 Volt. (Gi) Maximum current is drawn form the cell when the terminal potential difference is zero. The current corresponding to zero value of terminal potential dilference is 028 A. This is maximum value of current. EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil E 14 asr=s0. 1 028 65, “Terminal potential diference vem-—=_p- = rR ye R When Re, V=E The graph between V and Ris shown le 7 as If no current is drawn from the cell then, =E~In,1=0] The slope of combination of metallic wire A is, smaller than that of B. Resistance of combination A is less. Hence A represents parallel combination, 67. Given situation is shown in figure E THR Terminal voage, V=E-Ir t VeE-n i (Versus R, Ricken) —> (i) Vversus 1, V=E-Ir A When R= 49, then f= 1A 12 Er eaek oui) red z When R=99 then 1=05 A= ; Kamper)—> AE rea 2149 149 1+9=2r+8,r=19 From eqn. (3) emf, E=1+4=5V 68, Internal resistance of aeell depends upon (i). surface area of each electrode. (ii). distance between the two electrodes. (iii) nature, temperature and concentration. of clectrolyte Let internal resistance of cell ber ‘The circuit given in question can be redrawn as [Using ean. ()] Roa x Initially when Kis open, voltmeter reads 2.2 V. ie, emfof the cell,e = 22.V Later when K is closed, voltmeter reads 1.8 V which {s actually the terminal potential difference, V ice, ifs the current flowing, then “a Gi), Solving ( and (i, 1-036 Substituting in (i) 69. ‘The terminal potential difference of a cell is given by eR Rer Where is emf ofthe cell, ris internal resistance and Risan external resistance, poe, rIR+1 For resistance R,, V, =——* riR+L For resistance Ry, V, =—* r/R, +1 Since R)> Ry +. Vi> V3 Hence terminal potential difference of the cell will be more when external resistor R, is connected to the cel. EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl So, current 71, Equivalent emf and internal resistance of the combination of two cells connected in parallel combination is given as Sa + eon itn att eee tn Therefore, Eey ‘en =0.122 02403 05 73. Here, 1=1,+ ly “ Let V = Potential diference between A and B Ee For cell E, V=R-in > h B-v Putting these values in equation (i) Similarly, for cell Ey, I, = (sect) nn ay (i) \ nth Comparing the above equation with the equvalent circuit of em,” and internal resistance‘ then, V= Bay lg 6 Then wo (ii) ‘The potential difference between A and B Va Ex Trg 7A. Refer to answer 73, 75. Refer to answer 73. 76. Since, the positive terminal ofthe batteries are connected together, so the equivalent emf of the batteries is given by € = 200 V - 10 V = 190V. Hence, the current in the circuit is given by IOV 54 RQ 77. First we need to calculate R for no current through R, 30 F - > 1 ™ 22 1 a ov By Kirchhoff’ law, 31+ RI+ 2014446 51+ RI=11 @ Also, in loop (1), 31421=34641 EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil SI=10 or [= 2amp «a Using in eqn. (), 10+Rx2=11 2R=1 or R=05Q i) Now to determine the D potential difference between A and D, we can assume a cell of required potential Vay between two points, ot ‘On applying Kirchhoff’s law, |_°Y, “Y Vp 8 4=-2 x05 ie Vip- 10= i Vio=9 volt 78. Kirchhof’s first rule : ‘The algebraic sum of all the current passing through a junction of an electric circuit is zero Here, fy, ly ly, fy and fs are current in different branches ofa circuit which meet ata junction. Ath-h+h-b=0 This rule is based on the principle of conservation of charge. Kirchhoff’s second rule : The algebraic sum of the applied emt’ of an electrical circuit is equal to the algebraic sum of potential drops across the r ofthe loop. Mathematically, 5 Be=ER This is based on energy. p, conservation principle : ‘Using this rule, — &)-€)= IR, + IR, 5 79, Inclosed mesh ABCD Bry t (+1) R=12 2h +4(h + h)= 12 21, +41, +41, = 12 61, +41, = 12 BI, +21, =6 “ In closed mesh BDEF (+h) R=6 (1, +1)4=6 2h +2 i) On solving equations (i) and (i), we get 4-3 Putting the value of I, in equation (i) Now, I, + I; = 3 + (-1.5) = 15 Amp, +h) R= (5) x4 225% 4~9 watt 80. (i) To measure current upto 54, the shunt S should have a value, such that for 5 A input current through system , 4 A should pass through shunt S and 1 A should pass through given ammeter. 1x Ry=48 1x08 = 45;5=02 ‘Thus, the shunt resistance is 0.2 ©, (i) Combined resistance of the ammeter and the shunt, O8S 08x02 _ 046 “asesos+o2~ 1 "10% al. na 4 nk 3 rm y an aay i+] Ly 4 a wv ot Applying Kirchhoff Ist aw. +h (ao (i) Applying Kitchhot's loop rule to CDFEC = 301, + 20-201, 31, +21,=2 i) For loop ABFEA = 301, + 20, - 80=0 = 3h +2h,=8 (i from eq, (i) put the value of J, in e9 (i) Bh +2h + 2=2 51, +21,=2 = 31+ 2h Bh= 12-348 Pat 1 in eq, (i) Av) <5x3/4+2h-2h- BA from eq. (i) 8 “323642317 aLHeset EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 82, 200 5 n sy. Ewa ah 4 a -—a hav Applying Kirchhoff’s 2nd law to the loop PRSP = 1, 20~ f, x200+5=0 41, + 401, for loop PROP, =2015- 601, + 4=0 5h + 15h Applying Kirchhoff’s 1st law h=hth ai) from eq, (i) and (ii) we have, Al, + 44 from eq, (ii) and (i 20h, + 5 On solving we get “ ai) 1, _ 11000 b= asm m2 72 p= 1000 na, = 320 ma 215 860 Vat 1x 2-25 Vp Here, Vay ‘co= Ver Vap= Ven = Voltage drop across R = Now, Viz- Ven=95~- 3f=1=9 85. Asno current flows through 40, the current in various branches as shown in the figure, 10! € ov sv! Applying Kirchhoff’s loop rule to the closed loop AFEBA, we get =1-1-4x0-6+9=0 or 9-6-21=0 or 21=3 @ or T= ‘Again, applying Kirchhof¥s loop rule to the closed loop BEDGB, we get 6 +4%0-IR-3=0 or IR=3 7 4h-3h+ Using loop FCDEF By lary Iyry~Ey= 3 143h+2h-4=0 ( = 3, +21,- (i) Also using junction rule I (ii) ‘Using (i) and (i) 3l,-+ 2h, +2, = MN +5h- G) Solving (i) and (iv) EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 4-3, +1 = 2x Qh +51, -3) 0-131, 47=0 Sh eR Substituting in (2) 87, (a). Refer to answer 78, (b)_ “The network is not reducible to a simple series and parallel combinations of resistors. ‘There is however, a clear symmetry in the problem which we can exploit to obtain the equivalent resistance of the network. The paths AA’, AD and AB are obviously symmetrically placed in the network. Thus, the current in each must be the same, say, I. Further at the corners A’, B and D, the incoming current I must split equally into the two outgoing branches. In this manner, the current, in all the 12, edges of the cube are easily written down in terms of using Kirchhof’s first rule and the symmetry in the problem, Next take a closed loop, say, ABCC’ EA, and apply Kirchhoff’s second rule IR - (1/2) IR - IR +€=0 Where Ris the resistance of each edge and e the emf 5 of battery. Thus, €= 218 battery. Thus, €= 3 The equivalent resistance R., of the network is e_5 For R= 1.2, Ry = (5/6)/@ and fore = 10 V, the total current (= 31) in the network is 31 = 10 V/(5/6) 2 SIDA ie I=48 ‘The current flowing in each edge can now be read off from the figure. (9) The equivalent resistance of the network is > @. (ii) The total current is the network is 12 A. 88. (a) Refer to answer 78 ) b=h+h Ai) ‘Taking loop FEDCF 201, + 40, = heh 3 +4 a 2a. ‘Taking loop FCRAF ~ 401, ~ 201, =~ 40 ~ 80 2 = 2hth=6 (ii) Substituting value of J from equation (i) in equation (ii) 2+ s-H) = 3h- On solving equations (i) h=-12A 89, Aiv) ind (i), we get Consider loop ABDA IR, +LG-(-1)R 1(R, + Ry) + GIR, Consider loop BCDB (Ly ~ E)Rz ~ (I= 1, + L)Ry~ hG 1(Ry + Ry) ~ L(y + Ry + G) = IR, ai) ‘When bridge s balanced, Band Dareat same potential ive, Ip =O. From equations (i) and (ji), we get RAR) RB RtR, Ry RAR + RR, = RR, + RAR, RiRi= RRs (i EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil 90. Refer 10 answer 89. R 91. Since the condition 2 balanced bridge The equivalent Wheatstone bridge for the given combination is shown in figure ‘The resistance of arm ABC, Ry =241=30 Also, the resistance of arm ADC, is satisfied, it is a Ss 19 20 4 sae 20 42 > | “liv Ro, =442=60 Egiivalent resistance Rs XR fg RS By Rs, 346 Current drawn form the battery. I-24 Be 2 92. In case of balanced Wheatstone bridge, no current flows through the resistor 10 2 between points Band C. The resistance of arm ACD, Rs, = 10 +20 = 302 ‘The resistance of arm ABD, Ry, =5 +10= 152 Ry xR Equivalent resistance Ry =~ URS + Rs, 30X15 _ 3015 _ gq 3045 (Current drawn form the source, reY aS at anos Ry 102 sv 93. ‘The given circuit is a balanced Wheatstone bridge, soit can be reduced as, Ay=10 R20 2g R=40 av ‘As R, and Rs are in series, so their equivalent resistance is R’ = Ry+ Ry=1+2=3Q ‘As R, and Ry ate in series, so their equivalent resistance is R” = Ry + Ry=24+4=60 So, net resistance of the network is Alaa 2 3d RR Regs @ 2 or R=20 So, current drawn from the battery is ta%e8 or 1a2A. 2 94, i) “Refer to answer 89, (i) Let the carbon resistor be S in the given ‘wheatstone bridge, we have 282K ROS €,S8* B 5 ¥ I = Reso resistance of carbon resistor 2 R=S= 22x10 Q=2kQ (iii) When the resistance are interchanged, the bridge will bea balanced if 2R__22x10° X ax22x107 EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl X=4R=4%22kQ Thus, the sequence of colour will be grey, grey orange, 95. (a) Refer to answer 78, (b) Refer to answer 89 96. ‘The value of balancing length would remain same, there will be no effect of changing the radius of the wire. Because balancing length is independent of radius of the wire, it only depends on the length ratio. 100-x 97. Herel, = 40cm 98 Metre bridge : It is the simplest practical application of the Wheatstone bridge that is used to ‘measure an unknown resistance. Principle : Its working is based on the principle of Wheatstone bridge When the bridge is balanced, al et é tet ek 7" o 5 Two eC D fe Fig: Measurement o unknown resistance bya metre bridge Working : After taking out a suitable resistance R from the resistance box, the jockey is moved along the wire AC till there is no deflection in the galvanometer. Ths isthe balanced condition of the Wheatstone bridge. If? and Q are the resistance of the parts ABand BCof the wire, then forthe balanced condition ofthe bridge, we have noe as Let total length of wire AC = 100 em and AB =1em, then BC = (100 - I} em. Since the bridge wire is of uniform cross-section, therefore, resistance of wire = length of wite P_resistanceof AB__ol___I Q resistance of BC (10 where os the resistance per unit length ofthe wire L Hence, & S. 100-1 Rao0-1) 7 Knowing J and , unknown resistance $ can be determined. (The current must be kept at low value. Otherwise, resistance of wire changes on getting heated and affected the values (ii). The current should not be passed continuously fora very long time. (ii) The jockey should not be dragged along the wire 99. (a) The resistivity ofa copper wire is very low. Also, the connections are thick, so that the area is quite large and hence the resistance of the wires is almost negligible. (b)_Itis preferred to obtain the balance point in the middle of the meter bridge wire because it improves the sensitivity of the meter bridge and minimum error due to resistance of copper strips. (©) Constantan is used for meter bridge wire because its temperature coeficient of resistance is almost negligible due to which the resistance of the wire does not change with increase in temperature of the wire due to flow of current. 100. Working principle of a meter bridge is the heatstone bridge condition. The value of R and X were doubled and then interchanged. Hence the new position of balance point remain same. Al=40 EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl From the principle of Wheatstone bridge, R40 xX 100-40 60 _3R 402 ‘When, the galvanometer and cell are interchanged, the condition for a balance bridge is still satisfied. ‘Therefore the galvanometer will not show any deflection, 101. Refer to answer 100. 102. When resistances R and § are connected then balance point is found at a distance 40 cm form the R40 ‘57 i00=40 RAR 2 oO Sos 3 When a resistance of 12 Q is connected in parallel with $ then total resistance inthe right hand gap is. 5-28 “ Since balance point is obtained at a distance 50 em form the zero. R__ 50 R_50 (a) Putting the value ofS, in (i), we get 25128212 3) S423 SH12 > 8424-36 28=12 2 § Putting the value of Sin (i), we get R_2 63 2 R=4Q and S=6 a R=2x6=40 3 103. (a) When X and ¥ are connected in left and right gaps of meter bridge respectively, then Xt 40402 Y 100-7 100-40 60 3 or X=2¥ Ai) (ii) When 10 Q is connected in series with X in left gap, then its effective resistance becomes X’ = (X+ 10) @ and the balance point shifts by 10 tem towards right side, So, new balancing length becomes /’=1+10 = 40 +10 Hence *=—! Y 100 X+10__50__50 °T y “100-5050 or xeive¥or Sy si06¥ or 10=Y- or ¥=300 (i) and X=2¥=2x30 3 or X=200 (ii) (iii) When 10 © resistance is instead connected in series with Yin right gap, then x ee: 4 7... 2tim os Qader 100-31, oth! aa 39cm 3 So, then null point will be obtained at 33.33 em on. the wire from left end A. 104. i) Meter bridge works on the principle of ‘Wheatstone bridge. R | 5” i00-%, G_ Infirstease Sh 00-7, In second case, Rb (xs) 10 lees) ( EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | www. | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil I xxs (100-4) (X+5) From equations (i) and (i), we get Sh xxs 100-1, (100-1) (K+) or 1 (100 h) (X + 8) = Xf (100 -h) or (100 ~ yh) (X-+8) = 100 Xt, Xs or 100 Xh -Xhf, + 100 Sh ~ Shis= 100K, ~ Xi, or 100-X1, ~ 100 Xl, = Sil, ~ 100'Sl, or 100 X(h,~ 12) = Sh(ls~ 100) Sh, -100) 100(, 4) i) 49 402 (100-40) 60 3 60 _ 60, (100-60) 40 «iy R From equation (i) Th=3: Ry = 82 3 106. (a)_ Refer to answer 98 (0) Refer to answer 100. (©) ‘The bridge is most sensitive when null points, some where near the middle point ofthe wire. This is due to end resistance, Because of this reason itis ‘important to obtain the balance point near the mid point ofthe wire 107. Refer to answer 98. 108, Working : When a constant current flows through a wire of uniform thickness, the potential difference between its two points is directly proportional tothe length of the wire between these two points Vecl = V=Ki, where K is potential gradient 109.€= (R + r) and V= IR e_Rtr voR We get, r=[=- were(E-ap 110. i) _ Refer fo answer 108. (i) Here AB= 1m, R, Potential gradient, k Current passing through AB, 2 2 I54+Ryg 15+10 =IxRy BOS Vag a Map 4 yt kaTfbe3 Vm Current in the external cireuit, 1515 r 1A For no deflection in galvanometer, Potential difference across AO = 1.5 ~1.2 = k()=15-121 4 03x35 = 13 or, )= 2 = 111. Internal resistance by potentiometer —4—) Initially key K, ‘Then at balancing length e=Kh, @ Now Key K, is made on, ‘Then at balancing length Iy Kl, (ii) 4 So, L (iii) Rene R (E-)e v so r-(L-aje [Using Gi EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl 112. (i) By increasing resistance R, the current through AB decreases, so potential gradient decreases. Hence a greater length of wire would be needed for balancing the same potential difference. So the null point would shift towards B. (Gi) By decreasing resistance S, the current through AB remains the same, potential gradient does not change. As K, is open so there is no effect of § on null point. 113. Working principle of potentiometer : When a constant current is passed through a wire of uniform area of cross-section, the potential drop across any portion of the wire is directly proportional to the length of that portion. Application of potentiometer for comparing emis of two cells: The given figure shows an application of, the potentiometer to compare the emf of two cells of emf E, and E. E,, Ey are the emfs ofthe two cells and 1,2,3 forma two way key. When 1 and 3 are connected, galvanometer (G). Jokey is moved to N, which is ata distance f, from Ato find the balancing length, Applying loop rule to AN, G31A, oh+40-E=0 i) ‘Where, @ isthe potential drop per unit length. Similarly for E, balanced against AN), is connected to the 40-2, =0 i) From equation (i) and (ii) za (ii) Boh ‘Thus we can compare the emfs of any two sources. Generally, one ofthe cells is chosen asa standard cell whose emf is known to a high degree of accuracy. ‘The emf of the other cell is then calculated from equation (i. 114, Net resistance ofthe circuit, R= (Ryp+8)=1045= 152 Current lowing in the circuit, &, emt] Tapas Potential drop across AB=IRyp Sx10=: a asec EIR b em of primary cell, oem e=Liy Here, = 40 cm, L= 100 em, Visa dV) Wa 80, 2 fxd =1.6¥ 100 115, From the figure Total resistance of the circuit, R= (Rap +5) = 200 (Current inthe circuit, I= VIR=5/20=0.25V Voltage across AB, Vap=1Ryg = 3.75 V ‘The emf of the cell connected as above is given by: Van. eo Maur Here, |= 60 em (balance point) L= 1 m= 100 em (total length of the wire) 3.75% 60 100 sv 116. (a) Principle of potentiometer : The potential drop across the length of a steady current carrying wire of uniform cross-section is proportional to the Tength of the wire, (i) We use a long wire to have a lower value of potential gradient ie, alower"least count” or greater sensitivity ofthe potentiometer. (i) The area of cross section has to be uniform to get a uniform wire as per the principle of the potentiometer (iii) ‘The emf ofthe driving cll has tobe greater than the emf of the primary cells as otherwise, no balance point would be obtained. IR_1P (@) Potential gradient, k= KA = constant - The required graph is shown in the figure EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xil no ier 117, Principle of potentiometer : When a constant current is passed through a wire of uniform area of cross-section, the potential drop across any portion of the wire is directly proportional to the length of that portion, Factors on which sensitivity of potentiometer depends are (a) Resistance ofthe wire, (b) Number ofthe turns in the wire, and (c) Increasing the length of the wire. (When resistance R is increased, the current through potentiometer wire AB will decrease, so potential difference across AX will decrease, so balance point X will shift towards B. (ii) When resistance $ is increased, keeping R constant there is no change in balance point because there is no current in the secondary circuit. 118. (i) 4) | yx 300 cm a9. p eH), ale: Let @ V em” be potential gradient ofthe wire. Applying Kirchhot’s loop rule to the closed loop ACA, we get 9(120) =e) -e) @ Again, applying Kirchhotf’s loop rule to the closed loop ADA, we get (9(300) =e; +e, co) Divide (i by (ii), we get ey=ep _120_2 ere 300 Se, ~ 5€, = 2e, +263 oF 3¢;=7e, oh? ii) & (i) Let the postion of null point for the eel ¢ 8 e= Ol; (iv) Divide i by (iv), we get m0 a (Using (i) or k=210cm Sensitivity of a potentiometer is increased by increasing the length of the potentiometer wire. 119. (a) Refer to answer 108. (0) Refer to answer 111 120, Refer to ansivers 108 and 111 121. (a) Two possible faults are (i) Negative terminal of the source of unknown emf is joined with end A of the wire. (ii). The emf (B) is less than the unknown emt E’ (b) The galvanometer deflection at the end B is ‘more, means source of unknown emf have been joined with its =ve terminal to end A. Current gets divided at point 4 and combines at point B. The galvanometer deflection at the end Bis less than at the end A, means the emf applied is less than the ‘unknown emf used. Current gets combined at end A and divided at end B. 122.(a) Principle of a potentiometer : When a constant current is passed through a wire of uniform area of cross-section, the potential drop across any portion of the wire is directly proportional to the length of that portion Potential gradient : Fall of potential per unit length of the given wire is known as potential gradient. v eT where K is potential gradient, V is potential across any portion of length I ofthe wire. Let V be the potential difference across certain portion of the wire, whose resistance is R. If Is the current through the wire then V= IR 1 Weknow that R=p, where A and pare length area of cross-section and resistivity ofthe material of the wire respectively. te A (b). Refer to answer 118, EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252 Chapter 3 - Current Electricity | EduSuccess - Physics Xl 123. (a) Refer to answer 113 (©) (i) Theemf of the cell connected in main circuit ‘may not be more than the emf ofthe primary cells (i) The positive ends ofall cells are not connected to the same end of the wire. 124, (a) Refer to answer 113 (0) The potentiometer wire is made of an alloy, such as constant of manganin. Itis because, an alloy has high resistivity and a low value of temperature coeflcient of resistance (©) The sensitivity of @ potentiometer can be increased by increasing the length of potentiometers ‘wire which is responsible for decreasing the value of potential gradient 125. (a) Refer to answer 108 (©). Refer to answer 113. 126. As per the figure, Total current through the wire ABis given by E_2 Ber R45 The potential gradient ofthe wire is given by 5 etc? i100” R+i8 “100 ‘As, the balance point with cell E, of emf 75 mV is found at 30 em from end A %0.15%30= 75x10 +15 ( x018%30)-15-R 75x10 > R=1050 (i). Potentiometers preferred over a voltmeter for comparison of emf of cells because at null point it does not draw any current from the cell and thus there is no potential drop due to the internal resistance of the cell. It measures the p.d. in an open, circuit which is equal to the actual emt of the cell i) & <4@)>> EduSuccess Smart Learning Centers | | Contact # +91- 85 0606 1616 / 5252

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