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A monthly, dedicated to being

and becoming of humanity

January 2023
71st Volume, 1st Issue,

“Do never die, nor cause death,

but resist death to death.”
– Sree Sree Thakur

Editor : Moitreyi Dey

Communication Manager : Riddhi Dipan Dasgupta

Cover Photo : S V Basirhat, 24 Parganas North, West Bengal.

Photo : Graphics and Multimedia Centre, Deoghar

christmas message 1949 436

saswati 437
editorial:The Pillars of Childhood Abandonment 438
NANA-PRASANGE - Vol iv (Translated) 439
Compiler: Atapendra Roychowdhury
At the Feet of Sree Sree Pitridev 448
Compiler: Subhash Musib
the redeemer of mankind 452
Rabindranath Ray
THE MESSAGE : an elucidation 455
Mitali Dey
THE FUNDAMENTALS : behaviour with people 456
Riddhi Dipan Dasgupta
supremely revered acharyadev's address at the provincial 460
workers' congress
Debaprasad Ghatak
Kumudsankar Shome Roy
concept of equality and sree sree thakur 468
Tapeshwar Prasad
Correspondent: Kripasindhu Rakshit
Christmas message 1949

The breeze cometh—

breezy hum
blowing with the tidings
of life and growth—
the advent of the Love,
the Son of Man,
the child of God—
whom we bade adieu
with a denial
in cruel pricking hit,—
and love cracked,
worship bent with tears,
peace fouled,
growth groaned in anguish,
happiness turned
into fiendish glare;
this day is that—
and follow Him,—
make Him alive
in your every life,
and that is the only gratitude to Him,
and that the bliss
that heaven bestows
with unity,
and growth—
the stay of universal,
active, inter-interested love
to One.

Ligate 436
Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra

38. Those who are not voluntarily active

for your profit,
and for whom spreading the verbal message
of an expedition to heaven is very easy—
are only active in lazily gaining
personal interest unopposedly—
suspect them,
for they are scorpions at heart
and their movement is also such.

39. Those who always take but never give—

or whose urge to give is very slack—
know for certain, are averse to work,
always unsatisfied, greedy and envious;
and there exist
innate ungratefulness, inclination for non-service
and anger-defiled dignified meanness,
all strewn together;
misfortune and injury are their fate.

40. One becomes a slanderer
from the habit of blaming others
after committing mischief
and pleading innocence;
consequently, his own progress
gradually gets obstructed by his own self;
so purify yourself lest you have to blame others
by imposing fault upon them, —

Translated from Bengali.

Ligate 437


A leisurely stroll, with no particular intent or destination, turned into a scary outing for
a toddler, following an impromptu peep into a toy shop that happened to be just around
the corner along one of the bends on the way. The mother, an obvious companion, had
reservations in entering the shop, maybe foreseeing the disastrous outcome it would usher.
The location of the toy shop in one of the poshest areas of the city inadvertently stirred
the 'bound by a budget' sensibilities of the mother. Succumbing to the maternal instinct of
fulfilling and providing for even the seemingly less necessary wants of the child was more
often than not a frivolity that could not be indulged. Moreover, she does not have much
money on her.
However, the inevitable happens as the magical world of alluring possibilities takes the
child to a journey of self-exploration. The innocent heart craves for a toy of her choice,
blessedly oblivious to the vagaries of calculative economics. But to the mother, pressed hard
within the dynamics of her own middle class compulsions, the toys in that shop seem way
too highly priced. She tries to wane her child away from the shop but to no avail. Adamant,
The toy of her choice has to be provided for. Somehow, as she is reluctantly cajoled out of
the confines of the shop, an unexpected bout of tantrum ensues. The three year old lays
herself on the floor, right outside the shop, on her back, arm and legs flailing around, wailing
her heart out. The mother, miserably failing to stop the ongoing crisis, decides to resort to
the only way out. After telling her a couple of times what she intends to do but not getting
the required response, she walks off, leaving the child behind. At a distance, she then hides
behind one of the gigantic pillars that adorn as well as circumfer the corridors of the shopping
area. It was Connaught Place.
Abandonment is never the instinct of the mother. On the contrary, even faced with the
most hapless of situations, cradling her offspring from the harsh realities of life is always her
natural go of life. However, her’s is a perilous journey with no ‘Motherhood for Dummies’
waiting at the nearest book stall, eager to kickstart her initiation into parenting. It is a case
of ‘hits and misses’ all the way, largely depending on the instinctual drive to see her through.
She is caught between the double-edged sword of strictness and leniency.
Anyway, hiding behind the anonymity of the pillars, she watches as her child realizes
that her mother has indeed left her. She strains her neck to look at every corner and finally
when the apparent reality sets in, she is no longer the tantrum throwing brat but just a baby,
forlorn and lost without her mommy. The cry, no longer a wail, is just a call of helplessness
that craves the comforting cocoon of her mother’s embrace. The mother rushes out to gather
her child in her arms. It is a look of contrition that meets her eye. Without a word exchanged,
both realise that it has been a right of passage for them individually.
A decade and a half later, strolling by the corridors of Connaught Place, the twenty
something, having evolved, with a fair share of her own ‘hits and misses’, has a grand
declaration: revisiting ‘the pillars of abandonment’, I have come a full circle; it marked my
initiation into the journey of my spirit.

Ligate 438
Conversations with Sree Sree Thakur


Question: There is no doubt that those, committing any great mistake if we closely
whose cult and clans are intact, are Aryans. observe their culture for at least seven
But which varna (caste) among the Aryans consecutive generations and then include
would the ones whose cult is not intact, them in that specific varna in which that
belong to? culture exists as an instinct. However, they
should naturally be placed at a lower degree
Sree Sree Thakur: Their varna (caste) of that varna after appropriate atonement.
should be decided according to their clan. This is what my opinion is.
Besides, it’s only natural that due to their
Question: And, how are these instincts to
Behaviour is the be determined accurately?
expression of the Sree Sree Thakur: One should look for
interested libido them in the transgenerational habits and
according to the behaviours. Moreover, one’s inner perceptive
abilities may also be determined through
instinct that is
these habits and behaviours, and together
invariably anchored in these constitute man’s self-nature. I must
the self. also mention that dealings and behaviour
are not the same thing. Behaviour is the
expression of the interested libido according
betrayal of their cult, these people should
to the instinct that is invariably anchored in
be inferior to those whose cult and clans are
the self, whereas dealings is the manipulative
intact. Also, I don’t think that, if the marriages
conduct to fulfill the needs of man's passion,
of their children are arranged according to
complexes or interest. That’s why we can
the dictum of the Aryan culture, they will
infer man’s habits and behaviour if we closely
anyhow be polluting. However, this should be
observe the dealings. Low instincts might
done by embracing the cult and with proper
be seen to remain active even among the
enormously educated people. One just needs
Question: And, which category should to observe through the lens of his/her habits
those fall into whose cult and clans cannot and behaviours.
be verified properly but they can be identified
Generally, we see, whenever in society
as Aryans?
the uphill eugenic relation or hypergamous
Sree Sree Thakur: I think, we won’t be marriage gets restricted for whatever reason,

Ligate 439
right from there, the uplifting eugenic the non-Hindu foreigners into this Sanatan
bridge starts to collapse and get increasingly Aryan Dharma. Is this according to the Aryan
fragmented into idealless, isolated divisions rules too? According to which precept are
which create an atmosphere of mutual you making them abide by the varna system?
contempt and spread the tendency of
Sree Sree Thakur: I am not the first
hypogamous contact among the majority
person to say this, isn’t it? Those who want
of the population. This goads the society
to be or have goodness, they follow that very
towards demoralizing destructive demolition.
path right from the moment they come to
This results in ungrateful treacherous betrayal
know doing what brings them good. I too
sans any fellow-feeling among men and
want this. I haven’t seen another practical,
in instinct-driven egoistic servitude to
development-oriented, assimilative system
complexes. And, the instinctive characteristic
of this hypogamous contact is to accumulate
and enjoy the faults of the superiors with The main motto of
treacherous contempt, without nurturing the Aryan system is to
their inner fulfilling instincts and squandering transmute acquisition
them away in streams of disregard. And,
into instinct.
the exact opposite of this is noticed in
hypergamy, where there is heroic submission
with reverence to the Love Lord.
like the Aryan’s. The Aryan system makes
Question: You are saying that in the the self spontaneous and thereby transforms
Western countries too this system of varna it into the complete development of the
could be adopted. If this is done, then would being through exercising proper control.
this provide any solution to their different There is nothing like shallow or superficial
problems such as the bourgeoise-labourer manipulation in it. The main motto of the
crisis? Won’t these problems be exacerbated Aryan system is to transmute acquisition into
if multiple segments get formed in their instinct. It is through these practices that they
society like ours? completely transform the smaller into the
bigger. Wherever you find this characteristic,
Sree Sree Thakur: Whatever I have told
know for sure, this originates from the Aryan
you, I have said thinking them to be beneficial
system. This is indeed what I feel.
for all men across all countries. But these
rules need to be adjusted in accordance Question: The Aryan sages have narrated
with different spatio-temporal or human how man became degenerated. But why
situations. That’s it. I feel, the Aryan system haven’t they discussed how each varna, even
is such a disentangling system originating the Sudras, can be elevated to Brahminity? If
from various minute and massive practical there is no such strict upward and downward
experiences and wisdom of ages that it movement, won’t society become stagnant
already has within it the solutions to many then?
many problems.
Sree Sree Thakur: How and through what
Question: You have initiated many men practices the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas and the
and women of Bengal, the outcasts and even Vaishyas i.e. the three twice-born varnas, and

Ligate 440
the Sudras can control and manage their daily ideal-centric deep love for or attraction to
lives, as adequately and possibly discussed in the Sat or whatever is conducive for life and
Smriti. Besides, what are the things that make growth. Besides, hereditary instincts may
one degenerate have also been enumerated change, in keeping with the differences in
there. the superiority of the families. The greater
one can fulfill vitally and physically through
In sum, the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas
minute and special care, we call one great or
and Sudras i.e. those who have accepted
superior according to that capacity. Though
this Aryan Brahminical culture, will have to
instincts are one of the main constituents of
practically work out the same Brahmin culture
acquisition, yet we cannot always determine
in their life by engaging themselves into
one’s instinct by judging one's acquisition.
professions according to their varnas, and will
The best measure to find out one’s instinct
thereby need to make their life progressive
is to check one's habits and behaviour.
through naturally developing the hereditary
Most often, we can determine one’s innate
specialization of the intuitive instincts. This
instincts by checking that person’s habits and
is the practical special characteristic of the
Aryan culture. And, whatever impedes this,
may be termed degenerated. Energized
by the active adherence to the Lord, the The best measure to
system which comprises both the individual find out one’s instinct
and the society is the head and the spine of is to check one's habits
the Aryan culture. Whatever hurts this, that, and behaviour.
according to me, is termed by this culture as
A man’s habits and behaviour should
Question: In the twice-born society of
match with the family in which one is born. If
contemporary Bengal, how does one identify
an exception towards the inferior is observed,
who is degenerated?
it may easily be deduced that degeneration
Sree Sree Thakur: If the forefathers had has attacked that family. The only way to
accepted and adhered to a particular culture escape this is to find out and determine the
transgenerationally, had spread it through right way to be by following the forefathers
heredity, had developed inherent instincts and then by installing the Lord and the culture
according to that culture, and had thereby in one's urge and inclination in such a way
been progressive in their lives, then whoever that one's day-to-day life might be controlled
is born in that family, however they are, practically, naturally, and progressively,
those instincts will definitely lurk from their even beyond all calculations, though active
habits and behaviour. Similarly, when a family and zestful attraction towards establishing
follows degeneration through successive the Lord. However, there might exist such
generations, then that degeneration gets degeneration which has already spread
spread through heredity and encultures through heredity, and in such cases it is very
the habits and behaviour of the future difficult and painful to get rid of them.
generations of that family accordingly.
To be continued…
The mark of a superior family is its strong Translated by Mamata Sengupta.

Ligate 441
(Dairyr ChHera Pata)
Conversations with Sree Sree Thakur

Compiler: Atapendra Roychowdhury


The root ‘Hu’ means ‘to call’, ‘to invoke’, or Sree Sree Thakur – There is something
‘to invite’. The yagnas that we do are nothing that is said…
but our attempt to encapsulate Him within Satyada – What exactly is immortality in
us. No matter how many ‘isms’ remain, there this context?
is no greater ‘ism’ apart from existentialism.
Sree Sree Thakur – We shall maintain our
Therefore, He is the one to be invoked
immortality in this life, and we will continue
no matter what you call Him – whether
to do so in the afterlife and when memory is
God, anything else or a communist. I don’t retained, all complexes are dissolved. I shall
understand the use of any ‘ism’ if it doesn't have the recollection of everything that I have
help life, provide necessities of existence and done. Adherence is the master of all these;
impart life. a rational mind comes from that adherence
and you would not have one if you turn away
Satyada – How can something that does from that. That is the basis of life.
not supply life’s necessities be essential? That
can’t possibly be any form of ‘ism’. Satyada – How do keen observation and

Ligate 442
other skills result from that? 17-08-1961
Thursday, evening hours
Sree Sree Thakur – That’s why it leads to
the satisfaction derived from the rendering Pulinda – What does philosophy mean?
of labour. It is satisfying to succeed after
Sree Sree Thakur – We develop our love of
trying. There is therefore no other option
knowledge to the same extent that we have
left but to act.
our love of life; if there is no love of life, there
The term ‘Go’, in Sanskrit, entails every can be no love of knowledge.
resource one has and one uses in the
Sree Sree Thakur – Stevenson did
movement of life. The term stands for the
not contradict what I claimed regarding
Brahmin, the Vedas, the Earth, and the cow.
psychiatrists. We need to be aware of the
The implied essence is that ‘Gope’ is the one
gaps within the knots where the mind is
who protects all that is there in the world.
An individual asks Sree Sree Thakur – Can
Many people are terrified of cockroaches
we accept food proffered as offerings during
rather than dogs, to the extent that they even
If there is no love of jump away. The psychiatrist’s job is to relieve
those. It is akin to having a suspicious or evil
life, there can be no
mind. It indicates that the gaps in the mind
love of knowledge. have not been adjusted.

Ray Archer Hauserman — No space is

the worship of Narayan as prasad? available in Boral (Boral Bungalow, the earlier
name of Thakur Bungalow). There are houses
Sree Sree Thakur – I don’t understand why
all over.
you can’t.
Sree Sree Thakur – Although I first admired
Ajitda – What should be done if the
the house, I eventually lost interest in it. Now
worship is performed by a malpracticing
I like it again, but I am not sure how long I’ll
feel this way. It might not have happened
Sree Sree Thakur – Then it isn’t worshipping if I could have walked around on my own.
anymore. Currently, Borokhoka (Sree Sree Borda) takes
me for a walk twice everyday. I frequently
walk in this way, but a pain in the leg makes
At noon
me stop again.
Sree Sree Thakur – I have been made
A discussion starts in support of the
Thakur by you since the Kirtan era.….. I liked
static and the dynamic, mentioned in the
keeping my genealogy updated. I have traced
Bhagavata. In that context, while speaking
it back up to forty generations. I used to be
about the daẏī puruṣ, Sree Sree Thakur asserts
terrified of encountering erudite people. It
that it is the foremost attribute of God i.e., He
felt as if they might have enquiries. Upon
is the daẏī puruṣ— someone within whom
Kestoda’s (Bhattacharya) arrival, that anxiety
there is kindness tempered by discipline.
gradually subsided.

Ligate 443
18-08-1961 the Deputy District Director of Cosi and the
Deputy District Director of Irrigation, upon
Jitendra Bhai, who has arrived from
offering their obeisance to Sree Sree Thakur,
Bombay (Now Mumbai), tells Sree Sree
take their seats.
Thakur – I felt yesterday afternoon and also
today that a supernatural spirit wants to Sree Sree Thakur – Do you live here?
come to me.
They individually state where they're from;
Sree Sree Thakur – Keep doing your job one lives in Patna and one in Cosi.
properly. Whatever comes, let it.
Sree Sree Thakur – The more spirited
Pathak, a young man who appeared for Bihar becomes, the better it is merely for the
his Master's examination in Mathematics at Hindus. It is Bihar that I am referring to. Bihar
Patna University this year, has come to Sree doesn’t mean Calcutta (Now Kolkata).
Sree Thakur with Arun Ganguli. Arun says
There is no unity of its own, no recognition,
– Pathak wants to visit his father in Dumka
no culture. What I am trying to say is that
tomorrow. There, his father serves as the
Assistant Headmaster. He will return as soon
as possible. Keep doing your job
Sree Sree Thakur – Okay, he can go there. properly. Whatever
And if he wants to assign him duties, it is comes, let it.
preferable to do so as soon as feasible.

Sree Sree Thakur asks Janardhanda

(Mukherjee) – How was your childhood?
Bihar should maintain its tradition.
Janardhanda – From the time I was sixteen
Harinandanda (Prasad) – D. D. Agriculture
years old until I was twenty-three or twenty-
is from the place of Sarkar Saheb. Sarkar
four, I was in excellent health. Prior to and
Saheb was his grand-uncle.
following that, it was bad. And currently, my
health has not been well. Sree Sree Thakur – My mother initiated
me in accordance with Sarkar Saheb’s
Sree Sree Thakur asks Janardhanda – How
instructions. How far is that place from here?
is business at the clothing store?
Harinandanda – Patna is one hundred and
Janardhanda – It seems to be operating
seventy-five miles from here and the location
smoothly. And even if it does not function
is sixty miles away from Patna.
well, mental tranquillity appears to prevail.
Sree Sree Thakur – How long will you be
staying here?
Today, Sree Sree Thakur gives a Danda
D. D. A – I am leaving tomorrow morning.
(Holy Staff) to Jitendra bhai of Bombay and
says – Don’t lose it and don’t give it to anyone Sree Sree Thakur – (To the others) What
under any circumstances; use it all the time. about you?

Following beholding and bowing to Him The others – We will be leaving tomorrow
The Deputy District Director of Agriculture, evening.

Ligate 444
Sree Sree Thakur – When will you come Sree Sree Thakur tells Kestoda (Sau) – You
again? can inform Lalbabu about the land where
I am considering building a college and
They – It’s hard to say. But we will try to
hospital. This land is adjacent to Hauserman’s
visit again during Vijaya Dashami.
residence. Show Lalbabu the land.
Sree Sree Thakur to D. D. A – How old
are you? Lalbabu – Will casteism be abolished?

D. D. A – Thirty-five years. Sree Sree Thakur – What benefit will

abolition of casteism have?
Sree Sree Thakur – Have you seen Sarkar
Saheb? Lalbabu – I am not speaking about that. I
D. D. A – I had seen him when I was a child. am curious as to whether the feeling of the
differentiation of caste would be eradicated.
Sree Sree Thakur – I am seventy-three
years old. Sree Sree Thakur – You are of a higher
caste. You hadn’t done anything for them
earlier in order to earn their love rather than
One must first become their hatred.
cultured. In the name
Lalbabu – My question was not directly
of caste, partiality is that.
not acceptable.
Sree Sree Thakur – You have come into
being through your ancestors. Once more,
you are there with your son. It emerges and
After bowing, they stand up.
survives through sperm and ovum. Because
Sree Sree Thakur – Come again if it is of this, it is necessary to arrange marriages
convenient. within the same clan. One must first become
Everyone – Surely, we will visit if we come cultured. I will be destroyed if I do not develop
here. an inclination towards my ancestors. In the
name of caste, partiality is not acceptable.
Lalbabu, an advocate from Patna, has
arrived. Lalbabu – When will we overcome our
weakness with regard to castes?
Sree Sree Thakur – Have you come alone?
Lalbabu – No, my wife has also come. Sree Sree Thakur – They are all students.
Students of Brahmins and Kayasthas.
Sree Sree Thakur – How are your sons Everyone ought to be treated with love just
doing? like our own child. If not, nothing takes place.
Lalbabu – They are abroad. I also travelled Since then, when the government took away
abroad and stayed there for some time. They the zamindari, that sort of thing has been
are doing fairly well there. destroyed. Bipras quit their job. Anyone
who is qualified should always be given the
Sree Sree Thakur – How do you perceive opportunity.
the issue of unrest? To be continued...
Lalbabu – There is tension, but it does not Translated by Kriti Sundar Biswas
seem like anything negative will take place.

Ligate 445

“Lord Ramakrishna enjoined on everyone to remain far, far, far away from Kamini-

Srikanthada raises a question - What does did the Supreme Father create the senses? For
‘distance’ mean? the purpose of enjoyment, right? However, if
one is continuously driven by one’s senses,
Gurukinkarda - It means staying away from
then in the end the capabilities diminish
women and wealth.
and fine sensitiveness too diminishes. Being
Sree Sree Pitridev - Let us discuss how driven by the complexes, the senses are being
sorrow is related to women and wealth. satisfied and we think that we are happy, but
People think that without money there is no the capability of enjoying itself diminishes;
happiness at all. hence the necessity of the discussion of the
setting of wariness arises.
Gurukinkarda - Our senses are satisfied by
money and wealth. People marry. They have children. But
what does it matter if they have children?
Sree Sree Pitridev - Our senses are If there is eagerness for the Ista, no matter
gratified for sure by money and women. It is how much attachment one has to his wife,
the senses that control the body. The mind both husband-wife are elevated. Also having
is the ruler of the senses. People think that many kids does not mean somebody is lust-
happiness means spending money for one’s inclined. In the scriptures of our country, it
own happiness, gratifying one’s senses. But is prescripted that there exists such a time
the body has its Dharma. For what purpose when it is wrongful for the husband and wife

Ligate 446
to not have consummated their relationship. Srikanthada - Is this alright?
The sole purpose of accepting a wife is for
Sree Sree Pitridev - It is alright for sure.
good progeny. In animals, nature has decided
But we need to discuss it. How did poison
on this thing. At the appropriate time, they
become an elixir?
united. Why has the Supreme Father given
humans so much freedom? If you want you Srikanthada - Earlier I would think of
can walk on the path of welfare. You can ‘Kamini’ (women) and now I don’t. Hence the
also choose the path of decline as well. The poison has become an elixir.
Supreme Father wants you to not become
Sree Sree Pitridev - What happens if I think
enslaved by your senses.
in this way?
Gaining that which brings the maximum
Haripadada - With thinking comes doing.
capital – that which is the noblest gain,
barring that I embrace extreme harm for Sree Sree Pitridev - ‘Kamini’ means
the purpose of satisfying my senses! I am women. If I perceive her as a mother, then
engrossed in this, and think that I am doing I feel happy to see her and I feel happy to
talk to her. Seeing her talk makes people feel
happy. She can do that freely. She does not
Elixir ushers progress think that somebody might take it otherwise.
in life. It brings about Mahatma Sukhdev was a liberal-minded
expansion. It does man. At Pushkarini, there would be women,
naked, taking a bath. Despite seeing that,
not have a feeling of
Sukhdev was indifferent and not distracted.
destruction. No thoughts crossed his mind.
Elixir ushers progress in life. It brings
about expansion. It does not have a feeling
fine. But this itself brings all sorts of mess
of destruction. And poison has a sense of
and unrest. Arguments and quarrels between
destruction and decline.
husband-wife, – are these signs of happiness?
Those who keep on working selflessly become Haripadada - Elixir takes us along the path
happy. Thakur says – ‘Man is your own, not of Ista.
money – we do the exact opposite. We think
Sree Sree Pitridev - If we say it takes one
that the other should continue to have less
along the path of Ista, a question will arise
and we should have more. Perhaps somebody
as to what is the path of Ista. What does
asks for money and someone gives whatever
Ista mean? Seeing a woman, the feeling (of
the person needs. I was close by and I say –
lust) that arises, the feeling that I associate
Why did you give so much? You are quite
with her, is sinful, a hurdle, dangerous and
foolish. The person then replies – Yes, I am
a mess. If that does not happen, then it's a
foolish indeed.' There are many who cannot
good reason to be happy. Then on seeing a
tolerate the act of giving.
beautiful woman the feeling of lust will not
[Ista Prasange - dated 21/11/1975 CE] arise. The feeling that one experiences on
seeing one’s mother is the one that will arise.
If ‘Kam’ (lust) be dropped from ‘Kamini’,
‘ini’ (she) becomes Ma. Poison becomes [Ista Prasange - dated 22/11/1975 CE]
elixir. And Ma is always Mother – never The compiler refers to Sree Sree Borda
as Sree Sree Pitridev

Ligate 447
At the Feet of Sree Sree Pitridev

(Conversations with Sree Sree Borda)

Compiler: Subhash Musib


Friday, June 1, 1979 and during that time they had a wonderful
satsang, etc. They now want to establish a
It’s 8.30 a.m. now. As usual, Sree Sree Satsang Vihar there.
Pitridev is at Boronaatmondop. At 8.55 a.m.
Sree Sree Pitridev gives his permission.
the session of meditation starts and it is
followed by the reading of Sri Sri Guru Granth An Officer has come with a few other
Sahib. men to have a darshan (holy glimpse) of
Sree Sree Thakur. Sree Sree Pitridev notices
Two devotees have come from Tripura, them from Boronaatmondop. A little while
Shantir Bazar. They provide the information later, He asks Ranjit da (Mondal), a teacher at
that a Satsang Kendra has already been Tapoban School, to talk to them and to know
established at a beautiful place in their region. their whereabouts. Ranjit da approaches
Sree Sree Pitridev had once visited the mandir them. After sometime, they come to Sree

Ligate 448
Sree Pitridev, introduce themselves and start general knowledge is required. Thakur has
having a conversation with Him. The officer Himself said:
is very happy to see and learn everything.
“What knowledge would you impart?
They say that they had heard so much about
If knowledge is absent in the conduct
‘Satsang’ but could not visit the ashram
It’s all mere babbling.”
earlier. Now they are feeling blessed to have
been able to visit the ashram. Can’t any of you do this?

Sree Sree Pitridev asks them — Did you Hriti Ganguly da says — Bhaswat
freshen up? Please take some rest and have (Chakraborty) and Babu (Roy) can do it.
your lunch. Sree Sree Pitridev — Bhaswat would be
The man says — Yes, we have freshened going to Kashi for his college studies. Who
up. else knows this?

Sree Sree Pitridev — Then please take In the meantime, Babu da arrives. Sree
some rest. Sree Pitridev asks him — Can’t you do this?
If possible then apply some thoughts to it
The man — Please let us stay near you for
and do it. Pointing towards Amulya da, Sree
some time.
Sree Pitridev says — His father is very sharp-
Sree Sree Pitridev asks Ranjit da to arrange witted. Can’t you do it, putting some thought
into it? Do it, and the more you will do it,
Whatever you do, do to the more will you learn and the greater will
make Him (the Ideal) be your knowledge. Put your brain to some
use and work for the establishment of the
happy, then everything
Ideal, otherwise, things won’t just happen
will work out. by themselves. Whatever you do, do to
make Him (the Ideal) happy, then everything
for their stay at Tapoban School and also for will work out. I am not a learned person, I
their food at Anandabazar. don't know anything, but I always know that
everything happens by His grace, and if you
Thereafter, a few members of the Satsang
try to establish yourself it will all be futile.
Theatrical Club (Bhaswat Chakraborty, Babu
Roy, Prabir Deb, etc.) arrive and after paying These Boralbangla, Philanthropy and
obeisance, inform Sree Sree Pitridev — Today Raishaishana Mandir have been established
we have organised a satsang at the theatre to make Thakur happy. I do not do anything
stage. for my happiness. This is why people volunteer
to give. And by 'giving', they become happy.
Sree Sree Pitridev tells them — You are
If we do something for Him, innumerable
not doing anything. The pictures on the
people will volunteer to give. And by giving,
screen are getting deformed. Don't any of
what must be understood is that it is Thakur
you know how to do these things? When I
who actually gives everything.
was younger I could do it all. And, I am not
saying these for the sake of saying. If you do, Even now, I engage in collections. I am
then you acquire knowledge and you learn. I into the collection of papers, documents,
used to do everything in reality. Just a bit of money, and many more things. Everything

Ligate 449
is for Thakur. When I get some money I give Once a play was being staged at Tapoban
it to someone. When I go home, I give it to School. I went there and saw that the faeces
the office. I don’t have a single paisa with me; of dogs and the urine of cats were to be
I don’t keep anything. You all roam around found here and there. My face got smeared
under the scorching sun, but no one gives with sand and dust.
you even a cycle. If you do everything for
Bhaswat da— Actually there were no
Thakur, everything happens. Do for Thakur,
everything will happen.
Sree Sree Pitridev — Preparations can only
When I was younger, during my boyhood,
be made if people are there. My wish is to
everybody used to lend me their cycles. At
ensure everyone’s well-being and betterment.
that time very few people were there. People
You also do the same.
used to slander me and would be always after
me. They still are, but I don’t care. When I Bhaswat da — You asked us to perform
used to smoke a lot, everyone used to bring ‘College Hostel’ once again. We are doing it
me cigarettes. They were happy to bring me tomorrow. There will be a play, the day after
cigarettes, as I would smoke only if I wanted tomorrow.
to; and I wouldn’t smoke if I didn’t like to. If I
smoked a cigarette, then I would necessarily If you do everything
need betel quid (paan), betel nut (supari) or for Thakur, everything
cloves (labang). Likewise, if I smoked leaf- happens. Do for
rolled tobacco (biri), then the leaf and the
tobacco both needed to be of a particular
Thakur, everything will
quality. Everything needs to be enjoyed happen.
properly. The Supreme Father has created all.
Inform me after readying the scenes.
It’s nothing, everything can be done. Do it Sree Sree Pitridev — Yes, do everything
yourself, collect everything from people. If properly.
you can manage, do it, otherwise tell me. (A Bhaswat da — Yes sir.
little while later) You can take from others.
Thereafter they pay their obeisance and
But if you do anything by taking from others,
leave for the theatre stage.
nothing will be accomplished.
After the evening congregational
Sree Sree Pitridev again speaks
prayer, Sree Sree Pitridev is seated at
encouragingly — Prepare the screens. See
Boronaatmondop. Innumerable devotees are
that nothing disturbs anyone, anyone’s
around Him.
emotions are not hurt and do everything in
that way. You are young, but I’m not. Does Ranjit da (Mondal), the teacher of Tapoban
anything happen without doing anything? School, informs — The men who came from
And if you do, it will certainly happen. Or Hooghly in the afternoon were very happy to
you go back to the same place with the same visit and know about the Ashram. They were
five coins. in a hurry and so they left early for home after
taking prasad at Anandabazar.
Sometime later, Sree Sree Pitridev says —

Ligate 450
Guruprasad da (Halder) informs that his volume II, and Narir Neeti.
father, Sri Sarat Chandra Halder, the Secretary
Sometime later, one Ashram resident
of Satsang, is better.
informs Sree Sree Pitridev that his son does
When a devotee from out of station not listen to him.
approaches to say something, Sree Sree
Sree Sree Pitridev asks him — Does his
Pitridev notices the Kirtan troupe coming
mother listen to his father? Does his father
towards his direction. He asks the man to wait
listen to his grandfather? If so, then things
for some time. It is to be noted that when
might work. The more a son loves his mother
the Kirtan troupe comes near the chamber
and the more he gets attached to her, the
of Sree Sree Boroma, singing “Hare Krishna,
better. All of a sudden, one day, it happens
Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare”,
that the boy does not listen to the parents
and is found to be not attached to the parents
If there is no respect,
— does anything happen in this way? If there
nothing can happen. is no respect, nothing can happen. One must
One must respect the respect the forefathers. If you don’t pay
forefathers. attention to that, can anything go right? We
have not listened to our parents a thousand
times. When the son will be born, he will also
and pays obeisance to Sree Sree Boroma and
be like that. That’s why one needs to listen
Sree Sree Pitridev, all the other assembled
to one’s parents.
devotees also pay their obeisance to Sree
Sree Boroma. Similarly, when the troupe pays After some more discussions, Sree Sree
obeisance to Thakur, everyone pays their Pitridev pays obeisance to Sree Sree Thakur
obeisance to Thakur. and Sree Sree Boroma and leaves for Saroshi
Finally, two maxims are read from Saswati,
To be continued…
The compiler refers to Sree Sree Borda
as Sree Sree Pitridev
Translated by Mamata Sengupta.


Worship (Aradhana) means the act that brings about overall proper completion
and penance that involves austerities (Tapa) means the heat generated by the effort
in overcoming the obstacles on that way. Hence, worship means “to bestow efforts
to perform something”. A centre of merit for this penance is needed. If that centre is
not present in which all our efforts find fruition, then no matter how much penance
we do, there will be fragmentation and no gathering of unifying forces within and
thereby no formation of any personality.

Ligate 451
The redeemer of mankind
Rabindranath Ray

Harishchandra Choudhury is the paternal soon takes the job at the office headquarters
uncle-in-law of Monmohini Debi. He is of Mymensingh. Later, he is transferred to
the zamindar of Golokpur, in Mymensingh the Sundarpur office. Finally, in 1304, he is
district. After his demise, aunt Amritsundari posted in the Aamirabad office, in the district
Debi is made to oversee the zamindari. The of Pabna. For an extended period of twelve
imposing estate, outstretched to Mymensing years, he supervises the offices of Aamirabad.
and Dhaka, has many courts and offices of The economic condition of Shibchandra is
the feudal lordship. now improved as his monthly remuneration,
Aunt Amritsundari Debi had once taken being fixed at Rs.103 by Ranima, is considered
Monmohini there. Amritsundari used to to be quite good. Moreover, one-fourth of the
treat Monmohini affectionately as her own revenue collected from the area (bandobasth
daughter. Once, in the course of some salaami) under his supervision is also given
discussion, when she learns that Shibchandra to him by Ranima. A monthly allowance of
is jobless, he is summoned and offered the twenty rupees is also given to Monomohini
job of a manager in her estates. In 1301, he as a stipend. Inspite of her objections, Ranima

Ligate 452
insistently gives it, which Monmohini accepts gets louder indicating some malfunction.
because her aunt would be pained at heart Before the cause could be traced, the engine
if she didn’t; gifts from the subjects on explodes into pieces with a thunderous cry.
important occasions too would keep pouring
Once again the reason for His mother's
in. He does not want to accept them but the
distaste to travel on Thursdays is evinced.
subjects are tenaciously insistent. Lest they
Mother is always right. Maybe His experiment
feel bad, Shibchandra has to accept. He is
has met with failure as a consequence of
held in admiration among the subjects.
having undertaken the journey on a Thursday.
On a Thursday, Shibchandra, along with Such profound conviction on the utterance
his family, including ten-year old Anukul, of his mother! His mother’s words have had
set out for Amirabad. Monmohini Debi has a strong impact on His mind. In His mind’s
a distaste for travelling on Thursdays. Even eye, mother had doomed Thursday forever.
though she joins them on the steamer, this For the rest of His life, never ever a Thursday
violation of her predilection alarms young is chosen to undertake an auspicious work.
Since His boyhood days, He has been
When an innocent hooked on smoking. However, His mother
heart is first singed has been unaware of this proclivity in her
son. Noticing her son’s demeanour, she has
by crime, one is a hunch and interrogates Him instantly, — Do
condemned to you smoke? To appease the fury of his mother
experience the pain of and being scared to the bones, the boy plainly
declines. This is the first time in His life that
He has lied to His mother. However, the
affliction experienced in His conscience is no
less than the sting of hundreds of scorpions,
Anukul. After all, His mother can't be wrong,
tearing Him apart in torment, as if He is in
nor her aversion to Thursday tours can be
hell. It is a scary state to be in. It is as if He
baseless. The fact that this might augur some
is being strangled. When an innocent heart
impending hazard agitates his tender mind.
is first singed by crime, one is condemned
However, His excitement soon dissolves
to experience the pain of hell; however, on
the fear. On entering the steamer, urged
being used to it, not doing so becomes a hard
by a curiosity to learn and observe how the
proposition. Once habituated in falsehood,
steamer functions, He takes a tour around it
it becomes difficult, almost impossible, to
and sketches a picture of it in his mind's eyes.
behave otherwise. In no time, such mastery
On reaching Amirabad, He asks His father, in fabrication is so naturally attained that
— I am going to make a steamer, would you it is impossible to escape it and for that
want to see it? Ignoring the sceptics who matter, even detect it. The guilty conscience,
rather than encouraging Him are constantly nonetheless, can’t be silenced and the
discouraging Him, He employs a labourer and contrite conscience condemns Him as an
himself gets into the making of the model of unscrupulous offender. Finally, unable to bear
a steamer. Within a few days a replica of a the pain, He confesses in exasperation, crying
steam-driven engine, made with iron sheets His heart out to His mother for atonement for
is made. Powered by steam, the wheels of the the wrong done.
engine begin to spin and with a loud shrill
Within a short span of time, He realises
start to move. However, the noise produced
that it is sheer absurdity and stupidity to

Ligate 453
take refuge in falsehood. Attainment of the towards the other and his state; and if words
objective is made much easier with recourse and behaviour can be adjusted in accordance,
to truth, instead of lies. Hereafter, He bids they would become consummately beautiful
adieu to this bad habit for good. and complete.
He would recount to innumerable people Life is a trail of mixed experiences but
in His childhood, about the outrage of the it is usually observed that people do not
soul from resorting to falsity, in comparison contemplate upon them, do not gather
to the unadulterated and unblemished bliss experience from them and the formulation of
that emanates from its abstinence. character and personality through regulation
remains a far cry. He is a man of a completely
Being angered by the conflict-ridden
different nature. Wonderfully adjusting
strokes of life, He would get into deep
the many small experiences and feelings
contemplation, in that age itself, as to the
of life, becoming the possessor of a divine
ideal and consummate words and behaviour
with people. He would notice that what
may appear as rewarding at one point in He realises that such
time may turn out to be unfavourable in the words or actions as
long run. Hence, a definitive approach—the
blueprint towards wholesome bliss— must
desired can stem
be discovered. Arrested in this impasse He from an intimate
yearns to devise a solution, the absence of compassionate
which does not allow Him peace of mind. It
empathy towards the
feels as if He is pursued by the ghosts and this
impasse continues for some days. Incidentally, other and his state.
one day in the classroom, He comes across
an exercise book, the rear cover of which has
personality, He has relentlessly dispensed
on it the printed words: “ Do unto others, as
the ambrosia of immortality. In the words of
you wish to be done by”. Reading it instantly
renowned scientist Alexis Carrel: “ Among the
clears the worrisome fever of thoughts
multitude of the weak and defective, there
that have so long eclipsed His mind. The
are, however, some completely developed
solution to His problem is found. This heralds
men. He is much more than the sum of all the
the journey towards the realisation and
facts accumulated by the particular sciences.
attainment of yet another testament, back in
We never apprehend him in his entirety...
His youth as the main theory of Behavioural
when one contemplates him in the totality
Sciences is revealed to Him. He realises that
of all his organic and spiritual activities, one
such words or actions as desired can stem
experiences a profound aesthetic emotion.”
from an intimate compassionate empathy
To be continued…
Translated by Anjan Chanda

Dealing is nothing but

handling of characteristics.
-Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra
The Message, Vol-VII

Ligate 454
An Elucidation
Mitali Dey


“Where indolent ego moves
in a glamour-loving way
and loiters—
abating cultural development,—
propitious progress
goes to the dogs blindly.”
—The Message, Volume-VII

In philosophy, the ‘ego’ refers generally to traditions that are contained and preserved
that faculty of a person which is responsible within every single person.
for one’s self-esteem or sense of self. In
Thakur preempts the fundamental
psychoanalysis, the reason behind this
principle underlying cultural studies and
general parlance is revealed with exactness:
it is that segment of the human personality highlights how an ego that seems credulous
that is experienced as the ‘self’ in opposition and glamourous in its idle passiveness
to the ‘other’, and mediates (or is in contact lets the growth of society go “to the dogs
with) the external world through perception. blindly”; the actions of a man, who appears
The ego is thus the definitive faculty that to glorify the sterility of doing nothing and
helps to form an individual’s subjectivity. thus becoming nothing, percolate across the
In His message, Thakur takes up this entirety of his social circle, finally “abating
mechanism of dual contact to explain how cultural development” within his ecosystem.
its impairment disrupts the individual man In a similar vein elsewhere, Thakur broadens
and mankind at large. this idea further by relating the ego’s
indolence and passivity with an individual’s
With the premise already established, selfishness, and connects it to how narrow
the ego’s centrality to an individual’s individualistic traits hamper the progress of
development is clear, but how does it affect the world: “Where the elite are selfish, inert
the rest of the world? For Thakur, every and non-cooperating, villain rises and rules.”
single person is a thread in the fabric of
society, where every individual is significant Thakur’s message thus succinctly presents
in preserving the integrity of the whole. Each the vision of a decrepit moral, spiritual and
subjectivity, with all of its boons and flaws, societal world as the logical offset of the
thus creates an impact on the wider world deteriorating state of man – to deliver the
and is, in turn, shaped by it; development wasteland of the world, every individual
and progress flow from the intermingling must be redeemed from the clutches of the
and friction between the cultures and slothful ego.

Ligate 455
Behaviour with People
Riddhi Dipan Dasgupta

Living in society, it is inevitable that we make Him speak so much. In His mysterious
must interact with the people around us. way, Thakur tells the attendant to check the
The manner in which we treat them and the maxim He had provided the day before. The
manner in which we approach them would maxim is—
determine a lot about our lives. To learn how
“Hridya hou, tripti daao,
to conduct ourselves around people, Thakur’s
life is an unparalleled inspiration. Here are a tripti paabe onek.”
few examples from His life and how we may (Be cordial and give pleasure, you will find
learn in this regard. pleasure a lot.)3
To Thakur, His devotees are like the For various philanthropic and
children of His own flesh and blood. He organisational purposes, His disciples have
cares for them from the bottom of His heart
and guides them in every way possible—
be it teaching a young lady, as if she were The more one works,
His own daughter, about how to go about the further along one
selecting her prospective groom, detailing proceeds and the
the qualities and criteria to look out for;1 or higher one may aim
enquiring lovingly about the well-being and
health of His devotees.2 He loves people so
much that He always eagerly looks forward
to their visits. On one occasion, He says to
an aged devotee, that His attendants stop to collect arghya (volitional donations). This
people from gathering around Him as His involves interacting with people in general,
health is not faring well, which is why the convincing them about the significance of
aged devotee must find scopes and steal his one’s purpose and inspiring them to forgo
way in. Even if he may not stay for long, he pauperistic inhibitions and donate for a
must remain a while before departing. One superior purpose. Thakur says that this
of the attendants reasons that they have no makes His disciples increasingly capable.
problem with people arriving, but the reason The more one works, the further along one
they stop people is because of how they proceeds and the higher one may aim next.

Cf.Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, p.150 (5.11.1956).
Cf.Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, p.187 (8.12.1956).
Cf.Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, p.108 (26.7.1956).

Ligate 456
During these regular interactions with people, the elders sided with Krishna whose early
certain codes of conduct are mandated. life had revolved around cowherds. When
The disciples must remember that these the Kauravas swelled with pride at having
donations are not for their personal use but extraordinary kings in their ranks, refused
for their Ideal. Thakur reminds His disciples to give half the kingdom to the Pandavas,
that the collected arghya is always meant for going so far as rejecting their demand of five
Him, and He tells them to remember certain villages and refusing to give land as little as
points. They must never bluff people, nor ruin the tip of a needle, a battle was fought and
someone. They cannot give it out of their the so-called giants all smashed. Christ too
food allowance, nor by selling their clothes. was surrounded by fishermen and the like,
They cannot seek donations by writing letters which initially caused even Mary Magdalene
to outsiders. They must be like hunters while to despise Him. Rama, surrounded by non-
collecting.4 Aryans and monkeys, formed an army with
them to rescue Sita when she was abducted
The people that surround Thakur are
by Ravana. Those in Ravana’s camp who
still had sanity joined Rama’s camp. This He
It is easier for a says is similar to how soldiers ordered to
kill Mao Tse-tung would instead fire back at
camel to go through
his enemies on the battlefield. In common
the eye of a needle perception, the great person is basically a
than for a rich man wealthy rich man. Thakur quotes Christ in this
to enter into the regard—“It is easier for a camel to go through
kingdom of God. the eye of a needle than for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God.” They do not
flock to the Lord as they believe it is where
the lowly people gather. But these people are
from all walks of life. It is not a gathering
the common man.
of the illustrious few that would dazzle
people, and yet these ordinary people end Having listened to Thakur’s description
up proving extraordinary as they grow up of this, Spencerda remarks—Man’s desire
nurtured by the love and grace of Thakur. is to love somebody. Thakur corrects him
People may often look at this gathering of by adding—It is to live and grow, and that
ordinary masses from a derisive point of is prop of existence. Those who do not
view, but this is a common strand among have this do not accept all the sayings of
all prophets that their coteries comprise Christ, accepting only those that match their
common or ordinary people. Despite being passionate craves.5
a great king, the attendants of Lord Rama
In the Srimadbhagvad Gita, it is advised
were monkeys and demons. His parliament
that we must be nirashi and nirmam (expecting
comprised Lakshman, Hanuman, Sugriv, etc.
nothing and having no attachments). Thakur
Similarly, only the most ordinary among

Cf.Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, pp.49-50 (14.3.1956).
Cf.Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, pp.138-140 (13.10.1956).

Ligate 457
says that He is just unable to become so. He fault was, He replies that His thoughts were
cannot simply forget about a person, say any that Binod must have drawn some pleasure
random visitor, after momentarily caring for from the act.
him. The very first moment He sees someone,
Later, when Thakur experienced Trance,
He develops great affection for the person.
Binod Ghosh used to claim that it was all
A devotee asks that if He feels thus for
false. Yet, Thakur simply ignored his words
everyone, does His mind not get scattered,
as one would ignore the ramblings of a brat,
to which He replies that no, it’s not so since
placing no importance on them. Thakur did
He does not fluctuate from His path.6
not believe in tit for tat. And even in His later
While interacting with people around us, years, when He still displayed much respect
it is inevitable that there will be arguments towards this person going as far as to hide
or disagreements. This may often lead to an His water pipe while smoking if Binod Ghosh
exchange of insults. We often find it difficult appeared.
to keep our tempers in check when faced with
such situations. Speaking on this topic Thakur
says that people may say a lot in order to pull When one attains
down someone, but if the person stumbles a certain degree of
with that then he is truly pulled down. It could greatness,... it is then
be that many people do not like the fact that
that people will speak
someone is becoming greater. But when one
attains a certain degree of greatness, so that well about him.
others cannot even reach him, it is then that
people will speak well about him. One should
not be afraid and must stay alright. Thakur,
Yet, forgive He might, but His devotees
Himself, was assaulted multiple times like
should never tolerate His assailants, no matter
this, going as far as ten to twenty times a
how ordinary the devotee is. There was a goat
day. He recounts an incident when He was
in the Ashram named Birbhadra. It attacked
merely fifteen or sixteen years of age. He
Binod Ghosh one day. According to Thakur,
was watching a jaatraa (Indian folk theatre)
this was because it found the latter suspicious,
play. He was seated among the audience,
and anyone it found suspicious used to be
when Binod Ghosh, a member of the village
met with attacks.7
panchayat, arrived and pulled Him up by His
ears. Thakur simply went and found himself It often occurs that people speak ill of
on a high ground beyond the fencing and others in front of us. Thakur tells us how to
remained standing all night as He watched tackle these incidents. Illustrating an example
the play. The reason behind this humiliation He says that Hausermanda may be a friend of
was simply that Binod Ghosh was against Banabiharida and Saratda may be in the habit
Him sitting with the gentlemen. When asked of visiting Hausermanda out of courtesy.
if back then, Thakur had wondered what his Now, if Professorda (Atulda) visits Saratda

Cf. Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, p.170 (26.11.1956).
Cf. Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, pp.178-179 (5.12.1956).

Ligate 458
and remarks that how Hauserman may not endless, non-discriminating love. Thakur says
be a good man. Saratda may simply reply in that there are no tricks to His love for the
agreement and depart, but what he needs to people, while people tend to have so many
do is to counter him by asking that this person tricks up their sleeves when loving Him. When
(Hausermanda) has arrived here from beyond a devotee remarks that we try to measure
the seven seas and thirteen rivers (from love, and therefore find His love varying in
abroad) and has a friendship with Banabihari, degrees, Thakur says that it is dependent on
why does he think ill of him? the individual concerned. Each is different
from another. There are five fingers, but can
Giving a real-life incident, Thakur recounts
one determine the extent to which one may
how a person used to speak ill about Him
love the thumb and the extent to which the
to someone. A few days later, the listener
little finger? It depends on the man. The
remarked that while this man speaks so
meaning of love is to dwell in another’s good.
much against Thakur, the latter has never
People want their own well-being but cannot
tolerate the good of others.9
Thakur wants us to be While dealing with the world around
like a fist with similar us, we may often have our sentiments hurt
feelings for all five or end up hurting others. Thakur says that
fingers, not finding people do not listen to what He says, even
after repeating it time and again. They may
faults in any.
be nursing a hurt sentiment towards Thakur.
But while Thakur too has sentiments that can
criticised him. Rather, He has supported him be hurt, he does not nurture those feelings. If
and claimed him to be a very good person. a person truly believes himself to be Thakur’s,
Hearing this, the person got so incensed that then he will care for everything that is
he stopped visiting Thakur for a while. He Thakur’s. Thakur wants us to be like a fist with
resumed his visits later on but never spoke similar feelings for all five fingers, not finding
ill of Thakur again.8 faults in any. Instead of standing aloof and
finding faults, He wants us to work towards
The crux of the matter seems to be love—
whatever ensures the good of people.10

Cf. Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, p.192 (17.12.1956).
Cf. Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, p.217 (11.1.1957).
Cf. Debiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Diparakshi, vol.-II, p.217-218 (11.1.1957).

Devoted love
is the key to knowledge.
-Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra
The Message, Vol-VIII

Ligate 459

(With an eye towards the massive stream of work related to the survey of dikhapa-
tras to fulfil the desire of Acharyadev, the Provincial Workers Conference was held in
Satsang Ashram, Deoghar from 13th July to 15th August 2022. Every day, as per pre-
fixed schedules, Acharyadev delivered inspiring sermons on the Ideal to the assembled
workers. This is a transcription of his speech on 7th August 2022)


What remedy has Thakur given our account of how many people have made
workers that needs to be taught to people? istavriti a source of income. How immoral
It is that jajan-jaajan-istavriti need to be are our minds – that is a matter that needs
concentrically taught. And contrarily, what introspection! The mind itself is immoral –
do we say to people about Thakur, wherever and in that state, one envisions the realisation
we go? All high-sounding words – “Thakur of Thakur? This is deception with one’s own
had said this! Thakur had done that! Thakur heart; a delusion indeed!
had become such and such!” A sapling – if it We are humans and why are we so? Thakur
does not have root, can it ever become a tree? talks about 'maan' and 'hush' i.e., existence
jajan-jaajan-istavriti is our main practice. This and consciousness respectively, that form the
is what needs to be propagated to the people word ‘maanush’,i.e., a human being. The one
and this is what Thakur has said. who has this ‘existence and consciousness’
Earlier, istavriti used to be sent by postal is a human being. So, if one doesn't have a
money order. As this method became sense of what is good and what is bad for
obsolete, remittances to Philanthropy were his existence, then what kind of person is
made directly through the centres and he? One is then relegated to being just a
temples. Some practical problems arose there two-legged animal. God has made us in His
too. There are many areas where the distance image. So, when we say – “Thakur, you can do
from a brethren's residence to the nearest it, we can't!” – it means, we have not aligned
centre-temple is sometimes four kilometres ourselves to Him in truth. We have aligned
to around sixteen kilometres in some areas. ourselves with Him to do what He can do. Is
Due to the need of the situation, Upojojana He just an ingredient of our ritualistic worship
Kendras cropped up in the houses of the and not of our behaviour, not of the mastery
brethren so that Thakur’s istavriti could be itself? Then He remains an ineffective
enigma! A complete lie! But that cannot be.
conveniently delivered to Him. There is no

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He is the most spiritual matter pertaining to meets a ruinous cipher!" We have not gotten
our existence. attached to you, Thakur, for these; we had
done it to be like you.
The one for whom Thakur is a spiritual
matter, would be the one who would only We ritwiks keep on saying all the time,
progress. Or else, there would be people "This and that are not to be done!" Hey, who
bustling to gather dust, off the feet of Babaida are we to say what is to be done and what is
which would give nothing and that is the not? On the other hand, if during jaajan, we
truth. If Thakur Himself had given the dust of fail to come up with sound arguments, we
His foot, I doubt whether I would have taken retort, — 'Go to Deoghar for the answer.' Why
it! I wouldn't have. I have seen my grandfather should one go to Deoghar for the answer? We
walking in front of me; I have seen that great should be the ones providing the answers.
man in front of my eyes. I have never felt the We should in fact say, — 'Wait, give me some
necessity of taking the dust off his feet or the time. I have come to know of the conflict in
eagerness of touching his feet. your mind and I will give you an answer." Then
we should come home and open Thakur's
God has made us in books. We are not stupid. The elephant has
His image. So, when a huge head but we, with a small head, are
making the elephant dance. Can we ever run
we say – “Thakur, you
with a horse? But, riding the horse, we run.
can do it, we can't!” – Can we fight with the tiger? So, how have
it means, we have not we put it in the cage? All with this head. So,
aligned ourselves to when are we going to use this head?
Him in truth. What was our job? It was to convert the
polytheistic minds of the society into uni-
centric minds. How was it to be achieved?
Then, this sort of thing is in fact a hoax. We In people's homes, there are many seats of
have made Thakur an instrument of worship, family deities. Have we ever thought that apart
as if embellishing Thakur and organising a from the collection of istavriti, the Upojojana
grand ceremony is a sign of attachment to kendras that have been established can do
the Ideal. Even the address of 'Jaiguru' has other things as well? Going to the home of
become an instrument of torture. One day a a newly initiated brethren, we can at least
child saw me on the road and spontaneously tell them to firstly install a seat of Thakur in
said, 'jaiguru' to which I happily responded their home.
with a 'jaiguru'. The next day, a large number
A family may be very poor. Things as well
of parents, schooling their children, made
as the people, are all together in a single
them stand across the road. As soon as I
room as if piled up together and there is
came, I was greeted with a chorus of 'jaiguru,
hardly any space to set up a seat for Thakur.
jaiguru!' which made me realise that they
We can go to him and say – “Why are you
were trying to make me crazy. What kind of
nervous? There must be some fruit sellers
torture is this? What do we want to impart to
among your acquaintances. Collect a carton
society? Is it only this ritual-centrism that we
box from him, wrap it in white paper and fix it
crave? "The ceremony holds sway, attainment
as an installation on the wall; let that be your

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Thakur's seat. Firstly, have your Thakur's seat Everyone would be thinking that saving him
installed and thereupon you will be able to may be the responsibility of such and such a
have a great run." God and leave the job for the designated one.
Some households have thousands of I live in Deoghar. Here in Babadham, one
deities who are worshipped. We can go to of the twelfth jyotirlingas is enthroned. I have
those houses and say – “Why have you put not been to that temple till today. I was born
Thakur in the middle of those many Gods and in Kolkata. One of the fifty-one Shakti Peeths
Goddesses? You can keep your Thakur's seat is located there at Kalighat. I have never been
separately. Do you want to hear what the to Kalighat temple. I have been to Guwahati
sastras say? The sastras say, 'Guru Brahma, and have stayed there thousands of times.
Guru Vishnu, Guru Debo Maheshwara'. If There is a Shakti Peeth there too – Kamakhya;
Shiva is angry then the Guru will protect, but but I have never visited that place as I never
if Guru is angry then Shiva will not be able felt the need to go anywhere other than to
to offer protection. So, why have you kept Thakur.
so many pictures? Rather, maintain Thakur's
However, only once in Puri, at the time of
seat separately.”
Rath, around 12:00 am or so, I was out for a
And,there is no use in the worship
of a thousand Gods and Goddesses? I Our job... was
am telling the truth. Everyone has heard
to convert the
that story of the three fishes in a pond –
Ekabuddhi, Shatabuddhi and Sahasrabuddhi. polytheistic minds of
Ekabuddhi had a single intellect,Shatabuddhi the society into uni-
had a hundred and Shahasrabuddhi had centric minds.
immeasurable intellect. One day they heard
that the fishermen had decided to throw a net
in the pond the next day. Ekabudhi, having
a single-minded intellect always believed in drive, with my mother beside me. I suddenly
the dictum 'Be careful before danger comes'; found Jagannath's chariot parked in the
he escaped overnight. Shatabuddhi thought middle of the road. Sometimes it happens
that having a hundred intellect would surely during the Rath Yatra. I saw that there wasn't
show a way out. The net was cast and it was the usual crowd around. Below some people
caught. However, at some point, due to some were singing bhajan-kirtan. Telling my mother
divine intervention, he escaped from the trap that I would be back in a while, I got up on
and survived. And Sahasrabuddhi, in the pride the chariot. I found Jagannathdev sitting
of having immeasurable intellect got caught there, all alone. I said to Him, "You don't
in the net and died. Our situation is the same have any problem here, do you?" Offering
too. If we are polytheistic, when in danger, my obeisance, I left. Such is the true colour
who amongst so many Gods, will come and of God. He is alone, He is incapacitated. He
save us? I can survive by the dint of some himself does not hold anyone. He can only
virtuous act of the past; but, the Gods are then be found if he is embraced.
confused - who does one actually worship?
To be continued…

Ligate 462
Debaprasad Ghatak

Modern Man has always portrayed the existence towards inevitable death whether
crude, harsh war torn world, where humanity physical or psychological. The psychological
has reached the zenith of its sterility. After the decline can be termed as ‘Existential
World Wars, the modern world’s problems Alienation’. One who has already succumbed
have become extremely intricate. The to utmost destruction always tries to plead
natural world has become barren caused by for easy salvation even at the very end of his
massive death and destruction, the internal life. Man is ever confused with both the way
human psyche has become complex as well and the destination. Though physical decline
as perverted. Modern man has been going may not be a result of despair, yet on the
through a life-in-death situation, always in contrary, when it means an internal decay of
fear of death. Moral values are lost. There is the humane state, it becomes akin to a lamp
a lack of hope in modern human lives. Faith in the temple being gradually extinguished.
It is brought about by one’s misdeeds only
because as Jean Paul Sartre says, ‘Man is
Being devoid of condemned to be free’, once he is out into
faith results in the world, responsible for all his deeds.
being devoid of Being devoid of faith results in being
existence as well devoid of existence as well as one's legacy,
as one's legacy, eventually giving birth to Existential Alienation.
eventually giving Alienation is not only caused by an economic
depression, the common phenomena defined
birth to Existential
by Marxism, but is also a psychological
Alienation. ailment which hovers through generations.
It’s a modern predicament caused by political
as well as psychological drawbacks belonging
in God is overshadowed by the power of
to a modern society. Self-estrangement is the
money and personal enjoyment. And all these
cup bearer of modern man’s alienation from
are the aftermaths of excessive indulgence
society. He not only procrastinates to deliver
of the Arishadvarga or Shadripu, i.e., the six
his possibilities towards society but also takes
enemies of the mind, which are desire, greed,
care of the new-born evil babe which has
delusion, arrogance and jealousy have always
been waiting to be hatched since primitive
been playing pivotal roles.
times. This theme of reluctantly giving birth
The source of human arrogance basically to a psychologically retarded generation
originates from despair, which leads human has been brilliantly represented by a science

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fiction horror film series named, ‘Alien’ (1979 Once Mirza Ghalib portrayed his
and so on) directed by Ridley Scott. The evil observation of the world as he sees the world
hatchlings are always lying in an ambush, like a playground where everyone is busy in
whether they are sensed or not, ready to some mundane activity and merrymaking
attack. So, it is better to kill one's ruinous which is at the same time ‘meaningless’ rather
entity just to not result in a catastrophic end than something of greater value as he wrote:
almost like the Aristotelian tragic heroes. “Baazeecha-e-atfaal hai duniya mere aage/
Hota hai shab-o-roz tamasha mere aage” (A
Hopelessness causes meaninglessness
children’s playing field is this world before
and there are two kinds in a modern world.
me A spectacle there is, day and night, before
Firstly, when modern man finally succeeds
in discovering the future of the universe, a
jaw dropping truth, where it is being said In the context of modern day India, the
that quadrillions of years from now, there ruins of political chaos and globalisation
will be nothing: no universe or multiverse,
no galaxies at all, even there will be no more
black holes. And this ‘nothingness’ devoid Kierkegaard defined
of ‘space & time’ cannot be defined by the alienation caused
laws of physics of our universe. And the by anxiety as this
second meaninglessness is related to the
despair that is
absurdity of human self—Life is inherently
without meaning— a contribution which has
disproportionate in
no limits, affirmed by the modern French relation to the self.
philosopher Albert Camus. The continuation
of meaninglessness and absurdity of human
existence started from being psychologically have forcefully shaken the stability of the
alienated. On the whole, there are three types Indian psyche. The colonisation of India,
of alienation common in modern man’s through which a generation, being forcefully
behaviour. Firstly, it is alienation from the overthrown from his homeland and thereby
self as one has become a stranger to oneself. being victims of identity crisis, learns how to
Secondly, being estranged or alienated from motivate his aggression. Also the colonisers
one's fellow folks. And finally, alienation of set rules of hierarchy in a colonised state
man from God. Soren Kierkegaard’s analysis founded upon binary oppositions, such as,
of human existence, relates to the notion of ‘the coloniser & colonised’, ‘occidental &
anxiety. In the Kierkegaardian sense, it is not oriental’, ‘the civilised and the primitive’ etc.
fully the sense of alienation but the emphasis
Like many other post-colonial writers,
on the presence of anxiety. Kierkegaard
Edward Said demonstrates the condition
defined alienation caused by anxiety as this
of the ‘Orientals’ confronting the west and
despair that is disproportionate in relation to
argues that because of the western colonial
the self; whoever does not have the self, has
discourse, people who were once colonised
no God. Despair leads a man to realise that
are still peripheral or marginalised; it has thus
he confronts an empty void, and he is fully
affected the psyche of a whole generation
responsible for his misdeeds.
leaving them like captive animals. They do

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not know exactly the state of their existence should be maintained, He further says, 'Desire
and identity, and for that reason, they may be unfulfilled is misery. Do not expect anything.
defined in Homi K. Bhaba’s words, as being Be prepared for every situation. What can
in the ‘third-space’ or ‘in-between’. grief do to you?'
At this wrecking point of identity loss, the Love isn’t just a mere word or a passion.
world witnesses a ray of hope, an advent of According to Sree Sree Thakur love has to
life, majestic in its life-throbbing energy. He be displayed through action and sacrifice.
is Sree Sree Thakur, according to whom, the One has to have the ability to attribute one's
perfect medication for existence is absolute contributions to his loved ones, and above
faith. No matter whatever the condition, if a all to the Omniscient God and thereby the
Living Ideal. Action should be accompanied
with absolute adherence. In the name of
Mankind is always in faith, Thakur has announced that He is ready
search of goodness to sacrifice an entire empire for a man or
and well-being, mankind.
obviously not Mankind is always in search of goodness
determined by the and well-being, obviously not determined by
satiation of one's the satiation of one's complexes. Without a
master and discipline, human life is inherently
without meaning. In our solar system, each
and every planet orbits their main centre
of living, the source of their potency, the
man doesn’t have faith, he is considered to
Sun. Likewise, we have to also maintain and
be barren or clueless. Thakur defines faith
sustain our existence by placing Thakur
as follows: The conception that cannot be
in the centre of our minds and existence.
affected or overwhelmed by contradictory
This whole centralised process is actually a
conception is Faith. But being ‘high and
revolution against the dogmatisms of our
mighty’ often comes with lack of wisdom
own beings. This whole process along with
resulting in a way that, a particular man
having absolute faith and being submissive
being arrogant about his strength or ability
without any expectations, is the matchless
is eventually forced to realise that he is left to
contribution to existentialism that Thakur
the gallows at the end of his life. Emphasising
defines as, “Being & Becoming”.
the power of faith, He further says: Deep faith
can do anything. Believe! But beware that
pride, impatience or irritations do not come
in. You shall achieve what you want.
What gathers
Thakur’s portrayal of life gives birth to
for existential welfare
a new narrative of Existentialism. In His
with meaningful adjustment
sacred book, ‘Satyanusaran’, He mentions
exalting being and becoming–
that at first we must wage war against our
is good.
weaknesses. Encouraging us to adhere to a
basic concept about life and how our lives The Message vol-II

Ligate 465
Kumudsankar Shome Roy

Politics in objectives and realities means by the service and solace of the noble,
‘to devise means and ways for the life and
and are not obliged by them–
growth of the general public of the country’.
The greatest political diplomats should politics weeps along!”
always bear a high dynamic and magnetic (The Message, Vol-I)
personality and statesmanship so that they
With an eye to the distress of the sufferers,
command respect of the masses. Today, it
it should be the natural obligation of the
is found that political diplomats lack this
leaders to rid them of the same through
character. The general people do not get any
inspiration and impetus from their character service. There is another vital drawback in
to carry out their directives; thus national today's politics. It is divorced from religion
integration is shattered into lumps and life and the result is the prevalence of rampant
screams. corruption and anti-social activities. The
political leadership does not have a Living
In India today, there are so many political
Ideal in their lives. So, they fail to create a
groups but none has an ideal policy. The
noble feeling and lofty enthusiasm amidst
general public is thereby bewildered and
the minds of the masses. In the words of
misguided, not knowing which group is to be
Edmund Burke: True religion is the foundation
followed. Thus, society is generally divided
of society, the basis on which all true Civil
from the path of truth. Each group speaks
Government rests…. As to the real leader,
highly of its political ideologies but is found
Sree Sree Thakur emphatically points out:
that the same is not implemented properly
for the upliftment and awakening of the “The guided one
masses. The present day politics also fails who leads the sufferers
due to double dealing. The greatest problem
in Indian politics today is that the political with means of maintenance
groups cannot work together for the common that they may stand on,–
interest of all, i.e., for being and becoming of
raising their ability–
the general public. Thus, politics weeps along.
In Sree Sree Thakur’s opinion: and power of endurance

“When the sufferers, the distressed with hope, service and responsibility

and the misfortuned towards welfare and success,

are not managed is a leader–

to get rid of Him only

the heinous, foul-breathing can nature permit to lead!”
of evil (The Message, Vol-I)

Ligate 466
Hence, the capacity of enhancing the but to conserve his national character. Human
ability of the needy to establish him on the rights are above the rights of the state. The
seat of ‘welfare and success’makes one a rights of the states are to be adjusted in such
true leader – the natural lead. Self-awareness a way as to enable the states to fulfil the
is the best policy but proper self analysis is human rights of its citizens. The state seems
possible only when one is attached to an to have no meaning if the inhabitants suffer
ideal. It brings self- assessment and provides in their natural course of becoming.
leaders with command over any situation.
Such leaders alone can fulfil the needs of
the people. Hence, a political leader should
follow the Ideal as the natural leader and
try to implement his man-making mission To roll with all the affairs
in the environment to save the world from of the Acharya
calamities and perils of factions. and to roll against
selfish passionate crave–
One is reminded of the thought of a well-
is self-control.
known western political leader who says
that it should not be forgotten as a general The Message vol-II
rule that it is not the highest aim of man’s
existence to maintain a state or a government

Ligate 467
Tapeshwar Prasad

The concept of democratic equality, as Base propaganda and criticism besides

indoctrinated into the mass mind as a means rumour, character assassination through
to control, direct and supervise the state's press, platform, radio, public demonstration
governance in the interest of the people, has and mass agitation have become the
belied the cherished desire of the founding normal order of the day. Lawlessness and
fathers, the exponents and crusaders against indiscipline in the name of fearlessness have
the tyrannical rule of the monarchy in the become intolerable, resulting into increase in
western world and copied by the Indian political and social crimes and violence. Right
crusaders against the foreign rulers. It has consciousness is injected and it dominates
prompted the ambitious men and women, our thought, act and conduct at the cost of
with a view to acquiring and perpetuating duty-consciousness. Mad race for political
economic power, to whip up emotion and power continues unabated to the extent of
excite the intelligentsia and the youth to ignoring the distinction of right and wrong,
organise into political groupings. All methods, good and bad, radiating all around a filthy
fair and fowl, are adopted for its attainment. atmosphere of animosity, bitterness, hatred,

Ligate 468
fear and sense of insecurity. Even the most is. Indeed, human beings are equal. But
undeserving, idiotic, illiterate, irresponsible, individuals are not. The equality of their rights
immoral man and woman aspire for some sort is an illusion. The feeble-minded and the
of political power, name and fame, adoration man of genius should not be equal before
as matter of right and all in the name of the law. The stupid, the unintelligent, those
equality. He or she even does not hesitate who are dispersed, incapable of attention, of
to create huddles if his or her ambitions are effort, have no right to a higher education.
not fulfilled. As such we have to re-examine It is absurd to give them the same electoral
if the concept of equality is wholly wrong or power as the fully developed individuals.
requires modification in the present context. Sexes are not equal. To disregard all these
inequalities is very dangerous. The democratic
Apparently, distinction between man and
principle has contributed to the collapse of
man does not exist in only physical and mental
civilization in opposing the development of
features. The requirements for the sustenance
an elite. It is obvious that, on the contrary,
of the body are more or less the same along
individual inequalities must be respected.
In modern society the great, the small, the
The Universal Soul, average, and the mediocre are needed.
manifested Himself in But we should not attempt to develop the
higher types by the same procedures as the
so many forms which
lower. The standardization of men by the
were never the same democratic ideal has already determined
or equal and imbued the predominance of the weak. Everywhere,
them with distinctive the weak are preferred to the strong.” (Alexis
traits. Carrell, Man, the Unknown)
The aforesaid remark obviously indicates
the ugly trend of democratic equality in an
with the natural urge of man 'to live and to affluent country like America, and copied
grow'. All possess the same inborn attributes elsewhere. Nowhere in animate or inanimate
of good and evil. Even the inner being, in nature we find equality. Even the two pieces
essence, called the soul, is the same— a of hair of a same man are not identical.
branch of the universal Being. But, this In man, as well, individual characteristics
sameness, in the field of gross matter and of display variation and differentiation in
invisible Existence, the Soul, in the individual attitude, aptitude, likes and dislikes, voice,
being can't be called equal because of lots of gesture, posture, thought, temperament,
variations and differentiations. An individual wit, humour, intelligence, memory, vision,
possesses certain individual characteristics imagination, creativeness, sense of response
different from others, and which constitute and dutifulness, will force, service and sacrifice
his personality. Nobel Laureate, Dr. Alexis besides a lot of good and evil qualities of
Carrel says: “The democratic creed does not head or heart.
take account of the constitution of our body
From the theosophical point of view, it has
and of our consciousness. It does not apply
to be admitted that the Supreme Father, the
to the concrete fact which the individual
Universal Soul, manifested Himself in so many

Ligate 469
forms which were never the same or equal and that elates automatically
imbued them with distinctive traits. Had there with a nourishing nurse
been equality, the question of individuality
of the environment
would not arise and the feeling of you and
just as one's own, -
I would have vanished. Differentiations of
functions would be wiped off. The question Equality binds together
of exchange, harmony, adjustment and co- with the tendrils of every
ordination in society would not arise. As such, individual's interest;
scientifically, psychologically and spiritualty, Otherwise,
the concept of equality does not hold good.
the pose of equality
Its obvious detrimental effect upon public is nothing
life has been lightly summed up by Sree
but a sham slice
Sree Thakur when He says that the dream
of equality is nothing but a ‘detrimental of weak, egoistic ignorance.”
degenerating design’ unpropitious to (The Message Vol-I, P-121)
existential uphold. Hence, He says:
“Equality of man and woman is the magical
bluff of passion-tainted people.” Individual self-interest
(The Message, Vol- V)
should identify itself
with the interest of
The baneful effect of equality can be
eradicated only when people are indoctrinated
the society one lives
to follow and abide by their latent natural in.
urge of life and growth and by rousing the
natural activities of inter-interestedness
and fellow-feeling for the co-ordinated It means that individual self-interest
growth of the society like the different calls should identify itself with the interest of the
working within the body for its upkeep. Equal society one lives in. Self-interest should be
opportunity should not imply the providing used in the most comprehensive manner,
of equal material ingredients to each and never as a narrow and perverted selfishness.
all. But it should aim at providing necessary It will then alone cover the whole universe
and propitious environment for the nurture, of man. Everybody shall get favourable
protection and development of individual opportunity for his real well-being and
latent traits and characteristics upon which growth. It shall then remove want from
one can develop to the height of one’s the society. Cut throat competition for the
capacity. Sree Sree Thakur, elaborating the acquisition of political and economic power
essence of equality, in the following words, shall disappear. Sympathy, forbearance, inter-
says: interestedness and fellow-feeling shall grow
“When interest of services arrives and evil qualities of head and heart shall not
with a meaning of self-interest get opportunity to raise their head. Bane shall
irrespective of the high or low, be converted into boon.

Ligate 470

A series of auspicious ceremonies were Everyone convened for the meditative

conducted throughout the day to celebrate session at 8:55 a.m. in the Boronaatmondop
the 112th Birthday of Supremely Revered Sree of Thakurbangla in the presence of Sree
Sree Borda at Satsang Ashram, Deoghar on Sree Acharyadev. Afterwards, the Sri Sri Guru
21-11-22. Granth Sahib ji was read followed by Sree
Sree Thakur's Sambiti. Dr. Swapan Kumar and
On this occasion, mango and plantain
Pradeep Chakraborty rendered two songs
trees were erected at the entrance of
Thakurbangla. White garlands were used to
decorate the homes of Ever Loving Sree Sree From 10 am to 12.30 pm, devotees sought
Thakur and Sree Sree Boroma and the places the blessings and offered obeisance to Sree
of regular prayer in Thakur Bangla. Sree Acharyadev at the naatmondop next to
Philanthropy. It was a blessing for devotees
The auspicious event was enlivened by
to get a glimpse of him and bow down to
the melodic harmony of Prabhati Kirtan
him. In the late afternoon and evening of that
performed by the Usha Kirtan team at the
day, all of the devotees partook prasad at
Brahma Muhurta. At Boronaatmondop of
Anandabazar, the responsibility of which was
Thakurbangla at 5:59 am, in the presence of
on Shri Ratan Sarkar and Shri Radheshyam
Sree Sree Acharyadev, holy verses from Sree
Sree Thakur's sacred book Satyanusaran and
Saswati were recited in various languages. The evening prayer in Thakurbangla was
During the morning prayer, Rev. Abin Da held at 4:56 pm in the presence of Sree Sree
also joined Sree Sree Acharyadev there. Acharyadev. The holy books Anusruti (5th
Discussions on the Ideal were held by volume) and Nishtha Bidhayana of Sree Sree
Acharyadev until around seven in the Thakur were read aloud in several languages
morning after which the brethren stood in a as part of the Thakur Bangla prayer. Following
line and extended their obeisance. that, satsang was held and holy hymns
and songs were sung in Thakurbangla's
The Sangeetanjali program was held
at Thakurbangla's Boronaatmondop at
7:30 in the morning. Those who took part Among those who took part in the program
in the musical performance were Sujata of songs and kirtan were Dr. Swapan Kumar
Chakraborty, Devasmita Barman, Subhasree Mondal, Pradeep Chakraborty, Kripavibhava
Sarkar, Alkananda Tripathi, Pratima Roy, Das, Krishna Sundar Das, Pradeepta Mondal,
Deepak Jana, Dr. Swapan Kumar Mondal, and others. The ashram grounds were
Anubrata Chakraborty, Krishna Sundar illuminated brightly in the evening under the
Das, Manoj Jha, Pradeep Chakraborty, supervision of the workers of the Bati-Ghar.
Pradeep Mondal, and Madhurima Biswas,
Correspondent: Tarun Kr. Pal
accompanied by Dipjyoti Lal. The whole
Translated by Nandana Deb Choudhury
programme was compered by Tarun Biswas.

Ligate 471

The holy 112th Advent Day of Supremely Range Hriday Amar Ranga'' was sung in
Revered Sree Sree Borda was celebrated in a chorus, thereafter. Devotees paid oblationary
grand manner at Satsang, Deoghar on 24th obeisance and thereafter , excerpts from the
November, 2022. On the auspicious occasion Holy Books of Sree Sree Thakur, Satyanusaran
of his advent day, innumerable devotees and Saswati were read in different languages
gathered at Satsang ashram Deoghar from all in the presence of Sree Sree Acharyadev.
across the country and even abroad. Mangal Sree Sree Acharyadev, shared some divine
Ghats along with plantain plants were placed discourses on the Ideal and the devotees,
on either side of the main entrance. Rooms individually standing in a queue offered their
of the Supreme Love Lord , Sree Sree Thakur venerations at His Holy feet.
and Sree Sree Boromaa along with other
At 06:34 am, Rev. Arani Babu performed
regular places of worship in the Ashram were
Nandimukh rites, with Sri Ajit Bhattacharya as
decorated with flowers . Beautiful rangoli
the priest. Sangeetanjali – On that morning
designs could be seen at places.
a special musical program was organized
On the auspicious day of the grand fest, by the ashramites at the Boronaatmondop
at Brahma muhurta, Vedic hymns were sung of Thakurbangla. Devotional songs were
in chorus and were broadcasted over the performed by Pradip Chakrabarty, Swapan
mics, across the Ashram and adjacent areas. Kumar Mandal , Manoj Jha , Sandip Bhowmick,
Thereafter, the entire Ashram was caught Shamita Basu, Banditaparamita Roy, Manik
in the hold of a divine atmosphere with the Bhattacharya, Madhurima Biswas, Shekhar
soulful tunes of the Nahabat resonating all Jha, Krishnasunder Das and Kripabibhab Das
around. Before the tunes of the Nahabat among others with Tarun Kumar Pal as a
could completely fade away, a kirtan troupe host. Pradyut Ghata was in charge of sound
covered Thakurbangla, Saroshibhaban and operations. Deepjyoti Lal, Pradipta Mandal,
SamadhiKshetra, singing kirtans before Soumya Chakrabarty and Ganesh Bhakta were
concluding at Manmohinidham. on instruments. The musical presentations
having a soulful amalgamation of melody,
Congregational Morning Prayer was
beat and rhythm enabled the devotees’
conducted at 05:59 AM, in the presence of
transportation into a divine domain. Everyone
Supremely Revered Sree Sree Acharyadev at
enjoyed the blissful event.
Thakurbangla. Along with him, Rev. Binkida,
Rev. Shubho Da, Rev. Abin Babu, Rev. Arani Following the daily routine, at 08:55 am,
Babu among other members of Thakur’s devotees gathered for a meditation session
family were present. After prayer, to address of five minutes in the presence of Sree Sree
the auspicious occasion, Sri Richinandan Acharyadev. Thereafter reading from the Holy
Chakrabarty recited Ashirvani bestowed by Sri Sri Gurugranth Sahibji was done followed
Supreme Love Lord Sree Sree Thakur. “Tomar by a reading session of Sree Sree Thakur’s

Ligate 472
Holy book Sambiti in different languages. District Hospital needs a special mention.
Two devotional songs were presented after
Anandabazar – On this day , innumerable
devotees were blessed with Prasad that
The worship of Sree Sree Thakur and had delicacies like krisharanna, bandhakopi
Swastayan Yajna were performed at Ved ghanta, chutney and payasam. Shri Biswapati
Bhavan , intending prayers for a holistic well Sarkar was in charge of the entire operations
being of the entire mankind and the universe, there.
followed by the readings from different
Matrisammelan – Matrisammelan or a
holy scriptures. Satyanusaran, Punya Punthi,
women’s congregation was held on this
Shrimadbhagvat Gita and Sri Sri Chandi
day, at 03:00 pm at Upasana Griha led by
were read by Shri Gautam Bhattacharya,
Shrimati Suchitra Sarkar. Devotional songs
Shri Bodhibyas Bhattacharya, Shri Jaydeb
were performed and holy books of Sree Sree
Satapathy and Shri Gauri Prasad Bhattacharya
Thakur were read by Ashramites and other
respectively. Panchang Pujan Rudravishek
and other main rites were performed by
Shri Vidyanand Pandey. Tulasi Arpaan and Congregational Evening Prayer was
chantings of the Durga Mantra were done conducted in the presence of Sree Sree
by Shri Bodhibyas Bhattacharya. The group Acharyadev at 04:56 PM at Thakurbangla.
of above-mentioned pundits (priests ), jointly Everyone joined for a meditation session
completed the Havan smoothly. The entire after paying oblationary obeisance . Maxims
program was led and supervised by Shri were read in different languages from
Bodhibyas Bhattacharya. different holy books of Sree Sree Thakur like
Anusruti and Nishtha Bidayana. Thereafter
At 10:30 am, worship and Bhog were
a satsang was held wherein three bhajans
offered to Sree Sree Thakur and Sree Sree
were performed and a kirtan was presented
Boroma by Shri Saumya Bhattacharya and
by Shri Richinandan Chakrabarty and Shri
Shri Shekhar Jha, as scripturally ordained.
Jayram Singh.
Sree Sree Acharyadev blessed the devotees
Announcement of the Hour of Advent–
with his divine sight at the naatmondop in
At 06:45 PM, the moment of Holy Advent
front of Satsang Philanthropy Office. He sat
of Supremely Revered Sree Sree Borda
there from 10:30 am till 01:00 pm.
was announced by Shri Tarun Kumar Pal
Fruits were distributed among hundreds at the premises before Sree Sree Borda’s
of patients at the District General Hospital room at SaroshiBhaban, in the presence of
of Deoghar and Satsang Duta Dipti Hospital innumerable devotees in a vibrant, charged
by Dr. Swapan Kumar Biswas, Dr. Kriti and emotional atmosphere reverberating
Sunder Guru, Dr. Kriti Sunder Mandal and with sound of blowing conches, ululation and
Dr. Kumar Madhup. They were assisted acclamation. With the sonorous chorus of
by Snehasish Chakrabarty, Srimanta Roy, the gathered devotees, the entire place was
Sunderanand Debnath, Samiran Chakrabarty, suffused with a divine thrill.
Gautam Pathak, Ajay Yadav and Devendra
Light Decorations –Different parts of the
Yadav among others. Cooperation of the
Ashram were lit by several fanciful electronic
superintendent and other staff at Deoghar

Ligate 473
lights, with collective efforts of members from Gopal Das Baul mesmerized everyone. Sound
Batti Ghar. operations were taken care of by Shyama
Band quite efficiently.
On this day, for several hours, musicians
from the famous Mehboob Band of Kolkata Another remarkable attraction of the day
performed different soulful concertos at parts was the Sports Meets organized for the boys
of Thakurbari and SaroshiBhaban. and girls of the Ashram. At 09:00 am, a sports
meet was held in the premises of Daw House.
Musical Event – At 08:00 pm, a musical
Sports enthusiasts were greatly entertained
event was held in the auditorium at
and encouraged. Among the different events
Monmohinidham. Singers from the famous
were cock fight, run, biscuit race, spoon race
folk band, Motilal Dhaki Dot Com performed
and musical chair. Rev. Antik babu and Rev.
several mind blowing folk songs . The cultural
Anwesha maa among other members from
event began with blowing of conch followed
Thakur’s family took part in the meet. Rev.
by an instrumental presentation of Jay Radhe
Chotoboudi and Rev. Tinkuda, being present
Radhe and playing of the Yog raga. And
at the premises, continued to encourage
in the second half of the event, four Baul
the participants with energetic zeal. In the
songs followed by Lalon songs and Jhumur
final part of the sports meet, prizes were
songs were presented by Bhola Das Baul.
distributed among the participants by twenty
Songs were accompanied by several musical
senior residents of the Ashram through
instruments . Gopal Das was on saxophone
a prize distribution ceremony. The entire
with Rishav Sarkar and Tanmay Das on
sports event was smoothly conducted by the
synthesizer. Rishav Kar, Tanmay Chakrabarty
collective efforts of Sourav Mukherjee, Riti
and Nepal Das were on guitar, octapad and
Sunder Roy, Manoj Kumar Shil and Animesh
dholak respectively. Gokul Chandra Das on
Chakrabarty among other youths of the
dhaak needs special mention . A soulful fusion
of melody, beat and rhythm was witnessed
by the devotees gathered, in the efforts of Correspondent : Tarun Kumar Pal
the artists. The musical presentations by Translated by : Arkesh Ghoshe


People don't understand the essence of meditation and unnecessarily exert
themselves. Fixation makes people fools and people usually think of fixation
as meditation. There is the difference of heaven and hell between fixation and
concentration. Concentration is called real meditation. It means centre-related
thinking—in which the world of the mind and the world of the outside are related.
All conflicts and meaningless, unrelated scattered diversities, becoming relevant
to the context of the Ideal make life worthwhile.


Ligate 474

January 2023 devotees explain their issues there and seek

his guidance. Acharyadev listens to each
Regular gatherings of innumerable
of them and pleases them with suitable
brothers and sisters of faith from different
places are seen at the ashram. Most of them
suffer from various troubles. After the offering An aged, widowed mother arrives to
of obeisance to Param Dayal Sree Sree discuss her sufferings in life. She has many
Thakur, Jagajjanani Sree Sree Boromaa, and sons, one of whom lives independently with
Param Pujyapada Sree Sree Borda at Thakur his personal family on his own earnings. He
Bangla, they come near Rev. Acharyadev. does not keep any connection with anybody
He sits at the Naatmondaop in front of the in the family, not even his mother. The mother
Philanthropy twice a day for long hours. All is also ill and feels lonely all the time. Due

Ligate 475
to these issues, she is unhappy. Acharyadev Kirtan troupe at Brahma Muhurta, the
looks at the mother at a glance and says, congregational morning prayer now (in
“When King Yudhisthir went to Heaven, he December) starts at 6:19 am in the presence
had no son, brother, or wife with him. Only of Rev. Acharyadev, at Thakurbangla. After the
Dharma was with him. Parents can be with offering of obeisance, maxims from Sree Sree
you in your childhood, adolescence, and Thakur’s holy books, Satyanusaran and Saswati
youth. But they don’t stay with you after are read in various languages, i.e., Bengali,
that. That’s why you must keep Sree Sree Sanskrit, Hindi, Odia, Assamese, Saotali,
Thakur with you always. Then, you won’t and English. A session of congregational
feel unhappy in any way. I want it this way- meditation begins at 9:25 am, after which
whether I am healthy or ill, may I always stay the maxims from the holy books Sri Sri
connected with You (Sree Sree Thakur). Only Guru Granth Sahibji and Sree Sree Thakur’s
He stays with us throughout our whole lives Sambiti are read. Thereafter, two devotional
and beyond it. He is eternal; only He can songs are performed. At this time, Rev.
stay with them forever who keep themselves Borobouranimaa arrives at the Thakurbari
connected to Him. Rest is temporary, only for and offers her obeisance. In the evening, at
a few days.” 4:58 PM, congregational prayer followed by
congregational mediation for five minutes
The work on Diksha Potros is going on
takes place in the presence of Acharyadev.
all across the country. The effort to connect
After that, maxims from the holy books,
people, initiated but detached from the
Anusruti (Vol.-V) and Nistha-Bidhayana, are
Lord due to lack of suitable jaajan, with Sree
read. In the morning, the easy meanings of
Sree Thakur again has begun. Our other
the tough words from the maxims in Saswati
initiated brothers and sisters go to them for
and in the evening, the essence of the maxims
yaajan, sometimes alone and sometimes in
of Nistha-Bidhayana are read in Bengali,
groups. Many people are being connected
Hindi, and English. Rev. Shubho Da attends
to the divine Lord again in this process.
the morning prayer as well.
After listening to the troubled devotees,
Acharyadev inspires them to be involved in On 14th Agrahayan, 1429 (Eng.-
these jaajan works. 30.11.2022), Rev. Shubho Da offers Nabanna
(an offering of foods prepared with newly
Acharyadev conducts discourses on
harvested rice of the season) to the forefathers
Ideal for a long time at Boronaatmondop
at the Puja mandap in Thakurbangla. Rev.
every morning after congregational prayer
Nobouranimaa accompanies him, and
and reading the holy maxims of Sree Sree
respected Sree Ajit Bhattacharya presides as
Thakur. During the discourses, he highlights
the priest in this ceremony.
incidents that talk about compassion and love
that Sree Sree Thakur has for all mankind. On 19th Agrahayan, Monday (Eng-
When one keeps his faith in Him, even the 5.12.2022), the first Annual rite marking the
impossible becomes possible. Such incidents anniversary of demise of Sree Sree Dada
still happen. The whole environment beams is performed following the prescript of
forth with divine spiritual consciousness. The the Sastras. On that day at 7.30 am, Rev.
brothers and sisters of faith present there Acharyadev, with Rev. Borobouranimaa, arrives
listen to him, spellbound. at the abode of Sree Sree Borda to perform
the holy rites of his father. Accompanied by
After the circumambulation of the Usha-

Ligate 476
respected Sree Ajit Bhattacharya as the priest Rev. Binki Da, Rev. Tinku Da, and Rev. Arani
of the whole ceremony, Acharyadev performs Babu are present there in the programme
all rituals there. Along with Acharyadev, Rev. with Acharyadev. Thereafter, batasa(crisp
Binki Da and Rev Shipai Da perform dankarya sweet cake) is distributed as prasad.
(a holy ritual) at Naatmondop in front of
The Ashramite singers perform nearly
Philanthropy. While Acharyadev performs
sixteen devotional songs written by Sree
Chhaydan, Rev. Binki Da and Rev. Shipai Da
Sree Dada from 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm at
performs Chardan. Sorboshree Bidyananda
Naatmondop in front of Philanthropy.
Pandey, Bodhibyas Bhattacharya and Ajit
Bhattacharya perform the roles of priests at Everybody is well-aware of the tremendous
that time. Rev. Boroboudi performs chardan water crisis in Deoghar, a town situated on
in the room of Sree Sree Dada on the second the Chota Nagpur plateau. When Deoghar
floor, accompanied by respected Sree Subhas became a district town in the 1980s, the daily
Chakroborty as the priest. All mothers from commute of devotees increased gradually in
the family are present there at that time. Satsang, Deoghar and the water crisis became
worse. Acharyadev has been warning the
At 9.45 am, with Sree Subhas Chakroborty
Ashramites and other devotees to prevent
as the priest, the ritual of Sapindikarana
water wastage for a long time. On the other
is performed. Amal Chakraborty, Subrata
hand, He has efficiently arranged water
Chakroborty, Trilokesh Bhattacharya, Gouri
reservation systems by digging a well in the
Prasad Bhattacharya, Sudipto Bhattacharya,
ground to reserve rainwater. This system has
Dr. Kritisundar Gurung, Shekhar Chatterjee
increased the water level in the Ashram area
and Shibshankar Chatterjee are there to assist
and other adjacent village areas. Due to the
in the holy ceremony.
increasing daily commute of devotees, the
The holy books are read—Satyanusaran amount of wastewater has also increased.
by Sree Abhaydyuti Bhattacharya; Punyaputhi It comes from washing huge amounts of
by Sree Goutam Bhattacharya; Srimad vegetables and rice, cleaning the floor daily
Bhagavad Gita by Sree Jaydev Sathpathi; Birat where people come to take prasad, and
Parbo by Sree Richinandan Chakraborty. cleaning hands and utensils after taking
prasad. It is the wish of Acharyadev to utilise
Devotees from different places across
this wastewater to nourish the gardens
the country arrive there to witness the holy
(Thakurbangla, Saroshi bhaban, Paharbari,
rituals. At midday, Ashramites take prasad
etc.) in the ashram through a drip irrigation
(food graced with Lord’s blessings) at
process. According to His divine wish and
Saroshibhaban. The prasad includes - luchi
instructions, the work of laying pipelines
(deep fried bread), chholar daal (Bengal gram
for irrigation has been in progress since
soup), begun bhaja ( fried brinjal pieces), two
April 2022 under the supervision of Subhas
types of curry, suji’r halua (semolina dessert),
Pradhan. The whole irrigation procedure is
and pineapple chutney. Other devotees from
expected to be ready to use within a few
outside take the same prasad at Anandabazar
days. Till now, pure water has been used for
irrigation in those gardens.
In the evening, reading of holy maxims
On 8th December 2022, Thursday (Bengali
of Sree Sree Thakur and prayer, followed by
date- 22nd Agrahayan), Rev. Abhrapratik
naam sankirtan is performed. Rev. Sipai Da,
Da, the elder son of Rev. Sunti Da, tied the

Ligate 477
holy knot of marriage with Mallika Devi, of faith from different parts of the country
the only daughter of Sree Bikash Ranjan caught a glimpse of the new bride of the
Chakroborty, a respected resident of Kolkata. family and took prasad on that day.
The marriage venue was C-14, Baishnabghata
The intensity of cold in these winter days
Patuli Township, Kolkata-94. On the evening
is increasing by the day. At present, the
of 10th December 2022 (24th Agrahayan),
minimum and the maximum temperatures
Saturday, the holy paksparsa (a ritual of
are fluctuating between 9° C and 13°C and
touching the kitchen for the first time) and
between 24°C and 28°C respectively.
reception ceremony took place in Satsang,
Deoghar. Many relatives and acquaintances Correspondent- Kripasindhu Rakshit
of the Thakur's family were present in the Translated by: Ishita Mondal
ceremony. Also, many brothers and sisters


If a person has a moral weakness, he is sweet compromising and
afraid to move strictly, lest his weakness be disclosed. So, desirous
of upholding their pride, each supports the other's weakness.
One whose conscience is strong is sweet and invigorating but
uncompromising. In spite of his grandiose protests, there is a manly
expression of a persevering compassionate personality, which makes
people ultimately respect him. But of course, there will be a group
of inferiority-ridden people who will not be able to tolerate him
at all, but what does it matter? Deep within, he will be feared and
worshipped. One can be subjected to harsh words if necessary but
when needed, the other would stand next to him in his distress and
sorrow and try to help him as much as one can, it will be seen that
he will be overcome on his own. A man of conviction is like a tiger;
even though he is not sweet, he is definitely invigorating and people
are moved by it.

Ligate 478
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‘‘Be developed and develop others, but do never
spread downfall with ceremonious selfish move.’’

— Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra, 11-05-1948

Alochana Prasange, Vol.XI

Information for Contributors

1. Unpublished original writings, i.e., articles, poems, short stories etc related
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Editor : Moitreyi Dey

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